lunupine · 2 years
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/04/2021 Nights were becoming quiet as bugs either hibernated or died off, but the still air did little to settle Arkan's mind. Throughout the day, he'd been wracked by nerves, fear, and horror. His mind flipped through the past few days like a catalogue, pointing out each of the times he'd been swept in a spell or raped again. Again. He hated that he could use that word. He hated all of this. He hated Yasuhiro.
So Willow invited him over for kittens and he said yes. He wouldn't sleep there. He told Brien he wouldn't, and to come pick him up if it got 10 and he hadn't said he was coming home. Or if he had said that and then a half hour passed without him being home. It was about 8:30 now. Maybe he should've said 9? Was that too early? Or maybe it was too late?
He was scared shitless. Brien knew it. But the kittens would be nice, he told himself. And they were. They were delightful little bundles of fluff that knew nothing but joy and adorableness. It took his mind off of things for a while. For a little bit. It still lingered, even as he dangled toys and laughed whenever they stumbled around. It was always there - that Yasuhiro was truly going to stop at nothing. He didn't know what ended the spell, but it'd happen again, and there was nothing he could do.
So... why?
Why had after he returned the kittens to their mother, his spirits finally lifted a bit, did things have to go crashing down? Why did he walk to Willow in a bedroom? Why had she taken a knife out on him and forced him to back into a wall?
It was a softly croaked word, barely gotten through a jaw that wanted to be clenched shut. His eyes were wide and his body as tense as a coil. Surely this was a joke! Some sort of fucked up thing! Maybe she thought he was someone bad in disguise? But his heart still raced in his chest and dread zippered his throat. Why?
He was already beginning to tear up.
depresso espresso — 11/04/2021 Willow had been on edge pretty much the entire day, feeling pretty much ready to snap and attack at any second. Her having to witness Fia crumpled up and mumbling about their father while still caked in blood and other fluids certainly added to the stresses, but she had to play it cool. Put on an act and smile for her guest, there was no reason to have him get worried and leave before she was able to enact her plan. She was going to have her night to shine, damn it! She excused herself and got up from the floor while the kittens waddled around with their tails held high, eager to get to the toy that Arkan was waving around. She watched them fondly for a few moments before she exited the room. She had to get things ready, it would be wrong of her not to be prepared.
She meandered around her bedroom, locating everything she could possibly need and placing them on her bedside table. With that task out of the way fairly quick, she took her knife out of the drawer where it lay, gazing at it and turning it in her hands before she began polishing it. She longed to plunge it into her father’s throat, to watch the fear and shock on his face when he realized no one would be saving him….but she would wait. No need to make her sister any more unhappy than she already was. She was suddenly aware that she was no longer alone in the room after a while, slowly turning her head to look at Arkan.
In a flash, Willow had gotten him backed against the wall with her knife pointed at his chest, a cold and calculating look plastered on her face. She looked him over and smirked, unable to help herself as she laughed. “Oh, sweetheart, don’t ask questions you really don’t want answers to, you won’t be able to handle it. Now just do as I say and you won’t get hurt. Much.” That was a lie, of course. Her eyes widened as she looked at his face and saw tears in his eyes, a shiver going through her as she let out a soft coo. “There’s no need for crying, Arkan. Get on the bed.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/04/2021 Her voice was cold and nasty, almost mocking in how she enunciated her words. It certainly didn't calm him, which was probably exactly what she wanted. Well, it worked. His breathing was getting rapid in panic, and his eyes were looking all over for some kind of explanation. There was none. It was just Willow threatening him. It was just danger. He felt sick.
He couldn't take this. What the fuck was going on? What did she want? And why? Why now, and why today? His mind felt like it was splitting just trying to rationalise any of this. She said his name. She didn't think he was someone else. She was just... doing this.
Willow? Willow? It couldn't be. Maybe she was the fake person. Willow wouldn't do this. She was his friend! She wouldn't do this. But it looked like her. It sounded like her. It did everything like her... except this.
Arkan's eyes glanced up and located the bed, then back down at her. "Okay." Slowly, he began to shuffle away. He tried to keep at least a few inches between him and the knife, but ultimately he did go and sit down on the bed. Everything in him was yelling at him to run - but now there was an armed Willow between him and the door.
"Willow, we-- we can talk about this, okay? You don't-- Whatever you want, you can just ask me, you know?" Oh god. Brien wouldn't check up on him for a while. What was he going to do? Maybe this was just Yasuhiro in disguise? He would prefer that. It'd be awful, but he could deal with it.
It was taking a lot of work to not cry or throw up. But he tried to relax (it didn't work at all) and seem amicable.
depresso espresso — 11/04/2021 Willow’s smirk grew while watching Arkan obediently make his way to the bed, following him closely with her knife still pointed in his direction. It was really fun to watch him panic while trying to appear calm as he sat on the bed. It was honestly cute, she wondered just how long it would take for him to break. It didn’t seem like it would take much for that to happen, but he might try and wiggle his way out of the situation. Something she did not want happening, if she was being honest.
She was now eye level with him, nudging his knees apart with one of hers so she could get just a bit closer. Her knife was gently pressing against his chest as she gazed steadily at him, glancing down at his shirt and getting an idea.
“Whatever I want, huh? Take your shirt off, then, and maybe we can talk. Don’t try to protest, I’ll just cut it off if you do.” Her voice was dangerously soft, her grip tightening on the knife as she increased the pressure she was putting on it. One wrong move or any kind of impudence from him would result in bloodshed.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/04/2021 He didn't like how he was set on the bed. He didn't like how she went between his legs. He didn't like how she put her knife to his chest. He didn't like she wanted his shirt off.
No. No no no she wouldn't. She couldn't. Willow wouldn't do that. She wouldn't violate him. Not when she knew his past, not when she knew what was happening to him. She was kind, she was a friend, she was Willow! This had to be something else.
But he knew this situation. He still knew when Yasuhiro shoved him down in their couch and put a blade to his throat before diving into his flesh. It was hard to breathe. It was hard to think. He raised his hands to his shirt, but his body locked up. It couldn't just submit to this. He didn't want to be raped by another person.
His vision was unfocused, yet only capable of staring at her. He was dumbfounded and he was terrified. He was trembling where he sat. His head hurt. His head spun. He was crying. He utterly collapsed into terrified sobs. His chest heaved against the blade. It cut in and it hurt.
"Please don't!" It was a pathetic, squirmed out please. "Not this, please. I can't-- Willow..."
depresso espresso — 11/04/2021 Willow watched his hands slow move to his shirt before stopping, and she tsked with a disappointed shake of her head. And then came the tears. She watched him break down in front of her, eyes wide as a thrum of arousal zipped through her body. She could smell the slight tang of iron in the air from her knife cutting into his skin with each sob, the knife trembling in her hand. She had been expecting some tears, but nothing like this. She shook herself to get a grip, not wanting to get too excited from his cries and pleas.
“Oh….you don’t want to take your shirt off for me? Okay, that’s an easy fix!” She chirped, quickly slashing her knife through the fabric to reveal his chest. The gash she left in his skin was pretty minor and wouldn’t ooze a lot of blood, so it didn’t worry her any. All that mattered was getting the shirt completely off so she could examine her canvas, she wanted to cover him in her handiwork and give Yasuhiro a reason to come and see his love. She didn’t want to deprive him of that!
She busied herself with cutting the shirt off, humming as she did so. The fabric fell in ribbons around Arkan’s quivering form until at last, there was nothing in the way.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/04/2021 Willow spoke a reply. She made it clear there would be no reasoning, no pleading, and no escape.
"No!" The word was a primal shriek, complimented by Arkan jerking away and backing up as far as he could. Her words set off an uncontrollable terror that gripped his mind, and put him in a corner. But the gap was easy to close. He backed up. He hit the wall. Willow all-too-easily hopped on the bed and got up against him again. He looked left. He looked right. Where would he go? How would he leave? Willow raised her knife and slashed through his shirt, leaving an orderly line in his chest as well. He let out a gasp through the tears that failed to draw in much air as pain continued to bloom from the paper cuts.
The shirt fell away in no time. It was a thin, loose fabric. What was left was a chest heaving for air and beginning to spill blood onto hair. He looked up at her with eyes squinting through his crying, as though it might project his will for this to definitely not happen.
It probably didn't matter. She knew. He'd made that clear. She was doing it anyway. That was part of the fun, wasn't it? To see him horrified that he was being violated. Oh god. Why was this happening.
depresso espresso — 11/04/2021 Willow straddled Arkan’s lap and made herself comfortable, lightly dragging the knife over his skin before lifting it up and away. She reached out and trailed her fingers down his chest, admiring the muscles underneath and humming in appreciation. “I’ve always been envious of how fit you are, you look so great and your muscles are so toned….I’d love to cut into you and see them but I shouldn’t, that wouldn’t be too nice of me, hmm?” She mused, glancing at the area where her knife gashes had been a while ago and letting out a sigh. That just wouldn’t do. She raised her knife again and made the cuts in the exact same place they had been, relaxing once they were back where they belonged. “There, that’s better.”
She glanced at him and crooned quietly, cupping his wet cheek in her hand and gently thumbing some of the tears away. “If you just do as I say, things will get better, I promise.” Another lie, but he didn’t need to know that.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/04/2021 The more she spoke, the more nauseous he felt. He hated her admiring him. He hated being forced to look like this and attracting her. Her fingers brushed over some of the cuts and let out a shaking breath of pain. It shouldn't hurt as much as it did, but with everything of him on edge, it felt like burns. He hung his head. He didn't want to look at her. He needed to breathe something solid, he felt like he was choking on his own throat. It was hard to focus on and perform.
It became impossible when Willow suddenly sliced into the same spot Yasuhiro had a couple weeks ago. He let out a cry and tried to recoil away, but there was no where to go. There was just the feeling of his flesh being gouged open, and the blood that came out with it. And what was with people and cutting his right breast?!
He looked like a mess. He knew that. He felt like a mess. He just was a mess. But he still felt insulted and disgusted when Willow put a hand on him and gave him a soothing rub across the cheek. This was her fault. Get off! Go away! But he couldn't muster any will to speak. His body still felt locked by fear.
And her promising to be gentler if he was obedient was a lie, too. She would do what she wanted either way. He knew that. Yet the thought that maybe things would be less awful was so sweet. Maybe it would help him live. That's all he had to do, right? Live. Get through this. Report her and get the fuck away from her. There was life at the other end of this.
He didn't want to repeat the last few years again. He couldn't. He was supposed to be safe now. Strong, and better, and beyond all this. Why why why why why why why
He spluttered out in reply to her, "Okay."
depresso espresso — 11/04/2021 Willow’s eyes lit up and she let out a delighted little giggle, patting Arkan’s cheek and pulling away. “Oh, good! I’m glad you agreed.” She cooed, leaning back a bit and reaching for her trusty scalpel that was laying on the nightstand. “You know what the greatest thing about being an anatomy professor? Having access to all of the best medical tools in the country. All very sharp and brand new, never been used before.” She said lightly, pricking the tip of her finger with the scalpel and licking at the blood that gathered there.
Her eyes met his after she wiped her finger clean, tilting her head at him and then glancing at his lips. “…..hmm. Let me put this in your mouth. I want you to suck on it.” She whispered, leaning forward and tapping the flat part of the blade against his bottom lip.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/04/2021 The sight of the scalpel and the rambles about medical equipment made Arkan shrink. It wasn't hard to tell that he was quite familiar with this all - Yasuhiro had been studying medicine as well, and often had implements lying around. Plenty of which he'd made use of in his more violent moments. Nothing could quite replace a knife in Yasuhiro's eyes, but that didn't mean Arkan had never met the wrong end of some of this stuff.
He instinctively flinched away when the scalpel was put near him. It wasn't much besides squishing his head further against the wall and hiccuping through tears, but it was an attempt. A hope for control. It didn't matter. She still jammed it up to his mouth anyway.
... Suck on it? Like a-- oh this was targeted. She knew damn well how much he hated doing anything like that after Yasuhiro had nearly fucking killed him on multiple occasions by forcing oral sex. And if he wasn't already in the midst of crying, he might've let out a dry laugh. But here, he just stared down at it before meekly opening his mouth and taking it between his lips.
If she was expecting something sensual or even remotely knowledgeable, she was very mistaken. Even before he decided he'd never blow anyone again, he hadn't really done it that much. At the very least, he put the blade on its side to make it easier to avoid cutting himself. Then he glanced up at her, back down, and very awkwardly pushed his head forward to have more of it enter his mouth. Was this what she wanted? Should he be... tonguing it or whatever? He pulled his head back carefully and fumbled his tongue around one side of it to try and make it at least seem like he--
"Ah!" He recoiled and gasped as he slipped and the scalpel sliced into his tongue. Blood instantly began to well in his mouth. Fuck. Ow. Goddamnit. His mouth dangled open a bit and his tongue curled as he tried to sort out what to do about this.
depresso espresso — 11/04/2021 Willow settled and made herself comfortable once more, holding the scalpel carefully in her fingers while Arkan took it into his mouth. She watched with interest when he moved his head back and suddenly jerked as if he’d been—well, cut. She removed the bloodied tool and stared at it for a moment, and then turned her gaze to his mouth. Oh. It had sliced his tongue, from the looks of it, and there was definitely blood pooling in his mouth. Quite a bit, actually. That was good. Very good. She could keep her cool, couldn’t she? Of fucking course not.
Her face flushed and she breathed in shakily, wanting nothing more than to taste the blood. And on god she was going to, whether or not he liked it. She kept the scalpel firmly in her grip and used her free hand to grab at his hair, moving forward to force him into a kiss.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/04/2021 It was a pretty bad cut. How would he even deal with this? He couldn't exactly put a bandaid on it, and he needed his mouth to eat. After a moment, he swallowed down what'd come out and experimented with shoving his tongue against the roof of his mouth. It hurt, but it was some like of sealing surface... allegedly... He was doing what he could for being trapped under a scalpel-wielding Willow.
God... What sort of mess was he in? What did she even want, just to hurt him? Where was this even coming from? He knew she'd said she'd wanted to hurt her father, but he didn't think she'd actually do anything, and he kind of wasn't Willow's dad or even looked like him so surely this wasn't related to that. But his mind was throwing around every reason and a half to try and sort out what was happening and why, so this was just another thing on the list filed through.
The list checking stopped when Willow gripped his hair and plunged him into a kiss. His eyes widened, and instinct almost led him to shoving her away as violently as he could. But just barely in his mind, he screamed to hold on. Stay still. Keep yourself from moving if you can't do anything good. Comply, survive, just take it. His eyes squeezed shut as he sobbed into the kiss, and his fingers wrapped around the blankets beneath them so they wouldn't go swinging fists. Just let her, just let her, just let her, just let her... The wounds in his chest were aching from him forcing them to tense.
depresso espresso — 11/05/2021 The taste of blood was very prominent and it excited Willow so much that she started trembling. She ended the kiss fairly quickly and pulled back, wiping at her mouth and laughing quietly while gazing at Arkan. “I get a little excited at the sight of blood, sorry!” She twirled the scalpel in her fingers, the metal glinting in the light before the blade was promptly brought down to cut a neat line across his chest. The new blood trickled down, a hum of satisfaction escaping as she watched it trail down, down….until it hit the waistband of his pants and got absorbed into the fabric. Oh, now that wouldn’t do.
“Take your pants off. Actually do it this time or the blade is going in your shoulder. This hurts, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t want me to plunge it into any muscle?” She growled, glaring back up at him and readying the scalpel and lifting up a bit so he’d be able to remove his pants.
“Don’t make me ask twice.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/05/2021 He let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding when she pulled away. He felt post-kiss dizzy in the bad way. This was it. This is what it was going to be. She was going to cut and fuck him, and he'd just have to take it. His mind was still struggling to grasp that. Scream, fight, run, do what you could to deny this! You deserve better. You've fought tooth and claw to get better. But he knew it wouldn't work. She had a fucking knife and a scalpel on him.
He flinched and let out a noise of pain when she dug into his chest. Wasn't his mouth enough? Hadn't she already cut him there enough? His fingers continued to curl around the blankets. He was still crying to vent it all out, but it was quickly starting to mute as his brain began putting a lid on emotion.
She hadn't even needed to threaten him when she ordered him to take off his pants. His hands came to the button and fumbled with it until it came undone, followed by the zipper. Just the pants, right? She hadn't said his underwear. He didn't need to include that. He was fine, his brain cried! This was just pants!
... It didn't matter... His underwear would go soon too...
Regardless, he wormed and struggled a bit with the cuts to his chest making it harder to use his arms, but eventually managed to kick his pants off of his legs. They got launched a bit to the floor. He watched them go, then sunk his gaze back to his lap and let himself return to steeling for whatever was about to come.
depresso espresso — 11/05/2021 Willow watched Arkan remove his pants with cold satisfaction, having switched back to her knife while he struggled to get them off. She tapped the flat part of the blade against her palm, her eyes wandering over his body with absolute glee. She was soon not satisfied with him still being clothed, even though he was just clad in his underwear. She eyed the fabric with interest for a few moments,  putting the knife under his chin to make him look at her. “Underwear are next to go!” She gave him a sickeningly sweet smile and gestured for him to begin the task. “Hurry up now, you shouldn’t keep me waiting. I want you completely bare.”
Her senses were overwhelmed by the tang of blood in the air and the taste of it still in her mouth from kissing Arkan. It made her body weak with an unholy desire to absolutely overpower the man before her, and she decided she would not let up until he was completely at her mercy.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/05/2021 The blade under his chin made his head snap up, but his eyes looked off to the side. Not that it mattered much. Still with tears in his eyes and his head still gripping reality, he wouldn't be looking at anything right now. His eyes were just there, and any input they gave was largely filtered out.
His ears though were quite alert to everything she said, including the next command to remove his underwear. He knew it... He should've just taken it off with. Not doing so was a stupid way of clinging to hope and now it was just winding him up squirming around on the bed again, wracking against nerves and half-working muscles to writhe them off. But they did go. He got them off his hips and like with the pants he shoved them to the floor with his feet. His legs then pressed together in a feeble and pointless attempt at modest.
He was large down there. It was one of the many modifications Yasuhiro had done to him to craft him into his ideal man. And he knew it was impressive because of the face Al had made when Arkan disrobed. He didn't want to know Willow's reaction. She was going to say something that he'd hate and feel sick about and...
Oh, what did it matter... His legs slid apart again. He knew she'd either ask or force them open so she could sit between them. He might as well spare himself the trouble.
depresso espresso — 11/05/2021 Arkan took the underwear off and Willow immediately sucked in a breath, her face flushing as she crawled in between his legs. She could clearly remember the night she had worked him up while he had been drugged, she’d only been able to feel him that night. But now she had the pleasure of seeing him completely naked and it thrilled her to no end. She sat carefully on the bed, right by his knees as she stared hungrily at him.
The blood from his chest was making its way down to his lap, making her lick her lips in anticipation before she spoke, her voice low and raspy. “Oh, you’re even bigger than I imagined. How in the world will it all fit?” She mused, reaching forward and running her fingers through the blood gathering. That would probably help things move along pretty swiftly, no need to rely on lotion and such to start him up.
With a well practiced hand, she set off to work him up, the handle of the knife gripped in her mouth as she used her free hand to grab onto his shoulder.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/05/2021 And there it was. Willow spoke and Arkan cringed internally. She was looking him over. Admiring. Planning out how she was going to assault him. He responded with a pathetic whimper he had no control over. God no please no don't touch him don't hurt him just let this end please.
He could think all he wanted, but Willow still snaked around him and began jerking him off. His body physically revolted. He recoiled and tried to vomit, blocked only by the fact that his throat was already so tightened up. He managed to swallow it back down. And when that failed, his sobbing picked up again as his body needed a release. It was happening in full force. His worst goddamn nightmares made reality.
And in the back of his mind, a voice yelled at him to submit. It grew louder with each stroke to his limp cock that failed to get anything going. Obey. Comply. Just do what she wanted. It was going to happen anyway, so he may as well make this easy for the both of them. But he was scared, horrified, and cut open. Could he even...?
He needed to. Failing would just make him get cut up and have Viagra crammed down his throat, probably. So he closed his eyes and tried to blot it all out. He just needed to focus, or something. Ignore that it was Willow. Ignore the hurt in his chest from the wounds and in his heart from betrayal. Ignore how scared he was. It was nice, wasn't it? Being touched like this. It felt good. Imagine someone you like. Al had gotten close like this and put hungry kisses to his neck while his hand made eager work of Arkan. He was cute and nice and it was fun. Think of that. Ignore Willow. Be it his thinking, his desire to obey, her incessant stroking, or the over sensitivity Yasuhiro had put on him, eventually, Arkan started to get an erection. His wounds ached fresh as his blood began to race and spilled from them. It was tenuous. He'd probably need constant attention to keep it up. But it was there, and relief fell on his shoulders like he'd just passed an exam.
He tried not to listen to Willow. He kept his eyes shut and his head turned away. He just tried to focus on the awful pleasure he was feeling. Now that he'd managed, he was even more terrified of going soft.
depresso espresso — 11/05/2021 It took far too long for Arkan to get an erection, and it made Willow quite impatient, scowling as she continued to jerk him off. It may have been a combination of his fear and the blood loss that was contributing to it, but she really paid it no mind. His sobbing was music to her ears as she concentrated heavily on her task, grinning when he was finally hard and erect. “Oh thank god, that took ages.” She grumbled, wiggling out of her shorts and underwear and kicking them to the side. She would probably have to work fast, there was always the risk he could go soft—but she had an assortment of drugs to correct the issue if it did happen!
She shrugged her tank top off, leaving herself completely bare as she stretched and giggled quietly. “I hope you’re ready.” She crooned, poising herself over him as she prepared to take him in.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/05/2021 Just focus on that, focus on that, focus on that, focus on that, focus on that, Willow took her hand away and his eyes opened. Was she stopping? Was this all she wanted? He glanced at her. No. She was undressing. It was stupid of him to think otherwise. Absolutely moronic. Of course she wanted to go all the way. Why bother otherwise? He wanted to shrink away. He wanted to hide. No, no, he needed to try to keep his mind onto... sexy things. That was very quickly getting difficult to do.
How was he supposed to?! He was being assaulted, for fuck's sake! How did she think this would go, he'd suddenly become straight and into her? Or-- or maybe she wanted him to stop? Some sort of psychological game? God he hoped so, because without any attention and with his mind having officially been thrown off of thinking anything hot, he was very quickly losing the wind he had. His whole body was just screaming No.
And then she put herself over him. New panic flared in his chest, and he choked out, "Wait!" before he'd even realised it. A fresh heave of a sob came out of him. Now what? There wasn't anything he could do to stop this. But maybe it could just be... a little less awful "... A condom." A pause. "Please." Frankly with what he knew of Yasuhiro, he wouldn't be allowed to get away with not getting off. But surely she didn't want a child. Surely.
Annndd... that was it for his erection. The thought of that or getting diseased killed it dead. He curled in a bit and began giving frantic, panicked apologies when he noticed. Oh god, she was going to be furious after all she'd done to even get him worked up to begin with.
depresso espresso — 11/05/2021 Willow sighed when Arkan made the choked request for a condom, rolling her head up to stare at the ceiling for a few moments. “…..I guess I can grant this request.” She grumbled, reaching into her bedside drawer to pull one out. She eagerly tore at the packaging with her teeth, way too impatient to get started as she took the condom out, glanced down and—
“Are you fucking serious right now?”
He was right to be panicked, she was absolutely pissed off. “I can’t believe you right now. God dammit, Arkan, I should stab you for ruining all of my hard work.” She snarled, swiping up her knife and stabbing it into the mattress next to his thigh and swiftly tearing it back out, as if to prove she was deadly serious. “Fucking hell….” She proceeded to wrench the drawer open again, sending an array of drugs scattering onto the bed. She snatched up a pill bag that contained blue pills that very much resembled Viagra, grabbing his face in one hand after taking one out and holding it to his lips. “Take this and fucking swallow it, or so help me god you will be very sorry.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/05/2021 Whatever relief he had that she was willing to go with the condom thing was instantly and viciously overshadowed by her being angry. His eyes were wide as he watched her face twist and her words spit, and in a terrified instinct, he jerked away when the knife came down at him and let out a small cry. Oh god, he'd really done it now! What was he going to do?! She was pissed, and he was going to suffer for it. Even if she wasn't tearing him now, this sex was about to be even more miserable than it already was supposed to be. He continued to sputter apologies like they meant anything, but maybe they'd at least appease her in knowing that he was filled with immense fear and regret.
Salvation came in the form of a pill shoved in front of his face. Arkan had never taken or seen Viagra and didn't know that this could be compared to it, but regardless, he reached forward and plucked it from her hands before she could even finish her command to. It could be a sleeping drug, it could be something to make him sick, it could be an illegal drug, a million options ran through his mind. Somehow, something to make him hard again hadn't actually crossed his mind.
He swallowed it down with blood and saliva, and opened his mouth to her so she could see that he had indeed swallowed it. If she looked to make sure, she would find it'd gone down. He wasn't keen on doing anything to mess with her. And it was as it dissolved in his stomach and he was left to nothing but panicked breaths and the taste of blood that a warmth began to bloom inside him. It felt a bit like alcohol. It was warmth that very quickly spread downward. Surprise and relief flickered in Arkan's eyes. That was all? Just something to get him going? Oh thank god. He glanced up at Willow, then down at himself. He looked... miserable... and his length was slicked by his own blood. It was a nauseating sight. But he slid a hand between his thighs anyway and began the shameful task of masturbating himself back to being hard. His eyes turned away as he felt himself quite eagerly responding and his skin prickled with embarrassment. It was to survive, he told himself. It didn't make him feel any better, but at least it kept his hand moving until he was fully up and could withdraw.
His legs slid apart again. "... Here you go."
depresso espresso — 11/05/2021 Willow’s anger was soon dissolved when Arkan took the pill and quickly swallowed it, even showing her that he had indeed ingested it. She sat back with the knife in her hand, her jaw set while she watched him closely. She couldn’t really shake the annoyance of having her work ruined until she could see that he was now masturbating to get up once more. Good, the drug had already kicked in, how lovely. She slowly twirled the knife through her fingers, letting out a heavy sigh and picking up the condom once more.
It didn’t take him long at all to get up again, thanks to the drug, and he spread his legs for her again. “Let’s try this again.” She muttered, scooting forward to roll the condom on his length and huffing quietly. “Best be ready this time, and keep your hands where I can see them.”
She poised herself over him again and eased down until she was fully sitting in his lap, her face flushing and a loud whimper escaping as she clawed at his shoulders. It took her a few long moments to get adjusted, her breathing calming down before she let herself begin to move.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/05/2021 Feeling Willow touch and talk to him sent his head into another tizzy. His thoughts circled over and over of how much he hated this, how he couldn't understand why it was happening, and how he wished it wasn't. But he didn't fight. The most he did was flinch, only to mutter a thanks when she put a condom on him and give a mumbled, "Yes ma'am," when she ordered to see his hands. They were just limp by his sides anyway, but now she'd get to see him grip at the bed to try and cope with what was happening.
Then she put herself on him. Against his will, he gasped and shuddered with renewed crying. It felt... bad. It wasn't painful or anything, but it was weird and it was Willow and it was rape. It was awful and disgusting and he hated it so much. But with the drugs gripping his system, he wasn't about to soften on her again, and whether he liked it or not his body was certainly happy to get attention. And that, frankly, only made him feel worse.
There had been some kind of comfort in not being horny when Yasuhiro raped him. Yasuhiro hadn't bothered, and Arkan certainly wasn't going to get it up when in that much pain and terror. No part of him felt positive or happy about it. But here... Well, his chest was cut apart, but there was nothing going on with his dick that was necessarily unpleasant. Nothing that could override the drugs, like his ass being ripped apart.
So when Willow moved and it felt good, he wanted to throw up. It made him withdraw and continue to cry. She was slick and hot and certainly knew how to move her hips. He contemplated throwing her off of him, but where would that lead? He wasn't even sure he could manage with one of his arms being half disconnected.
