lwybthescreenplay · 2 years
Act 2 : Shabbat Shalom
Cut To Ace in her bed typing a new screenplay. She's given up hope, but still marching on.
Ace : man...
She keeps typing, something keeps her up at night, it's inspiration. Just another day for her
Cut To Lyrannia
Evergreens castle, she's quietly studying as she hears patters on her door, she opens the door and there's no one. She's worried about her lost love, then a sudden rattling in her closet catches her curiosity.
Her pet bunny comes out, she's shocked and starts crying of joy. A miracle, her lost love cares still, she gets up quickly and calls out for her mom.
Norma hears her daughter and rushes to her in a panic
Norma : what's wrong? What happened?
She sees her daughter holding her bunny and starts to get emotional
Norma : that little angel
They both suddenly hear a meow and turn back
Evergreen: JULEE?
She falls to the ground in amazement, her mother leans down immediately to console her daughter
Remy, her brother hears them crying and rushes to their room
Remy : what's wrong? Who do I have to kill ?
Evergreen and Norma both say : oh shut up
They all laugh
Julio the cat walks around Remy and looks at him and says "howdy"
Remy faints
Norma gets up excited laughing
Norma : oh she's hot
Julio turns to jayde and says "hi, mom"
Jayde shocked faints too
Norma slow claps laughing and pushes her head back. She hears scratching at the door smiling
Norma : ohhhh no waaaay
She runs downstairs
She sees her other son josh opening the door and a black dog with a red collar walks in with a man in a black hat.
Norma : Welcome Back, Papa
Josh is spooked
Norma starts to jump up and down.
Evergreen and Remy peak down the stairs and she yells "Papa José?!?"
He looks up at her and smiles calmly saying in a fake voodoo accent "Bonjour"
Norma looks at her saying "told you she wasn't bad!"
Evergreen smirks and Julio runs down to meet his grandfather
Papa Jose in English : So... May I have a glass of water?
Josh faints
Norma : oh c'mon!
Papa Jose Smiles
Evergreens heart grew a little warmer that Saturday night
Norma : Jews are cool
She slowly starts to get emotional, he hugs her tight.
Papa José: Merci pour tout
Norma hugs him back tight
Remy grabs his phone and records the miracle, Papa José looks up at the camera and says "Mwen la Wanda, pa plèré! Dié toujou la pou nou. Pa janm laissé yo kassé espriw " as he tears up, Norma turns to the camera and Evergreen goes down to hug him.
Evergreen: It's finally nice to meet you
The bunny hops down and proceeds to bully Julio, bobby sniffs josh while he's fainted, they all laugh and wipe their tears
Remy immediately posts the video on his story and goes online and starts broadcasting on his social media
Remy : um Shabbat Shalom everyone... We.. have something to show the world... Well ... One special little angel but we need everyone's help so please let's get this as viral as possible
He backs up to show the beautiful reunion
The comments on the live start going crazy, an anonymous person comments "is that Papa José?" Remy reads it and replies quickly
Remy : Yes! It is! Um! Alex! We need to get Alex's attention! So please can we be kind... She's been through a whole lot and bad people are doing bad things to her and all she did was just hope for the best while we just stood and watch her get attacked so please everyone
Evergreen shouting: hashtag find AlxTheAce
Papa José: kot Wanda?
Norma laughs and calmly says : Baby Jesus... Where are you Wanda?
Josh calmly gets up rubbing his head
Norma : oh shit! Yeah! Josh my bad
They all laugh going to help him
Remy props the phone up while they go sit josh down
Play Pick A Side x AlxTheAce
0 notes
lwybthescreenplay · 2 years
Scene : the island, in a car.
Magdalene is sitting in her car, holding her stomach closely. Her Roméo has been thinking about her a lot lately. She looks out the window hesitantly as she opens the messages.
Another bully has been attacking her lover. Her heart can't break anymore...
Magdalene : How do you handle it? Why are they so mean to you... You haven't done anything but pray
She starts to get teary eyed
Magdalene proceeds while choking up: they were gonna kill my babies... They keep doing her wrong because of their madness! She hasn't done anything wrong! Wtf!
Her mother (Mary Jane) is concerned for her... She slowly gets in the car.
