lyris-sims · 3 years
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit.  A friend of mine just passed away, so I haven’t really been feeling like planning or writing anything. So I’m going to take some more time. A few weeks maybe. I should be feeling a little better by then. Until then, take care  ❤️
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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Dearest Maya,
How are things in Brindleton? Is there anything new happening in the city?
Life here is interesting. Certainly, different than what I was used to. It’s simpler here. Calmer. I’m not sure I miss Brindleton – with the exception of you, of course. You must come and visit soon – there are some old ruins on the edge of town that are gorgeous. Damien and I have already explored a fair bit of it, but I would love to show you some of what we’ve discovered.
Our home is fairly modest, but you should have seen when we first moved. I’m glad we kept some of our furniture if only to soften the place. Alistair has plans to build a second floor – especially as we both want children. Mama and Moira take up one room and Damien has another to himself and could probably share, but there’s not much more room. There is quite a bit of land, however. Alistair puts most of it to use with the crops, but there is a small area for our chickens. It took me a while, but I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of collecting the eggs. One of our hens, Betty, can be quite protective of them, but is easily distracted with food.
Mama has improved since we moved. It seems the fresh air has done her some good. She’s smiling again, at least, and doesn’t have that faraway look in her eyes anymore. She’s taken to going down to the marketplace almost every day and I’m glad she is getting out more. Damien, too, seems to be livelier. He’s made friends with Moira as I knew he would, and a few other children from school. Moira is a darling girl if a bit wild. I’ve begun teaching her embroidery and in turn she’s taught me how to handle the chickens. She doesn’t call me mother, and I would not make her, but we have found we enjoy the others’ company.
Wishing you well from Henford,
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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Ross Farm, 1890 
Prior to the Blackwoods moving in. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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The wedding of Anne Blackwood and Alistair Ross was held on the evening of April the 21st. It was a small affair; only three people attended - Anne’s mother and brother, and her best friend Maya. And, of course, the priest.
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The ceremony was short and sweet, but they had no reason for a large celebration. 
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Soon enough they would be moving to Henford-on-Bagley, and they could forget the worries that troubled them here. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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Dearest Maya,
How are things in Brindleton? Is there anything new happening in the city?
Life here is interesting. Certainly, different than what I was used to. It’s simpler here. Calmer. I’m not sure I miss Brindleton – with the exception of you, of course. You must come and visit soon – there are some old ruins on the edge of town that are gorgeous. Damien and I have already explored a fair bit of it, but I would love to show you some of what we’ve discovered.
Our home is fairly modest, but you should have seen when we first moved. I’m glad we kept some of our furniture if only to soften the place. Alistair has plans to build a second floor – especially as we both want children. Mama and Moira take up one room and Damien has another to himself and could probably share, but there’s not much more room. There is quite a bit of land, however. Alistair puts most of it to use with the crops, but there is a small area for our chickens. It took me a while, but I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of collecting the eggs. One of our hens, Betty, can be quite protective of them, but is easily distracted with food.
Mama has improved since we moved. It seems the fresh air has done her some good. She’s smiling again, at least, and doesn’t have that faraway look in her eyes anymore. She’s taken to going down to the marketplace almost every day and I’m glad she is getting out more. Damien, too, seems to be livelier. He’s made friends with Moira as I knew he would, and a few other children from school. Moira is a darling girl if a bit wild. I’ve begun teaching her embroidery and in turn she’s taught me how to handle the chickens. She doesn’t call me mother, and I would not make her, but we have found we enjoy the others’ company.
Wishing you well from Henford,
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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Ross Farm, 1890 
Prior to the Blackwoods moving in. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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The wedding of Anne Blackwood and Alistair Ross was held on the evening of April the 21st. It was a small affair; only three people attended - Anne’s mother and brother, and her best friend Maya. And, of course, the priest.
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The ceremony was short and sweet, but they had no reason for a large celebration. 
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Soon enough they would be moving to Henford-on-Bagley, and they could forget the worries that troubled them here. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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A few days after that incident with Thomas, Anne took her brother out to the park. He’d been very quiet since their father’s death; had even taken to staying away from the house for long periods of time. They sat on a bench, listening to the water from the creek and the ducks occasionally quacking. 
