lyrical--nonsense · 3 years
I miss getting fucked. I miss feeling controlled and dominated in a caring way where I could just be a piece of meat in pleasure. I don’t want to think during sex and gods I’m tired of thinking during sex. I’m a submissive, whether it’s being a bottom or top I just don’t want to be in control. I don’t like making lists and plans and it’s just really stressful thinking about having to be dominant. Like idk if finding a source of release for my submissive side outside of this relationship would help me but it’s certainly what my hearts telling me I need. But it’s that anxious “I don’t want to be caged” feeling. I’m sad, tired, and lonely
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lyrical--nonsense · 3 years
I’m never going to have what they have
I’m never going to be close like they are
I’m wanted
But I’m not here
I wish we weren’t dating
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lyrical--nonsense · 7 years
Ex’s Songs
Im fully freaked cus you're still on my mind/ You shouldnt be there I made it up new, erased all the traces of you/ Or at least that's what I thought but there you are/ Taking up my time with thoughts I shouldnt be spending on you/ We made our decisions, or should I put it how you phrased it, I made mine and didnt care about yours/ Your feelings were never second place but I always had to make sure mine came first/ The greatest love in my life is self care and Ive been neglecting her for a while/ So forgive me if I dont dedicate myself to you/ I'll adore you anyway, but the first person I've got to care for is me/ Unconditionally/
I think I was in love with the person I thought you could be/ I dont like the way I still miss your smile/ It took too long to get those dimples out of my mind/ I thought we'd be something different/ You saw something in me I didnt/ And I wanted you for that/ Shower me with compliments make sure that I'm confident/ But what did I do for you? Made sure you feel wanted too? 
I hate how my heart clenches whenever you say her name/ We're not in a relationship I know, Im the one to blame for that/ It makes me panic every time I sink into regret/ No pull my self up stay strong/ Gotta keep going on moving on even though he's acting like there's nothing wrong/ We're just switching parts in this melodramatic play/ We've rehearsed all these lines in our head/ But I adlibbed and you couldnt get into the swing of it/ We fell out of our rhythm a long time ago/ You just never noticed cus I'm good at covering up my mistakes/ How long was it until I knew that it would never make a difference what we did/ When it comes time to sink or swim you'll use me as a raft/ And have the gall to ask me why we're sinking/ Dont you think I could be drowning/
It feels like something is rotting inside of me/ My heart was perishable and instead of keeping it fresh  you threw it in the trash/
What did I do to deserve this behavior/ You're acting so cruel to me and its out of your character/ You used to look at me so sweetly now yu say you feel sickly when you hear my name/ What did I do to deserve this all the blame how much shame I feel for tainting our love by just being me/ How fucking painful do you think it is to hear that the one I love cant sta What did I do to deserve this pain, blame, shame, I was just being me.
I wonder which songs you're using to get over me/ Im left wondering how many words you took too personally/ How will I effeect you how did I change your life/ Did I leave you in wonder like the northern lights across the sky or did I pass in the blink of an eye/
You’ve got the kind of eyes,/
I could drink in on an Autumn afternoon/
Its the way you smile, I’d shamelessly hang a star in its name/
You’ve got me hypnotized, yeah lover/
The way you move against my grooves/
You make me smile in any weather/
Keeping me up to talk, for pleasure/
Though I wasn’t sure whether/
We’d see this through/
‘Cus I’m something entirely new to you/And you to me too/ We’re opposites attracting/
What I thought wouldn’t, couldn't is happening and It’s a rush to have a person to get to know/
But we’re gonna take it slow/
And see where this thing goes/
You’ve got me thinking in shades of orange/
Warming me up when I’m not in your arms/
We’re perfectly good for each other/
Baby you’re my summer lover/
Though we met on New Years Eve/
I wish I’d see you in my dreams,/
Just to be with you when I sleep/
I’ll care for you tenderly just wait for me/
I just cant dive in that deep/
We’re opposites attracting/
What I thought wouldn’t, couldnt’s happening
It’s a rush to have a person to get to know/
But we’re gonna take it slow/
And see where this thing goes/ In case it may not always show/ I just want you to know/ That between all the dark remarks, doubts, and clauses/ I wish your house were further from mine/
You’d think from this kinda line, I’d wanna be farther from you/
But dont you worry, you know I’m not the type to be so casually cruel/
The silences aren’t awkward, and while we don’t talk much/
When we do, I like hearing what you have to say/
On the way from my place to yours/
I enjoy the time we have together I’ll drive in any weather so you’ll sit next to me/
Through the radio static I can hardly stand it as we get closer feet by feet
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lyrical--nonsense · 7 years
Im fearful of what's hiding in plain sight behind kindly smiles are white lies brimming with malicious intention/
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lyrical--nonsense · 7 years
Skys Songs!