Mary Jane gently rubs her shoulder to then ask her daughter if she's okay
Magdalene can't contain her composure enough, she turns to her mother quickly crying
Magdalene : Mommy why do they hurt her like that? They murdered my lovebug.... She's cold, she's distant... I don't recognize Romeo, mom! Those fuckfaces are doing the most! TOO MUCH because she ain't fuck them? I can't
Mary Jane tries to gently calm down her daughter and slowly realizes a slight glow on her daughter
Magdalene holds onto her mother fondly
Magdalene says in a soft voice : I just want her to be ok... She's been working so hard and praying, mom. No one sees Roméo like I see him? He's always been an angel and they just run her down constantly!
She backs up from her mother and grips the wheel tight in rage
Mary Jane : umm...
Magdalene grips it tighter while she channels her anger
Mary Jane : umm... I think you should let go of the whee-
Magdalene interrupts abruptly her mother : NO! she give me the wheel! And I Gon grip it...
Mary Jane : woo I think we need a drive
Magdalene puts her head down slowly and gently starts to laugh
Mary Jane looks in slight confusion as Magdalene looks up slowly in an ominous way
Magdalene's laugh escalates slowly... It turns maniacal.
Mary Jane : earth to Magdalene?
Magdalene: NO! NO! NO NO NO NO!!!
She hits the horn
Mary Jane jumps
Magdalene in a passionate display of rage screams : THEY NEED TO DIE! THEY NEED TO GOOOO MOM
Mary Jane hugs her daughter with so much tenderness as she cries at the injustice
Magdalene: that's my baby mom
Mary Jane rubs her daughters back trying to calm her down and she sees her daughters hand prints on the steering wheel. She lets her go
Mary Jane : Magdalene are you pregnant?!
Magdalene shakes her head wiping her eyes
Mary Jane : umm.. can we switch seats? Let me take you out on a drive
Magdalene: Can I stay here for just a few more minutes please mom?
Mary Jane : anything for you
Magdalene nodding while sniffing utters "thank you"
Cut to Atlantis
Bird girl is packing her bags in a fit of rage
Her Sister Jasmine is watching her pack her bags
Jasmine : oh nah, what happened now? You never go on vacation
Bird girl turns around with a vibrator in hand pointing it at her sister
Bird girl : NO! now I HAVE TO. Because my fucking HUSBAND wants to sit here and DIVORCE ME and I'm gonna rip that girl a new one!
Jasmine eyes open wide
Jasmine : umm???
Bird girl : Look. I really don't have time to explain all this mumbo jumbo anymore. She cussed my ass out on live knowing damn well it turns me on ughhhhhhhh ACE!! why are you such a badboy
Jasmine calmly lowers her sisters hand
Jasmine : why the dick?
Bird girl blushes and says under her breath "earth sign tingz"
Jasmines eyebrow raises as she puts two and two together
Jasmine : OH? OHHHHHH!!!! That's why you've been waking up happy...
Bird girl : it shows?
Jasmine : um... It's a kind of glow... Mixed with the fact I can hear you grunting and deadass, good for you. You needed to get out the house
Bird girl : I knowwwww. Looney Bear has been hinting at visiting him... But he's too sweet, I'm too shy. I don't know what to say
She sits on her bed and covers her face
Jasmine : oh you reaaaally got it baaaad huh
Bird girl lays back holding her pillow and let's out a giant sigh
Jasmine : why... Why you sigh?
Bird girl: Looney Bear has been zapped out of juice because people keep draining her out of envy
Jasmine sees that her sister starts to get emotional and gets closer to comfort her
Bird girl : theyve been attacking her for almost 10 years now... Looney Bear and I were both expecting and then they just socked her... So now she's "broke" but not really... I've just needed to at least have a friend's day but... I.. I fucking caught a crush
She clenches her pillow hard
And I hate that... Fuck... Those voice notes were dumb profound! I should've listened earlier... Maybe she wouldn't had blown up like that... I feel so baaad
Jasmine hugs her sister..
Jasmine : well.. if you like Looney Bea-
Bird girl : zip it! That's my husband. I LOVE THEM.
Jasmine : woah
Bird girl : FUCK!
Jasmine : well.. now that that's settled... Just invite
them over... I'm pretty sure your husband won't say no
Bird Girl : you think?
Jasmine : well... Duh?
Bird Girl : duh?!?
Jasmine : well if she likes you... Then she understands you? So if she divorced you then that means she knew you married her? If that makes sense? Just say fuck it and buy the ticket.
Bird Girl gets up quickly and looks for her phone
Bird Girl : that's why she sent me her passport... Oh OHHHHHH Looney Bear
Jasmine gets up quick
Jasmine : is she insane?!? She just sent you her whole fucking passport???
