lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
emoji spell for good luck!
likes: charge
reblogs: cast
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
“you can’t just respond to everything with finger guns”
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
Like and reblog if you’re staying on tumblr
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
the same people who scream “I’m leaving, this is the final straw” every time staff fucks up are here five minutes later shitposting spongebob memes. let’s be real you were here through the porn bots apocalypse, you gonna be here through the titty prohibition. 
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
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i am not taking questions at this time
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
I C A N N O T breathe
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
I know there’s a lot of tension after Tumblr’s new policy annouced for December 17th, but reblog this if you aren’t leaving Tumblr so that other blogs can know they aren’t going to be completely alone!
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
this bird genuinely looks so Gothic™ to me that i had to show everyone in its own post so
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its called the long-tailed widowbird and i think its just genuinely so Cool Looking and wanted to appreciate its long tail some more
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
As a chick married to an ex-cop, I say this all the time to people close to me, but it bears repeating here: No cop is your friend after you’ve been detained.
Get rear ended by a drunk at a red light? That cop will direct traffic around your vehicle, document the accident, sure. Call animal control on your piece of shit neighbor? You’ve got a pretty good chance the officer who shows up helps out in a meaningful way.
But after you’ve been arrested, when a police officer says, “Just be honest with me and I’ll do the same.” or the old “Help me and I’ll help you.” Politely ask for a lawyer. Shake your head. Ignore them. Pretend you’re Hollywood royalty being asked for a selfie. “ …mmmm… Sorry, but no.”
Keep your mouth shut. Don’t do their work for them. Wait for a lawyer.
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
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This thread omg
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
Reblog, click the picture, and prepare for battle.
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
This was honestly so helpful its sad??? Why wasn't I taught this during sex ed in 5th grade???? I had no idea what part was the vulva, I didn't know literally anything that was on here besides the thing about the smell. I literally had no clue wow
I know a lot of girls are following me and I’m pretty sure some (if not most) of the girls here are virgins (which is absolutely not a bad thing, just a statement) who read a lot of fanfiction and think “how is it gonna be”. Also there are girls who already had their first time and maybe even a few times but still don’t get some things. I’m pretty sure there are a lot of girls who are absolutely convinced that there is something wrong with them due to a lot of different reasons, so I decided it is very important to make a little Sex Ed. post, even tho it absolutely doesn’t fit in the theme of my blog. But there are things, I personally believe every girl should know, and maybe it will help some of you with your insecurities.
1. This thing between your legs is called Vulva. Yes, vagina is what you have INSIDE, the WHOLE thing is called Vulva. I personally had problems with finding a DECENT name for my genitalia, cause we have a thousand versions for guys and only some really weird ones for girls. Vulva sounds weird the first few times you pronounce it, but just because rn is probably the first time you heard about this word. Let’s name everything correctly.
2. There is no such thing as vaginal orgasm. Yeah, you heard me right. Even tho we are made to think SEX is when The dick enters vagina - it’s really not for girls. There is no such thing as vaginal or anal or any other orgasm, there is only CLITORAL. Also, google images of clitoris. You’d be shocked, but it’s not that small “bud” on the top of your vulva. It’s usually around 15cm.
3. Your vagina is almost numb. And i have a great argument for this. Do you ever feel it when you’re using tampon or a menstruation cup? (If you don’t know what a menstruation cup is - please google it, it’s a life changing thing) if you use it right, and put it in properly you shouldn’t feel it. Vaginal sex is only pleasurable cause inner parts of your clitoris placed very close to walls of your vagina. Which leads us to the next point.
4. Only 20% of women can climax from vaginal penetration only. Yes, only 20%. Some times you can learn how to do so with a regular partner. Some times it might never happen, but there is nothing wrong with you nevertheless.
5. There is no such PLACE in your vagina where you should PRESS to feel good. We are not guys, we don’t have a prostate. (Again google the structure of a clitoris). (To be very honest you might never really feel the FIREWORKS, during vaginal penetration, might not like it at all and there is still nothing wrong with you).
6. Your vulva is fine. Believe me. It looks great. Even if it’s darker than your skin, if you have big outer lips, or small, whatever it is - you are fine. If you keep everything clean and nice and also checked for all kinds of diseases (even if you are a virgin or all your sex encounters were with a condom, and nothing bothers you, it’s better to check your health every 6 month, just in case), believe me YOU ARE FINE. People you sleep with are already attracted to you, they won’t care about your darker lips or your tummy or a pimple on your forehead. We see it, looking in the mirror, people around us might never even notice it.
