lupinpdf · 6 months
Regulus: You...love the moon?
Sirius: Yes.
Regulus: And you associate Remus with the moon?
Sirius: Yes.
Regulus: Hm. Wanna think about that any further...?
Sirius: I'm good thanks.
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lupinpdf · 9 months
sirius black fell through a ceiling at least once during his life
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lupinpdf · 9 months
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lupinpdf · 9 months
“And suddenly, it’s as if there’s no one in the world but these two, crashing through space to reach each other.”
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lupinpdf · 11 months
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Remus ✨🌙
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lupinpdf · 1 year
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My final goal is gaslighting everyone into believing wolfstar has always been canon
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lupinpdf · 1 year
had the random thought tonight: the first time harry actually sees his parents (in the mirror of erised book 1) they’re only ten years older than him at that point.  like it will never not floor me just how young james and lily were when they died.  21.  they were babies.
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lupinpdf · 1 year
i honestly love the idea of sirius having an ugly phase. like one year of school where his skin is a hot mess bc he’s growing his hair out and it’s dangling all over his face. he broadens out too fast and just suddenly doesn’t know how to move with that new body. he’s tryna figure out his style away from his fam but within the confinements of his uniform and he has some real misses. he’s self conscious as fuck when he actually realises who he wants to look good for
whereas remus who has never tried to be attractive in his life just sort of cruises through it all by virtue of being inherently awkward anyway and then at some point emerges way taller and broader and his waves kinda suit his face now and his eyes stand out with a heavier bone structure and sirius is working overtime to recover
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lupinpdf · 2 years
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Saying it out loud
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lupinpdf · 2 years
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james and marlene
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lupinpdf · 2 years
things that i think would put remus lupin in a coma:
two-step verification
andrew garfield fancast allegations
pet instagram accounts
grippy socks
the american healthcare system
princess mononoke
running for fun
cher's one-woman west side story
confetti that accompanies "congratulations" texts
teen wolf
matty healy's autotune soliloquies
dvd main menus
the film of the musical "cats"
group projects
heidi klum's worm costume
mederma adverts
when dora asks a question n waits for your reply
caffeine withdrawal
assembling ikea furniture
kids on tiktok doin daily affirmations
father's day
walkin through a revolving door
mr bean
the twilight saga
the call of the wild
little red riding hood
an overly chatty uber driver
cunk on earth
brown flip-flops
unscheduled ao3 maintenance
garden gnomes
bein featured on a kiss cam
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lupinpdf · 2 years
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here’s a little sketch🕺
(zoom in for quality as always)
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lupinpdf · 2 years
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i think im getting better at drawring them ao3 & marauders art
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lupinpdf · 2 years
For @wolfstarmicrofic 🎆
5th: Fireworks
Remus doesn’t believe it exists. Sirius claims it happened to him once.
Remus toes off his shoes and walks into Sirius’ bedroom, to see if he’s still awake.
Sirius looks up from where he had been scrolling through his phone as Remus flops down onto his bed next to him. He puts his phone away and rolls onto his side to look at Remus.
“You’re home late. D’you have fun?”
“I did,” Remus replies, stretching and also rolling onto his side, facing Sirius. “We had dinner, then a few drinks. T’was a nice evening.”
“Sooo,” Sirius smirks. “Did you kiss him?”
“I did,” Remus replies, trying to sound casual, like it’s no big deal. He’s still not entirely used to actually having a dating life, and always feels a little flustered talking about these sort of things.
“It was... good.”
“Good? Just good?”
Remus lightly shoves Sirius. “What? What’s wrong with good? Good is... well, good.”
“Oh, good would be fine,” Sirius says. “If I had asked how your pizza tasted. But for your first kiss with the guy you’ve been dating? You want better than good! You want fireworks!”
Remus snorts. “Fireworks when you kiss someone for the first time is just a myth.”
Sirius makes a face. “God, Remus. You’re so unromantic!”
“I don’t think my attempts at romance will get any better if I start waiting for a first kiss that’ll give me fireworks. Highly unlikely it’ll ever happen. I always thought a first kiss should be a little awkward, but gets better once you get more familiar with each other and start to like each other more, rather than fireworks from the very start,” Remus says, rolling his eyes.
