luuchihieuswh01139 · 6 months
Many digital citizens now use social media as a platform for connection. It created new spaces where people could express their opinions and ideas on various subjects. Beyond the positive aspects, social media also presents issues that are brought up on their own. Conflict is one of them, along with the rapidly expanding issue of online harassment, particularly in light of contentious cases.
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I. Why look at conflict
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Conflict, sadly, is part of our everyday life; experienced at home, in the workplace, and on our TV screens (Jones, 2006). Conflicts can happen for various reasons. It includes the dissemination of information, the expression of divergent opinions, or aggressive actions that may lead to misunderstandings or the intensification of conflicts. The emergence of social media provides the public with a platform to connect and communicate with each other, but it can become a cause of intense conflict. People can easily give an opinion or a comment about anything they find debatable. Still, without a good understanding and knowledge about using the Internet and how people’s perception on social media, people can mistakenly offend others and create conflict. 
In order to prevent conflict on social media, before going online, people should prepare themselves of how to become a good digital citizen. Digital citizenship is defined as “the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use (Bearden, 2016). Indeed, a digital citizen can behave and communicate effectively and responsibly on the Internet, they are enquired with good technology skills and have a great understanding of what is going on on the Internet, how people are reacting to a matter, and can join any conversations online with an appropriate approach. 
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II. Social Media Gorvernance
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It’s true that people can freely contribute their viewpoints through social media platforms without any harsh regulations. The government still has to be involved in social media platforms to control the media based on the political and social status of a country. The hands of the government can appear in both the micro and macro ranges. By understanding of the use of the Internet, the government can provide policies that restrict some content that is banned or censored in a group or even in a conversation due to the laws of that country. Furthermore, the macro impact of the government on social media is that the government participates in major concerns such as educating citizens about disaster preparedness, space exploration, and healthcare. Governance is very important, for example, in China or North Korea, the government is deeply in social media platforms whether any messages related to sensitive content will have to deal with legal problems.
III. Online Harrasment
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Online harassment is defined as threats or other offensive unwanted behaviors targeted directly at others through new technology channels (e.g. Internet, text messaging) or posted online for others to see that is likely to cause them harm, unintentionally or otherwise (our adaption in italics) (Haslop, 2021). Online harassment or cyberbullying is becoming a major problem, where people can be affected physically and mentally. Mainly, the targeted victims for this model is women where 38 percent of women have directly experienced online abuse globally (Jeon, 2021). There are some measures that can be taken to prevent the damage from online harassment, largest social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok,... are sharing the responsibility to prevent cyberbullying and also governmental perspectives on protecting people online and building a healthy and safe virtual environment.
  IV. Snowflake Generation
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Snowflake Generation is described by Haslop as this is a term used to mock the over-reacting and hyper-sensitivity of the young generation (Haslop, 2021). As the young are integrated in technologies at a younger age, their perspective may be exposed to negativity on social media and then form the young to become sensitive is overreacting whenever they encounter criticism or feedback. A harmless joke can be considered by them as an offensive gesture and they’ll tend to be tense about that. Their reaction can be a discriminative comment, the comment can be judgemental on whether you are incapable of understanding or your family did not raise you well enough,... But, another fact is that anyone can be a “Snowflake” even adults, who are easily affected by mean comments on social media, even though they may not able to understand it clearly. But not all “Snowflake” are bad, being a “Snowflake” means that you are fully aware of what is going on around the world, you will have a better understanding of how society works and learning to control your emotions online can help you become a better digital citizen.
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V. Reference List
Bearden, SM 2016, Digital citizenship : a community-based approach, Corwin, a SAGE Publishing Company, Thousand Oaks, California. 
Haslop, C, O’Rourke, F & Southern, R 2021, “NoSnowflakes: The toleration of harassment and an emergent gender-related digital divide, in a UK student online culture,” Convergence (London, England), vol. 27, no. 5, SAGE Publications, London, England, pp. 1418–1438.
