lydiabeck · 2 years
If I do, they’re hidden deep, deep away where no one can ever see them. You know, when I call myself old it’s humble, when you do it, it’s a little bit mean, Lydia. It wounds me.
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Oh boo hoo, you’ll find a way to get over it. Plus I think you need me around to humble you even more. How’ve you been enjoying Costa Rica? We should meet up for a drink or battle each other in a round of ping pong. What do you say?
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lydiabeck · 2 years
So what do you say we grab lunch together and then go snorkeling or even scuba diving, depending on which you’re feeling like? 
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lydiabeck · 2 years
☀️ - (0/4) life’s a beach! • open starter
When Nia scanned over the itinerary for the next two weeks, the two main words that piqued their interest were beach and drinks. So far, they had spent most of their time on their feet and even took a horseback riding tour, taking in all what Costa Rica had to offer. Deciding to take it easy for the rest of the trip, the thought of laying on a beach, slathered in vanilla-scented tanning oil sounded like a good plan to them. They had been laying on their stomach with their eyes closed, a bluetooth speaker playing their favorite Bad Bunny playlist. All of a sudden, they felt the warmth disappear and perked up to look at what caused it. Nia lowered their sunglasses, attention turning to the closest person to them. “Hey, can you move over a little? You’re blocking my sun.”
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As soon as Lydia caught wind of the trip to Costa Rica, the only thing on her mind had been lounging around in the sun with a drink in her hand. There were of course other things on her agenda for the rest of the trip, but today was a beach day for her. She packed up her beach bag and scurried through the sand until she found a good spot. Just when she had gotten her chair and small umbrella set up, she heard someone nearby speak. “Oh shit, I’m sorry,” Lydia apologized as she slid her chair over and out of the way. “That better?”
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lydiabeck · 2 years
I’m not really a pet person but I do admit it could be funny. It’s too late, Lyds. We are all expecting you to look absolutely fantastic at the party on Saturday.
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It’s an immediate red flag for me that you’re not a pet person. Who doesn’t like pets? Weird and crazy people, that’s who. I hope my Little Mermaid costume was up to par for these standards you’ve set for me.
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lydiabeck · 2 years
I don’t think anyone expects dogs to. I like to believe she knows what she’s choosing when she’s presented with options! She is my dog, after all. It just seemed like something she should have an opinion on. 
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I totally believe that she knows what she’s choosing. Dogs are smarter than we give them credit for sometimes. Has she chosen a Halloween costume yet?
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lydiabeck · 2 years
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Lydia as the Little Mermaid for The Big Spookover
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lydiabeck · 2 years
No, she only put me in outfits where I was a handsome little man who looked my best, thanks for asking for some clarity. You know, I didn’t realize how old I felt until I got him to keep me young.
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A handsome little man who also has some funny childhood photos somewhere, I just know it. I’m glad he’s keeping your old man self on your toes!
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lydiabeck · 2 years
It’s the same concept, right? We’re responsible for feeding them and making sure that they stay alive, so it feels fair that we’re allowed to be biased about them in other ways, too! True, true… we’ll see. I might just let them steal the spotlight on Halloween and dress as their faithful owner. It does! I think I’ve got mine picked out, but we’ll see if I change my mind between now and then.
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In my eyes, my dog is my child. That alone gives us the right to be biased when it comes to them. You could always tie your costume in with theirs and complete the whole theme! Or just let them have their moment to shine on their own. I have a few different options but I’m in the same boat. I may change my mind beforehand. 
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lydiabeck · 2 years
She does, I set options out for her and let her pick. 
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That’s the cutest! My dog doesn’t mind getting dressed up but he doesn’t have the ability to actually choose what he wants to wear.
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lydiabeck · 2 years
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Hopping out of the car, Thea smiled in the direction of the other, nodding slowly. “She really is. She was even prettier before she started to deteriorate.” Thea sighed, looking back at the car and letting her hand pat it slowly. It wasn’t often that Thea got to drive this thing; in fact, this was the first time that she’d driven it since her father and passed and it was probably the first time that it had been started in many years. “I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get it here; Dad preferred to walk anywhere he could so most of the time this car only got driven whenever necessary. But, she’s a beauty.” Thea nodded. “I’m just thankful you’re willing to help me fix her up. She’s not in the best of shape, but, she’s got some life left in her, I just know it.”
