lust-for-celebs ¡ 13 hours
Only going to reblog this once because I mistakenly posted it way back when and had to private it while writing. Just unprivated it.
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Rhea Ripley smut below. Spanking. Femsub. Maledom.
It was getting late. Rhea knew she had to get to the gym soon to get in her full workout, but she couldn’t help but admire herself in the mirror. The backless sports jumpsuit hugged her body nicely, and it showed off her curves amazingly well.
Rhea Ripley was an attractive woman, and she knew it.
And she knew plenty of others did, too.
She’d seen the endless tweets, Reddit posts, and general perversion that would arise in any comment section or forums that she was brought up in. The focus on her muscular body that she had worked on and toned to perfection. The love for her dominant look she played up with her goth style. The desire for her to destroy them and act as a master, a Mami. She loved it.
She couldn’t help but notice a bit of a split, though. Most loved to imagine her in control, the fierce, goth Mami who would do with them as she wished, but there were definitely those who wanted the opposite. They wanted to dominate her. They wanted to bend her over and fuck her like a bitch. She smacked her ass as she chuckled. Watching it shake and jiggle, she couldn’t really blame them.
Not that they had a chance. She was the one in control. Mami may make an exception or two, but it certainly wouldn’t be for some pervert who couldn’t control themselves when they looked at her. Most couldn’t handle her anyway. They’d try and fail as they came pitifully before they even made her cum once. They couldn’t satisfy her, much less dominate her.
That isn’t to say she hated that section necessarily. No, they had their own purpose in her eyes. They served well as toys to be used and thrown away. So many men out there that think they can take Mami, but none of them have, and none of them will.
And it was mostly men. Certainly not all, and plenty of men did know their place as well, but she also attracted a lot of men who thought far too highly of themselves. At least they were fun to break. There was little else she enjoyed more than watching a man’s worldview be flipped upside down as they came to realize they never really had a chance.
That beginning act of defiance leading to a slow, steady loss of resistance until they accept their position as her bitch. You don’t know real power, real control, until you’ve caused that to happen and watched it in real time.
Rhea shook her head and chuckled to herself as she headed for the door. If she hurried, she’d have just enough time to do her workout and get a full night of rest afterwards.
The gym itself was mostly empty. A few groups getting in their last few reps in. There weren’t many individuals left surprisingly, but those that were looked at her a bit more openly. A lack of social pressure to not seem too perverse led to, at least, three men and two women ogling her ass when they thought she couldn’t see.
She smirked to herself and made sure to stretch out a bit more than wholly necessary. A little more shaking of her ass than was truly reasonable to get into position. She enjoyed knowing that two of them, a man and a woman, left so suddenly because of her, peaking back at her all the while. They’d pleasure themselves in a way that would never compare to her with fantasies that paled in comparison to the real thing.
Unfortunately for them, Mami preferred to keep it to one new pet at a time. It allowed her to truly make them hers and enjoy every last minute of their fall into her hands. And it seemed that time was fast approaching as the gym cleared out ever more, and her session came to a close.
By the time she had cleaned up her spot and put up what she had used, there was only one person left, there always was, and her body felt hot and wet with sweat that trailed down neck into her cleavage and into the cracks of her body. Maybe she’d make him lick her clean today. After she won the bet, that was.
Yes, a habit she had developed as a way to blow off some steam was to work out later in the day and make a bet with the last person who remained. The bet was simple. They would fight, and whoever won would get to use the other as their personal toy for the night.
Few would ever refuse. The offer was too tempting. After all, even if you don’t think you’d beat her, how could you resist either offer? So many would accept and give up immediately just to get her to use them quicker. If Rhea were honest, well, these were somewhat boring. Sure, it was always going to end up that way, but it’s so much more fun when they try to maintain some dignity for her to break.
Her favorites were the overconfident, cocky, and arrogant men. The ones would try to demean her and talk about how easy it would be for them to beat a woman. Those were always the biggest fighters but also the biggest subs once they were broken in.
That look of shattered confidence and ego was indescribable and incomparable to anything else.
There was no greater pleasure.
Though, this one did seem a bit different. He didn’t watch her as closely as she was used to. His glances were there, but they were short. Still, he was there. That’s a good start. A sign that he’s also thinking about it. Just the possibility is so alluring to weak-willed men. Now, she just had to reel him in.
“Hey, you,” she called out to him. His back was turned to her, and he didn’t seem to hear her. She looked down at him, annoyed, and saw that he had a pair earbuds in.
She tapped his shoulder and put her hands on her hips as he turned around. She pushed out her chest and made sure to stick out her hips to show off her body.
“Hey there, I saw you looking at me.”
“Huh?” He took out one earbud and looked up at her. A mix of confusion and slight concern spread across his face.
Rhea herself was getting annoyed. She should already be about to pin him to the ground, and he hadn’t even said more than one word to her. Hell, it wasn’t even really a word, more a sound.
She angrily blew air out through her nose before saying, “You were staring at me. I saw you. Wanna make a bet?”
“I wasn’t looking at you.”
“Ha. Really?”
Truth be told, he hadn’t looked at her much, but she had definitely caught his eyes lingering on her ass a bit. Now, though, he was nervous a bit, but he didn’t exactly seem scared like most perverts do when they get called out.
“Nope,” the word came out strained as if he wanted to say more but couldn’t quite make it come out.
“Well, guess you don’t want to hear my bet then.”
A few seconds passed. She heard him gulp as he struggled to find his voice.
“What bet?”
“How about,” Rhea paused and took a step closer, “we have a fight, and the winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
Seconds pass as they looked at each other. Rhea couldn’t quite make out what the man was thinking, but she was sure he was going to agree soon. She could just sense the perversion that radiated off of him. His lust was palpable and would be the rope she used to strangle his ego.
“Uh, no thanks.”
“Then, let’s get to it…” Rhea trailed off, “Excuse me.”
“No. I’d rather not,” he repeated as he got up to leave.
“What do you mean you’d ‘rather not?’”
He had already begun to walk away, and Rhea was very unsatisfied with this answer. She felt the frustration building and followed behind to grab him. “What? Are you afraid? Afraid you might beaten by a woman?”
He threw her hand off of his shoulder after she turned him. He snorted at her, “No, I’d rather just not beat a woman and have her waste my time by not meeting her end of the deal.”
Anger flared up throughout her body. He thinks he has a chance against her? And then he has the audacity to walk away from her? “Now, you listen here–“
“No thanks,” he spoke with more force this time, “Now, why don’t you go bother someone else. Your little desires to be dominated by a man aren’t my problem. I got other shit to do than be tricked into being accused of some shit by some bitch with a fat ass.”
That was it.
She reached forward and grabbed him pulling him back toward her. He was stunned from the sudden attack and fell into her grip. She tightened her hold and kept him from struggling out of her hands. Honestly, she wasn’t sure what she was doing. She could get in so much trouble, but something about this guy made her angry. He needed to be punished for trying to ignore her. This bastard was lucky she even approached him. He was lucky to even exist in the same room as her. Mami was going to punish the brat.
Just as soon as she won.
Which seemed to be a bit more of an issue than she had initially thought.
“Fucking bitch!” He yelled as he regained his footing.
A quick time later, and the scuffle was over. Rhea yelled out in pain as the man somehow managed to get behind and pushed her into her back. He pushed her down, and Rhea felt the hard floor meet her face with force.
She cried out, “Get off me!” But it came out muffled, and the man only laughed at her.
The pressure increased, and she let out a whining moan of pain. She could feel the pressing against her. His rather baggy clothes hid a strong frame that was clearly capable of overpowering her.
“What’s wrong, bitch?” He held her in place. He was stronger than her, but she knew he was being careful. She was strong, and if he played this wrong, she could turn the tables on him easily. “I thought this was the bet. I get to use you however I want now, right?”
“Fuck you!”
“Seems like someone’s a sore winner. I guess you actually thought you’d win.”
“You got lucky, you piece of shit.”
His chuckle was a poison to her ears. She hated this piece of shit. All she wanted was to blow off some steam, and now she has to deal with this asshole standing over her. All the fucking bastard had to do was say yes, and she’d be using him like a toy already.
“Lucky? You literally grabbed when I wasn’t even looking! You had the advantage, and you still lost!” He yelled at her, and she felt something inside of her shake and burn inside her. She didn’t know what it was, but she felt something. “So, am I going to get my reward or not?”
“Why should I? You didn’t want to bet, remember? Let me go and fuck off, and I’ll let you leave.”
“What the fuck? You really think you can just assault me and walk away?”
“Yeah, and what do you think you’re doing right now, asshole?”
“Revenge, justice, whatever you want to call it.”
Rhea growled in anger and tried to shake him off. She couldn’t move her upper, so all she accomplished was shaking her ass. Fucking asshole probably enjoyed that. She needed to get up, but she just didn’t have the leverage to overpower him.
She could feel his leering eyes roaming over her body. She had never felt so vulnerable. So out of control. Sure, plenty of people had stared at her body, enjoyed it in their sights, masturbated to it, but she always remained in charge. Always. If people got to look at her body, it was be a she allowed it.
And yet, here she was, with face pushed into the ground, her ass in the air, and some asshole holding her there. The shame of the situation hit her. It grew with every moment that she spent on the floor. She had never felt so powerless before. Her thoughts turned to how things could have gone differently. If she had been less cocky, beat him quicker, didn’t just try to restrain him, hell, if she had just let him walk away.
Her train of thought was broken when she heard him speak, “How about this? I’ll hold you like this, and you try to struggle out. If you get out, you can just leave, but if I keep you in place, you have to let me have some fun with you. That sound fair?”
“No! Fuck you! Why should I not get anything if I get out?”
“What does it matter? You’re not gonna get out anyway. I already won. I should be getting my reward anyway.”
His attitude pissed her off. It took every ounce of strength and willpower not to agree to the deal just to shut him up.
Instead, they remained there for what felt like minutes until the man sighed, “Fine. How about the original rewards for whoever wins?”
There it was. As much as she wanted to just end this, so she could go take a shower and sleep off this incident, the temptation was too much. All she had to do was break free, not even beat him, and she would be able to blow off some steam. And make this bastard pay for standing up to her. For beating her.
“Fine. How long do I have?” If she were lucky, he’d have let go to grab his phone, and she’d be handed victory.
He hummed as he looked around. Guess he was smarter than he looked.
“The only clocks behind me,” she could feel her arms starting to go numb as he spoke, “and I don’t trust you to behave while I grab my phone, so how about this? Instead of a time limit, you can give it five tries. Do whatever for each. That sound good to you?”
She didn’t want to agree blindly, but the tingling sensation in her arms pushed her to say, “Okay. Fine, fuck.”
He tried to say something, but she took her chance quickly. The moment she had agreed, she pushed up and tried to twist her upper body. She had just barely managed to lift a bit below her shoulders up off the ground and nearly rolled onto her side, but he tightened up his grip and pushed her back into the ground harder than he had before.
She felt his body press against hers more this. He putting nearly all of his weight on her. The pressure of being between him and the floor and the heat that radiated off of him, or maybe it was her, left her mind disjointed. She couldn’t move without rubbing against something, and his hot breath against the back of her neck caused her to shudder.
“One down. Four more to go.”
The next two attempts didn’t even get as far as her first. Both times she only got about two inches of the ground before he pushed down on her to seemingly trap even further in her current spot.
If she were being honest, she was panicking. This was meant to be easy. Just as easy as all the times before. If not easier. But now she was being held to the ground completely out of control. She’s the one who’s supposed to be dominant. She should be dominating him. But here she is being dominated by a man she didn’t even know.
The shame she felt was absolutely unbearable.
“Just two more. Better make them count.”
The teasing tone in voice pissed her off. She pushed back against him as hard as she could. Unfortunately for her, the only part of her that moved a significant amount was her hips and soft, round ass which pressed into something hard. Her mind was too focused on the anger she felt to realize that she was giving the man pinning her down a clothed assjob.
It took until she heard him grunt and groan for her to come to her senses and drop back down. This time there was no cocky comment from the man. She supposed that cockiness went to his lower head instead. The lower head that currently still pressing hard against her rear.
The man had fallen with her this time. Unfortunately, he still managed to maintain some grip on her arms and tightened his hold on her before she could regain composure and take advantage of his somewhat broken concentration. And now, they were both laid flat. With him on top of her.
Even with the layers of clothes between them, she could feel the throbbing rod of meat pulsating against her ass cheek. It pressed against the supple flesh and pushed it down. She swore she could even feel the veins that ran across its length. The warmth, the heat, was so palpable she was fairly certain it could act as a space heater for the winter.
“J–just one more.”
His voice was shaky. She could hear it. He was too heavy for her right now. But if she could just push him a bit further, she might be able to break his grip on her arms. That would be enough to get up. All she would have to do is rub her perfect ass against that hard, hot, throbbing cock until he burst.
Only because she needed to, of course.
She still needed to reclaim her dominance. That’s all this was.
Even if the path back to that dominance was shaking her ass like a bitch in heat against the cock of the man that was pinning her down until he came.
Yeah, that was just a way to become dominant again. That’s all.
With a deep breath and a grunt, Rhea Ripley pushed backward with her hips. She could feel the man tense up and hear the breath of air push through his teeth. She could feel the sizable penis move with each slight grinding stroke of her ass. Soon, it had even managed to adjust enough to come to lay in the middle of her ass, laying cozily in the crack. Now, she could feel the foreskin as it was peeled back and brought forward.
He was breaking. She could tell. His breathing was labored, and he allowed her to come up further than before. His mind was almost certainly too hazy to realize. The sheer pleasure creating a thick haze around his mind, blinding him to the fact he could end it now. He had the leverage.
As his hands began to loosen from around her arms, and he began to push back, dry humping her through their clothes, she could feel her lips moving almost instinctually into a smirk. She had done this. She won. She would have her toy soon enough.
She could feel the victory.
She felt him twitch in between her soft yet firm cheeks.
She felt his grip tighten yet again.
She felt the cool floor pushed against her body once more.
She had lost.
Initially, she hadn’t even realized what had happened. The shock had been so great that even once realization had set in, her mind and body were still torn between continuing to stimulate the stiff, rock hard shaft currently throbbing so strongly while lodged deep in between her perfect cheeks, and letting out a scream of frustration at failing to free herself yet again.
They laid their for a while, neither moving beyond the autonomous rising and falling of their chests as they panted from the shared feeling of exertion. Beyond that, Rhea could still feel pulsations and heat radiating from behind her.
The cool air of the empty gym brushed her skin much more gently than the rushing waves of exhalations that beat the back of her neck, and the feeling of being pressed into ground with a body on top of her and no way to get up was unfamiliar to her. It was strange.
She hated it.
Rhea didn’t know how long they laid there feeling their bodies pressing into each other, but she could feel her backside beginning to fall asleep by the time that he cleared his throat and prepared to speak. The sound of it rang out and buried itself deep in her ear like an opponent’s victory music. The noise itself seemingly a larger, heavier weight on her, on her ego and pride, than the man it came from.
She hated it.
She hated him.
It didn’t make any sense, and she could feel that frustration building with each passing second.
She lost.
How could she have lost?
How the fuck could she have lost?
“Close, but not quite. Guess that makes me the winner. Nice try though. You really almost had me.”
She could hear the words. She heard the chuckle before and smug self-satisfaction in his voice as he spoke. She could hear it all just fine, but the rage blocked her from understanding. It refused let her accept the reality that she had lost, and she let out a yell.
The yell was guttural and full of the hate she felt at that moment. The hate she felt for her situation. The hate she felt for the man who had managed to best her through what could only be called pure luck. The hate she felt for herself for even ending up her.
She should have beat him easily. She should have been able to escape. She should have been able to overpower him. She should have been smarter. He should have agreed. She should have just walked away. She should have been more convincing. She should have walked away and just fucking masturbated or used a different toy for the night.
An almost animalistic roar echoed across the gym as she pushed herself up. Toned arms freed from themselves, and stronger hands pushed against the ground as she finally managed to break free. She was done here. She had lost. She admitted it, but she refused to be some man’s bitch!
She was almost up. Next, she just had to make it to her feet and run. Her body fought against it, still dealing with the effects of her circulation being cut off for as long as it had, but that just meant she had to push more. Push harder.
Up to her knees, she knew she was free. She knew that she just needed to–
A stinging pain ran throughout her right asscheek. Then, her left. Then, her right again.
“Don’t even fucking try it,” he growled out his words each punctuated by the violent crack of every spank, “You brought this on yourself, and I’m not going to let you go without your punishment.”
Minutes passed, and Rhea could feel the pain grow with every strike. The meat of her ass jiggled with every contact, and it almost began to feel numb from the soreness. She bit her tongue and refused to let any signs of pain out. Tears began to form at her eyes against her will. Pain and shame tore her mind apart, and she couldn’t hold them back from sliding down her cheeks even as she blinked and shut her eyes in a vain effort to make them stop.
With a growl, the man brought his right hand down one final time across her right asscheek. The yelp of pain seemed to stay his hand. Both of them of breathed heavily, taking in deep gulps of air as they tried to steady themselves. Tears flowed down Rhea’s cheeks. Her will to keep them back overcome by the stinging feeling.
“There. Now, you ready to fulfill your side of the deal?” The man’s voice sounded much more rough and aggressive than before.
Rhea just buried her face in the ground, trying to hide away from the world. The stinging pain seeming to throb and radiate heat. Her mind was unable to process what had happened, and she tried to ignore her reality, hoping to just wake up with none of this ever having happened.
That hope was torn to shreds with yet another smack. Her voice echoed throughout the room chasing the ringing of the spank. The pain she felt was made clear from her shrieking scream. Finally, she broke down crying as she fell to the ground.
“Well?” The man growled.
Rhea whined out a quiet, “Yes.” Her voice was weak enough from her trying to hide the pain in it that if the room were even the slightest bit louder, it would’ve been impossible to hear even to her own ears.
A smack hit her, and a rush of pain followed just behind. “What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
“Yes! Yes, please, just stop,” Rhea cried out no longer bothering to try hiding the break in her voice.
“Good. Now, get up! I wanna get a good look at my prize.”
A final light slap against her right asscheek brought both one final squeal and the end of his current assault. Finally, she felt his presence vanish as she heard the sound of his feet hitting the floor.
Mere moments had passed before she felt the forceful impact of something hitting her ribs.
Another kick.
“Get up, now.”
“Okay. Okay, please. Just… stop, please.” The words crawled their way out of her mouth painfully, fast and then slow. She just wanted to get this over with and bring this humiliation to an end.
Most of the floor had begun to heat up during the assault. The fact her hands landed on the seemingly last cold areas around her only served as the final insult to her sore, red injury.
Her normally strong arms felt weak as she pushed up, and her legs weren’t in much better shape. Physical conditioning means nothing when shame and emotional pain turn your limbs to jelly and your mind retreats into itself to hide away.
Like a newborn deer, Rhea struggled to find her footing. The jumpsuit that so perfectly showed off her curves now rubbed against her bruised ass, and she was all too aware of the lustful eyes on her, keeping track of her every movement. The same eyes she had caught looking over at her with the occasional glance no longer moved away, instead staying focused on her body.
Her body, which had become little more than a prize to the man those eyes belonged to.
Without even turning her head to look at him, she could feel him eye fucking her. It wasn’t a foreign feeling to her, but the context most definitely was. Every other time, she was in a position of power, of authority, and she knew she was in control.
She was used to being the one decided how much was seen and how it was seen. But here, she was at the mercy of another, and that feeling shook her more than anything else ever had before.
“Fuck, you got one hell of a body, and that ass felt amazing. Pressed against my cock and against my hand.” Rhea shivered at the words. They were nothing new, but they felt corrupted and wrong to her ears.
She fully turned to face him and found an animal standing in the somewhat passive man’s shoes. Hungry eyes trailed from her breasts down to her hips and thighs before trailing back up and landing on her face. She felt her body take a step back against her will.
Some part of her still wanted to try to reclaim lost ground. “Well, you got me. What are you going to do?”
She just couldn’t get that shakiness to go away. She tried to steady her legs, and it went to her voice.
And her false confidence didn’t seem to accomplish much of anything. No words came from the man’s mouth as he began to walk around her. His face fought itself, contorting between a cold, neutral expression and one of lustful wrath. Turning her eyes downward, she could see a bulge that lined his pants from crotch to mid-thigh.
That sight reminded her of the feeling of him pressed against her. It looked to be a fairly decent size, but she swore that it felt so much bigger against. She thought about when it found its way in between her cheeks. She thought about how it felt pressed against her. How it felt pressed against her holes as she stroked him off even through their clothes.
She heard him begin to laugh.
A slap to her ass and the feeling of his hand gripping her through the cloth tore a shriek through her lips.
But she felt something else too.
“So, what are you thinking about that’s getting you so wet?” The jumpsuit tightened around her, and she could feel the wetness pressing against her skin as he fondled and played with her ass.
“I-I’m not-“
“Bullshit.” He reached another hand across her front and pressed his fingers against her pussy, pushing the soaked clothing against her, making her shiver. “You’re fucking soaked. So what’s got you like this?”
The man pulled her close, though not close enough to feel their bodies touching again. She hated that she felt disappointed at that second part.
“Was it the fact that you’re not in control anymore? That I fucking own you for the next however minutes or hours I want to use you?” He ran the hand on her front up ever so gently to her right breast, feeling its weight and taking in the feeling of it. “Or was it just you really, really liked being dominated? Fucking loved having your face shoved into the floor and your perfect ass spanked like the naughty girl you are?”
His chest met her back, and he leaned in to whisper into her ears, the heat of his breath reaching to her very soul, “Or maybe you just really, really liked the feeling,” he paused to finally bring her back and press the throbbing rod of meat against her before continuing, “of my hard cock nice and snug against your ass?”
Trembling legs were evidently all he needed. She felt her weight give in as he let go and laughed. Falling to the floor was never fun. It especially wasn’t fun when you’re too flustered to catch yourself properly.