... All he could do anymore was submit. After a minute of her riding him and giving herself a fun time, he looked up to meet her face. "What can I do for you?"
depresso espresso — 11/05/2021 Willow’s breath came out in shaky hiccups as she slowed her pace, peering at him with wide eyes. What could he do for her? Was this the sign of him fully submitting to her? She took a moment to catch her breath, resting her palms against his chest and giving him a sweet smile. “Well….maybe you could try your hand at a bit of sweet talking or something of the like? Dirty always works too. You can put your hands on my hips too, but don’t get any ideas of tossing me off, now. You wouldn’t want to make that kind of mistake.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck after grabbing her knife up, letting the blade touch between his shoulder blades as she readied herself to start up again. And she did just that, moving her hips as her breathing went a bit ragged.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/05/2021 With her suggestion, Arkan reached his hands forward and set them on her hips. They were shaking and practically hovered, as though worried touching her might cause her to lash out. And to her warning, he replied, "I won't, I--" His words cut off with a terrified clench of her skin as he felt the blade touch him. "I-I promise." And with that, he began to help her tug along him. His left hand was a bit of dead weight with the cuts done to him, but his right gave her some support as she went back to fucking him.
Sweet talking...? That wasn't as bad as he thought. He figured she was going to make him say something humiliating or do something weird like suck another knife or... something... But sweet talking was fine. He could remember wrapping Al in his arms and murmuring soft praises in his ear that made him squirm. But he tried to think of anything to say to Willow, and his mind came up with a full blank. He recalled what he said to Al and tried to consider how to make them apply to Willow, and that went no where. Shit, fuck, he was running out of time. He needed to say something before she got impatient.
"You're, uh... pretty...?" The words were fumbled out and sounded exactly as ingenuine as he felt, which was to say incredibly ingenuine. What was she expecting? He was gay! She knew that. She was just trying to make him uncomfortable, probably. And he wasn't usually too chatty in bed to begin with, he had to be really into things to get to that point or dealing with someone else who talked a lot.
... God okay, maybe it would've been better to do more knife-sucking. At least it'd be less awkward.
depresso espresso — 11/06/2021 Willow seemed to move at a faster pace once Arkan was touching her and helping her along, her arms tightening around his neck. She waited idly for him to start talking, arching her back slightly and shivering when she adjusted herself. The way she suddenly stopped was almost comical as she stared at him, a smile appearing on her face as she laughed. “……okay, that’s a start! But maybe something else would be better to do than you forcing yourself to do that.” She added as a bit of an icy afterthought, digging the pointed end of her knife into his back as she reached out for the scalpel. Her fingers brushed the handle, making her smirk as she quickly swiped it up.
“You know, I really love it when you’re crying. Really drives me crazy. Maybe you can do that while you suck on this again?And try not to cut your tongue, I’m pretty sure you know already that blood is one of my other favorite things.” She waved the scalpel in front of his face, unable to keep herself from laughing again.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/06/2021 There were no less than a million and twelve things Willow could've asked Arkan to so instead of this. She could've made him submit to being bound and gagged. She could've forced him to perform oral, or put highly unpleasant things up his ass. He would've fondled and kissed her, or sucked on her breasts that were in his face. She could've made him swear utmost loyalty and submission, made him share private information, had him degrade himself for her, taken pictures of this, forced him to down more drugs so she could continue this rape, so on and so forth. He would've even agreed to have the condom off if she so asked. And instead she went with this. What the fuck.
He froze when she did, and he realised he'd been muttering these ideas aloud in a displeased ramble. Oh god. What had she heard? What was she going to make him do? Anxiety knotted over his stomach, and felt over affirmed when the knife slid into his back. He sat up straight and let out a choke of pain. God, he probably deserved this after complaining like that in front of her.
Of all those things he said, she went with the knife sucking. You know what... Sure. Without any hesitation, he wrapped his lips around the scalpel and went back to his very awkward blowing of it. His movements were as inexperienced as they were before, and despite her order to be careful, he kept finding his lips getting sliced. He flinched and whined each time, but he wouldn't stop until she ordered. And... she was still on him. Letting his cock sit in what was unfortunately a pleasant-feeling hole. Every time she pulled him, he felt a brush of cold. And when she slid back down, he was wrapped up in hot, wet cunt that could send a shiver up his spine. It felt good. He wished it didn't. So sitting there, it felt nice, but he could feel himself quickly begin to throb with a bodily desire for her to start again. He fit in her well and could feel her own ache as well and it made him get excited and his tongue floundered on the scalpel again to cause another cut in mouth. Blood was left on the metal and at the edges of his mouth, staining his lips. His body was still wanting her to keep fucking him.
She wanted him to cry while he was doing this. He most certainly was.
depresso espresso — 11/06/2021 Arkan’s cries and the whines he let out each time he accidentally cut his mouth spurred Willow on, her mind in a frenzy. She moved the knife from his back and instead put it to his collarbone, rolling her hips while panting quietly. She left small cuts in his skin while she continued to fuck him, even turning the knife on herself and slicing into her chest without so much as a gasp of pain. She proceeded to lick the knife while gazing at Arkan, finally removing the scalpel from his mouth so she could kiss him fiercely. The heat of arousal pooled deep on her stomach, making her whimper and adjust herself—
A bolt of ecstasy shot through her body, making her cry out and arch her back, blood trickling down her chest. She was trying her hardest to stay in control and not give in to her climax just yet, she could hold on her a little while longer. Arkan, well, he’d probably be able to get off quite a few times before that pill wore off. She still had quite a few things she wanted to do to him while she had the chance, anyways. Some of the stuff he listed had sounded pretty interesting to her.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/06/2021 The fact that Arkan couldn't tell whether he was glad or not that Willow got to fucking him again did not feel good on his soul. But it did mean he was doing a good job of turning her on. The sooner she came, the sooner this was over with. He hoped. God, he wanted to go home. He glanced at a clock a ways away. It'd still be over an hour until Brien should even think something was wrong. He hoped her orgasm would be the end.
So he did what he could. When the knife was brought to his collarbone, he let his head tilt to reveal more of his flesh. He made sure to whine and look at her with pained eyes whenever she cut into him. His hips rolled with her and tried to find where she liked it. And when they kissed, he did his best to meet their tongues and drool his blood into her mouth. Whatever it took, he told himself. Whatever she needed. When she paused to cry out, he leaned forward and let his tongue run over her wound. It tasted bad. It left a trail of their mingled blood. But it seemed like something she'd like.
His wounds were aching as much as his groin. Would he be able to hold on? He'd been stabbed quite a bit, and there was starting to become a concerning amount of blood outside him as opposed to in. But apparently it wasn't enough to stop this, because he certainly was still hard. His breathing was getting quick. He could feel he was getting close. And she was unrelentingly fast and rough, hardly even giving him a chance to process what was going on. He hoped the pleasure he got was just his mind trying to get through this and please her. He felt sick, he felt wrong, and each time he pressed up to meet her he could feel his mind get a bit dizzier, and He came. It was announced with a groan and him pushing down on Willow. It felt good for the moment, and instant it passed, he was staring wide-eyed at nothing in absolute horror and shame. He'd just gotten off to his own rape. Cool. Amazing! How utterly awful! And he'd gotten off before her, meaning this wasn't even going to end and now he'd probably just be drugged again and overstimulated until she was done.
God, what did he even say? His eyes slowly flicked up to meet her own, fearing what she might do now. "I... I'm sorry..." It was the most he could offer in his pitiful, wretched state.
depresso espresso — 11/06/2021 Willow couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with everything happening, Arkan’s tongue on her skin, his bloody mouth on hers as they kissed—it was all too much for her. It seemed like she would reach an orgasm pretty damn soon, her vision hazy and quiet whimpers escaping unbridled. She snapped out of the daze and gripped at his shoulders when she was suddenly pushed down onto to him and—
Oh. He’d actually gotten off! She was more amused than angry at this revelation, just sitting there and staring at him with a smirk.
“Ah. So that definitely just happened. And you even came before I was able to! Tsk, tsk. What a shame. At least that drug won’t be wearing off anytime soon.” She crooned, lifting herself off and reaching for her drawer once more. She did the meticulous task of removing the used condom, tossing it in the trash bin by her bed and grinning as she soon had it replaced.
She was so ready to overstimulate him until she was at least able to come once. Since she had to spend some time off his length, it would take a bit to get to that point again. For shame, Arkan.
Willow had a pout on her face as she gracefully dropped herself back down on him, huffing and getting back to work with trying to chase her release.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/06/2021 Seeing her grinning at him was honestly... relieving. It meant she wasn't mad. He wasn't about to be torn apart for that. He was certainly going to repent in other ways, but knowing he wasn't about to suffer that was nice. But her words carried weight as she mentioned the drug. His gaze fell back down. There was going to be more, then. It was natural. He'd expected it. But hearing her say that made a rock settle in his stomach.
Sure enough, as time passed, he didn't feel the usual post-orgasm relaxation. When she pulled off of him, all he felt was cold. And sick. He curled in as his head spun and he tried to swallow down vomit. His body certainly retched like he was going to. He was sure he'd used up his tears, but he wanted to cry anyway. Willow reached down and was touching him to swap the condom for a new one. She sat back down on his cock and began grinding again. What he felt was ached nerves, but unmistakable excitement and arousal.
What he responded with was a wail released from his soul, filling the air with the sound of his misery. That was it, then. He wasn't softening up at all. That drug was still racing through his body, and Willow was still wanting him. This is what he was going to be doing for the next God-knows-how-long, until she'd had her fill and put him through the worst things she could come up with. ... Again. He was being raped again. And he was still weak and unable to fight it away. His body was finally getting used for the purpose it'd been sculpted - a sex toy. And it was at the hands of Willow, someone who he'd come to trust with his life.
His head fell into her shoulder as he cried without tears. It was shaking, heaving breaths mingled with despairing cries and blood dripping from his open mouth onto her body. His mind stopped trying to think. It fell away on the questions of what and why, and blanked when sadness seized his skull.
What point was there in questioning or fighting, anyway?
"Just... tell me if you want me to do anything," he got out eventually. His voice was resigned. "I'll be good for you."
depresso espresso — 11/07/2021 Willow’s ears rang with the sound of Arkan’s wail and she stilled her movements, looking mildly alarmed as she looked him over. It had been so chilling, and if she were a person with better morals, she would have stopped doing everything and let him go. But here she was, carefully holding him close as he cried into her shoulder. She placed reassuring kisses against his hair and tenderly crooned to him, feeling blood dripping on her body but paying it no mind. Her hips moved with a mind of their own, rocking gently as she continued to comfort him.
He spoke after a long while, and she nodded in response, tangling her fingers in his hair and nuzzling him. “You’ll be good for me? I believe you, there’s no need to worry.” She soothed, smiling and leaning back a bit to try and get a glimpse of his face. “Well, I guess the first course of action is to try and get me to come before you do, hmm?” She lightly wiggled her hips and cupped Arkan’s face in her hands, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Ready to pick up again when you are.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/07/2021 The way she spoke softly and pet his head seemed to calm him down, or maybe it was the fact that the worst of his emotions were passing. Either way, when she pulled his face away and kissed his forehead, his quivering breathing had started to even out, and his expression had melted to something more muted.
"Of course," he said in response to her words. He wasn't sure if he could cum again. The drug was the only thing making it not a definite no. "But I-- I want to know what you like." He knew blood and crying and knives, and... that was about it. He also really just didn't know how to have sex with women. Frankly, this would be easier if she just ordered him around. Easier on his emotions, and easier on his lack of experience.
But for now, he put his hands on her rear like he had before, and began to gently tug her to encourage her to start using him again.
depresso espresso — 11/07/2021 Willow was rather relieved to get started up again, letting herself be lost in the rhythm for the moment. As she guided herself along, she put some thought into what Arkan had asked, rolling her hips with a thoughtful expression on her face. “Well….biting is definitely up there with the blood play and knives, I’ve been known to tie partners up and take pictures. Edging someone and getting edged myself is pretty fun, same with overstimulation. I also give really good head.” She added as an afterthought, breathing in sharply and grabbing onto his shoulders to hold herself in place. She had found an angle she was happy with and hopefully it would lead to a release fairly quickly.
She was getting overeager to put some of her plans into motion, she really wanted to see what he would look like in kitty ears and a pretty little collar. She would get to that soon, after she was able to come and treat his wounds. She didn’t want him bleeding out on her, that really wouldn’t be good in the long run.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/07/2021 Like that, they were back to having sex. It hurt just as much as it felt good, but Willow certainly seemed to enjoy herself. That was good. That was what he was trying to do - make her pleased. It didn't matter how much he ached in response to being fucked again. That's what he repeated in his mind, anyway.
He mulled over her suggestions. He... couldn't really do most of those. He wasn't the dominant one here. But maybe there were things he could do. She seemed to find a spot she liked and began having his cock hit it with each bounce on him. He could definitely bite. And, well he wasn't completely ignorant, he knew what a clitoris was, he just didn't really know where it was or what it looked like. Vaguely north. It'd have to do. His weaker hand slid to the front of her and dipped his thumb down, where he began to experimentally feel her over. When he rubbed something that felt right and made her react strong, he figured that was it and dug his thumb in to start playing with it.
That was followed by his head settling against her neck, where he panted against her flesh. Soon. He was trying to get their bodies more entangled. And when it seemed like they sufficiently where, he pulled her down on his length again. This time, he didn't cum. He held her there and began ramming his hips up, fucking her in the same way she'd been riding him. It was a bit awkward with her on top of him, and mostly consisted of shallow, rough thrusts against where she was sensitive, but it'd work. His thumb took up a rhythm to match his fucking. And with one particular one where he heaved himself in farther, he finally bit down on her neck. It wasn't hard enough to make her bleed, but she'd definitely feel it.
And in that hold, he pounded into her. He quickly found himself heaving for air, but he refused to relent. She would cum. And hopefully soon, because he was starting to feel a tightness well up the more he fucked her. It spurred him on more. His nails dug in to hold her down, his hips started bucking harder, and he let go of her neck onto to start lapping at her breast with his bloody mouth, and bite and suck on her nipple.
It wasn't long before soft grunts accompanied his thrusting. He was getting dangerously close again. Silently, he begged her to get off.
depresso espresso — 11/07/2021 She continued to move at the pace she was comfortable with, short pants and moans escaping when her back suddenly arched with an accompanying wail. Oh. Oh fuck he was playing with her clit, her mind was short circuiting as she clung tight to him. Since she was otherwise distracted with the mind numbing feeling, he’d taken over the fucking and was thrusting roughly against her.
She squirmed and whimpered in his grasp, unable to control herself much longer and ultimately wailing again when he bit her. She was certainly close, and him being rather rough with her was definitely helping in a big way. Choked cries left her as his nails dug into her skin and she was fucked even harder, her vision getting blurry and her breathing quickening before her back arched once more. She came hard, clenching around his length and trembling as she rode out her orgasm, digging her nails into his shoulders and nipping him in a few places where she could reach. Her voice had become muted from her pleasure, no sounds really escaping until she was slowly coming off her high. She blearily wondered if he had come too but was a bit too dizzy to check at the moment..
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/07/2021 His work paid off. At least he... was pretty sure it did. She suddenly grew stiff, and her cunt tightened up around him and rippled a massage over him. It didn't feel unrecognisably different from when he was in a man's ass when they came, but he had to say, he definitely found the ladder more appealing. Regardless, he slowed himself down, letting her enjoy her orgasm and ceasing his thrusting when she seemed like she was done. She'd gripped him hard, but it eventually eased away as she gathered her wits. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. She seemed satisfied.
He sat in silence while she recovered. His penis was still in her and very much wanting more attention, but his head was feeling light from the lengthy erection and the blood loss. And he didn't want to cum twice from rape. And, she'd gotten off. He'd be let go now. He didn't want to stay any longer than he needed. He was good for her, as he promised. But surely that meant he could go now. Please. He prayed it did.
He pulled her off of him and set her on his stomach. Her cunt was a mess and smeared it on his abdomen. He tried to place her so his dick wasn't right up against her ass, so she might not know he didn't get off and feel encouraged to keep this going. It seemed like her haze was wearing off. He looked at her with a soft, pleading gaze. Could he go home now, please?
... And maybe a glass of water?
depresso espresso — 11/07/2021 Willow gazed down at Arkan once he placed her on his stomach, blinking and trying to clear her head more. That had been quite intense, her legs felt a bit weak as they trembled on either side of his body. “…..I should get you bandaged up.” She murmured, leaning down to kiss him lightly before carefully easing herself off the bed. She reached into the mini fridge by her bed and handed him a bottle of water for him to drink from while she treated his wounds, grabbing her medical kit as well as a small box and crawling back onto the bed. She also had her phone, and she was taking photos of him every so often while she cleaned the wounds and bandaged them up, concentrating hard on the task at hand.
Once she felt that they were nicely wrapped, she turned to remove the condom from his still hard dick, shaking her head and laughing quietly. Had he really been trying to hide that fact from her? Cute. Really cute. She moved the medical kit to the side and opened up the small box, the tinkle of a bell sounding from within as she removed the contents. “You didn’t think you were getting away so easily, were you? I still have a few things I want to do, including taking some pictures of you. Pictures that I’ll keep and…..release if you ever try and defy me or try and leave the chat room after this. I already have plenty though…..but I’m sure these wouldn’t look good at your job, hmm?” She giggled as she affixed the cat ear headband on his head, fastening the collar around his neck afterwards.
“Well, don’t you look cute?”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/07/2021 A relief that felt better than any sex she could offer came over him when she mentioned bandaging him up. Oh thank god. This was coming to an end. Then he could go home, get drunk, sob his heart out, and get as far away from Willow as humanly possible. He didn't want to cause a stir, and he couldn't with how much it'd been laid bare that the police were fucked. He pushed himself so he was sitting up against the wall and folded his legs close to him. He was going to be sore after this pill wore off. He was going to be a lot of things, but sore was up there.
He took the offered water bottle with his free hand and fumbled it open. The water washed the blood in his mouth, irritating the wounds and causing the taste of his blood to plunge down his throat. It was disgusting and nauseating, but it was better than bleeding or dehydrating to death. He'd certainly lost a lot of... fluid... during that.
He sipped it as she went over his wounds. cleaning, stitching, and eventually bandaging them up. He flinched on occasion, but tried to keep himself quiet. He didn't want to incite Willow into another round. It was better to suffer in silence than deal with that again. He'd also noticed her pausing occasionally to take photos of him. Each time, he just made sure no private areas would be visible and kept his gaze from meeting the camera. If she wanted something to jerk off to... Fine. Whatever. So long as it got him home. Eventually the water was all drank, and his wounds were all bandaged. He had no shirt anymore, but he had jackets in his car. Willow suddenly pushed between his legs, and he froze, his eyes going wide and his breath catching - and then letting it loose when all she did was take off the condom. He... probably would've just walked out with that on in his attempt to ignore how needy he was feeling, so at least that was useful?
It took him a moment to regain his bearings. He was fine. He was going home! He'd lived through that. It was over. His eyes opened back up at a nearby jingle. Had one of the kittens wandered in with a toy?
No. They hadn't. Willow was holding a collar and headband. His blood ran cold with her words.
It felt like a hammer to his skull. All he could do was stare as the reality of the situation set on his mind, stare with shock and horror and complete fear. She wasn't done. She wanted more of him. He was still drugged and could give her more. It was her threats that finally made him crack out words. "Pictures-- My job?!" That sent a new pang of panic up his chest. His job was built on reputations. Even if he wasn't fired, having pictures of him naked and wounded out there would effectively do so anyway. And she was talking about more, probably ones with his dick in view. What would his friends say? How would people look at him? He'd seen what people had said when Fia's assault was posted. Could he have a life if those kinds of pictures were plastered everywhere? Willow wouldn't release those pictures. Would she? Of course she would. She'd already fucking raped and stabbed him. Oh god. Oh god.
He was spiraling in fear when she dropped the headband on him and snapped the collar around his neck. It jingled with his trembling. She spoke, but instead of replying to that, he blurted out, "I'm not going to tell anyone, I promise! I-I just want to go home." His voice cracked. He was starting another dry cry. And he burned with shame, knowing that it was just going to turn her on, knowing he was still very much erect, knowing that he was sitting there nude in a fucking petplay get up. "Please don't do that, I'll-- What are you wanting to do? Please, let's do it."
depresso espresso — 11/07/2021 The words that left Arkan gave Willow such a thrill, seeing that he was beginning to panic again and not even bothering to hide her smile. “You’re not going to tell anyone? You’ll be good?” She asked lightly, tapping the bell with her finger and making it jingle. "I don’t think I necessarily believe you just yet. Maybe if you can pose for a picture and give me what I want, I’ll take that chance.”
She wiggled back a bit and turned her attention to his dick, smirking and closing her hand around it. There was still blood and cum remnants that would make for an easy job, so she began stroking him. “I’m going to edge you until you can’t possibly take it, you’re gonna need to give me a cute pose and nya for me when I say to. You won’t be coming until I make you.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/07/2021 The noise of the bell made him wince. It was the touch of ice to bare skin, a nail driven into his skull. Or maybe that was just the panic. Either way, her words made his shoulders slump. She was going to take more photos and ultimately have more material to threaten him with. But then again, did it even matter? If... If it got him home...
He thought it with a weak heart. He didn't think anything he did would get him home. He'd be released on her whimsy and no other. He might not even be released. What if she kept him locked up here as a fucktoy? Was she just going to kill him when this was over? He didn't think he could trust anything she said anymore.
His mind was snapped from the hole by her gripping his cock. He gasped in surprise and looked quick between her and her hand. All the excitement his body had felt a bit ago came rushing back, but he just sunk his head.
"... Yes ma'am." It wasn't like he had a choice. So he slid his legs apart for her and shifted to present his body, so she might tease him as she wanted. It wasn't going to be hard to make him close again.
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 Yes ma’am. Oh, she could certainly get used to that, just the thought of him addressing her as that or other titles had a thrum of arousal wind through her body. She easily slid between his legs and got herself comfortable, swiping the pad of her thumb over the head of his cock and giving it an experimental lick after a moment. This was going to be very fun for her, not so much for Arkan though.
With that in mind, she began jerking him off slowly, increasing and decreasing the speed of her hand whenever she so pleased. She used her free hand to fondle his balls, thankful she knew what the fuck she was doing as she gave her undivided attention to her task. If it seemed like he was getting close at any point, she completely stopped everything and smirked up at him, waiting before she started back up again. It went on like that for a while until she felt he was overwhelmed and ready for his photo session, wiping her hands on the sheets and grabbing her phone.
She took a few pictures of him, getting a close up of his cock and humming in appreciation. God, she really couldn’t wait to get it into her mouth, but of course she had to be patient. Pictures first, fun after. “Okay, I need you to make your hands into paws for me, and give me a little nya! It’s not too difficult, is it?”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 With that, it began. Her hands began smothering him, and he clenched his jaw, looked off to the side, and tried to suppress his urge to throw her off of him.
With all she was doing, it didn't take long for her to find a rhythm that made him tick. It felt... good. There was still a pointless part of him that felt repulsion at such a prospect, but the rest of him let his legs roll open wider. She noticed and giggled, picking up her pace. Arkan's fingers gripped at the bed. Her thumb rolled over the head of his cock again. He let out a soft grunt of enjoyment.
His face was flushed and his body light with pleasure. His cock throbbed with his heartbeat. He didn't want it to feel this good, he knew what she was going to do. But it did. She was jerking him in just the right way to make him go crazy. His breathing picked up. He bit down on his lip. Maybe she wouldn't notice how close he was? She'd be mad, but between this and the sex, it hurt that he hadn't cum yet. His hips rolled into her hand. His breaths grew ragged. His cock drooled out pre, just a moment more, and--
"Nn--" The choked groan of a complaint came out before he could stop it. All of the pleasure he'd been feeling had suddenly stopped, leaving him panting and his cock twitching. ... Damn it. He shouldn't have thought he could get away with it. He glanced at her, and she was giving him a mischievous, malicious smile. She'd found the exact limit he could push him to, and was relishing in him aching with a need for release. He looked away. His flush deepened. There was nothing to be done, then. He was left there until the buzz ebbed away, and she could safely resume teasing him up again. The first time is always the worst, he told himself. It'll get easier. It didn't. Again and again, he was brought up to one more fondling before he came, and she completely pulled away. He raised a hand at one point to finish himself off, but she quickly pinned it down. There would be no relief. It wasn't long until he was actively groaning out whenever she stopped and looking to her with pleading eyes. He was ignored each time. His mind felt like it was slipping further and further away. All he could think about was how bad he wanted to cum. How close he kept getting, and the cold pain when she withdrew. His balls felt swollen with the load that'd been built up. His nerves were frayed. Each touch made his head spin and a pain bloom out. Would he ever be allowed release? What if she just fucked him like this over and over? It hurt to think about. It hurt to think. He was crying - he had been for a couple of teases. She was working him up again. He was actively panting and moaning to vent out his desires. His hips rocked with her movements, his fingers curled into fists, he'd been shaking for a while and everything hurt. But he was so, so close, he was right there, just a bit more, just keep playing with him this time,
"Willow, please!" She'd pulled away again. He was left with his body sitting right there and not getting off. His ragged breaths came with soft groans, and he twisted at the bed to fight the urge to masturbate. Wasn't this enough? She'd proven her point, surely! "I'll be a good kitty, please, Willow..." He'd begged before. It didn't work. He still did anyway, because his head was light and his body felt hollow and he was drooling with need, but it was just blood. It still overwhelmed his mouth. He stared down at his cock and watched it shiver with his pulse. He glanced up at her grin. Maybe he could grip her head and shove himself down her throat. It wouldn't take much, just a few thrusts and he'd cum. She wouldn't even have time to react.
Her hands started up again. His head rolled back as he was reduced to a pathetic, whining, needy puddle again. He didn't even think of getting home anymore. All he could surmise in his head was his eventual orgasm, always just out of reach. His mind felt like it'd split. It likely wasn't his overreaction that finally made her stop. It was his underreaction, when he'd finally and fully broken. Where he'd lost his hopes and become consumed by her teasing, and fully submitted to being her toy. Even if she let him cum now, he'd need more rounds to truly be satisfied.
She pulled away. He let out a hollow groan of protest and shook, but that was all his mind could afford. There was no point in anything else. He'd cum if she wanted. If she didn't say he could, that was it.
But then she pulled away pulled away. His head finally rolled back up and looked at her. She was taking pictures...? She didn't need to do that. He'd be good for her. She could use him whenever she wanted, no need to masturbate. She'd made it very clear that his body was under her ownership, and frankly, he was fine with it.
But then she Pulled Away pulled away pulled away. ... Too much... She was sitting up and looking him all over. He stared back in a numb delirium. Did she like it? Was he hot? He hoped so. She wouldn't make him something she didn't like. She gave an order and he heard it, even if he didn't quite process it. His body felt like it was moving on its own. His fists raised to his chest and his wrists hung limp, mimicking a cat's paws. He hoped this looked good. Then in his cutest voice he could manage, he whined out a sweet, "Nya~"
He was a good kitty. The bell jingled, and in a Pavlovian response, he could feel his body knot up. It jingled whenever she'd pulled away and he jerked in shock. But now all it meant was a feeling of impending orgasm, and he found himself trembling anew.
"Nya..." he gasped out again, his eyes losing focus of her. He was a good kitty.
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 Willow could tell that something was happening over the process of her edging him, and it was absolutely intriguing to watch. He was reduced to a needy mess that just wanted to come, the looks he gave her certainly proved that, the begging put it on a whole new level. Frankly, she was excited what she could do to keep him just like this. She couldn’t help but let out a small coo when he followed her orders perfectly, so she got to work taking pictures. Quite a few, in fact, she honestly was turned on by how submissive he’d gotten and she wanted to capture it perfectly on her phone.
She soon set her phone to the side and reached forward to cup his face in her hands, smiling sweetly and stroking his cheek. “Oh, what a good kitty you are…..I’m so proud that you held out this long, you did so well for me, love. I’m gonna take care of you, I promise, I’m sure you’re aching to come, aren’t you? She crooned, giving him a gentle kiss and leaning back once more. She got a good look at his cock and sighed, giving it a stroke. “My goodness, you’re so worked up, it probably hurts…..I’ll make it feel better for my good little kitty.”
She got herself prepped to take him in, her body trembling with eagerness as she leaned down and lapped up some of the pre that had leaked out and down his length. She peeked up at him and flashed a devilish smile before taking him fully into her mouth, fondling his balls once more as she started blowing him. He was so big, she was thankful that her gag reflex was almost nonexistent.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 Her words felt like honey in his ears. He did good? She'd liked it? She was proud of him. He did do good. He was a pretty, loyal pet for her. His head leaned into her hand and he kissed her back, leaving his blood smeared on her lips. She'd called him a good kitty. It made him feel warm and happy. When he pulled back, he was left with an uncoordinated smile, and he was wondering how she'd use him next.