Bird Girl nodding and pouting
Bird Girl : but now I have an ouchy and only SHE can fix it. Fuuuuck
Jasmine : oh.. oh... She dropped bombs on your live and now she bouta drop dick off? Nah, I need to sleep somewhere else if that's what y'all finna do
Bird Girl : what does that mean?
Jasmine : y'all some hoes
Bird Girl bursts out into laughter
Bird Girl : ugh! She does this every time. She just cuddles, cums and then just watches me at work. Ugh! Her eagle eyes are on and heavy it's... Tantalizing
Jasmine : WOOO.... Y'all are churchy as fuck...
Bird Girl : you know what? Fuck it! I'm flying her out, so then we can get married and see about France... Ugh, her husband better not mind
Jasmine : I get shocked at that every single time dude.
Bird Girl : oh gosh, roll with the times
Jasmine : no... You right you right
Bird Girl : fuck it. Love conquers all after all. Grab me my purse. I need a shot first!
I need my baby here, in Atlantis with me by Tuesday... I'm gonna fuck her til I cry cause she's been hitting some spots and I'm just like "babyyy... Not while I'm at work pleaseeee"
Jasmine : oh she got yo ass
Cut to The Island, Mary Jane is driving to the pharmacy .
Magdalene: what you're gonna look for?
Mary Jane : umm.. I need a vitamin... I'ma be right back
She gets out the car quickly after parking and fast walks inside
Cut to inside the pharmacy ,Mary Jane is looking at pregnancy tests, she grabs an arm bunch of them and goes straight to the counter
Pharmacy clerk : Mary Jane?
Mary Jane: oh hey Denise!
Denise : Hi... I see you're having a fun time
Mary Jane smiles facetiously and grabs a hand sanitizer
Mary Jane : add that too
She then proceeds to look at her daughter in the car... The melancholia was glooming over her... Her daughter is in love
Denise : the total is 77,89
Mary Jane : I got change
Cut to Atlantis
Bird Girl : Okay Jasmine! So the closest flight for Tuesday has been booked!!
Jasmine : great!
Bird Girl : fuckkk... She needs an esta..
Jasmine : dude. Just send her the tickets, then tell her about it.
Bird Girl : but I know Looney Bear won't ask me for money
Jasmine : how is that a bad thing?
Bird Girl : ugh! That's my hubby. You know what? I'll just send the screenshots and say "fight me".
Jasmine : is that why you've been so angry every morning?!?
Bird Girl says mindlessly while looking at the messages from her husband: oh no that's morning sickness
Jasmine : HOLD UP!
Bird Girl looks up at her : wut?
Jasmine : are you pregnant?
Bird Girl: what are you talking about?
Jasmine : you just said it's morning sickness
Bird Girl hesitantly looks around.
Bird Girl : OH.... ohhhh.... Is... Is that why...wait a minute
She quickly goes on one of her husband's many ig pages
Bird Girl : found it! It's her altar. Ugh that Brainiac. I thought she was just using me as a charm like everyone else... Then she just kept coming back with more love for me.. fuckkk that's my qing with a q man.. there it is! A Zeus meme
Jasmine : hah! Classic
Bird Girl : oh y'all will fit in fine. Fuck it. I'm flying her ass out! And she better not be cheap with her time. She's shy af too. It took her too many months to jack off to me and I want it all now . Whatever. It's her damn portals. Fuuuuck. ACE! ugh. Game on. I'll send her the screenshots on Saturdays and she better ask me to Paypal her some money or I'm bouta have a fit in Arabic
Jasmine : why Arabic?
Bird Girl : it turns her on ... It turns her upppp
Jasmine : oh nahhh... I have more and more fun
Bird Girl biting her lip softly: stop thinking of me like that
Jasmine : ew, y'all get down on the interstellar?
Bird Girl : you were stalking Lunera too?!?
Jasmine : everyone stalks Lunera
Bird Girl : yeah about that.... That's my hubby...
cut to The Island and Magdalene and her mother are in the car parked by her father's house.
Magdalene: why are we here?
Mary Jane : Magdalene you're pregnant by Romeo!
Magdalene spits out her mango pineapple drink : I beg your pardon?
Mary Jane : Magdalene you bent the steering wheel
Magdalene: I was vex
Mary Jane : nah nah nah, I wasn't born yesterday and you telling me that she's a demi god makes so much sense now! Nothing surprises me anymore when you meet that sweetheart.
Magdalene smiles while drinking her juice
Mary Jane : I thought you said no...
Magdalene: I have the right to change my mind ...
