lunabeck · 4 days
i need everyone to know that community is what will save us all in every single way imaginable. you forming a bond with your neighbour or coworker might help them move house or feel less alone or have the courage to leave an unhealthy living environment. you helping a stranger might provide them with hope. in turn, being able to lean on your community in times of need will save you. your broader bonds with your community are the revolution we need. our society seeks to divide and separate us in so many ways but we are all so much more united in our struggles and joys than you are made to believe. we need to hold onto each other very tightly.
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lunabeck · 11 days
it’s fucking insane that a moderator had to say “there is no state where you can kill a baby after it’s born” at a presidential debate.
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lunabeck · 14 days
So a couple days ago, some folks braved my long-dormant social media accounts to make sure I’d seen this tweet:
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And after getting over my initial (rather emotional) response, I wanted to reply properly, and explain just why that hit me so hard.
So back around twenty years ago, the internet cosplay and costuming scene was very different from today. The older generation of sci-fi convention costumers was made up of experienced, dedicated individuals who had been honing their craft for years.  These were people who took masquerade competitions seriously, and earning your journeyman or master costuming badge was an important thing.  They had a lot of knowledge, but – here’s the important bit – a lot of them didn’t share it.  It’s not just that they weren’t internet-savvy enough to share it, or didn’t have the time to write up tutorials – no, literally if you asked how they did something or what material they used, they would refuse to tell you. Some of them came from professional backgrounds where this knowledge literally was a trade secret, others just wanted to decrease the chances of their rivals in competitions, but for whatever reason it was like getting a door slammed in your face.  Now, that’s a generalization – there were definitely some lovely and kind and helpful old-school costumers – but they tended to advise more one-on-one, and the idea of just putting detailed knowledge out there for random strangers to use wasn’t much of a thing.  And then what information did get out there was coming from people with the freedom and budget to do things like invest in all the tools and materials to create authentic leather hauberks, or build a vac-form setup to make stormtrooper armor, etc.  NOT beginner friendly, is what I’m saying.
Then, around 2000 or so, two particular things happened: anime and manga began to be widely accessible in resulting in a boom in anime conventions and cosplay culture, and a new wave of costume-filled franchises (notably the Star Wars prequels and the Lord of the Rings movies) hit the theatres.  What those brought into the convention and costuming arena was a new wave of enthusiastic fans who wanted to make costumes, and though a lot of the anime fans were much younger, some of them, and a lot of the movie franchise fans, were in their 20s and 30s, young enough to use the internet to its (then) full potential, old enough to have autonomy and a little money, and above all, overwhelmingly female.  I think that latter is particularly important because that meant they had a lifetime of dealing with gatekeepers under our belts, and we weren’t inclined to deal with yet another one.  They looked at the old dragons carefully hoarding their knowledge, keeping out anyone who might be unworthy, or (even worse) competition, and they said NO.  If secrets were going to be kept, they were going to figure things out for ourselves, and then they were going to share it with everyone.  Those old-school costumers may have done us a favor in the long run, because not knowing those old secrets meant that we had to find new methods, and we were trying – and succeeding with – materials that “serious” costumers would never have considered.   I was one of those costumers, but there were many more – I was more on the movie side of things, so JediElfQueen and PadawansGuide immediately spring to mind, but there were so many others, on YahooGroups and Livejournal and our own hand-coded webpages, analyzing and testing and experimenting and swapping ideas and sharing, sharing, sharing.  
I’m not saying that to make it sound like we were the noble knights of cosplay, riding in heroically with tutorials for all.  I’m saying that a group of people, individually and as a collective, made the conscious decision that sharing was a Good Things that would improve the community as a whole.  That wasn’t necessarily an easy decision to make, either. I know I thought long and hard before I posted that tutorial; the reaction I had gotten when I wore that armor to a con told me that I had hit on something new, something that gave me an edge, and if I didn’t share that info I could probably hang on to that edge for a year, or two, or three.  And I thought about it, and I was briefly tempted, but again, there were all of these others around me sharing what they knew, and I had seen for myself what I could do when I borrowed and adapted some of their ideas, and I felt the power of what could happen when a group of people came together and gave their creativity to the world.