“I suppose it doesn’t happen for everyone,” Sirius admits. “But even if it’s a rare thing, it does exist!”
“Did you ever experience it?” Remus asks curiously.
Sirius is silent for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face. “Once,” he eventually replies. “It definitely wasn’t some movie scene or anything. We were drunk at a party, many things of that night are hazy, but the moment he kissed me...” For a moment, Sirius has this far-away, dreamy expression on his face, before giving himself a shake. “Yeah, definitely fireworks.”
Remus feels a pang of jealousy. (Because Sirius experienced a Firework-Kiss and he didn’t? Because Sirius didn’t tell him about this before? Because another guy made Sirius feel- No. He refuses to dwell on that thought.)
Remus notices Sirius is studying him closely, like he’s trying to gauge his reaction, so he quickly hides his inner turmoil behind an easy smile. “So what happened? Did you end up going on a date with him?”
Sirius shakes his head. “Nah, I actually don’t think he felt the same.”
“You think? You mean you didn’t ask?”
“It was a heat-of-the-moment-thing,” Sirius protests. “We both had too many drinks. I didn’t dare to bring it up afterwards, too afraid it would only make things awkward.”
“That’s a shame,” Remus mumbles. “If it’s such a rare thing, it kinda seems like you should hold onto it once you find it.”
Sirius doesn’t say anything, and Remus starts to drift off.
“Oi! No falling asleep in my bed!”
Remus opens one eye while nuzzling the pillow. “But I’m comfy! I don’t wanna get up.”
“I can’t...” Sirius runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “Just not tonight, okay, Rem?”
Remus pushes himself up on his elbows and looks at Sirius questioningly.
Sirius manages a grin and playfully whacks Remus with his pillow. “You might start dreaming about snogging Dearborn, and I don’t want you in my bed for that.”
He says it as a joke, but his voice sounds strained, and there’s an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes.
“Alright then.” Remus rolls out of the bed. “Goodnight, Sirius.”
“So you broke up with Caradoc?” Lily asks, taking a sip from her cappuccino.
Remus scrunches up his nose. “We weren’t actually in a relationship. We were just dating.”
“But not anymore?”
“Not anymore,” Remus agrees, stirring milk through his Earl Grey. “I was hoping it would still come, you know? But I was just fooling both of us. The truth is, I just didn’t feel anything whilst kissing him.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Lily says. “You always did seem to have fun together. But you know best how you feel, or, well, don’t feel.”
“Do I?” Remus leans back on his chair. “Maybe I got it all wrong. Maybe I’m putting way too much value on just a kiss. I mean, do I even know how a kiss is supposed to feel like? Like, how many times have I kissed someone? There were those few snogs with Benjy back at school, then Mary once, just out of curiosity, and now these dates with Caradoc.”
“And that one time with Sirius, at James’ birthday party,” Lily adds.
“And that one time with- Wait, what?”
Lily shakes her head. “I’m not surprised you don’t remember. Your memory has always been terrible when you drink.” Then she frowns slightly. “I’m surprised Sirius never told you, though.”
Remus just gapes at her.
“You actually did seem rather pleased with that kiss,” Lily continues. “Wouldn’t shut up about it being so mind-blowing or something. Maybe next time you should be kissing someone after a few drinks,” Lily chuckles, and then adds, almost as an afterthought “Or maybe you should be kissing Sirius.”
It’s clearly supposed to be just a meaningless joke, but Remus can’t get the words out of his head anymore.
You should be kissing Sirius.
Remus walks into Sirius’ bedroom and lies down beside him on his bed, which isn’t particularly strange for him to do, as they often have late night conversations like this. What is unusual, though, is the way Remus is looking at Sirius without saying anything, before reaching out, and placing a tentative hand on Sirius’ cheek.
Sirius’ breath hitches. “Remus...”
“Please,” Remus whispers. “Please let me remember. Please let me see it.”
Sirius stares at him for a moment, and then gives an almost imperceptible nod.
Remus slowly leans in and kisses him.
And there it is. Bright. Beautiful. Breathtaking.
