lykahope-me-blog · 5 years
           The Fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho resounds the theme of The Alchemist (from an equivalent author), which is, universe conspiring in achieving ones destiny although the presentation is different within the book into account . In this book, the author takes inspiration from the biblical Books of Kings.
            The plot revolves around Prophet Elijah who was born within the northern region of Israel around 9th century BC. At certain juncture, Prophet Elijah has also been referred within the Talmud, Mishnah, the New Testament and therefore the Qur’an. 
             At the age of 23, Elijah escapes the political turmoil that was happening in Israel, which was against all Prophets of the dominion . First place that Elijah visits during his escape expedition is that the bank of river Cherith and from there he goes to the land of Zarephath or Akbar. There he encounters numerous hurdles as being tagged an outsider but eventually he's accepted by the society.
             It's in Akbar that he spends major portion of his life and undergoes the years of transformation. He meets a widow and her son from whom he learns to like , an emotion that afterward gives him strength to cope up with tremendous loss and fanatical forces. it's also said that in Akbar, he prepares favorable conditions for the Messiah’s coming and after fulfilling his destiny in worldly life, he leaves for heaven. As per the scriptures, his task was to revive the worship of Lord in Israel since the king had married a Phoenician princess, Jezebel, whose aim was to determine her pagan god Baal instead. 
             The book may be a masterpiece written within the most simplistic style and culminating at a strong message that talks about the moving account of a person who passes through numerous frustrations and hurdles that shatters his soul completely yet he wins the trail of religion on the face of it. 
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lykahope-me-blog · 5 years
  Through social media every family can easily communicate their relatives from other places especially those outside the country. While in social workers it can be a tool to educate them info’s during calamities. Our government  most especially can spread or disseminate information through the use of social media.
  It is very obvious that social media is a big help. Do you remember the super typhoon Yolanda that hit the Tacloban, Samar, and Leyte? By using social media are able to informed other countries that we are suffering hunger, and destruction of facilities brought by Yolanda . In connection with, the countries who are  members of ASEAN, APEC, and European Union helped us in terms of financial survival. While the families of Filipinos who are living abroad used social media to communicate  their love one’s , if they are okay. Social media is a gift of modern time that is a big help if it is properly use. 
  Nowadays, because of the evolution of technology, the life of the people became easier and faster. One of these is with the use of social media. Social media is a tool which is used to have a better interaction and communication. With the help of social media, people used to create online communities to share information and ideas. It is very important since it helped families, workers, and the environment in discerning information during calamities. 
  Currently, many families in which the father and mother work and children stay in different places. It is difficult for such families to communicate instantly or effectively without seeking the services of social media. It should be noted that regular communication is necessary to strengthen the love, intimacy and rapport among family members. Social media like Facebook, Skype and Twitter help families to engage in instant audio and video chats so that the intimacy and love among the family members can be strengthened. Before, people used letters to communicate in distant places. However in today’s generation, family members in distant places use social media to communicate easier. An instant and effective communication is a blessing for family communication. Social media has a role in enhancing family communication and relationships. 
  Social media has enabled social workers across the world to connect, share knowledge and information.The best and most cost-effective outcomes for people who use services are achieved when professionals work and learn together, develop a common language and understanding and share knowledge and wisdom. The use of social technology and social networking enables people to collaborate, build relationships and share information and resources. Aside from that social workers use social media as their voice to educate the people about a certain manner. For example in giving tips for an emergency such as first aid medication. Another way is in educating people about on preparation, reduction and recovery during calamities.
  Social media is very important especially during emergencies and calamities. It can disseminate critical information. It is also utilized in developing a resource for mutual support and encouragement over the longer term to the disaster victims. According to Paton, “Social media will play increasingly pivotal roles in disaster response and recovery.” It helps and improves relief and rescue operations. Indeed, social media becomes a live-saving tool for everyone.In the Philippines, there are a lot of calamities such as earthquake, flood, landslides and the most common one, typhoon. Philippines is prone to such calamities since it is near the Pacific Ring of Fire.
  With the help of social media, the interaction and communication became better, easier and faster. There is an instant and effective way of communication. Unlike in the past, for example the news, it is not delivered on the actual time to the people around the world.
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lykahope-me-blog · 5 years
tsura kag post lang man ka N-205 diriiiiii.
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lykahope-me-blog · 5 years
i really love airplane <3
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lykahope-me-blog · 5 years
.not all you want, you can get. so accept all what you got and THANK TO GOD!
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