Well hello who are you to be plucking your strings so cutely/ Oh my god look at your face Ive never seen an expression so lovely/ You've had me captivated before you even knew my name/ I was trying to get your attention put myself in your periphery/ Too bad you had someone on your arm, I couldnt push things too far/ No not the delicate balance between two friends and an insurmountable passion/ But look who has you now/ Look who will catch you before you hit the ground/ I dont like to make promises they make me scared of what may come/ Heartbreak and betrayal cus God knows I cant keep my word/ But i'll fix it for you, learn how to better myself not put my feelings on an unreachable shelf/ Let me love you/ I'll stay true to my word/ Let me put my trust in you/ Please do the same I want you I want you I want you this desire is enough to drive me insane. I didnt know I was thirsty until it started to rain and the petrichor reminded me of your odor it's the familiarity and comfort of home/ Take me under your wind my Skybird, you'l reach new heights you never dreamed of/ I'll be by your side, I'll be by your side just as long as I know you'll be by mine/ Cus lord knows the first thing you'll want me to do is put me first, not worry over you but of course baby that's what i'll do cus I'm falling in love with you/ I can fall in love with you/ I have my time but it'd be better spent with you/  
You've got static in your head I know I cant hear it/ My voices've got me too busy with mine/ But I know we'll turn out fine you dont have to face your problems all at once I'm sticking around / Cus I'm in no rush to sort out the bigs things I just wanna make sure you know when the time comes I'll be listening/ But for now let me make sure you're fine that you have someone to talk to at night when the chatter's to loud and wont let you sleep/ I'll beat 'em back with my words making sure you know I want to keep your heart safe/ It's scary to think about sinking while swimming, I know it's chilling but so is reality and the facts are I care for you deeply/ I'll be thinking of you sweety, enough to give me cavities/ You're burrowing through me making me your home, I'll keep you safe through the harsh winters my hearth like heart will burn for you/ Like the torch I carried for you when we first met/ You were sitting and strumming carrying such good energy I had to stop and stare/ And wonder who you are, how I could get closer to you not just admire from afar/ 
Youve had love on my mind since the beginning since the beginning/ I couldnt believe what a magnificent specimen was actually in front of me/ You were a living daydream/ My greatest fantasy come to life
If my love was a garden you are the rain/ Here to nourish and bring life, to wash
Let me be your antidote/ You've been filling yourself with poison for far too long/ How much more could you take before you werent you
Suffocate me with kisses I wanna know what it feels like to have my breath taken away/ I want you to see your worth the way I do, it's weighted more than gold
We're the air and the sky two elements combining/ Stars aligning to show us the way/ I'll be your stargazer marvelling at your spacious love/ I want to explore you from horizon to horizon/ Knowing that you'll never end if I go just a little bit futher what will I find/ I'd gaze up at you for hours, try to map out your faces patterns/ Dont want to lose it, it's too important to let it slip from my mind/ You make me hopeful for a new love like I could finally feel it in return/ I dont wanna rush in too soon, gotta hold back dont make the same mistakes as before/ Dont wanna end up rushing for the door when we've just opened it to the possibilities/ Im not worried over your feelings for me/ Dont be afraid to keep it going it strong cus baby/ I think im in love with you and for once im not scared to lose control/ Control/ Im yearning for a love that wont leave me feeling heartless/ Like ive got something to prove to you or else all i am is worthless/ When I'm with you it comes so easily/ I dont have to hold my breath fearing what does he think of me/ The passion you've stirred in me's got me writhing cus I cant hold it in no I cant hold it in/ Im dreaming of a future with you where its begins I dont care as long as you're with me at the end of the day/ I dont need you to promise to stay your eyes say it all they've always spoken volumes even when we're silent/ It's stifling, the anticipation, I've been waiting for a love like you to find me a love like you to find me/
