luxefinn · 2 years
I think it’s an idea they’ll be fools not to like and help launch. I’m sure you guys are all fantastic at playing, but I would pack extra footballs just to remain on the safe side. In Mexico? You’re filled with some good ideas — it would be fun to film there. Although what that short film or music would be about is the next tricky question. You, of course, would have to be in it/star in it since this is your idea.
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I would have to star in it? I’m not really much of an actor. Unless you starred in it with me, ‘cause you’re the expert on it here. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Quinn ⮂ Finn
Quinn: If I was still in Ohio, it'd definitely be a bad thing. But.. I got dragged onto the dating app. It wasn't entirely my doing.
Quinn: I might've already texted him to brag about it... But I didn't admit that.
Quinn: I did the in front thing for a while, actually. I just.. is it weird to say I hate the spotlight? Being behind the camera lets me be a part of making things, but without having to answer to having made said things.
Finn: I don't even want to try to imagine a dating app in Ohio. It would just be the same like, ten people who've probably all dated each other a hundred times.
Finn: That's actually funny. Call me crazy but sometimes it's still weird that that's a thing. The whole nationwide fame thing. If I think about it too hard, I space out.
Finn: I don't think that's a weird thing to say. I guess I didn't expect it? Which I know I sort of can't say because it's not like we've talked in the last how many ever years. Just knowing what I knew then and now hearing that is surprising. Whatever makes you happy though. And it sounds like it does.
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luxefinn · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Quinn ⮂ Finn
QUINN: Well, I was trying to be polite about it!
QUINN: Is that because you still expected me to be in Ohio?
QUINN: I may have seen you a couple times. My sisters husband follows religiously. You play really well. Well, as far as I can tell, you play really well.
QUINN: I'm good. Ended up wasting my degree, because I take photos of celebrities now. You might have seen my work too- I did some of the imagery for Halsey's tour.
Finn: Not Ohio specifically. I mean, if you were there it wouldn't be a bad thing. More like I didn't expect LA and I definitely didn't expect a dating app.
Finn: You can make him go nuts by telling him he's like 3 degrees of separation from the team.
Finn: I've heard of her but I'll totally look that up. Behind the camera instead of in front of it seems like a pretty big change. Kinda makes me wanna ask what happened, but in a genuinely curious way, not in an asshole way.
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luxefinn · 2 years
That’s actually a good idea; why not start one? I’m sure many people would like the idea too, and since you thought of it first, you might as well make a profit out of it. Why not, as long as you are fully prepared to get sand everywhere? It’ll be different and interesting to watch a game on the beach - although I just hope you guys don’t loose the ball to the ocean.
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Maybe I’ll pitch it and see how far it could go. Sand’s not that big of a deal and as far as the balls go, we can either bring a ton or make sure we’re not throwing them all wild. And that the receivers are catching ‘em. Hey, then you could like, make a short film or music video there and we both profit off the idea. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
Thank you! I do think I am kinda a genius myself. Like 75% of my plans totally work! That’s pretty good odds!
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Those are great odds! a 75% win percentage is one hell of a record. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
Yeah, I guess it is, but the end results are all worth it. With how many streaming services creating their own shows and movies and whatnot - I can’t imagine there isn’t a place where short films are. Don’t see why you can’t? I mean, maybe not competitively but just for something fun? Get the locals in on the game; I’m sure they would love to play just the same. 
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There should be a short film streaming service. People would probably eat it up ‘cause they wouldn’t have to commit to a whole movie. Yeah, that’s a good point. I wonder if we could do a beach game or something, and it would just be for the hell of it. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
Yeah, exactly! There isn’t like a more perfect way to go about it when you really think about it, just facts.
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I like your logic, dude. With that plan, we’re basically unstoppable. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
It was. But I guess we all learned an important lesson that day. Yeah, it might not be the most ideal circumstances for a dog. But hey, maybe one day! 