Needless to say, when she brought attention back down to his dick, he let out a soft groan. Make it... feel better? Was she going back to teasing him, then? She'd put her hand around him and slid between his legs again. He let his head fall back again. He was a good kitty. She'd take care of him. He felt his mind started to slip away to the haze in preparation for more teasing.
He was jolted out of it by feeling something new run up his shaft. His head snapped up and he looked down. It was Willow. She was licking him. His body shivered. What? What was going on? It felt good. Was she teasing him in a new way? It was certainly working, his cock throbbed with fresh excitement and he whined. The little, quick movements to lick up his mess were driving right into his skull. She was fucking good with her tongue. And then, of all the things, she took him in her mouth! He let out a delighted cry and moaned her name, his eyes fluttering and his gaze turning upward. She... had said she'd make his cock feel better... Was that permission to cum? No. Surely not. She would've said so. But her hands began to grope his balls and her head bobbed along his full length, engulfing him in a new hot, wet hole.
He moaned again. He didn't stop. Soft groans, whimpers, and whines were sung out as she continued. His eyes slunk down again and watched his length get plunged in and out of her sweet mouth, his balls bounced and rubbed, and oh god it felt good. It wasn't long before he was hissing curses and praises, muttering her name in between. He was drooling again. His hips started rocking to her rhythm, and he could feel her lips constantly hitting his body. He was sheathed in deep.
But... was he allowed to cum? He wasn't sure. His head was spinning. He was being brought up to that familiar high. But something felt different. Maybe it was just the fact that he was getting a blowjob now in what was probably the most skilled mouth ever. He could feel her tongue swirling his cock and licking up all the mess. He could feel his head pounding her throat. He spilled pre. He was on his edge again. His cries were getting desperate and loud. He squirmed underneath to try and cope, his toes curled and his legs shifting. It felt so fucking incredible. She said he'd been good, and she'd make him feel better. Surely that was permission to cum. Please? Oh, he wanted it. He wanted release so bad. "Don't stop," he finally gasped out. It was the first time he'd asked for anything in a while. His back was arching and his eyes rolling up again and his mouth hung open with his laboured breathing. "W-Willow, it's so-- you're amazing, I-- P-please, please, let me cum now, please... please Willow I'm so close!" His pitch grew higher. His words fell away to desperate begging as fresh tears welled up and began falling. His body was teetering on the brink, held back by his own lack of surety and how much it was used to being teased at this point.
He pushed his head back and cried out to the ceiling. His eyes closed. He couldn't comprehend anything but the pleasure his cock was being smothered in. His body stopped worming, but only so he could pound into her mouth better. His balls kept hitting her face. Was this really it? Was he actually allowed to get off? He couldn't hold on anymore. He was shouting out his joy. He needed to cum. He'd burst if she pulled away now. His hand suddenly reached out, grabbed as much hair as he could, and rammed her face down as much of his cock as he could. And there, fully inside her, he began bucking and pounding in a frenzy. He couldn't take more teasing. He was pushed past his limit. He thrusted until his body reached a fever pitch, and finally, finally, he shot his load. His whole body shook as his vision whited. Raw pleasure gripped his mind. He screamed. The building felt like it trembled. He fired off line after line of a delicious, unrelenting orgasm that made him grin through his shriek and eyes roll to nearly the back of his head. He didn't know when he finished or what happened after. He went utterly limp and collapsed against the wall. His hand released her head. He'd cum hard enough to fill her mouth, and he was probably left with a coating of it and her saliva when she eventually pulled off. He just sat there. His eyes were completely unfocused, and didn't respond to anything waved in front of them. His mouth was left hanging open and his chest heaving for air. But he looked blissed beyond reality. And his cock, for all it'd been through, still didn't soften. The drug was absolutely burning through his system.
It was that continued aching that got him back. He could still feel it throbbing, even through his post-orgasmic coma. He blinked. He was still regaining his breath. But he forced his head up so he could look at Willow, and say, "Thank you..." His heart was still racing. "Please, use me more... I want to keep being your toy..."
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 He was sure getting into this blowjob, from all of the noise he was making! She looked up at him through her lashes to see his expression—oh, that was enough to make her whimper as well as spur her on. He was losing his mind with how good her mouth felt and she was feeling pretty smug about it. Her plan to get him off was working perfectly, she wasn’t exactly sure what she would do next but hey, she could come up with something while she was busy helping him along to a long awaited orgasm. What happened next was definitely not foreseen, and it shocked her a little.
His hands grabbed at her hair, forcing her down on him and he was—he was fucking her face. It appeared as though he had reached a breaking point and maybe thought she wouldn’t let him get off, possibly just to tease him more? She choked and grabbed at his hips, digging her nails in as she attempted to breathe through the onslaught. Thankfully with all of her teasing, it didn’t take him long at all to orgasm.
The scream he let out that accompanied it rang in her ears, her mouth filling up with his cum. She was able to swallow most of it down without choking more, quickly moving her mouth off his dick and breathing raggedly to try and collect herself. She was finally able to look up at Arkan, glaring a bit as he seemed to be almost comatose from his orgasm. Good for him. In the time it took for him to actually regain most of his senses, she was able to sit up and cross her arms over her chest, a disapproving look clear on her face.
“Please use me more? I think not, after the stunt you just pulled! Good pets don’t get to take control like that, I should just let you go home like that without the chance of getting off again. I’m not going to touch you again just yet, you need to learn your lesson.” She growled, shaking her head and wiping at her mouth to get the cum that had escaped out onto her lips and to the corner of her mouth. “I can’t believe you did that, that was totally uncalled for. I was going to let you get off, but you decided that wasn’t enough.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 He hadn't noticed her expression at first, still feeling quite dizzy. But when he did, he stared in shock, and then shrunk back at her words. He... What had he done? His mind was straining to think, let alone remember. But it made her mad. Had it? He'd been good for her before. She'd liked when he submitted to her. But she had to bring him to that point - was that it? Did she want him to fight?
He dared to look back at her and glanced her over. She was pretty aroused. And... cleaning up his cum... His eyes watched her fingers move. What was going on again...? She was mad. Why was she mad? He was good. Did she want him to be bad?
He wanted more. He wanted her to keep fucking him and toying with him. In his broken mind, it was all he could dream about. The thoughts of home were so far gone. So when she started to withdraw, he felt a rise of panic. Was that it? Was she done with him? ... Was he going to die?
She was mad. And when she was mad, she'd punish him if he did things wrong. If he could get at her cunt and make her a little angrier, would she tie him down? Would she edge him again? Would he get the knife back in him? He drooled at the thought of all the things she could do. He needed to be degraded, tied up, and beaten. He needed to be shamed with naughty pictures. He needed to be bitten and clawed and have things put in him and tormented and taught no. His cock was twitching. Oh, he would be a very bad kitty.
He lunged. Bowled into her, really. He had height and size and easily pinned her onto her back. The movement was too quick for her to counter. And when he had her there, he grinded his cock against her cunt and tried to rub against her clit. She was fucking wet. She just needed a bit of enticing. He knew he'd be easy to overpower... but he started to line himself up to enter her just in case she was having any hesitation.
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 She watched him for his reaction, seeing him shrink back a bit which gave her a bit of satisfaction. Good, maybe he would think twice about trying that again and getting himself into more trouble. She heaved a sigh, muttering on about what she was going to do with him as she started to clean up the slash on her chest. Blood wasn’t running as heavily now, she felt fine but she should probably take care of it, get some ointment and a bandage, maybe.
While she was busy wiping the area around her cut with an antiseptic wipe, she was very oblivious to the plotting going on. By the time she spread the ointment and slapped a bandage on, it was too late. She looked up, caught the look in his eye, and was barely able to move before she was unceremoniously bowled over and held down. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt him grinding up against her, making her extremely fired up as she glared and hooked a finger through the loop of the collar to tug him down.
“What makes you think that a naughty kitty like yourself would ever be in control? Such a shame, I was going to reward you, but it seems like you’ll be getting the exact opposite. Trying to mount me like a rabid beast…..” She grumbled, tugging him even closer and giving him a kiss that ended with her biting at his lip. “Let me up so I can punish you correctly. I’m gonna ride you and you don’t get to wear a condom. You got that?”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 Reward...? No, no, this was play. She was lying and teasing him. He offered no resistance when she tugged him down and quite eagerly kissed her back, sliding his tongue into her mouth and letting her taste his blood. Just like he knew she loved. The bite to his lip made him wince and gasp, but he smoothed it out into a moan. Oh, he'd made her very angry.
"Y-yes ma'am," he said in reply to get order, his body already giddy with anticipation. Her suggestion might've made him terrified a while ago, but now, he was just thrumming with excitement at the thought of feeling her without anything in the way. He put his hands on her hips and rolled to the side, flopping onto his back and pulling her on top of him. He eyed her over with stupid lust and let his hands fall back onto the bed. Whatever happened now, she was going to be in charge.
But softly, he asked, "Will... Will I not be allowed to cum?"
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 Willow let herself be moved with relative ease, not even bothering to hide a smile at how giddy the impending punishment made him. He really was just her dumb little toy to take advantage of, and she would do just that. She perched on top of him and peered down, lightly running her fingers over his chest as she thought about her response to his question. “Well, considering that I’m punishing you, I think it’s only fair that you aren’t allowed to cum. You were very bad, so you don’t get the satisfaction of a release.” She chirped, wiggling back and letting out a shuddering sigh while she sank down on him. Almost as an afterthought, she added, “But I guess I’ll allow you to touch me if you so please.”
The feeling of him inside her without a barrier made her squirm, her breathing shaky as she let herself get adjusted. Her cheeks were flushed as she soon began moving, rolling her hips and keeping her hands on his chest to make sure she was stable. She was pretty confident she wouldn’t last long this time around, but she would try her damndest to.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 He nodded with her words and went to reply normally, but she slid down onto him as he went to spoke, and he ended up gasping out, "Yes ma'am." Oh, he was more than happy to have her teasing him again. And finally, he was getting to feel her cunt in full. It was better than before, and she was leaving slick on him as she began riding him. His good hand reached forward and started to tease her clit like he had a while before. He needed to make up for being bad, after all.
Not allowed to cum... It was only reasonable. He'd certainly acted out. He bit on his lip as she picked up. Or... was that an order? Or was she trying to get him to do it so she could punish him harder? The thought of that sunk in his head. As their sex continued, the thought of her punishing him more stuck in his head. He was happy to be used again, but what if he could get her to do more? What if he came in her and made her angrier? He was already feeling Heaven on Earth. It wouldn't be hard to get him that riled again. Frankly, just his repeated thoughts of how she could hurt him was doing miles of work. He would, then. He'd decided. So as she kept riding and enjoying herself, he kept his own reactions as muted as he could. Even when his heart picked up, when the ache of the earlier teasing settled back down, even as he wanted to grunt and vent out how good it all felt - he kept himself down. Up until he was ready to blow, and she made the mistake of taking him all in at one point. His hand suddenly grabbed her waist and he held her down, and pressed his seed deep in her. He groaned out with it. It wasn't nearly as intense as before, but there was no way for her to not know he released a hefty load inside her.
And he looked up at her with a grin when he finished, his eyes glaring in a way of trying to say he wasn't about to just hand over control. She'd have to do far, far more to get him to submit and knock this off. At least, that's what he hoped to covey. Anything that seemed smarmy would do, as long as she was filled with rage and indignation.
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 The longer she rode him, the closer she got to her release, her head lolling back and her breathing picking up to the point where she was whimpering quietly. Right as she got on the cusp of her orgasm, her eyes shot open at the feeling of her getting filled up with his goddamn cum. She stared down at him in bewilderment utterly speechless for a few moments. “I told you not to, but you went ahead and—ooh, that makes me so mad! Why aren’t you behaving?!” She growled, digging her nails into his chest and dragging them down to leave slightly bloody marks in their place. That was when she noticed the excitement on his face.
“This is all just a ploy to get me to be rough with you, isn’t it? You want me to punish you like the naughty cat you are, so you came in me to be disobedient!” She grabbed his face with one hand, seething with anger as she leaned in close. “You grinning at me like that and pulling all of those stunts just earned you time with a few punishments. Namely cuffs, a gag and a cock ring as well as a bit more knife action.” She hissed, slipping off him and watching cum ooze down her inner thigh with a disgruntled expression.
She stalked over to her closet to get what she needed, a bit wobbly as she rifled around. She emerged with a pair of soft leather cuffs to clip to her headboard, a ring gag and a large cock ring that had something special built in for her pleasure and his despair. “The cuffs mean no more touching, gag is no more trying to sweet talk or make me angrier and the ring—well, you’ll find out soon enough.” She grumped, getting him attached to the headboard easily and snapping the gag into place in his mouth.
She turned and slipped the ring over his cock, grinning as she turned on the switch to the highest vibration setting it would go to. She huffed, slipping back on him and glowering before she picked up where she left off a few minutes before, but this time she was holding her knife and making small nicks in his skin.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 Willow was fucking furious. She yelled and clawed at him, and all it did was serve a new bout of excitement through him. She wasn't trying to play any games with him anymore. She was just going to abuse him again. He made no attempt to hide his excitement at the prospect, and for that, he felt his chin grabbed with nails as she glared him down. He fumbled for words of a response, but he was caught red-handed. She knew exactly what he was doing. So after a moment and her declaration of punishment, all he said was another loyal, "Yes ma'am." Everything she said sounded utterly delightful.
She pulled off, and it was about there that he began to realise just how sore he was. He glanced at the clock. They'd been going at it for a while. He'd gotten off quite a few times, and was still hard. His muscles were aching, he felt light-headed, and every time she touched his cock he felt a twinge of pain and exhaustion. And... that was how it should be. He loved this, being forced to serve her. He loved how wrung out his body was, and how she was still using him. He hoped she fucked him even when his hard-on finally peetered out, so he was just forced to hurt and feel distressed by being truly over-played with. A blowjob would do that so nicely... He was fantasising hard as she bound and gagged him. He offered no resistance - if anything, he eagerly put himself into position to be restrained. He just stared at her with a dumb horny look the whole time. He deserved all of this. He deserved for her to fuck him like this again. And when he was surprised with the vibrating ring and moaned low into the gag, he decided he deserved this too.
It felt good. Really good. He'd never actually... played with anything like this before, but god, it was sending his mind into a tizzy. And she was riding him, and he could feel the mess he'd made of her pussy, and there was a knife slicing him apart all over. Oh, it was so much at once, and his body was aching from how exerted he was. His cock was hurting from being put into another round. When the knife came to his breast, he arched his back and forced it to slice in deep, groaning into the gag as he began to bleed anew.
It was inevitable that he'd get worked up into another orgasm. He began bucking up like he did before as he drew closer, and soft grunts let Willow know just how good he was feeling. But as she continued to fuck him, as those vibrations dug deep into his body, and he felt himself starting to tighten up for another orgasm - nothing. He couldn't. The ring was stopping him. He still found himself trying to work into her and push his body over. It didn't come. And that made him let out a shaking breath and roll his head back. God, yes. He was just going to be forced to sit at almost peaking, but with no time to ebb away. He'd get nothing but feeling her happily bouncing away, tearing him up and having no regard for what he wanted. And if it wasn't for the ring, that thought would've definitely pushed him over.
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 It really didn’t take Willow far too long to get back to an impending orgasm, shakily setting her knife aside after slicing into him pretty deep and laughing breathlessly at the groan Arkan let out. She attempted to focus on chasing the release, gazing down at him when she heard the shaky breath and giggled when she realized he hadn’t been able to come because of the ring. “How does that feel, not being able to—” She cut herself off as she was finally pushed over the edge, letting out a soft wail and grabbing at the sheets by her hips, trembling and barely able to breathe for a few long moments.
When her head finally stopped spinning, she reached forward to undo Arkan’s gag and pulled off once more, the mess of slick and cum from earlier still leaking out. Once the gag was tossed to the side, she went to turn the ring off and slid it off, just to replace it with her hand so she could give him his orgasm that seemed to be just on the edge.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 Willow came around him, and god, it felt even better without a condom. His eyes closed as he relished in the feeling of her trembling cunt. He forced himself to stop thrusting up into her, lest she feel overwhelmed and feel he was disobeying again. This felt... right. This was where he was supposed to be: underneath someone like this. His mind felt an overwhelming sense of content.
He only opened his eyes back up when she pulled the gag off. Was that it? He twinged with disappointment. He would've hoped she'd gotten more out of him, came until she felt numb. But then she slid off and took the ring off, and he perked up. She was going to let him get off. He felt a bit empty and strange without the constant vibrations of the cock ring, but her hand started jerking him and it was all he really needed.
Honestly he would've liked to get off in her mouth again, or shoot his load on her face. But given his hands were tied, he had no control over where it went, and just enjoyed having another orgasm that absolutely ripped through his mind. He was left humming and chuckling with glee, and when his mind settled down a bit, he looked down at her almost expectantly. What was next?
Apparently, it was his body suddenly being hit with a wave of exhaustion. He looked at her with interest, only to almost immediately put his head back and take several long, slow breaths. Ah, he was really pushed to his limit, wasn't he... He felt ready to pass out. Inch by inch, he relaxed into the bed and tried to get a moment of rest-- then noticed that his erection was finally dying out, too. He'd been sated beyond all belief, and either the drug couldn't keep him up anymore, or it'd finally worn off. His body was still brimming with delight, but very quickly, the aching grew overwhelming.
... But he kept his legs spread in the hopes Willow might force him to play more anyway. And he glanced down at her with exhaustion, and yet hope.
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 Willow busied herself with undoing the cuffs after Arkan was finally able to finish, cleaning her hands before rifling through her drawer and pulling out a strong pain reliever. She walked around to grab a water from the fridge and handed them to him with a smile. “Take this, it’ll help dull the pain. I’m going to get you patched up and clean, then we can just lay down for a bit while it kicks in?” She didn’t really wait for an answer, grabbing her medical kit and steadily stitching up the new wound on his chest. For the little ones, she spread ointment on then and carefully applied bandages so they’d finally be able to clot up and stop the bleeding.
She walked into the en suite bathroom and emerged with a warm, damp washcloth, tenderly cleaning the blood and cum from his body. She wasn’t too worried about herself, she had time to clean up later. Once she was satisfied, she got back onto the bed and curled up close to him, lightly stroking his hair. “You did really good for me today….I’m glad you held out that long. But you get to rest now, take it easy and know that you made me really happy.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 It didn't seem like she was going to take his silent offer. The disappointment felt worse than all he was aching, honestly. He wondered if he'd disappointed her. He knew she was mad, but wasn't that what all of what they just did was for? Was she still angry? Was he not good after all? Those sorts of questions continued to run through him as he lowered his arms back to his body. But then, she held out another pill. For a moment he thought it meant more sex, but she quickly explained that it was just a pain reliever. Was she not mad, then? He couldn't tell.
Either way, he sat up and took it, then fell back down on the bed hard. The sheets were damp with sweat, cum, and blood, but they still felt like the best damn thing ever. He was limp. He didn't think he could move if he wanted to. So, a soft surface was heavenly.
He never fought Willow as she clean him up, but he didn't exactly help, either. He was just there, dazed and weak, watching her with eyes that kept threatening to close. But... her praises made him happy. His mouth twitched into a smile as he relaxed into the bed and let his eyes close. He'd been good. He'd made her pleased. His eyes closed and his mind started to tug to sleep with that satisfaction running through him. He was jolted awake by a loud, familiar noise. His phone was ringing. He sat up, now wide-eyed, and looked around for it. Who the fuck was even calling him right now? He stumbled out of the bed and almost instantly fell to his knees, but he was able to grab his pants and pull the phone out.
It was Brien. The clock said it was 10. He'd told her to pick him up if he hadn't said he was coming home by 10. She was calling first to make sure he was still all right. He answered and gave a very hoarse, "Hello," to which she was a bit alarmed and he lied about having just had a coughing fit. That seemed to placate her for the moment and she said she was coming over to pick him up, like they agreed. When he was like this? No! So quickly, he denied, citing that he didn't want to leave his car behind. She seemed confused, or perhaps alarmed, but she didn't argue and just asked him to get home soon. He agreed, and the phone call ended.
And then... he was sitting there. On Willow's floor. His mind dizzy from blood loss and sex-- no. Not sex. Rape. She'd drugged and raped him. Badly. He didn't know what was in that pill she gave him, but it'd subdued his mind and she abused his body until she'd had her fill. Willow. His friend. Former friend. His body locked up with the settling horror. "... Oh god..."
He stumbled up to his feet and trembled from the weight of his body. And he looked around, to the left then to the right, seeing but not understanding. His mind ticked through what had just happened, hoping for some sort of way to deny or dismiss it. But there was nothing. She'd forced him on the bed, and drugged him so she could rape and stab him.
He moved forward, with one step, then two. He was going to be sick. The floor was carpeted. Would she rape him again if he threw up there? He looked around again and saw a toilet in an adjacent room. He sprinted as best as he could. Just in time, too, because he folded over the side and immediately vomited up all of the blood he'd injested over that session. And dinner. And the pain reliever he'd just taken.
He stared at the mess, his mouth hanging open as the wounds stung from being coated in bile. The smell was wretched. What had just happened? Why did Willow do that? His head spun, and he threw up the rest of whatever was in his stomach, left gasping and crying over her toilet.
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 Willow sat up on the bed while Arkan was on the phone with someone, slowly getting up and tugging some clothes on, just something so she wasn’t naked anymore. She figured that he was going to be—she watched him get up and run into the bathroom, shortly hearing the sounds of vomiting and crying. She shook her head, walking to the bathroom and standing in the doorway while staring him down. “I’m guessing that was Brien? You probably shouldn’t keep her waiting for too long since she’s alone at the apartment.” She murmured, a cold smirk on her face as she listened to him.
“Thanks for coming by to play with the kittens, I’m sure they were very happy to see you.” She turned to the mirror and put her hair up into a messy bun, prepping herself for having to change the sheets on the bed. They were pretty messy and she was going to be using them later on.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 When Willow talked, Arkan's head snapped back up, and he turned to her with a furious glare. How dare she talk like that? If he wasn't so physically exhausted, he'd have half a mind to sock her. But he was, so he instead just ripped the headband off and threw it at her, shrieking, "Fuck you!" It was a limp throw and a cat headband so it probably didn't hurt, but it was cathartic.
"You sick.. fucking..." His hands reached up for the collar around his neck and fumbled with it until it came off. He hurled it at the ground. "--bitch!" It jingled as it landed, a horrible noise that hurt his head. "You feel so fucking smug, don't you! Well was it worth your fucking hour of fun?! Killing our friendship and anything else you might have? Because you're sorely mistaken if you think I'm fucking letting you get away with this."
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 Willow barked out a laugh when the headband harmlessly hit her leg, leaning against the counter and listening to him yell threats at her with an almost bored expression. “I don’t care about any of that, just so you know. That was all just an act to get closer to you….and it apparently worked, huh?” She picked up the headband and idly twirled it around a finger, crossing one leg over the other as she rolled her eyes.
“I’m sorely mistaken? You’re gonna try and get me turned in? Good luck with that, you see how things are going with Eli and my sister, so you’ll probably get nowhere with that. Also….if you even try to do that, I’m going to send out all of those pictures I’ve taken of you. Once your job catches wind of that, I think they’ll probably fire you. Same with trying to leave the chat room, I’ll just post all of them there and ruin the friendships you’ve made. Do you really want that to happen?”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 Arkan had a retort in mind about the cops. He wasn't actually planning for that route, he knew very well by now that they were useless. But there were other ways he could get back and make sure she never hurt anyone again, ways she couldn't counter quite like Yasuhiro could. But all of that was thrown out when she mentioned pictures.
She... Right. When she was raping him and making him perform for her, she kept photographing him. His eyes widened for a moment then glared, and he tore his head to the side. It was a tough look for the amount of fear he felt at her words. She was right. Those sort of photos would fuck over his life.
"You--" But he had no words. No smart replies, no defenses. He was sitting naked on her floor, next to a toilet filled with bloody vomit, and his body too weak to fight due to the intensity of her assault. And he was feeling sick again. He just felt helpless. What could he do with that over his head? She could release those pictures far quicker than he could do anything. And if he told Yasuhiro... No. God no, he didn't need those pictures or knowing Arkan was still weak like this. It'd be putting him from bad hands to worse ones.
Tears welled up in his eyes. He was just scared. And his heart was still hurting from how someone he'd trusted so much had hurt him.
His head turned forward, but it looked toward the ground in resignation. "... Fine. I won't tell anyone." Or... leave chat for some reason? He didn't really get why she cared about that, but he'd long learned it was better to not try and dive into the minds of abusers. "But I swear to God, if you ever let that shit out, you're going down with me."
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 Willow couldn’t help smirking while Arkan tried and failed to find any words to hurt her, gazing down at him in a manner that a predator would their prey. Somehow, even though he swore that he wouldn’t tell anyone, she didn’t exactly believe him entirely. She glanced at her tank top, then to the cum and slick that was still very much coating her inner thigh. Oh, she had an awful, awful idea.
“Prove it to me then. Clean this mess off me. With your tongue. If you do that, I’ll believe you. If you say no….” Her gaze sharpened, her smirk growing into a wild grin. “I think you know what might happen. And you don’t want to be subjected to anymore of that tonight, do you? I don’t think you’d be able to take more of my……antics.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 Prove it? That he's going to take her with? What sort of fucking game was that-- Oh, clean her up. Okay, fine, weird, but he could just get a rag and-- Okay, with his fucking tongue apparently! He gritted his teeth. She was just being cruel. She wanted to see what he could be bullied into. He knew, because Yasuhiro had pulled this kind of shit. And the worst part? He'd do it. He had to do it. He couldn't let her go sending those pictures out, and he definitely didn't like the threat of being drugged and put into whatever that headspace was again.
Actually... Should he? It was a terrible thought, but Brien would come by if a half hour passed without any further word. And if she saw this happening, then perhaps he could have help overpowering her and deleting the pictures, or getting her arrested or something, or... If Brien saw this happening... she couldn't take it. Not after what happened to her.
He let out an irritated sigh and moved between Willow's legs. If she wanted his vomit and blood mouth on her, fine. He gave her a glare and, eyebrows furrowed and face pulled in disgust, he began to lick up their cum from her body. There was no part of it that was sexy or appealing, at least to him. And when he finished, he sat back.
"There. That good enough, or do I have to fucking eat you out too? Because I don't know how to do that."
depresso espresso — 11/08/2021 Willow watched him lap up the slightly cool mess with a disgusted expression on his face, and that had her stifling laughter as her shoulders shook. It was a bit sexy having him do that, but it didn’t turn her on at all. At his crass question, she grinned down and crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, you might wanna try. I don’t know if that’ll help the fact that I might get pregnant from you creaming in me earlier.” She laughed quietly, leaning down and reaching into the lower cabinet and tossing a container of hydrogen peroxide near him.
“Might wanna clean your mouth out first though.” She turned to leave and go back over to the bed, pausing for a moment and looking at him over her shoulder. “You should definitely also DM me a nude.” She smirked and continued on towards the bed, perching on the edge and stretching languidly. “Better hurry up in there, don’t wanna keep Brien waiting, do we?”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/08/2021 Goddamnit, why did he even say that--
"You what?" He what? He still felt light-headed from the blood loss, but he... yeah. He came in her. A fair bit, too. Oh god. She wouldn't take a child to term, would she? Surely she was on birth control or had a back-up plan! He stared down at the hydrogen peroxide with a blank look. What would he even do if she had a child? Would he be forced to take care of it? He didn't know how any of this worked, and he didn't want to know!
Her mention of Brien made him look up. His mind was still worried, but he took an unceremonious swig of the cleaner and swished it about his mouth. It tasted wretched and made his face scrunch up from the sting on all of his mouth wounds - a moment later and he was forced to spit it out. He looked back at her. That probably wasn't enough. He did that a couple more times before it seemed good enough, then quite eagerly followed it up by rinsing his mouth with water. Yuck.
He'd shoved himself to his feet to reach the sink, and now slumped against the cabinet. His legs were shaking and barely holding himself up. He'd gotten a burst to fumble to the toilet, but knowing what he was going to have to go back to wasn't exactly giving him the mental fortitude to power through it. ... Oh right, the picture. He heaved himself to sitting on the sink. This was just giving her more material to blackmail him with, but frankly, he didn't see how it mattered. One picture or twenty, they'd have the same effect. He sighed, opened the camera on his phone, spread his legs, and took a picture. It wasn't hot by any means. He looked ragged and angry and depressed. He avoided looking at his phone too - he didn't want to know what he looked like. When the picture was taken and sent to Willow, he deleted it off his phone. He didn't want to see it. He caught glimpses, and he'd hated it.
