lunarvenusian · 3 years
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look at my sister’s artwork lol i just cant
(FYI: It’s an interpretation of Evanescence’s song, My Last Breath)
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lunarvenusian · 4 years
Cancer, ENTP
ok im doing research rb this with your sun sign & personality type
(ex. leo / intp )
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
Rising + Sex Appeal 👅💦
💃 Leo Rising 💃
leo rising sex appeal craves to have all eyes in the room on them. they do what they can to be noticed, even if it’s bad attention, so being deliberately provocative, displaying their sexy in a super showy way, or just oozing that natural self-confidence loudly and proudly is what makes them super attractive. they just have so much confidence that they can get whatever and whoever they want, they’re like this captivating force you can’t look away from. it either makes you want them, or want to be them. the fact that they know and acknowledge their own value and know how to sell it so well is what appeals others to them. leo rising sex appeal is fierce, proud, and self-assured.
🌋 Scorpio Rising 🌋
scorpio risings, like everything else in life, have the most control over their sex appeal in that they can leverage how subtle or overt they want to be with it. their attractiveness - which they are completely aware of - is something that they don’t necessarily feel they have to show off or shove in peoples faces, they do not communicate a need to prove something of themselves. they know and trust in their own self-possession and power. the sex appeal here is just a thing that exists as this vibe around them. they don’t have to do much to draw others to them. others can find them magnetic through a simple glance, or an innocent word spoken, and yet it carries so much meaning and power. scorpio rising sex appeal is unspoken, self-controlled, and deeply profound.
🍑 Taurus Rising 🍑
with taurus rising, these individuals are absolutely impossible to resist. these are your classic good looks, down-to-earth sex gods/goddesses, representing the steadfast persistence of mother nature itself. their sex appeal embodies the very essence of what it means to be attract-ive, as in doing little to nothing to get what they want. their gaze and strong but gentle movements simply draw you in. they have a similar pull to that of scorpio risings - but a lot softer and much more graceful. these are the individuals you just can’t help but want to do everything for, be at their beck and call, and just downright spoil them. everything that appeals others to them is always going to involve - but is not limited to - the taurus rising physicality, as in their movement, touch, style, or a particular physical feature. a taurus rising female’s sex appeal is classic, sensuous, and alluring. 
💋 Libra Rising 💋
one of their super powers is being able to switch between cute, hot, and gorgeous, or all three, in a matter of moments. they understand the fine details that make up each of those traits, and therefore libra risings have mastered the fine art of aesthetics down to a T. libra rising sex appeal is such a pleasure to behold - all the sweetness and charm you could ever imagine, wrapped up so intricately in one beautiful, mesmerizing package. they are unspeakably, blindingly attractive, and not just in their obvious good looks but in how they sit, stand, dance, sing, speak, emote, debate…the unmatched clarity of their intellect is just as infamous as their physical beauty, and it’s the simple concept of aesthetics that they know so well that just makes them so lovely to watch and listen to. their sex appeal is something of an enchanting experience, it’s pure, untainted, venusian grace and allure.
🍭 Gemini Rising 🍭
when i think of gemini rising’s sex appeal, the automatic word that comes to mind is cutesy, yet still provocative. it’s very innocent! but then there’s also that duality to gemini that definitely can come into play here. so this rising can also be envisioned as being complete and total angels (that is, the innocence) but then switching just as quickly to the complete opposite, being the femme fatale or stereotypical bad boy. their sex appeal caters to just about everyone, being highly variable, changeable to whatever situation they’re in, so it’s impossible to not be attracted to them. a gemini rising can pretty much nail down any type of sexy they want to be, depending on who they’re with. and the wit and charm is always turned on full-force.
🍯 Cancer Rising 🍯
cancer rising’s sex appeal can be wholesome and pure, and totally have that girl/boy next door energy. they are quietly and unassumingly alluring, so attracting their object of desire could be done in such a hidden, but no less forceful, way. and they’ve got that deep, magnetic lunar energy that pulls you in, in some unspeakable way. it’s totally subtle and you might not even realize it happening. they might show it in their eyes or body language, suggesting their desire for you, but making you come to them. it’s clearly an inviting, beckoning energy. cancer rising can also be sensual when they want to be, and use that shroud of mystery they like to hide behind as a sex appeal factor. they’re remaining hidden, appearing shy, so it makes others want to know more about them naturally. they could give way just the right amount, to pique your curiosity, and the rest of the work is done by you
💣Aquarius Rising 💣
the sex appeal of aquarius rising lies in their ability to shock and electrify bystanders - yet simultaneously have that be their weapon of intrigue. they can be completely bewitching to those whose gaze they attract - and no one is exempt from noticing them. to be struck by aquarius rising’s lightning feels like downing a refreshing, cool drink of water only to be caught off-guard by them sharing a completely random, yet thought-provoking scientific observation. thus, it’s the genius of an aquarius rising’s mind that attracts you alongside their obviously striking presence. they possess a trademark otherworldly factor that is unmistakably them, that you’ll find with no one else. an aquarius rising’s sex appeal is understated and unintentional, their humor, intelligence and distinguishable persona is what gets you. there isn’t necessarily any kind of effort made on their part to attract anyone and the very fact that they could care less if you like them or not just endears you further to the million fragmented intricacies of that signature aquarius rising glacial detachment
🚨Aries Rising 🚨
“i want that. here i go to take it for myself.” this sums up a large part of the aries rising sex appeal. so blunt, so direct, so honest…and so child-like. their attitude is just so plain and simple, it’s hard not to find them endearing. and when they get bossy, when the temperature rises and the fire comes out - that’s when you’re blinded by their light, suffocated by the physical passion and energy they give off that you’re completely stunned…and totally in awe.  and the impulsive, rapid-fire desire that so often blazes the trajectory of aries rising then becomes the object of your desire. aries rising sex appeal is so visceral, untamable, and desirous. they carry themselves forcefully, expressing passion with each flash of their eyes, every challenging inquiry or explicit demand, every swift, sharp movement they make. their trigger-readiness to move, fight, play, defend, take action almost invites you to challenge them, its almost as if to say that they are ready for you to make your move on them.
🌊Pisces Rising 🌊
the sex appeal of a pisces rising is soothing, mystical, and ethereal. what a dreamy babe, this fantasy-like creature you thought could only exist in fairytales and mythical stories…and yet here they are, shining like a mirage before your very eyes, it’s so unbelievable you‘re almost certain this is a dream you’re living in. thats what being entranced by a pisces rising feels like, for a bit you’ve forgotten the cold hard feeling of reality and you’re hopelessly captivated by this otherworldly being, like time and limitations cease to exist.  to fall prey to the attractive nature of a pisces rising is to be embraced by lapping waves of emotion that can easily turn into overpowering waves of desire. all at once, you are falling into their depths, the seemingly bottomless pools of their existence, until all that fills your mind and heart is them. there are no warning signs, and any attempt to exercise caution against falling will be futile - the tempting illusions that have you under the spell of pisces rising are ever-present and indomitable 
👒Virgo Rising 👒
the virgo rising sex appeal is in their quiet modesty, unassuming nature, “who me?” type of attitude. but they know it’s them, what they possess, all of their assets in fact they are painfully aware of every tiny detail about themselves. they assess and evaluate, re-asses and re-evaluate, and don’t stop fussing until they reach their own standards and level of mint-perfection. they seem very innocent and there’s something wild and untamable just dying to be let out here, but who is deserving to see that side? virgo risings dare you to come closer and try them and the bravest will risk rejection, being turned down, and it’s that unspoken, subtle challenge in their physical presence that keeps others intrigued. they never reveal too much about themselves, do you want to know? then put some effort and show you’re worthy of their time. the virgo rising sex appeal is about purity, uncovered lust, and self-restraint.
🎢 Sagittarius Rising 🎢
it’s impossible to not be passionately ensnared by the sagittarius rising sex appeal, which is distinct in its high-spirited, inspirational, ethereal nature. their appeal lies in their resistance to being captured, defined, labeled.. these are the explorers who will have you wanting to explore all of them, inside and out, in all ways you can think of. with an outstretched hand, they beckon you to come along on an adventure and take a risk with them and you have never felt more alive than when you begin to fall for them.. they want you to fall, headfirst without a single care, leaving all your troubles behind - this is their method of capture. with them, there are no limits, nowhere they won’t go with you. bright-eyed and full of wonder is their essence that endears them to you. sagittarius rising sex appeal? wild, untamable, and free.
