luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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—≪☾≫ “Fine then!”
     With a hmph she moved, sitting on top of the other girl.
      “Now try to sleep you potato poet!”
Mitama’s eyes open and narrow. Oh, if she only had her bow, she’d shoo the girl away and return to sleep. As it was, she could only reach out with a foot and make a shooing motion.
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“The girl with bun hair / Pesters me still, the lost girl / What rudeness she shows.”
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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—≪☾≫ “You know, I get the feeling about seven-five percent of it will be rather rude, so perhaps I’ll pass, thank you.”
       What a rude man. She had just met him too and he practically reeked of rudeness.
❛ — Well, well…where shall I begin? I hope you’re prepared for a mouthful.  ❜
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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—≪☾≫ “You can’t possibly be more lazy than me. I want to sleep here!”
     A pout and a look of disbelief. 
     “I’ll push you off!”
      Now flailing of arms. Princess of the moon everyone.
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“’Tis mine as well, and I am here first, bun-head.” Mitama retorts, not even trying to not be rude, curling up more on the bench and keeping her eyes closed. After all, she had no idea where she was in this noisy world. Steel automatons on the ground and in the sky, light without fire, and these giant buildings! She simply couldn’t figure out what to make of it.
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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—≪☾≫ “You know... spending all the time you do in books has got to get boring.”
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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—≪☾≫ “I hope this doesn’t come off as rude, but that’s my napping spot.”
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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—≪☾≫ “Would you kindly explain why you’re staring at me?”
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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                                        Princess of the Moon                                     Radiance shown in silver                                     Bring us hope and peace
                                                 Rules || Picture
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
Send me “Stay here with me tonight.” for my muse’s reaction
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
@syrenieulogy has followed the princess
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—≪☾≫ “You! In the shadows!”
     Sky blue orbs fell upon the shadowy figure in the darkness. Feminine by form, leaning against the pillar. The night had turned into a chase after enemies, but Usagi seemed to have lost both them and her way. 
      “Reveal yourself, friend or foe?”
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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{tfw you really want to get started in a fandom, but so far everyone you’ve seen is mutual only or inactive}
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
🎭 Masquerade Ball Starters 🎭
“Did you really think hiding your cheek bones was going to fool anyone?” “Do I…know you?” “Have we met before?” “Are you sure I don’t know you?” “Your eyes are absolutely captivating.” “I don’t think we’ve met yet.” “May I have this dance?” “You look positively enchanting this evening.” “I’d know those dazzling eyes anywhere.” “These skirts make it so hard to move.” “Some of these costumes are so extravagant. They must have cost a fortune.” “You look quite ravishing in that dress.” “You look quite handsome in that suit.” “Can I see your face?” “I don’t think you want to see my face.” “My God, you could fit an entire circus under her pannier. How’d she even fit through the door?” “Champagne?” “My feet are killing me.” “I never thought I’d see you in something so fancy.” “I feel like I’m rubbing elbows with the queen right now.” “Care to sneak away with me? I doubt we will be missed.” “Can you guess who I am under here?” “I’d compliment your beauty, but I can’t see it under there. You’ll have to accept my compliments to your mask instead, it’s quite lovely.” “I can’t hear you through that mask. Did you really have to choose one that covers your mouth?” “Do you know who I am?” “Do you know who she is?” “Do you know who he is?” “You’re very light on your feet.” “Ow! It’s like you have two left feet.” “I’m a terrible dancer.” “Who cares if you’re a good dancer? Have fun! No one will know it’s you anyway!” “No one’s asked me to dance all night…” “I feel like I’m in a dream!” “Can we please go home? This is torture.” “How did I ever let you talk me into coming here?” “I prefer watching from the sidelines to participating.” “You’ve spent the entire evening at the snack table.” “Can I cut in?” “I have to go.” “I’m not supposed to be here. If they catch me I’m in trouble!” “Please. What is your name? I want to see you again.”
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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First print for Fanime complete!!  I wanted to pay homage to one of my favorite shows, and my first OTP – Sailor Moon/Tuxedo Mask. I’ve always loved their moon royalty designs.   Included a little WIP gif to show my process! Hope you all enjoy! 
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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                                        Princess of the Moon                                     Radiance shown in silver                                     Bring us hope and peace
                                                 Rules || Picture
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luna-regina-blog · 8 years
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by  森島明子
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