He set his phone on the sink, with his account open. Definitely a risky idea, but it was for a reason. He needed to possibly buy himself time. If Brien saw he was on, even if he didn't communicate to her, it might settle her down a bit.
He flushed the toilet of his vomit, washed his hands while refusing to look at the mirror, and eventually slumped onto Willow's bed.
"... I don't know how to do oral on women," he reiterated.
depresso espresso — 11/09/2021 Willow lounged on the pillows, looking at her nails and carefully rubbing at the small flecks of blood as she waited for Arkan to gather himself and get out of the bathroom. Her phone soon buzzed with a notification, making her perk up immediately and look at the picture he sent. Not exactly what she was looking for, but off to the collection it went! She tossed her phone to the side and idly drummed her fingers in her thigh, hearing the water run and letting out a sigh. Was he just trying to stall? It wouldn’t make this go away if he did, at the most it would just prolong the time he was here.
She rolled her head to the side and watched him slowly come back in, arching an eyebrow as he slumped on the bed. “Certainly took you long enough.” She pouted a bit at his statement and let out a sigh. “Oh, boo. Guess that can’t be helped, huh?” She’d just have to teach him another time, then. If she wanted to be eaten out good, she could just call on a lady friend to help her out. “I guess we gotta go to plan B, then. Here, get situated where I am real quick.”
She muttered, crawling to the other side of the bed to retrieve something from her windowsill. It was a slender marble pillar of some sort with a rounded top and a flared base, golden specks decorating the inside along with tiny purple butterflies. She snatched it up and made sure it was free of any dust, hiding it from view for the moment while she got situated.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/09/2021 Her response was that of rejection. Well what had she fucking expected? He'd slept with three whole people, none of which had pussies. And he didn't exactly consume straight porn to find out that way. He had a vague idea of what to do considering the amount of memes and discussion of it online, but it was going to be a weird and rough time regardless.
He'd sighed and moved to crouch between her legs, but she got up. He watched her walk off. "Plan B...?" He didn't like that idea. He moved forward on the bed and watched her shuffle around, but whatever she grabbed, she kept it out of view. Worry settled in his gut.
"What's... What's Plan B? I-I mean I certainly can give you oral, I just might need some instruction and patience..." He was rambling out his fears. Plan B could be anything.
depresso espresso — 11/09/2021 “Nah, you wanna get home soon to Brien, remember? That would take too much time. I’d hate for her to worry even more than she already is.” Willow finally revealed what she was hiding and grinned, waving the marble pillar around and crawling up towards him. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, alright? I need you on your hands and knees for this.” She sat up on her knees and smirked a bit as she spread her legs a bit, tilting her head at him as she studied his face.
“Do it quick enough and I’ll even lube it up.” That was very much a lie on her part, but he didn’t need to know that! “It’s marble, so it’s sturdy and won’t, like, break off or anything like that.” She tried not to sound too incredibly giddy, she was just excited to see his reaction.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/09/2021 Arkan's eyes went wide when she revealed the pillar. "No, no no no no no please no--" Panic gripped him at once. He knew what she wanted to do, and the thought alone made his whole body be shredded by terror. He inched back as she drew nearer, and scrambled away when she got on the bed.
"P-please don't, I really don't-- Brien can worry all she wants, right? I don't mind having her wait a little longer, really!" He was trying his best to sound persuasive, but frankly, he just sounded terrified. "I-I promise I'll listen to your orders, you don't have to go this far!"
He was feeling sick again, but he had nothing to vomit. This was targeted. She knew he couldn't deal with things inserted into him - the whole fucking chat knew. He trusted them. What an idiot! He continued to plead and beg, but at the same time, he tried to convince his mind to get on all fours like she asked. It wasn't responding. It couldn't follow. Tears sprung up. "Please!"
depresso espresso — 11/09/2021 Willow watched and listened to Arkan panic, deeply satisfied as she drew closer to him when he scrambled out of her reach. “You’re just making this harder for yourself! The sooner you obey and get on all fours, the quicker you get to go home!” She giggled as he begged and pleaded, shaking her head at him. “Like I said, you can do this the easy way or the hard way, which is where I stuff your face into the mattress and shove this in your ass so hard you tear and bleed!”
She could already see that image in her mind, and it made the idea all the more convincing. She inched closer, her eyes glinting with malicious intent as she tauntingly raised the pillar. “Tick, tock. You’re running out of time to make a choice, Arkan.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/09/2021 She wouldn't-- she would. She absolutely would, she wanted to, and that's what made it all the more horrifying. He continued to back away from her, but the bed didn't have infinite room. His body was already so weak. Could he really fight her off if she decided to force it in him? Could he take it if she succeeded? He didn't think so.
His eyes scanned her face. His mind was in a frenzy. He couldn't get himself to listen to her, but no part of him wanted it to be hurt like he had been ever again. His mind was torn. She said he was running out of time. His heart and breathing were spiraling out of his ability to control. He couldn't think. He couldn't see. He was sobbing. His hands came to his head.
"Stop, please! You've made your point!" he cried out, curling up and staring at the bloodied mattress beneath them. "I understand what happens if I don't listen, so please!"
depresso espresso — 11/09/2021 God, his sobbing was like music to her ears. Willow stayed where she was, not trying to get any closer as she just watched him curl in on himself. It was honestly kind of fun to have the power to induce a breakdown with just a simple object! She grinned and set the pillar to the side, settling down into a more comfortable position as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Did I make my point clear? Are you really going to be good for me now? No angry outbursts or throwing things at me like you did?”
Her voice was ice cold while she glared at him, a smirk on her face that was just downright evil. “I put it down, you’re not in any danger of getting pinned and forced to endure that. You’re broken down enough as is.”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/10/2021 He didn't look up, and didn't notice that the pillar was set down. So he stayed in his defensive ball as she spoke, and replied with his whole heart, "Yes, I'll be good!" And he repeated, "I'm sorry!" with a shake in his voice. Some part of him cringed at that, and said that he was overreacting. And he probably was. But the trauma of what Yasuhiro did to him was stronger than the logical parts of his mind, and mindfulness techniques had been all but forgotten.
It was when Willow said that she set it down that he dared to look up. It was a brief glance before he ducked back down, expecting her to have been lying. But in the moment, he was able to see she hadn't, so he slowly raised his head more proper. She... She had. She wasn't lying about that. She'd set it down. Was she going to keep it over there? He wished she'd tossed it out of arm's reach.
In a voice barely above a whisper, he croaked out, "Okay." His hands slowly fell from his head, but he remained tense and with his legs to his chest. Just in case. He couldn't put anything past her anymore. But now another question remained - was he going to have to do a different loyalty test? Or was he finally going to be released?
depresso espresso — 11/10/2021 It took a bit of time for Arkan to actually look up at Willow, and she showed her empty hands to ease his mind. “See? I don’t have it. I’m not gonna pick it up again, I promise.” She dropped them into her lap after a moment, taking in a long breath as she scooted away from him. “Alright. You’re free to go. I’ve treated all of your wounds, you’re going to be sore so I would suggest taking pain meds to ease it a bit. Also. Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone or else there will be consequences.”
She stood up from the bed and gathered his clothes, placing them by him on a cleaner part of the sheets. “Hopefully you have a jacket or something to wear, I may have gone a bit overboard with destroying your shirt. Sorry about that.” She straightened up and headed towards the bathroom to grab his phone, setting it down on top of his pants. “You can leave when you’re ready to, I’m gonna go wash up.” She went right back into the bathroom and closed the door behind her with a soft click.
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/10/2021 He watched her back away, but didn't dare to relax. She could easily turn heel and pick it up again, or draw out another knife. His head still kind of hurt at the concept. Willow. His good friend Willow. She'd stabbed and raped him. No matter how many times he thought it, it didn't make sense, but the memories and his body's aching burned brightly. She had. That was reality now. She'd betrayed his trust and done some of the worst things she could've, outside of outright murdering him.
He nodded at her instruction to not talk and muttered an agreement in case she didn't see. What would he even say? How could he? She was dangerous and scary and evil and she had him by the throat with those pictures she took. In the haze of his drugged memories, he could recall presenting himself and giving a cute call while she took a flurry of photos. Could people even recognise that he'd been forced into that if it was out there? He couldn't confidently say yes, and that was enough to scare him.
Through the corner of his eyes, he tracked her movements, and it was only when the bathroom door was shut that he dared to move. Getting his clothes back on after being assault was a shameful process, and more than once he almost stopped to cry. He only didn't because he wanted to get the fuck out of there. It was after he texted Brien that he was finally on his way home, as he was staggering out of the bedroom and toward the stairs, that a soft mewing rang out. He turned around. The cats had curled up by their mother, but lovely little Poe had stumbled out to squeak him off. Arkan's jaw trembled. He'd... just wanted to see some kittens... And he pushed himself down the stairs as he began to heave with fresh sobs.
The drive home was as awful as the leave from her house, and he was glad the roads were clear by now. It was kind of hard to see the road as he was. He shouldn't be driving like this, he thought after a while, but by then it was too late. He eventually came back to his apartment complex, pulled up in his parking spot, wrapped a jacket around himself, and walked up to his door.
He stared at it. Brien was in there. How was he supposed to explain the state he was in? She'd be in a frenzy once she laid her eyes on him, and he couldn't say anything.
Well, maybe he'd do just that: say nothing about it. He walked inside, locked the door behind him, and gave an exhausted hello.
depresso espresso — 11/10/2021 Brien’s night had been pretty much uneventful by her standards. She’d mainly played with the cats and watched a movie or two while she waited for Arkan to get back. She was still very unsure of Willow and her intentions with him, but it seemed tame-ish since she had invited him over to see the kittens and talk. Everything was fine, at least she hoped. But the image of the woman crouched over her friend still very much bothered her and made her nauseated, squirming a bit on the couch and getting a mrrp of disapproval from Binx.
“Sorry, little man. Mama’s just a bit worried. Didn’t mean to disturb you.” She murmured, reaching down to gently rub his ears and watching him roll onto his back in her lap. She gently poked his nose and smiled, her ears perking up at the sound of a car door slamming shut outside. She turned her head towards the door, her body tense as Arkan finally came in through the door. Her eyes went wide as she processed his appearance, alarm and worry clear on her face. She scooted Binx to the side, her ears pinned back against her head as she managed to choke out, “Arkan, what happened to you?”
trash bitch: penis reloaded — 11/10/2021 There would be no illusion of a normal conversation. Brien was already scared having looked at him, ears folded and her voice straining. And that was the most he could look at her, because his eyes fell to the floor as if hoping to hide his emotions. It wouldn't work, but the thought counted or some bullshit. He set his keys down and held his arms closer. He'd zipped up the jacket, yet the fear of it falling away and revealing his injuries were there all the same.
And he still hadn't answered her question. He paused in his settling to mull about and consider his options. He eventually came to only one that he could really say that would let him get away with following Willow's instructions.
"I don't want to talk about it."
He felt awful saying that. It felt manipulative, really, because he knew she wouldn't push it. She couldn't bear to. But what else was he supposed to do? He couldn't tell if she'd feel better or worse knowing the truth-- that didn't matter, actually. Willow's order was what mattered. He walked forward and started off to his bedroom.
depresso espresso — 11/11/2021 Brien watched Arkan zip up his jacket and hug himself a bit, her heart aching as all she wanted to do was get up and try to help him in some way, he looked so tired and upset. She was making her move to finally get up when he finally answered her, stopping her from what she was doing and quietly staying where she was on the couch. She gazed down at her lap, her hands clenched tightly into fists as she forced herself to nod. She wasn’t going to push it at all, that was a thing she hated doing. Prying into something that someone doesn’t want to talk about was cruel.
“…..okay. Just let me know if you need anything, okay? I’ll be here.” Brien murmured, watching him slowly make his way across the room. As he passed, she was able to catch the faint scent of blood which alarmed her, but she didn’t let it show on her face. He said he didn’t want to talk about it, so she was going to honor that, even though it pained her to. She returned her attention to Binx and absentmindedly pet him, her shoulders slumping.
0 notes
lunupine · 2 years
srsly how would u have gotten here? google? dont read this shit its not sfw
A SEQUEL SO I CAN SHARE THIS HORROR W/ OTHER PEOPLE. im not writing trigger tags. it's horror and torture, what do you want out of me? you people know what im about. actually there's not a lot of torture, mostly just mind break and rape
this is MOSTLY just smut and also was never finished because we got to wanting to rp different things
Solynx09/06/2019 Ring woke up with a twitch. His eyes opened to stare at the pillows on his bed. Fia was sitting behind him, brushing his cheek soothingly. He smiled at the feeling. It was warm and comforting, contrasted by a cool breeze from an open window. It brought with it the smell of chill that made him think of Halloween. If he breathed deeper, he could smell freshly cut grass. Evening light leaked in and washed incandescence over the room. The cicadas were noisy tonight, but he liked to listen to the sound. When the cicadas died down, crickets chirped in their place. The two went back and forth in a summer melody.
His body felt sore and weak, but it wasn't seething with pain like it had before he woke up. His mouth wasn't overwhelmed with the taste of blood. It didn't hurt to exist, either. It was closed and not feeling like nails were being raked down it. He could wiggle and breathe. He wasn't sure what happened, but something had fixed him. He nuzzled into Fia's hand. Thank God for whoever did it. He had work tomorrow. He wanted to go back to life and ignore what happened.
He rolled over to face Fia, a smile on his lips and a small, joyous laugh escaping him. He loved to wake up to her. He froze as he stared at the body of the person next to him. That wasn't Fia. He looked up at their face. That was Joseph. The smile was replaced with wide eyes and a paling face. He jerked back and scrambled against the sheets to move away from him. His chest tightened with fear, and the most he could get out was a horrified gasp. Only after he'd kicked himself free of blankets and sat up did he manage to stumble out, "Where did you-- How-- ... Get-get out!"
Visa09/07/2019 Joseph had been laying there a while, staring at Ring as he smiled softly. This of course was broken once the other was panicking at his being there, a hand flying to his mouth as he pressed a finger to his lips. "Now now, Ring...shhh...we don't want to alert the others do we?" he whispered, eyes flickering to the collar as that hand then went to gently caress it. "I know that you wouldn't want Fia or Ryder to get hurt, right?" He stated, a grin forming on his face as his eyes seemed to glow with an almost menacing aura. "You still have the collar on....I find that special." He hummed, hooking the collar with his forefinger as his lips replaced the hand that had clamped over Ring's mouth.
Solynx09/07/2019 Ring had been prepared to yell quite a loud, "Fuck you," and even got the first syllable out before he choked off his words. This bastard got into his house. His bed. Ring wanted to bite down on his hand until it bled and shout out a warning or a cry for help. His body went cold with fear and he wanted away. But the simple mention of Fia and Ryder made him go completely silent. He didn't want them to be hurt. In some part of his mind, he argued with himself over yelling away. It would be two on one, surely they could do something. Hiko would protect Ring no matter what. But even with that, he still didn't want to risk it. He couldn't bear the thought of Fia being hurt, or Ryder ending up in Joseph's hands again.
He tensed all over from Joseph hooking a finger over the collar. It was already a tight fit - the leather pressed against the back of his neck as it strained to accommodate the insertion. Joseph kissed him, and Ring whimpered into it. He shook away from it and tried to shove Joseph away. "No-- Please," he begged in a whisper, "I won't tell anyone. I promise. Just leave me alone."
Visa09/07/2019 "Leave you alone? why hm?" He muttered, kissing down Ring's neck and nipping at the skin. "It's a shame, really that my marks where healed....why would you do that to me, huh? Don't you want to remember the time we had together?" He asked, then grabbing Ring and sitting him up on the bed. He pulled out the open mouth gag he had used on him before, then tilting his head almost innocently. "Do you not love me as much as you said you did? I"m hurt..."
Solynx09/07/2019 Shoving his shoulders didn't work. Ring put his hand on Joseph's face when it connected to his neck and pushed that away instead. He'd stumbled out of the bed and to his feet now, and continued to pace backwards. Maybe he could flee into the bathroom and lock the door. Joseph wouldn't be able to go in there without causing a ruckus.
"Your 'marks' almost killed me," he spat back in reply. His hands came to the collar and started to take it off. He hadn't had the chance to remove it yet, so he might as well do it now. "And I don't want this stupid collar, and--" He cut himself off with a yip as he was suddenly grabbed and lifted. He let go of the collar, having it halfway off, and instead pushed himself out of Joseph's arms. He landed on the bed and rolled a bit away. It didn't seem like Joseph cared. Joseph just went into his pocket and pulled out that gag from earlier. Ring swallowed hard at seeing it. "You don't attack and--" He didn't want to say the word rape. He didn't want it to be that. "--and hurt people you love, Joseph."
Visa09/07/2019 "Is that right?" Joseph's stature seemed to change almost immediately, his head tilting to the other side. As much of an simple question that was, his eyes seemed to dull even more. "You think...that I hurt you? Attacked you? You where the one who teased me so casually when I was trying to hug you....you said...that it was a no touch moment...that we shouldn't be together....right?" The priest watched Ring scramble back a bit, then glancing at Ring's bedside drawer. Noticing a glint, he opened it, noting the rather sharp knife. He chuckled, taking it out and examined it. "Oh! This must have been used to much to get off, right? This knife being here by your bedside could only mean that, right?" He smiled, a glint in his eye as he moved forward a bit more.
"Ring....I didn't want to hurt you...I truly didn't. I just wanted to love you, Ring~ But you just made it so damn difficult!" He stabbed the bed in between Ring's leg at that last word, leaning in to stare at the other. His eyes looked almost red from how dark his eyes looked, a crazed grin on his face as he noted the fear in the other's eyes. "If you would've accepted the fact that I had Ryder as a gift for you....this would have been so much easier to deal with!"
Solynx09/07/2019 Joseph was volatile. Ring could tell that much. Just a few words made him angry and ranting. Ring didn't offer any verbal response to what Joseph was saying, but did slowly shake his head. Joseph did hurt him. Did attack him. Getting a little naughty didn't warrant having his mouth burned out or a nail driven through his wing and hand. It being inappropriate meant stay away from each other and don't do it again, not collar someone and threaten them with violence.
He watched as Joseph suddenly turned away and went into the drawer, coming out with a knife. That made Ring shrink in his clothes. He'd forgotten that was in there. He would've grabbed it. "It's for protection," he answered. It was a poor lie. There were other things for sex in that drawer too. The blade of the dagger was finely sharpened and sliced through anything with ease.
He jumped as the knife was stabbed between Ring's legs, afraid for a moment that Joseph was going to stab him with it. He glanced down at it, then back up to Joseph. Joseph was smiling now, like this was something to enjoy. He raised one of his hands, ready to protect himself. He didn't have a response to what Joseph was saying. He was too convinced of his own actions and words. Anything Ring said felt like it'd make things worse
Visa09/07/2019 "Poor thing...you look so scared....All i want to do is love you...why can't you understand that?" The knife slowly dragged over the bed, making stuffing come out of it as well as let a few springs poke out. He drew the blade out, then pointing it at Ring's face. "You expect me to think this isn't for your own pleasure? Protection? That's a lie and you know it~" He hummed, chuckling and putting the knife's handle in between his teeth before putting the gag over Ring's neck again. It jingled slightly, and Ring's hand that was raised for defense was kissed. "Ring.....you know...I was scared of you at first. All the things you said in chat truly did scare me." he hummed, grabbing the lube from the drawer and coating it on the knife's blade. He gently pressed the tip against Ring's stomach, smile still wide as he spoke in a disturbingly calm fashion.
"You admitting a lot of things...how you like your sex. How you get off to knives...reading back on what you said to everyone on what gets you hot under the collar...honestly it scared and disturbed me at first....but seeing everything that you've done in your life....seeing all the hardship you've gone through in your life. I think I understand now!" The knife tip merely curved around on Ring's clothed stomach, then teasing against Ring's crotch. "Life...your life in particular gets so boring, you know? You have to spice it up! And your husband...I may not understand your language, but I saw how much you loved him....which is why..." Joseph's hand gripped at Ring's hip the priest leaning in to whisper softly in Ring's ear. "Even if you don't mean it...even if you hate me, I want to hear that from you. That you love me...even if you don't mean it. Because all that matters to me is the words."
Solynx09/07/2019 Ring's lie was called out almost immediately. He bit his lip. He hadn't expected it to work, but he was hoping it would. He had nothing else to add. He just kept a careful eye on the blade as Joseph waved it around. Even if he did use it in bed, that didn't mean he wanted it stabbed in him right now. He remained spring-boarded, ready to jump or lash out of Joseph if things got physical. He didn't want to be hurt again. He didn't want to have sex again.
When Joseph leaned forward, Ring struck. He lashed out with a quick blow to his face and tore at his cheek. His hand was grabbed in an iron grip and kissed. Ring tried to jerk it away, panic rising in his eyes. Being restrained was probably the worst thing to happen right now. He didn't even notice the gag put around his neck. He snatched his hand back when Joseph let go to do something odd with the knife. He took lubricant from the drawer and coated the blade in it. Ring had intended to scramble away, but the weirdness of it captured him for a moment. Ring then finally realised that Joseph was probably going to insert it into his butt. He slid back to the other end of the bed and raised a blanket between him and Joseph. The blanket was just grabbed and shoved away, and the knife pointed to his stomach.
He took in a sharp breath at that, his stomach sucking in to keep as away from the knife as it could. The grab at his hip made him release it though, as he squeaked with concern. Joseph's fingers dug in securely and he loomed over Ring. Ring looked to his face as he tried to squirm away. "I'll never love you," he hissed. "Not after what you did to me. And I'll never let you hear me say it."
Visa09/07/2019 "I know....I know..." He stated, then grabbing the gag and putting it in Ring's mouth with a bit of resistance. "But you don't need love to fuck. And that's what I fully intend on doing to you." He whispered, pulling away a bit as the grip on Ring's hip pulled him toward's the edge of the bed. He unbuttoned his pants, taking out his already half stiff dick and grabbing Ring's head. He plunged his dick into his mouth, chuckling at the struggling the other was doing at trying to get away. "You know, the more your struggle, the harder I get...." he panted, then pointing the knife at the top of Ring's head. "Though as cute as you struggling is, if you don't stop, I'll shove this knife in your brains and use someone else to get off on....maybe Fia? She's a cute one, she is...got so attached to me when I was here." He stated, staring at the blades sheen and the lube slowly dripping on Ring's head.
It would've been a laughing matter to see that, however the dangerous nature of the crazed was not a joke to make. He continued to pound into Ring's mouth, groaning softly as the head was squeezed by Ring's unwilling throat.
Solynx09/07/2019 Ring did struggle when Joseph suddenly snagged the gag. He tried to tear away with a growl and keep Joseph from putting it on him, but Joseph was much stronger than he was. After a brief fight, Joseph managed to get it on him. He then made the mistake of pulling away from Ring without doing anything with his hands, so after a moment of consideration, Ring took the gag off and threw it to the side of the room. No reason for that to be around. He turned to Joseph in time to see his pants down and a hand grabbing for his hair. Ring tried to pull back, gasping, but he was seized and forced down Joseph's cock.
He coughed and gagged around it as it shoved right into his throat. He had enough practice to not throw up, but he did try to jerk away with no success. That didn't mean he to submit to this, though. His teeth were still sharp and prime for tearing into things. He could bite down on the unwanted insertion. The knife pressed against his temple.
He looked up with a glare, warning Joseph that he wouldn't listen, and it vanished the moment Fia's name was brought up. Joseph wouldn't hurt her. Surely he wouldn't risk that. But the thought of her being hurt or assaulted made his stomach turn, and he closed his eyes with another choke as Joseph continued to thrust into him. He didn't want her to be hurt again.
So he'd just have to save her. If he could get the upper hand on Joseph, he wouldn't have to worry. Or if he could get that knife away, things would be more even. Though he wasn't trying to pull his head away, he re-opened his eyes, angry behind tears threatening to spill. He wouldn't be intimidated into this. In one quick grab, he snatched the hand that Joseph had the knife in and twisted it away from him, stabbing a claw right through the middle and out the other side.
Visa09/07/2019 Joseph gasped, hissing in pain as the other man wrenched the knife away, growling and pinning his hips and Ring's hands high above him as he continued to thrust into his throat. He panted, fucking Ring's head practically into the mattress as he squeezed at the other's wrists. He wasn't giving up, for sure, especially considering since he was starting to feel the pleasure build, even with Ring's fangs scraping against his shaft. "You know....hah...Fia is so lonely..ah...she'd probably be happy to be handled like this." He chuckled, pounding harder and deeper into Ring's throat.
He could feel the other struggling underneath him, panting as his grip only tightened. "I understand that she's probably stressed...I bet since you're out of commission, she wouldn't hesitate to find someone to replace you. Just like how you're ready to replace her as soon as she dies, huh?" He moaned, feeling his cock twitch with eagerness.
Solynx09/07/2019 For Ring's insolence, he felt his head shoved into the mattress by the force of Joseph's pounding. He'd started to get used to the feeling - he'd certainly done this kind of thing a number of times before - but that made him start retching again. It hurt. The tears that had been welling up started to run down his face. He couldn't breathe with Joseph's penis all the way down his throat and abusing his mouth. Black spots started to creep into the corners of his vision. He growled and tried to pull away, only to realise his hands were now being held up as well. He closed his eyes as more crying wracked his body and continued to take from whatever breath he had remaining. He couldn't do this. He was going to pass out. He wasn't even listening to Joseph's taunting anymore, though he did vaguely make out him mentioning Fia again. He just didn't want to go unconscious and be completely at Joseph's mercy.
Visa09/07/2019 Joseph went from taunting to moaning, panting as his hips continuously crashed into Ring's mouth. Ring eventually started to thrash less. "You gonna knock out huh?" He panted, face drowned in pleasure as his orgasm reached a point. With how hard he was pounding into the man, he was already ready to cum, drooling a bit as with a few more thrusts, he came deep inside Ring's throat, gasping and groaning as  Ring's throat tightened around him. After a few thrusts of pleasure, he pulled off cumming a bit on Ring's face too. Though he wanted to reel back and enjoy the soft whimpers of Ring, he felt himself suddenly get yanked by the hair, noting Ryder's angry expression before grinning himself. "Oh no! I've been caught!" He laughed, Ryder punching him square in the jaw and pointing a knife at Joseph's throat.
"You have a lot of balls coming in here, fucker!" Ryder hissed, readying to just cut open the fucker's throat then and there.
Solynx09/07/2019 Ring tried hard to suck in whatever slight of air he could as Joseph thrusted in his mouth. He had to pull back a bit to do that, and it gave Ring slivers of air to go on. His body was still screaming for oxygen, though. His saliva coated Joseph's dick and drooled out the edges of his mouth, sealing away potential air. He tried to stick his tongue forward to clear his mouth, but apparently, that just excited Joseph. He came. Heat suddenly shot into Ring's throat and ran into his stomach. Ring groaned against it. He couldn't feel. He couldn't see. He couldn't think. He just wanted to breathe.
And then he did, because Joseph pulled out and finished his orgasm on Ring's face. He flinched a bit as spurts of cum got near his eyes, but for the most part, he didn't react. He just panted and gasped for hard, ragged breaths that made life twitch into his limbs. His tongue hung out of his mouth and spit lined the edges of his mouth. He really did look like a dog. He laid limp on the bed while his chest heaved for air, and after a moment, he began spitting out semen as well. His head was buzzing. There were a lot of things in the room. He felt dizzy. His eyes didn't focus on anything for several long, still seconds, before he finally blinked and was able to see Ryder in a fight with Joseph. Panic shot him into standing up on his knees and flailing out with a hand that planted on Joseph's shoulder.
"No!" he wheezed out. "Don't-- don't... take him..." He didn't know what was going on, but he'd first done all this so Ryder wouldn't be in Joseph's clutches. Even if he was still weak, he would try and fight for him.
Visa09/07/2019 Ryder blinked in confusion, looking at Ring and muttering a "Wait why--" before Joseph elbowed him straight in the stomach, keeling over as Joseph then grabbed the knife and backed up to close and lock the door, then grabbing Ryder by the hair and holding the knife to the other's throat. Ryder froze, eyes widening in fear as he felt like his blood went cold. This was bad, unlike Ring, he couldn't bounce back from this if he got a stab in the throat. "Now now, little puppy! Why are you so angry, hm? You got away scotch free,  ya know?" He stated, then leaning in to gently nuzzle Ryder's neck. The younger man gasped, trying to move away if not for the knife reminding him that it was still there.