Her mind was too far gone to fully process the next however long he let her lay on the floor. The laughter she did hear stabbed her ears with the cruelty it contained. He enjoyed having control over her. She knew that. She knew it perfectly.
After all, it’s the same feeling she’s gotten a number of times before.
As her mind began to process the events of the past perhaps hour or so, and she could finally comprehend the world around her again, she heard him speak again, “Although, I think the real answer may actually be all of the above.”
No. She knew that wasn’t true. It wasn’t. She hated this. She wanted to be in control. She hated this. She knew she did. She knew it wasn’t true.
“N-no.” The words came out so quietly even she wasn’t sure she actually said them.
“What was that?”
But she didn’t say anything. Her mouth felt too dry, and she chose to keep it closed instead.
She could hear him raise his foot again. The squeak of his shoe against the ground giving it away. But she didn’t feel an impact. Instead, she heard him lower his foot back to the ground and sigh.
“Whatever. I’m get bored of this, and I want to claim my prize already,” he took a few steps back and continued, “Get up and take off your clothes. Real slow. Give me a show, slut.”
She hated him. She hated this.
Shaky legs struggled to hold up her sore body on unsteady feet. Rhea hated this. Her hands struggled to stabilize themselves enough to grip the straps of her jumpsuit, and her arms felt weak as she raised them to pull the straps above her head and drop them on her shoulders. Rhea hated him.
She could hear him walking around her like a predator waiting to pounce, thinking and running through plans in its head, weighing the options mentally, perhaps instinctually, and making a decision. Then she saw him. And she flinched in a way she never did before. Not for anyone.
But she did that time, and she looked down. She hated everything about this. And she saw it. She saw the wet stain on the crotch of her jumpsuit. The sign of arousal that she hated she felt. No, had. She hated this. She didn’t want this.
She didn’t.
Laughter. Cruel laughter. It stabbed her in the heart. She knew why he was laughing, and she hated it. She hated that he was laughing at her. She hated it.
The straps on her shoulders continued to slide down ever so slowly, and soon, that wet cloth fell away from her towards the ground, revealing another, thinner piece.
That too fell soon after. Thumbs slid under the band and pulled it down, letting go after it reached her thighs, allowing the underwear to drop.
Wind bit her skin. The part that ran across her buttocks and crotch told her that she was bent over ever so slight, but before she could straighten back out, she felt a hand against her ass. The right cheek was squeezed and spread to the side, and she flinched hard enough that she would have escaped had his grip not been so tight. Her unconscious attempt to escape only caused her more pain.
His fingers dug into her skin, pliable fat molding to the pressure. Every movement pushing, pulling, twisting, squishing, playing her flesh like an instrument, drawing hisses of pain through gritted teeth.
Soon, the other cheek joined in the pain, being stretched to the left, and she felt his cock return to its rightfu— Er, its place in the middle. The throbbing, fleshy mass pushed against her with far less clothing between it and the tight ring. She could even feel the veins that run down it as he pushed close, dragging her yet closer.
And she hated it. Hated every small pulse against her. Hated the feeling of every indentation and bump pushing against her. Hated the shiver as he pulled her down while he pushed up, and the head pushed directly against the tight hole that had never had more than a finger in it. She hated it.
She hated it so much.
Low moans rang in her ears, and she could just barely make out words complimenting her ass, speaking about just how soft it was. Minutes passed as he continued to speak lust into her ears, using her ass to jerk himself off, slowly managing to peel her sports bra off.
She just wanted it to end.
His hands treated her breasts in much the same way he did her ass, though, she was thankful that it was at least less painful. That small mercy hardly made up for his continued thrusting against her that seemed to last for hours.
She felt a wetness across her cheek. She begged her mind to let her believe he had licked her there or spit on her instead. She hated this.
Once again, she met the ground roughly, thrown by the man that owned her.
“Fuck it. I need this now. I want to do so much more, but I can’t wait any longer.” The words rang in her ears, and a small part of her rejoiced at the fact that this experience might be meeting its end.
Another piece knew that it wouldn’t be that simple. It knew what was about to come and that he wouldn’t be satisfied that easily.
And a third piece, shamefully larger than the first but smaller than the second, felt something she couldn’t quite identify but knew she hated. Or maybe she just didn’t want to identify it.
With a smack, she felt the weight of his cock meet the mounds of fleshy backside that had been bruised, beaten, and abused for what had to be at least an hour. She pushed herself up as he lightly thrusted against her, trailing the length of his rod up and down her back, his hips meeting her rump, and his balls lightly tapping against her wet, hot pussy, undoubtedly wetting them slightly.
She grunted with every thrust, waiting for him to push inside. When he finally pulled back enough, she tensed up, trying to prevent any sounds from slipping out from her mouth.
That desire was quashed as she felt the tip of the head poking against the ring of her asshole. A gasp made it clear just how affected she was by his actions.
She felt him grip her ass, pulling the cheeks apart and letting just the very tip push shallowly against the hole. The feeling of the top of the head pushing slightly inside made her want to scream and grip onto something, but she neither wanted to give him the pleasure nor had anything to dig her fingers into besides the small cracks in the ground beneath her.
She hated it.
Her silence broke when he pulled back and quickly dug his way inside her wam, wet pussy. A long, airy moan seemed to echo around the room as he dug himself halfway in from just one thrust and only continued to push deeper. She clenched her jaw and futilely to stop moaning, but he only pushed deeper in, grabbing her by her ass and pulling her back.
She felt him pushing against her walls as he pushed deeper and deeper. Finally, he stopped, pressed against a wall inside her as she groaned in pain, pulling away only for him to slam himself back inside, forcing a short, strangled noise from her throat as she fell forward and let her face rest against the floor.
It hurt, and she hated it.
She hated it so much.
So why did she feel just a spark of pleasure with the pain?
No, she didn’t. She wouldn’t. She liked control.
She felt his cock pulling out slowly, all the to the tip, the sides pulling and scraping along the sides of her pussy that hugged it so tightly. The head came to rest just inside her hole before he rammed himself back in once again, pulling yet more noises that sounded so sickening submissive and corrosive to her ears.
Time and time again, he would pull out and push in, quicker each thrust. And she would moan like the bitches she would occasionally dabble in making her own.
It wasn’t fair, but she loved it and she hated it.
“Come on, no need to hide it. I know you’re loving this.” The man mocked her as continued to fuck her.
“F-f… ngh. Fuck you.” Her rebellion fell as quickly as it rose. A single spank to her right asscheek all it took to make her whimper.
She’d been defeated. She hated it.
And he was claiming her like a prize. She lo—hated it.
It was getting harder to think. The feeling of him burying himself deep within her, his cock molding her pussy to suit him. The sound of his hips clapping against her ass. It almost sounded like when she was in the ring, soaking in the applause of her adoring fans.
Fans who would never think to try that. Fans who would never think that moment possible. Fans who she couldn’t help but wonder what they would think of her if they saw what had happened. How she got beaten and turned into someone’s bitch.
She hated it.
She thought of the looks of disappointment, pity, and arousal. They wouldn’t respect her anymore.
She swore she hated it.
They’d never see her the same way again.
They’d always she as a used up, cockdrunk, weak little whore.
Something ran through her body, shockwaves sending her into convulsions. She heard the man chuckle and say something, but she was too lost in the feeling to act process it. Fuck, her mind was going blank.
When she finally calmed down, she realized what had happened.
She just came.
She came all over the man’s cock. The cock that was still pumping inside of her. She came from the thought of being seen like that. The thought of being humiliated.
Why? She hated it. She… she did.
A spank, a grunt, and a thrust. Over and over again.
“Good slut. Cum on Daddy’s cock again. You know you wanna.” Did she?
No. No, no, no. But it felt so good. Her hips started moving at some point on their own, and she had no idea when or why.
No, she knew why.
Because he stopped.
He stopped. And she started to move.
He stopped, and she started to push back and pull off to push back again because she loved it.
No, her body did. She didn’t. She hated it.
But her body loved it.
“Fuck, you can work that fat ass so fucking good,” the man spoke as he let his right hand fall against her ass, the pain almost becoming pleasure, “But you better start begging, or I’ll pull out.”
Rhea stayed quiet. And she stayed quiet even as he began to pull out. And she only let out a low whine that she desperately tried to silence as she felt and heard his cock pop out of her pussy. And she moaned slightly louder as he began to rub his cock against her pussy after she embarrassed herself further by trying so desperately to push back onto it. And she felt the shame and embarrassment and even guilt building up as she cried and finally broke.
“Please…” she spoke so softly under her tears that she couldn’t recognize her own voice.
A spank to her right asscheek and a demand to speak up, speak louder.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me!”
He gripped her ass with both hands and held her in place with his head poking against her entrance.
“Please ram your cock back inside and fuck me like a dirty little bitch! Do what no one else could and make me yours! Please, Daddy, just—“ she stopped and screamed in pleasure as she felt him thrust inside.
She didn’t know how much had passed like that, with her face down as the man railed her from behind like a whore, but she didn’t care. She just needed to feel him deep inside her even as the sparks of pain ignited pleasure in her body, and she continued to beg in half–mumbled, incoherent words for more despite her body giving in to the pleasure, leaving her stuck in place except for the primal thrusts of the man behind and, at some point, on top of her.
When she the telltale sign of him cumming inside of her, the feeling of his cock expanding and contracting, she could do little more than moan louder while her body shook and pushed through the waves of pleasure that pushed her to the brink of unconsciousness. She felt so tired from the incident up to that point, and the feeling of her orgasm didn’t help to keep her awake.
She only briefly wondered if that would be the end of it, if the man would only be able to go one round, especially when the earlier teasing was taken into account, before her mouth was forced open and her lips hooked by his fingers. He wrenched her back and spit into her mouth and slapped her across the right cheek, letting her face fall soon after.
He grabbed her left shoulder, and Rhea soon found herself looking up at the man above her. His face no longer concealed his lust. Rather, it showed it on full display, and the animalistic desire on his face would’ve made Rhra shrink back if she could move any more or if she was any less horny.
“I hope you’re not done yet,” he lifted her legs up and pushed them back until she was folded in on herself in the way she had to so many women before her, “because I plan to make use of you until my balls hurt.”
All Rhea could do was shake her head lightly and slowly and make an, uh uh, sound to let him know that she wasn’t done.
“Good girl,” he said while he positioned himself, “Now, which hole should I use?”
She knew he wasn’t asking her, and she looked up towards him. She could see his still-hard cock as he moved the tip back and forth between her ass and pussy.
Fuck. She needed that thing back inside her.
She needed him to keep fucking her.
The slight movements she tried, and may have failed, to make seemed to push him to reenter her. As he pushed back into her needy cunt, he said, “Well, there’ll be plenty of time to try out that fat ass. Won’t there, whore?”
Rhea’s mind fought between the hate of the humiliation of what she had been called and the love of it. But that was cut short when she felt him slap her across her left cheek yet again and ask her again, “Won’t there, whore?”
He was louder this time, and she nodded her head frantically and managed to get out a strangled yet loud, “Yes! Yes, Daddy! You’ll have Mami’s ass, yes.”
“Good girl.”
And with that, he began to fuck her as he if was trying to push her into the ground. The feeling of being in a position she had used to establish dominance only compounding every emotion and sense she was experiencing. She could feel herself cumming on the man’s cock even as he kept a steady pace, fucking her deeply and making sure she remembered him.
The last thing she felt for sure was his cock yet again throbbing and pulsating inside her as he told her to take every last drop and called her yet more words and terms she would’ve never let anyone else get away with. And she could remember herself thanking him and begging for more.
Beyond that, it was a blur that was too difficult to parse through except for the feelings of pleasure as he continued to use her body in different positions around the gym.
From holding her up by the hair as he slapped her cheeks with his cock and fucked her throat and tits, to making her bounce her ass on his lap while he sat on a bench. It all made her feel like nothing else had, and she needed more until she couldn’t go any longer.
The final round was one where she got only lay on her front and take the pounding the man gave her from behind. With a final grunt, he pulled out, his balls drained and his cock slick from cum and pussy juices, he rubbed the head of his cock against her still unused asshole before getting up and walking around to kneel down by her head.
He gripped her hair again and forced her to clean off his cock, pushing her down to the base and then pulling out and letting his quickly–softening cock against her face. Even as he began to shrink down, she could still feel its weight as she struggled to stay awake.
Finally, he moved past that and let her face drop back to the floor for what must’ve been the hundredth time that night, and he got up to put his clothes back on.
He left for a moment, and she assumed that he had decided to leave her there as some sort of punishment, but he came back dressed in much more casual clothing mere minutes later. He helped her get dressed as he commented on her performance, complimenting her for keeping up but also denigrating for being so tired.
“Never been fucked right before, huh?” And she was too tired to respond before he continued, “Well, I’ll leave you my number written on a slip of paper if you ever want to have some more fun. Though, don’t bother with this shit again. And be ready to beg.”
And just as he said, he handed her a slip of paper that a quick scan revealed to have a number on it before walking out of the room and the building.
For her part, she rested for another twenty minutes before getting up to walk back to her hotel room.
She was exhausted, and she knew she’d be sore in the morning, but she couldn’t help but feel like it was worth it.
Maybe it had even gone better than she could’ve hoped for.
She loved it.
Monday, September 16, 2024. About 3:00-3:30 P.M., give or take a few minutes.
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lust-for-celebs ¡ 29 days
That story of yours about Tina getting 4ssaulted was pretty cool. Can you write something about the same man assaulting all of the other girls that are living with her in the streamer house of that story too, please? Your writing is amazing dude!
Hey, thanks for the support. I definitely try. I don’t know if my writing is really all that great. There’s definitely quite a few writers or both smut and otherwise that are above me, but I like to think that I’ve improved rather quickly from my first story.
I love that idea, and I’m definitely going to do it. I just need to decide whether I want to add chapters to the original, maybe changing the title in the process, make it a separate story, a series of oneshots, or just one big oneshot or chapter depending on whether or not I add it on or makes it its own separate entity.
I’m going to be basing it, very loosely, off of the 100 Thieves group. I know very little about them unfortunately, but I’ll do a bit of research on them, and I welcome anyone to try selling me on any streamer to add to the list for this idea regardless of whether their in 100 Thieves, related to them, or their own separate thing.
From my current understanding, the ladies who are or were at one time a part of this group were TinaKitten, Valkyrae, BrookeAB, Kyedae, Fuslie, and Neekolol, who I had to do extra searching for confirmation she was ever a part of it ‘cause she only appeared on one of the two lists I found. Both of which seem a bit incomplete.
I’m almost done with the Rhea Ripley story, and I’m going to work on continuing another after, but I’ll write a bit of a teaser to this with the current concept I have for a continuation.
This time, featuring Valkyrae much more front and center.
Tina let out a breath that she hadn’t even realized she was holding.
Still nothing.
She turned off her phone and looked around. Birds chirped, wind blew gently against the grass and trees, creating an almost ethereal rustling of leaves. The breeze slid against her legs, and she felt lighter than the day before, and she knew she’d feel lighter the day after.
The click of the doorknob as she turned it satisfied her ears. The click of the door being shut and locked even more so.
Her mind traveled to just about a week or two before. Her mind was too messy at the time to keep track of the exact date. It may have been even more for all she knew.
But it was the day things started to fix themselves, so she’d never forget it even if she couldn’t remember the date.
The man had come back yet again for what felt like the hundredth time. Every time, he would get rougher and demand more and more. He had even taken videos of her supposedly consenting to it all when she was her weakest and most afraid of him, and he threatened to post them online if she ever tried to expose him.
Each time, he had pushed just a bit closer to finally driving himself inside of her vagina, and she knew that once he did, he was going to cum inside her. That night, she was certain he was going to do it. The thought scared her as it bounced around inside her skull, vibrating with every thud.
So, she refused. She told to leave and to never come back. She said she didn’t care if he posted the videos online. She just wanted him gone.
“You ready for another night of fun?” The man asked that like he was a friend of hers.
“No.” Just one word, and it sounded so fragile to her own ears. She knew that it was either that night or never. She had to find her resolve.
“No? Well, I suppose you never are,” he said with a chuckle, “but that’s exactly how I like you.”
Those words. Those words right there were what she needed.
“No.” More force this time. “No, I don’t want to, and I’m not going to.”
She looked up to see a look of shock across his face. Widened eyes and an open mouth. It almost made her want to laugh.
“You know what happens if you don’t behave yourself, bitch.”
“Post them. I don’t give a shit.”
“I’ll just…” He stopped in his tracks, turning away from her. “Fine.”
Tina was a little confused, but the look on his face as he turned back to look at her one final time, furrowed brow, downturned lips, and obviously grit teeth, washed that away. After that, she was joyful.
She had done it. She had stood up for herself and gotten him to leave her alone.
Even as she took that final step up the stairs, she could still feel herself smiling, proud of what she had done. The time she spent under his control would never leave her, and she hated that she didn’t find a way to make sure he was punished, but she had survived, and that was all that mattered to her.
She shook her head. That was over now. She needed to refocus on moving forward, better than ever.
First step, she needed to go talk Rae. They had something planned for sometime in the next week. Plus, she had been considering telling her about what had happened. She knew she heard something that night, and while she probably just thought she was masturbating or something, Rae did say she could come talk if she needed anything.
Rae was a good friend. She’d be willing to talk.
Arriving at Rae’s door, she began to knock only to hear a quiet, subdued moan. A blush found its way across Tina’s face.
Shit, she hoped Rae didn’t hear her knock. Oh, that felt embarrassing.
Tina made to sneak away, trying to not make any noise with her footsteps, when suddenly the door opened. Tina’s head instinctually turned back around.
Her eyes widened.
There was Rae, tied up, nipples clamped, suspended in air. Tina was certain there was more, but the room was dark, and her eyes were drawn away quickly to the only other occupant standing beside her friend.
It was the man.
No. No, no, no, no, no. No. No. No.
Without a will behind them, her feet moved forward, and she could see both of them more clearly.
The man was smiling. The wickedness and evil, the love of pain and cruelty shined from his upturned lips.
And Rae, she was looking at Tina, but her eyes didn’t call for help. They were full anger. Hatred. Vitriol.
Why was Rae looking at her like that?
“Welcome, Tina. Look at what I got all prepared for us already.” The man moved forward and reached behind her. Before Tina could fully process what was happening, she heard the click of the door being shut, followed by the click of the lock.
“Wha-wha-what are you talking about?” Tina whimpered out. This was supposed to be over.
“The plan, remember? It’s what I said I would do, and you didn’t push back on it.” No, she didn’t. She didn’t remember. What was he talking about?
She stole another glance at Rae. There was a clothespin clamped down on Rae’s clit, and she could see that the man hadn’t been gentle with her. Red marred her skin across her entire body mixed with purple from bruises. Around her neck, she could see a marking that told her she had been strangled for a significant period of time.
That sight brought back the pain of her own body. The feeling of her hair being pulled no matter how much she followed every order and command. The struggle to breathe as he squeezed his hands around her neck while fucking her from behind. Every slap, punch, kick, and spank came rushing back to her.
In that moment, it was like it never really ended at all.
Rae moaned around the ball gag stuffed in her mouth and strapped in around her head. Tina could tell it was angry. She must have believed whatever he told her. But why?
“Oh, come on, Tina. You agreed to this. Remember the first night we had our fun together?” No, she could barely remember that night. Maybe he said something while she was unconscious, or—No. He mentioned it. If she wasn’t quiet, he’d go after Valkyrae next.
But he never did before. Why now? Even when he had the perfect chance, he always stuck with just her.
And, like he always seemed to do, he read her mind and reminded her of that very night. It was one of the nights he had recorded, and he shoved his phone in her face, playing the video he took. One of them, at least.
She watched, from his perspective as his cock pumped in and out of her tight, small cunt and her little ass met his hips with every thrust.
She remembered that night. It had just been her and Rae in the house, and he wanted to fuck her just outside of Rae’s door. Tina pushed back just enough to make it the room right next to hers while watching Rae as she streamed.
He spoke in the video, “Hot little whore, ain’t she?”
She cringed both in the past and present at the word, but past her knew she had to play along.
“Yes, D-daddy.” A small stutter. She’d gotten uncomfortably good at suppressing those by that point.
He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back. The camera’s angle was raised a bit to show off her face, twisted in a grimace.
“And you’d help me make her into a good little slut like you, right?”
She hesitated just a few moments before letting out a quiet, “Yes.”
It wasn’t enough. She should’ve refused. She knew, or at least thought she knew, he’d never do anything to her, but she should’ve refused anyway.
He moved his hand from her hair to under her chin and said, “Aw, that doesn’t sound too certain. How about I do all the work and you can come in and have some fun after?”
“Ooh, fuck, yes!” Tina’s voice raised, and she sounded almost excited.
No. She didn’t remember saying it like that. No. She didn’t. She swore she didn’t. It was almost a squeal. It sounded more like she was excited than anything.
Why? Why did it come out like that.
That’s why Rae looked at her with such hatred. That’s why the muffled moans that slipped past the ball gag sounded angry.
He’d convinced Rae that Tina was in on it. That Tina was a part of this.
Tina should’ve done more. Tina really should’ve done more.
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lust-for-celebs ¡ 1 month
“Love what I’m seeing so far, along with the ideas! I think noncon with Billie Eilish would be fun, maybe with someone who’s been teasing her for a while. Her having her way with another female celeb would be nice, too ;)” — Anonymous.
Alright, like I said, I’m doing the second idea there. The mystery celeb is obviously tagged, but if you haven't looked yet somehow, you'll get to be surprised.
This’ll be short. I’m really getting inspired to finish the Rhea Ripley story I’ve been writing.
Friday, August 16, 2024 4:10 A.M.
Billie laid back, looking downwards lazily at blonde bitch between her legs.
“You really don’t know how to do this.”
Slow, cautious licks against her pussy weren’t exactly the most satisfying thing in the world, but then again, Billie wasn’t too sure what she expected.
The only thing really turning her on at that point was who was doing it. She chuckled to herself at the thought. Really, who she is was all the worthless slut had going for her.
