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This is not a wolf this is a dog and you can’t change my mind (I had to make it look stereotypical)
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This man is a true hero. He can take down 140 monsters single handedly, and he's only fighting because he's looking for his lost cat. (Screenshot is from Dragalia Lost, btw)
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A truly Majestic beast
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Chicken Griffin
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If Squidward = Edward and Squilliam = William then tag this post with ur Squid name
Mine is Squick
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And that’s how I earned my nickname of "Pissy mouth sword kitty" and I broke my 300 dollar phone.
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The things I’ll do on a spirit day...
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So, my parents and brother were fighting over how to spell “Dodo” earlier today. My dad says it’s spelled “DowDow” my brother says “DoeDoe” and my mom was starting to agree with my brother, until I butted in with my mug of green tea and said that the correct spelling is “Dodo”. Five minutes of arguing later my brother asks Siri “how do you spell dodo bird” and I was correct. I AM THE WORST AT SPELLING YET I CAN SPELL DODO BETTER THAN ANYONE IN MY HOUSE.
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So I was rewatching Jack’s Undertale playthrough.
“Butterflies are creepy. I don’t like butterflies.”
Imagine if instead of focusing on his fear of being stabbed, he focused on the butterflies.
Anti as a butterfly.
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That’s hot
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This is the most heartwarming thing I’ve seen all week
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Sick Tiger Cub Gets Rescued From Circus, Makes Incredible Recovery And Finds Love
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Is that photoshopped?
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How did it know I liked undertale?
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Welcome to Tumblr.
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Wow, just, WOW
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Look at it upside down:)
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I’ve been playing Flight Rising for a while now, and only seven of the dragons you see here are originally mine (all Tundra's except for Zane, Zane was a Misnomer...) the rest I bought from the auction house. And I have six more on the way! The point: I wanted to show off my dragon children!
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