luvdalkxdlk · 10 months
Makoto Kagutsuchi Ideas
AAARGH. I finished watching Rain Code like a few days ago, and I'm still not over Makoto Kagutsuchi. He was like this absolute silly boy and then chapter 5 was like OMG. And then he became my top 1. Then, I went to fanfics, and then started writing a bit of my own although it's just ideas stage. I absolutely do not want to go deeper by publishing the stuff but I need an outlet and hope that you find the stuff so you can comment or whatever. If you want me to expand on some ideas, I will be happy to and hope you tell me your own thoughts because brainrot ain't going away and I want someone to talk to about this absolute madman. Peace Is An Illusion: Title comes from ideas when Makoto kept getting visited by the Peacekeepers. Honestly, I want to explore that especially with Yomi because the power balance and dynamic is just too interesting. I'm also curious about how Makoto got the Peacekeepers to turn on Yomi at Chapter 4 and while I have an idea, I haven't written far enough yet. Here's the first snippet for fun.
Makoto valued privacy but he really couldn't do anything when a certain group of people loved to break it. The only consolation he felt was that Yomi Hellsmile walked in on Makoto Katsuguchi exploding the kitchen.
"What the fuck?!" Makoto had heard Yomi shouted when he turned around from the smoking oven and holding out a blackened tray to see unexpected visitors in the form of the Director and backup.
"Oh hello Yomi," Makoto took in stride of such an unexpected and frankly unwelcome drop in, "I was just trying to bake cookies for myself. Since you are here, would you like to try some?"
He could see Yomi looking at the disaster of a kitchen and then the surprisingly normal looking cookies that resulted from it. Makoto could sense the apprehension and the hard refusal on his lips that would come up if Makoto had not continued, almost shoving the tray their way.
"Please don't be shy. What kind of host would I be if I at least didn't offer something to my guests. Before we start something, why not indulge on this hospitality?" Makoto asked.
It was easy to see Yomi warring between just upending the tray while calling it bullshit and just taking the damn cookie because this hospitality could also equate to slight servitude to Yomi, with Makoto serving him something. Petty, Makoto knew, but Yomi always liked being superior and if it meant indulging pettiness, why not?
In the end, just as Makoto hoped and expected, Yomi aggressively took a cookie, bit into it and then with an odd look on his face while looking around, he went to the kitchen sink and puked his guts out.
That would be disgusting to clean up but in Makoto's own childish pettiness that he wanted to indulge when he was born without experiencing it ever, it was totally worth it. -Totally funny too, not gonna lie but that's all I have for now. I want him to meet Seth, Martina, Guillaume and other Peacekeepers just barging in and explore everything with Yomi, about fear, survival and power balances, you know?
My Other Half and How I'm Never Made Whole: This one is more on the nose. I LOVE the dynamic between Yuma and Makoto. Original and clone dynamics send me and I just want to explore what could be love (platonically of course), hate, friendship, family, loneliness. EVERYTHING. I'm not sure how I want to go with this one but I have a nice snippet.
Thanks to the Peacekeepers, Makoto could never really trust his own subordinates despite his love for the city. Technology was far more reliable and less likely to betray, that even at the top of the tower he would have a far better worldview of this city than the Peacekeepers ever would. 
It was how he was able to keep tabs on the Nocturnal Detective Agency and their skirmishes against the Peacekeepers. It was thanks to gut feeling and deductions after the latest defeat against the Peacekeepers wrought from the Director's beloved right hand that he had found himself idling around the submarine they call agency.
He was unsurprised when the submarine blew up, unable to stop the destruction even when he was able to. He would not ruin the delicate balance that he had with the Peacekeepers, not yet considering Yomi's unpredictability and volatileness. He had only managed to minimize damage, that will undoubtedly infuriate Yomi against Martina considering it was far out of his scope of ruthlessness. 
Whatever happens with the Peacekeepers will stay with the Peacekeepers for now, when he had bigger fish to fry... pun not intended considering the blown up submarine on the river. As a homunculus to Number One of the WDO, he had more faith that Master Detectives with amazing Fortes would undoubtedly come out of this unscathed considering the training they undergone.
He was far more concerned with Yuma, his original. Wiped off all memories, making a pact with a death god that he can be sure of considering his own, albeit outdated, memories and knowledge about the WDO and the mysterious death of the culprits so far with the one main factor being Yuma himself.