Mary Jane :... You just didn't want her to cheat
Magdalene: Romeo is a snack! No no, Bum bitches tried to blow up her soul because she's a snack and only getting finer and kinder! No! She can't fuck me like that in the day and then just thinks I ain't gonna do sumin about it
Mary Jane : yes! Finally!
Magdalene: finally?!?
Mary Jane : in actuality I could kinda see y'all liked each other and y'all are drastically possessive of each other... The other night when you were drinking... And um... Yeah.. you got kinda flirty with your cup?
Magdalene: oh you saw that?
Mary Jane : no we all knew right then and there y'all were fucking insane for each other
Magdalene in confusion: um... Since when?
Mary Jane : since forever! Plus I like her.... A lot for you.
Magdalene: what do you mean since forever?
Mary Jane : you never realized Romeo liked you?
Magdalene: slow down wait mom hold up
Mary Jane : you're gonna pee on some sticks first
Magdalene: and if it's negative?
Mary Jane : it's not gonna be negative
Magdalene: how do you know?
Mary Jane: A mother knows. C'mon
Cut To Atlantis
Bird girl: I need to be sexy.fuckkkk I don't know what to wear, who to be. Ugh she's been talking about pulling my wig and I can't handle that right now
Jasmine : no judgement but like...just be chill
Bird Girl : you right..you right.. plus I got her techy stuff. Ugh, she better not be so adorable dammit
Jasmine : yeah that squeak in Spanish was too cute
Bird Girl : yeah she's gonna hate me for that one
Jasmine : that's what the gifts are for
Bird Girl : you know it.
Jasmine : wait...so what about overseas?
Bird Girl: she just needs a new place, I know she won't mind "working" for me
Jasmine : what does she do like that?
Bird Girl : she does it all but She's really sad right now. Hubby is a painter and chills as a graphic designer so I'm just gonna book her over and over and over until she sits still
Jasmine : what does that mean?
Bird Girl : oh I'm tryna be her only benefactor.plus her hubby won't mind. As long as he's getting a stream of income that he's working for, he really doesn't care.
Jasmine : huh..
Bird Girl: yep. They're super progressive
Jasmine : Goals
Bird girl: that's my eshu
Cut to The Island
Mary Jane And Bouclier are having a discussion while Magdalene keeps looking at all the tests
She opens the door with them all and puts them on the table
Bouclier, her father: that's kinda unsanitary
Mary Jane hits him on the arm and he laughs
Bouclier : hold up! 7 different tests...
Magdalene: yes...
Bouclier : and they're all positive
Mary Jane : yes
Bouclier : Wow.. Roméo did that? How???
Magdalene: immaculate conception
Bouclier: what the fuuuuuck
Mary Jane looks at her daughter and says "boom"
Magdalene tries not to show that she's smug
Mary Jane : why that face?
Magdalene pulls out a poker chip from her purse, leans down and says in a sinister tone "I'm buying the town tonight"
Bouclier : How?
Magdalene: We gotta hit the casinos
Mary Jane : How Do you Know?
Magdalene caressing her stomach with love smiles softly and whispers "project SITNALTA"
Bouclier: wut does that mean?
Magdalene: KHAØS!
Mary Jane : oh no
Mary Jane: ohhh noooo
Magdalene laughs maniacally while grabbing her tests
Her parents look at each other and both turn their heads
Bouclier : Oh... That's Romeo's kids alright
Magdalene: how do y'all know?!?
Bouclier : Um... Romeo leaves a trail of KHAØS
Magdalene: Mood.
Play Mood x Alx The Ace
0 notes
lwybthescreenplay · 2 years
8:33 am July 3rd
Act I : The Voice Notes
As the sun beamed in on a warm early morning, the cars drove by, the crows cawed melodically while "LOVE" from the Damn album by Kendrick Lamar passed through my mind. "I'm thinking about you again" is what I say to myself. "FUCK!"
Cut to : Mystery Woman pacing back and forth out of her bathroom in her High Rise Apartment in Atlantis.
She just found out she's pregnant after taking 10 different tests.
Here's the catch... She's been celibate for a while... DAMN.
Mystery Woman : LACE! Fuuuuck. What did my baby do? HOW? UGHHH!
She paces faster around her house as her sister Jasmine tries to calm her down
Jasmine : Um.. I think you should... Um I need a minute
Mystery Woman tries hard not to bite on her freshly painted coffin nails in distress
MW: DAMN. DAMNIT. UGH. FUCK. I don't know what to tell her
Jasmine : HER?