"You know, Ring...I feel so guilty about going off on you for suggesting I wanted to be with my brother...because for a matter of fact ...it's true." He hummed, while still with the knife in his hand, using his free hand to start feeling up the other. Ryder gasped, looking disgusted and scared as he shut his eyes, body shivering as Joseph gently licked at his neck. "I mean, clearly you can't blame me.....you fucked him...twice may I add." He hummed, then letting his hand slide lower, placing his hand on his hips as he grinded gently. "Bet he felt good, huh?"
Solynx09/07/2019 Ring had put his weight on Joseph, so when Joseph moved out from under Ring's hand, Ring collapsed back onto the bed. He was still breathless and reeling from nearly being choked unconscious. He looked helplessly as Joseph was able to get the upper hand on Ryder and put the dagger up against his throat. He wanted to get up and help fight Joseph away, but out of fear that Joseph would immediately stab Ryder, Ring stayed on the bed. He was still trying to get himself together, anyway. His head felt light. He was probably hyper-ventilating by now.
Hearing Ring was right about how Joseph felt toward Ryder didn't make him feel good. Joseph's two favourite toys were now locked in a room with him, and Joseph had a knife. Ring needed to do something, at least give Ryder a chance to bolt. Slowly, his breathing began to steady, and he even took a moment to swallow and fix his jaw after it'd been pounded so hard. Joseph was feeling Ryder up. Part of him was impressed that he was still aroused, but mostly he was disgusted.
"Don't do anything to him," Ring croaked out after a minute. His voice was hoarse. He put a hand underneath him and forced himself to sit up. "Take whatever out on me. I don't care. Don't make him go back to the mental ward."
Visa09/07/2019 "Why would I let him go back, Ring?" He hummed, gently biting down on Ryder's shoulder as the younger man let out a sharp pained cry. The priest noted Ring coming forward, eyes fixated as the other got closer. Looking rather devious, he unbuttoned Ryder's pants, getting a panicked squeak from the other. "I know a way we can all just leave this without anyone dying or getting hurt." He stated, starting to stroke Ryder gently. The man groaned, cheeks starting to get red as Joseph stroked him faster and faster. "S...Stop...Jojo please...I don't..." he panted, tears starting to roll down his cheeks as he felt the shame and the embarrassment soak him down to the bone. "Suck him off, Ring." He stated lowly, then putting the knife closer to the others throat. "Do that, and I'll leave...won't come back."
A part of him upon hearing Ryder call him by his nickname made something burn inside him, his own cock starting to get a bit harder as he continued to jerk him off. "Trust me, puppy, it's taking everything in my power to not just take you here~" He purred, kissing at the other's neck. "Aren't I just a good big brother~?" he cooed, then looking at Ring again. "Well? Get to it, huh? Unless you WANT Ryder dead and to be assaulted by me all night."
Solynx09/07/2019 Joseph's answer to Ring's request made him flinch. He was right. There was no way he'd let Ryder run around, probably. At least, not to a hospital. It was too safe there. Ryder could hide from him there. He looked down. He felt helpless here. With the door locked, Hiko certainly couldn't get in and save them in a pinch. They were just stuck there, listening to Joseph's commands. Ring stared down at his lap. He didn't want to see what Joseph was doing to Ryder, though he could hear it. It made his stomach knot. Maybe he could get himself to vomit up the cum Joseph forced him to swallow.
He looked up when he heard his name, and was forced to witness what was happening. Joseph was holding Ryder close against him, grinding and kissing him while still having him at knife point. He was making Ryder get hard. Ring bit on his lip and looked away again. He heard Joseph's order to come forward and blow Ryder, but Ring didn't move. Not until Joseph threatened to kill Ryder.
"You-- you wouldn't!" His head snapped to look at Joseph. "You-- Not if--" He stumbled over a few words, before his eyes flicked down to Ryder's erection and he grew quiet. After a moment more of hesitation, he moved off of the bed. "I'm sorry, Ryder. I don't want to risk him doing anything to you." At the very least, he forced his teeth to be normal so he wouldn't accidentally break skin.
He got on his knees in front of Ryder. His skin burned with shame and embarrassment, but he still slid a hand up to wrap around the base of Ryder's cock. His thumb played with the shaft while he licked at Ryder's head, then began to take him in his mouth. Maybe if he was quick about this, it'd be less terrible. He certainly knew how to get a guy off.
His tail, ever mischievous and up to its own thing, curled around Ring's thigh. The spade of it pressed against his pants and began to rub at him idly. He didn't even notice until he felt the pressure of the tail - it was just something it did whenever he started to service someone, a side effect of his demon parts coming from a lust demon. His legs pressed together. It didn't stop his tail from trying to tease him, but he didn't want Joseph to see and think he was liking this. He didn't want to think of what Joseph would do to him if he came to that conclusion.
Visa09/08/2019 Ryder gasped at the warmth around his dick, tears pricking as he stared down at Ring. His hips moved involuntarily, bucking at the feeling of wetness that seemed to overwhelm him. "R-Ring..." he choked out, panting and whimpering as Joseph kissed at his neck. He felt like hiding forever, especially considering his body was getting hot. This was wrong, this was really wrong. Ring sucking him off...his brother touching him. Just everything about his was bad, and as much as he wanted to fucking run, he couldn't. His legs where shaking, head hanging as he moaned softly.
Joseph meanwhile looked amused, watching Ring suck off his brother carefully. Ring looked so hot taking his brother, and honestly it got him even harder now. The priest carefully started getting off behind Ryder, panting softly as he gently teased Ryder's ass, making him whimper slightly.
Solynx09/08/2019 Ryder wasn't the only one who felt wrong. The entire situation made Ring feel sick. Some deep part of him cursed out Ryder for walking into the room and forcing this situation to arise, but he shoved it away. It wasn't Ryder's fault. Joseph was holding them all hostage for his own freakish pleasure. He wasn't even trying to get attention or love out of this. Ring could hear him playing with himself. Ring fought back a fresh pang of tears and tried to focus on sucking Ryder off. It didn't take long for him to settle on a quick pace, his tongue working over his shaft as Ring ran along it.
Ring recoiled the moment he took too much of Ryder in his mouth and felt his dick start to get near his throat. His body revolted at the idea of having to choke down another dick. He pulled off completely and fell onto all fours, coughing and spitting onto the ground. After a moment, he put a hand on Ryder's leg and begged, "I can't-- Don't hurt him, I just-- I can't do this."
Visa09/08/2019 Joseph raised an eyebrow, tilting his head. "Oh? You can't?" He asked, ignoring the gentle sobs from the young man. Joseph's eyes seemed to glint again, as he then pulled out the lube. He gently coated his dick, then teasing Ryder's ass. He gasped, shaking his head as Joseph stared blankly at Ring. "Well then, I guess you have to wait until I fuck him, huh? If you move to get help, I'll kill him, and Fia of course." He stated simply, forcing Ryder on the ground and on all fours. This is when Ryder started panicking, shaking his head and sobbing loudly as the priest started teasing him more. "No! No no no! Joe please I don't want this!!" He whispered, looking up at Ring with tear filled eyes. Joseph roughly shoved the other's head on the ground, about to enter Ryder, though he did pause to look at Ring.
"Unless....you want to take his place and let me claim you instead. Otherwise you better stay there like a good boy."
Solynx09/08/2019 Ring could only watch in abject horror as Joseph started advancing on Ryder. "No, no! I-I can, I--" He cut himself off. Joseph wasn't listening. This was all the permission he needed to actually do things to Ryder, and Ring could see that he was set in doing this. Ring slunk a couple steps back as Ryder was dropped to the floor. All he could manage was to mutter out apologies. He'd really done it now. He didn't need Joseph to tell him to sit there and watch. He knew that knife would end up in Ryder's throat if he even thought of doing anythign else. He shut his eyes and whimpered as Ryder started begging Joseph for mercy. He wouldn't get it. The sounds just made Ring feel like throwing up.
Until Joseph offered Ring to take his place. Without even thinking, Ring's head snapped up and he blurted out, "I'll do it! Anything you want to do to me, I'll go with it, just leave him be!" He paused after the fact, wondering if he really should've said that, but quickly decided yes. He wouldn't let Ryder be punished for his incapabilities.
Visa09/08/2019 Ryder's eyes widened, looking up at Ring who looked hesitant at first, but firm about his decision. "R-Ring..." he whimpered, gasping as Joseph stood. It felt like a couple of seconds before Joseph had Ring on his lap facing Ryder, the priest kissing on Ring's neck before lifting him up and sliding into him. The lube made it easier, obviously, sliding into Ring, making the priest grunt in abject disappointment, but nonetheless, he began bouncing Ring on his lap. "See? This is much better isn't it?" he chuckled against Ring's ear. Spreading the being's legs, he made sure that Ryder had a good look of his cock near fully sheathed in Ring.
"Just because the knife isn't pointed at you doesn't mean you get to leave, little brother." Joseph panted, Ryder twitching as he started shakily adjusting his pants. "You have to watch...and if Ring cries to loud, shut him up with your dick. It gets annoying after a while."
Solynx09/08/2019 He gave Ryder a weak, reassuring smile. He could deal with this. He could handle Joseph. With shaking hands, he undid his pants and shoved them off of his legs, just in time for Joseph to walk over and grab him. He whimpered, but moved with. He didn't want Joseph to go back to Ryder. The thought of having to take him again didn't sit well, but it'd spare Ryder the horror of it. Ring gritted his teeth as Joseph lined his cock up to Ring's hole and pulled him down on it.
Joseph's entry made him gasp and tense a bit. He was filling, especially in Ring's tight ass. He had to force himself to relax as Joseph quickly took to fucking him. He didn't want to agitate him. Ring worked his hips with Joseph's lead to keep his cock fucking him deeply. At least he had lube this time. Circumstances aside, Joseph's dick actually felt pretty good and, with a bit of adjusting from Ring, managed to start hitting him in some good spots. It wasn't long before his own cock started to harden. His tail wrapped around it and began to stroke it, the tip of it now playing with his head. He bit his lip to stop himself from making any sound, but a small moan leaked out anyway. It felt good.
Visa09/09/2019 "That feel good, Ring? I heard that cute little moan~" Joseph hummed, bouncing the man on his lap as he continued to fuck him. He was fully sheathed inside Ring, and with little resistance too. Noticing Ring's tail play with his dick, the priest chuckled, then licking Rings' cheek. "Tell Ryder how good it feels, Ring~ Tell him how good my dick feels pounding your tight ass~" He cooed, Ryder looking disgusted and angry all at once. Ryder felt the guilt burn in his stomach, standing there as he watched Ring get raped by Joseph. He hated this, he truly wanted to bash the fuckers head in again. But if he even so much as flinched, he would put Fia in danger wouldn't he? Ryder looked away, gritting his teeth as a gentle laugh came out of Joseph.
Solynx09/09/2019 Ring's face burned with shame as Joseph spoke up about his moan. He wasn't enjoying this. He was only hard because of the touch to him, and nothing more. But Ring was a noisy person regardless and never that good at holding his tongue when he should. His breath was starting to quicken with how thoroughly Joseph was fucking him, and he let out an airy moan when Joseph licked him. His body was prickling with sensitivity.
When Joseph gave him a command, his demeanour changed entirely. His eyes widened, and he stared down at Ryder with tearful fear. The thought of saying that disgusted him, yet without hesitation, he cried out, "It f-feels amazing! You're so big--" His words cut off as he suddenly hiccuped and started crying. His stomach turned at hearing his voice. "And- and touching me everywhere that feels good... and I've already gotten so hard from you..." He bit down on his lip and choked down another moan. It came out as a pathetic, whining croak. "I l-love your cock..."
Visa09/09/2019 "Good...good...you close, baby?" He moaned, then glancing at Ryder as he shook. The priest chuckled, then started pounding him harder. "I wouldn't want a mess on your floor....why don't you fuck Ryder and finish in him, hmmm? Then I'll fill you up when you're done~" Ryder's eyes widened, then looking at Ring and Joseph again. His body was trembling, the young man biting his lower lip. "Doesn't that sound good, Ryder? I mean...being fucked by Ring? Getting filled up?"
Solynx09/09/2019 Ring had started to mumble out a, "Not really," to Joseph's question, but his words ended up in a lewd moan when Joseph started taking him harder. He really was managing to hit Ring in all the right places. There was no way those memories he'd given Joseph were sex-free. Joseph would know just how to please Ring if he wanted him to cum. He shuddered as he looked down at Ryder watching them and only began to sob harder. This was miserable work, but if it saved Ryder from having to deal with it, he'd endure it.
"Y-yes, sir," he whimpered out at Joseph's order. His eyes pleaded for forgiveness from Ryder. He couldn't defy Joseph, but maybe he could be gentler than Joseph would be. "Do you want me to right now? Can I use lube...?"
Visa09/09/2019 "Yes to all that." Joseph laughed, then kissing Ring's cheek before pulling out of him. He rubbed his cock, watching Ryder wiggle slightly away from the two. His eyes where so full of fear when looking at Joseph's hungry gaze, but seeing Ring, he felt...well...safer with him. Swallowing, he stared down at Ring's dick, before nibbling his lower lip. "....I'll....make this easier on you I guess." he muttered, wiggling out of his pants. The young man's arms where shaking, as he got on all fours and faced his ass towards Ring.
Solynx09/09/2019 Joseph pulled out, and Ring almost felt cold from the absence. He stumbled forward a bit, gasping and shaking, then glanced back at Joseph again. He was really expecting him to fuck Ryder, and he still had that knife pointed at them. Ring swallowed and picked up the lube. At the very least, this wouldn't hurt. He wouldn't let it hurt. He poured some of the lube onto himself and rubbed it on. His tail had freed itself from his cock by now, letting small beads of precum run down his length. He was a little more turned on than he thought, and the view of Ryder's ass wasn't helping.
He poured a bit more on his fingers then grew close to Ryder, whispering, "I'm sorry." He then circled Ryder's asshole with one of his fingers, and pushed two of them inside. His ass was taut. Ring spent as long as Joseph let him trying to stretch him out and relax him some before finally mounting him. He squeezed Ryder's cheeks against his cock and grinded himself between then, then lined himself up with Ryder's hole. With one more glance to Joseph, he pushed himself inside, moaning shakily as he did.
Visa09/09/2019 Ryder cried out, feeling Ring's length slip into him, panting softly as it twitched inside him. Biting his lower lip, tears spilled from his eyes as he whimpered. Joseph had been rubbing himself slowly, smirking all the while as he saw Ring slip inside the other. "Does he feel good?" Joseph asked, staring coldly at Ring. He could tell Ryder was shaking, and honestly, that got him even harder. "God you both look so cute..."
Solynx09/09/2019 Ring choked out another apology at Ryder's cry. He could hear it in his bones. Still, he was given an order, and he slowly began to rock his hips for fear of Joseph becoming impatient. Each time, he pushed himself in a little deeper in. Ring had fucked him before, fast and lustful, and was relatively familiar with what he liked. Here though, he dared not to just mindlessly rut him. It'd get him off faster, but he wanted Ryder to get used to him being inside him first. When he was finally fully in, he paused for a moment, letting his cock throb and Ryder adjust.
He whimpered at Joseph's question. "Yes," he answered, refusing to look at him. "He's... always felt really good..." He wrapped his hands around Ryder's hips, leaning forward on his body, and started to slowly fuck him.
Visa09/09/2019 Ryder whimpered softly, arms shaking as Ring slowly started to fuck him. Feeling the head press and rub against the points that felt good, he started panting more. Having had sex with the man before, Ryder wasn't surprised that Ring had known which spots to hit to make him feel good. He tried to pretend Joseph wasn't here, focusing on his own panting and Ring's thrusts inside him. It felt almost intimate, the exchange between the both of them, and eventually, Ryder found himself moaning genuinely. His body started feeling hotter, tongue lolling senselessly as the pleasure eventually replaced the shame.
Joseph was panting too now, watching his two toys go at it. He knew how Ryder felt about Ring and vice versa, so just seeing them fuck so tenderly was rather charming. "How much are you going to fill him, huh?"
Solynx09/09/2019 Ring couldn't forget that Joseph was watching them, even if he focused on Ryder. He burned with embarrassment that somehow just turned him on more. He nuzzled his face into Ryder's neck and began to kiss at the crook of it. Joseph didn't seem to mind that Ring was being gentle, so he might as well keep going like that. His tail snaked around Ryder's hips and wrapped around him almost dutifully, and began to jerk him off. Ring worked on picking up pace, making sure to grind his cock right against Ryder's sweet spot. Ryder was moaning now, and it made Ring's heart flutter with excitement. The sounds were hot.
He pulled away from his kisses when Joseph spoke to him again. He buried his face against Ryder, and answered, "How ever much you tell me to. Whatever you want me to do, I will."
Visa09/09/2019 "Hmmm...from the way he's moaning, sounds like he wants to be filled a lot~" He chuckled, then walking over to bend Ring over Ryder. "I'm about to cum, so you better be ready too." he chuckled, slipping himself inside Ring and starting a steady pace. He didn't fuck his as hard as he could, giving him enough room to fuck Ryder as well, but have him shallow little thrusts to really hit at those spots he knew Ring was sensitive at. Feeling the thrusting Joseph was doing, Ryder moaned even more, moving his own hips as both his dick and ass was getting stimulated. He couldn't handle it, feeling the stimulation of Joseph's thrusting inside Ring, which in turn made Ring's thrusts more uneven and hard.
"M-More...Ring...please!" He whimpered, face red with both embarrassment and pleasure, his drool and tears collectively making a pool under his chin.
Solynx09/09/2019 "Yes sir," was Ring's only response before he went back to pounding Ryder. He settled into a steady, pleasing rhythm that seemed to make Ryder happy. It certainly pleased Ring. His cock was twitching and throbbing with excitement from the sex. Lube and pre followed Ring's dick in strings whenever he pulled out, and made a lewd wet noise whenever he pushed back in. Ring nuzzled his face into Ryder as he let out another pathetic moan. He hated this. He hated every bit of this. Even if Ryder was enjoying it, he was still violating him. As much as Ring could feel his orgasm building, he was still crying and struggling to breathe.
Ring didn't have a lot of time to react before Joseph went inside him. He lifted his head when he felt Joseph grab him, gasping out, "Wait--" only to let out a low groan when Joseph slipped inside him. His back arched as he was re-entered, and his hips began bucking Ryder a little rougher. His ass practically swallowed Joseph's cock up, desperate to have the attention it was getting before. Ring took a shaking breath and tried to apologise to Ryder, but Joseph started touching him in all the right places again and he involuntarily moaned again. His eyes fluttered shut and he gently bit down on Ryder's neck. His cock was plunging into a cute little ass, and he was getting attention from behind. His balls were starting to feel heavy. He slid out of Ryder, only to push onto Joseph. Back and forth, he was being pleasured without relief.
His body shook. He still felt horror and disgust, and wanted to wrench away and beat Joseph's face in. But his body was hot and his mind was starting to fuzz from how good this all felt, and he could only start fucking Ryder quicker. Harder. He grinded his cock in and squeezed around Joseph's member. He didn't want this to stop. He just wanted to be fucked until he couldn't feel anything. Ryder's begging only spurred him on, and soon, he'd abandoned his plan to be gentle. His mind broke and instinct took over. His hips slapped against Ryder's ass as he started a desperate, rough fucking. Each time Joseph hit his prostate, he moaned loudly. He couldn't hold himself back anymore. His voice was begging to come out.
"J-Joe... Joseph," he panted out, only to stop to let out a happy little cry. He went quiet to continue working Ryder over. His hands fluttered up Ryder's chest and began to play with his nipples, before one went further up and stuck two fingers into Ryder's mouth. He was so easy to please. Ring wanted him to feel good from all angles. He bit down on his neck again, grunting and growling with each thrust in, only for his voice to dissolve in more desperate groans then go back to another snarl. His heart was beating quick. He wanted to dominate Ryder, fuck him raw, and stuff him with his cum. He wanted to please Joseph. He wanted Joseph to take him over and over again, and make him unable to walk. His cock pulsed excitedly at the thought and only drooled out another fresh dollop of hot pre into Ryder. Ring squealed at that, and let go of Ryder with his mouth to beg out, "Joseph! T-tell me when I can c-cum in him, please! Please... Oh God, he's so-- he's so good, I'm gonna-- Fuck-- I can't take it... Please let me cum, Joseph, I wanna... wanna take him..."
Visa09/09/2019 "You want to dominate what's yours, huh?" Joseph chuckled, watching Ring absolutely lose his resolve. He could tell he was broken, and with that, started to pound into Ring more and more to keep up with his fucking if not slightly. "You want to cum in that cute little ass and make sure he's your bitch huh, Ring~?" He panted, feeling his orgasm burn in his stomach. He was so close, but he could hold on a bit more; just to watch Ring lose it at each hit of his prostate. "Take him, baby....cum in his ass and claim him." He grunted.
Ryder's mind had gone completely blank at this point, eyes rolled back and tongue out as Ring started to fuck him ruthlessly. It hurt, it really did. Feeling Ring's dick ram into his body so fervently, he saw stars, not even noticing Ring's fingers until his tongue rolled over them lewdly. He...he was going to get addicted to this, wasn't he? He couldn't even think anymore, nothing coherent anyways, except of Ring's hard dick pounding his poor prostate senseless. Dick...dick dick dick..he loved Ring and he loved dick...god, he wanted that hot cum of his deep inside him. His mind was absolutely destroyed, and hearing Ring's begging to Joseph made a tiny pang of disgust appear, if not only for a moment.
Solynx09/09/2019 "Yes!" he cried out at Joseph's questions. His rutting only got harder. "Oh God, oh yes, I wanna make his ass mine! I want-- nngh... I want to cum in him so badly! I can't-- I love his ass..." His voice broke off in a whine that turned to more moans. Pleasure wouldn't stop shooting up his spine and making his mind dizzy. He was gasping for breath and sweating hard, but he didn't ease up his pounding. Ryder was too good. Joseph's teasing made his orgasm grow more. He was gonna get off hard, he could feel it. The thought of how amazing it'd feel only edged him further along. He raised his head to look back as Joseph gave him the clear to cum, and all Ring could manage to choke out was a delighted, "Thank you... I'm gonna fucking cum so much..."
He pulled his finger's out of Ryder's mouth and grabbed a fist full of hair, jerking his head back so Ring could start kissing him passionately. He couldn't stop drooling and groaning into them. He nipped at Ryder's tongue and lips. His vision was spotty and his blood was roaring through his ears. All he could smell at this point was the sex. It swamped every sense of him. He wanted more. He wanted Ryder. He wanted to cum. He was loving this so bad, and he couldn't tell if his tears were from fear or raw enjoyment anymore. He slid a leg forward and practically shoved Ryder onto the ground. His balls kept hitting his thighs. He moaned and fucked and didn't let up until, finally, his body shook. He hit his limit. With a particularly hard thrust, he buried himself deep in Ryder, his whole body clenching, and began to finally unload in him.
Ring threw his head back screaming Joseph's name. His sight filled with white as the pleasure and relief seized his brain. It felt good. Mind meltingly good. His head broke to everything but his pure delight. His eyes were wide, his claws digging into Ryder, and his tail thrashed as much as it could. His hips bucked and pounded into Ryder, shooting off pulse after pulse of hot seed and making him shake and continue to scream. His cum was deep and thick and kept coming. It dragged out with him each time his cock pulled back and quickly made a mess around Ryder's hole.
After several eternal, wonderful seconds, he settled to have himself buried in Ryder as his orgasm finally began to die down. He well and truly stuffed Ryder, and could feel his cum squeezing out between his dick and Ryder's asshole as it ran out of places to fit in him. His voice died off to moans and murmurs of Joseph's name as he finished, and finally, into hard pants as his body calmed down. His mind was fogged. His body went almost completely limp. Slowly, he dragged his cock out, and felt his cum immediately start drooling out of Ryder. He let out another soft groan and began kissing at Ryder's neck.
"Oh God..." he finally managed to whimper out. "Oh my God... Joseph... Th-that was... Fuck, Ryder's so good... Thank you..."
Visa09/09/2019 Ryder felt like a ragdoll at this rate, tongue out and face red with pleasure. He didn't even realize he had been kissing Ring until it was too late, by then being rammed onto the floor and pounded into like the fucking sex toy he was. He whimpered, only to cry out a silent scream as he was filled. He felt like his abdomen was expanding from how much cum was deep inside his gut, body shaking as the man stay buried to the hilt to let the cum overflow inside him. God, he felt like a slut. A total slut...but he was Ring's slut...he wanted to always be filled with this much cum whenever Ring wanted to use him. The young man panted shallowly, not noticing Ring's kisses but feeling him over him as his now limp dick rubbed against him. He looked up slightly, noticing Joseph's face, full of ecstasy as  he stared at him directly. The priest was now pounding deep and hard inside Ring, orgasm ripping through as well as he came deep inside Ring.
For the moment, Joseph could only pause for a moment to catch his breath, then casually starting to pound into the limp man again. "Ring...you're so good...such a good boy...aren't you glad I'm going to fill you up even more? Say thank you, Joseph for filling you up! I love you, Joseph~"
Solynx09/09/2019 Soft whimpers came out of Ring with each of Joseph's thrusts. His body was still shaking from his orgasm, and Joseph pounding into his sweet spot even after was just keeping him hard. His tail curled around Joseph's waist, and weakly, he pressed his hips back so Joseph could get even deeper. His fucking made Ring's whole body jerk and him to weakly grab Ryder, desperate for something to steady himself. It didn't work. He still shook with Joseph's poundings, and it felt great. His eyes fluttered shut as his cock got rubbed against Ryder's still leaking asss, and his moans slowly got louder.
When Joseph came, Ring cried out in delight and began to squeeze his cock, trying to milk him for all he had. He wanted to be as stuffed as Ryder was. He was disappointed when Joseph stopped cumming so soon, only to be quickly brought with excitement again as Joseph kept fucking him through it. Ring started to move his hips with, fucking himself on Joseph. He let Ryder fall to the floor and his cock drool onto his back as more excited pre drizzled out.
"I love you, Joseph!" he squealed out. He looked back at Joseph as he said that, his eyes burning with lust and a stupid grin on his face. His cheeks were red. "I love you so much... Oh God, please fill me up! I wanna be stuffed with your cum!" He wiggled his hips enticingly. "Please, I love your cock! I love how you fuck me! Just keep using me, I wanna be your slut!"
Visa09/09/2019 He was definitely broken. Joseph smirked as he hoisted the other up, changing the position as he started fucking Ring on the bed. He wrapped the moaning man's legs around his waist, panting and grunting as he pounded him mercilessly. He bit at his neck, thrusting hard and deep as his dick pounded into those sweet spots. The priest seemed to lose himself, ignoring his humanly limitations as he continuously pounded and came into Ring. He muttered soft and loving words at one point, then resolving to harsh and rather lewd mumbles.
Ryder's mind had been broken for a bit, body shaking for a while. Though eventually he did get his bearings back, slowly and achingly rolling onto his back. What...the fuck happened? How much time had passed? He blinked then sitting up if not to gasp and moan at the cum that was still sloshing around in his stomach. His eyes widened, and head jerked up as he heard Ring's moaning, a horrified expression on his face as he realized how much Joseph had came in the other.
"Oh~ Ryder! Good to have you back~" He panted, groaning and cumming again into Ring's body, noting his cum now sloppily leaking out of Ring. "Damn....I really let the beast in me go, hm? He looks just as filled as you do~" He chuckled, and for a moment, his eyes looked....different, but maybe that was Ryder's eyes playing tricks on him.
Solynx09/09/2019 Ring quite eagerly wrapped himself around Joseph and let himself be laid on the bed. He immediately spread his legs apart and let Joseph mount him and begin fucking him senseless. It felt incredible. Ring's entire body trembled and hummed with pleasure as Joseph began truly taking him, pounding into his ass like no other. Ring's back arched and his head threw back as he couldn't contain his voice anymore. He howled and screamed and moaned in delight, and wrapped his arms around Joseph's body. His claws dug in and began pulling down Joseph's back, leaving deep, bleeding scratches. Ring just moved his hands back up and started again each time they got too low. Ring's eyes rolled back. He couldn't think of anything but Joseph's cock taking him.
Over and over, Joseph came in him, and Ring cried out, "I love you!" every time. He even came with most of the time, making a mess on his stomach and chest. Each time he did, he thanked Joseph and tried to nudge him deeper or harder. He wanted to be fucked into next week. Ring squeezed and wiggled on his cock whenever Joseph came, trying to keep him horny.