🏆Capricorn Rising 🏆
there is a level of mystery and admirable amount of self-possession and confidence to the capricorn rising sex appeal. this rising’s sophistication and classiness in their perfectly suave ladylike or gentlemanly approach just proves how high of a prize they are and what endears them to many. what appeals others to them is how strong, level-headed, and capable they seem, as well as the admiration that their authority inspires in others, how much other people want to emulate a cap rising’s core essence.  the cherry on top is that they know their worth and aren’t afraid to admit it. cap risings are large and in charge, unmistakable to notice because of the power and authority they exude. the amount of respect their very presence demands evokes a persistent sexual magnetism, and soon you find yourself wanting them to be in control of you. 
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
favorite post I’ve read so far ✨
Venus In The Houses: The Earthly Witches Addition.
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Venus In The First House: The witch of imperium
(Raffertie - Last Train Home)
Women and men with their Venus in the house of the physical body tend to have an almost palpable life force, an overwhelming abundance of vitality and spiritual force. they can in many ways seem like some tantric being, gracefully dancing in-between the hustle and bustle of human life. this placement can create an individual who is passive but observant, quiet but loudly felt, seemingly innocent and pure, yet so raw and sensual. they’re like a wild animal waiting to be set free and this behavior is often noted in their impulsive love style. no matter how critical their Virgo Venus, or how shy their cancer Venus; these natives can ultimately fall prey to their own tumultuous passion. They want intensity and crave the unknown and rather instinctual aspect of mating, the chase and the hunt. they adore the sensuality and lustful nature of it all and can easily seduce those in their immediate environment without even trying. this placement can create jaw dropping beauty in a person as it places the Venus sign even if out of sign in a high vibrational force. it makes the natives beauty heavy and intense almost like an in your face brawl. the face can have a smoothness to it, a almost canvas oil like gleam to it as well. the skin heals rather quickly here and very rarely do blemishes ever stay for long. these witches channel the war like healing abilities of ares. for women especially this placement can add very old age/natural forest child looks to them. the beauty can seem natural or rather huntress type. the eyes are often disarming but deeply penetrating. Witches here represent the animalistic side of man, the sex and the immediate mind to body connection. the ability to present their will and their ferocity in any situation, any circumstance, and any era, generation or timeline is uncanny. they’re are the epitome of sexuality. these natives tend to be drawn to Arian/scorpion type relationships or plutonian and Martian men or women. Those more spiritually inclined may seek out Sagittarian and Piscean attributes for the grandeur and the soul healing but this is rare. it’s to be noted these natives are harder to fall under possession due to the manifestation of the angel shielding the physical body allowing no “physical entry” into the main body.
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Venus In the Second House : The witch of terra
(Suuns - Pie X) 
For Venus in the second house natives the fascination with worldly pleasure is present. More than most these natives enjoy the smallest aspects of the human experience and in many ways they enjoy it to such an extent many of them find themselves fully immersed in the pursuit of pleasure. The intensity of these desires does vary especially on how deep Venus rest in the second house. That being said this “pursuit” can include anything from chasing after adrenaline rushes, sex, food, clothing, love, sadness, the perfect illusion, the status, the ideal media persona and so on. They want everything and what’s more nothing on this green sphere can stop them from achieving that. Their tenacity is one thing but their sheer uncompromising desire to “ have and hold” is literally unmatched. They value honesty and even more so they value loyalty and often find themselves psychoanalyzing connections and bonds and the “truth” hidden between such hasty attachments. They see through people, and what’s even more they can sense a fragile self esteem, or a sinister act even more clearly than any plutonian every could. This position in a sense gives the clearest sight one could ask for. back turned and all these natives can see your energy like shimmering glass being propelled at them and that’s what makes them so intimidating, to compete and interact you must be firm in who you are and where you stand otherwise their grace and beauty will swallow you up. the beauty here is ethereal. their throats are often soft and silky, many of them or shall I say the more risky ones who have some Uranus and mars/pluto/Lilith/hades aspecting their Venus can be sporting some hickies and or love bites. The voice tone can be downright sensuous. many of them have soulful voices and have a voice that could silence the rowdiest of crowds. these witches have a power that rest in their ability to understand the world, it’s skies, it’s waters, and it’s people. they are almost like a pathway or doorway to some diving underground spirit. Many of them find the pursuit of human pleasure to be a weakness of theirs but make no mistake these natives can and will tear you apart if you ever happen to find yourself pressing your luck a bit to much. the relationships here tend to be very steady and long lasting but much of that is rooted with the fact that these women and men are attracted to stability and inner polarity. they need and crave people who twist their idea of beauty on it’s head, someone who can match their incredibly potent sexual libido and someone who can hold the earth in hand. some prefer the taste of Saturn placements and Taurus placements as well. some with this placement can also crave the refined and piety like nature of Virgo and Libra while the latter crave the deep and often animal like lure of sun/Leo like natives.
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Venus In The Third House :The witch Of ulta facies
(Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen)
Ah the queens and kings of the slithering tongue. These natives are sheer jokers and schemers. the old lure of witches conjuring up a story or playing with their voodoo dolls. witches wearing their masks and paints, playing in their acidic pot waters chanting their voice collapsing chimes. these natives are erotic, playful but deeply perplexing. the romantic nature is often that of a teen who never left high school, the honeymoon period never ending. the gag is that the honeymoon and all of it’s flowers are about as long as these natives find themselves enjoying the party up until. to them, the world is a wide cosmic of potential and one they’d rather not waste on something aged and past it’s electric first sip. they adore new, they need NEW. everything with it’s chrome and glittery stardust. that scruff on your neck, that heart stopping cigar smoke, the rustic Chevy or those boots wont keep her for long, because much like the fastest Nascar she’ll be gone In a flash. these natives are not lacking in loyalty or depth by any means either, for them it’s simply that the idea of spoiling their spiritual and emotional strength on a moment in time, on a situation or a person that might never become the star they’d hoped is always on their mind and for that reason they feel it’s their duty to protect their astronomical voyage. They love the world, oh boy they adore it’s buzz. to them love is everywhere and words are the perfect medium for ones deepest self. They love to cast, these witches will have you trapped in the most passionate love affair just by the flick of their tongue and some promiscuous eye shadow. They are so radiant and daring, like some mage dressed in all black dancing about the city square in broad day light. many have musical talent as Venus allot them beautiful hand movements. The native can do very spiritual dancing that often captures the moment and energy nicely. the arms are often smooth and silk like unless another planet occupies this house. they can have the “touch” and often easily lure others in with their lingering hands.
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Venus In The Fourth House :The Witch Of Sors multorum
(Black Lullabies - Black Lullabies) 
Prepare for the darkest clouds. these natives are earthy, down to earth and sweet as the most supple strawberry on a hot summer day. They’re the timid, yet introverted dime down the block but not all rest easy. behind their façade is often alluding to more behind the cute picture frame. their inner realm is passionate, full of depth and rich in emotional substance. They’re a true divine feminine energy(this goes for men and women here). they can easily place family before romantic investments and what’s more they can easily place boundaries both emotionally and spiritually from their environment at the drop of a hat. they have depth yes but don’t think they’re diving as deep in the waters as you think they are. these natives tend to wait out investments and liaisons, often times picking and choosing when the right time is(after rigorous testing and constant observation) to commit or submit on their deeper emotional frequency. The energy of these natives can feel like the warmest hug, the snuggest of blankest and the most beautiful of family morning breakfast..but on her worst days she can be a storm, a wild tsunami of disaster and devastation or worse yet a cyclone ripping through it’s environment quietly only through an emotional vibration. these natives aren’t lacking in the Venusian beauty like there brothers and sisters just because of their “cute” archetype rather these natives have some of the most sensual bodies as they have the look of the nurturer, the garden child, the mesmerizing goddess of life and death. these natives age extremely well and this only continues the older they get. the chest can be very large for men and women here unless aspects and or other planets say otherwise. the chest and diaphragm area can be extremely soft and supple. these natives tend to be witches of divinity and patience, often waiting for their magic to rejuvenate and reach it’s peak during full moons. these natives can  fee their spiritual power at it’s weakest at the beginning of the month and it’s highest towards the end of it. they also shift from nun - to sultry during these periods almost instinctually.
