lxthiriel · 5 years
I took a little social media detox this past week without letting anyone know, sorry. Apologies to anyone I was plotting with or had threads to start with I just needed a little break but now that I’m back if you’re still on board with plotting, or want to start plotting or a thread, let me know, you can hit me up or like this and I’ll hit you up.
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lxthiriel · 5 years
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lxthiriel · 5 years
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“A Storm of Swords” With images by María José García Photography featuring the Algiz Vördr Totem
(also featuring a unique cape by Absenta Accessories and a dress by Avalon Saez)
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lxthiriel · 5 years
“please look at me.”
“is s/he really just a friend?”
“i’m just disappointed.”
“you know i’m not like that.”
“don’t give me space. that’s the last thing i want with you.”
“i know you still love me.”
“i can’t think straight with you.”
“why are you so stubborn?”
“don’t do this here.”
“trust me on this.”
“please don’t misunderstand me.”
“you… you never had a problem with it before.”
“i know i shouldn’t be here.”
“what do you mean by that?”
“you deserve more.”
“can you just kiss me? one last time? that’s all i ask.”
“i’m scared.”
“i swear i’ll do things different this time.”
“s/he’s beautiful. i hope s/he makes you happy.”
“i want to believe you, i do.”
“not everyone is going to hurt you.”
“i’m… i’m trying. i really am.”
“i can’t sleep.”
“how long will this go on for?”
“can i hug you?”
“do you ever mean the things you say?”
“you won’t understand.”
“you’re making me think that what they told me about you was right.”
“am i too late?”
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lxthiriel · 5 years
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baby husky and its tennis ball
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lxthiriel · 5 years
raise no fool -- starters:
❛ i’m wearing rose-tinted shades but all i see is shades of my imagination covered in red . ❜  ❛ a crooked smile and some fake love put me in these hand cuffs . ❜  ❛ threw away the keys ‘cause i was a threat . ❜ ❛ i got a pain in my backbone . ❜ ❛ where’d you get that knife from ? ❜  ❛ why the hell is it so covered in red ? ❜  ❛ i let you walk into my home . ❜ ❛ i let you walk into my home -  let you make it your own . ❜ ❛ you tried to tear it down . ❜ ❛ leave me for dead . ❜ ❛ you tried to tear it down and leave me for dead . ❜ ❛ if you’re sick of being disrespected , let me hear you sing it ! ❜  ❛ go ! ❜  ❛ i don’t wanna’ feel like my money that you’re spending . ❜ ❛ i don’t wanna’ feel like i’m losing ‘cause you’re winning . ❜ ❛ first you try to tell me that we’re family . ❜ ❛ then you try to tell me that it’s for the best . ❜ ❛ you promise that you’ll be there if i need ya’ . ❜ ❛ but i don’t need your handout - you can take it back . ❜ ❛ i won’t be used . ❜  ❛ my mama didn’t raise no fool . ❜  ❛ won’t let you leave me hanging . ❜ ❛ so, cut me loose . ❜
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lxthiriel · 5 years
Lothiriel bit her tongue before a snarky response could exit her mouth once again. She was exhausted and craving a quiet meal but she had asked for this, granted she expected a firm negative but here she stood opposite thing, her sword loosely in her grip, 
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to be rude but you have proven your point. What’s the purpose of gloating?” She muttered, exasperation lingering ever so slightly on her words. 
“I’ll wipe that grin off your face.”
The comment caught Thranduil’s attention immediately, the elvenking’s features forming into a scowl.
“Excuse me?”
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lxthiriel · 5 years
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female awesome meme: [1/10] non-warrior characters » arwen undómiel
But the Queen Arwen said: ‘A gift I will give you. For I am the daughter of Elrond. I shall not go with him now when he departs to the Havens; for mine is the choice of Luthien, and as she so I have chosen, both the sweet and the bitter. But in my stead you shall go, Ring-bearer, when the time comes, and if you then desire it. If your hurts grieve you still and the memory or your burden is heavy, then you may pass into the West, until all your wounds and weariness are healed.’
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lxthiriel · 5 years
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One of the best coffee places I’ve ever been to.
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lxthiriel · 5 years
                       I am not docile, and I will not rollover                             and ACCEPT my fate without blood                                 I will fight until I can fight no more
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lxthiriel · 5 years
Argument/Fighting Sentence Starters
“We shouldn’t be doing this!”
“Please, no-!”
“I think we need some time apart.” 
“What are you doing?!” 
“Where are you taking me?” 
“How could you?!”
“What… is this?” 