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lupinpdf · 2 years
@wolfstarmicrofic October 18
“Sirius, I think Moony’s seeing somebody!” James hissed across their table in the library. Sirius hummed noncommittally in response, barely looking up from the prank plans they were drawing up.
“Well? Don’t you care?” James asked, disbelief evident.
“Don’t I care about what, Prongs?”
“That Moony’s seeing somebody!”
“Why do you think he’s seeing someone?” Sirius asked, dodging the question so expertly James didn’t even notice. He was much more focused on building his case.
“Well, he keeps saying he’s on prefect duty, but Evans is still in the common room and I know he only actually does his prefect duties when she’s his partner. Plus he came into the dorm the other night with his shirt buttoned up wrong and his hair all floofy. And now, here we are researching a prank that involves spell alteration, his three favorite things in the entire world, and he’s nowhere to be found! I’m telling you, Pads, something is different. He’s seeing somebody.” James nodded his head sharply, convinced he’d made a solid case and his word was final.
“Actually, I think his favorite thing in the entire world is chocolate. Research, pranks, and spell alteration are second, third, and fourth. Or, if you’re right, maybe they’re third-fourth-fifth now,” Sirius smirked smugly at James, who huffed. Sirius paused thoughtfully for a second, then asked, “Are you sure he’s seeing somebody?”
“I’m positive!”
“Well, good for him, then. I gotta go, Prongs, I have that detention with Flitwick for charming the hallway outside the Slytherin common room into a portal to the Black Lake. He said it was an impressive bit of magic but I’m not allowed to try and drown my brother. You good to finish up here?”
“I would be, if any of my friends could spare an hour for prank planning,” James grumbled.
“Good man. Mind if I take the map? I’m thinking I might plant some dung bombs outside the Great Hall on my way back; need to keep an eye out for Filch.”
“Sure, take it.”
* * * *
When Sirius slid into the broom closet on the fifth floor, Remus had him pressed against the wall instantly.
“Hi,” he murmured into Sirius’ mouth. “I missed you. I saw you an hour ago, but I missed you all the same.”
“I missed you too,” Sirius murmured back, nosing gently at the shell of Moony’s ear and nipping at the lobe. “We’re going to have to be more careful, though. James knows something’s up. He’s positive you’re seeing somebody. I think he expected me to be jealous.”
Remus snickered softly. “So he knows you’d be mad if I was with somebody else, but he’s not quite observant enough to put together that you’re the one I’m seeing? Gotta love our Prongs.”
“Not as much as you love me, though, right?”
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lupinpdf · 2 years
(Not so micro, but written for @wolfstarmicrofic! Extremely Pining Sirius and Extremely Oblivious Remus Lupin)
6th: Bond
Sirius doesn't tick any of Remus’ boxes. No matter how strong their bond is, no matter how Sirius is the only one who gives Remus that sense of belonging, they're just not compatible... Right?
The Thing We Don't Talk About
“He made the wrong decision,” Remus says pointedly. “And he has to live with it. Why would I have to suffer the consequences for his mistakes?”
“For god’s sake, Remus,” Lily says exasperatedly. “He just took a bite from your dessert!”
“It was chocolate cake!” Remus glares at Lily. “And it’s not that hard! If you want dessert, order dessert, if you don’t want dessert, don’t order dessert, but leave me out of it!”
“So,” Marlene says, sipping her tea. “I take it there’s not going to be a second date?”
“Certainly not,” Remus says. “He clearly doesn’t have the same values as I have.”
Mary rolls her eyes. “ ‘Wanting to share dessert’, we can add that to the list. What did the previous one do again? Put sugar in his tea, was it?”
“It was the perfect blend, and he ruined it!”
“Remus,” Lily says carefully. “Have you ever wondered if maybe you are too critical?”
“When I was picking out curtains you made me go to five different stores and try out four different samples before making a decision!” Remus replies. “How am I allowed to be critical about a piece of fabric, but not about the person I might spend the rest of my life with?”
“Because it’s getting you nowhere!” Mary exclaims. “You’ll end up being single your whole life.”
“I want someone who’s the same kind of person as I am, who’s on the same page as me, who shares my interests and preferences, and otherwise, I’d rather be alone,” Remus shrugs.
“But surely someone doesn’t have to share all your interests!” Lily tries.