Mystery Woman hides her face while slowly backing away into her bathroom like the Homer Simpson Bush Gif
Jasmine slowly sits down, then gets back up quick in confusion.
Jasmine : What do you mean HER??
MW giggles uncontrollably with no remorse. Her sister is concerned and inches closer to the bathroom as she starts clapping in the mirror.
MW: Bravo, Beloved. Bravo.
The bathroom light flickers softly as she collects composure. Jasmine holds on to the door frame and peaks in absolute curiosity while MW puts her hand on the mirror and one on her Womb.
Jasmine slightly scared and very intimidating gulps
Jasmine replies in the softest voice "What do you mean... HER?... "
MW turns her head to her sister while smiling
She quickly wets her face and starts brushing her teeth
MW : Don't be frightened, it's Monday for her, so this is dead the fuck ass just a regular Monday
She tries not to giggle but can't help but saying "She's Looney"
She turns her head to the side while giggling uncontrollably and touching her Womb with tenderness
MW as she sighs with relief : "she's my Looney Bear"
Jasmine : Finish brushing your teeth please! It's muffled and on some real shit she sent too many messages to you. That shit is fucking off
MW spits and puts her tongue out to brush it anxiously and says : well no shit. She shot my club up. Duh.
Jasmine pulls her up quick the toothbrush falls and MW watches her shook
Jasmine : What does that even meeeeaaaaaan??
MW looking at the toothbrush says in a soft voice : That's unsanitary.
She slowly starts to tear up while holding herself. Jasmine watches her and realizes that there's an air of innocence she hasn't seen ever on her sister. "HOLY FUCK" her sister mouthed
MW : Exactly. See! You understand now. Can you kinda let me go now?
Jasmine still in very much confusion let's her sister go and picks up her toothbrush. She grabs one of the many tests, puts the toilet seat down and sits down... So ... You're pregnant?
MW nods and rinses out her mouth
Are you sure sure?
MW looks at her and rolls her eyes while caressing her phone screen
Why ... Why are you doing that?
MW : Well Looney Bear needed to get naughty because she's been too good but there's been what we thought were only 4 bratty douches literally trying to murder her to eat her vagina as an aphrodisiac
Jasmine clenches the toilet and screams "WHAT?!?"
MW hugs her phone nodding in sadness trying not to cry
MW : they tried to kill my Lyre
Jasmine: hold up...
Silence fills the room as the lights starts to flicker
MW sighs, looks into the mirror and says calmly while placing the phone on the mirror
Jasmine giggles and ask what was that?
MW : Idiots who blew up her ACTUAL soul and are reaaaally trying to end her before their consequences get to them. She's actually THEE Virgo the Tarot talks about... Idk how she's all the signs right now but it's... Clutch as fuck not gonna lie
Jasmine face palms and sighs while laughing
Jasmine : you are off your rockets man. I wanna meet her. Can we met her?
MW: well... It's them?
Jasmine gets up fast in curiosity
MW: Well first of all... She's married... Twice now
She said as she smirks to the mirror and whispers "return to sender" then knocks on the mirror 4 times
Jasmine is shook
MW puts her phone down on the bathroom counter
Jasmine : um...girl?
MW: We... We have to go to France...
Jasmine giggling and busts out in a dance screaming "How?!"
MW: Well... We caught 22.
Jasmine moonwalking out of her bathroom saying "I don't know what it means but I needed a vacation"
MW following her out the bathroom laughing picking on her like when they were younger, older sisters never really change, they'll always be that little devil steering you right.
MW: dance battle!
Jasmine : bet?
MW : wait! But first... I kinda need to- she clears her throat and softly says "DND"
Jasmine stops dancing and shakes her head while grabbing her keys "I don't need to know what that means"
MW : stares up to her ceiling... She hears wedding bells... Aww baby
She sits down
Jasmine still very confused : dude! I don't care! I'ma go get some stuff, no way! I'm an aunt now! I don't care! Bye! Bye!
MW: looks out at the view and stares at the purple Talarias hugging her pillow blushing, she gently wipes her tear.
I knew you loved me more, but not like this... Fine ! Let's go.
She gets up and goes to her bathroom, goes on Air France and orders the first plane ticket to Clermont-Ferrand France, she sighs while shaking her head in disbelief at the prices
Oh that's why you were telling me to hurry my ass up.... Oh... Oh- she throws up in her bathroom sink again, grips it hard, spits and immediately rinses her mouth out.