“I wanted… I suppose, to ask how you felt about everything Damien? I know things have all been rather sudden.” 
“They have,” he replied, kicking his feet a little. “Sorry I’ve been gone, I just haven’t wanted to be home. Not when papa isn’t there.” 
“I understand. And with mama…” she trailed off. 
“Being the way she is right now,” he finished for her. “I’ve noticed. I hope she gets better. I think she might when we move.” 
“I hope so. What do you think of Alistair?” 
“He’s nice. I like him. He’s nicer than Thomas, at least,” he said. “I’m a little excited to be moving. And scared.” 
“I am, too. Brindleton has been my home for so long I’m not sure how to feel.” 
“I think it’ll be good to move away, though; for all of us. I hate that the other children don’t talk to me anymore.” He frowned. 
“Henford will have plenty of new children, I’m sure, not to mention Moira, Alistair’s daughter.” Damien brightened up at that. 
“Will we meet her when we move?” 
“I hope she likes me!” 
“I’m sure she will,” she said with a smile. 
On the way home, he stopped. “Hey, Anne?” 
“I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Likewise, little brother,” she said. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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A few days after that incident with Thomas, Anne took her brother out to the park. He’d been very quiet since their father’s death; had even taken to staying away from the house for long periods of time. They sat on a bench, listening to the water from the creek and the ducks occasionally quacking. 
“I wanted... I suppose, to ask how you felt about everything Damien? I know things have all been rather sudden.” 
“They have,” he replied, kicking his feet a little. “Sorry I’ve been gone, I just haven’t wanted to be home. Not when papa isn’t there.” 
“I understand. And with mama...” she trailed off. 
“Being the way she is right now,” he finished for her. “I’ve noticed. I hope she gets better. I think she might when we move.” 
“I hope so. What do you think of Alistair?” 
“He’s nice. I like him. He’s nicer than Thomas, at least,” he said. “I’m a little excited to be moving. And scared.” 
“I am, too. Brindleton has been my home for so long I’m not sure how to feel.” 
“I think it’ll be good to move away, though; for all of us. I hate that the other children don’t talk to me anymore.” He frowned. 
“Henford will have plenty of new children, I’m sure, not to mention Moira, Alistair’s daughter.” Damien brightened up at that. 
“Will we meet her when we move?” 
“I hope she likes me!” 
“I’m sure she will,” she said with a smile. 
On the way home, he stopped. “Hey, Anne?” 
“I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Likewise, little brother,” she said. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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The door to the townhouse opened and closed, which was odd considering most everyone would knock first. When Anne came out of the drawing room, her face morphed into one of irritation. 
“Mr. Hamilton, what a surprise…” 
(Warning! Violence)
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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The door to the townhouse opened and closed, which was odd considering most everyone would knock first. When Anne came out of the drawing room, her face morphed into one of irritation. 
“Mr. Hamilton, what a surprise...” 
(Warning! Violence)
Thomas was glowering at her, his brows angled down over his blue eyes. “You cannot possibly be considering marrying that - that farmer?” 
She was stunned at first, but then she remembered her anger. “What was I supposed to do when you so politely jilted me the day of my father’s funeral? Wallow in despair? You know that has never been my way.” 
“Yes. Practical to a fault, you are.” 
“I had to do what was best for my family,” she said. “Mr. Ross is a kind man. He knows of our situation and has decided to take on the responsibility in spite of it. How did you hear of it? It has not been announced in the papers.”
“I saw you the other day, at the café. And then I saw you and him down by the waterfront,” he sneered. “Why would you marry some backwoods farmer?” 
“I needed a husband,” she replied. 
“And so, you grabbed the first available male you could find? I thought better of your judgement,” he shook his head. 
“Forgive me for being so blunt, Mr. Hamilton, but how is it any of your business? You washed your hands of me.” Her anger was an icy dart in her chest, and she embraced it. 
“I am trying to prevent you from committing to this ridiculous engagement!” 
“Why? Excuse me, but the choices I make are no longer your concern, Mr. Hamilton.” She cried out in alarm as he surged forward and grabbed her arm with a hard enough grip she knew would bruise later. 