The original had lost way more memories than the clone had thought, regressing from WDO training and cases that had built him up to this day. Possessing more naivete and less survival skills than the day Makoto was born, the chances of his survival was at a lower rate that Makoto couldn't have. No matter how he felt about the original, every detective was useful to him in this current state of affairs. No matter what Number One had planned against his clone, he needed to ensure his survival.
The Book of Death was interesting, and only outsiders could topple the structure that Yomi was hellbent on keeping. Number One on the scene would surely ensure success, despite the utter lack of memories when considering Makoto's own success.
-I also have another snippet really separate, mostly to explain why we met Makoto taking a bath of all things: While waiting for Number One, or him going by Yuma Kokohead these days, to wake up, Makoto ended up going to the bath, cleaning himself up from the impromptu dive so that his original didn't end up swimming with the fishes.
My Love For This City and How They Love Me: I love Makoto, don't get me wrong. But do I seriously believe that Kanai Ward simply accepted the fact they were homunculus and just straight up voted Makoto as their leader. Nah, there definitely had to be some dispute because Dohya District and their hate on Amaterasu although it was more on the Peacekeepers, and even at the epilogue, I think there is some dissent but I also believe that Makoto had done enough to earn the belief that made him their leader too. I love him, but I want explanations, you know? So it's completely plausible a lot has happened in the month-ish between chapter 5 and that epilogue. I have a snippet right here, about the time that Makoto was voted in as the leader, and he invited Kurumi up there, as an informant and citizen just to have an understanding why.
"Why would the people put me back in the CEO position? Why would you want me as your leader?" Makoto asked Kurumi, immediately after the results came out. He had invited her in his pent house, having tea and simply checking up on her after the incident in the restricted area.
Despite Makoto's high position as Amaterasu Cooperation, the company was never really a government to this city in the first place, having ushered a tyrannical era upon them thanks to the Peacekeeper's hands in the beginning. Only workers and a fair few people had an inkling of an idea who the CEO is and the rest had only been shocked, such as Yakou Furio and Kurumi Wendy, when the CEO of the big bad company had turned out to be a masked weirdo.
[I kinda want to put a lot of dialogue here but don't know how so it's a bit of a skip after a heavy conversation, yeah?]
Kurumi smiled, as if everything made sense but Makoto found it damning, somehow shouldering the fact that he had to continue this position, always in authority and decision until the rest of his kin could take him no more, was the atonement expected of his crime. A more lucrative one in comparison to simply giving himself over the UG.
Makoto might say he love Kanai ward and the homunculi might say they put their belief on him, but the words were superficial, with deeper meaning all too twisted underneath it.
After all, Makoto's love was not unconditional, considering how he would protect only the innocent but had no problem slaughtering criminals and getting rid of useful pawns for the greater good in extremely black and white thinking to preserve the city. 
And Kanai Ward's belief in Makoto was not for the person he was but for the experience and resources he had garnered as the perfect homunculus and CEO. For the blackmail against the UG for the better life that they had all desired the moment their lives turned upside down with isolation that he thought was for their own good and got turned around now with the newfound knowledge and the idealism that they could only improve from here. For his wits and genius that could be taken advantage for a better livelihood. 
It didn't hurt that unlike Yomi, Makoto was more affable of a person despite his workers having a taste of his eccentricities.
Makoto was far from stupid, knowing that his position was never out of love and belief, something that can easily be taken away if he ever turn the wrong path or was no longer useful to them. It was his atonement, to make himself useful in lieu of his crimes that had garnered some sympathy because they all knew he did this for the survival of his own kind but were still unforgivable for the utter lack of humanity even if it was to accommodate for the differences their kind simply had.
The city wanted to live instead of survive. It wanted to flourish instead of stagnate. Now that they know, they believed that they could turn things around. They had rallied and used Makoto as their banner. This time around, even in his position, he was not the only one holding the reins, with people who knew of their plight trying to use their own resources and knowledge that Makoto did not possess on top of Makoto's own.
'Let's see where this idealism takes us,' Makoto thought, unsure that it would even lead to a perfect solution because they still had the UG themselves to contend against but with the city in the know and on his side...
Maybe the original actually made sense with this proposal despite Makoto's own doubts. 