You make me feel at home when I'm with you like 70 years together wouldnt be an issue cus I'd so you old and grey and know that I was there to stand by you for all those days/ Better get a good career for all my visits to the dentist/ Cus you're too sweet for me, you're filling me up with cavities/
Seasons may go temperaments may change but one things for sure baby, our love will remain
I know you, ive seen your face before I know you but from when i cant be sure the polaric energy that we exchange is so far from normal id dare to call strange these feelings arent normal But im not scared, nor am i ashamed to admit that is special youre one of a kind youre the same I wanna got ost in you explore your farthest corners The expedition of you could last a lifetime or two Just to get to know you I dont know how many times we've sung this song and danced this dance All I know is this is another chance to get to know you/ Im seeing how far things can go/ Im seeing how far I can reach into the unknown before I find you Before I find you
I know you're seeing other people but my feelings wont waver no they're not so paper thin as the walls we keep building and crumpling up tossing them into the sun stare in wonder with me as we realize each other, our souls coming together to make a symphony. Cus we've got notes and chords inside of a tune we carry to provide us with a background music through life.
You're my missing puzzle piece my cosmic wonder everything's falling into place what was senseless makes sense and sensitivity has never been a clearer goal for me Im gonna treat you gently please dont think badly of me if I trip or stumble/ I’ll get down on my hands and knees and sort through the rubble
You could be home for me/ You could be home for me/ I could see me building a treehouse inside your soul and giddy as a kid that's where I'd go to hide from the world/ Cus your soul means safety to me/ If i could harness that energy I'd put it to good use/ Bottle it up and make a store on etsy/
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lyrical--nonsense · 7 years
Hello/ Its been a while since we last talked/ Im sorry for leaving you the way I did/ Ive got excuses up my sleeve/ But im telling you my heart bleeds for you/ Cus i didnt get to see this through/ And I wouldve been good too you/ 'M not sure i wouldve been good for you/ But that's up to you/
Hello/ Ive been drinking till 2 AM/ Trying to figure out if I can still be friends/ With the woman who rocked my world/ Oh yes it seems absurb/ But for me its everything/
Hello/ Its been a while/ Do you still hate the way I laugh/ Do you still hate the way I smile/
Potato chips after sex , better than cigarettes Its not black and white when morals are involved They turn my problems technicolor
Im more scared of the scars ive given than the ones i have/ What if im better at being a monster than a human/ My personality issues aint no My experience puts me ina place id rather not be With knowledge of an adult like that is far beyond me Swept up in the tide I drowned in the seasonal flood
Im worried this love aint what Ive been chalking it up to be/ My needs arent on your register
Tried to alienate me/ Cast me away/ Tried to make me feel the pain/ But I wont, not today cus you're just a bitch who's bearing her fangs/
You're all bark and no bite bitch better get better at using your words cus right now you're gonna get served/ Your vernacular is slacking, articulation's lacking any bite that could make me bleed/
It look slike im trapped between the rock and a hard place again/ Time to put these feelings away, seal em up deep within/ Fighting who i am was never the plan/ I wanna discover me dont wanna put anything away under lock and key/ Why cant I be me is it so bad to want more love than one person can give me/
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lyrical--nonsense · 7 years
I’ve got more heart than most, some would say, don’t mean to let it get to my head but it lets me rest easier at night knowing i have a positive influence in some peoples life. 