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Venus In The Fifth House : The witch Of igne passionis
(She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart)
These natives are a thrill, a party and a near death experience. They exude courage, passion and sexuality like a nuclear fission happening in real-time. They are the epitome of the lioness and her beastly incantations of fire and storm. they want intimacy and often create it in their interactions with others. unlike most witches they enjoy the limelight, not the same way as Venus in the third whom is curious but still darting. Venus here makes the native crave it, the beams, the laughter, the sex and all of the eroticism of expressing ones deepest and darkest in the shell of passiveness “charm.” They are well aware of their ability to ignite passion in others and in some hidden form or another they pride themselves on it. to them romance and sensuality are some of the most beautiful aspects of human relation. they tend to be stunning individuals, often having attractive backs, and longer hair that shows not only their rebel soul but their earthy and rather untamed nature. men with this configuration can have an almost dastardly gaze, and those moist lips and vizor glasses as if they freshly walked out of hell. the women here ooze that punker magnetic energy, some have the age old renaissance atmosphere as if they are some rebellious saint freed of her godly expectations. they are literally fire starters where ever they go, starting the trends, the body schemes, the new waves that everyone is so eager to devour. they tend to be artistically refined beyond belief and many can often make real life money from their hobbies. children in their lives are often very courteous and spoiled. the children tend to have libra/Taurus like qualities and can have a very loving nature towards these individuals and often these witches gravitate towards children or transfer their abilities to that of children. the children often gain the abilities of the parent or surpass them. romantically these natives are a black hole. this is in fact due to their intensity as love for these natives is a real serious expression and due to this they can over-burn their romances. They tend to have a lighthearted approach “at the beginning” but like with all fixed houses when things pass the honeymoon stage you unlock a whole other witch.
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Venus In The Sixth House : The Witch Of Tempus quis originem
(Sisters Of Mercy - Neverland) 
These natives can ooze this quiet and rather aloof atmosphere as if they’re merely passing rather than ingesting. To them the world as a whole, it’s plants, it’s ripples, it’s gust of wind and it’s natural harmonic cycle are what deepens the journey. In more ways than one these natives aren’t as blindly led by pleasure or status as their other earthly witch counter parts..they want more, and crave an even deeper version of mortality and actively seek to embody that genuine every day beauty within themselves. They can seem rather simplistic and mundane to the outside eye but in reality they have the richest inner world. much of their life centers around the concepts of beauty and it’s existence in the world around them which often gives them an inner inflated feeling of weightlessness and humbles them in this world that can create these glorious and irreplaceable moments of beauty with absolute ease. to them forced beauty isn’t really the true version of beauty as often these natives value bare, and raw skin. they often present the virgin air despite their inner sanctum of witchery. most cases these natives are truly kind and deeply forgiving but it’s hard for them to get over mutilation of the environment in any way as it’s blatantly disrespectful to the land and the spirit. to them real sensuality lies within ones truest self, their barest and most genuine expression of themselves. these natives tend to be rather quiet and impartial to much, preferring to maintain distance from loud displays of affection and over dramatic romantic liaison no matter how glamour’s their Leo Venus may be. they can seem like the most celestial arcane body, often having rather soft and glowing stomach. their health and digestive system tends to run very well no matter what planet rest here. in most cases the work relations run smoothly as these natives are fairly easy and fair in their work dealings but make no mistake these natives observe all and see all in silence and usually loathe work relationships despite what’s been said about this position. their ability to create serenity is a super power. the other witches learn from her as she posses the ability of true origin, bringing the world around her to it’s beautiful beginning at the drop of water.
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Venus In The Seventh House : The Witch Of Vita et Mors
(Bernard Herrmann - Twisted Nerve)
These natives much like their counterpart possess a certain level of rawness, a instinctual cowl an almost sinister and aphrodisiac like glow. That being said there is still something, just below the surface boiling over like hot magma in a field of sunflowers. These natives have the ability to bring life and remove it just a quickly. they are always soaking up a interaction, a debate or even a simple meet and greet like it’s a holy text. they love knowing how to react, what to say and how to say it in a way that’ll have the crowd begging to see them again. the thing is none of this is ever in a condescending or conceded way even if Venus is afflicted. these natives are honestly researchers of human nature, they find people, humans to be beautiful and exciting. they enjoy learning their concepts and patterns and devising new ways to interact through this. that being said these natives can fly back and forth between the social butterfly and the seemingly grinchy witch. they are moody but not like cancer or the fourth house more so they represent a scale that never stops leaning from side to side. they love people when things are good, easy and light but can grow irritable, short or passive once the party starts getting to deep, to serious and to dull to fast. as you can imagine these natives like to be wined and dined before you dig into the heavy stuff and even then they prefer it on their terms. for this reason the lighthearted beam of light the witch presented to you the previous date will easily turn into a hurricane of violet and black the moment you try to jump the gun with request and inquires before the games even begin. these natives can have very supple and or petite butts, Venus in most cases makes the butt either curved or large depending on the sign and or alternate planet sitting here. The romance style is as mentioned, a scale. they can want it now and regret it later or switch these faces around or even fuck around and do them all. they want romance but may have an image of it that’s either far out or closed in. they often are compromising and gentle and ultimately find a peaceful marriage in their future but due to their duplicity they often find themselves wondering “what if” 
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Venus In The Eighth House : The Witch Of Plange regenerationem
(The Soft Moon - Circles) 
I could speak on this placement..it’s ferocity, it’s depth and intensity..it’s carnage and it’s seemingly endless reservoir of passion but that wouldn’t do it justice. today we are all united to speak on the darker concepts of Venus in the houses yet something missed on this placement is it’s propensity to send the native through fire hoop wheels of oblivion only to have them come back and do it all again on repeat. this is their journey you see, to endlessly free fall into their desires, their force and power and become overcome by it an rise as a higher form. what the universe does to these natives is force them to wake, to see beyond sight and feel beyond what can be felt, and think beyond  what can be processed. These natives are dark but in most cases you’d never spot them in a crowd or even if they stood right before you, that’s their illusion. Venus hides their sublime energy almost like a helmet or armor. in most cases Venus only shows this intensity to their lovers and strangely enough making it on their list is not only hard but it’s downright impossible unless they personally choose you. Venus in the 8th house natives are picky and often sense and scope out the energies of everything and anyone in their environment well before anyone else has a chance to even notice them step in the room and in all that time they’ve already decided you aren’t ever going to be able to handle the entirety of what they are. these witches are deeper than the marinas trench and far more never ending then out universe. they can make stars appear within you but also drag you to the furthest pits of hell with a smile. they tend to have tender and sensual love expression which often despite their mask gains them a ridiculous amount of admirers. they ooze sex appeal and sultry sexuality but boy oh boy reading them, pursuing them is almost more sinister than making a deal with the devil. They can be overwhelming in romance because of how deep and powerful their love is. they want everything, all of it and can be possessive and rather scary when they feel as though you can’t match up to their level of passion. they don’t love easy and can love for life. they tend to mate for life as well and are sexually loyal. the men especially have an incredible libido and can be drawn to women or men who are dark both in personality and literally darker. they also love a high vibration of Pluto and Saturn in someone’s chart. These natives are heartthrobs and tend to have good sexual encounters as Venus is a beneficiary. the business dealings and finances usually run smoothly with Venus here. these natives are so charming especially the women so much so that getting a will or two forged in their name isn’t difficult at all. the gentalia are supple and rather smooth to the touch. usually the size of the member in men is well sized and very very. capable…while for women this placement can often drive men crazy as your lady parts have the magic touch as they say, the kind of touch that’ll make a man psycho for it.
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Venus In The Ninth House : The Witch Of Et caritas spirit
(New Order - In A Lonely Place)
this Witch is a gem, a light over the shadows and a frequency above the fray. These natives are stimulated by the world around them and even more so by the history and the dimensions leading to the creation of all things we know. they are immensely found of wit, many find it an admirable trait in others. the ability to project and manifest is strong here as these natives have the ability to foster their thoughts and desires into a very real reality. They can be the bad boy or bad girl of the group, postured incorrectly or half listening to the smaller stuff yet sitting attentive and polite when the big and heavy knowledge is being spoken. the tea for these natives is the origin of man, our beginnings, the where and why and the ultimate desire of where. to them the world is not only vast but it is untouched and only a very select few are able to dive into such a heavy concept. they tend to fall for their teachers, the tourist guides, college professors or even their local historians and archaeologists. the more spiritually inclined fall for the rockers, those with connections to the musical industry as to ones surprise these little birdies love to dance, the sound of music and it’ s hum dum dum. They can  be so mesmerizing the way the let go of it all. most times these natives are flighty and hard to tie down mainly due to their nature of living off the land rather than off the mind or strictly the heart. they have a nomadic nature to them often wearing jewelry and baggy/ loose clothing the likes of shawls and bell bottoms and high waters. they have an almost electric 70s soul. there energy is powerful and permeates every environment with ease. these natives tend to have good and often happy moment traveling and usually have fun experiences at university unless other aspects say otherwise. these natives normally have soft and smooth hips and carry some lovely hour glass like curves or even just a nice hip to butt ratio. 