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“They most definitely are my concern!”
“Let go of me!” He snarled, shook her once, but let go of her. “I suggest you leave, Mr. Hamilton, before I call for the police.” She heard a shuffle behind her, and she turned momentarily to see her brother, his mouth turned into an angry frown. She turned back to Thomas. 
“This is not the last you’ll see of me,” he said before turning away and slamming the door to the townhouse shut. 
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“He better not come back,” Damien said from behind her. 
“I sure hope he doesn’t,” she said, rubbing at her aching arm. 
Not for the first time, Damien wished he was bigger. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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16 February, 1890
My dearest friend,
I hope you are keeping well. Even though you have just visited, your presence is very sorely missed. You must come to visit again - or perhaps I shall, though I don’t know when.
You were right; of course, you were right. I should know by now to listen to your intuition. Mr. Ross – Alistair, as I can call him now – proposed last evening. I accepted, of course. Something about him feels different than Thomas. It feels like…. Like we’re two pieces of a puzzle that fit together. I can’t quite explain it. Where Thomas was rigid, almost cool, Alistair is warm and kind. I’ve not seen him angry yet, but I do not feel as if I should fear his hand. You know Thomas can have a rather volatile temper, but whereas Thomas could be a raging sea, I feel Alistair will be a calm lake comparatively.
I know by marrying him I am lowering my station, poor my family may be. The Blackwoods, until now, have always been of good breeding, as it were. But you know I've never believed that nonsense anyway. The poorest of laborers has just as much right to marry whomever he wants just as much as so-called good families. I know - you've heard this rant many times, so I suppose I shall get on with the main purpose of my letter.
Back to the matter of my writing to you, we have set a date on the evening of April the 21st. I apologize for the lack of a formal invitation, but as you are the only individual outside of my family invited, I thought you wouldn't mind. You are practically my sister anyway. Parchment has also become a bit of a scarcity in the house - mama has taken to hoarding it in a box in her room.
It would make me ever so happy if you were to attend. I hope you do.
Your sincere friend,
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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Brindleton’s shopping district was quite busy; the sound of people chattering and children shouting, of carriages and the horses that pulled them was thoroughly distracting. People walked in and out of shops, engrossed in their own conversations and goals, paying no heed to the couple walking down the street. 
“There’s a place up here that provides outdoor seating. Since it’s such a nice day, I thought we could sit there for a bit.” Alistair said, weaving them in between bustling people. 
“That would be quite lovely.” It wasn’t often Brindleton had a nice, sunny day like this, which was what she attributed the busyness of the district to. 
It wasn’t long until they were seated outside on the second story in a small, but private balcony. The weather was still chilly, but the sun was warm, and the lack of a breeze made it more than tolerable. 
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Anne found that Alistair had quite a lot in common with her. Alistair was a farmer, but he did enjoy gardening for the joy of it like she did. They both felt one should do what they could for those less fortunate. 
While he didn’t have any skills in knitting or embroidery and she didn’t expect him to, he did at least know how to sew a button and fix a seam. He also enjoyed being outdoors and working with animals. 
“I would love to have a dog someday. I think it would help around the farm; especially with keeping foxes away.” 
“Are foxes such a problem in Henford-on-Bagley?” 
“Not in the more populated places, but in the more rural areas, yes. I’ve lost more than one chicken to a fox’s hungry stomach.” 
“A dog would surely help, then.” 
Neither of them noticed the eyes watching them from an office building across the street. 
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Later, they strolled down a path by the river. When they got to the river’s edge, Alistair stopped and took her by the hands. 
“Miss Blackwood, you have been honest and kind upon meeting you. I have listened and understood your troubles. I have presented you with conditions which you have seemed amiable and agreed to, even though you had a right to dismiss me. I have found your company to be pleasant and have even come to anticipate them. I have means in which to support you and your family, and any children we may have should you accept my proposal. If you would do me the honor of becoming my wife, that is. ” 
Anne felt something soften in her heart for this man that she had only known for a short while. She knew that given time, she could grow to love him, and she smiled with that knowledge. “Since you have thought on everything and find me as pleasant as I do you, I am happy to accept your proposal.” 