Jeon, H. (2021). Cyberviolence disempowers women and girls and threatens their fundamental rights | United Nations Development Programme. [online] UNDP. Available at: https://www.undp.org/eurasia/blog/cyberviolence-disempowers-women-and-girls-and-threatens-their-fundamental-rights.
Jones, M & Fabian, AC (eds) 2006, Conflict, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.  
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luuchihieuswh01139 · 6 months
History of Gaming
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Before the era of gaming on various platforms such as mobile phones, PCs, or consoles with high quality in both gameplay and plot. Gaming in the present is no longer just entertainment, gaming now focuses on delivering a message. But back in the day when gaming was still primitive, the first game created was between the 1950s and 1960s, a game called Spacewar! was created with simple visuals and tasks where 2 players will fight each other on a 2D space battlefield. Since then, the game industry developed rapidly, and soon the emergence of arcade games was born, games at that time have developed the categories of genres from player versus player (PvP) and adventure games. Then, in 1972, the first game console was brought to life named Odyssey. But since the rise of gaming companies like Nintendo in Japan, Microsoft’s Xbox 360, and Sony’s PlayStation 3, with up-to-date quality, 3D has been a banger among the gaming communities creating a foundation for the development of nowadays online games and many gamin companies.
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The Gaming Culture
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The rapid growth of gaming has come with the formation of the culture of gaming, at first it was just a hobby but up till now, gaming has become an integral aspect of mainstream culture (Santillan, 2023). The stereotypes of gaming were acknowledged as young people, white or East-Asian, and predominantly males. In 2023, there are approximately 212 million gamers in the United States, with 53% percent of them are male gamers (Clement, 2024). This male dominance figure brought some negative effects on sexism and discrimination among female gamers. On the other hand, male gamers have become the main figure of a stereotypical perception of gamers. They are described as lazy, nerdy, socially disconnected, and have no future in education and occupations. Still, gamers are still welcomed by the gamer's communities as they share the same hobby and passion.
Gaming Communities
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More and more people now playing games, and they all have a tendency to find a community where they are welcome to play games together. This kind of community helps gamers to build social connections. They can be connected to each other both physically and digitally, since the old arcade places to online meetings through platforms like Discords, and Reddit,... Gaming communities when they reach a large number of followers, they can hold events and make gaming more professional. There are plenty of competitions on the international scale through many online games like Dota 2, Leagues of Legends, and FC Online,... and they allow gamers to become new professionals with competitions with valuable prizes, such as Dota 2 which e-Sport tournaments amounted 300 million dollars (Gough, 2024) or the 2021 League of Legends World Championship that attracts 2,232,979 viewers at the same time (Sandoval, 2021). Furthermore, gaming communities also make great contributions to society through charity, which is changing gamer's stereotypes.
Live-streaming in gaming culture Live streaming is an advanced feature due to the development of gaming. Gamers not only pay attention to playing games, but they will also share their gaming and gain engagement from the audience. Live-streaming is an ideal environment for professional gamers to build a fan base and their communities and earn monthly from streaming platforms. For example, gamer/streamer Tabi Tuan Anh of FC Online, he was able to earn an average of 300 million dongs per month through live-streaming and attending FC Online tournaments with his team SevenTV as he shared in a podcast. Having his finances stable, Tabi Tuan Anh contributed to society when he donated money to build classrooms for poor children in Vietnam's remote areas.
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Reference List
Clement, J. (2024). U.S. video gamers by gender and platform 2023. [online] Statista. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1426326/distribution-of-gamers-by-gender-usa-platform/.
Gough, C. (2024). Share of eSports prize pool by game 2017. [online] Statista. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/532840/share-esports-prize-pool-global-by-game/.
Sandoval, A. (2021). Top 10 most watched esports events of all time. [online] GINX. Available at: https://www.ginx.tv/en/esports/top-7-most-watched-esports-events-of-all-time.
Santillan, V. (2023). The Evolution of Gaming Culture: Exploring Its Impact. [online] Culture of Play. Available at: https://cultureofplay.com/gaming-culture/#The_Evolution_of_Gaming_Culture_Over_Time [Accessed 24 Mar. 2024].