Little did he know, he was being observed by Kurumi who had a soft smile on her face when she saw Makoto deep in thought, his eyes always to the state of the city and that softening in his posture and eyes just at the sight of the city.
Makoto was by all means not perfect but considering their entire situation, the burdens he had carried for their survival was endearing and touching. Even through their shock, they had an inkling about how much Makoto had cared about them, about their kind.
Makoto would not know about this now, but although it was not smooth sailing, everyone came to an unanimous decision of Makoto's leadership, for one reason alone.
The obvious love for their city, and despite everything, that had been enough for everyone to give this a go. He might not believe that yet, but at least for now, the citizens do.
-I get it might be more complicated than that, but as Makoto said, homunculus had a right to live despite their defectiveness and even if they had commit monstrosities that they still have to wrap their head around, they never asked to be made. And yet, they still want to survive. Survival has always been a base instinct until it's not, no matter the cost. I think that's why Makoto had lived as the perfect homunculus and why Kanai Ward is still standing by the epilogue. There might be times where we want to end things, but more often than not, we still continue out of opportunities, possibilities, dreams etc. At least that's my take and I might be wrong, but simple idealism, I guess.
Can Never Be Seen, Can Never Take Off The Mask: I don't have snippets but I kinda want to explore how Makoto lived with the UG, how he realized he was a homunculus and that he was simply a doppelganger out of an original. How he started wearing masks because he didn't want to be anything like his original, down to the appearance etc. Something like that. What do you think?
Can Never Save All, And Thus Opposition Is Born: I think that the Resistance should be known more, and how they would feel about the CEO, who in their eyes, might be incompetent for letting the Peacekeepers have their way. How his sudden rise was suspicious. Or something. Makoto might love the city, but even with the power imbalances and the rise of Peacekeepers that Makoto had simply been too late to stop or could have never in the first place, that love did not reach deep enough to help the slums become a better place. I get that nothing is perfect, and Makoto might have his hands full as one person, only sticking to basic survival and preservation but it does make the love a little shallow. I don't discount what Makoto has done but I don't want to ignore stuff like this either. It's something that could be explored.
I See A Reflection But It Is Not Me: I AM SICK FOR MAKOTO AND YUMA DYNAMIC. I am utterly attempted to make a Gab version or Danganronpa Friendship reports, whatever, just to have those two interact more. Even if it would be borderline AU. Just let me do it T_T
No titles yet, and in the maybe but a part of me wanted to explore Fink the Artist, Yakou Furio, Makoto and Yomi. That whole debacle, because what do you mean Makoto introduced a hitman to Yakou??? OK, I know that Yomi had instigated, and Yakou went through with it despite the obvious trap? But Makoto fanning the flames??? I love Makoto, but I won't justify him I promise. He had done a lot of evil shit and he's still my favorite. Ugh... it feels like Kokichi Ouma all over again, but Yakou Furio was still not innocent in all of this. Even instigated or the flames are fanned, he could have turned back and find a better way than killing Dr. Huesca out of his wife's memory. Well, the whole thing was a total mess and it hurts. Chapter 4 still kills us all, and everyone is equally innocent and guilty in all this except for Yomi who can go to hell for this. Point is, I kinda want to imagine a scene with Yakou, Makoto and the hitman. Everyone's thoughts on the matter and despite everything, Makoto loves the innocent of the city the most and at that point, Yakou was. Even when he wanted to fan the flames, a part of me wondered whether there was a crack of doubt to make Yakou turn back from all this, an 'Are you sure?' and Yakou still doing it anyway. I mean, that man is insane because I could not believe going through mental trauma of getting poisoned, electrocuted (even if not in that timeline) and then just stabbed all in order for vengeance, in memory of his wife. That's just dedication. My take in all of it but Chapter 4 and the feels, yeah? If only one person had just stopped to think, except for Yomi coz he would 100% go through with it the bastard.
Well, that's it and I hope you leave comments coz I need someone to scream about Makoto with me. PLEASE. I'm still not over him.
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luvdalkxdlk · 3 years
I agree with tons of it. Comments can b so funny n make the story even more fun than it is. Or say uplifting things to make the story even better.