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Yeah I guess there’s something to be said for learning stuff the hard way. One day, hopefully. Maybe when I’m retired or have a family or something. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
Dude, the negatives totally cancel out and become SUPER POSITIVE. Cause like one cool dude but is kinda flawed is nice, but TWO just means you got super awesome friends that your lady will LOVE! But not like LOVE love. But love enough that you can still totally have boys nights and stuff without her getting mad. 
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We’d be like, the most popular guys in the place. Team work making the dream work and stuff. Well yeah, ‘cause then we’d have boys nights and she’d have girls nights and it’d be totally fair. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
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luxefinn · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Quinn ⮂ Finn
QUINN: Is it weird to say you're a face I never expected to see on here? But that I'm glad to see it?
QUINN: Is it also weird to use this as a chance to see how you're doing?
FINN: Weird is like, the tamest word for this.
FINN: Especially bc you're the last person I thought I'd see on here.
FINN: I guess I'll bite since we're already here. I've been okay. Playing and stuff. If you ever have the TV on on Sunday in fall. You?
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luxefinn · 2 years
Aside from on the actual field, do you even know how to play a field? I know I sure don’t. So was that a yes to like, going out some place or somethin’? I always hope every one will, but it’s not totally up to me so I’ll just play it by ear a bit. 
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I’m gonna pretend that wasn’t a mega insult ‘cause it was sorta funny. Maybe if we wingman for each other, the negatives will cancel out. Two no game dudes make a ton of game. Even though I think we have it. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
Huh, I never heard of it, but now it’s on my list. It’s intimidating at first, I won’t lie, but you would get the hang of it. Plus, they make you take classes and get certified before throwing you out into the big blue. Even then, you’ll still have a professional by your side at all times. Only a few shots for some short films and music videos. I am only there for a short while, but I plan to make a scuba/snorkeling trip to as many places as possible. What brought you to Cozumel? Business or pleasure?
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You gotta take a class to do it? That sounds like a lot of work to do something for fun. But I’ll totally take your word for it that it’s awesome. Short films and music videos are cool. Too bad there’s not MTV or something for ‘em anymore. Definitely pleasure. Was an off season vacation. It would be so cool if we could play games in Mexico though. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
Yeah, exactly. Oh God, no. I remember being present while a few kids fed birthday cake to a fish at a friend’s birthday party as a kid. It did not end well. Cats and dogs are definitely like that most of the time, though. Have you ever had any pets?
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That sounds super traumatic, dude. No but I always wanted a dog. I just don’t think I’d really have the time to take care of one the way I’d want to right now. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
Never been to Mexico but I could only imagine how beautifully blue the waters are over there. What part of Mexico? Work and vacation. I definitely recommend going at least once. Although with the Caribbean I would say scuba diving would be more of an adventure then snorkeling. So, definitely at least Australia and Indonesia. 
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It was in Cozumel. Would highly recommend it ‘cause the water was super clear and there were a ton of fish and reefs and stuff. Yeah, scuba diving seems a lot scarier with the tank. You got to work in all those places? That’s so cool. What did you do there? 
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luxefinn · 2 years
That’s also an incredible visual but yes! A slice of pie on a doughnut shaped floatie? Sounds perf to me.
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You sound like you know your way around a themed party. You ever throw any?
That might be the smartest idea I’ve ever hard. I’ve thrown a couple themed parties. In college and Halloween and stuff. None of ‘em as good as summer Thanksgiving though. 
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luxefinn · 2 years
Not a single one?? Man, that’s crazy. We needa get the word out that you’re a total catch! Maybe we need to hit the town or something, get that pretty face of yours out there. I’m a great wingman, we can get you a fine lady I just know it. I have a couple which is real cool. I love talking to people and getting to know them. I dunno if it will go anywhere yet but you know how I am! Sprinkle a bit of Sammy love everywhere.
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We’ll call it taking it slow. Playing the field or something. I don’t doubt you’d be the perfect wingman, dude. Are there any you’re hoping go anywhere? 
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