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luuchihieuswh01139 · 6 months
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the development of technologies has allowed users to modify their looks online, as it is a means for people to build their social status, build their personality, and improve their self-esteem. Selfies rose to become a significant feature of social media, gaining such favor from users besides just taking a picture of themselves, they are also supplied with various types of filters from funny to beauty,... This trend has improved looks and beauty, but it also leads to psychological issues and numerous problems for those who love taking selfies.
1. Augmented Reality (AR) Filters
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According to Maad in 2010 stressed out that “Augmented Reality (AR) tools and techniques supply virtual environments that have key characteristics in common with our physical environment.” (Maad, 2010). AR provides virtual 2D or 3D content blended with the user's appearance creating such enjoyment mostly when the photographer takes a selfie. AR filters have played an important role in today's selfie culture, they provoke user's creativity by making their selfies funnier or prettier. For example, Facetune is one of the most well-liked picture editing applications accessible to customers worldwide. Facetune, created by Lightricks, a Jerusalem-based company, got 4.66 million downloads in the third quarter of 2022 (Statista, 2024).
2. AR Filters in the example of a social media platform - Instagram
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The rise of Meta comes with the strong advancement of social media platforms. Snapchat was the application to apply filters to selfies pictures in 2011. But by this time Instagram has become one of the most used photography social media platforms. Instagram is famous for its aesthetic site and Instagram provides a wide range of interesting filters for users to use freely. Instagram offers 27 different filters (Mattern, 1963), which is the biggest advantage Instagram holds and attract millions of users around the world, by 2023 Instagram had reached 2.5 billion monthly active users by 2023. Though Instagram's success spread globally, the risk of it’s user self-image are put in danger, that’s why Instagram no longer allows self-harm graphics and images to protect their users from being exposed to content related to suicide or self-harm,..
3. Effects
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As AR filters can alter the images more artistically, they also have a positive impact on their users by enhancing user creativity, users can try to use a wide range of filters, to share their ideas by using such filters or building better self-esteem for people who are not confident of how they look. Moreover, AR filters give users a tool to make virtual try-on experiments like they can visualize how a makeup or a product is before they purchase or do it. Take online shopping as an instance where through filters consumers may know which thing will fit their outfit. 
Even though AR has a prolific impact, still there are some cons AR brings such as self-image comparison. AR posed some negative effects on young female users' well-being such as poor sleep quality, low self-esteem, increased anxiety and depression, low appearance satisfaction, and negative mood (Chatzopoulou, 2020) the act of posting an edited photo can mislead people to build a crazy ideal image and create a gap between the actual self and the virtual version, this may lead to severe consequence likes envy or the term of “catfish” where the concept of beauty being mistaken. The belief that using filters is a must-have may result in lower self-confidence, this mostly happens in young women where may they obsessed with having their pictures to reach an ideal image.
4. Future & Solutions
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To predict the development of AR, I can pose some ideas that AR is going to be more realistic and there will be more and more types of filters created, the growth of AI technology will somewhat enhance the advantage that already empowering filters, they gonna be growing side by side with technology, and people will be using it more frequently in the future. 
A common goal of social media producers and developers is to have strong control over those filters. To fully utilize filters, one must be aware of their functions as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using them prior to launch in order to avoid some dangerous outcome. Instead of propagating artificial alterations on the body, creators should also have a solid range of filters from which to pick whether or not they are amusing and helpful to consumers. Lastly, there is room for additional education regarding filters and self-image among social media users. When users employ filters, this strategy will increase their knowledge and self-awareness. Instead of leaning toward discontent and unrealistic expectations, they will be able to recognize and concentrate on using AR filters for healthy amusement. 