It only delighted Ring more when he noticed his ass was dripping with Joseph's cum. He was getting well and truly filled, and it only drove him more mad. He let out a happy, horny laugh and nuzzled up against Joseph, saying, "Oh God! J-Joseph, I'm getting so... so f-fucking full!" It was hard to speak with his body being drilled like no other, but he still choked it out. Joseph's next orgasm made Ring let out a shriek of pure pleasure. "Yes! Joseph! I love you! I love your cock!" he panted in Joseph's ear. "I l-love you so fuck... fucking much! I love being your fuck pet! I love you, I love you, I love you!" He nuzzled against Joseph's neck. He barely even noticed Ryder being up. The only thing he could think of was Joseph's next orgasm. Ring kept tracing on his back, drawing rune after rune and forcing Joseph to fill up with cum. He wanted every single drop until he was swollen and his ass was raw and not even magic could get Joseph to cum again.
Ring kissed him deeply, his tongue shoving into Joseph's mouth for several eager seconds before he pulled away, and whimpered, "Keep fucking me, please, I want you, I want your love, I wanna be your cum slut, I wanna... I wanna feel your cock forever... Oh my God, I love you, Joseph... I love you..."
Visa09/09/2019 Ryder was horrified seeing Ring's face, though, remembered that he was begging as much when he had Ring inside him. He shivered, looking away from the priest and fucked Ring as he tried to move his body to a corner. Ring sounded...happy...being filled by his brother, and for a moment a gross sense of curiousity seemed to fill him, only to be shoved down deeply. Ryder's hand, however, had other ideas, and before he knew it, he was jerking himself off, watching the two go at it. Joseph looked...so animalistic, like a lion or bear ravaging it's prey...it was actually....scary. Yet it got Ryder to whimper and bit his lower lip as he continued to jerk off.
Meanwhile, the priest's focus was soley on Ring. his dick pulsating and seeming to supply Ring with an endless stream of cum. He felt...something....changing in him, something akin to Michael's control on him. Yet....different. His head as hurting, but not like a headache or a migrane. Physically hurting, like something was going to come out. But ignoring his pain, he continued to fuck the male senselessly. "That's right~ You're gonna be my little cum dumpster, hm? Such a good boy~"
Solynx09/09/2019 Senseless was an understatement. Ring's mind was only on Joseph anymore, looking at him and loving him and taking him. Joseph's words made him shudder and moan in his ear. "Yes, yes! I'm a good boy! Oh my God, yes!" He bit on his lip. "Please, make me your cum dumpster! I want it, I want you, I want your cum!" He writhed and kicked his legs a little before wrapping them back around Joseph's waist. The bed shook and creaked underneath the brutal sex, and it only made Ring want more. Feeling Joseph's cum leak and get fucked out of him was making him upset, though. He truly wanted his insides painted with Joseph's loads, and he wanted his ass to be full of it forever. He couldn't if it was all coming out.
He traced another rune on Joseph's back and mumbled an incantation in Joseph's ear, just so he'd know what Ring was doing. Moments later, Ring could feel Joseph's cock thicken and expand inside him, easily sprouting another inch and swelling to stretch out his ass even more. He was getting too loose from the rough fucking, but this made it feel like he was tight again. Ring let out a happy scream at the feeling of being full of Joseph's cock again, and he cast a silent spell to fill Joseph with another big load.
"Cum in me again," he begged. "P-please, don't stop! Make me your little doggie! I'll be s-such a good boy for you! I love you!"
Visa09/09/2019 Joseph felt his dick get bigger, groaning and fucking Ring harder and faster than before. That pain was getting deeper now, but he didn't care. Fucking Ring was the only thing that made him continue through the pain, moaning as Ring begged him to continue. "You..are you're such a good boy. I bet you just wanna live with my cock deep inside you huh, my cute little puppy~" He moaned, hearing Ryder's panting and only getting more fueled to completely ravage Ring's ass. His enlarged dick seemed to pulse and twitch even more, the flow of cum now more thick and almost continuously flowing.
"I bet you like having my dick in you...ah...after me, you won't be able to fuck anyone else and feel satisfied~" He hummed, licking Ring's cheek as another orgasm rocked his body. This time, he buried himself fully, cumming deep inside Ring's guts as he growled in dominance. The load was, now that his dick was bigger, thicker and more intensely hosed into the moaning man, the priest groaning as he pounded Ring's ass with each pulse of seed. He could hear the lewd squishing of Ring's already filled ass, as soon as that big load was finished, only moving Ring to have him ride on his dick facing a flustered and panting Ryder.
Solynx09/09/2019 Joseph could get so deep in him now. It was unrealistically good. Ring squeezed his ass and groaned in joy at feeling Joseph's cock throbbing. He was so big and so satisfying. Ring couldn't remember the last time he felt this pleasured. His mind felt broken to pieces and his ass was starting to hurt, but his cock kept aching with deep, desperate need. He huffed and panted and kept bucking his hips into Joseph. He was sweating, shaking, and getting exhausted, but pure ecstacy kept him going.
His words only excited Ring more. His eyes fluttered open, glazed with lust and practically cross-eyed out of his stupor. His tongue was lolling out as he panted and gasped for air between happy cries. "Oh my God, yes! Joseph! I'm your puppy!" He paused to whine. "I'm your good little puppy, I wanna be fucked by you forever! I want your cock forever! You feel so fucking good, I-- ahh, I love you! I love you, I love you-- I... love... youuuu...~!" His voice peaked as he got off again, splattering his and Joseph's abdomen with more cum. He moaned out Joseph's name as his load began to run off of his chest. He pressed feverish kisses against Joseph.
"F-fuck, Joseph, tha... thank you... I'll be such a good puppy for you to use and fuck..." His heart pounded in his chest. "I-I want you to take me home and tie me up and m-make me wear nothing but this collar and fuck me whenever you want... I-I-I'm here to be used by you... and love you... and... oh my God... I love you... Make me your's and no one else's..." His cock throbbed with his words as it hardened again. The mere thought of any of that happening drove him insane.
Joseph came in him again, shooting off more cum deeper into him. Ring whined and moaned and his cock twitched as he felt the heat spread into his guts. It was too good. He couldn't take it. He came again, howling, screaming how much he loved Joseph. He could feel his stomach starting to swell from the heavy load. As soon as he realised, his body shuddered with another happy orgasm, and he ran kisses to Joseph's neck. He wanted to be with Joseph forever if this was what was waiting him.
His body was weak and shaking, yet when Joseph set Ring in his lap, Ring immediately began riding Joseph's cock. His ass bounced up and down with quick, forceful thrusts, pulling Joseph out to his head then slamming back down until Ring could feel his balls. All the while, he stared into Joseph's eyes and continued to mumble about how he loved him. Loved the sex. Never wanted to be away from him. He leaned forward and starting kissing Joseph again.
Visa09/09/2019 Joseph sloppily kissed Ring, bouncing the moaning man on his dick as he fucked him deeply. He didn't want to let up, didn't want to stop fucking him; but Fia might get suspicious. God, if she wasn't here, he would have no problem going on for hours with Ring, claiming him over and over....making him forget about going home. He glanced at Ryder, who had been whimpering and moaning as he looked pretty close to cummming again. "Now, puppy...ah....after this, I'm going to have to leave, but make sure Ryder is a good boy, ok? Put him in his place if he acts up, and i swear I'll fill you with as much cum as you want." He grunted, gasping and moaning as his dick twitched with threat of another orgasm.
"Are you ready for your meal, Ring? Ready for me to feed you?" He chuckled, eyes glinting some sort of red for a short moment.
Solynx09/09/2019 Ring's hands dug into Joseph's shoulders as he continued his messy makeout. Saliva drooled out of his mouth and ran down his chin, and when Joseph pulled away to talk, strands of spit were left on their lips. Ring whined and went to kiss Joseph again, but paused at the mention of leaving. "No," he moaned out. "D-don't leave. Please. I wanna... I want you... I love you... I want you to fuck me unconscious... Please..." He nuzzled his face against Joseph's cheek. The mention of being filled again made him whimper and slam down on Joseph again. He let out a happy, "Ah!" then, slowly, nodded at the request about Ryder. "O-Okay... Fuck... I'll do anything you want if you'll fuck me like this again. Oh my God... I haven't been fucked this good in so long."
He nibbled at Joseph's jawline, working up to his ear where he nipped and tugged it with his teeth. "I-I love you so fucking much, Joseph," he whispered, voice hoarse from all of his screaming. "I love you so, so much... I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you... You're so good to me." He bit on his lip. "Yes-- yes, oh, please feed me. I've been trying to be such a good puppy for you. I-I want a meal."
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lunupine · 2 years
hi if u found this without me linking u: how the fuck
a lot happened here. it gets really graphic at some points because im a demon who loves to describe how miserable my characters are feeling. i think i got cucked by the character limit like 3 or 4 times. anyway if you ever feel like its upsetting you, i'd suggest just not reading. i literally had to take a breather writing it at one point, so don't feel bad.
getting ring to talk about what happened here will be like pulling teeth, so it probably wont come up in gc much. still, i'll put an ooc word out if he's gonna talk abt it, if you all want. be sure to actually tell me if u do or i won't know.
and the worst part of this? joseph came twice. we had it in the fucking channel name that You May Cum Once, and the bastard couldn't even manage that. he almost got off three times, even. fucking terrible.
some warnings: - torture - burning/branding - rape (there's some consensual stuff at the start though) - incest mentions - eye trauma - infidelity/general relationship dishonesty - manipulation - minor pet play - religious themes (its joseph. but maybe someone unaware will look at this, idk lol)
what a mess. have fun kids -Cee
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 4:03 PM Ring didn't announce that he was going to Joseph's. He told Fia that he planned to go and visit, but he didn't tell Joseph himself. He was afraid Joseph might run. An irrational fear, probably, but Joseph had been acting odd since their incursion a few days before. He didn't know what to expect. He pulled up along the dirt path of a driveway Joseph had on his farm and stepped out of the car. The sun was shining and the animals looked to be doing well. He smiled at them. It was really a peaceful sight. He spent a lone minute just watching, letting it calm his nerves. He then turned to nothing and nodded. Today would be an all right day, he was sure of it.
A yelp from the barn caught his attention. He'd intended to head to the house, but he wouldn't be surprised if Joseph was tending to the animals. He walked over to the open doors and swung inside on one hand, calling out, "Hey, Joe! I managed to talk to Gabriel about--" He cut himself off at what he saw. "Uh... What are you doing?"
Visa - Last Wednesday at 4:10 PM Oh god. Oh god. Why, why was this happening!? Ryder had been taken out of the mental ward by his brother, and honestly, it felt so good to be out of there. And when the man had mentioned going to confession, Ryder rolled his eyes. Jesus, of course he would want to do that. "Sure, I'll humor you. but I have to go to my house before I turn into a convert." He had joked, and the exchange started off innocently at first.
However at that exchange of words as confession usually went, something...changed in Joseph. His tone sounded more...twisted, which caused Ryder to feel uncomfortable and move on out of the close compartment. And he would've been home free then, if not for his brother towering over and knocking him out....All Ryder could remember when being in and out of consciousness was the familiar happy tone of his brother, the man pointing a camera at his face. "Is that your baby?....a...is that your puppy?" is all he heard, before he felt a harsh slap. He gasped, eyes wide and head throbbing as he stared at his brother. Where was he!? What was this!? "Joseph! What the fuck!" He yelped, and when those doors opened...well fuck he might as well turn to god now because there was Ring.
"Ring!" Joseph called happily, turning to the man and smiling kindly. "Nice of you to drop in though...ah. You sort of caught me in the middle of getting things situated for you!"
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 4:24 PM "For me?" he echoed. His eyes flicked between Joseph and Ryder, who was handcuffed to the barn wall. It was the exact same place that Michael had been pinned, but with less nails this time. Ryder looked pissed off, but Joseph was as serene as always. He had a hint of danger in him though, a glimmer in his eyes and posture that showed he wasn't as friendly as he seemed. It was a look Ring was all too familiar with. It was one he branded himself with when he was feeling cruel. Right now though, Ring's face was struck with an unsure smile.
Slowly, he put his feet in front of the other, and drew closer. "Joseph... What the hell are you guys doing?" He chuckled a bit, trying to stay relaxed. Maybe it was a weird game of some sort, or a Christian ritual. He didn't know. Anxiety weighted his stomach and suggested his thoughts of innocence were very wrong.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 4:36 PM Joseph sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Well this was a surprise for you! For being so kind to me!" He stated, kneeling down to thumb at the ID coin on Ryder's collar. "I saw how mean my brother was to you... but also saw you really liked to play with him." He hummed, then looking back at Ring and smiling. "Ryder needs to be trained....after all, to be a good boy." He stood, but not quickly enough as Ryder spit on him. The man growled, kicking Ryder directly on the stomach, which caused the animals in the barn to twitch and Mama, the big sheepdog currently trapped behind with the horses, to howl and bark. "Easy, Mama! Lost my temper, pups fine!" He stated, then lifting up Ryder's head. "Right, puppy? Tell her you're ok!" He cooed calmly, sighing as the only words to come out was a weak "fuck you."
"I'm so sorry, Ring....this is gonna take a while." His face looked genuinely saddened, as he stood straight again.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 4:43 PM The display made Ring jump back a step and fall quiet. He didn't have anything to say to Joseph's crazed talk, but his mind did flicker back to Lisa held in Flint's house as the dog tag was played with. He thought back to chat the night he was over there watching her be kicked around, and how Joseph talked about getting a dog. He shuddered with realisation. The "dog" Joseph had been talking about was Ryder. He'd described the dog as a mutt and rebellious and other harsh dehumanising things.
"What the fuck?" he wheezed out after palpable silence came over the barn. "No, really, what the fuck? What is this-- what- what are you doing? He's a person, he's your brother, you can't... do this to him."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 4:56 PM Oh Joseph was surprised by that. Brown eyes flickering to the other man, he tilted his head. "It's weird hearing that coming from you, Ring." He stated, ruffling Ryder's hair absentmindedly and pulling back when he tried to bite him. "From what I've heard....and what I read back.....why would you be so disturbed by what I'm doing?" For once, those eyes didn't show kindness or understanding, rather the soulless insanity that had since plagued his mind. He sighed in annoyance then looking at Ryder as he suddenly shouted.
"Ring! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I said to you! I....I didn't...mean to....make you angry...." his voice trailed off, before he shook his head and bit his lower lip. Ryder's collar jangled slightly, as he looked up at him, shaking gently. "Just.....please. Don't..don't leave me here...." he whimpered,  Joseph suddenly bursting into laughter as he tapped the leash that Ryder was connected to. "Wait! This is familiar isn't it??" He asked, then grabbing the chain and kicking Ryder on his stomach. "Crawl to him, mutt." He ordered, Ryder hesitating.
"Now. That's an order, Ryder!" Another kick, and the man, humiliated,  crawled over to the other, glancing up pitifully. "Ring.....please....help me..."
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 5:08 PM Ring raised a trembling hand to his face and shook his head. He knew Joseph had been off, but he didn't imagine this. He knew Joseph had grown close to him, but he never imagined a freakish worship. He'd been caught up in the chase of freeing Joseph that he was ignoring the man's obvious mental problems. Now here he was, watching Ryder be thrashed around like it was Michael again. Joseph had fallen fast back to depravity, or perhaps he'd never been okay at all. He'd just been saying what pleased Ring, since Ring was taking care of him.
The first kick to Ryder made Ring wince in guilt and sympathetic pain. The second time Joseph reared his foot back, Ring lunged, interposing his own leg between Joseph and Ryder. Joseph's foot connected right to Ring's shin. He let out a choke of pain, but looked up to Joseph through it. "Stop it! Now!" he barked. "What do you think you're doing?! Are you a monster?!" The anxiety in his stomach began to flare into anger. "We can't fix you if you're throwing away God and fucking beating people! We can't-- You--" He stared hard at Joseph, then his shoulders slumped. "You don't want to be fixed, do you?"
Visa - Last Wednesday at 5:25 PM Joseph was surprised by the other's sudden interference, stepping back himself and staring at Ring. For a moment, silence was heard, save for Ryder's slowly growing sobs. A....monster...oh is that what he became? The priest could only stare, before a gentle chuckle escaped his throat. "Why would I want to be fixed?" he stated, then stepping forward again. Due to the fact that Joseph let go of the leash, Ryder scrambled behind Ring, looking like a scared child. Joseph glanced at Ryder, then scoffed.
"I'd think that you of all people would like this...I thought I found a kindred spirit...but I guess I was wrong." He smiled kindly, leaning to stare Ring in the eye. "Do you want to know a secret, Ring?" He asked, brown eyes now dull and a smirk slowly forming on his face. "You and I are far more alike than you realize....you say that you deserved your punishment of immortality. So did I." He straightened up, then walking over to his power tools, grabbing a certain tool and looking at it fondly. The nail gun, which was rusted with the blood of Michael. His eyes went soft for a moment, as he ran a finger over the nail. "...I knew that Michael was manipulating me...from day one."
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 5:40 PM Joseph was far taller and wider than Ring, and instinctively, he shrunk in his clothes when Joseph stepped toward him. Ryder grabbing him shocked him out of it, and once more, he puffed out his chest. He wasn't going to just leave Ryder at the mercy of Joseph. He knew some of what Joseph could do, and could imagine everything else. It wasn't good.
"Do you... know how crazy you sound?" he finally spoke up after Joseph brought up Michael. "We're alike? You deserve this? No, Joseph. Not at all. You can be saved." He looked down at Ryder, offering a sorry look, then stepped forward. "I managed to get in touch with Gabriel - I know how we can do it. And God is willing to forgive you." He came behind Joseph, his voice soft. He gingerly reached out and put his hands on Joseph's sides. "But you-- you can't seriously want to stay like this. This awful fucking existence? It's indescribably terrible, and you don't need to. Why wouldn't you want to end it?"
Visa - Last Wednesday at 5:49 PM "I can be honest...I was ready to go back, Ring." he stated, feeling the soft touch and tensing at first. God...that touch....remembering last night, it made him shudder and practically melt. "...the attention was worth it, I thought." he stated, then glancing at Ring. The other was still injured, this he knew. His wings where mangled and he didn't look like he was healing at all. Turning, he set the nails down, then letting his hand reach out to let his thumb gently run over that part of the wing he knew was in pain. "I....thrive on attention. That's why I became a priest." he stated, eyes soft as he leaned over to kiss his injured wing. "It hurts, doesn't it? I did feel bad that you did this to yourself to help my eyesight...and god, it scared me..." He opened, his eyes, not really realizing they had fluttered closed.
"You saved me, Ring...in your own way. Your attention...everything you do, is so important to me...I love you...and I love the people in chat....and I'll do anything to protect you all...even if I have to turn on my own family." His eyes then flickered to Ryder, who had been trying to crawl away, his hand shooting out to open the gate that Mama was kept in. "Mama, baby." he said in a sweet voice, the dog then running over to Ryder and nuzzling his cheek. The dog, in all her intentions, wanted Ryder there to protect him.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 5:59 PM Ring's wing had scabbed over, but it would be slow healing as long as he wasn't using magic on it. He instinctively winced a but when the tear was touched. They were delicate. He didn't shove Joseph away, though, not even when he kissed the wing. Joseph really did like wings. Ring could remember him staring at Michael's in the same affectionate way. They fluttered and folded up when Joseph pulled away, as though scared. Ring hadn't forgotten about the nail gun.
"Joseph... I understand that. The attention thing." He took Joseph's hands and linked their fingers. At the very least, it would keep Joseph from grabbing any weapons. "Not wanting to leave your loved ones. But this isn't right, not when your curse can be lifted. You don't have to sink to this level. You can still love and protect us without tormenting yourself."
Despite the passion in his words, Ring knew they wouldn't change Joseph's mind. "And what are you gonna do when everyone dies and I go home? What do you have then?"
Visa - Last Wednesday at 6:07 PM Smiling, the priest's disposition seemed to calm, particularly to the way he usually acted. With the fact that the other had linked their hands together, Joseph felt like he could stay like this for a while. He felt safe....warm....this attention was truly intoxicating. As much as Ring slept around, fell for other people...hell, even teased him with promises that he knew didn't mean much, he was so desperate for Ring's approval and attention. Though at the mention of Ring's leaving, his eyes widened, and instantly that warmth left his chest. He fell on his knees, looking like a lost child as he glanced up at Ring.
"Leave? No...no I don't want you to leave...I want you to stay with me!" He whimpered, letting his cheek rest on Ring's hip. "I couldn't live without you, Ring. I don't want to live without you...I'd rather die than live without you..." he muttered, eyes once again drifting to Ryder, who was being coddled by their childhood dog. "I'll do anything, Ring...please just...don't leave me....I don't want anyone else but you...."
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 6:24 PM The drop surprised Ring, and he let go of Joseph's hands as he collapsed onto the floor. It was a dramatic gesture. Ring must have rubbed off on him more than he realised. He reached a tentative hand out and began to pet Joseph's head. It was the least comfort he could provide. Joseph's desperation resonated with him and the loneliness he was plagued with, and it only brought forth his desire to go home more.
"I got things at home. Friends, a husband, the end to my curse. An entire life. Eventually I'm gonna go back. You can't really stop that. And eventually, I'm gonna fade from existence too." His hand moved to cradle Joseph's cheek, and Ring tilted Joseph's head up so they were meeting eyes. "So why won't you die for me? You said you'd rather be dead, but you're refusing to have your curse undone. You want to be alone?"
Visa - Last Wednesday at 6:33 PM Joseph looked so lost, but happy that Ring was treating him so tenderly. Tears pricked at his eyes as he nodded, gently rubbing his cheek against Ring's hip. Ryder was merely staring in...disbelief. And a gross feeling washed over him as he looked away, focusing on the knife his brother had forgotten to take out of his pocket. Being chained up, he couldn't reach for it without Joseph getting suspicious. But now that Joseph and Ring where having a....moment....he took the time to grab it from his pocket. tearing the collar off his neck, he stood, knife in hand as he stared at the two.
From Joseph's soft whimpering of "I love you"s, to Ring's rather soft gaze, something in him just fueled the need to throw up. So he did, running out and throwing up outside. The man was shuddering, staring at the ground before shaking his head and letting the tears flow from his eyes. He was almost fucking sold out by his own brother. Treated lesser than dirt...oh god how he wanted to kill him now. But something held him back....and the fact that Mama was now licking his face calmed him...slightly. "Ryder?" he heard, head whipping around as the man, now calmer and happy seemed to call out to him. Ryder stood tall, trying to look more intimidating as he glanced between Ring and Joseph frantically.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 6:45 PM Ring paid Ryder no mind. He was planning to let Ryder go, anyway. If he got himself out, that was okay. In Ring's mind, he told Ryder to run and not stop. Get as far away as he could before Joseph inevitably noticed. It didn't work well, because Joseph immediately noticed Ryder's stampede out the building. Joseph started to get up and stumble after Ryder, but Ring didn't want that. He slid a foot in Joseph's direction, murmuring a spell that caused the ground to rise up around Joseph's feet and lock him in place by the ankles. Ring then walked over and stood in front of him.
"Ryder. Go. I need to talk with Joe still, but I'll find you when we're done. I still owe you a place to stay, after all." He turned back to Joseph. "You didn't answer me. If you love me so much, why are you doing this? Why are you shoving away everything I'm doing for you and making me watch you suffer? Do you want to know what it's like to live like this?!"
Visa - Last Wednesday at 6:50 PM Joseph froze, shrinking at the fact that Ring shouting at him. Eyes drifting to the side, he said nothing, watching Ryder run off with Mama in hot pursuit. "No....I..." he muttered, body now starting to shake, tears started filling his eyes. "I just...wanted to make you happy..." he whimpered, staring down at Ring. "I didn't think about myself...because I didn't want to see you sad..and I didn't want to hurt you...but I messed up on that....thought....and I'm sorry."
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 6:57 PM He sighed. He'd started to raise his voice at Joseph. He hadn't meant to, but this was a topic that meant a lot to him and he was getting fired up over it. He came up to Joseph and once more put an arm around him, his other reaching up to hold Joseph's face. The concrete that'd risen up to hold Joseph slunk back into the ground with rumbling sounds.
"I forgive you, Joe. But you can't be doin' this stuff in hopes to impress me. What's really gonna make me happy is seeing you normal again. What I can't do." He grabbed at Joseph's clothes and put his face in his chest. He was large and comfortable, despite everything. "You don't even understand how much it hurts to see you throw this chance away."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 7:03 PM "I...I don't want to hurt you..." he muttered, letting his hand fly up to gently ruffle Ring's hair. His fingers, despite the callous on them, where soft, and loving as they ran through his hair. His free arm gently wrapped around Ring's waist, as his lips gently pressed against  Ring's head. He felt so warm and safe...god Joseph couldn't help but be obsessed with it. He continued to give gentle kisses to Ring's head. "I promise....I promise I won't hurt you again...I'm so sorry...I love you..."
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 7:16 PM Ring didn't mind the affection. He was always the kind to love being held and cooed over. Sure, Fia was nice to snuggle with, but he could practically feel the emotions within Joseph right now, and it touched the loneliness that ached his soul. He nuzzled his face into Joseph and stayed there for a long, calming minute. Joseph was so terribly tormented though, and imprinted like a duckling. Ring wasn't sure how good of an idea this was. This whole situation started because he decided to be greedy and not fix Joseph's eyes as soon as he could.
He looked up after a minute, and into the eyes he made. He supposed he could always take them away if Joseph defied him again. They were gift under the assumption that Joseph would be saved, not use them to corrupt his soul further. His finger came to the edge of Joseph's eye and circled around it as he contemplated his options. His god of life really didn't want Joseph to have those eyes, yet Ring ignored the infinite wisdom for what he felt was right.
"I don't want you to kill or hurt people, okay? I know you thought it would be something I like, and I can tell how much you love me. Don't worry. But you really scared me."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 7:24 PM Joseph felt the finger hear his eyes and shuddered, nodding softly as his hug got a little tighter. "I...I promise...I won't do that to anyone....I promise....I'm so sorry." he whimpered, still nuzzling and cuddling the other man. His chest felt so warm, love absolutely melting what little madness had held him...for the moment. He practically swept the other up, going into the shed to place them both on a bail of hay. God, he loved hugging Ring, sitting the other on his lap and just giving him kisses and loving whispers as he just bombarded the other with affection.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 7:31 PM Being picked up made Ring yelp in surprise and instinctively flail a bit, but he soon grabbed onto Joseph and let himself be carried. He was a bit nervous. Joseph still seemed kind of unstable, and he wasn't sure that he wouldn't be hurt. Thankfully though, Ring was plopped into a pile of hay in a corner of the barn and just pulled into Joseph's lap. He went to say something, but found himself in a kiss. He relaxed at that. Joseph just wanted to cuddle some. Ring kissed him back and put his arms around Joseph's neck. This, at least, he could provide. He murmured back sweet things to him, though he was careful to never say "I love you." He didn't want to know what that might do.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 7:34 PM Joseph shuddered at the affection back, nuzzling the other's neck and kissing at it. His mind was completely addicted to the feeling of Ring, everything about him just made him feel safe....and he never wanted to lose that. The priest's hands drifted down to the other's hips, lips tenderly nipping and kissing at Ring's neck.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 7:39 PM Ring let his head fall to the side when Joseph nuzzled into him, allowing him to kiss his neck. It felt nice. He'd been bedfellows with Joseph before, but it wasn't intimate in this way. He couldn't help but laugh with glee and close his eyes, letting Joseph do what he wanted. It was when Joseph put his hands on Ring's hips that he hesitated. He didn't actually intend to sleep with Joseph again, not while he was like this. Ring wiggled and tried to slip out of Joseph's lap, saying, "Hey, nah. We should limit ourselves."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 7:43 PM Joseph blinked in surprise at Ring suddenly stopping him, pouting gently. His arms wrapped around the others waist, but he didn't try to advance any more. "I'm sorry...please don't leave?" He stated softly, brown eyes locking into his as he gently pressed his forehead against Ring's. The lost expression in his eyes had a dangerous spark to them for a moment, but his expression was still soft as he let his hands gently cup Ring's face. "Please?"