“Alright Taylor, you clearly don’t know what you’re doing. Let me help you.”
Taylor Swift, the international superstar, billionaire, and goddess, queen, and mother to so many was on her knees, servicing Billie Eilish, however poorly, whether she liked it or not. Well, she didn’t, but that didn’t matter.
And the tall, blonde bimbo screamed as Billie grabbed her by the hair and shoved her mouth into her cunt. Truth be told, it was most pleasure Billie had gotten out of her the whole night.
“Should’ve just kept your mouth shut. But now you’ve gotta keep your mouth open.” Billie made sure to grind herself into her face. “Come on, so many boyfriends, you’d think you’d at least know how to move your tongue a bit.”
All of this just because Taylor had to make a snide remark. Billie couldn’t even remember what it was, but she remembered being annoyed. And when she saw Taylor all alone, how could she resist?
Wasn’t even hard to get her to listen. Poor little Tay-Tay just needed to be put into her place, and it all came together.
Now if only Taylor could actually get Billie to cum.
She tried desperately to grind against her mouth, gripping her hair more tightly. The pained moans from the arrogant bitch were the only things really getting her any closer.
“Ugh, get your tongue in there already. You think you’re all that, but you can’t even eat pussy right.” Billie decided to try something a little different. She pulled Taylor away from her and let her right hand smack against her cheek.
The scream from Taylor and the subsequent crying definitely brought something out of her. And the incoherent jumble of words falling out of Taylor’s mouth added to it.
“Yeah, fucking cry. It’s all you’re good for.” Billie finally found what she needed.
More insults about Taylor’s worth brought more tears and failed attempts to defend herself which brought Billie more pleasure. Finally, Billie could feel something building up in her, and she pushed Taylor back into her crotch.
She still couldn’t eat pussy worth a damn, big surprise there, but Billie didn’t need her to. She just needed her to sit still while she came and squirted all over her overdone face.
And so, under Billie’s grip, Taylor remained in place even as her sobs grew in volume and she tried to break from Billie’s grasp.
Spasming legs wrapped around Taylor’s head as she began to feel smothered and suffocated. The taste of the juices worked its way into her tastebuds, and she had to shut her eyes before they got hit. Once it was over, she could barely hold herself up and collapsed to the floor, not even having the strength to sob.
Billie laid there for a while, catching her breath and soaking in the moment. When she finally did get up to start getting dressed, she saw Taylor laying on the ground, makeup smeared and barely conscious. Poor bitch just couldn’t handle it and seemed to be bothered by the feeling of the liquids on her face, marking her. The same fluids that covered the chest of her dress.
Good. She wanted people to see Taylor like that. Let them all know that she’d been dominated.
Finally, having fixed her clothes, Billie gave a finally warning about what would happen if she didn’t learn her place, including a bit of hair pulling, choking, and even shoving a few fingers up Taylor’s snatch. Essentially, if Taylor doesn’t learn her place, she’d have some more fun with her and make Taylor see that she’s a little bit different than the guys she’s dated.
Taylor may like boys, but Billie would make her love her.
Saturday, August 17, 2024 4:43 P.M.
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lust-for-celebs ¡ 1 month
Alright, I got a bit carried away and wrote in somewhat more detail than I had intended to, but I managed to reel myself back in soon after that last line of dialogue. I’m going to do the second idea soon enough in a much, much shorter version, hopefully.
I already have who I want the other female celebrity to be if anyone would like to take a guess. Maybe I’ll give something you want written priority over others or something. So long as it stays within the limits that I really need to define. Along with quite a few other things.
I just really wanted to get that bit out, plus, I don’t want to make people scroll past that one just to see the second part if that’s all they want.
I hope whoever reads the Billie story enjoys it.
0 notes
lust-for-celebs ¡ 1 month
Love what I’m seeing so far, along with the ideas! I think noncon with Billie Eilish would be fun, maybe with someone who’s been teasing her for a while. Her having her way with another female celeb would be nice, too ;)
Hey, thanks. For both the praise and the ask. I’ve definitely got some more coming, and I’m very thankful for any support or suggestions.
Anyway, I’m a fan of both these suggestions, so I think I’m going to write them both. They’re both going to be on the shorter side, but I’d be willing to eventually extend either or both eventually if there’s any interest.
Poke. Poke. Poke.
The room went from the sound of jovial conversation to an annoyed grunt and the sound of skin on skin for what felt like the hundredth time in the past few hours.
“I already told you to stop.” Billie was growing increasingly impatient with the man who sat in front of her. Quite frankly, she wished she could cut this whole thing short and just walk out.
Of course, if she did that, this guy would probably raise a fuss, and the organizers that got all this set up would be upset with her even if they didn’t have to pay up. Just a quick little one-on-one meeting with a fan for charity, that’s all this was supposed to be.
She had expected someone a little different though, younger and probably a girl. Instead she got a man who seemed roughly her age. That wasn’t impossible by any means. Her fanbase contained quite a bit of men, but she knew most of them weren’t fans of quite the same thing.
And she was pretty much immediately proven right when the man walked in and made a big show of looking right at her breasts.
Saying, “I’m a big, big fan of you,” while raising a hand with each big, right in front of his chest, was about the level of subtlety she expected from pervs like him.
Although, he pretty much immediately also disproved her assumption when he began to talk about her career and music in such a depth that she doubted even most of her megafans would be able to.
And so, the talk continued in that ebb and flow of him doing something pervy before bringing it back in. She kept growing more uncomfortable with each repeat of the pattern. Especially once he started to touch her.
Especially once that touching moved from her arm, to her shoulder, to her boob. The first time he touched her chest, she instinctively hit him on the hand, and he pulled back. The look on his face almost got her to feel bad for him.
The excuse that he was just trying to touch her heart killed that feeling instantly.
She moved away soon after that. Only for him to end up reaching over and doing it again. At this point, she’s really beginning to consider just leaving. She could always just work out a deal with the organizers and help pay for any expenses. Finneas would help out with anything too.
“Aw, come on, I’m just trying to feel close to you. They are your biggest appeal after all.” His cocky smile finally set her over the edge.
“That’s it. I’m done.” Billie bit back the scream she wanted to let out and instead opted for a more controlled statement. While doing so, she got up and began to make her way to the door.
The man reached out and grabbed her by her shirt sleeve as he began to speak, “Oh, don’t be like—“ the sound and feeling of his hand being slapped away interrupted him.
“Don’t touch me, pervert.” Billie pulled away from him and sped up. She had to get out.
“I can’t believe I put up with this.” Her hand was just over the door handle when she felt herself being grabbed.
“I said, don’t be like that.” The man’s voice, which had been mostly jovial and teasing throughout this entire thing, deepened and seemed almost annoyed.
Billie screamed. She screamed out for help and nothing in particular. Her arms flailed, and she tried to kick at his legs. “Let go of me! Get off!”
Her shirt was lifted up, she felt a cold touch against her stomach, trailing upwards. A shiver worked its way through her body, and the man finally reached her breasts. His left hand squeezed, and she squealed.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he said while raising his right hand to cover her mouth, “All I wanted was to talk to you, maybe touch you a little bit. Now I’m going to do something even more fun.”
Her cries for help only grew louder, so he pushed forward suddenly, slamming her face first into the door. When that only caused a momentary halt, the hand covering her mouth lowered, and he began to tighten his grip around her throat.
Choked gasps mixed with incomprehensible words as Billie fought to scream, but the man kept his grip tight, strangling her of any air that she might have been able to push out of or pull in to her lungs. The hand on her breast moved back down to grip her shirt and began to pull it up.
As the shirt got her chin, the man said, “Don’t bother screaming. There’s no one out there. Not even any security or anything.”
Bullshit. She knew that wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. His hand left her mouth just long enough for him to get the shirt over head, and he needed to take his hand off her throat to do it.
She screamed at the top of her lungs, “Please, somebody help! He’s trying to rape me! Help!”
Anything else that she might’ve been able to scream was cut short by his hand slamming into the side of her head. Her screaming quieted and lost the words to an incomprehensible sound of vocal noise.
The hand returned to her throat, and he slammed her into the door again. The metal doorknob slammed into her gut, and she finally lost her voice as the screaming stopped, and the grip on her neck loosened.
“I told you, bitch. There’s no one to scream for,” light slaps from his left hand peppered her face as he spoke, more intending humiliation that outright pain, “I like the sound of your voice, but I’d rather not get a headache before I can even titfuck you.”
With that, she could feel him pushing her to the ground. Her knees slammed hard against the ground as she continued to struggle against his grasp, and the feeling of her hair being pulled and her body being turned tore another scream of pain from her throat.
“Now that’s the kind of scream I want to hear.” Cruel words flowed from his lips followed by the sound of a chuckle.
Billie realized she wouldn’t get away. Not like this. She had to look for a way out. Just let the disgusting, perverted creep have his way for a while, and she’d find a way to break free and escape. If she could, even smash him over the head with something.
The struggling stopped, and Billie sat still on her knees, leaning over just a bit to hide her breasts, though, she knew that was a futile effort. Her tits were large. The perverts who watched her made sure she knew that if her body and mind hadn’t already, and she couldn’t exactly keep them unseen no matter how baggy her shirt, and she doubted her shoulders and head would fare much better.
Still, she didn’t want to make this any easier for the bastard. Even the smallest victories, she’d take full joy in.
That joy didn’t last long. It was torn to shreds by harsh smack across her face and the words of the man, “Are you listening, bitch? I said don’t hide your tits and take my cock out of my pants. Come on, I know you can do it.”
Instinctively, she moved back, flinching from the sting. At the same time, her chest pushed forward, pushing her breasts into the spotlight and only emphasizing their size. The words registered in her mind, and she realized that she might actually have… ugh, get this asshole off.
“Quit wasting my time, bitch.”
“Okay! I get it! And quit calling me a bit—“
“Don’t you fucking talk back to me,” the man grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked it, pulling and trying to hurt her while speaking like a man disciplining his kid, if not pet, “and I’ll speak to you however I fucking want.”
Her pained screams did little to block his words from her ears as he continued, “Now, behave yourself and take my fucking cock out, or I’ll make you wish you had.”
His softened, though, he kept his hand in her hair. The screaming that sounded almost musical in itself came to an end as Billie finally began to reach for the button on his pants. No belt today, he had forgotten to put one on.
Her face was still twisted in pain despite her attempts to appear defiant. Her pretty lips were especially pouty at that moment.
Fuck, he couldn’t way to feel them wrapped around his cock. First though, those tits needed some attention. That bra could barely contain them. They pushed against it, and even as big as it was, it looked like they were overflowing from the sides, top, and bottom.
Billie’s hands worked on the button, pulled down the zipper, and gripped the sides of his pants slowly. As slow as she could. Although, that only made the anticipation worse for her while he began to throb more and more. When she got to his boxers, she could already see it fighting to push through, and she inwardly groaned.
Damnit, she had hoped he be small, but he was actually pretty big. Always gotta be the assholes.
The rod of meat pushed at the waistband of the boxers as she pulled them down, and she underestimated just how far it would pop out. The feeling of heavy warmth hitting her face was indescribably humiliating, but she kept as straight of a face as she could.
She already had a good feeling that she knew what was coming next. Even if who knows how many men online hadn’t made it clear how much they loved her fat tits, the way he was leering at them since he arrived sure made it obvious.
So she reached back behind her to unhook her bra and let the girls loose, but he stopped her. Confusion hit her as she racked her brain for a moment. When she finally realized what he wanted, she nearly scoffed.
She didn’t though. As much as she hated to admit it, the last slap nearly brought her to the point of tears, and she wasn’t about to let this asshole see her cry.
Raising her up ever so slightly, she met him part of the way while he crouched down. When her tits still were quite above the head, he reached down and dragged her up, pulling a small yelp from her mouth. The smile on his face and chuckle from his mouth were all she needed to know that he specifically liked hearing her cry out from his actions.
She felt sick. This twisted creep just wanted to hurt her.
Ultimately, he returned to standing, unconcerned about the discomfort she felt at their current position. The large, dark pink tip poked against the entrance to the valley between her mounds of flesh.
Billie grimaced at the feeling of it pushing through into the soft blanket of skin and the sound of the man’s groaning. The pulsating cock traveled slowly, and her tits embraced it warmly. The feeling made the man’s legs buckle as he thrusted his hips upwards.
Billie continued to look down with a face twisted in anger and shame. The humiliation was great, and she hated the man that was using her body like an object. The worst part was that he didn’t even seem to hesitate. If anything, he enjoyed knowing that she hated it.
Another slap meant another bit of anger to bite back, and he told her to bring her arms forward and squeeze her “fat, whore, cow tits” together and to keep her eyes up, looking towards him. Doing it felt like another slap all on its own, but she did anyway. She didn’t have any other choice.
She was scared of just how far he would go.
Looking up, at her assaulter, and if didn’t do anything soon, to-be rapist’s face, she saw that malevolent grin of glee at having her on her knees, and suddenly it was all too much.
The feeling of his penis thrusting between her breast, the skin that covered it peeling back and coming forward with each pump. The sound of his hips against the bottom of her breasts and his moaning. The humiliation of ending up here just for trying to do the right thing.
She began to wonder why this was happening to her.
She began to think of how she should’ve gone about trying to get away.
She began to cry.
And the bastard only got more turned on by her tears.
Tears ran down her cheek onto her chest, and he commanded her to run her fingers across them and rub them against the head of his penis as it stuck out from the top of her tits. Then, he told her to drool, to stick her tongue out and let her saliva fall into the middle of her breasts to act as lube.
She did both things, her hatred only growing with each. And his lust only growing alongside it.
She hated this. She hated being so helpless. She hated the sticky feeling of spit and precum mixing together on her mostly–bare chest. She hated everything about—
Her face was hit by a sticky liquid. Shots of cum interrupted her thoughts, and the man above her groaned in relief as string after string landed on her face and chest. His hands moved to the sides of her breast, he thrusted forward like he was trying to impregnate her somehow through fucking her chest.
She could feel it everywhere. Her hair, her nose, her mouth. Some got into her eye, and she closed it to fight the burning sensation. More, she could feel running down her chin and dripping onto her chest, itself covered in globs of the thick cum.
Billie wasn’t sure what happened after. Not exactly at least. She remembered her bra being taken off, the sudden cold air brushing against her, and the tip of his cock being rubbed against each nipple. She remembered being ordered to rub his cum into her tits, and she remembered being slapped across both her face and her chest by both his hand and his still–hard cock.
She remembered the feeling of his cock down her throat, the feeling of yet more cum in her mouth, and that cum being smeared across her face.
Thankfully, she couldn’t remember the taste.
The final thing she felt before passing out into unconsciousness was his hands around her throat as he rammed into her from behind. Hers knees on the couch, her ass was being bruised by constant smacking of his hips.
When she finally woke up, she felt sorry for, sticky, gross, and disgusting. Dried cum stained her body and mixed with the dried tears on her face. Her holes all felt sore, and she hated that she could still feel him buried deep inside her.
Looking at herself in the mirror, she could see her butt was still bright red. Signs of not just hips, but hands and lashes on it. Her breasts were in the same condition. Her clothes were off to the side, intact, but smeared in cum and covered with the smell of raw, animalistic, primal sex.
There were no signs of the man. He was long gone. The only thing he left behind was a note telling her he recorded her begging for it after some time, and he would release it if she tried to raise any alarms. She had no way of knowing if that was just a bluff or not, so she instead chose to make sure the door was still locked.
When she saw it was, she lied down and cried, hoping that she wouldn’t ever see that man again.
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lust-for-celebs ¡ 2 months
I have a few followers now, and I’d like to hear from you if you have the time.
So, I’m currently working on my next story, and it’s been quite the long one so far. I have seven followers currently, and you all seem to be real people, so if any of you see this, I’d like to know if there’s anything you’d like to see written.
It could be anything. No guarantees obviously, but I’m willing to hear suggestions. Even just saying you like an idea I have in my list there.
Asks or reblogs. Whatever.
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lust-for-celebs ¡ 2 months
I have a few followers now, and I’d like to hear from you if you have the time.
So, I’m currently working on my next story, and it’s been quite the long one so far. I have seven followers currently, and you all seem to be real people, so if any of you see this, I’d like to know if there’s anything you’d like to see written.
It could be anything. No guarantees obviously, but I’m willing to hear suggestions. Even just saying you like an idea I have in my list there.
Asks or reblogs. Whatever.
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lust-for-celebs ¡ 6 months
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Rhea Ripley smut below. Spanking. Femsub. Maledom.
It was getting late. Rhea knew she had to get to the gym soon to get in her full workout, but she couldn’t help but admire herself in the mirror. The backless sports jumpsuit hugged her body nicely, and it showed off her curves amazingly well.
Rhea Ripley was an attractive woman, and she knew it.
And she knew plenty of others did, too.
She’d seen the endless tweets, Reddit posts, and general perversion that would arise in any comment section or forums that she was brought up in. The focus on her muscular body that she had worked on and toned to perfection. The love for her dominant look she played up with her goth style. The desire for her to destroy them and act as a master, a Mami. She loved it.
She couldn’t help but notice a bit of a split, though. Most loved to imagine her in control, the fierce, goth Mami who would do with them as she wished, but there were definitely those who wanted the opposite. They wanted to dominate her. They wanted to bend her over and fuck her like a bitch. She smacked her ass as she chuckled. Watching it shake and jiggle, she couldn’t really blame them.
Not that they had a chance. She was the one in control. Mami may make an exception or two, but it certainly wouldn’t be for some pervert who couldn’t control themselves when they looked at her. Most couldn’t handle her anyway. They’d try and fail as they came pitifully before they even made her cum once. They couldn’t satisfy her, much less dominate her.
That isn’t to say she hated that section necessarily. No, they had their own purpose in her eyes. They served well as toys to be used and thrown away. So many men out there that think they can take Mami, but none of them have, and none of them will.
And it was mostly men. Certainly not all, and plenty of men did know their place as well, but she also attracted a lot of men who thought far too highly of themselves. At least they were fun to break. There was little else she enjoyed more than watching a man’s worldview be flipped upside down as they came to realize they never really had a chance.
That beginning act of defiance leading to a slow, steady loss of resistance until they accept their position as her bitch. You don’t know real power, real control, until you’ve caused that to happen and watched it in real time.
Rhea shook her head and chuckled to herself as she headed for the door. If she hurried, she’d have just enough time to do her workout and get a full night of rest afterwards.
The gym itself was mostly empty. A few groups getting in their last few reps in. There weren’t many individuals left surprisingly, but those that were looked at her a bit more openly. A lack of social pressure to not seem too perverse led to, at least, three men and two women ogling her ass when they thought she couldn’t see.
She smirked to herself and made sure to stretch out a bit more than wholly necessary. A little more shaking of her ass than was truly reasonable to get into position. She enjoyed knowing that two of them, a man and a woman, left so suddenly because of her, peaking back at her all the while. They’d pleasure themselves in a way that would never compare to her with fantasies that paled in comparison to the real thing.
Unfortunately for them, Mami preferred to keep it to one new pet at a time. It allowed her to truly make them hers and enjoy every last minute of their fall into her hands. And it seemed that time was fast approaching as the gym cleared out ever more, and her session came to a close.
By the time she had cleaned up her spot and put up what she had used, there was only one person left, there always was, and her body felt hot and wet with sweat that trailed down neck into her cleavage and into the cracks of her body. Maybe she’d make him lick her clean today. After she won the bet, that was.
Yes, a habit she had developed as a way to blow off some steam was to work out later in the day and make a bet with the last person who remained. The bet was simple. They would fight, and whoever won would get to use the other as their personal toy for the night.
Few would ever refuse. The offer was too tempting. After all, even if you don’t think you’d beat her, how could you resist either offer? So many would accept and give up immediately just to get her to use them quicker. If Rhea were honest, well, these were somewhat boring. Sure, it was always going to end up that way, but it’s so much more fun when they try to maintain some dignity for her to break.
Her favorites were the overconfident, cocky, and arrogant men. The ones would try to demean her and talk about how easy it would be for them to beat a woman. Those were always the biggest fighters but also the biggest subs once they were broken in.
That look of shattered confidence and ego was indescribable and incomparable to anything else.
There was no greater pleasure.
Though, this one did seem a bit different. He didn’t watch her as closely as she was used to. His glances were there, but they were short. Still, he was there. That’s a good start. A sign that he’s also thinking about it. Just the possibility is so alluring to weak-willed men. Now, she just had to reel him in.
“Hey, you,” she called out to him. His back was turned to her, and he didn’t seem to hear her. She looked down at him, annoyed, and saw that he had a pair earbuds in.
She tapped his shoulder and put her hands on her hips as he turned around. She pushed out her chest and made sure to stick out her hips to show off her body.
“Hey there, I saw you looking at me.”
“Huh?” He took out one earbud and looked up at her. A mix of confusion and slight concern spread across his face.
Rhea herself was getting annoyed. She should already be about to pin him to the ground, and he hadn’t even said more than one word to her. Hell, it wasn’t even really a word, more a sound.
She angrily blew air out through her nose before saying, “You were staring at me. I saw you. Wanna make a bet?”
“I wasn’t looking at you.”
“Ha. Really?”
Truth be told, he hadn’t looked at her much, but she had definitely caught his eyes lingering on her ass a bit. Now, though, he was nervous a bit, but he didn’t exactly seem scared like most perverts do when they get called out.
“Nope,” the word came out strained as if he wanted to say more but couldn’t quite make it come out.
“Well, guess you don’t want to hear my bet then.”
A few seconds passed. She heard him gulp as he struggled to find his voice.
“What bet?”
“How about,” Rhea paused and took a step closer, “we have a fight, and the winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
Seconds pass as they looked at each other. Rhea couldn’t quite make out what the man was thinking, but she was sure he was going to agree soon. She could just sense the perversion that radiated off of him. His lust was palpable and would be the rope she used to strangle his ego.
“Uh, no thanks.”
“Then, let’s get to it…” Rhea trailed off, “Excuse me.”