And it changed the face of costuming.  People who had been intimidated by the sci-fi competition circuit suddenly found the confidence to try it themselves, and brought in their own ideas and discoveries.  And then the next wave of younger costumers took those ideas and ran, and built on them, and branched out off of them, and the wave after that had their own innovations, and suddenly here we are, with Youtube videos and Tumblr tutorials and Etsy patterns and step-by-step how-to books, and I am just so, so proud.  
So yeah, seeing appreciation for a 17-year-old technique I figured out on my dining-room table (and bless it, doesn’t that page just scream “I learned how to code on Geocities!”), and having it embraced as a springboard for newer and better things warms this fandom-old’s heart.  This is our legacy, and a legacy the current group of cosplayers is still creating, and it’s a good one.  
(Oh, and for anyone wondering: yes, I’m over 40 now, and yes, I’m still making costumes. And that armor is still in great shape after 17 years in a hot attic!)  
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lunabeck · 14 days
Going through older videos I found this from years ago and thought it may interest you.
This was taken at a tide pool at Bar Beach on the east coast of Australia.
I spotted something in here that didn’t quite look like a rock and it turned out to be this little octopus.
The animal was very curious and interactive and would reach out for my finger so I could pull it through the water.
It felt like it was playing a game with me and this process of holding my finger and getting pulled through the water then darting back repeated for quite some time and it was more me who ended the interaction as couldn’t stick around at the beach much longer.
At no point in the interaction did I hold its tentacle myself so it being pulled by me was entirely of its own decision as if it wanted to it could let go at any time.
I still think about it now and wonder if it tried playing this game with others who got close enough.
This was my first hands on interaction with an octopus and what surprised me was just how gentle and precise it was with its tentacle arm when it reached for and held my finger.
I feel so lucky to have been in just the right place at the right time to have gotten to experience this and I definitely understand how people who have these experiences with octopus say it’s like a bond you can’t quite describe forms between you and it.
This is incredible and I love this octopus so much
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lunabeck · 14 days
whether its astrology, racial-character theories, alpha male ontology, or attachment-style shit, people want ONE thing: systems. they want to build and apply systems. they want to construct mental contraptions filled with categories, relations, rules, and consistency. the people want math; the people want algebras.
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lunabeck · 14 days
This is reminder to check up on your own mental health.
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lunabeck · 14 days
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why is club penguin shaped like the toilet from art ?
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lunabeck · 14 days
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lunabeck · 14 days
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it's always a good day to complain about English speakers
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lunabeck · 14 days
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It's Izu o'clock!
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lunabeck · 14 days
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when i showed this to my friends they didn’t believe me that sonic had a sword in one game
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lunabeck · 14 days
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lunabeck · 14 days
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lunabeck · 14 days
Walking around my neighborhood wearing my sick as fuck custom T-shirt that says "I STEAL EVERY FRIENDLY CAT I MEET WITH NO REMORSE I DO IT ALL THE TIME DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK I BEEN HERE FOR YEARS KEEP THAT BEAST ENCLOSED LEST YE FACE MY LIGHTNING CAT GRASP" and smiling politely while my neighbors' indoor-outdoor cats gently trot down the sidewalk towards me as the neighbors themselves read my shirt with a growing sense of panic.
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lunabeck · 14 days
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One of My favorite gifs rn
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lunabeck · 14 days
the biggest lie the weight loss industry ever sold us was the idea that the lower body fat % you have, the stronger and fitter you are. think about how stupid that is for a second. imagine explaining this concept to a caveman. he‘d just eat you for protein
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lunabeck · 14 days
look at the republican calendar and see which animal/plant/item is associated with your birthday ok. if you're born january 14 you get the day of the cat
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