luxotr · 4 years
UGH there is NOTHING more frustrating than trying to research ADHD, it’s all “do you interrupt people a lot? do you find it hard to sit still?” and “boys are twice as likely to have ADHD than girls” and “here’s how to deal with your ADHD child” and there’s nothing about adults, nothing about underdiagnosis in women, nothing about RSD, dyscalculia, sensory processing, emotional regulation
i am not a little boy pretending to be an airplane in the back of the classroom. I was never allowed to be, because I was a little girl. i was a little girl who couldn’t sit still but i had to because ladies sit still while the boys shout and fidget in the background. i was a little girl who got left behind when recess ended because i was so engrossed in my small rock garden i didn’t hear the bell; i was a little girl who grew up smart enough to take precalculus, but couldn’t for the life of me remember my times tables; i was a little girl who got so angry and didn’t know how to stop it (“you can control your emotions!” my dad told me; “don’t bottle it up,” my mom said; “scream into a pillow, write it down, take deep breaths” everyone told me, and none of it helped); i was a little girl who lay awake every night terrified i’d forgotten to do something due tomorrow; i was a little girl who couldn’t make friends because socializing was hell because if i made one wrong move, received one negative response, i might as well have set myself on fire; i was a little girl who took pride in being the Weird Girl, because i had to; i was a little girl with adhd 
and now i’m an adult woman with adhd, and i know that because of people on tumblr, not because of the DSM-V. The DSM-V and the CDC tell me little boys have ADHD, not little girls. they tell me if i don’t interrupt people (don’t interrupt people, that’s rude, being rude means hurt hurt hurt because of RSD and nice young ladies aren’t rude anyway) and finish assigned tasks (don’t forget don’t forget don’t forget if you forget they’ll hate you) i don’t have the inattentive component; and they tell me if i can sit still (what kind of organs do snails have, anyway? let’s research that for four hours) and avoid butting into people’s space (don’t be rude, don’t be RUDE) i don’t have the hyperactive component; and they only ever mean to talk to parents of little ADHD boys, and there is nothing, nothing, nothing meant for me.
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luxotr · 5 years
If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
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luxotr · 5 years
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luxotr · 5 years
Ok but...atypical depression is a thing? If he can’t /say/ you are bipolar, it’s still not unheard of to give depressed folks mood stabilizers and even antipsychotics 
Ok fucking wig but I 100% believe that the only reason my doctor is keeping me on antidepressants is because he can't officially diagnose me with bipolar bc he's a youth mental health dude BUT I can get meself a psychiatrist and maybe I'll stop wanting to fucking die
The rough thing is that I counted my seroquel and even the amount I have in the whole bottle is less than the max dose for an adult lolol so I can't die I can just suffer
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luxotr · 5 years
Viola Abscess
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hey everyone thanks for coming to the show we’re Arlene Titty Pills
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luxotr · 6 years
okay this is possibly bonkers advice but I’ve found that writing a cover letter is so easy if you just like. briefly inhabit the persona of a high elf who thinks they’re hot shit and cannot imagine why any of their previous work experience would be anything less than gobsmackingly impressive. “as you will see in my resume, I have extensive experience with…” “I am ideal for this position because…” “I’ve noticed this thing you do well and here’s how I will help do it even better…” just really go for it you know, just act like you’re already half hired 
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luxotr · 6 years
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luxotr · 6 years
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luxotr · 6 years
Enby culture is wishing there was a "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" Option when filling out forms
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luxotr · 6 years
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Life imitates art
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luxotr · 6 years
AU where everything is the same except Remus Lupin is played by John Mulaney
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luxotr · 6 years
my midterm on Friday...
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I can’t guarantee it.
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luxotr · 6 years
it always comes back
the very next day
it always comes back
but fight anyway
Trying to get anywhere in life when you’re still stuck in your disorder like:
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luxotr · 6 years
After a breakdown when someone tries to offer me support:
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luxotr · 6 years
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So you want to go to grad school…
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luxotr · 6 years
“wouldn’t you rather earn something than have it just handed to you?”
Yeah when it comes to actual awards and fancy goods, but when it comes to basic needs, basic human decency, and accomodations, those things should always be handed to people. No one should have to “earn” those things.Value people as people, not base it on how much they produce. 
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luxotr · 6 years
As a linguistics nerd, I’d like to formally suggest “Nespring” as a nonbinary equivalent to niece/nephew and “Avaun” as a nonbinary equivalent to aunt/uncle
Nespring: literally meaning “the offspring of my sibling” from the old English roots “offspring” which is just ‘of spring’ and the Latin root “nepos” that both niece and nephew are derived from
Avaun: derived from the roots of both “aunt” and “uncle,” the anglo-French “aunte” and the Latin “avunculus”
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