“You can’t be serious!” 
“I am not sorry!” 
“I am sorry!” 
“I didn’t mean to!” 
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“If you leave now, you better not come back.” 
“No, no no!” 
“Please, don’t die on me now!” 
“I shouldn’t have done that…” 
“You shouldn’t have done that.” 
“Why you little-!” 
“I know you took it!” 
“I said something that I can never take back…” 
“You hurt me, and now you’ll pay for it.” 
“Don’t you dare hit me!” 
“I’m not coming back.” 
“I hadn’t meant for it to come to this…” 
“I-I just… lost control-!” 
“Give it back!” 
“Why did you leave?” 
“I spent years looking for you!” 
“It shouldn’t have ended this way.” 
“I never meant to break your heart.” 
“You broke my heart.” 
“Get back here!” 
“I’m not done with you!”
“I’m done!” 
“I am sick of this!” 
“Don’t you set one foot in there!”
!+ add your own
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lxthiriel · 5 years
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It’s been nearly a year since I last went on this blog...wow! That was never the intention, I suppose life just got in the way a whole lot but I am so excited to be back. I have a lot of spare time with my new job so being active is no longer a problem. Yay! I literally just re-watched the LOTR films with my sister so that was a massive muse booster. Not that I ever really lost muse for writing in Tolkien’s world but whatever. I would love to start threads with new people and to also start threads with people I have previously had the privilege of interacting with. If you ever want to do anything hit me up or give this a like and i’ll hit you up or look through your opens!
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lxthiriel · 6 years
Reblog if your muse has lost one or both of their parents.
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lxthiriel · 6 years
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator Sentence Starters
“Betrayed by my own butt yet again.”
“Can you explain memes to me?”
“Contrary to popular belief, penguins are… birds.”
“Did you think I was gonna stab you just now?”
“Don’t cry. Don’t cry. I swear to god if you cry again.”
“Don’t write checks your dick can’t cash.”
“Here’s to bad decisions and relaxed moral values.”
“How’s the…… jeeeeeeeeeesus?”
“I am a happy little cheese monster.”
“I am spinning a web of lies that I fear will one day consume me.”
“I don’t want your stupid fruit leather.”
“I have to get a solid two to three hours of brooding in per day. Filling quotas.”
“It’s called ‘string cheese’ and not ‘chompy cheese’ for a reason.”
“I’ll probably end up standing uncomfortably in the corner with a plate of food and hope that nobody talks to me.”
“I’m so many levels of irony deep I’ve forgotten what humour is.”
“I’m suddenly struck with the overwhelming need to crawl back into bed.”
“Mothman is bullshit.”
“My ultimate sexual fantasy is sleeping in on a Saturday.”
“See you in class… bitch.”
“Sharks are tight.”
“So, you ever kill a man?”
“Stop being so desperate to please your hot friend.”
“That… that is a good butt.”
“The key to being cool is acting like you don’t care about anything but actually care very deeply about everything to the point where it’s debilitating.”
“This ice cream cake is my new boyfriend.”
“This is where I come to masturbate.”
“Wait, I’m a wreck.”
“You can never be too careful. See that baby in that stroller over there? Government operative.”
“Your face… is… good.”
“Your unending thirst will be your ultimate downfall.”
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lxthiriel · 6 years
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Georges Hobeika Spring-Summer 2018 Ready-to-Wear 
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lxthiriel · 6 years
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lxthiriel · 6 years
what the fuck rp starters
“Oh look, carnage.”
“I found you beat half to death in a dumpster. When I said I would call 9-1-1 you punched me in the face and said no before passing out.”
“Holy shit you look terrible.”
“Can’t go to my place, I’m making poison in my kitchen.”
“This is the tenth half-eaten corpse I’ve seen. It’s still kinda horrifying but less horrifying than the first time I saw one.”
“Yeah, that’s right, go wander off and commit murder somewhere else.”
Everything about your life makes so much sense now.”
“I don’t know, that sounds like a ‘fuck off’ kind of growl.”
“There’s a girl snorting cocaine off the counter in the bathroom. Just thought you’d wanna know.”
“I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news: some of this blood is mine. The bad news: most of it is mine. And I’m going to pass out.”
“After the fight some dude catcalled me on the way home so I turned around and spat a bunch of blood at his feet. Never seen someone regret doing something so fast.”
“Is that a fucking dragon?”
“That is genuinely disturbing.”
“Don’t smile. You have the smile of a serial killer.”
“This is surprisingly not the worst thing we’ve done. This is like, maybe halfway up the list.”
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