“Am I really asking for so much?” Remus asks. “Someone whose favourite moments also consist of drinking a perfect cup of tea with their favourite pastry, shares my interest in art history and loves to go to museums, and also listens to classical music. I don’t even care about his job or his looks!” Remus sighs. “Maybe the guy I’m looking for just cannot be found in the city. Maybe I should broaden my search to out of town.”
“Or maybe you should narrow your search to within your apartment,” Marlene mumbles, looking out of the window.
“Marlene!” Lily says warningly.
“Oh, come on, Lily!” Marlene suddenly snaps. “I’m sick of it! I’m sick of having to deal with these pretentious idiots Remus keeps going out with, when he has this perfect, drop-dead gorgeous man, who literally worships the very ground he walks on, living in right in his own bloody apartment!”
“I know, Marlene,” Lily says. “But Remus can’t help it if he just doesn’t feel that way-”
“Sirius isn’t in love with me,” Remus interrupts.
Lily stops mid-sentence and both she and Marlene whip their heads around to stare at Remus, while Mary spits out her tea and starts to cough.
“Please tell me you’re kidding,” Lily says eventually, as she finds her voice.
Remus blinks. “You actually think Sirius is in love with me?”
“No,” Mary says slowly. “We know Sirius is in love with you. He has been since our second year of college.”
“Why did no one ever thought to tell me?” Remus exclaims.
“It’s so obvious!” Marlene exclaims. “We assumed you knew! Hell, everybody and their nan knows! Literally. I saw Dorcas’ nan the other day, and the first thing she asked me was ‘is that Sirius boy still pining after that Remus boy?’”
Remus looks from one girl to the other. “If I had known, don’t you think I would’ve somehow acknowledged it, at least once?”
“We assumed you just didn’t feel the same,” Mary says, eying Remus. “And that not mentioning it was your way of dealing with it, so you wouldn’t have to hurt Sirius.”
“Wait,” Lily says. “When you and Sirius moved in together after college, James had this talk with Sirius where he asked him whether it was really a good idea, and you were right there! James told Sirius it wasn’t good for his mental health, and that he was just torturing himself by doing it! What the hell did you think that was about?”
Remus stares at the table, his cheeks heating up. He remembers that conversation. He remembers feeling slightly insulted by James’ words and he remembers Sirius assuring James that it was fine, that he could handle it. “I thought he meant because I always leave my dirty dishes in the sink,” he mumbles.
Lily looks at him, then shakes her head. “Unbelievable. Unbe-fucking-lievable.”
“It... It doesn’t matter anyway,” Remus says, trying to sound convincing while his head is spinning. “Sirius and I are so different. We’re not compatible, not at all.”
Remus had first met Sirius at a party when they just started college. Sirius was the light of the party, everyone was drawn to him. Remus learned that Sirius Black was loud and impulsive, drank black coffee and cheap beer, listened to rock music and was into motorcycles.
He didn’t even come close to ticking Remus’ boxes.
Remus had written Sirius off as boyfriend material back then and never reconsidered. He had written Sirius off, and never thought to revise that decision. Even when Sirius and he unexpectedly became close friends and formed a strong bond, even when he learned how smart, loyal and caring Sirius is, even when he could talk to Sirius about anything, even when he didn’t feel as comfortable just being himself with anyone else as he did with Sirius, even when Sirius somehow became ‘home’, Remus did not come back on his decision and didn’t revise it.
“H-he doesn’t even drink tea!” Remus exclaims.
“What does that matter if he knows exactly how to make your favourite tea to bring it to you whenever you feel sick?” Marlene says.
“And... And he doesn’t like sweet foods.”
“What does that matter if he goes out of his way to go to that bakery on the other side of town to get you those cinnamon rolls you love so much whenever you feel down?” Mary says.
“He doesn’t know the first thing about art history!”
“What does that matter if he can listen to you go on about if for hours?” Marlene says.
“We don’t even like the same music...”
“Remus,” Lily says gently. “You once told me that your favourite part of the day is doing the dishes together with Sirius, as you put awful music on and both sing along as loud as you can and dance around the living room together. What does it matter, what does any of it matter, when you’ve got someone who makes you feel like that?”
