lunangel · 6 years
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久方ぶりのイラスト(*´ω`*) 何か変だけどまぁいっかw
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lunangel · 6 years
are there any tutorials for downloading ps cc 2019 for mac?
Here for download and here for installation
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lunangel · 6 years
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lunangel · 6 years
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lunangel · 6 years
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lunangel · 6 years
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Saint Seiya Aesthetic | Saori Kido / Athena
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lunangel · 6 years
Happy New Year 2019!
*Dusts off Account* Wow...it’s been I don’t know how many years since I’ve been here... I missed this place. I miss the friends I made here and the people I talked to....I might be around once again...every so often. ^^;;
Happy New Year to all and many many blessings! <3333
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lunangel · 11 years
^Same here. My first OTP and forever my OTP.
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Seiya x Saori
My first OTP, always my OTP.
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lunangel · 11 years
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"Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary" premiere date announced!
The new Saint Seiya movie, “Legend of Sanctuary”, is going to be released in Japan on June 21st, 2014!
This is the third movie of the franchise and the first to be completely in CGI. The plot will be a reinterpretation of the most famous arc of the original anime, the 12 Temple Fights against the Gold Saints.
You can visit the official website for more information and character’s profile.
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lunangel · 11 years
Hey! So I'm a news writer. Can you help me enhance my writing skills? :) thank you.
Hello! This question is a little bit vague, so I thought I’d refer you to some links that might possibly be helpful. 
News Writing tips for Beginners
'Hot 100' News Writing Tips
Writing Tips for News Stories
Tips on Writing a News Report
Four Tips for Concise News Writing
There are some things you should keep in mind when writing news, for instance:
Keep it straight to the point. When someone is reading the news, they’re looking for more information in less time. Sometimes, people read the news in a hurry, just to be informed, and they don’t have the time it takes to go through long chunks of text that tell them nothing about the information they’re looking for. Therefore, make sure that you have a good piece of news that’s as short and as concise as it can be. Sometimes, you might need a longer chunk of text in order to get your point across because it’s too much information, and that’s okay, as long as you know the content of the news is easy to understand and fast to read. Which brings me to our next point…
Use simple words. Sometimes, in creative writing, fancy words are appreciated. They embellish a piece of prose or poetry and they have deeper meanings that can be used to give subjectivity or a certain beauty to the text. However, when writing news, you have to use words that people use everyday, words people will understand easily without having to give the sentence a second read. This doesn’t mean, however, that you can be careless with your writing. You have to find a balance between casual and professional.
Be objective. In a news piece, you can’t show subjectivity. People read news to read what actually happened, not your opinion on what happened or what should have been done. Any form of subjectivity can be considered wrong in news writing. News writing lacks on adjectives, most of the time. This means that you should never include anything that depends on opinions, for instance “A beautiful woman witnessed the crime”. Not only does it take the professionalism and objectivity away, but it also shifts the point from what’s really important. 
Use compelling titles.  Successful pieces of news are often sensationalist, which means that they use powerful words to call for attention. Strong words like “murder”, “robbery” often bring attention to your news, so make sure you use powerful words that will make people want to read your news instead of some other piece of news from some other newspaper.
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lunangel · 11 years
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lunangel · 11 years
omg!! I've always always longed to see a scene where Seiya would pull Saori away like that! (for some quality alone time together) Thank you Omega for feeding my inner fangirl. *U*
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Is it bad that this makes me squeal?
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lunangel · 11 years
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Click here for more quotes.
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lunangel · 11 years
- 13 años… suena ridículo, aún no lo creo- lo decía mientras la abrazaba fuerte como si fuera la última vez que la viera o la primera en mucho tiempo. Y en efecto, 13 largos años habían pasado desde la última vez que se vieron, parecía todo un mal sueño que por fin terminaba. El valiente y...
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lunangel · 11 years
Omg, I love them too much~! <3 <3 <3 
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I know that I fangirl up a storm when we get scenes of Saori falling on Seiya’s arms… But I REALLY love how in this scene she keeps marching on. Woman on a mission, right there.
Also, Toei please DO keep giving us these little scenes every episode. Please and thank you. :-)
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lunangel · 11 years
Okey, estoy fangirleando como una loca, y ni siquiera he visto el episodio! Pero me ENCANTA ver a Seiya y Saori sonriendo así en la primera screencap….como si nada malo estuviera pasando, ni estuvieran en medio de la guerra….se ven tan re-adorables! *U*  My precious lovely OTP!  
And yes, thank you Toei, more scenes like this please! <3 <3 <3 
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lunangel · 11 years
Uwaaah, esta lindisimo!! *U* mi precious OTP. Que lindos y adorables se ven. <3 <3 <3
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