Golden Rules for Fanfiction Readers:
if the fic already has a thousand comments, comment still. Your comment will still matter and delight the author.
if a fic is a decade old and the author hasn’t been active in the last five years, comment still. There will come a time when the author will read and cherish your comment, or maybe it will motivate them enough to start writing again. You never know!
if the author never responds to comments, comment still. Interaction with the author is a very nice bonus, but you can be sure that even if the author doesn’t answer, they will read it and enjoy it at some point
there’s no such thing as a too long comment.
there’s no such thing as a too incoherent comment.
the author will give no flying fuck about any gramatical errors, typo or other misspellings. If you’re a non-native speaker struggling to express themselves, you can be sure the author will be all the more pleased that you surmounted the language barrier to let them know you appreciated their work. Don’t be afraid!
there’s no such thing as commenting too often.
you will never, ever come across as creepy by obsessing over a fic or an author to the point where you worry the author might think you’re a stalker. On the contrary, the author will be delighted by your investment in their work.
say thank you. It’s always appreciated to see readers acknowledge the work and commitment that is put into writing.
the floaty review box (ao3 add-on) is your friend
be positive and encouraging. Positive reviews make writers all warm and glowy from the inside, bashing plunge their soul into icy darkness. You want the first, not the second!
whoever you are, if you read their fic, YOU are IMPORTANT to the author. Let them know you’re there!
(if any author wants to contradict one of those rules, please let me know!)
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luvdalkxdlk · 4 years
Writing Motivations
Hungry for Validation
Make readers go “Wow!”
Make readers go “Oh!”
Make readers go :’((
Whom else is going to write this if not me??
They Gave Me a Keyboard and Cannot Take it Away Now
I Invented Several Languages and Must Use Them Somewhere
These characters are REAL and have things to do
I Like to Suffer
I like to be gay and unhinged but in a productive way
I care about my OCs and so must you now
I have issues I need to project on SOMETHING
Love is not fake and here is why, an entire book
Words Pretty
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luvdalkxdlk · 4 years
This is where the abuse went full on, and people have awakened their secret robophobic. Sorry Kiibo, but it was funny. Like if you secretly watched this repeatedly and dubbed it as a favorite Kokichi/Kiibo moment. LOL
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
#BringBenSoloBack is right! I was SUPER disappointed in his death. I felt SO conflicted. N JUST WHY?! Never... who else was shock n upset about Ben’s death? Like n reblog this!
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Please help us make this happen! On Sunday, January 5th at 3:00 PM EST, join us in an event by tweeting #BringBenSoloBack
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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I was watching the preview for the Cheshire cat’s route. Well... as a Cheshire Cat, I guess we shouldn’t be surprise that his route would b weird...
But how in gods earth could I figure he was a yandere?! When his eyes changed as they said ‘I want to lock u up!’
And his voice! Y does his voice have that damn yandere quality?!
But he is still so interesting!!!
Note to self: any harem/ dating sim has at least one yandere.
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
More, more Cd Dramas
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
U have 2 love this scene...
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Movie 14: The Lost Ship In The Sky
When Kaitou Kid enters the room full of hostages in the airship and casually steals the “Lady Sky” before walking away
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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These are sadistic vampires/ Founders (don’t want to anger Carla/Shin) and they are freaking criminals! How?
Ruki-> Wanted for killing multiple men. (I have literally zero ideas sometimes, best I could come up with)
Judge: And what do you have to say for yourself?
Ruki: It was self defense, your Honor. Those men were attacking the girl (Lifestock).
Judge: Then, why did you kill them? You could call the police.
Ruki: I just want to make sure that they will never harm the girl again.
Judge: The girl must be very important you, but nevertheless, I hereby sentence...
Ruki:... (escapes)
Judge: Hey, wait!
Kou-> Wanted for assaulting a fan.
Judge: While the certain fan wanted your autograph, you gave it to her and then bit her. When she tried to stop you, you snatched the autograph back and tore it?
Kou: It’s a give and take world, your Honor. I was also thirsty, so when someone ask for my autograph, they must give me back something~ (dazzling smile)
Judge: But now you have became an infamous idol... well, infamous or not, can I have your autograph?
Kou: Fufu~ That depends...
Yuma-> Wanted for assault.
Judge: It says here that you had attacked and put 6 men into coma!
Yuma: Tch, I was protecting my garden while those brothers were looking for Sow there!
