lxighmadxson · 3 months
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Whatcha got for me?
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lxighmadxson · 5 months
Despite everything getting warmer nowadays and definitely more humid, Leigh still enjoyed her hot coffee in the morning. Well, whenever there was some available. it helped to get her going and ready for the day, especially with Allison running her ragged on the way to the daycare every morning. So after dropping off her little girl she headed to the community center for her cup. That's when she ran into Penny. "Oh hey...oh, dang," she muttered, kneeling down to try and help clean up the mess with her. "You got nothing to apologize for, honest. If I had a nickel for every time I dropped something....well, I'd have a lot of useless money. But hey, this just means today can only get better, right?"
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@lxighmadxson location: community center
She needed something hot, whether it was watered down coffee or tea or whatever. Though the weather was finally warming up, the wind chill stuck in Penny's bones. Instead of visiting the stables first thing, she made her way down to the community center and find something to quench that desire. With coffee dwindling, Penny made do with tea. Feeling someone behind her, Penny realized the familiar blonde head of hair was Leigh. With a smile, Penny turned to greet her friend. When she did, the cup she'd been holding slipped from her hand, falling to the ground. "Frick! I'm so sorry, Leigh." Penny scrambled to grab napkins. "Apparently it's going to be a day."
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
Hey girl you got a boss ass even though you had a baby and shit. Your tits still look great too and I bet you'd look great even if you got knocked up again. Bet lots of guys in town stripped one off thinking of you. Gals too maybe. I know chicks like hearing this kind of shit it makes them feel good. Happy Pot of gold - Mike
Uh.....thanks....I think
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
What is your daughter's favorite color?
Right now, it's yellow.
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
Which one would you prefer: have no nose but have really good smelling fingers or be blind but have a really nice smile?
This is so weird..... probably no nose? I like being able to see and I want to be able to see Allison grow up.
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
What was your character’s go-to drink order? What is their grooming routine? What shoes do they usually wear? Describe the place where they sleep. What was their favorite holiday? What objects do they always carry around with them?
Beer or whisky on the rocks || Considering the work I do, I tend to wake up, put my hair up, quickly brush my teeth and slap on some deodorant before heading out. When I get home and unwind for the evening I'll take a relaxing shower to wash the day away. || Cowboy boots!! || Big queen bed with lots of blankets and pillows. || Always a big fan of Christmas || Gloves, snacks for Allison and the horses, a knife and a gerber.
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
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Kissing Booth!!
where Leigh visits Fleet at the Kissing Booth to try to ninja her way into getting ideas on what to get him for the Pot of Gold @fleetsummers
Leigh Madison
After finding out she had gotten Fleet for the Pot of Gold thing, she had been trying to come up with something to give him, but despite their mission to get food for the Ranch, Leigh realized she didn't have much else to go off of for figuring out an idea. So it was time for some intel gathering. Leigh approached the booth with a bag in her hand that contained three seperate paper flower crowns. "I come bearing a gift for the leprechauns," she said as she held it up, "courtesy of Allison." 
fleet summers
Fleet sat up excitedly, clapping his hands together lightly. "Leigh!" he exclaimed. "That's so nice of Allison! And you, of course, for agreeing to deliver her presents." It felt like they'd barely seen each other since the Ranch, since those last rushing, terrifying moments when she'd been trying to get out to warn Redwood; everyone had touched base with each other (even the briefest of contact) once they were home, but it was still ... jangly. Getting settled back in. For some people more than others. "She must be very relieved to have you back."
Leigh Madison
Leigh smiled and laughed as she set down the bag for him. "Allison is her only little leprechaun in her own way. I did try to let her know that flower crowns were more for fairies than leprechauns but there was no stopping her." Leigh felt somewhat bad that she had been a little dodgey since getting back to Redwood, especially around people who had been at the ranch but she had been focusing on her daughter. Spending as much time as she could with her and treasuring every second. "Oh, you have no idea. She would be attached to my leg like a little koala bear right now if I hadn't insisted that Jimmy specifically requested her to braid his hair." Leigh laughed a little under her breath at the image in her head now. "So, how has this been going? Been keeping pretty busy?"
fleet summers
With an arch little lift of his eyebrows and shoulder, Fleet intoned, "...baby girl has the right idea, some of us Leprechauns are also fairies," breaking into a laugh that turned into a cooing, 'awwwww!' as he lifted out the crown that he liked best, setting it to his head immediately. "Lucky girl. I'd like a turn at braiding Jimmy's hair myself." Fleet smiled at Leigh's question about how the booth had been going, saying, "It's been fun! During the Leprechaun debriefing meetings I heard that Clint's brother visited and didn't really behave himself, though Val and Beth were both discreet about it, they didn't go into details. I just extrapolated. That's the only blip." Fleet frowned for a moment, but smoothed it away for Leigh's sake. "Are you happy with your assignment? We split up the names so I only know a third of them and of course we don't know who got any of us Leprechauns."