Reference List
Chatzopoulou, E., Filieri, R. and Dogruyol, S.A. (2020). Instagram and body image: Motivation to conform to the ‘Instabod’ and consequences on young male wellbeing. Journal of Consumer Affairs, [online] 54(4), pp.1270–1297. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12329.
cycles, T. text provides general information S. assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct D. to varying update and Text, S.C.D.M. up-to-Date D.T.R. in the (2024). Topic: Photo and image editing apps. [online] Statista. Available at: https://www.statista.com/topics/10399/photo-and-image-editing-apps/#topicOverview.
Flynn, J. (2023). 30+ Instagram Statistics [2022]: Facts About This Important Marketing Platform – Zippia. [online] Available at: https://www.zippia.com/advice/instagram-statistics/.
Maad, S 2010, Augmented Reality, S Maad (ed.), IntechOpen, Rijeka.
Mattern, J 2017, Instagram, Checkerboard Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 
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luuchihieuswh01139 · 7 months
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In this modern world, people are motivated to have the courage to express themselves and are proud of their personalities. As everyone desires to show their character and gain better self-esteem, body modification has appeared to become a suitable and convenient tool. Body Modification can range from many types of modifications from tattooing and piercing, evident in the various rings and studs in noses, eyebrows, tongues, navels, and other parts of the body (Featherstone, 2000).
Content on physical change on social media is growing in popularity. Based on their experiences with body modification, the majority of celebrities abuse their exposure and artistic labour. Numerous people were drawn to those activities and attempted to modify their bodies as a result, sparking numerous debates on the effects they had—particularly with regard to public health.
I. Visibility labor Visibility labor is the work individuals do when they self-posture and curate their self-presentations to be noticeable and positively prominent among followers and fans (Abidin 2016). This came from the rise of influencers as a form of microcelebrity who accumulate a following on blogs and social media through textual and visual narrations of their personal, everyday lives, upon which advertorials for products and services are premised (Abidin, 2016).
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Social media has provided an effective and powerful platform for "fans" and "followers" engagement, body modification influencers can share and spread their influence everywhere easily. Beautiful piercing, piercing, or make-up are shared on every highly attentive social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,...
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II. Aesthetic labor
In workplace settings, workers enact aesthetic labor by embodying attributes that will resonate with customers for commercial benefit (Dean, 2005; Witz, Warhurst & Nickson, 2003). Aesthetic labor can result in gestures like a pose or even a smile. Influencers, such as fashion models will apparently be active in this part of social media usage. Social media has boosted this kind of labor and its development has drawn a new trend of showcasing their appealing image on the Internet as a way of self-branding and become a crucial need for businesses to take that into account.
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III. Aesthetic Templates Pre-made layouts or visual frameworks that are utilized to produce a unified and eye-catching aesthetic for a variety of applications are referred to as aesthetic templates. People usually arrange their online presence on social media to represent a specific aesthetic, which includes their physical look, especially on well-known platforms like Instagram. This might be sharing images or videos that highlight particular physical attributes, such as their attractiveness, fashion sense, or level of fitness, for both genders.
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Regarding femininity, a lot of respectable "Instagrammers" try to adhere to the pornification template, which emphasizes femininity and enhances characteristics like the buttocks, waist, lips, etc. In addition, other sections—like skin tones and poses—are highlighted to accentuate the items' "quality of femininity."
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The masculine aesthetic template, in contrast to the feminine one, emphasizes the display of physical attributes like muscles, beards, and hair. Engaging in activities that demonstrate power, athleticism, or dominance—like working out, swimming, or jogging—also increases... It also accentuated characteristics similar to those of women, such the cleavage, abdomen, and muscles.
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IV. Body image crisis
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The new development of social development and self-expression has effected the way everyone build themselves on social media, people have a tendency to select a image from a series of pictures which implified the low self-esteem and body disatisfaction. The nature of this action is that people taking pictures on social media more seriously, they want to be the best whenever they appear on social media, or how they lack of confidence in any part of their body or the belief that one's own appearance or body type is inferior to others'. This may lead people to modify their body to fit their favourable body image but hold high risk related to permanent damage or even risk of death. V. Solution
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Due to this serious type of actions and to prevent it, there are some measures should be taken, people should think about being conscious, talking to yourself positively, avoiding media comparisons, and recognising the usefulness of your body. Seek assistance as required, and work together to advance public health initiatives and inclusive cultural norms. Never forget that everyone has the right to self-assurance and comfort.