I cant say that I’m all good though there’s no way that I’m a saint. I’ve been hurt before I know how to turn cold and leave people wondering where I’ve gone. Is it selfish to wish that my last imprint on the people I’ve ditched isnt of hatred these thoughts are  weighted I cant keep them When the weight stop crushing me and I’m left in a stasis of disinterest, I don’t wanna vibe with anyone, I cant even vibe with myself. Put my feelings on a top shelf watch them gather dust, the wheels in my head, when they've stopped spinning will I begin to rust? Fleeting moments where I think I know I'm going somewhere new, somewhere good, somewhere I know I should the door gets slammed in my face I take two steps back and I’m looking at the starting place. I don’t know why my feet cant take these few steps forward but I’m discreetly trying to procrastination keeps pulling me in, keeps pulling in me in.
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lyrical--nonsense · 8 years
Rap Lyrics
“Truly, deeply, I’m not the type baby”/
If you ever hear these words fall outta a mans lips, they a lie/
No one as shy would bat their eyes like butterflies and not have intentions on the sly/
I”m like damn back back the fuck up I’m not the right type to be sweet to the touch on/
I need a lover who in bed can break me down, build me up, fill me up to the brim/
My ID and my ego play my mind like Monopoly/
Cutting my psyche into pieces of property/
As a kid I thought I could play the game and win but now that I'm older the outcome's looking more grim/
Sent my mental health to jail and I aint got the cash for bail/
If you want it baby don’t take me lightly/
Y’see i’m a force of nature; frightening/
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
Love Song
I’m an idiot who has their head stuck in the clouds/ And I’m too afraid to look down/ My mind knows whats best but my heart knows better/ Im looking for a romance that’ll be a best seller/ I know the difference between right and wrong/ But the problems in my life are worse than a love songs/
I did know better but i did it anyway/ My heart didn’t care what my mind had to say/
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
Tonights Sin
Its a building desire/ Spreading like a fire/ Burning through my veins/ If you wanna stop here's your chance/ Cus after this there are no plans/ Take my hand and breathe in my words/ The words i whisper to your every nerve/ Feel it echo deep in your bones/ As it starts from your fingers and ends at your toes/ Feel it go deeper than the skin/ As it tastes sweeter than any sin/ If you want to baby then thats all right/ There are reasons for why we don't sleep at night/ Don't feel ashamed for the need to give in/ Cus baby tonight, theres a reason to sin/
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
My Everything
I will carry the weight of the world for you/ I'll be the clown, to turn your frown upside down/ Without a second thought/ Cus your smile is my everything/ And if i can use my tears to make you smile/ Then it would all be worthwhile/ Cus darling you are my everything/ The sunshine after the rain/ The kiss to make the pain go away/ And i will stay, stay by your side/ I wont be scared and hide/ From these overwhelming feelings/ Oh its true they're teeming/ Because darling, you are my everything/ Even though im possessive/ And a bit obsessive/ I'll give you your space/ We can take this at a slow or fast pace/ Because love isnt a race/ But for me, you'll always take first place/ Cus darling you are, my everything/ The sunshine after the rain/ The kiss to make the pain go away/ And i will stay, stay by your side/ I wont be scared and hide/ From these overwhelming feelings/ Oh its true they're teeming/ Because darling, you are my everything/ But im not blind to your flaws/ I wont live for you/ But i'll cherish you/ Treat you, like the belle of the ball/ And i'll try to be there/ To catch you when you fall.../ Cus darling you are/ The sunshine after the rain/ The kiss to make the pain go away/ And i will stay, stay by your side/ I wont be scared and hide/ From these overwhelming feelings/ Oh its true they're teeming/ Because darling, you are my everything/ Yes darling you are my everything/ Oh darling you are, my everything/
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
Price of Love
Getting over you/ Was supposed to be a simple affair/ But you’ve managed to trap me/ Where did you hide your snare/ I cant try to fight/ I cant try to run/ When i know you’ve already won/ And the price to pay/ Is a hefty sum/
Why cant breaking my heart come without a price/ I thought it would be easier the second time/ (Uh oh) But here i go (i fucked up) again/ It looks like i cant get you out of my head/
