luneth-antheria · 6 months
this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in any review ever
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luneth-antheria · 6 months
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Victorian perfume bottles.
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luneth-antheria · 6 months
Best Pali orgs to donate to at this time? Am thinking PCRF.
don't donate to orgs right now, donate to people. gazans need huge funds to evacuate to egypt, get treatment, buy food and other necessities. it is the most urgent and the best way your money can have the most impact.
here is fundsforgaza linktree full of verified gofundmes you can choose from
here is the operation olive branch spreadsheet full of gofundmes organized by different factors such as families, age, number of children, medical conditions as well as how close they are to meeting their goal etc
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luneth-antheria · 6 months
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"Bush lied about Iraq, Biden lies about Palestine"
Sticker spotted in New York
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luneth-antheria · 6 months
The occupation announces the withdrawal of all its forces from the Gaza Strip, except for one brigade that controls the road separating the north and south of the Strip, in order to prevent the people of the north from returning to their homes, and also to prepare for a ground operation in the city of Rafah.
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luneth-antheria · 6 months
april will be a good month [staring into the sink mirror eyebags prominent the most upset person youve ever seen]
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luneth-antheria · 8 months
if biden really wanted to reprimand israel in any way he would end US financial, political, and military support for israel. his words are empty. israel proudly showcases their atrocities, they won't be deterred by any sort of criticism even from the US government as long as material support continues
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luneth-antheria · 8 months
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Japan Court Rules Trans Man Can Change Gender Marker Without Surgery
Them reports:
A Japanese court this week approved a transgender man’s legal gender change without first requiring sterilization, marking a major step forward for trans rights in the country. Takakito Usui, 50, won recognition of his gender before the Okayama Family Court’s Tsuyama branch on Wednesday. “I want to thank my family. I feel a new life is beginning,” Usui, a farmer living in the rural Yamagata Prefecture, said at a press conference on Wednesday following the ruling. Usui previously petitioned to change his legal gender in 2016, the paper noted, but was rejected because he had not been medically sterilized, as was then required under Japanese law. In October, Japan’s Supreme Court struck down the 2003 statute requiring trans people to be sterilized before obtaining legal recognition.
More here!
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luneth-antheria · 8 months
Okay so for the first week after Oct. 7, all information, ALL of it, came from an Ultra-Orthodox, zionist organization that mislabeled info, mishandled evidence, shot propaganda pieces with the bodies without any respect for the privacy of the bodies, posed the bodies for photos, spread misinformation with no proof about the events of Oct 7, and asked for payments for tours around the tank-shelled zionist settlements.
Every. Single. Piece. Of. Information. Was. A. PR. Stunt.
And every Western media outlet ran with it in a marathon.
Fuck Haaretz but thanks Haaretz I guess.
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luneth-antheria · 8 months
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via jinforlaughs and sapayouth on Instagram
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luneth-antheria · 8 months
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luneth-antheria · 8 months
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luneth-antheria · 8 months
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So many people do not understand the relationship between climate change and cold weather.
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luneth-antheria · 9 months
“Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.”
— Vincent van Gogh, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh (first published 1914)
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luneth-antheria · 9 months
To expand on my last point about the irresponsibility of debating genocide: the thing is, after more than 80 days of this genocide being literally televised and widely shared, we just cannot be having the same old discussions about Palestine.
How are we going to have the same conversation about "Hamas this, Hamas that", "Israel's right to exist this, bullshit that" when we have lived through the past 80 days watching a tally of an ever increasing number of Palestinians killed by Israel, now reaching over 21,000? We have seen so many instances that many had originally thought "how can Israel recover from this?" and yet here we are after numerous hospitals being bombed, refugee camps shelled, entire residential blocks levelled to the ground, men and women stripped and tortured and executed in football fields.
Not only are these discussions futile in nature as you discuss your humanity with your oppressor, but they had clearly not done anything to stop the bloodshed caused by Israel in the past 75+ years, let alone the past 80 days. These "discussions" are simply Zionists' favourite pastime to distract from the actual hell we are witnessing and deflect from being held accountable for enabling a literal genocide.
Simply put, conversations about Palestine can no longer centre the aggressor and go through their talking points first to finally be able to discuss the ongoing genocide they're committing against Palestinians. For a start, shift your focus and make telling Zionists to shut the fuck up an integral part of your daily routine.
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luneth-antheria · 9 months
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lovely mural by the coffee shop this morning
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luneth-antheria · 9 months
From the river to the sea
hey all! firstgrave here
I was somewhat recently banned on tumblr for “targeted harassment”. the post that got me banned? a post in which I said Israeli settlers and former IDF soldiers had actively engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide. 
I attempted to appeal the ban but have gotten nowhere, and I do see this as the final reason in why I should stay away from tumblr as a whole. I am no longer interested in coming back to tumblr, and will be making no future efforts to do so.
however, some important updates I want to give: many people whom I was mutuals with were there for my entire law school journey, the passing of the bar, and my entrance into the career of public defender. this is something I’ve been dreaming of and working towards for years now. 
in october, the union which represents the office of public defenders I work with, and the majority of public defenders in NY entirely, proposed a resolution on the genocide in Palestine, reinforcing the rights of union members to speak out against apartheid and ethnic cleansing and calling for an end to Israeli occupation. in response, four Zionist members of the union have commenced a lawsuit in attempt to get an injunction against the union members voting on the resolution. the union has now filed a motion to move the case to federal court, thus removing it from the jurisdiction of conservative Long Island state court judges, but also to have the action deemed as an unconstitutional infringement on free speech. 
since the lawsuit was filed, a supervisor at my office has cursed out myself and the 8 new attorneys I was hired with, telling us to “get the fuck” out of her office if we don’t support Israel, and we do not deserve to work there if we do not agree with her. so now we are also in the process of filing a union grievance and EOC claim against the supervisor. this has put us at significant odds against management and we may very well lose our jobs over this (we are at-will employees for the first 3 years of our contract, so while discriminatory firings are illegal, it would be near impossible to prove in this instance.) I am likely to lose my dream job that I have worked years to reach over this. 
The attempts to silence any and all people who speak out against the atrocities being committed with our tax funding cannot be ignored. When we look back at the atrocities of history and wonder how they were allowed to occur, it is because many people feel more comfortable turning a blind eye to the suffering of those “other” to them, and those that do care are faced with coordinated censorship campaigns armed with threats of loss of employment, homelessness, incarceration, violence, and even death. 
In the time all of this has occurred, thousands of men, women, and children have been senselessly and brutally massacred by Israeli forces, aided by other world powers. The US is actively and happily funding the genocide of Palestinians, as well as Britain, Canada, and other imperial nations. Babies have been abandoned and denied humanitarian aid, cities have been leveled, and families have been devastated. 
Attached here is the proposed resolution of the legal aid union. I stand by it wholeheartedly, and ask others to share it as well. There is no excuse for silence or complacency in the face of genocide. Those who are not in Palestine, have not witnessed and experienced the horrors in which every Palestinian citizen has been forced to endure, do not get the benefit of turning a blind eye. 
May we see a free Palestine in our lifetimes. 
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