VI. Reference List
Abidin, C 2016, “Visibility labour: Engaging with influencers’ fashion brands and #OOTD advertorial campaigns on instagram,” Media international Australia incorporating Culture & policy, vol. 161, no. 1, SAGE Publications, London, England, pp. 86–100.
Featherstone, Mike 2000, Body modification, SAGE, London.
Witz, A., Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D 2003, The labour of aesthetics and the aesthetics of organization. Organization, 10(1), pp. 33– 54.
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luuchihieuswh01139 · 7 months
Week 6: Fast Fashion vs Slow Fashion, which one is better?
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1. What is Fast Fashion?
Fast fashion is an industrial trend that refers to the concept of shortening lead time (production, distribution) and offering new products to the market as fast as possible (Choi, 2014). Fast fashion refers to brands that quickly release a huge number of collections based on fashion trends and celebrities. Some key features of this business model are rapid production, low prices, frequent inventory changes, global supply chains. Take Zara is an example, Zara delivers new products twice each week to its 1,670 stores around the world. This adds up to more than 10,000 new designs each year (Stracke, 2024). But fast fashion does bring some negative features, as clothing products from fast fashion are low-quality products as they are mass-produced, there are also concerns for the environment as they waste a lot of resources and utilize dangerous chemicals due to mass production.
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2. What is Slow Fashion?
Slow fashion on the other hand, the need to adopt sustainable performance and a change in core values in the fashion industry ... to focus on more durable products and traditional production techniques or design concepts that have no season emphasizing quality in order to achieve sustainability. The movement encourages brands to embrace a quality-based rather than a time-based business philosophy based around slower production, ethical attitudes, and well-made and long-lasting products (Domingos et al 2022), slow fashion focus on high-quality and durable clothes which some brands are Eileen Fischer, Able, Valani,...
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3. Fast Fashion vs Slow Fashion
Slow fashion has gained popularity in response to the evolving world, which is increasingly highlighting various environmental issues alongside the emerging lifestyle trend of "minimalism." In contrast to fast fashion brands that prioritize high production rates on an annual basis, slow fashion brands are known for crafting products that are not only more durable but also eco-friendly. The shift towards slow fashion reflects a conscious effort towards sustainable practices and a focus on quality over quantity. This shift emphasizes the importance of mindful consumption and ethical production processes. Slow fashion promotes a more holistic approach to clothing, encouraging consumers to consider the choose eco-friendly brands.
Choi, T-Ming 2014, Fast fashion systems : theories and applications, CRC Press, Boca Raton. 
Domingos, M, Vale, VT & Faria, S 2022, “Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review,” Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 14, no. 5, MDPI AG, Basel, pp. 2860-. 
Fashioncoached. (2024). How much does Zara produce? (2024). [online] Available at: https://fashioncoached-com.custommapposter.com/articles/how-much-does-zara-produce#toc-5 [Accessed 25 Feb. 2024].
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luuchihieuswh01139 · 8 months
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I. Digital citizenship Most people are aware of the notion of citizenship, which refers to the legal rights and duties that come with nationality under domestic law. A digital citizen is someone who, through the development of a broad variety of abilities, can actively, favourably, and responsibly participate in offline communities, whether local, national, or global (Richardson & Milovidov 2022). From this understanding, we can acknowledge that digital citizenship required some ethics: 
Privacy and Security: Digital citizens must safeguard their personal information and respect others’ privacy. This includes using strong passwords, being cautious about sharing sensitive data, and avoiding cyberbullying or harassment.
Respect Others: Treat fellow internet users with kindness and empathy. Avoid cyberbullying or offensive language.
Obey Intellectual Property Laws: Refrain from using or sharing others’ work without permission.