Judge: But you cannot assault living things like that!
Yuma: Strawberries and tomatoes are living things too, which those brothers assaulted first!
Azusa-> Wanted for committing suicide on himself.
Azusa:... It was an accident... I wanted more cuts on myself and I might have gotten overboard...
Judge: Do you know how lucky you are? You had cut your wrists until you faded consciousness! Who knew what would happen if there wasn’t anyone else there?!
Azusa:... But it was... fun.
Judge: (sigh) As you are a harm to yourself, I sentence you in a mental institution for no longer than...
Azusa: A hospital... At least they got those sharp... syringes... how will they cut, I wonder?
Judge: With regard to safety, remove him from any harmful stuff.
Azusa: But... it’s my... life.
Judge: ...
Carla-> Wanted for staring World War III
Judge: What do you have to say for yourself?
Carla: As King of Founders, I have the right to set war against men who have disrespected my position.
Judge: How about the people?
Carla: I don’t care as long as it’s the for the sake of my race.
Shin-> Wanted for mass murder 
Judge: People have said that you sic on them with your... wolves?
Shin: It’s a specialty of mine.
Judge: So, I hereby sentence you-
Shin: OI, you have no permission to sentence me anywhere, you dirty blood!
Judge: What? You commited mass murder so I...
Shin:(turns into wolf) (growls)
Judge: EEK!
~These proceedings will continue when the Judge has found their sanity back~
That’s all for the criminals thing. Share, like and comment!
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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They are sadistic vampires and they are freaking criminals! How?
Shu-> Wanted for arson.
Shu: What?! I don’t do arson (sleepy).
Judge: Someone accuse you of arson, setting fire on the village.
Judge:You don’t have anything to say for yourself.
Judge: Oh, he’s asleep. (slap Shu awake)
Shu:... Huh, tired to defend myself, as long as I can sleep in jail. ...Who said that I burned something?
Judge:... Let’s see... it says a ‘Reiji Sakamaki’.
Shu: (walks away) Then, I’m innocent. That guy just framed me, now I’m going to sleep somewhere quieter.
Judge: Hey, wait!
Reiji-> Wanted for poisoning and making people mad.
Judge: It says here that you have poisoned your brother, Shu Sakamaki.. It also said that you have make the rest of your brothers, Ayato Sakamaki, Kanato Sakamaki, Laito Sakamaki and Subaru Sakamaki all mad and now in a mental institution.
Reiji: Good grief, I told them not to touch those bottles...
Judge: So, you admit at least neglience of dangerous chemicals, thus second premediated murder and attack of insanity.
Reiji: I admit nothing. And how are my brothers insane?
Judge: Let’s see...  Ayato Sakamaki proclaims to be an octopus and does as such, Kanato Sakamaki has been traipsing along naked because it’s too hot, Laito Sakamaki proclaims himself to be a girl and dresses up to rape boys, and Subaru Sakamaki has become a demon cult worshiper who kills saints everywhere...
 Reiji: This is worse than I thought... I never knew... At least I’m not with them, otherwise I’ll go insane...
Judge: You also show no remorse for your own actions.
Reiji: Should I? They should have been aware of their own actions...
Judge: (shakes their head)
Ayato-> Wanted for killing his own mother (I don’t have better ideas)
Judge: So, what do you say in your defense?
Ayato: What? I did the world a whole lot of good ridding the old hag. Can I go home now so I can play around with Chinchinashi and eat takoyaki?
Judge: It seems you have no remorse, so I sentence you...
Ayato: Fuck this! I’m going home... takoyaki and Chinchinashi await.
(Officers try to stop him)
Ayato: Who dares to stop me from getting takoyaki and Chinchinashi!
(Ayato becomes enraged)
~The next proceeding will tune in once the minor scuffle has been solved~
Kanato-> Wanted for killing multiple people and turning them into dolls.
Kanato: So? Teddy needs more friends, and they were happy doing that.
Judge: You seem to show no remorse over these multiple murders, so hereby I sentence you...
Kanato: Will there be any sweets?
Judge: (startled) No. You also cannot bring that toy with you.
(Kanato takes out a knife)
Judge: Eek!
~These proceedings will continue if the judge is not killed yet.~
Laito-> Wanted for rape of multiple women.