“No. I’d rather not,” he repeated as he got up to leave.
“What do you mean you’d ‘rather not?’”
He had already begun to walk away, and Rhea was very unsatisfied with this answer. She felt the frustration building and followed behind to grab him. “What? Are you afraid? Afraid you might beaten by a woman?”
He threw her hand off of his shoulder after she turned him. He snorted at her, “No, I’d rather just not beat a woman and have her waste my time by not meeting her end of the deal.”
Anger flared up throughout her body. He thinks he has a chance against her? And then he has the audacity to walk away from her? “Now, you listen here–“
“No thanks,” he spoke with more force this time, “Now, why don’t you go bother someone else. Your little desires to be dominated by a man aren’t my problem. I got other shit to do than be tricked into being accused of some shit by some bitch with a fat ass.”
That was it.
She reached forward and grabbed him pulling him back toward her. He was stunned from the sudden attack and fell into her grip. She tightened her hold and kept him from struggling out of her hands. Honestly, she wasn’t sure what she was doing. She could get in so much trouble, but something about this guy made her angry. He needed to be punished for trying to ignore her. This bastard was lucky she even approached him. He was lucky to even exist in the same room as her. Mami was going to punish the brat.
Just as soon as she won.
Which seemed to be a bit more of an issue than she had initially thought.
“Fucking bitch!” He yelled as he regained his footing.
A quick time later, and the scuffle was over. Rhea yelled out in pain as the man somehow managed to get behind and pushed her into her back. He pushed her down, and Rhea felt the hard floor meet her face with force.
She cried out, “Get off me!” But it came out muffled, and the man only laughed at her.
The pressure increased, and she let out a whining moan of pain. She could feel the pressing against her. His rather baggy clothes hid a strong frame that was clearly capable of overpowering her.
“What’s wrong, bitch?” He held her in place. He was stronger than her, but she knew he was being careful. She was strong, and if he played this wrong, she could turn the tables on him easily. “I thought this was the bet. I get to use you however I want now, right?”
“Fuck you!”
“Seems like someone’s a sore winner. I guess you actually thought you’d win.”
“You got lucky, you piece of shit.”
His chuckle was a poison to her ears. She hated this piece of shit. All she wanted was to blow off some steam, and now she has to deal with this asshole standing over her. All the fucking bastard had to do was say yes, and she’d be using him like a toy already.
“Lucky? You literally grabbed when I wasn’t even looking! You had the advantage, and you still lost!” He yelled at her, and she felt something inside of her shake and burn inside her. She didn’t know what it was, but she felt something. “So, am I going to get my reward or not?”
“Why should I? You didn’t want to bet, remember? Let me go and fuck off, and I’ll let you leave.”
“What the fuck? You really think you can just assault me and walk away?”
“Yeah, and what do you think you’re doing right now, asshole?”
“Revenge, justice, whatever you want to call it.”
Rhea growled in anger and tried to shake him off. She couldn’t move her upper, so all she accomplished was shaking her ass. Fucking asshole probably enjoyed that. She needed to get up, but she just didn’t have the leverage to overpower him.
She could feel his leering eyes roaming over her body. She had never felt so vulnerable. So out of control. Sure, plenty of people had stared at her body, enjoyed it in their sights, masturbated to it, but she always remained in charge. Always. If people got to look at her body, it was be a she allowed it.
And yet, here she was, with face pushed into the ground, her ass in the air, and some asshole holding her there. The shame of the situation hit her. It grew with every moment that she spent on the floor. She had never felt so powerless before. Her thoughts turned to how things could have gone differently. If she had been less cocky, beat him quicker, didn’t just try to restrain him, hell, if she had just let him walk away.
Her train of thought was broken when she heard him speak, “How about this? I’ll hold you like this, and you try to struggle out. If you get out, you can just leave, but if I keep you in place, you have to let me have some fun with you. That sound fair?”
“No! Fuck you! Why should I not get anything if I get out?”
“What does it matter? You’re not gonna get out anyway. I already won. I should be getting my reward anyway.”
His attitude pissed her off. It took every ounce of strength and willpower not to agree to the deal just to shut him up.
Instead, they remained there for what felt like minutes until the man sighed, “Fine. How about the original rewards for whoever wins?”
There it was. As much as she wanted to just end this, so she could go take a shower and sleep off this incident, the temptation was too much. All she had to do was break free, not even beat him, and she would be able to blow off some steam. And make this bastard pay for standing up to her. For beating her.
“Fine. How long do I have?” If she were lucky, he’d have let go to grab his phone, and she’d be handed victory.
He hummed as he looked around. Guess he was smarter than he looked.
“The only clocks behind me,” she could feel her arms starting to go numb as he spoke, “and I don’t trust you to behave while I grab my phone, so how about this? Instead of a time limit, you can give it five tries. Do whatever for each. That sound good to you?”
She didn’t want to agree blindly, but the tingling sensation in her arms pushed her to say, “Okay. Fine, fuck.”
He tried to say something, but she took her chance quickly. The moment she had agreed, she pushed up and tried to twist her upper body. She had just barely managed to lift a bit below her shoulders up off the ground and nearly rolled onto her side, but he tightened up his grip and pushed her back into the ground harder than he had before.
She felt his body press against hers more this. He putting nearly all of his weight on her. The pressure of being between him and the floor and the heat that radiated off of him, or maybe it was her, left her mind disjointed. She couldn’t move without rubbing against something, and his hot breath against the back of her neck caused her to shudder.
“One down. Four more to go.”
The next two attempts didn’t even get as far as her first. Both times she only got about two inches of the ground before he pushed down on her to seemingly trap even further in her current spot.
If she were being honest, she was panicking. This was meant to be easy. Just as easy as all the times before. If not easier. But now she was being held to the ground completely out of control. She’s the one who’s supposed to be dominant. She should be dominating him. But here she is being dominated by a man she didn’t even know.
The shame she felt was absolutely unbearable.
“Just two more. Better make them count.”
The teasing tone in voice pissed her off. She pushed back against him as hard as she could. Unfortunately for her, the only part of her that moved a significant amount was her hips and soft, round ass which pressed into something hard. Her mind was too focused on the anger she felt to realize that she was giving the man pinning her down a clothed assjob.
It took until she heard him grunt and groan for her to come to her senses and drop back down. This time there was no cocky comment from the man. She supposed that cockiness went to his lower head instead. The lower head that currently still pressing hard against her rear.
The man had fallen with her this time. Unfortunately, he still managed to maintain some grip on her arms and tightened his hold on her before she could regain composure and take advantage of his somewhat broken concentration. And now, they were both laid flat. With him on top of her.
Even with the layers of clothes between them, she could feel the throbbing rod of meat pulsating against her ass cheek. It pressed against the supple flesh and pushed it down. She swore she could even feel the veins that ran across its length. The warmth, the heat, was so palpable she was fairly certain it could act as a space heater for the winter.
“J–just one more.”
His voice was shaky. She could hear it. He was too heavy for her right now. But if she could just push him a bit further, she might be able to break his grip on her arms. That would be enough to get up. All she would have to do is rub her perfect ass against that hard, hot, throbbing cock until he burst.
Only because she needed to, of course.
She still needed to reclaim her dominance. That’s all this was.
Even if the path back to that dominance was shaking her ass like a bitch in heat against the cock of the man that was pinning her down until he came.
Yeah, that was just a way to become dominant again. That’s all.
With a deep breath and a grunt, Rhea Ripley pushed backward with her hips. She could feel the man tense up and hear the breath of air push through his teeth. She could feel the sizable penis move with each slight grinding stroke of her ass. Soon, it had even managed to adjust enough to come to lay in the middle of her ass, laying cozily in the crack. Now, she could feel the foreskin as it was peeled back and brought forward.
He was breaking. She could tell. His breathing was labored, and he allowed her to come up further than before. His mind was almost certainly too hazy to realize. The sheer pleasure creating a thick haze around his mind, blinding him to the fact he could end it now. He had the leverage.
As his hands began to loosen from around her arms, and he began to push back, dry humping her through their clothes, she could feel her lips moving almost instinctually into a smirk. She had done this. She won. She would have her toy soon enough.
She could feel the victory.
She felt him twitch in between her soft yet firm cheeks.
She felt his grip tighten yet again.
She felt the cool floor pushed against her body once more.
She had lost.
Initially, she hadn’t even realized what had happened. The shock had been so great that even once realization had set in, her mind and body were still torn between continuing to stimulate the stiff, rock hard shaft currently throbbing so strongly while lodged deep in between her perfect cheeks, and letting out a scream of frustration at failing to free herself yet again.
They laid their for a while, neither moving beyond the autonomous rising and falling of their chests as they panted from the shared feeling of exertion. Beyond that, Rhea could still feel pulsations and heat radiating from behind her.
The cool air of the empty gym brushed her skin much more gently than the rushing waves of exhalations that beat the back of her neck, and the feeling of being pressed into ground with a body on top of her and no way to get up was unfamiliar to her. It was strange.
She hated it.
Rhea didn’t know how long they laid there feeling their bodies pressing into each other, but she could feel her backside beginning to fall asleep by the time that he cleared his throat and prepared to speak. The sound of it rang out and buried itself deep in her ear like an opponent’s victory music. The noise itself seemingly a larger, heavier weight on her, on her ego and pride, than the man it came from.
She hated it.
She hated him.
It didn’t make any sense, and she could feel that frustration building with each passing second.
She lost.
How could she have lost?
How the fuck could she have lost?
“Close, but not quite. Guess that makes me the winner. Nice try though. You really almost had me.”
She could hear the words. She heard the chuckle before and smug self-satisfaction in his voice as he spoke. She could hear it all just fine, but the rage blocked her from understanding. It refused let her accept the reality that she had lost, and she let out a yell.
The yell was guttural and full of the hate she felt at that moment. The hate she felt for her situation. The hate she felt for the man who had managed to best her through what could only be called pure luck. The hate she felt for herself for even ending up her.
She should have beat him easily. She should have been able to escape. She should have been able to overpower him. She should have been smarter. He should have agreed. She should have just walked away. She should have been more convincing. She should have walked away and just fucking masturbated or used a different toy for the night.
An almost animalistic roar echoed across the gym as she pushed herself up. Toned arms freed from themselves, and stronger hands pushed against the ground as she finally managed to break free. She was done here. She had lost. She admitted it, but she refused to be some man’s bitch!
She was almost up. Next, she just had to make it to her feet and run. Her body fought against it, still dealing with the effects of her circulation being cut off for as long as it had, but that just meant she had to push more. Push harder.
Up to her knees, she knew she was free. She knew that she just needed to–
A stinging pain ran throughout her right asscheek. Then, her left. Then, her right again.
“Don’t even fucking try it,” he growled out his words each punctuated by the violent crack of every spank, “You brought this on yourself, and I’m not going to let you go without your punishment.”
Minutes passed, and Rhea could feel the pain grow with every strike. The meat of her ass jiggled with every contact, and it almost began to feel numb from the soreness. She bit her tongue and refused to let any signs of pain out. Tears began to form at her eyes against her will. Pain and shame tore her mind apart, and she couldn’t hold them back from sliding down her cheeks even as she blinked and shut her eyes in a vain effort to make them stop.
With a growl, the man brought his right hand down one final time across her right asscheek. The yelp of pain seemed to stay his hand. Both of them of breathed heavily, taking in deep gulps of air as they tried to steady themselves. Tears flowed down Rhea’s cheeks. Her will to keep them back overcome by the stinging feeling.
“There. Now, you ready to fulfill your side of the deal?” The man’s voice sounded much more rough and aggressive than before.
Rhea just buried her face in the ground, trying to hide away from the world. The stinging pain seeming to throb and radiate heat. Her mind was unable to process what had happened, and she tried to ignore her reality, hoping to just wake up with none of this ever having happened.
That hope was torn to shreds with yet another smack. Her voice echoed throughout the room chasing the ringing of the spank. The pain she felt was made clear from her shrieking scream. Finally, she broke down crying as she fell to the ground.
“Well?” The man growled.
Rhea whined out a quiet, “Yes.” Her voice was weak enough from her trying to hide the pain in it that if the room were even the slightest bit louder, it would’ve been impossible to hear even to her own ears.
A smack hit her, and a rush of pain followed just behind. “What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
“Yes! Yes, please, just stop,” Rhea cried out no longer bothering to try hiding the break in her voice.
“Good. Now, get up! I wanna get a good look at my prize.”
A final light slap against her right asscheek brought both one final squeal and the end of his current assault. Finally, she felt his presence vanish as she heard the sound of his feet hitting the floor.
Mere moments had passed before she felt the forceful impact of something hitting her ribs.
Another kick.
“Get up, now.”
“Okay. Okay, please. Just… stop, please.” The words crawled their way out of her mouth painfully, fast and then slow. She just wanted to get this over with and bring this humiliation to an end.
Most of the floor had begun to heat up during the assault. The fact her hands landed on the seemingly last cold areas around her only served as the final insult to her sore, red injury.
Her normally strong arms felt weak as she pushed up, and her legs weren’t in much better shape. Physical conditioning means nothing when shame and emotional pain turn your limbs to jelly and your mind retreats into itself to hide away.
Like a newborn deer, Rhea struggled to find her footing. The jumpsuit that so perfectly showed off her curves now rubbed against her bruised ass, and she was all too aware of the lustful eyes on her, keeping track of her every movement. The same eyes she had caught looking over at her with the occasional glance no longer moved away, instead staying focused on her body.
Her body, which had become little more than a prize to the man those eyes belonged to.
Without even turning her head to look at him, she could feel him eye fucking her. It wasn’t a foreign feeling to her, but the context most definitely was. Every other time, she was in a position of power, of authority, and she knew she was in control.
She was used to being the one decided how much was seen and how it was seen. But here, she was at the mercy of another, and that feeling shook her more than anything else ever had before.
“Fuck, you got one hell of a body, and that ass felt amazing. Pressed against my cock and against my hand.” Rhea shivered at the words. They were nothing new, but they felt corrupted and wrong to her ears.
She fully turned to face him and found an animal standing in the somewhat passive man’s shoes. Hungry eyes trailed from her breasts down to her hips and thighs before trailing back up and landing on her face. She felt her body take a step back against her will.
Some part of her still wanted to try to reclaim lost ground. “Well, you got me. What are you going to do?”
She just couldn’t get that shakiness to go away. She tried to steady her legs, and it went to her voice.
And her false confidence didn’t seem to accomplish much of anything. No words came from the man’s mouth as he began to walk around her. His face fought itself, contorting between a cold, neutral expression and one of lustful wrath. Turning her eyes downward, she could see a bulge that lined his pants from crotch to mid-thigh.
That sight reminded her of the feeling of him pressed against her. It looked to be a fairly decent size, but she swore that it felt so much bigger against. She thought about when it found its way in between her cheeks. She thought about how it felt pressed against her. How it felt pressed against her holes as she stroked him off even through their clothes.
She heard him begin to laugh.
A slap to her ass and the feeling of his hand gripping her through the cloth tore a shriek through her lips.
But she felt something else too.
“So, what are you thinking about that’s getting you so wet?” The jumpsuit tightened around her, and she could feel the wetness pressing against her skin as he fondled and played with her ass.
“I-I’m not-“
“Bullshit.” He reached another hand across her front and pressed his fingers against her pussy, pushing the soaked clothing against her, making her shiver. “You’re fucking soaked. So what’s got you like this?”
The man pulled her close, though not close enough to feel their bodies touching again. She hated that she felt disappointed at that second part.
“Was it the fact that you’re not in control anymore? That I fucking own you for the next however minutes or hours I want to use you?” He ran the hand on her front up ever so gently to her right breast, feeling its weight and taking in the feeling of it. “Or was it just you really, really liked being dominated? Fucking loved having your face shoved into the floor and your perfect ass spanked like the naughty girl you are?”
His chest met her back, and he leaned in to whisper into her ears, the heat of his breath reaching to her very soul, “Or maybe you just really, really liked the feeling,” he paused to finally bring her back and press the throbbing rod of meat against her before continuing, “of my hard cock nice and snug against your ass?”
Trembling legs were evidently all he needed. She felt her weight give in as he let go and laughed. Falling to the floor was never fun. It especially wasn’t fun when you’re too flustered to catch yourself properly.
Her mind was too far gone to fully process the next however long he let her lay on the floor. The laughter she did hear stabbed her ears with the cruelty it contained. He enjoyed having control over her. She knew that. She knew it perfectly.
After all, it’s the same feeling she’s gotten a number of times before.
As her mind began to process the events of the past perhaps hour or so, and she could finally comprehend the world around her again, she heard him speak again, “Although, I think the real answer may actually be all of the above.”
No. She knew that wasn’t true. It wasn’t. She hated this. She wanted to be in control. She hated this. She knew she did. She knew it wasn’t true.
“N-no.” The words came out so quietly even she wasn’t sure she actually said them.
“What was that?”
But she didn’t say anything. Her mouth felt too dry, and she chose to keep it closed instead.
She could hear him raise his foot again. The squeak of his shoe against the ground giving it away. But she didn’t feel an impact. Instead, she heard him lower his foot back to the ground and sigh.
“Whatever. I’m get bored of this, and I want to claim my prize already,” he took a few steps back and continued, “Get up and take off your clothes. Real slow. Give me a show, slut.”
She hated him. She hated this.
Shaky legs struggled to hold up her sore body on unsteady feet. Rhea hated this. Her hands struggled to stabilize themselves enough to grip the straps of her jumpsuit, and her arms felt weak as she raised them to pull the straps above her head and drop them on her shoulders. Rhea hated him.
She could hear him walking around her like a predator waiting to pounce, thinking and running through plans in its head, weighing the options mentally, perhaps instinctually, and making a decision. Then she saw him. And she flinched in a way she never did before. Not for anyone.
But she did that time, and she looked down. She hated everything about this. And she saw it. She saw the wet stain on the crotch of her jumpsuit. The sign of arousal that she hated she felt. No, had. She hated this. She didn’t want this.
She didn’t.
Laughter. Cruel laughter. It stabbed her in the heart. She knew why he was laughing, and she hated it. She hated that he was laughing at her. She hated it.
The straps on her shoulders continued to slide down ever so slowly, and soon, that wet cloth fell away from her towards the ground, revealing another, thinner piece.
That too fell soon after. Thumbs slid under the band and pulled it down, letting go after it reached her thighs, allowing the underwear to drop.
Wind bit her skin. The part that ran across her buttocks and crotch told her that she was bent over ever so slight, but before she could straighten back out, she felt a hand against her ass. The right cheek was squeezed and spread to the side, and she flinched hard enough that she would have escaped had his grip not been so tight. Her unconscious attempt to escape only caused her more pain.
His fingers dug into her skin, pliable fat molding to the pressure. Every movement pushing, pulling, twisting, squishing, playing her flesh like an instrument, drawing hisses of pain through gritted teeth.
Soon, the other cheek joined in the pain, being stretched to the left, and she felt his cock return to its rightfu— Er, its place in the middle. The throbbing, fleshy mass pushed against her with far less clothing between it and the tight ring. She could even feel the veins that run down it as he pushed close, dragging her yet closer.
And she hated it. Hated every small pulse against her. Hated the feeling of every indentation and bump pushing against her. Hated the shiver as he pulled her down while he pushed up, and the head pushed directly against the tight hole that had never had more than a finger in it. She hated it.
She hated it so much.
Low moans rang in her ears, and she could just barely make out words complimenting her ass, speaking about just how soft it was. Minutes passed as he continued to speak lust into her ears, using her ass to jerk himself off, slowly managing to peel her sports bra off.
She just wanted it to end.
His hands treated her breasts in much the same way he did her ass, though, she was thankful that it was at least less painful. That small mercy hardly made up for his continued thrusting against her that seemed to last for hours.
She felt a wetness across her cheek. She begged her mind to let her believe he had licked her there or spit on her instead. She hated this.
Once again, she met the ground roughly, thrown by the man that owned her.
“Fuck it. I need this now. I want to do so much more, but I can’t wait any longer.” The words rang in her ears, and a small part of her rejoiced at the fact that this experience might be meeting its end.
Another piece knew that it wouldn’t be that simple. It knew what was about to come and that he wouldn’t be satisfied that easily.
And a third piece, shamefully larger than the first but smaller than the second, felt something she couldn’t quite identify but knew she hated. Or maybe she just didn’t want to identify it.
With a smack, she felt the weight of his cock meet the mounds of fleshy backside that had been bruised, beaten, and abused for what had to be at least an hour. She pushed herself up as he lightly thrusted against her, trailing the length of his rod up and down her back, his hips meeting her rump, and his balls lightly tapping against her wet, hot pussy, undoubtedly wetting them slightly.
She grunted with every thrust, waiting for him to push inside. When he finally pulled back enough, she tensed up, trying to prevent any sounds from slipping out from her mouth.
That desire was quashed as she felt the tip of the head poking against the ring of her asshole. A gasp made it clear just how affected she was by his actions.
She felt him grip her ass, pulling the cheeks apart and letting just the very tip push shallowly against the hole. The feeling of the top of the head pushing slightly inside made her want to scream and grip onto something, but she neither wanted to give him the pleasure nor had anything to dig her fingers into besides the small cracks in the ground beneath her.
She hated it.
Her silence broke when he pulled back and quickly dug his way inside her wam, wet pussy. A long, airy moan seemed to echo around the room as he dug himself halfway in from just one thrust and only continued to push deeper. She clenched her jaw and futilely to stop moaning, but he only pushed deeper in, grabbing her by her ass and pulling her back.
She felt him pushing against her walls as he pushed deeper and deeper. Finally, he stopped, pressed against a wall inside her as she groaned in pain, pulling away only for him to slam himself back inside, forcing a short, strangled noise from her throat as she fell forward and let her face rest against the floor.
It hurt, and she hated it.
She hated it so much.
So why did she feel just a spark of pleasure with the pain?
No, she didn’t. She wouldn’t. She liked control.