Take this advice from me/ The good guy, the bad boy/ It doesn’t matter/ Love ends in heart break/ Sorry to shatter/ Your hopes and your dreams/ But its better me than those who would lie through their teeth/ Don’t be charmed by their smiles/ They’ll bewitch and cheat you all the while/ So leave them before they get the chance/ And dont spare them a second glance/
Why cant breaking my heart come without a price/ I thought it would be easier the second time/ (Uh oh) But here i go (i fucked up) again/ It looks like i cant get you out of my head/
If i could wish upon a star/ I would wish that i hadnt fallen this far/ The lesson here is so hard to learn/ And all it took was a couple of words/ To twist me, break me/ To blind me after ive seen/ The price tag to this delirious dream/
Why cant breaking my heart come without a price/ I thought it would be easier the second time/ But it looks like i’m just a fool at heart/ It only took some pretty words for these feelings to start/ Now stupidly, my everything is falling apart/
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
Well lets face it/ Nothing lasts forever/ You were/ A fleeting glance/ A one time chance/ A hopeless summer romance/ And still i waited for that call/ Imagine my surprise/ When i felt my heart fall/ When did i get so hung up over you/ Why do i chase after someone who doesn't want to get caught/ Why do i even try/ I'm caught, i'm caught/ Up in the way you smile, the way you laugh/ But it doesn't matter does it/ I cant seem to let you go/ Even after you left me/ How long has this been going on/ It feels like forever/ Since when have you become forever/ I wish it could be never/ It feels like i'm chasing after a ghost/ Something that wasn't ever there/ A memory of a somewhat distant past/ But even the past could give me feelings that would last/ Why do i chase after someone who doesn't want to get caught/ Why do i even try/ I'm caught, i'm caught/ Up in the way you smile, the way you laugh/ But it doesn't matter does it/ I cant seem to let you go/ Even after you left me/ This impossibility/ Just makes it everything to me/ You're were the light at the end of this tunnel/ But now im left to sift through the rubble/ Why do i chase after someone who doesn't want to get caught/ Why do i even try/ I'm caught, i'm caught/ Up in the way you smile, the way you laugh/ But it doesn't matter does it/ I cant seem to let you go/ Even after you left me/
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
Wet eyes, racing heart/ White lies, last resort/ It seems it never ends/ Was it worth all of my friends/ The loss inside me is very real/ This was supposed to be a simple ordeal/ But I've lost it all/ Now i only have my bed, to catch me when i fall/ Sweet little lullabies/ Quiet my desperate cries/ Shut my mouth and i wont tell lies/ Dreaming away with open eyes/ Losing all my common sense/ Love for me came and went/ And now I'm all alone/ Except for the sound of the dial tone/ What can i do to steel this precious heart of mine/ The clock has stopped ticking, finally i have some time/ Poison was my greatest sin/ Love is still my highest win/ Regaining my loose thoughts and sense/ Changing my wrongs with baby steps/ So please wait for me my friends/ Sweet little lullabies/ Quiet my desperate cries/ Shut my mouth and i wont tell lies/ Dreaming away with open eyes/ Losing all my common sense/ Love for me came and went/ And now I'm all alone/ Except for the sound of the dial tone/ I can still hear the footsteps in the hall/ But no one will answer my mournful call/ I was tricked by a devilish sprite/ Can i blame him for my current plight/ No... This was my fault and mine alone/ And for my sins i'll have to atone/ Even if it means, leaving the place i called home/ Sweet little lullabies/ Quiet my desperate cries/ Shut my mouth and i wont tell lies/ Dreaming away with open eyes/ Losing all my common sense/ Love for me came and went/ And now I'm all alone/ Except for the sound of the dial tone/
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
Morbid tidbits
Unrequited  Drug diluted  Take me away  To summer days  Contemplating  Articulating  A thousand words in a single stare  Cus i cant feel it anymore/  Cus i cant feel it anymore/ --------------------------------------- You cant spell broken/  Without ok/  Listen to the words i wont say/ I promise you im not okay/  Cross my heart/  Im not lying/  It really feels like im dying/  Inside, wasting away/  Day after day/  A part of me's crumbling/  Effortlessly falling away/  --------------------------------------- And nothing will stick to me/  Cus im rubber and you're glue/  Bruises will fade/  Cuts will heal/  And these scars of mine act as a seal/ Keeping in the hurt and the lies/  Even after we've said goodbye/  --------------------------------------- Spill your guts filled with lies and secrets/ --------------------------------------- Theres an unspoken bliss/  Whispered in a steel edged kiss/ 