Laito: What? The girls and I were just having fun, nfu~
Judge: The... many girls you have seduced and ‘had fun’ with says they were assaulted, as you... bit them all over the place, use torture devices and... pushed them over a swimming pool while biting them in the... (swallows)
Laito: What? It was a fun idea~
Judge: I can’t believe I’ve ever met a more dirty hentai than you.
Laito: I’ll take that as a compliment, and now your Honor... (the Judge is a girl)... speaking of hentai~
Judge: GUARDS!
Laito: Nfu, don’t resist~
~These proceedings will continue when they have finally restrained the accused~
Subaru-> Wanted for destruction of property.
Subaru: Tch, it was their fault for making me angry.
Judge: Have you ever thought of calming activities like yoga?
Subaru: WHAT?! Do I look like someone who does yoga?
Judge: (snorts)
Subaru: (angry) What was that for? (Smashes a wall)
Judge: Add charges of destruction of property to 10000000 yen.
Subaru: (very angry) WHAT?!
~these proceedings will continue if the entire court house has not been destroyed.~
The Mukamis and Tsukinamis will be coming soon~
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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Aww... another pic from drama CD of diabolik lovers, somethin’ to do with Halloween... when Yui explains to them.
Of course, all clothes belong to Laito, nfu~
Laito: Ahh... Bitch-chan becomes Witch-chan.
Ayato: Hey, that rhymed.
Kanato: What are you wearing?
Laito: It’s obvious, I’m Alice! From Wonderland because I’m wonderful~
Ayato: And Kanato, what are you going to wear?
Laito: I just have the right outfit.
~Kanato becomes Red Riding Hood~
Kanato: Ahh, the lovely red, red as blood suits me and a basket! Perfect for Teddy and the sweets I’m going to carry.
Laito: And one for Ayato~
~Ayato becomes Cinderella.~
Ayato: WAIT! WHY THE HELL I AM CINDERELLA?! Don’t you have anything more manly for this Ore-sama?
Laito: Nope, my costumes are strictly girly, how will I get turn on if the girls don’t have the right outfit~
Kanato: Laito, stop talking.
Laito: And your dainty feet will fit these glass slippers.
This isn’t really the actual preview of the CD, more my take on it. As you can see, the triplets are at it again, but that would usually happen among siblings, right?
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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Yui Komori is an angel and doesn’t deserve any kind of mistreatment from the 13 Vampires she lives with every day.
Reblog/Like if you agree!
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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Even when they are girls, they are HOT, or at least... kawaii!
Subaru to Subara! (Any ideas of fem names appreciated)
Subara: Hey! What do you mean I’m blushing? It’s just the sun! Hey, don’t laugh at me! (Shakes your shoulders very hard until you stop laughing). Tch, you are still very troublesome! What, I’m not blushing any harder. It’s just your brain malfunctioning. Hmph!
Azusa to Azura (Like I said, really terrible, ideas please!)
Azura: Hmm... Look, my skin is so delicate and dainty, and can bleed so beautifully... Ahh, look... So, you can cut me with this knife or... maybe hit me... (boys can’t hit girls). What, you are saying you don’t love me? (comes closer) Please,,, Adam...
Carla... well the name still sticks, because technically that name is still a girl’s!
Carla: Hmm... ahh... man, you will bow down to the Queen of Founders, and as my duty, I will make you mine. So, be mine now... and ensure the heritage to us Founders... Don’t even resist.
Ruki to Ruka!
Ruka: Hey, Livestock! I need to be the next Eve... for the sake of my master. The sake of my mission. (moves forward) Oh, you won’t let me do whatever I want... Seems that Livestock needs to be obedient.
Kou to Mou!
Mou: Ahh... hey, M Inu-kun (masochistic puppy), superstar time is over and here... (give chocolates), I just bought them on the way here... to make your blood sweeter for me~ (pushed away) What? How cruel~ I’ll take back my chocolates (snatches chocolates). This is a give and take world, you know?
Ayato to Ayako
Ayako: Hey, Sukinī (skinny, because for men, I guess, they want to look buff and being skinny, well... and an a male Yui will be...), Ore-sama is hungry, so please give me your blood. You will not resist because you are my prey! I’m better than you, so shut up and let me have your blood... Ahh...