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 7:47 PM Joseph putting his arms around Ring's waist stopped him from wiggling out, but Ring settled when it seemed like Joseph wasn't going to push anything sexual. He looked into Joseph's eyes. He seemed genuinely scared at the prospect of Ring leaving. He'd have to go eventually, of course, but for now, Ring scooted back up against him. "I won't leave, I promise. I'm still here." He gave Joseph another brief kiss and put his arms back around him. "Just don't think we should be doing that anymore."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 7:49 PM "That's fine...you don't need to do anything with me....just as long as your with me...that's all that matters to me." He muttered, once again kissing his head and peppering little kisses on the other's face. Joseph was completely ok without any sex from Ring, holding him like this was something that was much better than sex, honestly. Just feeling his warmth was something that he couldn't live without.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 7:53 PM "Of course I can be with you," he murmured back. This corner of the barn really was a romantic one. When he was in here with Flint, this had been the same pile they were in. He wondered how Flint would react to this. He didn't think Flint would attack Joseph, but it wouldn't matter right now since Joseph couldn't die anyway. He brought his lips to Joseph's and went back to kissing him sweetly, but bit by bit, he grew deeper and more forceful with it until his tongue was in Joseph's mouth and he had a hand wrapped around his head. He wouldn't go any farther than this, but he was going to enjoy what they would do.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 7:58 PM Joseph was absolutely intoxicated by the kiss, from the sweetness of it to the forcefulness. His breathing was shallow, large chest raising and falling as he started to pant a bit harder. He promised Ring that he wouldn't touch him in any sexual way, for a fact, but this kissing was really making him hot under the collar. Well it would be his own problem in this case, he wanted to respect Ring's rule. He did, however, let his own tongue slip against Ring's tongue, swirling it around the other's tongue as his face started to get redder with the moan that escaped him. As much as he wanted to pull back and apologize for that moan, he was far too deep into the kiss.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 8:10 PM The moan was pretty cute. Ring could feel Joseph recoil a bit, but he had a hand around Joseph's head, and Joseph fell back into what they were doing anyway. He moved his legs a bit so he straddled Joseph's lap and pulled up closer to him. Ring was always one for being a little touchy, even if he didn't have any intent behind it. His free hand rested on Joseph's shoulder and ran down his body, gently tugging at his collar as he did. His hand groped at Joseph's chest while it worked down, and he couldn't help but snicker.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 8:15 PM Oh he was teasing him wasn't he? The larger man, despite his size, squirmed under Ring's touch, panting heavily as his hands went from Ring to the hay underneath them. He panted softly, tongue merely working messily as he continued to kiss the other. His chest was a...rather sensitive...area, so Ring touching him there caused another moan to escape his throat. Don't touch Ring...Don't touch Ring....don't touch Ring....God this was hard, but he had made a promise and was intent on keeping them.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 8:21 PM Joseph's reactions only egged Ring on. It entertained him to feel Joseph worm under him and to hear his moaning. He was really getting flustered. Ring's fingers trailed down to the bottom of Joseph's shirt, where it slid underneath and back up Joseph. His hand was warm and soft, and took its time. His fingers moved across every inch of his flesh before finally settling to hold him by the side of his chest, his thumb rolling over Joseph's nipple.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 8:26 PM Breaking the kiss, Joseph gasped; biting his lower lip and shivering as Ring's fingers teased him relentlessly. His hips bucked, which probably looked a little odd considering Ring was currently on his lap. God this was getting intense, but again his motive stayed relatively firm. He panted, whimpering with Ring's insistent touches as he threw his head back. He felt dizzy with lust, but as much as he just wanted to take Ring then and there, he steeled himself.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 8:33 PM It was getting hard to not be actually grabby with Joseph. He meant it when he said he didn't want to have any more sex, but this was fun. Joseph was getting pitifully turned on from just some making out and light touches. He nuzzled himself against Joseph's neck when the kiss broke and panted hot breaths down his spine. The hand he had behind Joseph's head fell away. He stuck his tongue in his mouth and licked it, then brought it to play with Joseph's other nipple.
"You're a good boy for not touching me," he mumbled out in Joseph's ear, then pressed a kiss beneath it. His hips pressed against Joseph's waist, and then he grinded down, rubbing his ass against Joseph's groin. He gave him another kiss, and cooed, "Such a good boy..."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 8:42 PM Oh lord, this was so intense. Joseph panted as Ring mouthed him, hands still gripping the hay as he tried to keep his resolve strong. Feeling Ring grind against him, his eyes fluttered closed, panting as his hips slowly matched his grinding. He was hard, that much was obvious by now as his erection strained against his jeans. "G-Good...hah...I'm a....good boy?" He panted out, brown eyes clouded with lust as the other praised him. Oh lord that praise was even hotter due to this moment. "I-I'll be good...ah...I won't...t-touch you if you don't want me too...I promise!"
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 8:47 PM Somewhere in Ring's mind, he told himself that he should stop. Joseph was fully hard, and Ring was starting to get turned on himself. Yet, he didn't - he just dragged himself up and down Joseph's lap, teasing him further and letting blood start to rush through his own body. His kisses began to trail along Joseph's jawline, but he mumbled between them, "Good... Good boy... And this isn't really doing things, right? 'Cause we still have our clothes on... So it's okay."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 8:53 PM "R-Right..." he panted, shivering as his erection throbbed against Ring's ass. He was seeing stars at this point, eyes squeezing shut as his arms began to shake. It was so hard to not touch Ring, and his knuckles where getting white from gripping the hay so hard. He bit his lip harder, making it bleed as he continued to buck his hips without restraint. God, just having Ring on top of his lap and grinding against him was making him flustered, and he did feel embarrassed by this. However the fact that Ring was riding him (almost) masked the embarrassment as he moaned.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 9:03 PM It was fine. They weren't naked, no one was in anyone else, and Joseph wasn't touching him. This was flirting, not sex. Ring flirted a lot. He knew the differences. He brought his lips up to Joseph's again and tasted blood. He didn't notice Joseph had started to bleed. For the first time since he started his flirting, he moaned, and he began to lick up the blood between small kisses. What a little brat. Ring had definitely mentioned before he liked when a little bleeding was involved. He only flushed with more arousal at the iron taste.
He pulled away and panted, "Fuck-- Okay, let me, um." He pushed Joseph onto his back and brought their hips together, now grinding his own erection against Joseph's. "Don't-- N-no touching still. This isn't-- Fuck--" His words hitched as he pressed in harder. "It's not sex if it's just me being me."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 9:12 PM Joseph gasped, feeling Ring rub against him but moaned more. He wasn't even thinking of what Ring was saying at this rate, eyes squeezed shut as he felt the other man press harder against him. Soft mewling turned into full on moans now, feeling the head of his dick leak as he grinded against him. Fuck...fuck fuck fuck...he wanted him inside him. Wanted that dick in him so bad...but no...shit no don't think like that--Be good Joseph, be good. Joseph's hands where now gripping the prickly haystack below him, panting as he stared up at the ceiling. "Good god...ahh~" He moaned, remembering the other moments that he was with Ring.
He threw his head back, panting desperately as his pleasure burned more intensely. "Please...please, please please~" he whimpered, feeling his orgasm come close.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 9:27 PM Ring kept mumbling excuses and reasons for why what they were doing was allowed, but as Joseph's voice rose, it got harder to not start moaning with him. His words kept trailing off in gasps and groans. He eventually resolved to stop trying and just go back to licking at the wound that'd first gotten him so excited. His hands pawed at Joseph for a decent grip, but he was moving too much to actually hold anything, and his body wouldn't let him stop. He desperately wanted to actually fuck Joseph and look at his face twist in pleasure. But this was as good as he'd get, and the thought of pausing ached his needy cock. He just continued to frot against him, enjoying the fast friction. It felt good. So, so good. Ring bit at the cut in Joseph's lip and moaned lewdly.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 9:31 PM Joseph cried out, coming intensely as his body shuddered. His hips rammed against Ring's hips, panting as shaky hands so desperately clawed at the haystack as he rode out his orgasm. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, loud and desperate panting escaped him. His body was shaking, and jeans soiled, Joseph whimpering softly. He wanted to hug the other, but he still stayed with his no touching rule.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 9:37 PM Joseph came, and Ring let out a groan of dissatisfaction. He wasn't done yet. He wasn't close to cumming, though he was thoroughly worked up and would be hard to calm down at this point. He pushed himself off of Joseph and sat up, leaning back on trembling arms. His erection was still very much in view and throbbing under his pants. He put a hand on it and groped at it idly, grumbling, "Goddammit... Look what you've left me with, Joe. You're too dangerous. You keep making me wanna fuck your brains out."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 9:42 PM Joseph panted, slowly sitting up and staring at Ring's pants. He bit his lip again, eyes flickering up at Ring. "I..I wouldn't mind helping you...." he whimpered, then putting his hands on either side of Ring's hips. He wasn't touching him at all, but those brown eyes where just staring up at him with a half glazed look. "Or...or you can jerk off and cum on my face...no touching necessary..." he panted, eyeing Ring's crotch hungrily.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 9:50 PM Ring didn't shove Joseph away when he came up close to him, but eyed him warily. He managed a small laugh at Joseph's first suggestion, and said, "I think it kinda crosses the line if I were to actually be in you." Despite that, his eyes stayed focused on Joseph's lips. He wanted to cram his cock down Joseph's throat and watch him choke and love it. Ring clenched his jaw as another groan rose out of him, even more desperate from before. He really, really shouldn't, but maybe that jerking off idea wasn't too bad. After a moment of quiet contemplation, he eventually hissed out, "Fuck," and scrambled to undo his pants. His hand near immediately wrapped around his dick and began to stroke himself furiously. Soon after, he dissolved into moans and whimpers as he continued to stare down at Joseph's lips.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 9:56 PM Joseph was trying so hard not to do anything to Ring, but seeing how hot Ring looked, he licked his lips.. Without missing a beat, he leaned forward, keeping his hands away from Ring but looking up innocently as he bobbed his head. He panted around Ring's dick, letting the head hit the back of his throat as he choked gently on it. He was going at a slow pace at first, but slowly worked up to suck and bob his head a bit faster.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 10:04 PM Though Ring was looking at Joseph, his mind was more absorbed in his thoughts, and he didn't actually register that Joseph had moved until he suddenly felt Joseph's mouth around his cock. He leaned his head back and let out a low moan of, "No," yet his hand let go of himself to grab at Joseph's hair and urge him further down. He rolled his hips with Joseph's bobbing, forcing himself in and out deeper. It felt heavenly, even if he wasn't even doing too much yet. His mouth was hot and wet and kept taking him. It was everything he was craving right now. His noises grew louder and longer as Joseph continued to work on him, and it wasn't long until his breaths were quick and he was begging for more.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 10:10 PM Joseph choked more on Ring's dick, eyes tearing up as he glanced up at the other man. Seeing him look more pleasured, he let his tongue lick the underbelly of his shaft, feeling the head practically shove down his throat with each thrust. He paused, keeping his dick down his throat. He panted, rather enjoying the feeling of Ring's dick blocking his throat. He moaned around it, letting his tongue swirl a bit around the other's dick. He didn't move for a while, before pulling back a bit, panting and coughing as his head went back to bobbing and sucking on Ring's dick. He wanted so desperately to touch him....but again, have to be good.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 10:21 PM Ring's eyes fluttered shut as he started to lose himself to the sensations. Feeling Joseph's tongue start to work on his cock made him shiver and shove him further down. He let out an excited cry as he felt himself actually push into Joseph's throat instead of teasing it. Even if Joseph stopped moving, Ring didn't, only wanting to fuck his mouth harder. Luckily for Joseph, their positions didn't loan to it that well, and he could only do small thrusts. But it was enough for him. It kept his excitement building. When Joseph started moving again, Ring whined out, "Oh God, Joseph... This is so fucking good-- You-you're such a good boy..."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 10:26 PM Oh....oh. Joseph squirmed, panting harder as he sucked harder, unzipping his own pants to start rubbing himself. He let Ring's dick ram hard and deep as possible, fingers rubbing at the head of his own dick. He absolutely enthralled, feeling his throat get used to Ring as he shut his eyes. He was getting hard again, and the fact that Ring praised him didn't help either.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 10:36 PM Ring didn't notice what Joseph was doing, and likely for the better. He could barely contain himself anymore, squirming in Joseph's mouth and groping at whatever his hand grabbed. His feet kicked and dug against the hay to try and find purchase. His words dissolved into loud moans and crying out Joseph's name. His cock drooled out pre into Joseph's throat. He was getting close. The hand holding Joseph's hair was practically controlling it now, forcing him to move quick and deep on Ring. Joseph's inevitable choking only massaged Ring's dick further.
"Oh my God," he groaned out again. "Joseph, you're s-so good, you're such a good boy. Fuck, you're so fucking good..." He broke off with another moan. "I'm gonna cum soon, Joseph, babe-- I wanna-- Don't stop, I wanna cum down your throat."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 10:43 PM Joseph let Ring control from here, letting his throat clench and squeeze around Ring's dick, eyes half lidded as he absolutely LOVED getting his throat ravaged. His hand was jerking at his own dick, the priest drooling on Ring's throbbing cock at the mention of Ring's cum down his throat. He whimpered, feeling his breathing hitch as his dick throbbed as well. He was sucking HARD now, looking hungry as his eyes practically rolled up, unable to focus on his own dick now as he choked around Ring's dick.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 10:56 PM Ring's head was still tilted back, his eyes closed and his mouth open from all his noises. When he stopped to pant, his tongue lolled out of his mouth not unlike a dog. He was deaf to his surroundings except his cries and Joseph's slurping. He'd forgotten he was in a barn and that he wasn't supposed to be doing this. He only cared about the pressure rising in his groin and the pleasure being done onto him. Ring's movements got desperate and shaky, pushing them both just a little bit further until his body shuddered and he came. He screamed, gripping at the hay and pounding his cock in with each pulse of his seed. He was always to cum more than needed, and Joseph brought out the worst of him. After several breath-taking seconds of orgasming hard in Joseph, he flopped backwards and practically melted into the hay, panting and gasping for air.
Visa - Last Wednesday at 11:07 PM Joseph didn't expect that much to pour out, but feeling Ring's dick practically expand in his throat, his haze was broken for a second as his eyes widened. Hot cum shot down his throat and into his stomach, the priest gagging slightly as tears pricked into his eyes. After several seconds of unloading, and as Ring flopped back, Joseph paused, bobbing his head to suck up whatever was left before taking him out with a rather lewd pop. He panted, rubbing his cheek against Ring's dick and looking.....honestly very satisfied. If anyone could see him now, nothing would indicate AT ALL that he was a man of the cloth, what with his pants unbuttoned, hair disheveled, and happy kisses on the other man's dick.
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 11:34 PM He was vaguely aware of what Joseph was doing, but for the most part, he was checked out of his surroundings. The world buzzed around him and meant nothing at all. But slowly, it pieced itself back together. He could feel Joseph's nuzzling, and the exhaustion that had rolled over him. Ring tentatively sat back up. He pushed Joseph's face away and shoved his cock back into his pants, muttering, "Sorry, that-- Ugh. I really can't control myself, huh."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 11:39 PM Joseph looked like an absolute mess, looking up at Ring. His lips where bruised from the constant pounding, and his once tidy clothing and hair where now disheveled. His dick was out too, leaking from the orgasm he had after Ring came. "I...its ok....I mean." He smiled. "I didn't touch you!"
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 11:49 PM He got a better look at Joseph after zipping up his pants. While the look was normally pretty hot to him, seeing how he absolutely messed someone up, he just felt disgusted now. Disgusted at what he did, how Joseph was falling, and how Ring kept making everything worse. He scooted back a couple feet and shook his head, saying, "No, I'm sorry. I didn't-- We really shouldn't have these affairs anymore. I mean that. You're too in love with me. I don't want to tempt you off of recovery again."
Visa - Last Wednesday at 11:54 PM Joseph's eyes widening again, arms shakily pushing him up as he fixed himself, hand reaching up to smooth back his hair. "You're not leaving me, are you? I'm sorry, I tempted you!" He whimpered, the grabbing the others shoulders. Tears started to fall from his eyes, his hands squeezing the others shoulders. "I promise i wont do it again!! I'll be good!"
Solynx - Last Wednesday at 11:58 PM Ring was still fairly lethargic, but he had enough sense to notice Joseph was starting to freak out. He backed up again, off of the hay, only for his shoulders to be grabbed. Joseph's fingers dug into him and made him tense up, yelping, "Hey, that hurts!" He put his hands on Joseph's and tried to pull them off. "I need to go home. I can tell you about Gabriel later."
Visa - Yesterday at 1:15 AM Joseph noticed the yelp, then remembering how his brother reacted to him and completely backed himself to the wall, staring at Ring and seeming to be lost in thought. For a moment, he looked more confused than ever, staring at his hands as he considered his options. The fact that both his brother and Ring where scared of him...really fucked him up. What was he doing wrong? Was he being to rough? Was he not good enough? He whimpered, looking at Ring again and shaking his head. "No...no no.....Ring...please...! Don't go...!"
Solynx - Yesterday at 1:22 AM Ring pulled Joseph off surprisingly easy for the grip he just had. He watched as Joseph cowered away. It was odd to see him so suddenly recoil, but it was a good chance to leave since he wasn't being held. Ring pushed himself up to unsteady feet. "Joe. Relax. I'm not leaving you to die. Just uh, we should both take a bit alone after that."
Visa - Yesterday at 1:26 AM Joseph didn't respond, rather, was mumbling as he stood, grabbing the nail gun from his stash. The blood had dried...so nicely....he truly did miss having Michael here when he did....and felt for a moment that he was indeed still here. "....right...I...I'm sorry, Ring....You have every right to want that..." he stated finally, then looking at Ring and smiling at him. "Now hurry...before I change my mind and keep you here like I was going to Ryder." This was said in a sweet fashion, but had every kind of bad intent in it.
Solynx - Yesterday at 1:31 AM He'd paused at Joseph suddenly leaping up and running over to the table, only to stiffen with anxiety at seeing him snatch up the nail gun. His wings tucked themselves in out of fear. The smile caused him to rattle with dread. It wasn't a nice smile, as sweet as he was trying to be. Ring didn't give Joseph a verbal response to what he said. He just turned heel and began walking out of the barn.
Visa - Yesterday at 12:45 PM The priest stared at nail gun for a moment, brown eyes flickering over the nail bit and the blood. It was funny, really, how much had happened to him recently....him, getting lied to by Michael....Ring's kindness. If anything he loved the thrill of it, and hearing nothing outside, a content smile spread on his face as he set down the nail gun and grabbed a leash and dog collar.
Of course he was still there, why wouldn't he be? The priest slowly advanced on the other, suddenly wrapping his arms around the other. "Didn't you hear what I said?" He cooed softly, picking the man up and walking calmly to the shed again. He set him down, grabbing the collar and placing it around Ring's neck.
Solynx - Yesterday at 1:17 PM Ring had walked at a fast pace to get out of there and rounded a corner to be out of immediate view. A lot just happened. He walked in on Joseph trying to teach Ryder to be a dog, and he confessed to wanting an eternal life to spend with him. He'd gone completely crazy and obsessed. He let out a shaking sigh as his mind flipped through everything before he went into his pocket and got out his phone. He needed to update Gabriel.
"gabe. i dont think joe can be saved" "i still think we should remove his curse. but he's really gone off the deep end." "idk if there's a way to save him from going to hell" "he fucking had ryder tied up in his barn and was kicking him around and stuff" "ryder like his brother" "he's really gone crazyhgu"
Arms wrapping around Ring's chest made him jump and flub the rest of his message. He hadn't heard anything creep up behind him. He looked back to see Joseph staring down at him, that cruel smile still on his face. He tried to jerk away. The grip only got tighter. Panic started to rise in his chest. He crammed his phone back into his pocket, accidentally sending another keymash in the process, then put his hands around Joseph's arms and tried to tear them off. His claws instantly came out and dug into Joseph's skin.
"Let go of me," he snarled. "I was on my way--" His words cut off with a yelp as he was suddenly lifted and dragged back to the shed. He thrashed and kicked, but Joseph was far stronger than he was. It would take more than some physical force to get out of this. He was about to cast a spell when he was dropped on the ground, cutting his focus. The concrete was hard and hurt to crash on. He looked up. Joseph's eyes were glazed and far, like he'd completely forgotten Ring was something sentient. Or maybe this was him just not caring.
A stomp on Ring's leg stopped his thoughts short as he yelled with pain. In the next moment he was aware of, Joseph had him by the throat and put a collar on him. Ring shook his head and tried to lean away. "No-- No, you are not doing this." He put a hand to the jewels on his necklace and began to cast a quick teleportation spell.
Visa - Yesterday at 1:29 PM "I'm not?" He tilted his head, watching Ring begin his chant. His eyes where completely dead now, no joy or kindness. Just full on insanity. He grabbed his nail gun, looking at it fondly. "I'm sure if you leave, I can find Ryder again....I mean...you really hit the mark with praising me and making me excited...I wouldn't be surprised if it worked on him too..." he hummed, then slamming his foot down on Ring's leg again. "I know you can easily leave....and it does make me sad...I don't want to hurt you, but oh god, I can hurt Ryder....or Mary....."
Solynx - Yesterday at 1:40 PM The mention of finding Ryder again made Ring stop cold with his words. "You-- You wouldn't. I told you not to." His words were low, a disbelieving whisper. He'd been too hopeful in Joseph saying he'd give things up for Ring. His obsession and insanity were too deep, and Ring really might have broken his only hold by walking away a minute ago. He shrunk back as far as he could. Joseph was actually starting to scare him.
The second kick to his leg caused him to curse again. It was already hurting from the earliest kick to it, when he'd saved Ryder. These weren't helping. He curled in a bit and gripped at his leg the best he could. It was always his left leg that got abused - Flint had carved it up, and now Joseph was beating it. He looked up at Joseph, starting to tremble a bit from the pain. "You don't have to hurt anyone! Leave them alone!"
Visa - Yesterday at 1:51 PM Joseph chuckled, kneeling down and gently caressing Ring's cheek. "Oh Ring...I don't want to hurt anyone...I just want to love you." He stated, reaching down and suddenly yanking the necklace away. He looked at it, whistling as he turned it over. "Quite a set of jewelry you have, Ring! Maybe I can customize your collar to be this pretty!" He remarked, setting it on his tool table. He knelt down again, gently kissing Ring's forehead before his hand went down to caress the leg he had been taking a beating. "I'm so sorry for hurting you, my beautiful Ring....I'll let that heal."
Solynx - Yesterday at 1:59 PM "Hey--!" Ring lunged after the necklace, but with the foot still holding him down, he couldn't reach them. He was like a child trying to grab a cookie jar. Anxiety turned his stomach. This wasn't good. He wore those because he had to protect them - it could be catastrophic in the wrong hands. He made another failed lunge and hissed, "Give that back! It's not jewelry, it's an artifact, and it's not for fucking dressing up!"
And yet, Joseph still set them aside. Ring snarled and bared his demonic teeth. If nothing else, he could try and intimidate Joseph out of this. Bit by bit, his devilish features cropped up. Though to Joseph nuzzling his leg, he had nothing but disgust. He raised his foot and kicked Joseph in the face, snapping, "This isn't love, you fucking freak."
Visa - Yesterday at 2:08 PM Joseph reeled back from the kick, and felt blood trickle from his nose. For a moment, he sat there, letting the blood drip onto the floor, before a rather crazed laugh escaped him. "Damn, ok! Ring, we're playing rough, huh?" He stated, pulling his hands away from his face. He looked absolutely insane, with a crazed expression and a face splitting grin. He stood, wiping his nose on his sleeve and grabbing a cattle brander. He set it in the charcoal fire he had going on (it was mostly for the heat, it got cold in here after all!), before turning to look at Ring. "And what would you know about that?" his tone dropped almost immediately, monotone and lifeless as he stared down at the being.
"Sleeping with everyone...everything that is deemed attractive by you....ah...but right....your husband...you love him right?" He stated, rolling up his sleeves and loosening his collar. He grabbed the cattle brander after a while, walking over to Ring and pointing it at his face. "Did you know that's a sin? Lying with others instead of lying with your husband? You're not very faithful are you?"
Solynx - Yesterday at 2:23 PM Despite the kick freeing him of Joseph for the moment, Ring had a feeling his actions were about to bite him. The laugh Joseph let out made his blood run cold. It was the same sort of sadistic laugh he did when his victims had life to them. He shrunk back, only to press up against a wall. There wasn't anywhere else to move. He started to glance at the sides, wondering how easily it'd be to run. He could protect Mary and Ryder from Joseph. He just had to get out of here first.
He'd sort of tuned Joseph out when he'd walked away. His words were just there to rattle him more. The mention of his husband made his attention immediately snap right back onto Joseph. "Of course I love him, he's--" He cut himself off as the cattle brander was put in his face. He turned his head away as best as he could for where he was. He could take the pain if he had to, but that didn't mean he wanted to. His shaking started again. He didn't want that on him.
His eyes stayed on the glowing point as he said in slow reply, "He does it too. It's an agreement we have if we're not in the same life. We don't have sins back home... Just laws, but that isn't one of them."
Visa - Yesterday at 2:36 PM Joseph chuckled, letting his cattle brander graze against the other's cheek. "So you're both in sin? You both fuck others despite "loving" each other? What if he fell in love with someone else, hm? Don't you feel guilty fucking all these people when you know your husband is doing the same?" He then snapped his fingers, as if in realization. "Oh oh! Unless! Unless you get off on that thought?" He reeled the cattle brander back, setting it in the coals again before looking at Ring again. "You probably imagine it being him...right? That's why you don't want to love anyone else? That's pretty cruel, you know?" He stated, grabbing the nail gun, a favored weapon of choice at this point, waving it around. "Do you know how people normally are? They fall in love SO easily! Think of Fia, FD.....me...we all love you so much!"
He glanced at the nail gun, running a finger over it lovingly. "Of course....after a lot of consideration...I should hate you too. You kept me to yourself for so long...you know, you had a chance of saving me!" He stated, then sitting next to Ring. "You had your chance....but oh the thought. You loved caring for someone who was so helpless didn't you? Loved the idea of people praising you for being the kindhearted soul to care for someone who was also in need!" His grin faded, eyes seeming to dull even more. "....despite being there with you and Fia. I felt alone. Hiko was such good company....for a while. But I was truly alone." He looked at Ring, then tapping the nail gun on his chest. "Hearing you and Fia...being all lovey dovey....truly made me sick."
Solynx - Yesterday at 2:56 PM Ring winced away from the brander, but his face was already against the wall. There wasn't anywhere for his face to go, though. He took a hissing breath as it burned at the edges of his skin, causing it to turn red and welt. It didn't hurt as bad as the knots in his stomach, though.
Part way through Joseph's speech, though, Ring glared and cut him off. "And what would you fucking know about what we've been through or our lives?! We fall in love with others. We have flings. So fucking what?! We still love each other, and the only thing we have is each other! We've been like this for billions of lives, Joseph. You're not going to convince me we're anything but meant for each other when I have literal eons of memories telling me we are."
He then suddenly cut himself off and gritted his teeth. Joseph didn't need to know about him and his husband, or the intricacies of their relationship. He didn't care. He was just looking for things to bother Ring with. And sure, Ring had his doubts and thoughts, but at the end of the day, they truly were in love with each other. He reminded himself that, then went to look at Joseph. He was going off about... something. Ring's actions while taking care of him. He'd messed up pretty badly with that. He knew that. He accepted it and forgave himself and was trying to right things. Joseph was the one being resistant.
"And why is that my problem?" He asked at the mention of him and Fia. His eyes fluttered down to the nail gun. He didn't like that. "I didn't try to make you alone, Joseph. I had people over constantly because I knew it'd be bad if you were alone. The only person I hesitated on was Flint, and that was really only until you promised me you'd want to go back to God. Everything I've done has been to help you."
Visa - Yesterday at 3:09 PM "Really?" the nail gently prodded at Ring's chest, eyes seeming to cloud over as he then moved up, shuffling over to straddle Ring's legs. Though as soon as he was over them, he put his weight on them. "Sure, you had plenty of people over! And I surly enjoyed it...but Ring, what difference does it make to  a man that loved to see the smiles of those he loved?" For a moment, his eyes softened, the nail gun being set back in its place. He grabbed an open mouth gag, gently putting it on Ring's neck to hang around loosely. "I couldn't even see my own brother, who you so lovingly put in a mental ward...though honestly, maybe he should've stayed there, hm?"
He grabbed Ring's face, staring blankly into his eyes. "the only time i truly felt something was when you gave me back my sight....made me feel needed....I didn't care that you only wanted sex or just someone to be a reassuring shoulder to cry on....I wanted to be close to you." He pressed a kiss against Ring's forehead, then grabbing a knife that he had close by. "But after everything...after you so cruelly rejected the gift I had for you....suddenly I'm not so sure about how I feel about you anymore."