Leigh Madison
The way Fleet lit up when he picked up one of the flower crowns and put it on his head, she felt a wave of joy course through her. It was nice to see so many smiling faces now. "Y'know, the next time Jimmy asks, I'll see about throwing you into the ring. You would have to share with Allison, though." Leigh really was curious about how the booth was going and who had come swinging by. She shifted a little uncomfortably at the mention of Clint's brother. "Mike, right? Yeah, the guy gives me some creeper vibes." And that wasn't just because he was a former Daybreaker or had apparently done the things that planted Clint in the clinic. "Me? Oh yeah, I'm pretty excited. Although I'm trying to come up with what to get them. I feel like they might be happy with anything but I want to do something meaningful." She thought this might be a good way to get into what Fleet would like sneakily but she didn't want to give it away too easily. She needed to be more subtle. "What about you? You know what you're going to get who you got?"
fleet summers
"Put me in the game, coach! I'd happily share a shift of Jimmy Beautification." Fleet amended just in case: "--not that he's not beautiful as it is. The man's breathtaking. But we can all use a little embellishment." He touched his fingertips against the flowers on his brow to emphasize, leaving the topic of Mike to follow Leigh's explanation about her Act of Niceness. "Something meaningful is always the pinnacle to aim for," Fleet said, "but don't stress yourself! I barely know anything about my recipient but I think they're the same, they'd be happy with just about whatever." He was picking up little bits of info about Harry, but nothing earth-shaking. "I'm waiting for inspiration to strike. Calling on the muses for aid."
Leigh Madison
Leigh laughed. "I'll add you to the line up." Fleet was right - everyone deserved to look glorious, even if it was for no specific reason. Leigh stuffed her hand into her jacket pocket, following along as Fleet spread his insight into the Act of Niceness. "Ah, you see, you say that, but I'm the kind of person that always stressed over giving the perfect gift during any holiday. I get joy seeing the happiness on someone's face when they get a gift." But there was Leigh's first hint. "Really? You'd be happy with anything you were given?"
fleet summers
"I really would. And I know that sounds ... ridiculous," Fleet rolled his eyes, turning slightly flushed, "it sounds like I'm straight out of Equestria and I'm gearing up for a very special lesson about how the best gifts, no matter what they are, come from the heart, but that's true!" He propped one elbow on the booth, musing, "I get that for a lot of people, gift-giving is about the rush from when the person likes the present. But I think that's also what causes the stress. Our hope with this wasn't who gets the best and most perfect present, it was just for people to connect by thinking about what would make their friends and neighbours' days a little brighter."
Leigh Madison
While Fleet's answer was helpful, it also almost wasn't. But the fact he knew Equestria, well....that was something she could work with. "Just a little bit, yeah, but that's not a bad thing. I think a lot of people could learn a lot if we were in Equestria." Leigh leaned against the booth carefully. "That's honestly really sweet. The three of you are quite the creative geniuses. Although, I shouldn't be surprised. The three of you could light up a meadow during a new moon."
fleet summers
A meadow during a new moon -- Fleet had never heard that expression, and his immediate reaction of delight was tempered by him dialing it back and tossing his head, fondly sniffing, "...Texans," as he shivered in pleasure at the sentiment. He had his own Texan to think that way about, now. "Everyone's been through so much. I'm glad that this is doing something to make people feel a little lighter, even for a moment or two."
Leigh Madison
Leigh couldn't help but laugh a little bit at his reaction to her coloquism. "Hey, don't say it like that! I thought it was super sweet!" Her laugh died a little bit but her smile remained pretty permanent on her face. "So am I. After the Ranch, I think people needed this....and I realized I never really got to thank you for helping Colin and me back there."
fleet summers
"You don't have to thank me, Leigh. Honestly it just makes me feel weird when people thank me for the things I did there. Not to make you feel bad!" Fleet hastened to say, holding out his hand over the booth counter. "I get it, and I'm thankful too for everyone who was there, but it's just ... a lot. To adjust to, what I did." Fleet looked at her, eyes limpid and brows pulled fretfully together, hoping Leigh understood what he was getting at.