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Venus In The Tenth House : The Witch Of Dolorem et Exaltationis Sanctae
(Jamie N Commons - Lead Me Home) 
This placement feels much like a Burden to the native. One aspect of this natives life which is to most people seen and looked upon fondly is looked upon here with a rather serious and more unrelenting eye. These natives feel a certain level of fear and even resentment in some way at the idea of intimacy and see those who readily embrace it as either foolhardy or much braver then they. these natives are gorgeous beyond belief, many of them have looks that seem years beyond it’s time which often makes them(especially women) a target for older men/women. they seem wide and carry themselves with poise and class above all else in any situation but in some ways because of this they seem the furthest away out of all the Venus in the houses.They value connecting and love as much as the rest of us but aren’t trusting of love. they often view love as a weakness and tend to shy away from it and put that same romantic energy into there own career. men and women with this placement tend to have a lovely relationship with the public and are often seen as likeable and easy going no matter the Venus sign or midheaven. this all being said these natives can be the types to love for ions and never have that love fade. they treasure love like it’s a sacred artifact and can struggle for years after a relationship ends. it takes them centuries to move on from heartbreak and in most cases these natives do not re-marry and find it quite hard to jump back into the dating scene if they’ve already experienced a bad relationship. they can be builders and tend to place much of their energy into building a very real and stable foundation out of bone and blood and this is a duty and responsibility most humans aren’t ever willing to take on. they are often popular or well known but often still find ways to isolate themselves and stay private. they like keeping and image and can date someone or be in a fake or loveless relationship if it gets them ahead but this is usually very rare and not the norm. they tend to take things very slow and can retreat if they sense to much speed to quickly. these natives grief quite a bit and can struggle with pain often but shield this in their hard exterior. but despite this they are benevolent and share their compassion to the world. these witches are the foundation and our roots the witches that fought tirelessly to protect their fellow witches  ultimately sacrificing themselves many generations over.
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Venus In The Eleventh House : The Witch Of COLLEGIUM quo affliguntur damnati,
(TV On The Radio - DLZ) 
these natives are almost like a congregation or a monetary of many. you can think you’re having a one on one with them but you’ll soon realize you’re speaking to more than one entity and in many cases more than one persona at a time. this position adds layers to a person, but not little character quirks, more like identities and desires, aspirations and whole new feelings. these natives are free spirited by nature but also have a starkly independent and impulsive nature. they tend to be extremely popular or at least catch the eye of many with their far out and rather impersonal approach to others. ironically because they don’t “care” they seem like a hot commodity to everyone else due to the fact that they’re so eager to figure out how to gain their interest. These natives can be sharp tongued and even more so when in the presence of people who play the role of the remake or carbon copy of others. these natives love originality and are repulsed by a lack of binary thought. to these natives following the pack without wondering “why” is not only dangerous but pathetic. They tend to adore there friends and attract naturally giving and gentle friends who tend to have high profile connections or easily aid them in getting far in their own career. experiences at group events or rallies usually are pretty uplifting experiences for the natives. the relationships can be where the witch shows herself. these natives craves something unique and genuine, it doesn’t have to be overly strange or out of pocket rather they just want something that challenges their mind and also something that starts off naturally and sweetly like friends or even just something that has an impersonal start. friendship and lighthearted mental connecting is a big deal for them! these witches live in the mind and would adore a partner who could meet them their. they usually date but maintain a huge distance from anything serious. many usually don’t actively pursue something serious until it finds them. they’re loyal and carefree once in love but can easily change the tides if they feel the slightest bit of ownership or possession as they are not an object and only a fool would claim blatant dominance over them as if they couldn’t send 900 volts your way. the legs are usually smooth and supple and the ankles are often rather vulnerable or weak. 
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Venus In The Twelfth House : The Witch Of Et descendentibus Angelis dixeram
(Adele - Skyfall ) 
We’ve reached the end of our evil little tale. The last witch on our table of cards happens to be the elusive sister of the Neptunian sea. these natives are a million things all at once, they’re the first house and its rawness, the 8th house and it’s depth and passion, the 11th and it’s far away and carefree nebula, it’s the 9th house and it’s insatiable lust for knowledge and it’s the 10th house and it’s innate understanding of the loss that comes with connecting your heart to another. Venus in the 12th house is everything and nothing all at once. These natives tend to be stoic and shy, quietly observing and smiling their same sweet and cherry like smile hiding waves upon waves of sadness and isolation in the heart. They’re immensely kind and giving these children, it’s as if they are some lost angel on foreign soil. they give and give endlessly as if they have an unlimited supply of love in their heart and ultimately they do. they can’t bare the thought of suffering and many times this fear is exaggerated even more so depending on the sign Venus is in. they are understanding and deeply sympathetic and compassionate to the woes of others be them killers, robbers, the homeless, the rich, the poor, good or evil these natives are capable of building and allotting the benefit of the doubt to the worst of people just because there heart is so deep and caring. These natives love as hard as god could if he were here as human. these natives tend to be fearful of love and love in silence as opposed to openly. these natives tell their friends and possibly close family members but many of those they’re close to can go a lifetime without really knowing the individuals. The mother knows the native deeply and often had dreams and premonitions about the child before their birth as if god was alerting the parent they would have an angel on their hands. these natives aren’t normal, their frequencies and colors are so varying that to many ordinary folk these natives seem like specters or ghosts, someone who leaves a deep mark on  you only to become a forgotten memory. they can be deeply romantic and have some of the most caring hearts capable of stopping wars or healing the deepest of wounds in others once they open their doorways. these natives struggle with expressing their Venus signs and having ones Venus here heavily effects the expression of the sign. these natives are highly sensitive to energy and can even read intentions via touch. these natives are psychic mediums and posses a natural talent for healing and spiritual reading without effort. they tend to have few romantic involvements in the physical world but can have trillions of inner romances based on the astral plane. the divine ruler is far more choosy and critical of who his/her beloved Venus in the 12th house child falls for, even going as far as creating obstacles and pitfalls to prevent the native from giving their love away to someone undeserving. the crazy thing is that often these natives may feel as though they’ll never meet anyone who can love them and understand them and to an extent that is their journey to let go of human self invested love and rather to not only learn self love but to adopt universal love. nobody truly deserves these natives and that’s the beauty of their journey, their real purpose which is to heal the world. these natives often have a godly presence keeping them from harms way and usually live a safe and happy inner world as their minds are often beautiful beyond belief. the dreams are wanderlust and often vivid. these natives have a very real purpose and it varies depending on what your angelic self descended upon this earth to do. these natives usually find love once they let go of the idea of it. the feet are often soft and very beautiful unless other planets say otherwise. the energy is often intoxicating and alluring to all sexes making these natives seem unisex. men and women of all sexualities find themselves captivated by these individuals, they truly have an effect on the world and people around them in a way like no one else.
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
Mars signs. What they are attracted to and what they like in bed (+ 18)
Aries mars:They are pursuers, they like the thrill of the chase and someone who doesn’t give into them easily. They like smart people and who are challenging,but still want to be the dominant one in the couple. Once they have their eyes on you they will do everything to catch your attention. They are passionate so passionate that can do embarrassing things and they can be definitely too much, like squashing a teddy bear out of too much love. In bed they are forceful,strong,masculine. Could like doing it rough if you like it or not
Taurus mars:They will not likely take the initiative, but definitely will be into someone who can give them comfort and spoil their laziness,someone who do things for them and does the hard work in their place. They love taking things very slow and prefer to wait that things evolve naturally. Usually they also have an eye for someone who has a comfortable lifestyle and ready to share it. In bed definitely can have huge stamina once they are into it, but can be also quite monotonous in what they do. Very sensitive to the touch
Gemini mars:Loves flirting and can be very horny minded, probably the one who will seek you out with sms and will do everything to not let the conversation die or be awkward. They will talk to you and will imitate what could be your type in order to lure you, mixing also a good dose of wit and funny personality. In bed they like versatility and into the dirty talk, like experimenting and be shameless, secretly could record things. They don’t have a type, usually they are fine with someone who is good looking and look only on the surface.