For a long moment, Remus just stares at her. Then he suddenly gets up from his chair. “I have to go.”
Sirius is standing in the kitchen, his hair tied in a bun, humming to himself while mixing ingredients together in a bowl.
As Remus looks at him, he wonders how he did not see sooner what was right in front of him?
Sirius turns his head and gives Remus a bright smile when he sees him. “You’re home early!” He says, turning back to the bowl. “I’m making your mother’s chocolate cake, and it was supposed to be a surprise.” He gives Remus a brief grin. “To help you cope with the Dessert Sharing Trauma.”
Remus just says it. “You’re in love with me.”
“Yes?” Sirius asks while measuring flour.
Remus shakes his head. He still can’t quite wrap his head around it. “You’re in love with me.”
Sirius frowns. “Right. Are we suddenly talking about this now? I thought we agreed it’s the Thing We Don’t Talk About.”
Remus sighs, cursing himself for letting this go on for so long. “Maybe it shouldn’t be.”
Sirius turns away from the kitchen counter to look at Remus. “Really? You’re worried about this now? Look, Remus,” He runs a hand over his face, leaving a streak of flower. “It’s okay. I’ve got it under control. Besides, I know I’m not what you’re looking for, so don’t worry about me getting any false hope or anything.” He rolls his eyes. “I don’t tick any of your boxes after all.”
“You don’t,” Remus replies. “You’re uncultured, prefer starters over desserts, and can’t tell the difference between Earl Grey and English Breakfast.”
Sirius smiles sadly. “Yeah, I know.”
He moves to turn back to the kitchen counter, but Remus draws his attention back to him.
“You’re all that,” he says, walking towards Sirius. “You’re all that,” he says, lowering his voice as he stops in front of Sirius, placing a hand on his cheek, brushing away some of the flour, and looking at him in wonder. “And yet, I love you.”
He moves forward, but Sirius stops him with a hand on his shoulder. “I won’t change,” he says with a pained expression, but also a glimmer of hope, in his eyes. “I am who I am. Even if I feel like I would do just about anything to have a chance, I know I can’t – I shouldn’t – change who I am. Not even for you.”
“Good.” Remus smiles. “Because you’re perfect.”
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lupinpdf · 2 years
Prompt from @wolfstarmicrofic
"You can't visit today, Moony!"
Remus crouched down so he was at Harry's eye-level. The five-year-old had dramatically flung his skinny arms across the red front door, blocking entrance to the little countryside cottage Sirius and Harry called home.
"Why not, Harry?" Remus frowned. "Is everything alright?"
"You can't make Padfoot sick today, there's a Quidditch game and he promised we'd go!"
"I know," Remus said, still confused. "He invited me too - that's why I'm here, to spend the day with you both. Wait," he added, Harry's words finally registering. "Why would I make Padfoot sick?"
"Because after you visit, he always lies around on the sofa and sighs a lot! And I asked him if he got sick from you like I got Ron's cold and THEN he said you made him lovesick!" Harry glared at Remus. "And he can't get sick today, because the Wasps are playing, and -"
"Yes, thank you Harry!" Sirius appeared hastily, cutting off the rambling. His handsome face was as bright red as the door he held open, ushering them all inside. "I also told you that was a secret, love."
Harry pouted. "But Padfoot, the game!" He began to push Remus towards the door like a very determined little bulldozer. "Moony makes you lovesick and we can't miss the QUIDDITCH, Padfoot!!!"
Remus began to laugh as Sirius covered his face with his hands, looking like he wanted to sink into the floor and perish. "Harry, what if I could cure him, then would you let me stay?"
Harry stopped pushing immediately. "Yes! Is it a spell? Do it now!"
Remus walked over and tapped Sirius on the shoulder. One grey eye peeked out from between his fingers. Gently, Remus tugged his hands away. Slowly, so slowly, he pressed his lips to Sirius', sinking into their first kiss with giddy warmth. After a moment, he pulled away.
"You make me lovesick too," he whispered.
Sirius looked a little thunderstruck. Then he grinned, eyes dancing with delight as he reached out and tugged Remus close. "Oh no, can't have that." he murmured. "I guess I better cure you too."
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