She felt his cock pulling out slowly, all the to the tip, the sides pulling and scraping along the sides of her pussy that hugged it so tightly. The head came to rest just inside her hole before he rammed himself back in once again, pulling yet more noises that sounded so sickening submissive and corrosive to her ears.
Time and time again, he would pull out and push in, quicker each thrust. And she would moan like the bitches she would occasionally dabble in making her own.
It wasn’t fair, but she loved it and she hated it.
“Come on, no need to hide it. I know you’re loving this.” The man mocked her as continued to fuck her.
“F-f… ngh. Fuck you.” Her rebellion fell as quickly as it rose. A single spank to her right asscheek all it took to make her whimper.
She’d been defeated. She hated it.
And he was claiming her like a prize. She lo—hated it.
It was getting harder to think. The feeling of him burying himself deep within her, his cock molding her pussy to suit him. The sound of his hips clapping against her ass. It almost sounded like when she was in the ring, soaking in the applause of her adoring fans.
Fans who would never think to try that. Fans who would never think that moment possible. Fans who she couldn’t help but wonder what they would think of her if they saw what had happened. How she got beaten and turned into someone’s bitch.
She hated it.
She thought of the looks of disappointment, pity, and arousal. They wouldn’t respect her anymore.
She swore she hated it.
They’d never see her the same way again.
They’d always she as a used up, cockdrunk, weak little whore.
Something ran through her body, shockwaves sending her into convulsions. She heard the man chuckle and say something, but she was too lost in the feeling to act process it. Fuck, her mind was going blank.
When she finally calmed down, she realized what had happened.
She just came.
She came all over the man’s cock. The cock that was still pumping inside of her. She came from the thought of being seen like that. The thought of being humiliated.
Why? She hated it. She… she did.
A spank, a grunt, and a thrust. Over and over again.
“Good slut. Cum on Daddy’s cock again. You know you wanna.” Did she?
No. No, no, no. But it felt so good. Her hips started moving at some point on their own, and she had no idea when or why.
No, she knew why.
Because he stopped.
He stopped. And she started to move.
He stopped, and she started to push back and pull off to push back again because she loved it.
No, her body did. She didn’t. She hated it.
But her body loved it.
“Fuck, you can work that fat ass so fucking good,” the man spoke as he let his right hand fall against her ass, the pain almost becoming pleasure, “But you better start begging, or I’ll pull out.”
Rhea stayed quiet. And she stayed quiet even as he began to pull out. And she only let out a low whine that she desperately tried to silence as she felt and heard his cock pop out of her pussy. And she moaned slightly louder as he began to rub his cock against her pussy after she embarrassed herself further by trying so desperately to push back onto it. And she felt the shame and embarrassment and even guilt building up as she cried and finally broke.
“Please…” she spoke so softly under her tears that she couldn’t recognize her own voice.
A spank to her right asscheek and a demand to speak up, speak louder.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me!”
He gripped her ass with both hands and held her in place with his head poking against her entrance.
“Please ram your cock back inside and fuck me like a dirty little bitch! Do what no one else could and make me yours! Please, Daddy, just—“ she stopped and screamed in pleasure as she felt him thrust inside.
She didn’t know how much had passed like that, with her face down as the man railed her from behind like a whore, but she didn’t care. She just needed to feel him deep inside her even as the sparks of pain ignited pleasure in her body, and she continued to beg in half–mumbled, incoherent words for more despite her body giving in to the pleasure, leaving her stuck in place except for the primal thrusts of the man behind and, at some point, on top of her.
When she the telltale sign of him cumming inside of her, the feeling of his cock expanding and contracting, she could do little more than moan louder while her body shook and pushed through the waves of pleasure that pushed her to the brink of unconsciousness. She felt so tired from the incident up to that point, and the feeling of her orgasm didn’t help to keep her awake.
She only briefly wondered if that would be the end of it, if the man would only be able to go one round, especially when the earlier teasing was taken into account, before her mouth was forced open and her lips hooked by his fingers. He wrenched her back and spit into her mouth and slapped her across the right cheek, letting her face fall soon after.
He grabbed her left shoulder, and Rhea soon found herself looking up at the man above her. His face no longer concealed his lust. Rather, it showed it on full display, and the animalistic desire on his face would’ve made Rhra shrink back if she could move any more or if she was any less horny.
“I hope you’re not done yet,” he lifted her legs up and pushed them back until she was folded in on herself in the way she had to so many women before her, “because I plan to make use of you until my balls hurt.”
All Rhea could do was shake her head lightly and slowly and make an, uh uh, sound to let him know that she wasn’t done.
“Good girl,” he said while he positioned himself, “Now, which hole should I use?”
She knew he wasn’t asking her, and she looked up towards him. She could see his still-hard cock as he moved the tip back and forth between her ass and pussy.
Fuck. She needed that thing back inside her.
She needed him to keep fucking her.
The slight movements she tried, and may have failed, to make seemed to push him to reenter her. As he pushed back into her needy cunt, he said, “Well, there’ll be plenty of time to try out that fat ass. Won’t there, whore?”
Rhea’s mind fought between the hate of the humiliation of what she had been called and the love of it. But that was cut short when she felt him slap her across her left cheek yet again and ask her again, “Won’t there, whore?”
He was louder this time, and she nodded her head frantically and managed to get out a strangled yet loud, “Yes! Yes, Daddy! You’ll have Mami’s ass, yes.”
“Good girl.”
And with that, he began to fuck her as he if was trying to push her into the ground. The feeling of being in a position she had used to establish dominance only compounding every emotion and sense she was experiencing. She could feel herself cumming on the man’s cock even as he kept a steady pace, fucking her deeply and making sure she remembered him.
The last thing she felt for sure was his cock yet again throbbing and pulsating inside her as he told her to take every last drop and called her yet more words and terms she would’ve never let anyone else get away with. And she could remember herself thanking him and begging for more.
Beyond that, it was a blur that was too difficult to parse through except for the feelings of pleasure as he continued to use her body in different positions around the gym.
From holding her up by the hair as he slapped her cheeks with his cock and fucked her throat and tits, to making her bounce her ass on his lap while he sat on a bench. It all made her feel like nothing else had, and she needed more until she couldn’t go any longer.
The final round was one where she got only lay on her front and take the pounding the man gave her from behind. With a final grunt, he pulled out, his balls drained and his cock slick from cum and pussy juices, he rubbed the head of his cock against her still unused asshole before getting up and walking around to kneel down by her head.
He gripped her hair again and forced her to clean off his cock, pushing her down to the base and then pulling out and letting his quickly–softening cock against her face. Even as he began to shrink down, she could still feel its weight as she struggled to stay awake.
Finally, he moved past that and let her face drop back to the floor for what must’ve been the hundredth time that night, and he got up to put his clothes back on.
He left for a moment, and she assumed that he had decided to leave her there as some sort of punishment, but he came back dressed in much more casual clothing mere minutes later. He helped her get dressed as he commented on her performance, complimenting her for keeping up but also denigrating for being so tired.
“Never been fucked right before, huh?” And she was too tired to respond before he continued, “Well, I’ll leave you my number written on a slip of paper if you ever want to have some more fun. Though, don’t bother with this shit again. And be ready to beg.”
And just as he said, he handed her a slip of paper that a quick scan revealed to have a number on it before walking out of the room and the building.
For her part, she rested for another twenty minutes before getting up to walk back to her hotel room.
She was exhausted, and she knew she’d be sore in the morning, but she couldn’t help but feel like it was worth it.
Maybe it had even gone better than she could’ve hoped for.
She loved it.
Monday, September 16, 2024. About 3:00-3:30 P.M., give or take a few minutes.
2 notes ¡ View notes
lust-for-celebs ¡ 6 months
This is a simple list of ideas I have in no particular order.
A more romantic non-rape lilsimsie story.
A continuation of the JustAMinx story. A sequel chapter, and a number of bonus scenes related to it.
A continuation of the Aimsey story. A sequel chapter, and a number of bonus scenes related to it.
Both sets of bonus scenes are mostly alternate ways for each timeline to go down.
Niki Nihachu non-con where she is doing a baking stream and a man breaks in and rapes her on stream. Potential foodplay.
A non-con story featuring both Niki Nihachu and TinaKitten. No set plot in mind.
A Rhea Ripley story wherein she is dominated by a man. Heavy spanking, and her being fucked in the position of her pin. Sort of like a mating press. Maybe she bets that she’s stronger than a man, and he beats her winning the ability to use her however he wants. (Story is being written.)
A Sonya Deville story focused on non-con. No particular plot ideas except one that I’m cautious about due to it potentially being too bad taste.
A Sonya Deville story where she is in someway convinced to try sex with a man. Maybe Mandy Rose brings her in for something.
Both would, of course, involve orientation play.
A Taylor Swift story. No set ideas. Potentially including humiliation and degradation. (A version of this concept is being written for an ask.)
A Tokino Sora story. No set ideas in mind. Maybe something to do with a manager or something. Might be to similar to one story I vaguely remember. Would need to read it on AO3 again to be sure.
A Pippa Pipkin story. No set ideas in mind. Maybe a fed or something. I don’t know.
A story based on the video game Bully where Jimmy Hopkins gets it on with each of the girls in that game in a series of chapters. No planned plot or ideas for individual chapters. I’ll wait until I finish it again and one hundred percent it for the first time if I can get the last few things to spawn in before the final mission.
A Chloe Price story based on a favorite picture of mine where Warren Graham is fucking her anally over a desk. No set idea for length of story, or if I want to add more on to it afterwards. I need to familiarize myself with Life is Strange and its plot and characters before I do.
Lara Croft and Samantha Nishimura story where they are in a throuple with a man. No set ideas, but would obviously be more romantic. Only finished the first game in the reboot a couple years back. Maybe only one year ago. But, regardless, I want finish the rest of the stuff that came afterwards. Comics and games and whatnot.
There is currently 1 ask I have to answer. (I am about halfway done.)
3 notes ¡ View notes
lust-for-celebs ¡ 6 months
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TinaKitten smut below. A brief interruption by Valkyrae. Non-Con.
Tina bit back a moan as she felt the man thrust ever deeper inside her. The room around her was dark, and the only sounds were the creaks of her bed that played in tune with their grunts and moans, and her quiet sobs. Each thrust pushed him into her tight asshole slightly further, and she had to fight not to make any noise even harder.
She didn’t know why this was happening to her, nor was she certain how the man had even gotten to her. All she knew was the consequences if she let anyone else know what was happening. If she even so much as began to cry out for help, he’d move on to raping the other girls too, and kill anyone who was too much trouble.
Finally, he had managed to bury himself to the hilt, and he held himself in place as she whined from the feeling. Her ass clenched around him as he pulled back until just the tip remained inside before pushing back in. He moved slower than he would have liked, but he needed to be careful. It wouldn’t make much sense for Tina to have snuck an unfamiliar man inside after all.
The less need to lie the better.
Hips met ass and balls met pussy as he grunted and thought back on how he had reached this point. It was so easy. He almost couldn’t believe it despite the tight warmth that wrapped itself around him.
A group of beautiful girls filming themselves is incredibly noticeable. Especially if they’re a group internet celebrity cuties. They were so careless about it all too. You’d think they would be more cautious given their position, but he barely even had to try to stay hidden while he followed them back to their house.
His grip tightened around her slender waist. Her soft skin molded under his fingers. He slowed himself to a halt, making sure to stop with himself buried as deeply inside as he could.
“You know, there were a lot of chances for one of you to prevent this from happening,” he spoke quietly but with force. The mockery dripped from every word.
Tina wasn’t sure if she even wanted to respond. One part of her was curious to know what he meant. The other just wanted it to end, and for him to be gone. The two sides ripped at her to get her to ask for him to clarify what he meant, and to keep her silent, so he wouldn’t get anymore satisfaction.
The end result was a groaning cry that pushed crawled its way out of her throat.
“Do you know how long I followed you and your friends?” He pushed her shirt and skirt further up to let his hands run over her exposed skin. “Hours.”
Tina whined at his words and the feeling of his hands roaming over her body. Her bra was discarded so he could run his left hand over her small breasts while his other hand rested flat over her tight stomach.
“And then, you led me right to your home and left the door wide open while you were all distracted.” He squeezed her small, soft tit and ran his thumb over her nipple.
She shuddered and breathed out a barely audible, “Why?”
He chuckled as he pulled his hips back and rammed himself as deep as he could in one swift motion. A high-pitched yelp filled the room and Tina held her hands to her mouth letting her head and shoulders fall forward into the bed.
“Why not? I see a group of beauties out in town, and they’re some of the biggest cockteases around, and they don’t even so much as close the door behind them. How could I resist using the cutie of the group when all I had to do was put a knife to your neck and threaten your friends?”
He pulled back again and brought his hands to her small, rounded ass. A light smack on her right cheek caused her to squeak out in surprise.
“So little effort to be able to fuck your cute, little ass. So small, but adorable, just like you. How could I resist flipping your skirt up and fucking you like this when I got the chance?”
Losing himself, he began to pick up speed. It was still rather slow, but he kept a constant pace, and his voice began to strain from the pleasure as he fought to stay quiet. Tina bit her hand to keep from moaning from the rough anal pounding.
“Your tight tummy. Your cute face. Your petite body. It’s all so fucking irresistible. And I might not be able to use you if even just one of you was a little more cautious.”
The fact that it could have been prevented tore at her mind. Why hadn’t she just locked the door behind her? Why hadn’t they just looked behind them to see if anyone was following them? Tears began to form at the edges of her eyes.
He kept at it for another few minutes, thrusting deeply and relishing every sensation. Every second, he could feel himself getting closer to the edge. The pleasure built up until someone knocked on the door.
They both froze as Valkyrae called out behind the door, “Tina, you okay? You haven’t come out of your room since we got back?”
He leaned forward and whispered into Tina’s ear, “Answer her. Remember what happens if she finds out something’s going on.”
The tip of his knife pressed into the back of her neck. The threat was clear, and she took a deep breath to steady herself. She had to be careful, or her friends might suffer the same as her.
“Y–yeah. Just t–tired,” Tina stuttered out as she found her voice.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m just going to take an early night,” each word dripped with tension as Tina struggled to get them out.
“Well, okay,” Valkyrae spoke hesitantly, “I’m gonna go take a shower and go to bed. You can talk to anyone here if you need something. Alright?”
“I know, Rae–eee!” Tina started with growing agitation in her voice before a surprise movement from the man behind her to a screeching halt.
She pushed her face into the bed and groaned as Valkyrae called out, “Tina? You okay?” The doorknob rattled, but, thankfully, the man was able to remember to lock it after hectic walked in.
“Yes, Rae!” Tina didn’t mean to shout, but she needed Rae to go already, and the man behind her had begun moving again.
“O–okay, s–sorry. Uh, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
They heard footsteps in the hallway, and Tina sighed.
“Fucking finally. I was getting tired of waiting. Is she always such a nosey, annoying fucking bitch?” He picked back up to where he was before.
“Fuck you.”
Tina tried to show strength and defend her friend, but all she got was a hand around her neck squeezing her throat.
“Don’t you fucking talk back to me, bitch, or I’ll make you watch me break your slutty bitch friend. Got it?”
Tina nodded as best she could.
“What was that?”
He loosened his grip and she muttered out a, “Yes.”
“Good. Now, do you say when you make a mistake?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Good girl.”
He kept going for another few minutes. His thrusts were now rougher, and he manhandled her body like a toy. Finally, after what felt like hours, he pushed deeply one last time and unloaded inside her. She could feel every pulsation and each shot of cum as it hit her bowels.
“Oh, fuck. That felt fucking good. So fucking good. I knew the cute little Tina would be good for milking me dry.”
The man slid out of her slowly. Each inch took an eternity as Tina kept her face buried in the bed. She didn’t want to make any noise now, and she knew what was coming next. A hand grabbed her hair and pulled her up so her eyes would come to level with his crotch. He leveled his messy cock with her lips, and she opened her mouth rather than bother putting up a fight.
“Back into your pretty little mouth.”
She felt the man’s cock slide down her throat for the second time that night. This time, she tasted herself mixed with his cum on her tongue as her lips wrapped around the invading piece of meat. It was much easier the second time around.
“Keep it up. We’re gonna be here for a while. I’m not leaving until I’m sure no one’s gonna see me.”
Tina didn’t respond but just let him use her throat as he pleased. He pinched her nose and kept her forced down around him as she tried to push against him. Finally, he let her go, and she pulled back letting out a cough as he laughed at her.
She hated this. She hated the man in front of her. She hated herself for not closing the door. She just wanted him to leave. She just wanted this to end, but she was powerless to do anything for now, and she just had to hope he was dumb enough to leave some sort of evidence.
But, for the next few hours, she had to take his abuse as he used her body to get off. At least he, for some reason, agreed to only use her ass and mouth if she cleaned him off between rounds. She wasn’t sure how much of a positive that was, but she chose to look for anything to make this better as he rolled her onto her back.
Tears flowed freely as he pushed into her once again.
She closed her eyes and bit back a moan.
6 notes ¡ View notes
lust-for-celebs ¡ 6 months
Can you write about Minx s3xually ass4ulting Nihachu on stream?
This one’s gonna be a bit on the shorter side. I want to practice writing something less lengthy. Plus, the last story was over 10,000 words long.
Niki and Minx were doing an IRL stream together, and they had decided to bring out some alcohol to make it a drunk stream. It had started off nice with the two maintaining their flirty dynamic, but as Minx drank more she had become more aggressive.
It started small. A small grope or a lingering hand whenever it had been out of the camera’s view. Niki had shaken her off and moved away from her, uncomfortable with being near her at the moment, but Minx kept getting closer.
The fans in the chat mostly kept going as usual. The few who noticed something was off were drowned out by the majority who saw everything as normal still.
This went on until Minx grabbed Niki by the chest while they sat on the couch. “Mmmm. Fuck, I love these fat fucking tits.”
Niki gasped as she tried to push her away. “Minx, please stop this. You’re drunk, and I really just don’t want to. The stream’s still going, Minx!” She finally managed to shake her off and stood up to leave as she began to cry, “I’m leaving, Minx. I’ll call you tomorrow. I’m sorry, chat. I just–“
A slap sounded across the room. The vibrations were still lingering as Niki raised her hands to her stinging cheek. The red mark was already forming and tears began to flow from her eyes as Niki struggled desperately to stutter out a question of why.
“Shut up! And lay down, or I’ll beat you till you can’t stand.”
“Minx, why–“
“Lay down, now!” The volume of Minx’s voice made Niki jump back in fear and she moved back toward the couch.
Niki further attempts to end her public humiliation by getting Minx to shut the stream off were met with similar results. The slapping and yelling continued until Niki stayed quiet and stopped fighting back.
Niki’s black hoodie was torn off followed by her white bra. Minx played with her exposed breasts as Niki sobbed quietly. She licked, sucked, pinched, bit, twisted, squeezed, and slapped them, and the stream’s chat buzzed with shock that turned to a mix of horror at was occurring, and lustful admiration of Niki’s tits and Minx’s actions.
Niki continued to make strangled sobs mixed with moans as Minx used her body like a toy. The sounds grew stronger as she felt her shorts being pulled down along with her panties. Minx slid a finger inside and moved down to her get a closer look at her wet cunt. A final twist of Niki’s nipple as she did so brought another squeal of pain.
“Fat arse, fat tits, and fat thighs. I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Minx continued fingering Niki while she squeezed her thigh with her free hand. “And you’re fucking sopping wet. You’re enjoying this, aren’t you, you little slut?”
Niki tried to stay silent. She knew any answer would only make Minx angry, but that only led to her being punched in the stomach.
“Answer me, whore!”
A cry of denial was followed by her clit being pinched, pulled, and twisted. The hood was stretched as Niki screamed out .
“Don’t lie, you worthless fucking whore! You fucking love this. Admit it.”
“Yes! Yes! I love this! I’m sorry for lying!”
“Good.” Minx released her hold and continued to play with her body.
This went on for hours. Minx continued to roam her hands and mouth across her body leaving no inch untouched. At some point, she turned Niki over and let the camera get a good view of her ass as she spanked it. Her pale skin turned a bright red, and Niki yelped with every harsh smack.
Finally, to end it off, Minx positioned herself above Niki’s face, laying her pussy onto Niki’s lips.
“Use your cute mouth for something other than crying already.”
Niki’s sobs and moans made pleasant vibrations as Minx continued to grind into her face. Minx could feel Niki’s lips and tongue begin to work, and soon she could feel her body lose control. After minutes of riding out her orgasm on top of the poor, sobbing mess of a woman beneath her, she stood up and looked at her work.
Niki laid there crying. Small sobs became larger as her body shook. Her face was red and covered with tears and Minx’s juices, and she was covered in patches of red and bite marks. She looked so weak and pathetic.
Minx congratulated her on a good job as she walked to check on the stream. It had been shut down at some point, but that was fine. Minx had been recording separately anyways. She took that camera and made sure to get a good view of Niki on all sides before turning it off and setting it down.
“I’m going to bed. Don’t wake me up early tomorrow.” She walked to her bed to the sound of whimpers.
From that point onward, Niki Nihachu was followed by this incident. Any appearance by her would be followed by mentions of it and people asking if that was the Nihachu who was assaulted on stream. The recordings and Minx’s videos were spread wide, and Niki could never escape it.
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lust-for-celebs ¡ 6 months
Can you write abt TinaKitten and Nihachu being gangr4p3d?
I’m assuming you also sent in the ask before this. If not, just don’t worry about this part. You just type similar. That one will be written soon.
For this ask, refer to what was said in the previously answered ask.
I won’t write anything with more than one man since that doesn’t really appeal to me, but this ask does push both Nihachu and TinaKitten up the list. I just need to watch some more TinaKitten to get a sense of how to write her.
Non-con for both would definitely be hot whether separately or together.
0 notes
lust-for-celebs ¡ 6 months
Idk if you do requests but can you write noncon about Niki Nihachu? Maybe with double penetration too? Like, she's doing a cooking stream or something and too guys break into her house and noncon the shit out of her
It doesn't have to be exactly like this but I'd appreciate if you wrote noncon abt her too thanks ❤️
Hey, sorry to you and the other two asks for taking so long. My previous story took much longer than I thought it would.