He broke into a wide smile. “Then… if I may be so bold…” 
Alistair leaned in, placed a hand around her waist, and gently pressed his lips to hers. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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“Maya! It’s so good to see you,” Anne was delighted at finding her friend knocking on her door. 
Maya kissed her cheek, “Oh, Anne. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here; I was off visiting family in Willow Creek. Word didn’t reach me until a few days ago and I don’t even want to know how long John even knew - you know how he is. Anyway, I came as soon as I heard.” 
Anne smiled at her best friend, relieved to know that she wasn’t going to abandon her like so many others had. “Let’s go inside, shall we?” 
“Yes, lets! And you can tell me of everything that I’ve missed.” Maya waited in the drawing room while Anne fetched them some tea and then she finally sat down. 
“I’m glad you’re here, Maya. When news of father’s passing spread, it was suddenly as if we were strangers to everyone we knew.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, Anne. If there’s one good thing that’s come of my marriage to John, it’s his family’s influence. I might as well bend the rules at bit,” Maya smirked at her. “Now, tell me everything that’s happened.” 
“Well, perhaps it’s best I start from the beginning…” 
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The teapot was empty by the time she was finished, and Anne felt strangely relieved, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She realized she hadn’t really had anyone to talk to; to vent her frustrations to. 
“Oh, you poor dear,” Maya held her hand. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to help, but it seems you’ve still done rather well, considering the circumstances.” 
“It seems I have, haven’t I?” 
“Tell me about this Mr. Ross, this Alistair. Has he been good to you?” 
“Oh, yes. He’s been nothing but courteous to me.” 
“Good,” Maya said, smiling. “You deserve someone kind. You’ll invite me for the ceremony, yes?”
“If Mr. Ross is inclined to marry me, then yes,” Anne replied laughingly, but Maya gave her a knowing look. They talked some more and eventually the topic turned to Maya’s recent marriage to one John Atkins.
“John wants an heir soon,” Maya grimaced. “It’s not the children that bother me, in fact, I love children, you know I do. It’s just…” 
“Him, I know.” Anne had never liked John. He had a hot temper and could act rather erratically at times. She knew if Maya had the choice she never would have married him, but one didn’t refuse the richest man in town without consequences. Anne had even heard rumors about the man’s less than stellar business leanings.
“He gets so volatile, Annie…” Maya released a breath and shook her head. “I try to stay out of his way, though, and I’ve become rather good at it. I’ve got this nice room that he never really goes in; claims it’s too… womanly for his senses. It has all my painting supplies, a nice sofa, some books… you’d love it.” 
“Perhaps I could visit some day.” 
“I’d like that.” 
Later, when Maya was leaving, she pulled Anne in for a tight hug. 
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“No matter where you go, always write to me. I will visit when I can, but…” 
“Of course, Maya.” They parted and Anne opened the door for her. 
“And be sure to invite me to the ceremony!” Maya fixed her hat and stepped out onto the pavement.
“I will if there is one!” Anne called after her and gave her one last smile and wave before closing the door. At least there was one person who still cared for her and her family. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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Brindleton’s shopping district was quite busy; the sound of people chattering and children shouting, of carriages and the horses that pulled them was thoroughly distracting. People walked in and out of shops, engrossed in their own conversations and goals, paying no heed to the couple walking down the street. 
“There’s a place up here that provides outdoor seating. Since it’s such a nice day, I thought we could sit there for a bit.” Alistair said, weaving them in between bustling people. 
“That would be quite lovely.” It wasn’t often Brindleton had a nice, sunny day like this, which was what she attributed the busyness of the district to. 
It wasn’t long until they were seated outside on the second story in a small, but private balcony. The weather was still chilly, but the sun was warm, and the lack of a breeze made it more than tolerable. 
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Anne found that Alistair had quite a lot in common with her. Alistair was a farmer, but he did enjoy gardening for the joy of it like she did. They both felt one should do what they could for those less fortunate. 
While he didn’t have any skills in knitting or embroidery and she didn’t expect him to, he did at least know how to sew a button and fix a seam. He also enjoyed being outdoors and working with animals. 