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“Don’t worry, I promise I’ll get her all fixed up for you,” Lydia spoke with a confident nod. If there was one thing she knew, it was cars. Especially the classic cars that she had learned the ins and outs of. Her eyes scanned over all of the scratches and chips within the deteriorating paint. She already had a pretty good idea of what could be wrong under the hood of the car, just from the sounds alone. “If that happened, I could have always brought the tow truck out to you!” It wouldn’t have been the first time Lydia drove the truck in order to help tow a car back to the shop. “I promise, she’s in good hands with me. Just one question, since she needs a fresh coat of paint. Did you want to change the color or keep the original?” 
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lydiabeck · 2 years
I must not have cultivated the right online experience, because that sounds like exactly the kind of thing you want to see. Even if it is leading to buying them and forcing a doggie fashion show. But, hey, at least you know that whatever you end up choosing, he’ll be comfortable in, right?
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I blame TikTok and the pups dressing up that I’ve followed on there. I definitely did host my very own little doggy fashion show in my living room as he tried on all of his costumes. I definitely think the dinosaur is the clear winner, but he’s subject to have some costume changes through the night possibly. 
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lydiabeck · 2 years
Oh, thank you. You don’t know how much you’re saving my life. I wish I could do all that, but unfortunately, I’m not great with doing hair.
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You can definitely get the hang of it with a little practice. YouTube has a bunch of pretty simple hair tutorials that could probably help you out.
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lydiabeck · 2 years
I collect outfits to use as ostumes year round and let her pick what she wants to wear. 
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Does she actually pick out which one she wants to wear? Because that’s adorable.
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lydiabeck · 2 years
That’s sweet of him. See, this is why I wish I had a dog. It’ll just be fun to have a companion, you know? Okay, a taco sounds really cute. I would go with that, but the next question is, what are you going as this year? Oh, I know, I just don’t have the time now, but maybe next year after I graduate.
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It’s never too late to stop at the shelter and adopt one! Or a cat if you’re more of a cat person instead. I think we’ve decided on the dinosaur as his costume this year, though he may change into a taco at some point. As for me, I still have no idea what I’ll be dressing up as. Have you decided on a costume yet?
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lydiabeck · 2 years
That’s fair, we’re all allowed to be a little bit biased when it comes to our pups, right? We wouldn’t be good pet parents if we weren’t. Hm… it’s a thought! But I might just go with another ocean animal, someone suggested a shark, so that’s a thought, especially since he’s a bigger dog and all! I have not yet, I’ll probably dress up for the Spookover party, so I’ve got some time! Are you all squared away yet?
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I figure if parents can be biased when it comes to their kids, we can do the same when it comes to our pets. A shark is also a great choice and still completes the whole theme. I’m a professional procrastinator, so I haven’t made any decisions yet but at least I have a few ideas. That’s gotta count for something. 
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lydiabeck · 2 years
I get it, if my mom put me in funny outfits I’d be mad about it too, I’m just not a dog. Well, hoods are cozier than hats, at the end of the day. We’re doing great, been on way too many walkies already, but he keeps me young.
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Did your mom put you in funny outfits when you were a kid? If so, I’m going to need to see pictures ASAP. I’m glad he’s settling in just fine and keeping you both busy and young. You need it!
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lydiabeck · 2 years
“I’m not going to lie. I have been looking forward to experiencing my first fall here in Merrock, and honestly, it hasn’t been too bad. There are some good days like today, when I can just be outside, and get some fresh air during my breaks. But if it’s too cold to be outside, of course, I can just make myself a steaming hot cup of tea, sit in my office, and watch the leaves change colour. I can’t complain.” Jacob explained as he let out a rather hearty laugh, and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a typical double shift, and nothing I’m not used to. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Anyways, what’s been going on with you?”
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;Just wait until your first winter here in Merrock. You’ll be going through hot tea to keep warm on the daily.” Being from Detroit, Lydia was no stranger to the bone-chilling weather that came along with winter. But that also didn’t mean that she had to like it. “Well, I am pretty stoked about Spook Fest. You into all the scary stuff like that?”
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