If you’re still here, I don’t necessarily do requests, but they are welcome. They’ll likely be treated more as suggestions just due to this being a free thing I do in my free time for fun.
There’s definitely things I’ll need to write in a bigger post if I ever get more followers, but for now, I’ll just explain the idea behind how I’ll handle this.
First, I’ll only write things with one or no man and no futas either. This is for the same reason as before. I’m just writing for my enjoyment and for those that have similar tastes.
Other than that, your ask has definitely put a non-con Nihachu story further ahead in my mind. I had already had ideas for her, but a non-con idea is definitely put up the list if I know someone else wants it. The same applies to the whole stream watching thing. I’m glad someone else enjoys that.
Regardless, thank you for the suggestion. Feel free to drop anymore you have. I like this writing, but I struggle with coming up with ideas. I’m always open to hearing more. Even if I don’t care for everything, I can still take pieces of it for something else.
0 notes
lust-for-celebs ¡ 6 months
Beginning to think I chose the wrong name. I’ve written three stories. Each do not contain anyone one might think of when they hear the term celeb. Amazing. I also want to write some fictional characters. Truly, I am the best at thinking things through.
To be fair, I had expected the lisimsie one at least, and the Minx had been in my mind for a while, but I didn’t expect myself to have so few ideas for the celebs I was thinking of at first.
0 notes
lust-for-celebs ¡ 7 months
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Very long and bizarrely pretentious at times Aimsey smut below. No PIV. Oral. Cheating. Orientation Play (I think).
Aimsey sat comfortably in her room waiting for her friend to arrive. She picked up her phone to check the time. He agreed to come over two hours ago. He said he’d be over in about an hour, and she knew he was only about half an hour away! She couldn’t quite piece together why she was so anxious, but she knew that better be there soon, or she’d be very upset with him.
She put the phone down and threw herself back in her chair. A long airy groan found its way through her lips. Her screen was lit up with the bright colors a game she had picked out to play together. The sound had been silenced long before to ease her mind from being overwhelmed while waiting. Aside from that, all she had to do was look around at the decorations hung around her room and glance at her phone on occasion.
A worry had begun to grow in her, but she put it aside. He had always been a bit absent minded about letting people know things. He wasn’t inconsiderate or anything. He was just bad at keeping track of things going on, and if something else came up that might take his time, he would likely just forget to text her about it. Then, she figured, she should probably still contact him just to remind him.
As she reached for her phone again, her doorbell rang. “Oh! Finally!”
Aimsey rushed down to her front door and threw it open. “There you are! Where were you? You said you’d be here an hour ago.”
The man ran his hand through his hair and chuckled nervously. “Ah, sorry. Got caught up with something. But I’m here now! So, what are we doing? Still playing Mario Party?”
Aimsey nodded and said, “Yeah. Come on, it’s not getting any earlier, and you already wasted an hour.”
“Oh come on, it’s still early. One hour isn’t going to make a difference.”
“Have you even played Mario Party?”
“A few times, yeah. I recall there being a five foot tall loser there at least once,” he said with a chuckle.
Aimsey turned to punch him in the shoulder as she let out as she squeaked out, “Shut up!”
The punch did nothing but bounce of him. Granted, she wasn’t actually trying to hurt him, but even if she was, they both knew she wouldn’t actually be capable of doing much. He chuckled at her as she let out a laugh of her own. He stopped about halfway up and called out to her, “Go ahead and set up a game. I gotta go get something from the car.”
“You don’t get to be Mario if you aren’t there!”
“Yes, I do!”
“No, you don’t!”
She watched him rush down the stairs and shook her head. “Always all over the place.”
Oh well. That’s how she liked him. Er, not like that, though. Of course not. She shook her head and went to set up a game. Her as Mario and him as Peach. A standard board and the longest game setting as well as two hard difficulty CPUs to make it a challenge. For him at least. Sure, he beat her a couple times, but they were both flukes. Narrow victories barely grabbed from defeat’s jaws through the bonus stars. His luck was awful, and she knew if she could just play a longer game, she would be able to build enough of a lead for no amount of bonus stars to be able to bridge.
She looked at her phone. Might as well check for any messages one more time while she waited. Her friend had a way of distracting her when they spent time together. Add to that a game of Mario Party, and there was bc a good chance she wouldn’t even look at her phone again for the next few hours.
Guqqie had apparently called her at some point while she was downstairs. Then, she texted her asking her what she was doing and saying she missed her. She had been gone for a while and would be gone another couple days at least. Aimsey thought a moment and decided it would be better to text than call.
“hey love, just finishing some editing, think I’m gonna lay down a bit, love you!”
Aimsey looked at the message for a few seconds debating on if she should send it or not before hitting the button, turning off her phone, and setting it down. She hated lying to her girlfriend. Really, she did, but for whatever reason, Guqqie always got weird about her hanging out with her friend. She really didn’t get why. It’s not like there was any chance of something happening. For a number of reasons.
For one, she was with Guqqie, and Guqqie should trust her not to do anything to hurt her. Aimsey loved her with all her heart, and she wasn’t the type to do a thing like cheat. Second, he was a man! Aimsey wasn’t into men! You’d think Guqqie, of all people, would know that. And third, he wasn’t into her anyways. At least, she assumed he wasn’t. She doubted she was his type. Sure, they got along, but your friend type and romantic partner type are two different things. Not to mention, outside of their shared nerdier interests, they were very different people. Even if she was on his mind in that way, he wouldn’t make a move on someone in a relationship. He wasn’t perfect like Guqqie had accused her of thinking, but he was better than that.
Aimsey’s frustration built up thinking about her girlfriend’s claims. She didn’t want to ignore Guqqie’s worries, but she also didn’t want to lose a friend over unfounded jealousy. That wasn’t even hers! Thankfully, her friend came back soon after she sent her response and sat beside her.
“Alright. Ready to play?”
Aimsey jumped slightly in her seat. “Oh! You scared me.” She slapped him on the arm.
“All I did was sit down. Not my fault you zoned out.” He threw his hands up in defense and spoke mirthfully. He looked at the screen and his voice took a teasing tone, “Oh, and you even decided to let me be player one! How nice you. Bit odd you’d pick Peach, though. Figure you’d want to be my bro rather than my princess.”
Aimsey’s face took on a gentle shade of red at his final words. She hadn’t even thought about how that pair would look. All she wanted was to tease him since he never wanted to be a girl in games. Whatever, she shook her head and fired back, “No, you’re the princess actually. My game, my rules.”
He smirked, “Rock, paper, scissors for it?”
“Mmmhmm. How about I get you whatever candy or snacks you want in exchange for Mario?”
Aimsey put a finger to chin and tapped it a couple times in mock thought. “You give me snacks, and I’ll give you a chance to win Mario in rock, paper, scissors.”
One game of rock, paper, scissors later, and they were swapping characters.
“I cannot believe you actually won that!” Aimsey raised her voice in pitch and volume as voiced her displeasure in the outcome, “Why are you so unlucky in every situation except when it matters?”
“No luck necessary, Aimmles. All skill. I’m just that good.”
She looked to her left. “Skill? In rock, paper, scissors? And did you just call me Aimmles?”
He chuckled as he selected Mario. He tried to argue he should get player one too, but that went no where. For whatever reason, Aimsey still picked Peach instead of Luigi for herself. Instead leaving Luigi as an AI. He shook his head and decided not to think too hard about it.
They each got ready to absolutely embarrass the other. Well, Aimsey did. He just hoped his luck wouldn’t trap him in one spot of the map away from the star until the final five turns again. Though, if he won in the end, then he didn’t really mind. Especially if it got Aimsey to rage. She was so cute when she was mad.
The game moved slowly as one would expect from a fifty turn game of Mario Party. And it went about as they expected. Aimsey took an early lead with him constantly just barely in bonus star victory range. While he couldn’t be certain if he had enough to win, he was feeling confident. And then chance time happened.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Luigi you green piece of shit!”
“Yes, Luigi do it!”
Luigi did in fact, do it. It being giving one of his stars to Aimsey.
“No! You fuck! I’ll rip your mustache off and feed it to you!”
“Yes! Yes! Give it to me!”
Under other circumstances, he might have made a dirty joke. For one, he hesitated to do so with Aimsey for a couple of reasons. One being her girlfriend. That detail essentially led into number two, but even disregarding that, there was another thing breaking his focus.
He was pissed to say the least, but this hardly unusual for his experiences with this hellish nightmare of a franchise. He knew he’d be able to make a comeback still with a few smart plays, but still, it was hard to not to feel a bit of aggravation from such bullshit bad luck. He looked over at Aimsey who was standing and pumping her arms in the air as she cheered. As annoying as it was to lose his stars, he had to admit it was worth it to watch her be as happy as she was in that moment.
“Okay. Okay. That’s enough sit down. It’s time for the minigame.” Still, he wasn’t about to let her know that. He put on an annoyed appearance and used his arm to push her back down into her chair. “And don’t get cocky. I’ll come back from this. I always do. Just like you always choke right at the end.”
Aimsey stuck her out at him and said, “I do not! Only with you.”
He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Little Miss Wasted Talents choking with a man? That’s not what I would expect.”
Aimsey choked a bit on her words at that, and he took the opportunity to start the minigame while she was distracted. Aimsey looked at the screen and shouted, “No fair, jerk!”
She kicked at his leg, and he responded by pushing lightly against her shoulder with his. This back and forth continued for the duration of the minigame ultimately leading to a Luigi victory.
“Ahhh! Fucking green stain! Fucking Luigi!” He raged at Luigi in a manner that was really only half joking, but Aimsey seemed to find humor in it and started laughing. He looked at her as she laughed and lightly flicked her on the forehead. She, in turn, punched him to the shoulder while he laughed.
Aimsey let her hand fall slowly and slid it down his arm. He was wearing a thin hoodie, and she could feel through it. He wasn’t the most muscular, but he was more on the fit side. His arms were strong and well-toned. He could hold a lot and give really good hugs. Aimsey really liked his hugs, and she liked when he picked her up. She felt safe when he wrapped his arms around her, and she loved to bury her face in his chest while he held her close.
Aimsey felt her cheeks begin to heat up. She shook her head and pulled her hand away from his forearm. She liked hugs from her friends in general, of course. The fact that his reminded more of Guqqie’s than Ranboo’s meant nothing. Nor did the fact that she preferred his over Guqqie’s. No, it meant as much as the sparks she felt when they were play fighting each time their legs or arms touched, or the feeling she would rather not think about that she got when he made the joke referencing her tweet about not having a gag reflex. That is to say, nothing. They’re friends, and it’s normal for friends be comfortable around each other.
She focused back on the game. They were a little over half way done. She would call Guqqie after. It would only be about an hour to an hour and a half.
Then, she felt a hand on top of her head.
“Cool if I go get a glass of water?” He rubbed her head a bit as he stood.
Aimsey was broken from her train of thought and looked quickly towards him. “Huh?”
He laughed a bit and repeated, “Can I get a glass of water? You alright? You’re looking a bit… off. We can stop now and pick up another time if you want.”
“No. It’s okay. Just get me some water too, please.”
He looked at her short time longer then shrugged his shoulders and began his way out of the room. “Okay. Just remember we can stop whenever. Don’t want you pushing yourself.”
Aimsey watched her friend walk out of the room. Once he was out of sight, she took a deep breath and tried to stable herself. When she was still slightly shaky in her breath, she stood, stretched, breathed deeply, and sat back down. She leaned back and closed her eyes as she steadied herself.
Why was she acting like this? What was wrong with her? Her heart pounded in her chest, and she searched for a reason why, but the only one that came to mind didn’t make any sense. It went against an aspect of her identity she was certain about, and it would mean Guqqie was right. Unless, maybe she was just feeling things because of Guqqie’s suggestions? Yeah, that’s right. Guqqie’s just put ideas in her head, and it’s made her confuse friendly feelings for… something else.
As she began to clear her mind of worry, though not of doubt, her friend came back with two glasses of water. He smiled at her as he handed her one of them and sat back in his seat. He took one more drink from his glass and sat it down before he looked at her and said, “You’re not wearing your beanie.”
Aimsey sipped at her water and responded, “Yeah. Did you just notice?”
“Well, I noticed when I patted your head,” she chuckled at that, “but I like the way you look without one.”
“Most people say I look weird without them.”
“You definitely wear them often enough that it’s off putting at first, and the beanies are cute, but you’re very pretty without one.”
Aimsey felt her heart beat speed up a bit but ignored it and continued, “Guqqie says the same thing.”
“She’s got good taste. Knows what she’s talking about,” A few seconds passed as he looked at her intently. She looked into his eyes but couldn’t read anything from them. His dark eyes pierced through her, and it felt like he was reading her very soul, “Anyway, back to the game. Still got a lot left.”
She nodded and picked up her controller. They were a bit closer now, and she could feel his movements as he got comfortable in his seat. Thus, they continued their game with a cleared mind and renewed fervor.
Aimsey failed to grow her lead any further, but she at least maintained her heft star count. Her friend, on the other hand, through items and duel minigames just barely managed to pull himself up to bonus star victory range yet again. For the CPUs part, Daisy wasn’t doing well having lost her stars from those same duels, and Luigi was doing his part to make it uncertain who would actually get those bonus stars by winning minigames and landing on every single happening space possible.
Aimsey was having a blast poking at her friend as he raged over his bad luck and playfully pushed back against her. He was, in some ways, a natural entertainer, and he only got better when given someone to bounce off of. Maybe one day he’d even take her up on her offer to join in on a stream.
Regardless, right now she was having fun teasing him at every opportunity.
“Oh. Fuck. You. Luigi,” he said as Luigi yet again stole a star right out from under him, “Every time. It’s always him. Every game he always fucks me in particular.”
“Oh, don’t be such a baby.”
“Say the one who was just yelling at Daisy. And who wears what I’m pretty sure are clothes from the children’s aisle.”
“I do not!”
“Sure, you don’t,” he said as he let just one corner of his lip lift.
“That’s it!” With that, Aimsey unleashed her attack jumped on him. They struggled for a bit nearly falling over onto the floor a couple times until he managed to grab her and hold her still.
She struggled a bit in his grip, but it proved hopeless as she could only move a couple inches in any direction. He watched her until she came to a stop and joked, “You done? Or do I gotta tuck you into bed now?”
She tried to hold a scowl on her face, but she quickly broke down into laughter as he chuckled and let go of her. As she laughed, he admired her. She was so cute. Downright adorable even.
After he let her arms go, she held hands to her face as she laughed. He swore his skipped a beat or two or three. Damnit. He hated moments like this. Not because of Aimsey but because of himself. Truth be told, he… felt something more than friendship for her. Maybe he had a crush on her. Maybe it was love. He couldn’t really say. Her laugh sounded angelic to his ears, and her smile made him want to kiss her. He found himself lost in her eyes or watching her while she interacted with the world in the Aimsey way he began to adore. He knew Guqqie was suspicious of him. He knew she was right to be. He would be too, but he could find it in himself to let go. He found himself enthralled whenever she began to ramble whatever came to mind. When she hugged him, he never wanted to let go, and when he would lie in his bed at night, he always wished he could hold her close while he dozed off to sleep. And right now, with her on his lap, he wanted to do a whole lot more than just kiss, or cuddle, or hug.
Yeah, that was another thing entirely. Not all of his thoughts were purely romantic. Well, he supposed, sexual thoughts aren’t necessarily unromantic, but even with that understanding some of his more extreme fantasies could not be called romantic without a twisted mind or tacking on some ad hoc justification about it being roleplay. The difference ultimately changed little. He shouldn’t be having these thoughts in the first place. He definitely shouldn’t feed them or engage with them.
But how could he not? She’s funny, interesting, nice, shared a lot of his interests, and she’s cute. Her gentle eyes shone brightly when she smiled, and there were crinkles around her eyes when she laughed hard enough. Her soft brown hair framed her face as it fell just below her shoulders. Her smooth cheeks lifted as she smiled creating lines leading to her semi-wide nose. Beneath that were her small, pale, pink lips that still managed to hypnotize him so well. He had spent so long watching them move imagining what they would feel like against his own, against his body, against his–no.
He couldn’t let himself think like that. She had a girlfriend! He shouldn’t let himself think–think about her… pretty eyes peering up at him with a look he would swear resembled innocence if he didn’t know better as her lips were wrapped around his cock. Her cheeks flushed red and chin covered in drool as her tongue stuck out to lightly flick at his balls and lick the underside of his–damnit!
He looked at her again. She was still laughing, though, she was slowing down. He kept thinking about her. Beneath those lips was the cutest little chin that was connected to a fairly decent jawline. She was wearing her green and white striped shortsleeved shirt with black jeans that held to body tightly. He could see the outline of her thighs and calves through them as he followed her legs down to her feet. She had forgone shoes today, so he could see her feet uncovered. They were small and pale with a light shade of red as she curled and uncurled them.
Small. Just like the rest of her. She was five foot nothing. She was light too. So easy to pick up or otherwise control. He hated holding her. Not because it was unpleasant, though. No, because it was too pleasant. It drove him wild holding her up or close to his own body. Made him think of ripping of her clothes and impaling her on his–stop!
Fuck. Fucking hell, he could feel himself getting hard, and she was still straddling his lap, her ass just barely hovering above him. Each reverberation of laughter threatened to send her back down into him. Now, he was thinking about that.
Her butt wasn’t particularly large, but it was soft. He knew that from experience. Experience of her sitting on his legs without even realizing what she was doing to him. And while her bottom was on the smaller side, it was proportional to her body, and there was still enough there that it was quite the nice, rounded sight at times when she bended over or when she squatted down. Just the other day, they were hanging out when she reached over a table to grab something. Her ass stuck out in just the right way that it pushed against her shorts, and he could see the contours through the fabric. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to push her down on the table and grab that sweet little ass. To spank her for the unintended teasing, to fuck her then and there. Whether she moaned for more or cried for him to stop he couldn’t remember. That depended on just how rough and violent he was feeling.
With her straddling him, he was starting to have another such fantasy. He was feeling particularly violent right now. He needed her off of him. Now.
He couldn’t make anything obvious, though. “Alright, alright, go sit back in chair. We’re almost done in this game.”
Aimsey, unaware of her friend’s current predicament, shook her head and briefly got down to grab controller. “Nah, there’s enough space there for me.”
She threw herself back into his lap before he could say anything in response.
“Aimsey, no.” She landed in his lap. She felt something beneath her.
She adjusted herself in his lap, and she heard him grunt. She looked at him. He had a clenched jaw and eyes more fitting to a cornered thief than a man with his friend. Just as she began to ask what was wrong and what she was sitting on, she finally pieced it together.
She shot up and raised her hands to her mouth. “Oh shit! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
He look back up at her, nor did he say anything. What should he say? What could he say? She felt him press against her. She knew he was attracted her, now. Would she be weirded out? Think he was only her friend for that reason? Want to put space in between them? Would that distance become permanent? Was he about to lose a friend because he couldn’t control himself?
He finally spoke, quietly he said, “I’m sorry.”
Aimsey sat down on her chair and chuckled lightly before she responded, “It’s okay. I just didn’t expect that,” she paused for a moment before opened her mouth again, “But, hey, uh, nice. I’m sure anyone into that would be happy with you.” She awkwardly put up a thumb as chuckled uncomfortably at her own attempt at a joke.
Silence followed them yet again. He just wanted to disappear. Finally, he tried to take the chance to move away from the subject, “Yeah, um, uh, let’s just finish this game. Just what, five more turns left?”
Aimsey nodded and agreed.
The next four turns went much the same as before. The sole exception being neither of them were able to focus much which led to a total Luigi sweep both on the board and in the minigames. As the screen once more turned to the board for the final turn, Aimsey had one question that was eating at her. She already knew the answer, or, at least, she was pretty sure she did, but she needed to be sure.
She hesitated at first but finally opened her mouth and asked, “So, was that because of me?” Her words were slow and cautious.
The Daisy CPU took her turn, and Aimsey’s friend nearly choked when he heard the question. He managed to stutter out, “W-what?”
“You know. Your uh…”
He cut her off, “I know what you’re talking about. Why do you care?”
Why did she care? Aimsey racked her brain looking for a response, but it was a lot less satisfying than it was just an hour before.
“Well, I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure Guqqie thinks you’re into me, so I’m just,” she paused and made a motion her hands not even she knew the meaning of, “I didn’t think you actually, saw me like that.” Her words trailed off at the end.
Her friend sighed and sat his controller down after he paused the game. “Yeah, it was, because of, um, you,” He stood and pointed his thumb at the door as he continued, “I can go if you prefer. I can tell this is awkward.”
“No! No, this is fine. There’s no need to change anything. This doesn’t have to be weird.”
He stood there for a moment as he thought about what to do next. He decided it would be best to just get out as soon as the game ended and pretend nothing ever happened afterwards. If he was going to do that, first there was one more thing to do before they finished their game.
He motioned for her to wait and assured her that he wasn’t leaving just yet as he walked towards the door. Just outside, in the hallway, he had left a small basket that he picked up and brought inside.
“This,” he lifted the basket as walked towards her, “is for you.”
“What is it?” She grabbed the remote and put the TV on mute.
“Well, I could tell you, or you could just see for yourself.” But she had already begun to take out and look through its contents.
It was an assortment of gifts specifically for her. Books, clothes, and decorations she had mentioned in passing about wanting, a chunk of cash labeled for caffeine on a small note above them, and finally, two tickets to a Taylor Swift concert she had missed out on getting to buy. She looked through it again and again. At first, she had wanted to back away and keep her distance. She realized that maybe their relationship had begun to cross some lines even if she never meant to, but now, she needed to thank him.
So, she stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck. That was the first mistake.
Her friend hesitated, but he did ultimately wrap his arms around her back. While he wasn’t the tallest, maybe six foot at most if he stood straight, Aimsey was short enough that the height difference led to him lifting her. She let it happen. That was the second mistake.