“I would love to have a dog someday. I think it would help around the farm; especially with keeping foxes away.” 
“Are foxes such a problem in Henford-on-Bagley?” 
“Not in the more populated places, but in the more rural areas, yes. I’ve lost more than one chicken to a fox’s hungry stomach.” 
“A dog would surely help, then.” 
Neither of them noticed the eyes watching them from an office building across the street. 
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Later, they strolled down a path by the river. When they got to the river’s edge, Alistair stopped and took her by the hands. 
“Miss Blackwood, you have been honest and kind upon meeting you. I have listened and understood your troubles. I have presented you with conditions which you have seemed amiable and agreed to, even though you had a right to dismiss me. I have found your company to be pleasant and have even come to anticipate them. I have means in which to support you and your family, and any children we may have should you accept my proposal. If you would do me the honor of becoming my wife, that is. ” 
Anne felt something soften in her heart for this man that she had only known for a short while. She knew that given time, she could grow to love him, and she smiled with that knowledge. “Since you have thought on everything and find me as pleasant as I do you, I am happy to accept your proposal.” 
He broke into a wide smile. “Then... if I may be so bold...” 
Alistair leaned in, placed a hand around her waist, and gently pressed his lips to hers. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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“Maya! It’s so good to see you,” Anne was delighted at finding her friend knocking on her door. 
Maya kissed her cheek, “Oh, Anne. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here; I was off visiting family in Willow Creek. Word didn’t reach me until a few days ago and I don’t even want to know how long John even knew - you know how he is. Anyway, I came as soon as I heard.” 
Anne smiled at her best friend, relieved to know that she wasn’t going to abandon her like so many others had. “Let’s go inside, shall we?” 
“Yes, lets! And you can tell me of everything that I’ve missed.” Maya waited in the drawing room while Anne fetched them some tea and then she finally sat down. 
“I’m glad you’re here, Maya. When news of father’s passing spread, it was suddenly as if we were strangers to everyone we knew.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, Anne. If there’s one good thing that’s come of my marriage to John, it’s his family’s influence. I might as well bend the rules at bit,” Maya smirked at her. “Now, tell me everything that’s happened.” 
“Well, perhaps it’s best I start from the beginning...” 
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The teapot was empty by the time she was finished, and Anne felt strangely relieved, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She realized she hadn’t really had anyone to talk to; to vent her frustrations to. 
“Oh, you poor dear,” Maya held her hand. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to help, but it seems you’ve still done rather well, considering the circumstances.” 
“It seems I have, haven’t I?” 
“Tell me about this Mr. Ross, this Alistair. Has he been good to you?” 
“Oh, yes. He’s been nothing but courteous to me.” 
“Good,” Maya said, smiling. “You deserve someone kind. You’ll invite me for the ceremony, yes?”
“If Mr. Ross is inclined to marry me, then yes,” Anne replied laughingly, but Maya gave her a knowing look. They talked some more and eventually the topic turned to Maya’s recent marriage to one John Atkins.
“John wants an heir soon,” Maya grimaced. “It’s not the children that bother me, in fact, I love children, you know I do. It’s just...” 
“Him, I know.” Anne had never liked John. He had a hot temper and could act rather erratically at times. She knew if Maya had the choice she never would have married him, but one didn’t refuse the richest man in town without consequences. Anne had even heard rumors about the man’s less than stellar business leanings.
“He gets so volatile, Annie...” Maya released a breath and shook her head. “I try to stay out of his way, though, and I’ve become rather good at it. I’ve got this nice room that he never really goes in; claims it’s too... womanly for his senses. It has all my painting supplies, a nice sofa, some books... you’d love it.” 
“Perhaps I could visit some day.” 
“I’d like that.” 
Later, when Maya was leaving, she pulled Anne in for a tight hug. 
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“No matter where you go, always write to me. I will visit when I can, but...” 
“Of course, Maya.” They parted and Anne opened the door for her. 
“And be sure to invite me to the ceremony!” Maya fixed her hat and stepped out onto the pavement.
“I will if there is one!” Anne called after her and gave her one last smile and wave before closing the door. At least there was one person who still cared for her and her family. 
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lyris-sims · 3 years
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