Leigh Madison
Leigh shifted slightly as she did feel a little awkward now. Honestly she wished she could have done more, or at least make it back to Redwood to warn everyone and not get thrown off Stella before she even made it back. But she also knew if she had stayed back at the Ranch she could very well not have made it back. "Yeah, I understand. It was....a lot."
fleet summers
"A lot a lot." Fleet tipped his head, regarding her. "Do you want a kiss? Or a hug or a hand-holding or anything like that?" He balanced his chin on the backs of his fingertips, posing as he said, "That's what us Leprechauns are here for, after all. And I like doing it so don't feel hesitant to ask."
Leigh Madison
"Ah, yes." She hummed a little as she leaned against the table top. "I have heard a kiss from a leprechaun is supposed to bring good luck."
fleet summers
"A whole rainbow full." Fleet leaned across to meet Leigh, planting a warm kiss against her mouth, then reaching up to keep his flower crown from shifting and falling off. "And one for you to pass on to Allison for me, on behalf of all the Leprechauns," he said with a laugh, leaning back in to drop a kiss lightly on the crest of her cheek. Fleet pulled back a bit, not too much, and said with quiet wryness, "...it's not the life any of us saw coming, is it?"
Leigh Madison
Leigh closed her eyes and gave him back a sweet kiss as well. Yep, this was definitely a nice little pick-me-up. The second kiss to her cheek made her breath a smile and a laugh. Ally was gonna enjoy knowing she was getting a kiss from a leprechaun. "She's going to feel truly special." Whether it was just how nice this was or if it was just a breath of fresh air, she did really feel a bit more at ease. The kissing booth maybe was full of leprechaun magic. "No, not in a million years," she huffed with a soft laugh under her breath. "But at least we have one to live."
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
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Whatcha got for me?
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
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Animal in You .... Lion
The lion personality has an unmistakable presence of nobility. Moving with the unruffled calm of a cat and the dignified gait of someone in command, lions have no need to walk or talk quickly since they're never in danger of being ignored or marginalized. Every now and then, the lion will play to its gruff reputation by dramatically reprimanding a subordinate or impulsively making love to its partner with unsheathed claws, but underneath all that hissing and scratching, it's still a pussycat at heart.
Lions usurp a disproportional amount of resources with their extravagant lifestyles, and because of their voracious appetites society cannot support a great number of them.
Energetic and strong, lions respect strength in others and have no time for subtlety. Their moods are demonstrated with abandon, from yawning in public to growling at impudent inferiors, and they feel no need to follow social etiquette. They're always the first to complain about bad food or service in a restaurant, but are fair-minded and equitable and are often called to settle disputes of others.
When a lion is hired into a new job, things immediately begin to change. New alliances are forged and old rules are thrown out without regard for the feelings of others. In short order, there is a new sense of direction and a tangible sense of confidence percolating throughout the organization. Perhaps because of their powerful personalities lions are not detail oriented, for the minutia of the mundane irritates the lion. It prefers to concentrate on the bigger picture, expecting its mate to do the 'trivial' tasks of shopping, housekeeping and childrearing.
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
How does your character's voice sound? Do they have any particular speech patterns? Feel free to post media to illustrate!
Leigh barely sounds Southern. She talks a little fast for being from Texas but there are certain words and phrases that really show her Southern roots.
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
Leigh had gotten a little bit of a late start. Well, a late start for her. Normally Leigh liked to get to the stables early in the morning to get a head start on things but Allison hadn't been feeling good. Or, well, said she hadn't been feeling good. In reality, Allison had just said that her tummy hurt because she didn't want to go to daycare. Leave it to her three year old to come up with an elaborate lie like that. So by the time she got to the ranch, she felt like she was running behind.
Leigh first started with the sheep and the donkeys, getting them fed and checking on them. After rounding up some eggs from the chicken coop she went into the stables and was slightly surprised, but not really, to find that Hazel was there.
"Oh hey," she greeted as she slid the barn door open. "Or course, take as much time as you want. If you need me to step out of the way, let me know. I don't mind. I was just gonna start mixing their feed."
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location: stables with @lxighmadxson
When Hazel walked into the stables, the place seemed empty like she had initially hoped too. Having worked as the town's vet for that long, she knew the rough schedule of the place, which meant she knew the best time to drop by when one wanted to avoid people, which was her case. She didn't have anything against the people working there- if anything, they had the wellbeing of the animals as a common goal and that was enough for her to at try to get along with them. But in moments like this, she preferred to be alone, with the company she went there to find.