7. It’s better to take a shower before sex and it IS okay to ask your partner to take one too. It’s not TOO MUCH and it’s not offensive. If you are sleeping with a decent person, it won’t be a problem. If you are sleeping with not a decent person… why are you sleeping with not a decent person??
8. Your vulva smells like it should smell and not like a dead fish. It also tastes okay. Don’t overthink it. If you shower frequently and keep everything clean + you are tested and there is no problem with your health - nothing is wrong with your smell and taste.
9. It’s okay to ask if they’ve been tested. It is not too much and it is not offensive.
10. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM WITH A NEW PARTNER. Even if you’re on the pill. Pills don’t stop you from getting STD. Better safe than sorry.
11. All boys were once girls. In your mamas belly, different sex kids had the same genitalia for a few weeks. You can google it as well, just an interesting fact.
12. You can always say no. Any time. Even if you’re already at his place and you agreed to come there. If you’re not in the mood anymore, or feeling insecure, or any other reason you might be experiencing - it is okay to say no.
13. It is okay to tell your partner if they are doing something wrong. Usually we are afraid of acting up, but it is OUR pleasure. And people don’t read minds to know whether you like something or not. More than that, every single person likes different things and you will never know what exactly is THEIR thing, unless they tell you. And vice versa - unless you tell them about yourself.
14. If a woman climaxes in 50% of times, there is nothing wrong with her. Yep, sadly, but that’s how our biology works. Moreover it is okay if you don’t come at all with random partners. Especially in the beginning. Sadly it is harder for girls to reach their climax, but fortunately we can reach it multiple times and women’s orgasms are much more vivid.
15. Just a few more things: there is always a person who would find you pretty and won’t care at all about your flaws and imperfections only seeing your beautiful personality, which reflects on your beautiful body.
16. It’s okay to talk about kinks and it’s not okay to push someone to try something if they don’t want to. Also you’re not obligated to like any of your partners kinks, maybe try to find a solution if it’s really important for them, but you are still not obligated to like it. Also You are not a porn star to be excited when someone cums on your face or in your mouth and other stuff like that.
17. Anal sex feels good for girls too, even tho we don’t have a prostate! But it has to be done right with a LOT of lube and you should concentrate on your feelings. Cause pain is the best indication you’re doing something wrong. Better read some literature before trying out. In the end you still might not like it, but some will like it, it all depends on the person, once again. Kinks are kinks, after all.
18. You don’t have to always clean yourself inside and out if you’re going to have anal sex. Just take a basic shower and that’s it, if you keep everything clean on the daily basis, there won’t be any MESS inside of you, cause your rectum is pretty clean inside. But EVEN if your partner finds some DIRT (lmao) inside, well… what were they looking for? Butterflies? It is bad for your health to wash your organs with water without a real reason, our intestine has it’s own microflora and you shouldn’t disturb it.
19. It’s okay to be a virgin and even if you are not a virgin already but still didn’t have much of experience - it is okay. We are all people and we all start somewhere. Just don’t be afraid to learn.
20. It’s okay to masturbate. It’s great tbh! Believe me everyone does it. Get to know yourself better and relax a bit, it’s not dirty or disgusting at all.
21. It’s ok to be loud and it’s ok to be silent, we are all different.
22. Your boobs are great.
23. Your ass is great.
24. Your tights are great.
25. Your tummy is great.
26. No one cares about your cellulite.
27. No one cares about your stretch marks.
28. THE BEST OF THE BEST. A great book about sex and women and psychology: Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski. Please read it.
29. Also google The Great Wall Of Vagina.
30. Sex is not dirty nor is it nasty or disgusting.
31. Sex is not a GODLY ACT.
32. Sex is just sex. Explore it, experience it, like it.
34. (There is always someone who will like you by being who you are, doesn’t matter if you are a virgin or had a thousand of partners, people are not that stupid usually, they will understand you)
35. ONE LAST THING! Sex during your period is A THING. Just discuss it with your partner, most of the times they won’t even care (YOU STILL HAVE TO USE CONDOMS), but also you can use a tampon or a cup and just have sex without vaginal penetration!
If you have anymore questions i will be happy to answer them, i want every single girl in this world to fall in love with every part of herself and never be afraid of being who they are and experiencing new things!
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 6 years
I know its been like two years but I'm back!! My computer broke and I forgot my password but thankfully i was able to reset my password
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lunaravenwolf1900 · 7 years
If there’s a “heavens no” and a “hell yea,” why isn’t there a “purgatory perhaps”?
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