FUCK IT! whatever is needed to stop this fucking chiffonade
She bites her lip and talks to herself softly
Baby, I know you're horny... Stop playing with me like that... Ugh you're the shittiest spy ever. FUCK! You win! You won!
She grips the sink harder and let's go in ecstasy as she holds on to her chest . Her Looney Bear is thinking about her a lot... thinking about her to death...
MW : la petite mort... Lovely
She rinses her face off one last time giggling, grabs her towel and looks in the mirror and drops it in surprise, it knocks her back and she collapses on her toilet, she orgasms on the spot "DADDY! WAIT. Fuuuuck!"
Jasmine confusedly looks at her, MW jumps embarrassed and hides her face behind her hands
MW: I thought you left... Oh noooo
Jasmine laughing uncontrollably "oh you got it baaaad
MW gets up quickly and tells her sister to get out politely
Jasmine backs up in surprise
MW: what?
Jasmine : um... Your eyes are blue?
MW : fuck is you talming about nigga?
Jasmine : Nah ho, fuck is you talking about?
MW : wait... Wait...
She slowly backs into the bathroom and looks in the mirror
MW: oh... GAME ON!
Jasmine : I like Looney Bear!
MW: oh... You're gonna like her even more.. but first.. um... We need a family meeting... There's... Things we have to... Listen to
Jasmine nodding in instigation : oh I like her... I liker ass a lot
MW bites her lip and asks... You wanna see what she looks like?
Jasmine : nah... I wanna film that airport first meeting. I don't wanna know ANYTHING
MW : what day is it? Oh no no
She paces to her room and looks at the bag of gifts she bought for her Looney Bear
She hugs herself in amazement. FUCK ME ACE! she yells to herself
Jasmine casually records her sister
Jasmine : oh she's fun
MW : A.F.
MW turns her head and realizes that her sister is recording her.
MW: Go to your room man!
Jasmine : nah, I like this new you
MW sits on her bed and sighs profusely
MW : Looney Bear, what did you do?
Jasmine : So... When are we leaving?
MW: in 6 hours. I'm NOT doing 4th of July here. Plus, there's money I gotta give her.
Jasmine : what?
MW: Pussy, Money, Weed boo. That's my au pair. Get in on it babe. We been woke
Jasmine tilts her head in intrigue.
Jasmine : so that bag?
MW : she's gonna come for it
Jasmine: what?
MW : oh we're not spending 4th of July here. Plus her husband has been complaining about being broke for the longest
Jasmine walks straight to window and opens it and screams "what the fuck?!"
MW eyebrow lifts slowly
MW: she's cool like that
Jasmine : HOLD UP.
MW lays back on her bed, grabs small paintings from under her pillow and holds them dear to her heart
Jasmine : WHO IS SHE
MW : My Au Pair
Jasmine : that's not helping
MW : whatever. We just have to get dad, mom and well you get it. We have to listen to specific voice notes and fly out. But we'll be back by Friday. We have to spook the world
Jasmine starts smirking
Jasmine : oh I looove Looney Bear now
MW : Match made in heaven, right?
Jasmine : absofuckinglutely
MW : LaFrancé
Jasmine : wait... So... You're french now?
MW nods while covering her face with the paintings
MW : She's coming over by Thursday and she's not gonna be here... Not yet... I need to get some stuff done. But pack your bags, we're visiting Salem
Jasmine yells "Salem?!?"
MW nods while giggling
Jasmine : DUDE! NO WAY NO WAY!
MW : let's go. That's enough. Just pack a few things. We're gonna go back and forth for a bit until we find the rhythm
Jasmine : oh.. I LOVE THIS NEW YOU
Jasmine slow claps and yells out the window "BRAVO LOONEY BEAR"
jasmine quickly closes the windows and realizes she ticked her sister off and rushes to her room while calling her best friend
MW : MAH NIGGA. REALLY? Can you at least close the door?!
She sighs, gets up, closes her door and locks it.
Theres a coolness in the air that lingers... MW realizes that sometimes the greatest gift come from the most unexpected places.
MW : You're mine. You've always been... See you this Tuesday... At the Mercure hotel in Clermont Ferrand. Enough is enough plus I'm tired of stalking you on those anon apps. I'm sorry I'm so shy.. you caught me my Looney Pooh... Together forever. Fuck it! Good thing I saved that playlist before you'd self destruct... Ugh! STAHP with the whining I'm coming over Mars! UGH. My baby warned meee. Whatever.
I need a nap.
Done at 11:11 am.
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