lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; " I suppose so."
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"Probably the latter."
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; " Oh,are you okay Rin? You didn't hurt yourself,right?"
The elder half grabbed a hold of Rin's shoulder, a slight look of concern on his face. Of course this other half of the twins was a true pain in the back, she was still his sister in a way. So he had to look after her no matter what. Helping the blonde remove the dirt from her uniform, Len sighed slightly, knowing that he was once again going to get her a new set of clothes.
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—— ★ “No, it’s fine.            Thanks for asking though.” The blonde risen up from the grown an stood on her feet, brushing off excess dirt that was on her uniform. Ugh, the fall she’s taken totally ruined her outfit, and she hated the fact that it was bright and sunny outside also.so the dirt was more visible. Finally taken a closer look at who she was talking to, she noticed it was her other half: Len Kagamine. Great, just who she needed for some extra cash.
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; "Please do miss, I wouldn't want to see ye'r small body fall again."
         A deep sigh came from the assassin as she picked herself up. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just a few scrapes I guess. I should pay more attention to where I’m walking.”
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; " Oh! Are you okay? That was quite a fall you had."
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; O-Oh! Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you. I was kinda worried on how you were.
Once again his smile was on his lips as he met the crimsion eyed female. Len knew that she was rusty and needed a new fix so he wanted to do it himself, he did know a thing or two about things like that. The VOCALOID begged that non of his fans were nearby them, oh the mess that would happen. Knowing that if those girls saw him with a female in a strange area, with only then alone would cause them to start rumors and gossip. 
The popstar walked towards Miki until there was only 2 inches of space inbetween them, his smile slowly turning into a worried look. He had watched her showing off the new invention to everyone in the busy street and felt guilty, the poor thing. She deserves a break ever now and then.
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► -- ❃ ; You know, if you need an oil change I could help you, free of charge of course.
"Come one come all!
               See out latest products in action!” Showing off the latest products on her hand form the company, Miki started her false smile and added glamour to the piece of machinery in her hand. She had to admit, this one she was holding was a damn fine piece of junk. It was a blender but it had special features (a vocie, four different types of functions, sharp blades that doesn’t get in the food) that usually left the customers in awe. They looked kind of dumb to be honest, especially her fans that came to see her in person. Forced to do autographs and do cheerleader-like choreography that was implanted into her system because it would pump up the crowd. It was shameful and she wanted this to be over soon.  Once the crowed of people vanished from around her, Miki sighed and leaned onto a motorcycle that was in park, arching her back and stretching. Now that she thinks about it, she’s kind of rusty. Maybe an oil change would do something for her. Strutting her way to the back of the convention, oil puddles were randomly placed onto the floor, knowing that their mechanic wasn’t the best when it came to hygiene or cleanliness. But, one person stuck out from the rest. They didn’t belong in there… who the hell where they?
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"Hey kid, I’m sure you don’t belong back here where the staff is, so how about you take your ass away form here."
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; Maybe.. how beautiful the sky is, and the amazing feeling of just soaring through the sky. Either that or maybe they're thinkn' on who to poo on next.
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"If that’s the case, then pigeons have thoughts. What do you think they think about?"
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; I-If it's not of any trouble for you. I would love an apple!
 ❝ Ano - would you like an apple, Stranger-san?
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          An apple a day keeps the Doctor-san away, right? ❞
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; I would believe so. Yes. 
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"Do you think pigeons have feelings?"
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; Why would you think that? I dont even know you that well.
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❝ Sometimes I get the feeling, ❞
                              ❝ you don’t like me ❞
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; You have very nice hair.
Zach (Open)
"Tell me one thing you know about me other than that I play football.."
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; You.. meant to drop it? How come?
Len didn't quite get what her plan was but, it really shouldn't bother him. It had nothing to do with him so he'll stay out of it. Blue met pink as his gaze matched hers ( but he had to look up since he was short) noticing that she was actually kinda cute, but she kinda had an attitude to. Then again hasn't he seen her on TV lately? Being the mascot of these weird products, trying to get peoples attention? 
Having to put on a smile and move around all day must be terrible once you've grown tired of it, then again he's still not used to random fangirls jumping on him whenever they see him and "glomp" him as they say. In a way he understood how it felt, being forced to act like this for a little while everyday of your life can get annoying.
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"Actually kid, I meant to drop it, so don’t think you’ve done any good or something along the lines." Biting on her nails, the mascot turned around and noticed that the ‘kid’ she was back lashing was no one other then Len, a popular VOCALOID that mostly appealed to younger females. She kind of felt sorry for the guy, having to deal with the female demographic and their wild nature of dealing with him. Maybe this VOCALOID isn’t like the rest, maybe he’ll actually be someone worth chatting with and not be all happy-go-lucky with her. But if you think about it, isn’t he  some sort of mascot also? one that has to do the bidding of their company and show off that false smile all the time? Maybe, but God knows she’s done it before and it wasn’t going to be her last.
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
Astromiki started following you!
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► -- ❃ ; Hey um lady? You sorta dropped your wallet back there.
The blond tapped lightly at the shoulder of the pink haired VOCALOID as he holded up the wallet in front of him, he wasn't the type of guy or android to steal from people but when it came to his sister he wouldn't think twice. A small gentle smile was on his lips as his sky blue eyes shined in the sunlight, causing them to seem like they were fake. He never liked the look of a pretty boy at all, many people had asked him is he was gay and it hadn't stop now.
Noticing the female turning around he finally got a good look on her face, her hot pink eyes stand out as well as her hair, her clothes made her seem like she was from outer space. Could she be a cosplayer?
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; Y-Ya' know if I'm a bother I can just leave you alone. Geez you're one scary old man.
A bit of fear rushed through his body as he was facing the adult, the look in his eyes meant he was bad news but then again that was just rude of him to think that. Someone he just met a bad guy? How stupid of him. The VOCALOID only avoided his gaze from Adachi, a bit of a light shade of pink on his cheeks. Yeah on stage when he's singing he doesn't mind people looking at him but this was different.
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♕ ——  ”…”
Adachi stood there in silence, still staring at Len with his bored expression. Seriously, kids these days think they can bark at an detective like that and get away with it. Why, if it wasn’t for his rotten attitude and lack of sympathy, he would have actually cared about what this brat had to say. But, all he could do was stare. he didn’t seem like he was around these parts also, blond hair and blue eyes and all.
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
tohriadachi started following you!
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► -- ❃ ; Hey uh, buddy? What's with that look ye'r givin' me?
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lxnkagamine · 10 years
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► -- ❃ ; I guess video games help. Um... maybe jerking it? I'm not sure man.
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