lyashmida-blog · 6 years
ʘ‿ʘ // Tensei
Fanfic trope starters
send me a “(ʘ‿ʘ) “ and I will randomly generate a number between 1-40 and use the corresponding fanfic trope to write a starter
4. Locked in an elevator
Izuku wasn’t sure if this was a nightmare, or a dream come true. On one hand, he was in very close quarters with one of his favorite heroes, Ingenium. On the other, he was trapped in an elevator.
Trapped in a tiny, suffocating, rattling elevator.
Under normal circumstances, he would be freaking out at meeting a real live pro. Under normal circumstances, he would be anxious about making a good impression on his friend’s older brother.
These weren’t normal circumstances.
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“This is bad, this is bad--this is so not good,”
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
ʘ‿ʘ // Tsuyu
Fanfic trope starters
send me a “(ʘ‿ʘ) “ and I will randomly generate a number between 1-40 and use the corresponding fanfic trope to write a starter
17. Personality-swap
“--I told you to call me Izu,”
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
Fanfic trope starters
send me a “(ʘ‿ʘ) “ and I will randomly generate a number between 1-40 and use the corresponding fanfic trope to write a starter
(all sfw, all platonic unless stated otherwise)
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
16, 24, 28
16. Which pairing are you the most fond of?
I don’t have a lot of ships in canon? I really enjoy thinking of the relationships as platonic. I do have a soft spot for tsuchako, though. Talking about platonic ships; todoiideku and ochaiideku are the Most Valid friendships. Actually just...anyone + Izuku is a good friendship ship. He’s such a good boy. a good friendly supportive boy.
24. Is there a character that a lot of others like, but you don’t, or vice versa?
Not particularly? I tend to agree with the popular opinion of which characters are shitty and which are good. I think the closest i’d come to going against the grain is that Bakugou isn’t my favorite. That spot belongs to Ochako, followed closely by Izuku, then Tenya. Bakugou is maybe number six or seven? Also i’m baffled by how people find Dabi attractive but i’m also a Lesbian so.
28. Who gave you the best first impression?
O C H A K O hands down. Her first scene is so Blessed and Sweet and she just got better as a character from then on. Like, she didn’t have to grow on me at all. I knew immediately that i’d stan the heck out of her
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
@watersplxsh liked for a starter
Izuku knew kids were curious. Knew they had questions, so many and so quick that you could hardly answer one before the next presented itself. He had been that kid. And, in comparison, Kouta hardly had any questions.
It was just, some were hard to answer. And others made him question everything. Kids had that ability, especially the smart ones. From the mouths of babes, they say.
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
as long as we’re talking villain izuku fics...bloom in winter
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
11, 12, 14, 19
11.Any moments or scenes you could watch over and over again.
The entirety of ‘in their own quirky ways’ tbh, especially the minefield part. That episode is what sold me on the idea of quirkless hero Izuku and part of why I made @unsuccesscr Izuku is smart and resourceful and driven as heck and he won without using OFA once. not a single time.
12. Any character you disliked at first, but warmed up to?
oh jeez uhhhh I know this is a really unpopular opinion but I had a really time liking Bakugo at first. for one thing bullying is not something I tolerate, nor is suicide baiting. but honestly it’s mostly that he reminds me of someone else who I don’t particularly like thinking about and that association made me uncomfortable with him for the longest time. I’ve gotten better now, and thanks mostly to the fandom I can recognize that Bakugo is a complex character and I do like him now. (I still hate some of the shit he’s done but I digress)
14. Do you have a favorite quirk?
It’s not canon but @amplifyingtrace‘s quirk is incredible and it’s one of my favorite things about Leia as a character. Really any quirk that seems like it wouldn’t be very powerful for the user but is made into a finely tuned weapon because the person who has it is just That Kickass???? fuels me tbh
but uh among canon quirks I really like Ochako’s Zero Gravity for similar reasons (but i’m a bit biased because I love Ochako in general)
19. What were your thoughts before watching the show?
I was hesitant to watch at first, historically speaking i’m not a huge fan of superhero shows and comics. Or shounen anime, having a strong preference for Shoujo. But it was all over my dash so I thought might as well give it a shot and i’m glad I did!