Cancer mars:Very shy and timid, will not take the initiative, even if they would like to and if they do,they assure themselves that you reciprocate through external source as friends in common. They charm you with their boy/girl next door vibe and will wait until they know intuitively that you are fine with it. In bed they love so much being cuddled,someone who is not rude in bed and makes them feel comfortable. They could fear pain and their chest and tummy could be their sensitive spots. Love people who seem mature and have an aura of protection
Leo mars:Will pursue you and will give all their attention to you. They will wear the best outfit,they will have the best hairstyle and probably will act even more confident then usual. They will talk a lot about themselves and will like also someone who is able to make compliments. Usually their Choice falls on someone who can boost their popularity and would do everything to be seen with you both in the streets and on social media. They love sex in their entirety, they could have a kink of doing it in open space and being watched. Love to tell the story of it too
Virgo mars:They will never pursue someone, they prefer being the object of the desire. Will play hard to get and difficult, to throw you off their scent, annoyed and will probably observe you how you act and how you speak, how intelligent you are and even details such as if you have white teeths, clean hands/nails, body hair. Will be there a lot of high standard and will act precious. They love smart people who can mess up their mind. In bed could be naughty and good at orals,probably have many techniques up to their sleeve, love to serve their partner and give them pleasure, your enjoyment is their excitement
Libra mars:Can be both usually they like to give you hints like a siren and allow you to come to them. They will act even more polite and pleasant will smile a lot like dolls. Probably will laugh even when your puns are bad, will feign to like what you like and could act as if you have so many things in common, actually they could like you only because you are beautiful and loved by everyone. Could be a bit coquettish both men and women. In bed they can be adaptable, usually allow the partner to be more dominant and take the reins.
Scorpio mars:Pursuers, but size you up before texting you and observe you how you behave and if you are good for just one night or if you can be good for something serious. Probably will listen to you and will make you feel as if you are the most important thing, very sexy and perceptive, they seduce with their eyes and erotic charge. Like people who are honest but that are also troubling and challenging for them. Like a passionate whirlwind story, because yes they are romantic but in a dramatic way. Sex is very important and must be a routine,like people who are skilled but even more someone naive to make a mess of. Their genitalia are particularly sensitive
Sagittarius mars:Very forward about you and will pursue like any of their new adventures. Very loud and probably will try to impress you with their knowledge and their stories probably will spend they day with you and probably privately, don’t like that people put their notes in their business. Basically they are really horny and like people who are not difficult and act like if they are the only one to have it. Probably like to have sex away from crowded place,in the nature, the car can be their favorite place to do it, yet they whine about that is a bit uncomfortable to do it there
Capricorn mars:Could have some resistance to take the initiative, usually they could prefer doing things the old way and not use social media, seeing you face to face and court you. Very composed and could act like too mature, or a bit above then you. Into people who are clever and responsible as them, hate trivial and flakiness, someone who is too flamboyant and showy, but admire who can pursue people with more spontaneity and who don’t create so many problems in their head as them. In bed they are very dominant and will do only the things that don’t bothers them, very alpha like and girls could be very good riders and do sex with dedication and cure.
Aquarius mars:Definitely they pursue when they feel like it, probably will text you and chat with you as if it were no big deal and be very friendly,not to creepy nor to open and could disappear again. Probably very erratic and into bizzare types or to have sex with someone that if everyone knew, would be shocking, very private about sex matters and could be into weird kinks. However sex is important but before they need to be argumentative and debate with their interest. They are very strange types and are hard to define.
Pisces mars:Usually are afraid to pursue because they don’t have enough courage and are not confident. Will be very nervous and when they decide to write someone they could overthink the decison thousand of time and still not do it. Probably will create a fandom with her/his friends,spying on him/her and be extremely cute and sweet around them. They like usually the wrong person and the dangerous type. Would not take the initiative in the sheets, will prefer that others do for them because they could too embarrassed, but are definitely horny minded, they have a vivid imagination
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
Saturn in Aquarius transit (2020-2023)
First day: 23 March 2020
1st Retrograde: 11 May 2020 - 29 September 2020 (Enters Capricorn on 2 July 2020)
Entering Aquarius again: 18 December 2020
2nd Retrograde: 23 May 2021 - 11 October 2021
3rd Retrograde: 5 June 2022 - 23 October 2022
Last day: 7 March 2023
Key words: Revolution, reassessing, rebuilding, technology, science, socialism, togetherness, connections, organization, class consciousness, idealism
What to expect in the air: Saturn is still home in Aquarius here, the sense of revolution is becoming stronger within the community. Social isolation may hamper down on community and friendships, organizational infrastructures are being rebuilt. Truth is being exposed, and people band together to transform what no longer serves us. Aquarius is bringing new to what’s old, Saturn is authority and government, more radical and socialistic ideals are being held to higher esteem by more people as times grow harsher. We could be seeing more revolutionary uprisings in the hands of community in causes for change in authority, people are reaching a limit and this is a time to rebuild a better foundation for all of humanity. Scientific and technological breakthroughs are on their ways, more efforts into research and organizations are essential. Treating others with respect is essential. This is a wake up call for the collective conscious of humanity, to realize that we need a new system and reorganizing.
Personal horoscope (USE THE ASCENDANT)
Aries (Saturn in the 11th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your connections, friendships, hopes and aspirations. You may experience a reconstruction of your social circle, tightening up the standards of who you call a “friend” is essential so you don’t find yourself being used for your resources, so struggling to create new friendships and finding yourself isolated is common during this time. Shifting and reassessing your focus on your goals is an important thing to do, you may enter a new organization or fall into a position of authority, becoming more responsible for more people is common as well. Or there could be a complete reassessing of your goals for how you want to be seen through your connections, as you feel they no longer serve you. Physically, watch for problems with your ankles/calves and circulatory system.
Taurus (Saturn in the 10th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your public persona, reputation, career choice, family dynamics, and authority around you. This may be a time where you are trying to further yourself in society, trying to climb the social ladder with all you’ve learned. Maybe making a shift from education to career. Reassessing your career choice and reevaluating how authority treats you is important during this time, standing up against authority and becoming a voice of justice may be likely. This is an important turning point in your life especially if it crosses over your Midheaven (MC) point, you’re being called to prove your worth in society as an important asset through your abilities. This can be a time of great triumphs or great failure, take them as they come and stand through it and learn from your ambitions and how you want to be seen and known. Physically, watch for problems with your teeth, knees, and the skeletal system.
Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. You may experience a harder time grasping what philosophies and ideals you want to commit to, whether it’s learning that in university or during a spiritual breakthrough. Long distance travel may be harder to come by during this period, or if it is pursued, it can be a lesson in cultural differences and what it means to connect with others through shared beliefs, or simply beliefs you’ve never been exposed to before. You’re likely to experience a reassessment in your worth through newly gained knowledge, and trying to gain authority through broadening your horizons is essential during this time. Physically, watch for problems with the hip/thigh areas.
Cancer (Saturn in the 8th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life area of transformation, intimacy, power dynamics, soul bonds, taxes, death, debt, other people’s finances and assets. You may experience a harder time becoming more intimate with other people, transforming and reassessing your emotional values and connections becomes important. You could also run into issues of power and control with authority figures who you deem overbearing, making it difficult for you to hone your own powers. Finances can run drier during this time as well, bankruptcy and going into debt can cause you to feel limited, or falling into trouble in connection to inheretence from a parent or other people’s money. This is a difficult transit to work with, you can go through a death of a close family member or someone you idolized, and have difficulty with their assets and become responsible or liable in a way. You can bear the fruits of your labor through patience, becoming an enigma through soul revolution. Physically, watch for problems with the sexual organs.
Leo (Saturn in 7th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through relationships, partnerships, the law, and even enemies. This is a larger turning point in your life concerning other people, especially if it’s crossing your Descendant (DC) point, it’s calling for a positive rebuild and reconstruction of boundaries and limits. If you’re single then this may be a time where you’re trying to settle and find your forever but it will be difficult. If you are already in a relationship, this is a time that if you don’t mediate the situation, you’ll grapple to keep what already is there until it vanishes. A large commitment like marriage arises, or a buckling down kind of feeling. Or a negative aspect like divorce can arise too. This also doesn’t apply to just romantic relationships, this is to any partnerships, even with parents, that need a reassessment of values and boundaries. Make sure that the decisions you’re making reflect how you truly want the rest of your relationships to be and how you truly want them to serve you in a greater purpose through out your life. Physically, watch for problems with the kidneys and urinary system.
Virgo (Saturn in the 6th house transit) - Saturn is bringing its hardships and lessons into your life through your work life, health, daily routine, exercise, and pets. This is a time where you’re learning what it takes to truly make a life for yourself and establish a routine that better serves you. Work may be hard to come by, or if you are already working, responsibilities way heavy upon your shoulders, whether it be through a job loss or a job gain. A strict reassessment of your daily life and what you put into your body becomes heightened, a sense of redirecting energy into hard work and becoming more serious about what it is you do is important during this time. A loss of a pet may be possible during this transit. Health issues could arise upon you so claiming a lifestyle change you see serves you best is essential, so watch for your relationship with food. Physically, watch for digestive system issues, or skin issues like eczema or breakouts.