Solynx - Yesterday at 3:26 PM The one thing that had been reassuring Ring about this whole situation was that he was still free. He could still bolt if things ever got too intense. It would be hard, but he wasn't restrained. So Joseph sat on his lap, pinning him where he was, and his eyes grew wide. "Joseph, don't--" he started to say, but cut himself off with a flinch when Joseph moved. It was just putting the nail gun away and grabbing what looked like a gag. Ring tried to shrink and squirm away from it, but he couldn't get far. He was seized and the gag put on. For now, it hung around his neck, but it didn't feel good to have it there.
He went quiet, his head hanging low while Joseph talked. He didn't mean to put Ryder in a mental ward. He had been angry and saying stupid things he didn't mean. He took it all back a mere hour later. Never could he have imagined that Ryder would try and kill himself, though he found it naive he didn't consider it. He chewed on his lip. For once, the sight of a knife didn't excite him.
"Joseph," he whispered after a moment, "I'm sorry. For what I did to you and how I made you feel. You're right, I should've healed you as soon as I could, not waited a week for me to start feeling bad. I was greedy and selfish and mean to you, and it's hurt you badly. But I'm trying to make up for what I did. Even if I'm rejecting your gift, I still care about you. I want to see you happy and able to live a normal life. And..." He broke off with a sigh. He was rambling out of fear. "I do want you around. The gesture was nice! Just, you're only doing it because you're suffering. And it hurts to see you like this."
Visa - Yesterday at 3:38 PM The light in Joseph's eyes seemed to return, and for a moment, the priest looked....peaceful. The fear in the other's eyes was truly charming though. The priest licked his lips, leaning down to claim the other's lips before putting the mouth gag on Ring. "It shouldn't." he said simply, then setting the knife on Ring's tongue. The tip pricked at Ring's tongue, and Joseph fought the urge to just run that knife down. After all, God wouldn't let him die, right? "You shouldn't feel a damn thing for someone like me. Your sweet lies are just...so addicting, you know? How badly I want to listen to them." he stated, letting the knife ease in farther, easing it in and out.
"you know, i want to feel guilty for scaring you like this...I truly do..." he sighed, letting his free hand grab the nail gun again. "But then I remember Michael....remember those lies he told me as well...how he loved me...how he would protect me. How he would make me feel...safe..." He frowned, letting the knife ease out and looking at it thoughtfully. "....you know I know you said you love knives, but you don't seem very excited! Would it be better if I just use this on myself instead?" A sly grin as he stared at Ring. "After all, God won't let me die....why not make things interesting, huh?"
Solynx - Yesterday at 3:47 PM The mouth gag went on, and horror settled in Ring's mind instead of words. He tried to say a thing or two at first, but with nothing coherent. He fell silent. Joseph called him out on his lies, too. He hadn't meant much of what he said. He did feel bad and wanted to see Joseph not so crazy, but above all else, he wanted to be out of here and far away from him. He'd suggested it to Gabriel, but now Ring was sure - Joseph was far, far beyond saving. Michael's corruption and Ring's misuse had tainted him too much.
While the knife teasing his mouth would normally excite him, this wasn't a situation where he was feeling too sexual. His tongue flattened and tried to slink away from the blade, but there wasn't anywhere to go. His squirming caused his tongue to slide against the knife and cut open. He whimpered at the pain. Blood began to leak into his mouth moments after.
He didn't answer Joseph. He couldn't and didn't want to. He just kept his head slightly hung and his tongue curled up in pain. He'd seen Joseph grab the nail gun, and like before, his wings folded in. He didn't want to be impaled. Joseph was talking about harming himself, though. That was good. That was a distraction. Maybe he could get a moment to bolt if he hurt himself too badly.
Visa - Yesterday at 3:57 PM Joseph frowned, tsking a bit and setting the knife to the side and grabbing the other's hair, pulling it up and taking the mouth gag off. He squished Ring's cheeks a bit, staring at him a bit, before pulling away entirely. "You don't really care. The look on your face proves that. You only cared for me because you thought of yourself...thought of your own sadness and terror being alive for so long." He frowned, staring at his hands again. "Don't you know it's bad to imprint on people? To sympathize with someone that is going through what you are? Because you never know who you're fucking with."
He squeezed his fists together tight, then letting them fall to his sides. "God doesn't care, Ring. Not yours, not mine....they don't care if we suffer. I learned that the day I saved Mary." He sighed, then glancing at the cattle brander again. "....when she was torn out of her mother, I knew right then and there that humanity wasn't worth saving. Wasn't worth anything....sure, I listened to Michael, became a priest. But that was merely for curiosity sake. Even with the words I speak to the people....I know that there's nothing we can do to be forgiven...."
Solynx - Yesterday at 5:05 PM The mouth gag came off moments after. Ring probably wasn't making it entertaining enough to keep on. Even still with it off, he didn't speak. He just let his mouth close. Joseph was right in everything he was saying - that Ring cared so much because he didn't want anyone else to suffer what he had. That wasn't a bad thing, though. It was truly something terrible to bear, and Joseph hadn't even committed a slight against the gods. Ring deserved it, he'd tampered with time. His husband deserved it, he stole knowledge from the gods. But Joseph was lead astray and just going insane.
He glanced up when Joseph carried on, now talking about religion. Ring chewed on the thought for a moment, then said, "The gods do care. Maybe your's is a dick, but I've seen mine, and talked to them, and studied them. They love us and want us to be happy. Even the cruelest of gods watch over us. They don't care what we do, as long as it's our best life."
Visa - Yesterday at 5:16 PM "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" He said coldly, looking at Ring again. His stature kept changing, from a confident and rather cocky individual, to a now tired looking and sad one. "You know as well as I do that even if I go back to having god in my life, nothing will save me. I've already sinned....a lot....capturing my brother....thinking of killing Mary....being with you..." He trailed off, then grimacing as he walked over to Ring and lifting his head to look at him. "You....I trusted you. I loved you, but you where planning to abandon me, weren't you? You where going to leave and tell everyone to be wary of me." he gripped his hair.
"You said things would be fine. Said that we'd all be happy...so why...why don't I feel that!? Even before kidnapping Ryder I felt that..."
Solynx - Yesterday at 5:32 PM "Joseph... no. I was never going to abandon you." Despite the grip on Ring's hair making him wince, he gave Joseph a steady look in the eyes. "I was just panicking because of what we did. I feel bad for it. You're so in love with me... I don't want to take advantage of that." That much, at least, was true. He didn't want Joseph to become a guilty pleasure for him. This is a man's life. It didn't matter if they wouldn't remember it in the next one - he had no right to take advantage of people. If anything, his husband always wanted him to remember that. Normal people had every right to be happy as he did.
"You can be happy and fine. Even if God won't take you, you can still live a life. Screw Heaven. But you're broken right now, Joe. You're hurting people you love. That's gonna make you feel like shit." Slowly, Ring took his hands and began to try and push himself up to standing, saying carefully, "It doesn't have to be like this. You can let me go and let me leave."
Visa - Yesterday at 6:12 PM Joseph looked almost convinced by Ring, eyes filling with tears as he bit his lip. Though, hearing his pleading for leaving, he closed his eyes, shaking his head like he was shaking off a though. He suddenly reeled his hand back, punching Ring square in the stomach. He stepped back, then looking at the tools he had before his eyes landed on the necklace Ring had. ".....you said you needed to protect these, right?" he stated, then putting them in his pocket. "You're going to have to try harder than that to get these back and leave....I swear, you almost had me."
His hands landed on a hammer, as he walked over to Ring again and gripped the hammer. "No matter what....no matter what, you still want to leave. I know the moment you leave, that you're going to say something bad to the others. And I can't have that." He lifted the others chin with the hammer. "I used to adore you, honestly. But now that I'm more aware of your lies.....I just want to beat that pretty little face in."
Solynx - Yesterday at 6:24 PM The punch to his stomach made Ring choke and stumble back down onto the ground. He already felt sick with worry, and now pain was added on top of that. Joseph had looked so convinced, too. For all the man was doing, he seemed to just want an explanation and some guidance. He was lost and confused and hurt. Or maybe Ring was still seeing himself, and he wanted someone to relate to.
He looked up when Joseph spoke again, just in time to watch the magical necklace be shoved into Joseph's pocket. He grimaced. It was really looking like he would have to knock out and actually abandon Joseph if he wanted to get out of this. He was still catching himself and thinking of what he could do when Joseph forced his head up. Ring stared back with nothing but fear.
"I'm not going to say anything," he croaked. "I promise. You know where I live, you know my secrets, you could ruin me if I spoke up. And I'm not lying... I really do love-- Ah--" He shrunk further away. "C-care about you. I care about you a lot."
Visa - Yesterday at 6:31 PM That slip....for a moment, the lost look reappeared on his face, the soft expression forming on his face as he walked over. He set the necklace high on the counter now, and knelt again, taking Ring's face in his hands. "Love. I want you to say it. I want you to say you love me." he stated, thumbs gently massaging Ring's lips. He wanted to hear it...so bad. That he was loved....something that made him truly feel.....like himself. "If you want to leave, I want you to say that. I love you Joseph." his eyes grew dark again, as he took a hand off Ring's face to grab the hammer by his side. "Even if its with my cock rammed down that mouth of yours. I want to hear it." he truly looked crazed now, staring down at Ring expectantly.
"Because I love you. And I want to hear that you love me. I don't care if you're with so many people...just tell me you love me!"
Solynx - Yesterday at 7:24 PM Ring slid further down the wall as Joseph's cold demeanour broke and he was grabbed. "No-- no, I didn't mean to say that. I'm not supposed to..." He grew quiet when Joseph started to rub his face. He was taking the bait. Ring's heart pounded in his chest as he listened to Joseph's request. This was a dangerous game he was playing. He did feel bad about tricking him like this, but more urgently, he wanted out of here. He wanted to run away. He was willing to do anything to get Joseph to soften and slip his guard, even if it meant messing with his heart.
"Joe, I-I can't. I'm not supposed to. Gabriel said we can't be together." His words were soft and breathless, laced with pain. He couldn't look Joseph in the eye as guilt rolled over his posture. "And Fia, I can't hurt her. She's so depressed, and... And you are too..." He bit his lip. Joseph was inevitably getting impatient. "And-- and I do. I love you, Joseph." His body shuddered as tears started to sprout in his eyes. "I love you so much... I didn't fix your eyes at first because I didn't want you to leave... And I love you, and I wanted to pretend like we could be together." He took in a shaking breath and started to cry. "But then Fia fucking trapped me and forced me to date her. I tried to say no and she wouldn't let me. And now I'm stuck with that and not you and I love you, Joseph."
Visa - Yesterday at 7:37 PM The priests eyes softened more, a gentle kiss placing itself on the other's forehead and cheeks. "Shhh....there there.....Fia is lost...just like me..." He muttered, then claiming Ring's lips for a moment before pulling away. He looked a lot calmer now, yet that calmness was still laced with insanity. The smile on his lips looked just....cracked. Like it wasn't real. "I love you so much, Ring...so so much." he laughed, hands reaching up to clench around Ring's neck. "So so much...that I want to claim you. I want you to be mine....and no one else's." He stated, taking the leash off the wall and shoving Ring to the ground while still clenching onto his neck. He wasn't choking him per say, but was putting enough pressure to get the other to struggle.
"sometimes I don't know what to do with the things I love....it's become...so confusing, you know?" He stared blankly at Ring, now sitting on Ring's legs as the pressure started to build. "I wasn't going to kill Ryder...far from that. I love Ryder...he's my cute little brother after all...."
Solynx - Yesterday at 7:49 PM Ring had leaned into the kiss with desperation, only for Joseph to pull back as soon as he started it. Ring was left leaning forward with his eyes flicking over Joseph's face. It was hard to read what Joseph was going to do. He didn't seem to know himself. Ring started to raise a hand to grasp Joseph's arm, but it dropped and came to his own neck as he was seized. He could still breathe, but in an instant, Joseph could clench down and start making him choke. He didn't want to go unconscious. He didn't want to imagine what Joseph would do to him while he was out.
He didn't resist the shove onto the ground. The concrete hurt on impact with his skull and he let out a soft grunt of pain, but didn't let his focus leave Joseph. He had to figure out what Joseph was going to do. He could start hitting and hurting him at any moment, deciding he had enough of Ring's words. But thankfully, he seemed to just keep wanting to talk for now.
Bringing up Ryder made him pause and think back to himself. The look in Joseph's eyes when he talked about Ryder was uncomfortably familiar. "Are you... attracted to Ryder? Not that I can judge," he said, judging. "I was the same with my brother. I couldn't help myself around him. He was too cute and emotional..."
Visa - Yesterday at 8:01 PM Joseph's emotionless gaze didn't break, but he did look away from Ring's gaze on him. The pressure he had on his neck ceased a bit, but Joseph's knee pressed hard against Ring's thigh before he grabbed the cattle brander. "How would this feel on your tongue, I wonder." he stated, not answering Ring's question as his thumb pressed against his throat. "How dare you think I would think that way about him? He's nothing but a trouble maker....I merely want to see him pure again. Like when he was younger."
Though the pause in his stature and unsure nature was fairly obvious, indicating that he was lying. Yes it was true, Ryder was something of a taboo thought of his. How innocent he was before that bitch corrupted him. "I want him to be....I want him to listen to me again...like he used to do."
Solynx - Yesterday at 8:10 PM Ring's mouth clamped shut when Joseph grabbed the brander and he struggled a bit, but couldn't move far with how he was being held down. It just hurt to try and move. More tears sprung up in his eyes, but genuine ones this time. He didn't want that thing in his mouth. He didn't want to be here. His magic was taken from him and Joseph had a plethora of weapons while the most Ring had were his claws. He couldn't even fly well with his wings still injured.
"I'm sorry," he finally whimpered. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I just thought-- You know, maybe it was something we had in common. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything." Despite the pain that came with it, he tried to move again, trying to get away from the cattle poker. Joseph's knee was only digging harder into him. "I won't say anything else."
Visa - Yesterday at 8:18 PM "Oh you will, trust me." he stated, chuckling as Ring tried to squirm away. "Open your mouth. I know you said you always like sucking dick, right? Think of this like a hot dick then." he hummed, putting the cattle brander closer to his lips. "Open your fucking mouth." he demanded, letting go of his hold on Ring and putting another knee on Ring's other thigh as he reached for the nail gun again. He let the nail run down Ring's body, then stop directly above his dick as he still pointed the cattle brander at his mouth.
"Which one? Your choice, Ring."
Solynx - Yesterday at 8:25 PM Once again, Ring had shut his mouth, intended to just listen to whatever Joseph had to say about his obsession with Ryder. Instead, he found the cattle brander put close to his mouth. He could feel the heat radiating off of it, making the burn on his cheek hurt even more. His lip quivered at Joseph's demand to open his mouth. He did not want that in his mouth. He certainly didn't want to suck on it. His jaw clenched tighter shut.
Then the nail gun was brought down his chest and to his groin. He let out another whimper. He didn't want that, either. It'd probably hurt less, but if he went with the nail gun, he'd scream and Joseph would just put the poker in his mouth anyway. He looked into Joseph's eyes, trying to make sense of what he saw through his tears. He couldn't stop shaking. His blood was racing through him, his heart hurting from the anxiety. Slowly, reluctantly, he released his jaw and parted his lips so the poker could be shoved in.
Visa - Yesterday at 8:32 PM "Good boy." He chuckled, sliding the hot poker in the others mouth as he started moving it up and down. The priest looked like he was enjoying it himself, seeing Ring's tearful gaze up at him. He could see the inside of Ring's mouth, the red hot iron lighting up the inside of Ring's mouth. "Good boy....good boy...." he seemed to be saying this more to empty air than anything, getting more excited as he started thrusting the brander more fervently.
Joseph's eyes seemed to light up with malice as he then moved the cattle brander out of Ring's mouth, lifting him up by the throat and pinning him to the barn doors. "Do you know how badly I want to fuck you, right now? Huh?" he hummed, letting his nail gun then brush against Ring's wings.
Solynx - Yesterday at 8:55 PM The poker touched Ring's mouth, and he gagged and tried to jerk away. The burn was immediate and painful. The rest of his mouth was heating up from the warmth that radiated off of the poker. That one small touch hurt, yet Joseph shoved it deeper into his mouth and against his tongue. A scream ripped out of his throat and he thrashed from it. He couldn't even pretend to entertain the idea of sucking it off. His mouth was being set aflame. Blood and char overwhelmed what was left of his taste buds, and his eyes squeezed shut as he choked and cried harder. He thought it might cool after a minute, but it didn't. It just kept burning and tearing him apart. He only screamed louder as Joseph thrusted it through him, searing every bit of his mouth. What saliva he had drooled out from the side of his mouth as his body tried to fight the brander, but it was to no avail. His vision grew spots from pain.
Then, it stopped. His mouth was still in hideous pain, but the poker was pulled out. Layers of flesh from the inside of his mouth and his lips clung to it. He didn't notice. He was still crying and screaming out of agony. He hadn't imagined his comment would've pissed Joseph off this bad. He was trying to relate to him and get him to calm down. He definitely wasn't talking now, though.
It was all too easy to grab him and shove him against the barn wall. He was shaking and weak from the brander. He was having a hard time seeing. He didn't have it in him to resist much. Yet, when Joseph spoke, Ring furiously shook his head. "Dohn! Pleah...!" he cried out as best as he could through his ruined mouth. His words were airy and unclear. "Ah sah-eh!" He hiccuped for a breath and tried to push Joseph away, his wings tucking behind him quickly. "Dohn!"
Visa - Yesterday at 9:06 PM Joseph growled, undoing Ring's pants and shoving them down, running the nail gun slowly up the others thigh. "Aw~ stop? Don't? C'mon now, Ring!" He chuckled,  then biting down hard on Ring's shoulder. The man still held Ring by the throat, unbuttoning his own pants before sighing in annoyance. "Just a sec." He stated, then forcing Ring's wing and hand up. Without a thought, he nailed them both on the barn door, kissing his cheek before roughly  shoving himself inside Ring.
Solynx - Yesterday at 9:25 PM Ring continued to beg incoherently as Joseph started to grab at his pants. He even tried to reach a hand down and smack him away, but he didn't have the strength to. His claws grazed Joseph's skin and his hand slapped uselessly. When his underwear came down though, he truly started to panic.
"No-- No!" he screamed. He couldn't cast spells with his mouth ruined, but he wasn't going to roll over. Even with a hand around his throat, Ring lashed out, trying to knee and kick at Joseph. Adrenaline powered him up and gave him a strange moment of clarity. He didn't want this. He raised his free hand and jabbed his claws forward, trying to puncture Joseph and get him off. They tore into the side of Joseph's face and into his right eye, and Ring ripped down, shredding skin and the eye open.
For his efforts, Joseph had grabbed his hand and one of his wings and slammed them against the barn door. Ring didn't stop screaming. His throat would go raw if he didn't, but he couldn't care less. A nail jammed through his hand and wing and blood welled up around the edges of the wound. Ring only screamed louder. The pain of it shot through his bones and right into his brain. Screw his throat, then. Ring tried lashing out with his other hand, once again getting Joseph in the face but this time missing the eye. As he did, he screeched out another, "No!"
It meant nothing. Joseph was still able to grab him and spread his legs. He was still able to push into Ring, tearing up his ass and causing his body to shake with his howl of pain. It hurt somehow worse than everything else, and he choked on his own blood and spit and fear.
Visa - Yesterday at 10:52 PM Joseph grimaced at the wound his eye and face had gotten, groaning at how tight Ring was. God, this felt good....even with Ring screaming in pain as he started to move. His hand tightened on Ring's throat as he pounded into the screaming man, panting harshly as his body started to ignore the pain on his eye and focused on his pleasure. He bit into Ring, feeling his stomach burn as he started to roughly jerk off the other man.
"Ring....Ring...god I fucking love you...!" He moaned, only able to let one eye settle on the crying man.
Solynx - Yesterday at 11:20 PM The hand that grasped Ring's throat managed to silence his screams as it crushed him. He grabbed at it as he wheezed for air, trying to pull it off. Just enough to breathe. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to be here. His legs flailed uselessly, trying to kick Joseph off. Joseph fucked him harder in response, ripping him open more and drawing further blood. His legs went still from the pain and force of it all. Ring was tensed from fear and agony, but the blood slicked Joseph's cock the more he went and made it easier to violate him.
Ring managed to finally wedge a finger between his throat and Joseph's hand, giving him just enough space to suck in a deep breath. He didn't scream again, though. He just cried from his chest. Tears and blood wouldn't stop dripping from his face and making a mess on Joseph.
He whispered something between his wailing. It was hard to speak when all he wanted to do was curl up and bawl. He took in another unsteady breath, and sobbed out, "Why? Why? Sah-hah!" He sputtered on his next breath as Ring was continually rammed against the wall, one particular one making him hit his head. The finger he had letting him breathe jerked and sliced into his neck. Blood soon began to drool out of the cut. He went back to crying and nonsensical begging for Joseph to stop.
It hurt. It hurt so bad. His mind was spinning and it was getting harder to fight Joseph. He could barely keep himself from sliding down, mostly anchored by his pinned wing and hand. The more he was fucked, the more he went limp as his body and mind were shredded. He almost even fell quiet of his words, until Joseph grabbed at Ring's cock and began to pleasure him. Ring was ignited with new life and tried moving his foot to kick Joseph away, but the most he did was loosely rub his foot against Joseph's leg. He didn't want this. He didn't like this. He felt disgusted and betrayed and his cock hardened under the incessant stroking anyway. Ring felt that, and his body heaved and vomited over Joseph's shoulder.
Visa - Yesterday at 11:38 PM Joseph let out a rather evil cackle, patting the male as he threw up over his shoulder. "Can't handle it, huh?" He panted, grabbing the cattle brander and ramming it down on Ring's leg, licking his lips a the meat on the leg seemed to melt away . Keeping it there for a bit, he let a hole sear into the other man , pulling it away to reveal a rather nasty looking hole. He was close, real fucking close. Pinning the other against the barn door again, he forced a kiss, running his tongue over Ring's teeth as he felt his orgasm burn. He wanted to claim him, and the way to do that was to cum in him. At least that's what he wanted to do, until everything faded to black.
Ryder had been waiting for Ring for a while now, still shaking as he sat in his car. Something was wrong, this was too long. Too long to wait for Ring to come back out. Grimacing, he got out of his car, having to get past the dog that had insisted he stay. Hearing Ring's screams of pain, his eyes widened, running over to the barn and seeing....oh god. The sight of Ring being violated by his brother was enough to shock the young man into freezing, but not long as he quietly made his way to the other side of the barn to come in. Ryder had grabbed a bat, using the other door to come in. He raised the bat, then swinging it over Joseph's head. The man tumbled back, staring at Ryder in shock before falling to the ground. Ryder in his fit of rage and tears proceeded to bash the man's skull in, shivering after the fact and dropping the bat. He looked at Ring, eyes wide as he rushed to grab some nail removers from the tools. "H-Hold on, Ring! I gotcha!"
Solynx - Today at 12:05 AM Vomiting was the final straw for Ring. His head fell onto Joseph's shoulder and he stopped resisting. This is what was happening. He was being pinned against a wall by Joseph and raped. Joseph was truly well and crazy, completely unsalvageable, and he'd decided to take it out on Ring. He was now Michael, but this time, there was no angel to save him. It was just his fate until he ended up dying by Joseph's supposedly loving hands. The way he went limp probably seemed like acceptance or enjoyment to Joseph, though anyone else would see a broken and beaten man.
He stopped begging and pleading, the only sounds out of him now being his weeping. The brander was grabbed and stabbed into him. It hurt and he screamed again, but he didn't thrash. He jerked a bit, but didn't do anything further. It melted away his skin and dug in deep. The heat and pain spread through his thigh, but soon became noise in the torrent of other trauma. His head was rolled back suddenly and he was forced to look into Joseph's eyes. They were filled with lust and dominance. Ring sniveled in response and sat there as Joseph pressed their lips together. Ring couldn't kiss back if he wanted. He was tired and every part of his face hurt from contorting. He just let it happen and waited for Joseph to cum.
Instead, everything stopped. Joseph suddenly fell back and stopped holding Ring. Ring fell to the ground on his knees. The webbing of his wings ripped open from the strain of the nail and snapped away, leaving just his hand pinned. His wing drooped around him. Blood gushed out onto him and the floor. He barely even noticed. All he did was sink further, letting his arm stretch as it tried to support his entire weight.
He looked up a bit, wondering if Joseph was about to take his mouth. Joseph's brains were on the ground. That was weird. He let his head roll back. He couldn't support it well. But the angle change allowed him to notice Ryder running around. He'd told Ryder to run. The man was a fool for staying around - he could've been caught again. Still, he was here, so Ring raised his free hand and slapped it in the direction of the workbench.
"Neh-leh," he slurred out. "Hewahs..." He made a grabbing hand motion. He needed that necklace. If he wanted to live, he needed its power. He just hoped Ryder would notice the out of place item.
Visa - Today at 12:18 AM Ryder blinked then noticed where the other was grabbing near. The necklace. He remembered that always stayed with Ring. "Necklace." he stated, nodding then running to grab it. Carefully, he put it in Ring's free hand, meanwhile pulling the nail out of Ring's hand. He grimaced at the sight of the other, then grabbing his own jacket and putting it around the other's shoulders. "It's gonna be ok..." he muttered, noting Joseph's corpse starting to reform. Grimacing, he gently scooped up Ring, his own side hurting from the kicks that Joseph had given him. He ignored them though, grabbing the keys to Ring's car and turning it on.
He felt horrible, driving out of their childhood home and driving.....anywhere really. He didn't know where to go and honestly, he was so scared. But Ring was the most important person to deal with right now. Letting out a shaky breath, he grabbed his phone, calling someone and waiting. "Come on, Angela....don't be a bitch right now..." he muttered, cursing and rummaging in his own pocket for a wallet.
Solynx - Today at 12:41 AM Ring took the necklace in his hand and pulled it close to his chest. He would have sighed in relief if he wasn't still wheezing and crying from everything that happened. The thought of them being anywhere but with him was terrifying. He at least knew the power and importance they had and could respect it. More than one person came to mind who would love to abuse it, though. With a shaking hand, he put it back around his neck. It felt safe there.
He looked up at Joseph whose cracked skull was starting to reform. Ryder pulled the nail out of Ring's other hand, and Ring slumped forward. He landed next to Joseph. He reached a hand out and slapped it onto Joseph's thigh. The blue stone on the necklace glowed for a few moments, then stopped. Ring didn't have enough energy for high magic. But still, he wanted to give Joseph a parting gift - a sample of Ring's eternal life, 1% of his collective of memories. Joseph would awaken to 63,905,271 lifetimes in his head, all plucked at random from Ring's mind. He could have fun with a taste of forever. Maybe he'd start changing his mind. Or have an identity crisis, since all of those were of Ring's life and would drown out Joseph's self.
He dragged his hand away and let himself rest on the ground. He couldn't and didn't want to move much. He didn't fight Ryder when he was picked up, but he was no better than 155 lbs of dead weight. As he was brought to his car, he mumbled out, "Home... Fia," in a breathy voice. He just wanted to lay in his bed in her arms. He didn't want to go to a hospital. He didn't want to talk. He didn't want people fussing over him. He wanted to lay still and be comfortable and safe.
He was put in the back seat of his car, and would have frowned if he could've. He didn't want to bleed all over his car. It was annoying to clean out of cloth. That's why he didn't carpet his basement at all. At the very least, the blood loss made it impossible to hold a boner. His pants were still at his knees, but he didn't have to carry that particular shame anymore. He stared at the backs of the front seats while Ryder did something. It was hard to make out what. He was still crying and making a lot of noise. His own screaming echoed in his head.
Visa - Today at 12:50 AM Ryder nodded, then moving his hand to grab his phone again. "What's her number?" He asked, finding his wallet and searching through to find some money. Thank god at least he didn't take any of the photos in here. As he waited for a response, he started driving over to the house, putting his wallet in his mouth and grabbing what looked like a rosary and putting it over Ring's neck when a stop was made. "I know you don't want to see anything pertaining to god right now, but trust me, that'll help you." he muttered, not looking directly at Ring as he continued to drive.
Though a certain thing would tickle Ring's nose a bit, followed by a gentle hand on his head. "You look worse for wear. I'm sorry this happened to you." A voice came, smooth as silk. Gabriel was in the other seat, looking sympathetic as his eyes then drifted to Ryder. "He can't hear me. But I wanted to tell you this.....what Joseph did was an atrocity. Something that was worth sending him straight to hell for." The angel frowned, then plucking a feather out of his own wing. "I know its not much...but consider yourself under our protection until we get Michael and Joseph under control."
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