The third was her stabilizing herself by wrapping her legs around his way, and the fourth was not looking or pulling away when they both realized how close they were. Their faces were just inches from each other. They felt each other’s warm breath hit them, yet they both felt breathless.
He looked into her eyes. The pretty hazel was brighter up close. His were so dark. People said they were rather intimidating. Hers made him feel safe. Besides, it’s fitting for the dark to corrupt the light, he supposed.
She looked into his eyes. The dark pools got even darker. They were seemingly endless, but if one looked close enough, there was just a hint of lighter brown there. A hidden depth that she felt like only she could see. Besides, light could use a bit of dark to take refuge in.
The fifth mistake could hardly be called a mistake. He found himself leaning in, and she found herself not pulling away. No, that kiss was no mistake. It was no mistake at all, but it was cheating.
Their first kiss was short. Just a few seconds that felt like minutes, but that was all it took. The gate was unlocked. The dam burst. They wanted each other, and that night, they gave themselves to each other.
Maybe words were said. Maybe they weren’t. For the next few minutes, the only thing either remembered saying was a faint, “Aimsey…” as they pulled away.
The second kiss was longer, more passionate. Each gave their best to take control. Their tongues wrestled as she pressed her body into him, and he pulled her in tightly. They pulled away, and a thin line of drool pulled and fell on her chin.
The third was on her chin as he licked the drool off, and put her back on the ground. They both panted heavily, and their mind were foggy while they tried to process what they just did. They looked at each other and tried to form the words to move forward in some way.
He knew he should point that she had a girlfriend. He should point out that she wasn’t into guys and was likely just overwhelmed. That this would pass. He should ask if this would really be worth the potential fallout.
“Are you sure about this?”
He didn’t.
She knew that she should say no. She should think about Guqqie. That she should just pretend this never happened and distance herself from him. She should think about how difficult this could make the future, and about how wrong it was.
She didn’t.
He moved towards her and leaned down slowly as he put his hands on her hips. He moved his hands to the bottom of her shirt. His fingers reached underneath, and he gave a light upwards lifting tug to ask for permission. She raised her arms in affirmation, and he lifted it up revealing her flat stomach with just the slightest hint of her ribcage poking through, and a flat chest with faint scars just underneath the nipples running toward her armpits.
As the shirt moved past her head, he took the chance to lay the fourth kiss on her neck, and she gasped from the unexpected sensation. He let his tongue lightly graze against her skin causing her to shudder.
He didn’t have much, well, any experience, really, so it was nice to receive positive responses. Something to let him know that he was doing something right. He needed to know that she felt good.
He needed to know that he made her feel good.
He felt the zipper of his hoodie being pulled down, and he pulled back. Aimsey whined at the loss of contact but continued opening his hoodie. The bottom separated with satisfying clack, and he shook the sleeves off as she took the opportunity to get payback.
She pulled herself up and laid her lips on his neck. Though, the fifth kiss, wasn’t quite a kiss. She began to gently suck on the skin. Her friend felt his knees buckle at the sensation. He, admittedly, hadn’t allowed himself to think too hard on how she might be sexually, but he’d be lying if he said wasn’t caught off guard by her sudden marking of him. He’d also be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying it.
Still, he felt the need to regain some control. He let the hoodie fall to the floor and carried Aimsey to the bed. A few seconds later, and her pants joined joined his hoodie and her shirt. Her panties followed soon after.
The man had to stand there and admire the sight in front of the woman lying in front him. She laid there looking up at him through half-lidded eyes. Her breathing was still heavy and face covered lightly with red. Her skinny neck led to a prominent collarbone which pointed to smooth shoulders connected to thin, though fleshy, arms. Her slender hips pushed ever so slightly beyond her waist. Her thighs and legs, much like her arms, were skinny with soft flesh that felt soft to the touch. They were opened to allow for the pink lips that lied between to be visible to him.
She was so small. He could pick her up and use her oh so roughly, but he knew it would be best to take his time. He needed to be calm and work into this. If he wanted to have even the slightest chance of Aimsey remembering this somewhat positively, he had preform as well as he could.
Aimsey saw his eyes roam across her body, and she felt her body heat up. She was completely exposed to him, and he was soaking every inch of her, willing his brain to burn the image into the back of his eyelids, so he could see it every time he closed his eyes. She glanced him up and down until her eyes landed on a bulge that began mid thigh and moved upwards.
She couldn’t see much detail due to his baggy pants, but she could tell it was long. Something that would be big even for an average woman, but Aimsey was small at just under five feet tall with the proportions to match. Her raced with thoughts of what it looked like and how it would feel. She knew it would fit, of course, but how much of a struggle would it be?
Her fear and apprehension mixed with excitement as her leg moved on its own. Her right foot gently ran down the length slowly until just her big toe rested on the tip covered by the cloth. She felt the weight of it and found herself very interested in what it feel like to hold it.
Her friend’s hips very slightly bucked from the sensation, and she pulled her leg back. He looked at her and the corners of his lips up in an expression he hoped portrayed confidence.
“Slow down, Aimsey. I know you’re excited, but you gotta wait your turn,” he tried to sound cool and confident, but a mix of nerves, pleasure, and a general lack of experience actually talking like that, made it come out more dorky and nervous.
Aimsey giggled, and he relaxed at the sound. She leaned back and ran her left hand from her left thigh up to the middle of her stomach with a smile. He assumed she was mocking him for his failed attempt at being sexy, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t turn him on.
“Well then, take the lead if you’re gonna take the lead.” Her teasing tone was one he heard before, and it had some unintended effects before, but never in this context. Right now, it had twice those effects and an additional one of breaking him from his hesitation.
He leaned down and brought his lips to hers once more while his left hand slid across her chest, and his right rubbed her thigh. This kiss was more aggressive than the previous. He was still uncertain about what he was doing, but he felt confident enough about kissing her to push a bit more, and he had decided to wing it for the rest of it. He had read a good bit online to have a few ideas, granted, a lot of it was smut, but there were a few actual tips from real people. Besides, the smut he was thinking of tended to be well written at least, and it’s not like he was just going to blindly use it as a manual. He’d try things, and change it up if they didn’t work for her.
He struggled to split his attention between working his tongue against hers and his hands trailing along her body. She certainly wasn’t making it easy on him. Her lips and tongue danced against his, and she moaned into his mouth as one hand brushed over her nipple, and the other’s thumb began to rub circles around her lower lips.
He brought his left hand to a rest on one side of her chest and put his thumb and index on the edge of the areola. He brought his other hand up from her crotch with slide of his index finger along her slit. He felt her wetness and her quiver as he put his hand on her stomach. It rose in time with her breathing, and he enjoyed the feeling of the smooth rhythm rising and falling.
He felt her moan as he pulled away. He took a second to admire her and enjoy the feeling of her breath hitting his face. The warmth spreading across his face and making him feel somewhat woozy. As he stared at her beneath him, face twisted in pleasure, and he felt her body’s movements and heat, he felt himself almost say something before he bit it back and felt the sting at the back of his throat.
He said nothing as he moved down laying a soft kiss on her chin, jaw, neck, and collarbone before he reached her chest. He let his thumbs play with her hardened nipples as he lay kiss after kiss across the scars that lay beneath. He wanted to make sure not to leave an inch uncovered.
He tried his best to read her body language and make sure she was enjoying what he was doing, but he still didn’t feel entirely certain. With every kiss he heard her breathing hitch. He pinched her right nipple and heard her gasp. He brought his hips down to press his erection against her crotch, and he heard her moan so softly he wondered if he just imagined it. Even through the layers of his clothes, he could feel the heat radiating forth from her vagina and wetness that covered the front of his pants as he pulled away.
He wanted so badly to pull his pants down and fuck her then and there. To pound her tight, little pussy and hear her moan his name, but he knew it would be better to hold back take his time. Plus, he wanted to enjoy every bit of her. To taste and play with her and make sure neither of them can ever forget this.
He brought his right hand down to gently rub across her folds and replaced it with his mouth. He gave a gentle, testing lick to the nub before closing his lips around it and sucking slightly. He felt her hips buck at his hand as she whined and ran her right hand through his hair.
“Mmmn… Inside…”
He looked up at her. He could have sworn he heard her say something, but he wasn’t sure.
Her closed eyes opened to show a pleading look. “Inside… put a finger inside.”
He nodded and pushed a finger into her. Her walls clenched around him as she cried out and hers hands clenched shut. Her grip tightened around his hair and bed while she tried to push against him. Taking the cue of her humping his hand, he added a second finger and moved his head down.
His fingers explored inside and curled. He kept rubbing different parts and thrusting at different angles as he listened for any signs that something made her show signs of extra pleasure. At the same time, he touched her clot with the tip of his tongue. With his free hand, he reached under and, palm on her ass, held her hips up to give himself control.
Aimsey felt her body tense up as she lost control. She was going to cum soon. Each thrust of his fingers as they scrape against her inner walls pushed her closer to the edge. Her voice betrayed her as she tried to hold back moans when she felt his lips around her clit.
He kept going doing his best to make her lose control. His greatest desire, at that moment, was to watch her break from his actions. His fingers slid out and swap places with his mouth. They were covered in juices he desperately wanted to taste, so he shoved his tongue as deeply as it could go.
She let out let a strangled gasp as he began to fuck her with his tongue and rub her clit in rhythmic motions. Her taste hit him, and he wanted more, as much as he can get. He wasn’t sure about the flavor at first, but it was Aimsey’s and quickly growing on him.
Finally, he felt her contract around his tongue as she let out a cry and gripped his head to push him further. He kept up his movements, not letting up for a moment. The feeling that he had caused her spasms overwhelmed, and he let out a moan that sent shivers throughout her body.
As he felt her begin to come down, he slowed his movements and, slowly, regretfully, pulled away. What laid before him was the panting, nearly limp body of Aimsey as she rode out the last few shocks of orgasmic pleasure. There were a few remnants of her liquids across his face that were quickly, and greedily, wiped and licked off.
Seeing as she was still recovering, he took the chance to lay himself down next to her. Aimsey felt herself being pulled and looked back to see him holding her with his arms around her waist. She thought a moment about what she should say, but nothing came to mind. Instead, she went for another kiss.
The taste of herself on his lips and inside his mouth excited her, and she pressed her rear back into his crotch feeling the erection that begged for release and relief. It found its way into the nook of her ass as she moved up and down its length, and she felt her cheeks spread to accommodate it.
His hold tightened around her, and he ground against her as he buried his face and moaned into his neck. Aimsey picked up the pace before suddenly stopping and pulling away to turn around and look at him. A groan tore its way out of his throat as she looked back at him and smirked.
“Is it my turn now?”
“You’re a bitch. You know that?” They chuckled together, and he continued, “Yeah, your turn now.”
He laid on his back and watched her adjust herself to be between his legs. As she reached her hand toward the waistband of his pants, he spoke up again, “You don’t got do this if you don’t wanna. We could just skip to the main act.”
Her brow raised, and she asked, “Do not want me to?”
“Didn’t say that.”
“Then, shh. I let you have your fun with me. Let me have my fun checking out the new hardware.”
“Hardware? Seriously?”
“Well, how would you prefer me to refer to your knob?”
He groaned, “You know what? Call it hardware. Anything other than a knob. Fucking Brit.”
She chuckled as she finally pulled down his pants and underwear. The rod of meat stood tall pointing to the sky as she looked it up and down. It was darker than the rest of the body it was attached to and had veins running across it. One big one ran down the center of the top and the bottom had a line that ran through it.
She reached out and put her right hand on it. It felt stiff yet almost squishy. There was a throbbing sensation as she gave a few tentative strokes pulling the skin down and back up. Her thumb and index finger didn’t quite connect as she held it at the middle and brought her left hand to the base.
Her friend couldn’t be sure if it was the softness of her hands, the fact this was the first time someone other than him held his erect cock in their hands, the fact it was Aimsey, or some mix of the three, but he could feel himself struggling not to lose control. Granted, the previous events up to the clothed assjob had probably made him prone to being a bit more sensitive at this point.
Still, she seemed a bit uncertain, so he decided to speak up, “Need some instruction?”
She nodded. “Yeah, that would be appreciated.”
“It’s not too hard. Just stroke it, but don’t squeeze it or grip it too hard. If you want to try using your mouth, well, just don’t let your teeth scrape against it. Other than that, lick it, suck it, stroke, hell, poke it or blow on it, for all I care. Just don’t hit it. Oh, and the tip is particularly sensitive.”
Aimsey took in what he told her and nodded as she turned her attention back to the penis currently in her hands. “Alright, sounds simple enough.”
She loosened her grip and began to stroke slowly. She moved her left hand from the base to the tip and used her thumb to rub from the center hole down to its underside. A sharp inhale from her friend gave her more confidence that she was doing something right.
The dark pink tip had a thin sheen over it, and her thumb felt the sticky, wet liquid. She brought her head down and stuck her tongue out. She licked at it, and a salty taste, with a hint of something else that she couldn’t quite place, covered her tastebuds. She wasn’t wholly sold on it, but she found herself somewhat wanting another taste.
More stroking and licking made him moan as desperately struggled to hold back the oncoming cum. She lowered her left hand to cup his balls underneath, so she could get her mouth around the tip. He hadn’t said anything about the balls, but she was somewhat curious. That, and she wanted to try getting some of it into her mouth.
She slightly tested the weight in her hand as she ran her fingers across to feel each testicle inside.
“Careful with the balls.”
She flinched back, and he continued speaking, “Don’t worry. You didn’t do anything wrong. Just saying be careful.”
She put her hand back on them but decided not to do too much there. Instead, she just enjoyed the feeling of weight in her hand as she worked on the penis that stood in front of her.
Her right hand picked up speed, and she tried to slowly take more into her mouth. Her lack of a gag reflex helped her get it down, and she worked her tongue on the underside as she bobbed her head on the top half of it while her hand continued to slide up and down the bottom half.
His left hand landed on the back of her head and began to push down slightly. She understood what he wanted and moved her hand off him to support herself as she pushed further. Eventually, she managed to reach the base and held steady as she looked up. Her eyes met his as she stuck her tongue out to lick his balls. She could feel his cock inside her throat as she moan around it.
The vibrations of her moans, and the look in her eyes, the very sight of her face as she looked up at him, sent him over the edge. His cock pulsated in her throat, and she could feel lines of cum being shot directly into her stomach as she pulled herself off. Some of it got into her mouth and one last bit landed on her chin and lips.
The taste was a bit more bitter, but she didn’t have much time to think about it as she coughed from the sudden unexpected blast of cum.
“Oh shit, are you alright?” He broke from enjoying his post-nut bliss to lean forward and rub her back with his left hand while using the other to stabilize himself.
Once she managed to slow her coughing, she said, “You could’ve warned me, you asshole.”
“Hey, sorry, but what did you expect, and I didn’t exactly know you’d look up at me like that.” He threw his hands up and smiled at her.
She held a frown for a moment before they both broke down into laughter. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled down with him. Her arms found their way around him, and she rested her head on his chest.
They laid there enjoying each other’s embrace as they calmed down. Peace found its way over them, and the euphoria began to wash away. The rhythm of a heartbeat filled Aimsey’s ears, and her breath hit his chest in waves.
Neither were sure how long they laid there for and neither wanted to stop. Unfortunately, life must be addressed eventually, and while some may get lucky and have endless free time or second chances, they had neither.
“Do you want to finish this? I don’t have a condom on me, though, and as much as I really want to, going raw would probably not be a good idea.” He considered adding a joke about her and Guqqie having one but thought better of it. He already had begun to feel like shit, and he didn’t want to remind Aimsey and ruin the moment.
Aimsey thought for a moment, “No. I don’t want to move. We can just sleep for now.” Her voice was soft and there was a tinge of strain in it.
In truth, Aimsey had already begun to think about Guqqie again and what she had done. She was enjoying this moment, and she hated it, and she knew she might come to her senses and stop this, and she hated that she didn’t, but she knew it already had gone too far by the time they kissed, maybe before that even, and she hated that didn’t stop it, and she regretted, and she hated that she regretted, and that she hated hating regretting it, and it was all hitting her at once.
Tears flowed from her eyes as she felt her body shake. Her… friend? What was he now? Regardless, he didn’t bother asking was wrong. He already knew. How could he not?
Instead, he pulled her up and looked into her eyes. He hated what he saw. The brilliant shine in her beautiful eyes was covered by a layer of anguish and self-hate. That very same look had infested him before. Its tendrils grip tightly, and they grip deep. The thought of her eyes being dimmed terrified him.
He needed do or say something, so he said the only thing he could, “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “No. I did this too. I should’ve–“
He cut her off, “I’m sorry, but I don’t regret it,” he put his forehead to hers and continued, “We did something wrong. We both know that, but there’s no changing it, so, for right now, let’s just pretend we didn’t. We can pretend that everything’s alright and sleep for tonight. This, all of this, can be dealt with tomorrow. Alright?” His eyes took on a comforting look as the light managed to shine through the dark.
She nodded and buried her in his shoulder. Only a murmur left her lips before she, or he, or maybe both, she couldn’t tell, reached beneath them to pull the blanket over them, “Okay.”
And so, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. One sought comfort from her guilt in the safety of darkness. One sought to push back the all-consuming darkness from his light. Inside the dark, light may take refuge, but it must be carful, for it is far too easy to be corrupted by it.
The next day came far too soon. He woke up first and took the chance to separate his tangled legs from hers, and he removed his arms from around her. His pants, boxers, and hoodie were easy to find and put on. He got another glass of water and sat on his chair from the day before.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Aimsey’s phone light up. He took a quick look and saw that it was Guqqie texting her. A sigh and a stretch later he was over her shaking her awake.
“Aimee, wake up.”
She woke up slowly and with a groan. “Go away. Let me sleep just a bit more.”
“Would love to, but Guqqie’s texting you, and I gotta go soon.”
Her eyes opened at the mention of Guqqie. She had completely forgotten that she might be coming back already. If she saw this, if she even just saw him there with her alone, well, she’d rather not think about it.
She hastily threw the blanket to the side and grabbed her phone. The messages were in three parts. The first, a text wishing her a good rest and telling her to take care of herself. The last, a good morning text and saying that she’d be gone for another day. She felt bad for the sigh of relief she gave at that one.
In between those two, was a stab to her heart. Guqqie had apologized for how she had acted about her friend. The message went on about how she had time to think it over, and she realized that nothing would happen between them.
“What does it say? Should I get going?”
“No, it’s about you.”
“What about me?” He strained his voice more than he expected. A pit of worry formed in his stomach.
“She’s not gonna be back until tomorrow. Don’t worry,” he nodded and sat down, and she pushed the words out, “You know how I told you she was jealous of you? She says she talked to you about it too.”
He ran his hand through his hair as he spoke, “Yeah, we did.”
“What happened? Because now, she says she wants to make it up to us.”
“Fucking hell. I just told her the truth. That I did feel something for you, but I didn’t want to try anything since she was with you, and, well, I thought you weren’t into dudes.”
“I’m not!” Her voice raised suddenly, and he flinched in his chair.
“Uh, sorry, but, uh, you know I’m a guy, right? You didn’t get confused, did ya?”
“I know. I just… I don’t know.”
She dropped her head as her shoulders slumped, and he stood up and put his hands on her shoulders as he spoke, “Look, don’t worry about that right now. Just… I guess just tell me what else she said.”
“She wants to do something with us. Her treat.”
He hummed as he thought that over. What was the best way to handle this? He knew what the answer was, but he was too much of a coward to choose it, so instead, he needed to come up with something that would let them move past this. But did he even want to? What would moving past it entail?
Would he lose her even as a friend?
No, he didn’t want that, but he knew that it would be better that way. Who knew if she even actually felt anything about the night before. For all he knew, it might just be a mistake in her mind. A regret that happened only because of the circumstances around it. It was worth the risk if it meant she’d be okay in the end.
“Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do, we’ll spend some time away from each other, and, after some time, we go on a short little day out with her. Afterwards, we talk privately about if we can still be around each other in private.”
“Would you rather lose Guqqie?” The question came out more forcefully than he had intended, but he felt the stress and guilt of the situation beginning to claw at his skull already.
“And you’d rather not have this,” he waved his hand across the room to emphasize his point, “happen again, right?”
“Okay, then that’s what we’ll do. No need to make any major decisions just yet.”
Aimsey nodded, and he backed away. He fell back into his seat once more and looked her up and down. She looked lost in thought, though, he supposed that shouldn’t surprise him. The night before had certainly given her quite a bit to chew on. There was a lot for her to consider and no guide for where to start.
“You might want to put some clothes on.”
Aimsey felt a cold shiver when she heard her… friend? She hadn’t had time to think about what he was now, but, yeah, friend still had to be right. When she heard him speak, she suddenly began to feel the chill of the cold air around her.
She looked down to see herself completely nude still. An odd sense of shame, or embarrassment, or something came over her.
“Do you think you could go wait outside while I get dressed, please?”
He raised an eyebrow but ultimately stood up to leave while responding, “Seriously? I’ve already seen all of you and done quite a bit more, too.”
She groaned in response. “Just go!”
He chuckled and waved his left hand at her as he walked out the door. “Alright. Alright.”
The door shut behind him, and she sighed. She looked around her room, and she found it felt… empty. The decorations were still there. There was a mess on the floor her clothes and the blanket. Their unfinished game still shined from the screen of the muted TV. But the very atmosphere of the room seemed altered. She wondered if it ever wouldn’t.
A few minutes later, she opened the door to see him looking at his phone. She cleared her throat, and he looked up and slipped it back in his pocket.
“Oh,” he jabbed his thumb in no real direction in particular as he said, “I guess I’ll head out now.”
“You don’t want to finish our game? I mean, it did last a while night.”
He paused for a second before speaking, “You serious?”
“Well, yeah, I mean, why not, right? It’s only one turn.”
He shrugged and muttered out an, “Alright.”