Lucky was the first to neigh when he heard the door open and her steps approach, as if sensing her presence. She approached him with a smile, her hand lovingly petting his chestnut back. "I've missed you too, boy," she said, even though he was old, had been for a while. Maybe that was why Jason didn't take him with him when he fled, but she would never know certainly.
The door opened again and Hazel's head turned to find Leigh walking in. "Hey, thought I'd check on the horses," she half-lied instinctively, unwilling to share the actual reason of her visit.
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
"Oh, I will," she smiled as she sat down nearby. His joke made her laugh a bit and she nodded a bit with her laugh. "Yeah, just a bit. Although I forsee a flower crown in your future. Allison learned how to make them at daycare and now she's been practicing. I think if she could, she would make one for everyone in town. Hopefully I can distract her with braiding Jimmy's hair to postpone the inevitable as long as I can."
Leigh spotted Winter out of the corner of her eye and watched the kitty settle down on top of Colin. Luna was much the same with her, although she tended to sleep with Allison more than her. That, she was fine with. Colin's question caught her off guard but she glanced over at her shoulder and realized what he was saying. "Oh, yeah. Not the smoothest. Honestly, I..." she sighed, "I didn't make it back. I got knocked off Stella before I got to Redwood and I was flustered and scared that someone might have followed me. I probably wouldn't have made it back if Orion and Alden hadn't found me when they did."
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Colin listened and took the card. He was not really fond of children at a certain age, but even he had to admit that the little girl was a sweetheart to think of him. Even if the spelling had room to improve. "Thank her for me " he replied. "Beth has been bringing me food, I've never eaten that much since arriving here, but I suppose soup is still more useful than flowers. " he attempted at joking.
He then laid more comfortably back in bed, and thus Winter came to sit on his stomach like a deadweight purring. He caressed the cat and only now noticed her arm. "Not such a smooth escape , how did you manage to find Redwood? "
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
"You and me both," she laughed. The stretch of Beth was all too familiar for Leigh. She pulled off that very same stretch so many times, both while pregnant with Allison and even after. "If you push your elbows towards each other more you can feel the stretch further up your back."
Leigh was grateful to hear that Colin seemed to be doing a bit better. She was planning on stopping by and checking on him. She owed him so much. Without him and Fleet she probably wouldn't have been able to make it out of the Ranch when she did. "I'm glad. Really. I was gonna stop by and check on him a bit later and bring him a little goodie basket of stuff. I hope he won't mind."
Leigh looked over at her shoulder and shrugged her good one. "I'm alright. Better now that we're all back here. You know Colin - he was quite heroic over there. Your brother....he's a good guy."
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She watched the little girl with an indulgent smile. "She's right, though - absolutely not a cookie. Very smart, Ally."
Beth pushed back to standing, palms resting on the back of her hips, pressing gently as she stretched. "I envy her endurance, Leigh, and I'll tell you that for free."
Colin. The mention of her brother most always resulted in a smile. "Better, thank you. I think his job here works well for staying quiet and letting your throat mend." She had left concussion worries behind a good few days ago - and that had been her bigger concern. "How're you faring?"
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lxighmadxson · 6 months
open starter!
location: Stables
Leigh finally had her arm out of the sling, however it was still a long way from being fully healed. Needless to say, though, she had found a work around to some of her tasks. Harper was a great big help when it came to the heavy lifting tasks, leaving Leigh with the easier ones. She felt bad that Harper had to do the harder stuff and she was determined to make it up to him at some point.
Today she was focusing on getting the horses worked. She could easily lead them around the grounds no problem. Even if Buck was being extra stubborn today. Right now she was guiding her own horse around - Jasmine. She was getting a little stiff in the joints and she knew one of these days she would have to put her down - the poor girl was old.
Leigh was guiding Jasmine back towards the stables when she noticed someone hanging around the farm. It was hard to make out who it was with the sun glaring in her eyes. "Ya looking for something or someone?" she asked as she got closer.
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lxighmadxson · 7 months
Go to karaoke song?
Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood
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lxighmadxson · 7 months
How are you doing today?
Pretty good and alive! I can't complain.
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lxighmadxson · 7 months
Do you prefer lots of rain or lots of snow?
Honestly, snow. It's easier to work in and a lot more fun to play in. Who doesn't love making snow angels?
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