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
Love tidbits
Truly i miss you/ In the most impossible of ways/ I try to fix myself/ But the mechanics out to lunch/ And its nighttime/ I made room for you in my heart/ But the movers were late/ They never show up on time/ ------------------------------------- I want you to look at me with stars in your eyes/  Until you finally wake up and realize/  That im not the man you've been dreaming of/  ------------------------------------- Everyone worships something/ For me its the way your lips curve/ The way your smile shines brighter/ Than the light of a God I've never known/ Id take to my knees if you'd ask me/  With no hesitation to spare/  Im an atheist in all things except when the topic is you/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It must be terminal/  Fatalistic/  Cus fate just wont listen I'd give up my flesh and bones/  Just to have someone to call my own/  But Love's a trigger warning/  And you're my last shot/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Im all out of love/ It's not what i want/  But im trying anyway/ And im in a rut/  Cus every time i try/  The feeling dies/  Leaving me with another grave/  In a cemetery far too wide/  For a healthy heart/  And i cant cry/  Cus i cant feel it anymore/  Cus i cant feel it anymore/  --------------------------------------- Even if i say its enough/  Just know that it will never be/  I hunger for your affection/  I crave every touch/  --------------------------------------- You cant spell broken/  Without ok/  Listen to the words i wont say/ I promise you im not okay/  Cross my heart/  Im not lying/  It really feels like im dying/  Inside, wasting away/  Day after day/  A part of me's crumbling/  Effortlessly falling away/  --------------------------------------- Its a want/  Not a need/  Something like a necessity/  But a substitute would be just as sweet/  Novocain instead of sugar/  Addicted to the poison/ Drowning in the sin/ Lost in the passion/  I need a reason to give in/ --------------------------------------- Through the lies and the hatred/  I thought that we could make it/  What a foolish thought/  A naive hope/  Now a crushed dream/  Finally i see how harsh love can be/ My heart was yours for the taking/ But all it did was end up breaking/ --------------------------------------- I never wanted your problems/  I never wanted your blame/  I cant help if my feelings arent the same/ --------------------------------------- It was a nightmare/  Disguised as a beautiful dream/  An illusion where nothing was spared/ It was so wonderful and i was deceived/ --------------------------------------- She had/  The most beautiful eyes/  The kind you could get lost in/  Time and time again/  I found myself swimming/  In those iridescent nebulas/  But the lights,/  They started to dim/  It got harder to swim/  And easier to sink/  When the water reached the brim/  That was the moment i could breathe/ The moment i could think/  About her eyes/  I shouldve been wiser/  I shouldve known her/  Told her to be bolder/  That i would be here by her side/  To help her with the evil in the night/  --------------------------------------- Love is suppose to hurt/ Its suppose to make you cry/  But it can also give you wings/ And teach you how to fly/ Its written in your heart/ Just learn to read/ It might be hard now/ But the sun'll come out/ And you will see/ --------------------------------------- We might just be/  Some crazy kids/  Having some, kicks and grins/  But these sweet summer kisses/  Make me want something more/  It mustve been your lips/  The way they perfectly matched mine/  It mustve been the way/  The light reflected in your eyes/  It shouldve been the way/  Your hand fit into mine/  --------------------------------------- Fervently, desperately/ Loving you was the last thing/ I though i'd do/ I cant stop loving you/ Oh what should i do/  My hopes, and dreams/  Are filled with you/  Im still tasting you on my lips/  Feeling your hands on my hips/ ---------------------------------------- I wont kiss lips that lie/
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lyrical--nonsense · 9 years
Wanting More
Oh, tell me what should i do/  Im at a loss for words/  Ive never felt this way before/  But im so close to closing the door/  If i could turn back time/  Id right our wrongs/  Then i wouldnt have to sing you this song/  But what if our wrongs were too strong to right/  Would it all end tonight/  Would i have to be the one to close the door/  Is this what i get, for wanting more/ 
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