He glanced around the room as he walked to his chair. The discarded clothes had been piled up in the corner nearest to the door, and the blanket had been thrown back on the bed haphazardly. She was wearing a red, blue, yellow, and green striped shirt now.
He grabbed his controller, and she unpaused the game. As the game started up again, he asked, “What’s the points of changing clothes now? You’re not going to take a shower?”
“I am. I just wanted something fresher for now,” she said as she pointed toward a clean set of clothes. A black and white striped shirt with a set of pants. It was fairly typical for her.
“Sure like stripes, huh.”
“Oh, shut up.”
They chuckled together as they settle in for one last turn. A final struggle between her stars from the board, and his skill that earned him bonus stars. Regardless of who won, he was just happy to see the light in her eyes were shining brighter yet again, though, slightly dimmer than he’d prefer.
The final turn came and went.
Luigi landed on chance time and swapped his stars for Aimsey’s.
Then, he won the final minigame which gave him one extra bonus star by one coin.
Luigi won.
Fucking Luigi, man.
1 note ¡ View note
lust-for-celebs ¡ 7 months
JustAMinx smut below. Featuring Nihachu, Captain Puffy, and Hannahxxrose as viewers.
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Niki, Puffy, and Hannah sat in their chairs and talked amongst each other. The conversation was light. Little more than a chat about recent events and what they wanted to do for the night’s stream. The latter was easy enough. They just grabbed a couple of events and decided to wing it through the rest. All they needed now was Minx.
“Where is she? We were supposed to be started already.” Puffy blew air through her nose and hit her back against her chair.
They were already in their group video chat, and they had each sent an invite to Niki.
“Don’t worry so much Puffy. She’s probably just having some computer trouble. Let’s wait another few minutes.” Niki was truthfully a bit worried. Minx had been acting strangely recently. Not quite reclusive, but she was cutting conversations shorter and never seemed quite involved. Like she was distracted. Nervous, or anxious, or… something.
Hannah went for a drink from her bottle only to find it empty. “I’m gonna go get a drink. Be right back.”
Puffy and Niki nodded at her. Niki gave a quiet “alright,” while Puffy said, “Alright. If Minx still isn’t here by the time you get back, we’re gonna go ahead and start. She could at least call.”
Niki and Hannah gave a quick agreement. As Hannah walked off, Niki continued to think about Minx. What could be up with her? Niki looked at Puffy who was looking at her phone. Should she tell her about her concerns? Would she think was just overreacting?
As she opened her mouth to speak, her phone gave an alert that she had been texted. With a speed that surprised even herself, she grabbed it and looked to see who it was.
Niki let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Minx just messaged me. She said her internet just isn’t working. She’ll try to join when she can.”
“Well that sucks. Guess we can just start when Hannah gets back.”
Niki and Puffy sat comfortably as they waited for Hannah. The message was definitely a relief for poor Niki, but she still felt like something was off. The message was badly typed, and while it wasn’t unheard for Minx to type out a poorly written text or DM on occasion, she’d never had to work quite that hard to pull meaning from the characters in one of her messages.
Before she could ponder more on that, Hannah had returned and Puffy filled her in. With that, they began the stream.
It was only fifteen minutes into the stream when they saw that Minx had come online.
Niki was the first to notice this, but Puffy was the first to say something, “Oh, did Minx just come online?”
Niki checked again. “Yeah. It looks like it. I’ll invite her again. Just in case.”
“Finally. Seemed like she was never gonna show.” Hannah was glad that they were gonna get her in. The more people, the better, in her opinion.
“Alright chat let’s wait a bit for her to join.” Niki sent the invite and sat back to wait.
Just a few minutes later, Minx had accepted the invite.
A few seconds later, Minx’s tits appeared on the camera. The screen showed Minx’s bare, uncovered tits as they shook at a steady rhythm. Then, the sound of Minx’s moans and skin slapping skin came through.
“Oh fuck, yes. Fuck me. Fuck me.” Her Irish accent rang sweetly as her voice wavered from the pleasure. “Ooooh, Daddy please fuck my fat Irish ass.”
A hand came forward and fixed the camera to give a better view of Minx as a whole. Her face was a mess. Mascara ran down from her eyes smeared with tears. A line of drool fell from her plump lips to her chin. An expression of pleasure and pain graced her features as she begged for more. To be fucked rougher. To be treated like a whore. Like the whore she is.
Behind her a man stood. At least it looked like a man. They assumed so, but it was hard to see much.
The three unsuspecting viewers of the rough (presumably) ass fucking sat in shock with only managing the squeeze out a “Minx?” at higher pitch than usual.
None of them really knew what to say. None them knew what to do. Somewhere in their mind, they were shouting at themselves to end the stream, but they couldn’t pull their eyes away from the vulgar display.
Puffy sat there wide eyed mouth open wide as her eyes were glued to Minx’s bouncing fat tits. She had never put much thought into her friend’s breast, but they were huge, probably about Niki’s size, and the constant sway made them downright hypnotic. Then, there were her areolae. Pale and so perfectly suckable with pierced nipples each with silver balls that shined and reflected the light from the monitor.
Hannah watched her face as she continued to beg for more. For the unknown man to never stop fucking her fat, pale, slutty, Irish ass. Each thrust caused another twitch. Each word barely pushed out through teeth clenched tight at all other points to deal with the pleasurable pain. Each slap of skin followed closely by a grunt or a moan. Hannah could feel her face begin to heat up, and all she could do was let out a whimper. Or was it a moan?
Niki was in the worst shape of all. From the moment she could process what was happening, what she was seeing, watching, she could feel her body heat up. In between her legs, she could feel a wetness building up as she rubbed her thighs together. Without realizing it, her hand began to rub small circles over the crotch of her pants as she watched the sinful show put on before her.
“Oh! Yes! Harder!” The man spanked Minx hard enough for them to almost feel the sound. Each jumped at the sudden surprise, but none of them could break from their current trance.
The man continued to rain spank after spank on her ass alternating cheeks making them shake and jiggle. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak, “You like that? You like your friends seeing how much of a dirty little slut you are?”
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I’m just a whore! This is all I’m goo—oh fuck, good for!”
“Look at them, look into the camera and tell everyone what a filthy fucking cunt you are.”
Minx looked into the camera as best she could, and the man used reached forward and gripped her at the base of her hair to help her steady herself. Minx moaned at this sensation feeling her eyes almost roll into the back of her head, but she managed to find her voice.
“Niki, Puffy, Hannah,” Each name required a few seconds of thought as Minx’s scrambled cock-drunk brain struggled to think, “I’m sorry, but this is all I’m good for. I’m a talentless dirty filthy whore! My body is my only value! My only worth! I’m a useless fat arsed fuckdoll. My cowtits were the only reason anyone watched me!”
At this point the man sped up more and pushed her head down. He slapped the back of her head and pulled his hand back.
The words pierced their ears as they each began to realize that they were still streaming, but they still just sat there knowing if they moved, they would have to do something that might show how much they were enjoying the show.
Puffy heard Minx’s words and found that she wanted her to keep going. Every word sent a shiver down her spine as she watched her friend accept her place… accept her place? No, she meant demean herself.
Hannah felt much the same, though her focus was more on the pure pleasure Minx seemed to be feeling. She could barely put the words together, and her voice was nearly unrecognizable. Minx had lost control completely. She was as she said. A fuckdoll. The man’s toy to use to get himself off. Hannah could almost imagine herself there. Without realizing it, she began to see herself in Minx’s spot being fucked like that.
Niki was doing the worst of all. Thankfully, her lower body was hidden by her desk, or the audience would have seen the hand she had slipped into her pants. This situation was straight out of one of her fantasies. Though, typically she was the one in Minx’s place. Not just getting fucked rough like Hannah. No, being shown off to her friends and fans. A man fucking and degrading her and making her degrade herself for them all to see. To have career destroyed and any respect taken, ripped away, and destroyed as she got dicked down and exposed for the talentless whore, the worthless slut she secretly fantasized about being seen as. She quickly shut off her camera so she could masturbate out of sight. She could just claim she was embarrassed or anxious if anyone asked why she did that. Before turning off her mic, she called out to Puffy.
“Puffy, end the stream!”
“Oh shit, right! On it!”
One more final time before the stream went done, the man spoke, “I’m gonna cum. Take it you Irish whore.”
The final thrusts were just as rough as the previous. Minx gasped and gritted her teeth as she let out a yell and felt shockwaves through her body and the man’s pulsating cock deep in her ass. Finally, he buried himself all the way to the base.
It was only then that the man reached forward and left the call.
Puffy was still struggling to stop the stream Minx disappeared from the screen followed closely by Niki leaving too. Her hands were shaking, but she got the cursor over the right button and clicked it. This was followed by another click as she had to confirm it.
For a few moments all Puffy and Hannah could do was sit there and look at each other. Each of their faces were clearly flushed and their breathing was heavy. Neither could find the words. This went on until Hannah spoke up and broke the silence.
“I need to go. We can talk about what just happened later.” Her voice was rushed, and she looked less stable than Puffy herself.
“Yeah, I’ll—“ Puffy tried to speak, but Hannah had left before she could finish her sentence.
Puffy sat there for a moment before she looked at the chat for that stream. From the moment Minx had first shown up, or at least her tits did, the chat’s tone had changed from casual to confused followed by a quick progression to horny. Fuck, Puffy couldn’t stop looking. There were so many. Maybe she could keep looking for a while, and maybe the donations were different. A part of her hoped they’d be just as dirty, perverted, and downright degrading.
Hannah quickly ran to the bathroom and stripped down after leaving the chat, closing the page, and shutting down her computer. Maybe a cold shower to cool her down would do her some good. Or maybe a long, hot, steamy shower.
Niki sat at her desk with her pants, bra, and panties thrown to the side, and her shirt lifted above her chest. She continued to play with herself as she browsed through any place she could think of where the recent event might be talked about. Apparently, Minx being fucked and treated like a whore made the more horny, perverted, degenerate portion of viewers feel emboldened. Niki enjoyed reading them, though she was careful not to like anything accidentally.
She was close. She pushed away from her desk, and brought one hand up to her left breast as she fingered herself with the other. Her thoughts were all over the place. Minx getting fucked. The comments made by the dirty, disgusting perverts that watch her and her friends. The thought of being in Minx’s place. Being treated the way she was. Being owned like a bitch. Being owned by the same man as her friends. Being humiliated, degraded, fucked, and treated like how Minx likely had been for weeks now.
That had to be it. That was why Minx was acting funny. She was living Niki’s dream. The thought sent Niki over the edge. She had never had an orgasm as intense as that one. It took minutes for her body to stop shaking enough for her to slide her fingers out of her sopping wet cunt and drop her left hand away from her breast releasing her pinched nipple as she did.
Niki reached for her phone, grabbed it, and opened the camera. She raised the phone up, pointed its camera at her, and took a picture. She checked it over to make sure it was good enough, then opened her messages and clicked on Minx’s name.
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lust-for-celebs ¡ 7 months
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Poorly written lilsimsie smut below. Non-Con.
Lilsimsie sat at her desk playing The Sims 4 and chatting with her audience. She took a moment to look at her viewer count. 550. A lot. She wasn’t doing anything to special, but it was a Saturday.
The game just wasn’t going how she wanted. She was struggling to balance out her sims needs, and she was starting to get frustrated as they would do things seemingly at random that prevented them from fulfilling their needs.
“No, what are you doing? Just go to bed!” She let out a sigh of frustration as her main sim yet again got up to argue with another. She looked at chat.
“What are you getting so mad for? It’s just a game.”
Normally, Kayla tried to hold back at least somewhat, but her frustration had been building for some time now, “What are you complaining for? I’m just getting mad at a game.”
Behind her, just out of shot, _______ sat stroking his cock. He was harder than he had ever been before. He couldn’t believe it. The lilsimsie. The cutie whose voice guided him to sleep on many a night. She was so adorable and got him rock hard without even trying, and now, she was right there. He had managed to find her house and the door wasn’t even locked. He just let himself in.
He wasn’t sure when to act. After stream would allow more freedom to take his time, but during would allow him to surprise her and her fans. Though, still, he could just leak out pictures either way. Both would be a surprise.
Ultimately, he made his choice not based off logic but because he just couldn’t wait any longer.
He walked on screen.
The chat exploded.
“Who’s that?”
Kayla was distracted by the game, “And I just don’t get why they refuse to do the one thing I’m trying to get them to do.”
_______ got closer still stroking himself. He looked at her. She was wearing a red sweater and blue jeans. She was so cute. He needed this.
Finally, feeling something behind her, she began to turn around. On the way, she caught a glimpse of chat and of her camera showing a man behind her.
She tried to scream, but her mouth was quickly filled with the stranger’s cock. The scream was muffled and only accomplished giving her rapist more pleasure from the vibrations as forced his member further down her throat.
He moaned and groaned as she began to gag and choke. He’d barely gotten halfway when she began to tear up and push again his thighs. He slammed his fist down on the back of her head and she dropped her hands as she whined in pain. He held her in place as he changed her stream to show only her facecam. Once the camera took up the entire screen, he turned his attention back to her.
Finally, he pulled back. That gave her some relief before he thrusted back in deeper. A few more thrusts and he had buried his cock all the way inside. Kayla continued to cry as her nose was pushed against his crotch, tongue was pushed down by the stranger’s penis, and her chin felt heavy under the weight of his balls.
The smell and taste was enough to make her mind hazy. She felt dizzy as the throbbing meat pushed down and invaded her throat.
_______ felt his cum building up. He needed to decide where to cum. On her face or in her mouth? He’d probably have enough for both, but he could post a picture of her cum covered face later.
For now, he gave few more long strokes. “Fuck, show your fans what a good little cocksucker you are.” Finally, he stopped as strings of cum shot into Kayla’s stomach. He pulled back just enough to get a few spurts in her mouth.
The taste hit her. It was strong and salty-sweet. LilSimsie hated it, and she hated that she liked it. Her tongue instinctively reached out and licked the tip to clean it off and get just a bit more.
_______ pulled out with a pop. “Not too skilled. Guess you don’t do that too often? Or maybe just not used to the size? At least you used your tongue at the end. We’ll work on that.”
Kayla was too dazed to react or respond. She heard the words and felt the wet cock against her face and hand running through her hair, but her mind was still too much of a mess to say anything or speak.
The taste, the smell, the feeling of complete loss of control. Thoughts of her stream watching. Who is this? Why is this happening? Is she alone? Will anyone help? Why did she lick it? What’s wrong with her?
The next thing she felt was her body being lifted. _______ bent her over her desk and positioned her so she would face her chat and her facecam would get a good view of her expressions. He then made it so the stream would be entirely her facecam and pulled down her pants.
“Wait, stop!” Kayla had finally managed to speak, “Don’t do this, please!” Tears flowed as she begged to just be left alone. “I’ll give you whatever you want! Just don’t-“
_______’s hand came down on her ass hard.
“The more you ask me not to, the rougher I’m going to be.”
Her sobs increased in volume, and he felt like he was growing harder with every unintelligible muttering from the terrified woman in front of him.
“What a cute pair of panties. Pink with teddie bears.” He pulled her away and turned her around so her ass would be sticking out pointed towards the camera.
Those watching got a nice look at the view of her round little rounded ass. It pushed against the panties, and the pale skin shined red where she had been spanked. The light dusting of freckles, the pink, red, and white of cloth and skin, wet spot on her panties, and the wetness running down her legs.
_______ reached over and lightly slapped her ass. He grabbed one both sides of the panties and pinched them in to show both cheeks in their entirety. Then, he lifted it up and pulled it to side to let the viewers see her leaking, sopping wet pussy uncovered.
At this point, Kayla saw and opportunity to run, and she tried to push away and head to her door. But she couldn’t move too quickly. She couldn’t move fast enough to get away. The pants around her knees began to fall around her ankles, she was still dizzy, and _______ was just to close.
He grabbed her by the hair the moment she pushed away and turned her around.
“You shouldn’t have done that, bitch.”
He slammed her upper body down on her desk. Kayla continued struggling, but he grabs her hands and held them behind her back. He then raised his other hand high and brought it down harder than before.
One smack. “Ow!” Two smacks. “Ouch!” Three smacks. “Please! Stop!” Four smacks. “Stop, please!”
He kept spanking her. Each spank punctuated by a scream of pain. _______ alternated between each cheek. After about a minute of this he finally stopped.
The previously pale white ass shined a bright red, and Kayla was crying. Tears ran down her face as she watched the viewer count go up. She couldn’t believe it. Hundreds of people all watching her be raped. Her rape was being watched and maybe recorded.
_______ on the other hand was throbbing. He rubbed the tip of his penis against her entrance, and she let out one more final quiet plea. “Please don’t.”
He pushed in. She screamed.
Her cunt was wet, warm, and tight. It hugged him so very nicely. Every inch brought another moan. Every inch made Kayla struggle. Each struggle made him harder. He pulled back about half way in. He left only the tip inside and thrusted again. This time he forced it in all the way.
“AAAAHHHHHHHH Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
This time he didn’t stop. Each thrust he made sure to be as rough as possible. The cute LilSimsie swearing further acted as encouragement to go as deep and rough as possible. His hips met her ass making a smacking sound as Kayla continued to moan in a forced pleasure she hated.
Tears continued to fall as she barely managed to focus on her view count. 2.5K. No. No, no, no. She began to cry again at how many were watching her be violated. “Stop. Please— oh fuck! Stop.”
Whether she was begging her rapist or her viewers to stop, she didn’t know. All she knew was she wanted it to stop. The pain. The humiliation. It was all to much.
_______ reached his hand up her sweater and began to pinch a nipple. “No bra? Dirty little slut.”
Kayla continued to cry unable to respond, so _______ pushed her sweater up and played with her breasts with one hand and her clit with the other.
“Why isn’t the stream going down?”
“Take it down already!”
“Call the cops! Where does she live?”
“Fuck her good. Fuck her hard.”
“Why is this happening?
“Holy shit. Is this real?”
“I wish that was me.”
“At least we don’t have to listen to her talk now.”
Kayla watched the chat zoom by. She caught words of encouragement and wishes to help, but she also saw so many that were happy she was going through this. Why? Why would anyone want this to happen to her? Just make it stop.
_______ raised his hand from her breasts to her neck. He grabbed her hard and raised her up. Her upper body was shown letting those watching see her cute chest gently bouncing with each thrust.
_______ looked down at her into her eyes. Her tears kept falling and she was wearing a broken expression. She looked so different from what she usually did. She’d likely never be the same again. He spit on her and pushed her back down.
“I’m about to cum. I’m gonna fucking cum inside you. You want that? My cum deep inside you?”
This seemed to wake her from her stupor. “No! Please no! You can’t.”
"I can, and I will. Unless…”
“Please! Anything but that!”
“Beg me to cum in your ass. Beg me to fill your ass and not your cunt.”
“No, please no!”
“Do it. Unless you want to risk getting pregnant with my baby. My kid.”
_______’s thrust kept on and up. As consistent as when first started, and Kayla’s moans were growing louder as she found it harder to control herself.
Fuck, she hated how much she was enjoying it. Hated how her rapist was making her feel. She hated herself for giving in. Hated nearly orgasming the moment he had spit on her.
This whole experience was awful, and yet, she couldn’t stop enjoying it. She’d never been fucked like this before. Never been fucked this good. Her husband was okay. He could make love, but he could never fuck, claim, and conquer her like this.
His hands on her breasts, the pressure on her neck, the pain of her ass. It was too much. The humiliation of looking at her viewer count and seeing it at over 4K broke her. It pushed her over the edge.
_______ could feel it. Her walls contracted and constricted his member so perfectly. Fuck, he almost came right then and there. The soft wetness tried to milk him, but he kept moving.
“Fucking whore. You’re cumming from being raped.”
“N-no I-I’m n-n-no-ah ah ah!”
“I guess you want it in your cunt then.”
“No, please cum in my butt.”
“Uh uh. Ask me to fuck it too. And since you waited to so long and came first before me, tell your fans what a dirty slut you are.”
Kayla hated this. Yet every word shamefully excited her.
“Please fuck my ass. Cum inside it. I’m a slut, and I need you to fill my ass.”
“Look at the camera.”
Kayla looks up. She stares into the camera. In the corner of her eye she sees it. 10K viewers. Fuck.
“Fuck that cunt!”
“Finally! Always hated that bitch.”
“Cum inside that bitch!”
“Getting used for the one thing she’s good for.”
“She’s actually tolerable like this.”
“Give us another shot of her ass.”
“Let us see her tits again.”
“Think he’ll cum before this stream gets taken down?”
They were… enjoying this? People were watching her suffer. People were watching her be raped, and they were enjoying it. Why did this happen to her?
He was going to cum. She had to make a choice. Either risk a pregnancy with her rapist’s baby or degrade herself in front of an audience that enjoyed seeing her be raped.
“Please… fuck my ass. Shove your big cock into my tight little asshole. I need it. Fuck my ass.” She looked at the camera. “I’m a dirty little whore. I need this. I’m stupid, slutty waste of space. This is all I’m good for so fuck my tight little asshole please!”
“Didn’t know you needed it that badly. Well, you were a bit too late, but I’ll be sure to fuck your ass next.”
“No! But you said—“
With one final push, _______ came. He was buried balls deep, and he only made small thrusts to make sure he got it all out as deep as he could. Ropes of cum shot for what felt like minutes.
Kayla could feel each of throb of his dick. Each one being another shot of cum deep inside her fertile womb. She finally broke. She screamed with her eyes shut until _______ wrapped his hands around her neck and squeezed.
“Shut up.”
_______ stood there for a bit riding out his orgasm. Kayla’s hips were still seemingly unconsciously still bouncing back and forth. The stream went down right around the time he started choking her to stop her screams. Oh well. They got a good show.
“Fuck. Oh fuck. That felt good.”
He dropped his hand gave her ass one more slap and pulled out of her. She was quietly sobbing and shaking as he stood back to admire his work. He grabbed his phone, took a quick pic, then grabbed her and dragged her to her bed.
“Come on we got some time to kill before I take you with me.”
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