Follow Rules and Codes of Conduct: Adhere to guidelines set by websites, platforms, or apps.
Freedom of Expression: Digital citizens have the right to express their opinions online. However, this freedom comes with the responsibility to express ideas respectfully and considerately.
Access and Inclusion: Everyone deserves equal access to digital resources. Digital citizens should promote inclusivity and bridge the digital divide.
Digital Law: Understanding legal aspects of digital communication is essential. This goes beyond visual appearances and extends to responsible behavior in online spaces.
In this modern world where people can easily connect through social media, some events highlighted the emergence of digital citizens. The Black Lives Matter movement enhanced its messages by effectively using social media, and the COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the need to understand digital citizenship profoundly, particularly emphasizing its effects on marginalized and oppressed people (Choi & Cristol 2021). 
 II. Platformization Platformisation refers to the process by which digital platforms influence, shape, or transform various aspects of economic, social, and cultural activities. It refers to the expansion of platforms and their rising influence in various sectors of the economy and society. Platformisation involves the integration of digital platforms into various economic sectors and realms of life, resulting in the reorganization of cultural practices and imaginations around these platforms. This process involves the intertwining of institutional changes with altering cultural norms, and it is driven by power dynamics between platform operators, end-users, and complements (Poell, Nieborg & van Dijck 2019). The biggest contributors to platformisation are digital platforms, which are online intermediaries that facilitate the exchange of goods, services, or information between users from such platforms as Facebook, Reddit, Airbnb,..
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III. Digital Citizenship and Political EngagementPolitical engagement in advanced democracies has changed. In recent decades, there has been a membership decline in many traditional, collective action-oriented organisations such as political parties and trade unions (Vromen 2017). Then, digital citizen have more power and responsibility to engage in with political matters. For instance, the 2016 election between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton where Trump has used the social media to promote himself explained that platformed interactions offer an effective channel for voter activation, discussions with constituents, sharing of information and political views. Social media platforms can provide fund-raising opportunities and thereby increase campaigning’s efficiency, an effect that can be directly reflected in election results (Nelimarkka et al, 2020)
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Choi, M & Cristol, D 2021, ‘Digital Citizenship with Intersectionality Lens: Towards Participatory Democracy Driven Digital Citizenship Education’, Theory Into Practice, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 361–370.
Nelimarkka, M, Laaksonen, S-M, Tuokko, M & Valkonen, T 2020, “Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning,” Social media + society, vol. 6, no. 2, SAGE Publications, London, England, pp. 205630512090385-.
Poell, T, Nieborg, D & van Dijck, J 2019, ‘Platformisation’, Internet Policy Review, vol. 8, no. 4.
Richardson, J & Milovidov, E 2022, 2022 Edition of the Digital citizenship education handbook, Digital Citizenship Education (DCE), Council of Europe, viewed 4 February 2024, https://www.coe.int/en/web/digital-citizenship-education/-/2022-edition-of-the-digital-citizenship-education-handbook.Vromen, Ariadne 2017, Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement The Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations, 1st ed. 2017., Palgrave Macmillan UK, London.
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luuchihieuswh01139 · 8 months
I. What is a public sphere A public sphere, a concept that has been explained by Habermas and has evolved with the changing dynamics of society, represents a space where individuals come together to engage in open, democratic discourse on matters of common interest and concern (Habermas, 1991, 398). It is seen as a domain of social life where public opinion can be formed. In other words, a public sphere is a social area in which individuals may openly debate and identify societal concerns. People in this domain engage in public discourse through a variety of outlets, including mainstream media, social media, gatherings, and scholarly publications. It acts as a critical discursive environment in which public opinion might develop.
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II. Digital publics - an example of #AUSPOL Digital publics coalesce around common interests, issues, and identities. They grow as digital and social media users create, publish, exchange, and engage with news, media, and journalism; participate in political debates; and express their daily cultural interests and identities. The #AUSPOL – short term for Australian politics a regular hashtag used by Australians (Bogle, 2021), the hashtag is mostly used for commentary and rumour spreading about the machinations of the federal government. This hashtag serves as a connection between the digital public and Australian politics, allowing citizens to engage, express their ideas, and keep informed online.