I honestly had some misconceptions lol. I already wrote about this on my quirkless Izu a while back but from fanart and gifs and such out of context; I was under the impression that the bad guys in bnha were from a villain school and that Bakugo was one of them (primarily from scenes of Izuku and his fight during training) like a school rivalry type thing. And, in my defense, I also thought Kirishima was a villain (I thought half of class 1-A were villains tbh)I also was under the impression that everyone knew about All Might’s weakness from the beginning as I saw fanart of the characters with him in his civilian form
there were some other things I was wrong about but tbh I don’t remember all of them.
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
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      ❛ izuku. i just want you to be careful.’ she’s still awed. still struggles with the terms played out before her. his quirk developed rather late, it bloomed despite her disbelief and doubt. she should’ve believed in him from that start. regardless of the guilt raging through her, she is a mother with concerns over the implications of this quirk. to heal others means to sacrifice — just how much would he have to give up to help people ? just how much was he willing to give ? she hopes he’s not impulsive enough to threaten his own life. ❛ your quirk is a gift and you’re going to heal so many. but, please, don’t forget to take care of yourself. you can’t help others if you can’t save yourself too.’    /    @lyashmida
“I know” it comes out quiet, hardly a whisper, and it’s not exactly a great acknowledgement of his mother’s worries. But how can he say he won’t put himself in danger, won’t ever be at risk, when that’s what a hero does?
Still she’s not wrong; the more energy he has to waste on healing himself the less he can use on others. And becoming immobile in battle would be a strain on his comrades. And, he really, truly, did not want to put more weight on his mother’s shoulders than she already bore. That she had been carrying around since before Izuku could toddle.
“I know,”
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“I won’t make you worry,”
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
Pretty sure there are some floating around, but I wanted to make my own ;w; It’s not a long list, but it’s 4:30 a.m. for me.
Feel free to share. ^-^
Favorite character.
Least favorite character.
Favorite villain.
Least favorite villain.
Favorite teacher.
Least favorite teacher.
Favorite student.
Least favorite student.
Character you wish to see more of.
Character you find most interesting or mysterious.
Any moments or scenes you could watch over and over again.
Any character you disliked at first, but warmed up to?
Character you liked at first, but no longer do?
Do you have a favorite quirk?
Least favorite quirk?
Which pairing are you the most fond of?
Are there any pairings you aren’t a personal fan of?
Favorite fight?
What were your thoughts before watching the show?
What are your thoughts now after seeing it/ reading it?
What or who got you interested in giving it a try?
Were there any moments or scenes that caught you by surprise?
Any moment that was a disappointment?
Is there a character that a lot of others like, but you don’t, or vice versa?
Was it better or worse than you expected it to be?
What moment did you find the saddest, or that hit you the hardest?
Any moments that made you angry or frustrated?
Who gave you the best first impression?
Who gave you the first disagreeable impression.
What is, if any, the biggest flaw you see in the series? Or something you would have done differently?
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them
Manhandling symbol starters (Send one for your muse to…)
“Woah--hey!” The protests were mostly out of surprise than anything else. Izuku didn’t exactly suspect the other student of any wrong-doing...
But hey, could anyone blame him for letting out an undignified squeak at being scooped up like a sack of feathers? After all, he may be a healer by nature, and short for his age, but he was no slouch when it came to working out. Yet he was being carried with such seeming ease.
And that was embarrassing enough in and of itself let alone needing to be carried in the first place. He wanted to be a hero not the damsel in distress.
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“Um, could you put me down now?”
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
Anyway catch Izuku studying psychology textbooks because someone jokingly asked him to heal their depression and his quirk may not work for that but god damn he’s going to try to help anyway
Catch Izuku teaching students with anxiety breathing exercises or holding their hands when they disassociate
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
My break’s over so the rest of the starters and replies will have to wait, but I’ll get to them later 💖
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
@jxjivisha liked for a starter
“Ah!” the noise of surprise is pulled, almost unwillingly, from the UA student’s mouth. He knows it’s not good to panic the injured but he had been startled.
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“Sorry, um, are you alright?”
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
@stormwcnd liked for a starter
“--I’m sorry,” A hesitant, but not unfriendly tone, head tilted to the side and brows furrowed in concentration. Or, rather, confusion.
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“Did you need something?”
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
Reply to my open starter u cowards
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
Manhandling symbol starters
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
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lyashmida-blog · 6 years
Sb, when they find Izuku unconcious in the fucking hallway: https://youtu.be/XUjTmTnnszk
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