Shin to Shina
Shina: Hey! You cannot escape from Neesan. (transforms into wolf). Tch, don’t be so troublesome and obey to Neesan, OK? What? What about what I want? You are really a strange man... just be obedient and give in to us superior Founders, so that  Neesan can achieve what we all want. You will so be punished for this, I can’t wait~
Kanato to Kana
Kana: Oh, Teddy... this man is so rude, right? For rejecting us when she’s just nothing but a toy... I was only just trying to give her eternal life by making him a doll... WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T WANT THAT?! (cries cutely) But I want to make you a doll!!! (continues crying)
Shu to Chu
Chu: Sigh... you lewd man, I’m sleepy and you wanted to touch my breasts? (smiles) Don’t lie, you are just lewd, and what do you mean I can’t sleep like that. So what? Don’t you like my light blue underwear? Ahh... it’s too troublesome to move, just don’t disturb me, OK?
Yuma to Yuka
Yuka: Oi, Sow! Help me with the garden, don’t you especially love the flowers? I planted them, so I can vast in their beauty. Oi, don’t laugh! Sigh...what a troublesome Sow. Hmm... you pricked your hand? (sucks on the finger) Hey, you didn’t need to pull away, I was just cleaning the wound for you! Jeez!
Laito to Laina
Laina: Oh, hey Hentai-kun (if anyone has better ideas, tell me!)! C’mon, don’t you want to suck into my beautiful boobies (shows off). Don’t be comfortable, just enjoy this... while I suck your sweet blood... ahh... I always love near here ( near to the golden spot) and you can also feel my boobs. Isn’t this wonderful, don’t you feel hot? Just like a hentai, so please enjoy~
Reiji to Rei
Rei: Oi, you simple man, can’t you do anything I tell you? ... Just like a uncouth, you need to be disciplined, come here. (moves forward) You cannot resist, you are my property and i must train you how I see fit. So, please be obedient as I start the process, and don’t try anything stupid.
Welp, even when they change appearances, they don’t necessarily change from their personalities, you know? So, what will the male population think of these girls? 
Sane: Get away from me, I don’t want anymore trouble.
Insane: Ooh... yes, come to me, as long as I can get any pleasure from you. Make it glorious.
Which one are you?
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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I’m guessing it went like this... -can’t translate Japanese :( -
Triplets: We want food! (Bang on the table, just not Subaru hard)
Reiji: You are not kids, and I’m not your mother!
Ayato: Four eyes, of course you are not our mother! You can just cook food!
Kanato: Yes, yes, so please hurry up. I want to sink into my pudding.
Laito: Oya, oya, yes, cook something delicious, K?
Shu: Too noisy. Wake me up when food is ready. (Asleep)
Subaru: Hey, wake up. (Poke Shu). Even with all this noise, he can still sleep... and tch, please hurry up with the food.
Triplets: But you are one!
Reiji: (One of these days...)
Poor Reiji... not hard to sympathise. The pic comes from a drama CD, translation by Bloodlust. Actually... just type down ‘diabolik lovers translation drama cd’ in Google, and with luck, you will find this CD, and many others~ ;D
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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In the otome game, it is implied that he might be a split personality. Mostly a gentleman, but insane in battle... So, reactions:
Regular Person: (When seeing him battle) EEK! Are you crazy?! Stop this!
Me: (When seeing him battle) OMG! That is so HAWT! I want to know more~
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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Ahh... the playboy... every otome game seems to have them... b’coz they are so flirty, funny and laying on you. Every gal that plays this game wants a little flirty, flirty.
But what do we expect from this playboy, the created of the serious and loveless Sherlock Holmes? Irony that the reasoning detective was created by a person overcomes with desire...
Arthur: Lets play together~
Sane response: No way!
Me: Bring it on! XD
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luvdalkxdlk · 5 years
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Kanato: You are just my toy, obey me... will you? Because undisciplined toys only get punished, or destroyed. Like how I destroyed a few of my toys with this sword. Such a sharp blade... even messing my clothes here and there. So, you will obey me... right? OR I WILL RUN YOU THROUGH WITH THIS SWORD AND COVER MYSELF IN YOUR SWEET BLOOD!!! Ahhh... wouldn’t that be lovely?~ Or would you rather me just suck your blood?
Regular person:
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Me: Bring in the love!!!
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