Libra (Saturn in the 5th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through your creativity, romance, children, art, passions and hobbies. This is a time for you to become more serious with what you’re passionate about, building a new system for you to root out what no long makes you feel alive. It can also be a time where you stray far from what it is you’re passionate about, making it harder to tune into and tap into self expressionism and the inner child. Creative projects are hard to breakthrough during this time. If you have children, this is a time where your relationship experiences difficulties, a kind of distance or emotional barrier. This is a harder time to conceive a child if you are trying, a long process of adoption or surrogacy, difficulty with fertility, or distance between you and a partner are common. Your social life can also experience a decrease, finding it hard to enjoy company or a physical distance. You feel romance has been lacking in your life and the fiery flare you once felt may be dimmed, but don’t be discouraged for this is a time to reassess what has built your happiness and what brings you joy within yourself. Physically, watch for issues with the heart and spine.
Scorpio (Saturn in the 4th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons through your home life, personal property, family, maternal connection, stability, and privacy. This is a time for a big turning point in your life, a shift within your residence may occur during the period, or a difficult journey to process internal feelings is among you. Especially if it’s crossing over the degree of your Imun Coeli (IC) point. This isn’t so much as always about buying a new house or land or simply moving residence, although it could be, but you’re being called to reassess and repair your entire fundamental beliefs and expectations. It could very much be a time to build a family or marry, as marriage is the merging of families here. You may experience trouble with your mother or father, or experience a loss of someone whom you deemed like a parent and helped you through your private troubles. This is a time to clean yourself psychologically, to prepare for a brighter future of joy and heal from trauma to create life. This transit can also seem quite mundane, taking you years to understand the importance of the baggage you are being called to bury behind. This is a clean slate at living a life you can build for yourself and others, it’s essential to make the right choices. Physically, watch for issues with the chest and breasts.
Sagittarius (Saturn in the 3rd house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through your communication, siblings and cousins, lower education, short distance travel, and community. It may be hard for you to feel as if what you’re saying has worth and power during this time, and there lays a heavy burden within this, communication in your life and understanding may be lacking from the people closest to you. You feel like you’re in a rut, whether it’s trouble with transportation, taking care of a sibling, or finding your place within a community you feel distant and far from fitting to your beliefs. If you’re in school this could be a graduation into a harsher reality, standardized testing, or grades slipping through, and sleepless nights trying to muster up the words you want to say to express the thoughts running through your mind. You could be learning a new language and finding it hard to understand your neighbors. Car troubles are common so watch for road mishaps and accidents, this could be a time to learn to drive, getting a license, or simply moving up in learning or your community. You’re called to be the voice of reason, to reassess your communication style and bring truth of revolution so speak and let your voice be heard no matter how discouraging it can be. Physically, watch for lung and breathing problems, shoulders/arms/hands as well.
Capricorn (Saturn in the 2nd house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through finances, materials, self worth, and value. What this could entail is a time of financial scarcity, finally when it all comes together you find yourself regretting certain financial losses. You’re becoming responsible and more liable for material things such as gold, money, clothing, or even an entire business. Becoming a responsible financial figure can feel like a burden at times, having to scrape and be frugal is essential. You’re called to reassess the material world around you and what it is you value mostly life and yourself, and your sense of self worth and what makes you feel valuable to society. Make sure to not make any risky financial decisions during this time such as gambling. This transit can also indicate a life long commitment, a merging of finances in a marriage or long term commitments is not easy work, but hard work doesn’t go unnoticed so connect and collaborate. Physically, watch for problems with the throat and endocrine system.
Aquarius (Saturn transiting the 1st house) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through your world view, self image, and persona. This is a time where you may feel a somber reality set in, you feel yourself becoming more responsible and independent, the weight of yourself in the world is heavy and you feel what it means to stand alone through struggles. You’re being called to reassess how you view the world around you and how you view yourself and put yourself out to be seen. Building and curating a self image you truly love and take pride in and want to embody is essential. Self confidence can soar or plummet depending on how you handle what you’re going through. Physical changes are possible, weight loss and signs of aging may start to appear more on you. This transit heightens if it’s crossing your Ascendant (AC) point as well. Major life decisions are being brought up, a mirror is being held at your face and you’re facing the dreams you have set for yourself or the lies you’ve deluded in. Physically, watch for issues with the head and sinuses.
Pisces (Saturn transiting the 12th house) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons in your life through the subconscious, dream state, sleeping, isolation, spiritual state, and sacrifice. Sleepless nights are upon you during this time, a period of self isolation and reflection is much needed for a soul journey and proper self atonement. For you to have a healthy subconscious state you need to understand the importance of what it means to be alone. Yoga and meditation is a highly recommend self healing process, to understand the messages the universe is sending your way for a complete self revolution. Trouble sleeping is common, nightmares and reoccurring states of sleep paralysis can happen. Your soul is being taken into the court room with your higher calling, your time to reassess and heal the wounds and karmic debt is now. Sacrifices will be made for you to begin a clean slate into reality. Open room for alone time. There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely, find yourself truly within. There’s a beauty in the spirit, wake it up and you will understand. Physically, watch for problems with the feet, ankles, and lymph nodes.
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
Pallas Athene
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Pallas in Aries With Pallas in Aries, there’s a natural talent involving the physical body. They may excel in sports or anything that involves a lot of movement.
Pallas in Taurus Pallas in Taurus can find their talents through forms of Art and can be talented at handling money. These people tend to do well being stylists of any kind.
Pallas in Gemini With Pallas in Gemini, there is usually linguistic intelligence. These people can be excellent at communication, learning languages and even storytelling. They are quick to pick up or even adapt to forms of communication.
Pallas in Cancer With Pallas in Cancer, there’s natural emotional intelligence. There’s an ability to understand and even heal others emotionally. May be talented in anything regarding culinary, decor and teaching.
Pallas in Leo Pallas in Leo finds their talent through self-expression and anything creative. There’s an abundance of creativity present here and they make excellent leaders.
Pallas in Virgo With Pallas in Virgo, these people are talented at organizing and usually anything involving health. They can make excellent writers and planners especially! Pallas in Virgo really has an eye for detail as they are able to notice things others may not.
Pallas in Libra Pallas in Libra has a talent for social interactions and simply understanding relationships between humans. These people tend to understand, naturally, how humans interact with one another. They are also aesthetes and have an appreciation for all things beautiful.
Pallas in Scorpio With Pallas in Scorpio, there is intelligence through anything regarding the occult. They are extremely intuitive people and they are able to naturally understand others on a deeper level. They may be talented in things regarding death and sex as well.
Pallas in Sagittarius Pallas in Sagittarius is able to see the bigger picture. They are visionaries and they don’t necessarily think for themselves, but for others as well. They can be excellent life coaches and have an optimistic, fair view on life.
Pallas in Capricorn With Pallas in Capricorn, there’s a talent for being practical and they are exceptionally talented at planning as well. They usually understand the meaning and value of hard work. Pallas in Capricorn understands what they have to do in order to be successful.
Pallas in Aquarius Pallas in Aquarius is also talented at seeing the bigger picture and applying all their knowledge and creativity into a larger community. They are usually aware of what goes on universally and so they aspire to help out or even reach out to something bigger than them. They are visionary people.
Pallas in Pisces Pallas in Pisces is the most universally intelligent of all the Pallas signs because they don’t necessarily think of themselves, but of others instead. Through this they gain their talent of healing and compassion towards others. They can also be very creative and can have a good ear for music.
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
Cancer Sun - Virgo Moon combination
for @black-hippie-moonchild 
this…… is going to be a longer one, you are warned 😅
-because they have this intuitive knowledge of events and almost anxious care for their surroundings/situation/entourage as well as the perhaps untaped ability to coldly analyze facts, they’re often two steps ahead
-not what you’d expect form these placements but there is potential to be quite the entrepreneur, with a progressive twist; they’ll diversify their activities, play the long game. If that’s not you right now, it could be a new way to think about yourself an open more doors in your life
-could be a lot of nervous energy there, wondering about what other people think of you too much 
-comfortable with operating alone in their projects, which is great; just be careful sometimes not to shut down opportunities for silliness and joy around you even if they’re too disruptive to your process or a little too childish: you might need more of that in your life!
