lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
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Master of Santa Barbara - Christ at the Column. Detail. 1430 - 1450
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
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Star eyes makeup inspo
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
oh me? nothing much. just at my job patrolling the same linear path through a warehouse as always. yeah i can hear someone creeping around and as soon as they step into my line of sight they are dead as fuck. but not until then. cant be too hasty with these things
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
the new US dollar, will feature a image of a dark spirit, which will be called a 'wraith dollar' and worth 2x as much
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
im sick of signing in to things
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
hey sorry i didnt text you back for 2 weeks i just became completely jaded with the entire human experience. anyways whats up
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
you unfollowed me? all I do is post cringe + embarrass myself and you unfollowed me?
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
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i’m really sorry for everything and i’m glad you are okay now
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
love the phrase "fucking with u" . like my guy i am just yanking your chain. god thats another good one. bro im just jerking you off. im literally just fapping uor boner right now
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
lol i’m not gonna read that
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
green tea is so good, if you drink it you can have a more elegant, beatufiful life
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
so what youre gonna wanna do is crush the garlic and ginger instead of just slicing it ok, it releases more of those good flavors. yoshi is going to eat me and turn me into an egg now, i love you. remember everything i taught you
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 days
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not a week goes by without me remembering this jhonen vasquez strip and i so often want to reference it and i keep forgetting it is not, in fact, a well-known meme
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lynchian-weirdness · 13 days
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this is a fucked up thing to see on a youtube video
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