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III. Reality TV Reality television has become a standard genre of programming in the twenty-first century. The popularity of these unscripted programs merits investigation. Reality shows can be seen as significant cultural objects whose production and consumption reflect and reveal norms and ideologies of contemporary culture (Montemurro, 2007). Reality television shows often seek to provide entertainment, drama, and insight into the lives and experiences of the participants. These shows take on a variety of formats and topics, including talent competitions, dating shows, survival challenges, and documentary-style series. The distinguishing feature that makes reality TV so attractive is that it shows the unscripted actions of everyday people, rather than prepared dialogue delivered by actors. There have been plenty of television programs that have attracted an enormous amount of views such as The Kardashians, Masterchef, The Banchelor,…
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IV. Reality TV “creates” public Reality television has a unique power to engage viewers and create a shared experience. It inspires heated debates, promotes the sharing of ideas, and fosters ties between viewers. Social internet magnifies these connections, transforming series like Survivor or The Bachelor into virtual water coolers where fans debate each episode. However, it is important to note that reality television is not without criticism, as some shows propagate stereotypes or prioritize drama above authenticity. As the industry evolves, initiatives to prioritize fairness, representation, and ethical storytelling are essential.
Bogle, A. (2021) #auspol: The twitter hashtag Australia can’t live without, Mashable. Available at: https://mashable.com/article/twitter-australia-auspol (Accessed: 06 February 2024).
  Habermas, J & Wagner, G 1991, “The structural transformation of the public sphere,” Theory culture and society, pp. 119–119. (No date) Toward a sociology of reality television - montemurro - 2008 ... Available at: https://compass.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1751-9020.2007.00064.x (Accessed: 05 February 2024).
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luuchihieuswh01139 · 8 months
I. What is Tumblr
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Let's define Tumblr, from my perspective, Tumblr is one of a lot of social media platforms besides Facebook, Instagram,… According to Chang Yi in 2014 ", as one of the most popular microblogging platforms, has gained momentum recently. It is reported to have 166.4 million of users and 73.4 billions of posts by January 2014.”(Chang Yi et al,2014). Some similarity of Tumblr compared to other social media platforms is that you can share and discover a variety of subjects, including art, fandoms, memes, and more. It's also a place to express yourself, find new interests, and bond around things you enjoy. II. Feature of Tumblr What are some features of Tumblr, Tumblr offers you a way to connect with your favorable communities based on your interest. Another feature is that the platform also allows users to take advantage of the site's anonymity, hashtagging, and largely open or little surveillance. These capabilities greatly influenced the experience of Tumblr users since they may express their diaries and feelings openly yet anonymously without fear of being discovered. Furthermore, Tumblr has developed a foundation for users to share GIFs, movies, audio snippets, and high-resolution pictures with ease.
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III. How does Tumblr function as a digital community? A digital community, also known as an online brand community, serves as a platform where individuals can develop their identities by actively participating in shared communities and adopting communal norms and values (Mousavi, Roper, & Keeling, 2017).
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Tumblr is a distinct digital community in which people express themselves through brief, creative postings. Unlike other platforms, it values individualism, fandoms, and specific interests. Users may personalize their blogs, browse various information, and participate in conversations. Anonymity and pseudonyms encourage free communication, but tags aid in content discovery. Whether you enjoy art, memes, activism, or role-playing, Tumblr provides a relaxed, real environment for self-expression and interaction.
Chang, Y, Tang, L, Inagaki, Y & Liu, Y 2014, “What is Tumblr: a statistical overview and comparison,” SIGKDD explorations, vol. 16, no. 1, ACM, pp. 21–29. Mousavi, S., Roper, S. and Keeling, K.A. (2017). Interpreting Social Identity in Online Brand Communities: Considering Posters and Lurkers. Psychology & Marketing, 34(4), p.377. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20995.
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