-love means devotion; love is rare but invaluable. they don’t fall in love easily, finding someone who’s gonna show up for them and feel on the same way they do it is simply not an everyday occurence 
-there is a sophistication to this combination. their identity is fluid and highly receptive, their palette of emotions is varied, nuanced and discerning. I can see these people being more drawn to so-called ‘high art’ categories of hobbies and tastes, while still enjoying pop culture; they’re not snobs and they’re not ivory towered (despite a penchant for reclusion) 
-beauty and aesthetics on point; a personal style that they really commit to 
-there is a certain emotional intelligence and great sensitivity, the latter being somewhat kept under control until things come to a head in high pressure situations; these natives could act out of anger, frustration or grief in a way that seems shocking in contrast with their usual self soothing and self mastery 
-this is more anecdotic but: being friends with other (non toxic of course) water signs, cancers with different moon signs especially, is a great learning experience. you’ll be able to understand each other like few people can, providing a great way to release negative emotions, while teaching each other ways to channel your emotions productively
-Virgo moons have a visceral need to be useful, active, grinding; Cancer is quite self directed thanks to their cardinality, but part of that drive is to carve out time in their shell, their home, with their soul tribe or family if it applies. It might take a minute to figure out a good work/life balance (or school / life), but it will be worth the effort to get there as this is integral to your happiness
-could get stress related stomach aches and generally digestive system issues, made worse in times of overwhelm 
-can both give off a kind, indulgent vibe to people initially and turn very stern, unforgivingly observant and testy when they feel that a limit has been crossed, especially when they’re older and they’ve been hurt before 
-a good conversationalist in small settings, public speaking is a skill they might not naturally possess but should acquire: it’ll definitely give them an edge 
-overall even the most sympathetic & social ones won’t come off as overtly jovial and exuberant. their charm is more reserved and refined 
-timeliness, the ability to argue and converse in an educated manner, good manners and honoring your part of the relationship/the bargain are key to their approval and respect
-With these natives, if you don’t know something, just admit it instead of improvising; if you’ve made a mistake, come out with it and show that you would never do it again on purpose; thing is, they are very understanding and compassionate so they might help & support you if you’re sincere in your demeanor 
 -Likewise, they’re not terribly impressed by people who speak eloquently of grand ideas but don’t have sincerity or precise knowledge of what they’re talking about ; same with making promises without being able to back it up
-they care deeply about others and when they do, they have high standards for their behavior. Being around them can drive people to step their game up. 
Their affection is conditional to these standards precisely because they can give a lot, both qualitatively and quantitatively; the wrong people in their inner circle will drain them and annoyingly have a lot to show for it, too!
-on the flip side a toxic trait some can possess is putting unrealistic expectations on their entourage, sometimes implicitly and in a way that could be perceived as insidious, setting themselves up for disappointment and unconsciously putting enormous pressure on loved ones 
-If in a position of authority, they must learn to value people’s limits instead of devaluing them because of it; and be less rigid about individual trajectories even if they don’t agree with them and would like to rectify, or give too much unsolicited advice/directives even if it’s out of genuine concern 
-their home is most likely a haven; inviting, organized, tasteful. They can get messy like everybody else but that’ll take a big tole on their creative flow and peace of mind; so called organized chaos isn’t the right system for them 
-Great sense of responsibility and accountability; they carry out what you could call a code of perfection in their work and responsibilities ; they’ll never send out something any less than proof-read, nuanced, well-worded and appropriate
-Potential to become an incredible parent, if they aren’t already
-their responsibility and capability paired with their affable attitude can lead others to try to use and abuse their time, but these natives aren’t doormats; especially as they gain maturity and step into their power they realize their value and enormous contribution, and will ask to be treated accordingly 
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
Retrograde Placements
A Retrograde means that a planet begins to move very slowly that it looks as if it’s going backwards in our point of view, from the Earth. But it is, in fact, just a very slow motion.
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It is believed that the number of Retrogrades you have on your chart is the number of lives you have lived in this Earth. You are likely to have more de ja vu’s, because you are gifted in your senses. If you do not have any retrogrades on your chart, you are believed to be a fresh soul who is prone to making mistakes and can be considered as “naive.”
When you have Mercury in Retrograde, it is believed that you have been silenced in your previous life, the ideas and the words couldnt come out of your mouth -which might lead you to speak your mind freely in this life. Your sisters/brothers are believed to cause you problems in your previous life, also. That is why you might treat them differently in this lifetime, you might even be obsessed with them as if something might happen to them. If you dont have any siblings, this applies to the people you consider as your sister/brother. Your technologic devices might cause problems to you, the help you need from other people might not occur up until the last minute. You might pronounce some words differently and communication is very important to you. Hands might also cause problems, you could break some stuff and hurt your hands in your childhood. Writing can also be a great way of learning for you. You are prone to be misunderstood very much in your daily life, travelling is also very important to you. Subconsciously, you might try to to find and search for your “previous homeland” by travelling.
When you have Venus in Retrograde, it is likely that in your previous life, you have found your soulmate, however, you lost your partner too soon or you had a restriction with them, which might lead you to search for your missing soulmate in this life. Relationships might be the main focus of your problems in this life time. You might not choose to have casual relationships, even if you have your Venus in air or fire signs. Previous lovers and ex’s might always be in the agenda. The idea for searching for your true match is reflected to all your personal relationships, you might treat your loved ones as if you’re gonna lose them -because you have, in your previous life. You might turn down nice people romantically, feeling they dont have the traits of your previous lovers and the term of “karmic” is basically your approach to all close relationships. These people are prone to have more than one marriages, due to this endless search. Subconsciously, the last marriage they have, is the one with their missing soulmate. 
When you have Mars in Retrograde, you are believed to be associated with “war” in your previous life. In a woman’s chart, it is believed that a soldier was very imporant to you as a lover and you lost him to war. In a man’s chart, it indicates you were, indeed, the soldier. If your Mars is placed in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn, it is believed that you had a very important role in war, meaning you might have been a colonel, a general, etc. Your aggressiveness is likely to be unstable, your reactions might be unpredictable. Health might be the main problem in your life, this retrograde also indicates surgeries (look up to the sign to see which body parts). Sexual unfulfillment can cause psychological problems and you might attract/be attracted to people who might not suit you and can cause you personal problems. Accidents may occur a lot, both as a child and as an individual. You might be ambitious, you might order people around a lot.
When you have Jupiter in Retrograde, you are believed to have a different religion than you have in this life, which makes you a very tolerant and kind people who does not classify people with their religion, race and sexuality. You are very giving, optimist and generous, which might cause some problems in this life as you might attract ungrateful people. You might be high on senses, you might “sense” things before they happen. You might be anxious, as if things are going too fast and you are not gonna catch up to them. With this retrograde, you can make things happen with deep thinking and mediation as you can channel your positive energy very well. You can always find a help, even if it is in the last minute, whenever you need. Spirituality is very important to you and you might try to find meaning in everything in that sense sunconsciously.
When you have Saturn in Retrograde, it is believed that you have been restricted by your parents and/or your spouses in your previous life, you might also be physically obstructed. You might have a repressed feeling as if you are not enough for things. You might be anxious about future, you might be pessimistic and you might try to secure yourself with materiality. And the reason for all this might be caused by a parental figure who had been very tough with you, very disciplined and way too firm; or the loss of this parental figure might also be effective. Family and divorces might be the main focus in this life. With this retrograde, it is adviced to never leave things unfinished in your life as it is believed that these matters will come back to you in the future. You might dislike/be scared of closed places and you might have claustrophobia as it represents a restriction.
When you have Uranus in Retrograde, you are likely to be a fighter for freedom in your previous life. Words, ideas and freedom was very imporant to you, you might have been even punished for speaking your mind freely. You might not act the way you feel like up until you are at a certain age. You might be prone to ban yourself or restrict yourself from specific subjects such as sex, up until certain age and you might have an explotion then. You might want to live differently than the society and the theme of freedom is very important to you. You might be restless for a long time in your life, without an actual reason. You might have different kind of friendships. If you have your Venus and Mars in aspect to this retrograde, you might want to try things that no one dares to try sexually. If your Retrograde Uranus is afflicted and/or has a lot of aspects to many planets, you might be in search for your sexuality. You might have an unusual way of “loving”, meaning that you might be hot and cold at the same time and this might confuse the people around you.
When you have Neptune in Retrograde, it is believed that you had a problem regarding anesthesia and drugs, you were dead by poisoning and/or your death was in the sea/ocean. Your behavior towards people is like a mirror, it depends on the way people treat you. You might miss and want the love back in the different times, history might have a lot of meaning for you. Addiction might be the main problem in this life, you might be addicted to people or materials. You might be afraid of water, doctors, hospitals or drugs. Chaos might have taken place in your childhood. Dreams might be important, you might sense things and you might have a strong 6th sense. Alcohol and drugs might be a way of relieving anxiety.
When you have Pluto in Retrograde, it is believed that you had serious problems regarding sex, that you want to erase from your mind, in your previous life. You might have an anxiety regarding the people you love in this life time. You might have a problem or restriction with sexuality up until certain age and problems with sexuality might cause psychological problems. You might have an obsessive, intense and different kind of approach towards sexuality. You might appear though and strong but deep down, you might be anxious about sexuality, death and the afterlife. Generally, the sexual affairs you have may be problematic until a certain age, but eventually retrograde Pluto rests and begins to forget previous-life traumas.
When you have Chiron in Retrograde, it indicates a healing persona. You might have been an healer, you might be a doctor in your previous life. Some believe that this placement also indicates an association with witchcraft in the previous life, resulting in being scared of fire in this life. You might have strange birthmarks on your body. Also you might want to try spiritual things in this life, such as reiki.
When you have Nodes in Retrograde, it is associated with our past lives. If your North Node is in aspect to your natal planets more than the South Node, it is believed that you came as a wise soul who learned from your past lives and you will use the traits you learned from those lives in a good way, positively. If your South Node is in aspect to your natal planets more than the North, it indicates that you failed to learn from your past lives and you will have problems regarding that in this lifetime. The houses in which the Nodes are placed in will be the main focus in your life.
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lunarvenusian · 5 years
☀️ The Sun in The Houses ☀️
The Sun’s natal chart placement indicates an area of life that is important for ego, identity and happiness. This house is where we shine and seek recognition, but our success (or lack thereof) with matters of this house can make or break self esteem.
Sun in the 1st House
Your first impression and personality are where you shine the most. You are not the type to go unnoticed as your personality can light up a room and draw people to you. You are optimistic, warm, entertaining and kind. You are confident and a natural born leader, never wanting to be anything less than the best. You may occasionally be self centered and arrogant. Since your Sun may be the same sign as your Ascendant, the traits of your sun sign may be amplified.
Sun in the 2nd House
Making money and having nice things are important for your happiness. Your finances are generally stable and you may have an easier time earning money, especially from using innate talents. You may even like to flex and can be generous with spending, possibly being materialistic. While you’re generally confident and ambitious, there may be a tendency of conflating your self esteem with how much money you have or what you own. You can also be possessive of what you own and people you love.
Sun in the 3rd House
Your intellect and communication skills are where you shine. You take pride in your intelligence and you are an excellent/entertaining communicator. You can be a know it all at times and tend to dominate/center yourself in conversations. You are likely to be close to your siblings, cousins and those in your community. You also enjoy short local trips and learning. You would do well as a teacher or in a career that makes use of your communication skills (writer, journalist, etc).
Sun in the 4th House
Your home and family are sources of pride for you. You likely had a pleasant upbringing and enjoy being surrounded by family. You are very private and also can be an introvert. You may be a homebody as well, so having a comfortable, harmonious home (and maybe a family of your own) is of utmost importance to you. Life generally improves with you with age, and your later/end of life years are likely to be pleasant and financially comfortable.
Sun in the 5th House
The sun feels at home here, as the fifth house is traditionally ruled by Leo. You love attention, can be dramatic and are at your happiest when expressing yourself. Your creative and dramatic nature would make you an excellent at the arts (singing, dancing, acting, etc). Your love for life is infectious and draws people to you. You enjoy socializing and just want to have fun! You love falling in love, dating and may be a huge flirt or serial dater. You may find that you are great with kids or that they enjoy being around you. Your children will be a source of pride for you, and you’re more likely to be the playful, less serious parent.
Sun in the 6th House
You take pride in your productivity. Regardless of the job you choose, you take pride in it and always give 100%. Your hardworking nature isn’t the meek and humble type, as you thrive off of praise and recognition for your work. You are a perfectionist and very meticulous when engaged with a task. You are likely well received at work due to being helpful, pleasant and hardworking. You can be a workaholic and your self esteem can take a hit if you find yourself unemployed. You are likely very organized, health conscious and dependable.
Sun in the 7th House
You are at your happiest in a fair, harmonious environment and with someone by your side. You are charming and diplomatic, but also tend to put other’s happiness and feelings before your own to maintain harmony. While you may struggle with codependency, being a people pleaser and *needing* to be in a relationship, you would be a wonderful friend and people generally find you pleasant and kind. You are likely to have a pleasant marriage with a warm, loving spouse (if the Sun is afflicted, the spouse may be egotistical and self-centered).
Sun in the 8th House
You shine in the shadows; you love exploring the darker, more taboo subjects of life and totally immersing yourself in them. You shy away from the superficial and are constantly on a journey of discovery and regeneration. You are intuitive, introverted and appear mysterious to others. People may also find you magnetic and attractive. Sex and intimacy are important for you, as you desire to deeply bond and unify yourself with your partner.
Sun in the 9th House
You are at your happiest when you’re exploring the world and expanding your mind. You’re a lifelong learner and take pride in your intellect. You like to travel and learn about other cultures; even if you don’t travel, you love to engage with people with vastly different viewpoints. Overall you just want your life to be a never-ending adventure.
Sun in the 10th House
Your career and reputation are your source of pride. You are very ambitious and want a career where you’ll get plenty of recognition. Your ultimate goal is to be the boss, as you don’t want to answer to anyone. You may also enjoy being in the spotlight and be known for having a larger than life persona (especially if your Sun is in a fire sign). You take pride in your appearance, always wanting to appear well dressed and put together. You want to be liked and well known to the masses.
Sun in the 11th House
Your friendships are your source of pride. You enjoy socializing, have a wide social circle and are likely the center of attention with your friends. You have big dreams, many of which may involve a desire to make the world a better place.
Sun in the 12th House
You are at your happiest when alone. You live in your head and people can find you enigmatic and mysterious. You may struggle with figuring out who you are and expressing yourself, preferring to not draw attention to yourself. You are compassionate and likely an introvert. Your father may have been absent or passive in your life.
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lunarvenusian · 6 years
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lunarvenusian · 6 years
Earth and/or air influenced people are almost always fascinated with psychology, they’re the kind of watch murder documentaries to try and see what makes the killers tick. They’ll read psychology books for a peak inside someone else’s head. The kind to want to dig deep in somebody’s mind and know how to trick and deceive them, though they rarely will use these tactics.
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lunarvenusian · 6 years
Neptune dominant look
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Keywords: transcendental, mysticism, illusion, imagination, acceptance, love, intuition, changeability.
Appearance: short to medium height, usually darker and wavy hair, big eyes (tend to be wide set), prominent nose, plump big lips, soft aura, dreamy/sleepy/ ”lost” look, face that gives a sense of familiarity (you may think you already knew that person before), usually prominent forehead, small looking body, straight or gently rounded eyebrows. Neptune dominant celebrities (from the left): Rihanna, Rachel Weisz, Ashlee Simpson, Lin Bingbing.
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lunarvenusian · 6 years
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lunarvenusian · 6 years
Astrology observations 2
1. I have noticed that people who have an earth sign on their 9th house(which is the house of beliefs, religions and spirituality) tend to be non-religious/atheist/agnostic. Solely because they are very practical + they have realistic views on life matters.
2. Moon-Neptune conjunction/ moon in 12th house in synastry can indicate a very powerful psychic connection. Even if that person is not physically around you, you can instantly sense their mood and feelings.
3. Saturn conjunct Ascendant in synastry makes Ascendant person feel restricted. For instance, the Ascendant person may want to get a tattoo, however, the Saturn person is against it.
On the other hand, the Ascendant person may see the respectable figure in Saturn person.
4. Jupiter trine moon, jupiter in 4th house, cancer moons have large breasts, if it is in hard aspect to saturn or mars no matter what l it will make it quite small.
5. Saturn in hard aspects to sun-moon may indicate a stingy person.
6. Those who have cancer in their 3rd house tend to have soft hands.
7. There is a really warm and mutual connection if your 6th house matches your pet’s sun sign.
8. As I’ve noticed, the sun depending in which house it is placed may indicate your father’s sun sign. For example, you have it in 12th house then your father is pisces sun.
9. Pluto in any house may indicate in which area of life you feel “pressured” or “uncomfortable” or tend to overthink untill being obsessed.
For example, those who have it in 7th house may feel uncomfortable about being in a relationship thus they tend to overthink about it or if you have it in 6th house you tend to obsess over each gramm of food you consume in. If you have it in 4th house, you may feel discomfort with being at home so you have the urge to be away.
10. Sun/Leo in 4th house may indicate that your birth itself was pride to your family and relatives. These natives overall tend to be very well liked among relatives. Also, these people take pride in their roots and are never ashamed of it.
Here’s the 1st part
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lunarvenusian · 6 years
Emoji spell for extreme good luck for the next two months
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