lysitheeea · 6 years
It’s not right, but it’s okay - Trent Alexander-Arnold
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Warnings: strong language, mentions of drug use
It was one of those cold Liverpool nights where Trent had decided to go out as his tight schedule allowed him to do nothing on the next day. Nevertheless, he found himself leaving the club earlier than originally planned as he quickly realised that being the only sober person surrounded by all of his drunk friends was no fun at all.
Never in his life did he expect what would happen to him on his way home.
At this time of the night, the streets were empty, the street and car light the only source of vision he had while he was driving.
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lysitheeea · 6 years
2 Souls on Fire - Jesse Lingard
The Expectations Series
#3 2 Souls on Fire
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A/N: Happy late birthday Jesse, Happy Christmas or other day you’re celebrating and if not I simply wish you a nice day :)
Desire, two souls on fire Make me feel some type of way Desire, two souls on fire Do I make you feel some type of way?
“Girl, I see you staring.”
You shrieked slightly at the sudden sound of the voice from your friend Gabby as you didn’t hear her approaching from behind due to the loud music in the club. It took you a while to realise how it must look to others, seeing you sitting by yourself and playing with the straw of your cocktail, lost in thought.
“Staring at what?” Seemingly clueless you gave her an innocent grin but she immediately saw through your act.
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lysitheeea · 6 years
Hate To See Your Heart Break [1] - Trent Alexander-Arnold
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A/N: here’s a Trent imagine no one asked for. Had to split it into two parts because this is ~3500 words long. Part 2 will come soon… hopefully
warnings: strong language
It was the unpleasant sound of your ringtone from your phone which interrupted your sleep in the middle of the night. All you wanted was to catch a few hours of sleep before you had to get up and go to university so you decided to not pick up the call. Therefore, you groaned complaining and covered your ears with your pillow, hoping the sound would stop as soon as possible. 
But the caller insisted on calling again whenever the voice of your mailbox was beginning to play and eventually you blindly grabbed to your ringing phone, still annoyed by the interruption of your much-needed sleep.
The bright light coming from your phone hurt your eyes first but then you recognized the name from the caller which made you wonder. What in the world was so important that he had to call early in the morning which couldn’t wait in the daytime or at least could’ve been told you by text?
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lysitheeea · 6 years
tears in the rain
Pairing: AnyoneĂ—f!reader
Fandom: Football
Warnings: toxic relationship
Summary: How him and Y/N fell apart and what happened next
Based on Tears In The Rain by The Weeknd
He doesn't know for how long she has been like this. It took him a while to notice how unhappy his girlfriend was and he hated himself for this. It was because of his career, he supposed. For him, everything was warm and sunny, but for her it was cold and cloudy. He was getting more and more attention, he got busier and spent less time with her. Y/N was happy for him, he knew that. She was always there for him, went to every game and not hesitated to tell him how proud she is.
But she wasn't the same. He noticed how she stopped laughing at his jokes and staring into his eyes the way she used to. She spent more and more time in her head. It was like she built her own world and she wouldn't let him in. He tried to spend more time and attention to her. It didn't work. He figured out why.
Y/N wasn't the one who changed, it was him. It wasn't the fact that he didn't spent enough time with her the reason they began to fall apart, it was him. Him, him, him. She didn't laugh at his jokes because he stopped making them and she didn't look into his eyes anymore because they were filled with pride and greed. The greater he started to believe he is, the smaller she became.
Before all of this, before he blew up and became popular, he saw her as his equal in everything. Not anymore. He was above her. He was toxic for her. She couldn't handle him. He was poison. He was too much, too strong. He was still holding onto her after he realized all of this. Because he was selfish and he needed her.
It only got worse. A lot more changed.
He started to be possessive and controlling. He was always touching her, like he was afraid of the fact she is going to leave him, he was scaring away every single male that was getting too close to her. He was watching every move she made so he knew everything. She was miserable. She felt like a bird trapped in a cage. She wasn't present at his games and no longer cared about how they went. She only communicated with him when it was necessary and refused to be touched. It was certainly an awful idea to become even more of an asshole than he already was.
One day, he decided to finally let her go. It hurt like hell, but he got tired of seeing his Y/N like that because of him.
Their home was terribly quiet that day. She didn't spoke to him, as usual and he kept thinking about their situation. There was no way they were going back to how they were before. It has to be done.
When Y/N passed by him, he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. He embraced her and placed a kiss on her forehead. She didn't pull away this time, almost like she knew that this was the last time his lips touched her. He almost started to cry. He wanted her here. With him. Always. But we don't receive everything we want.
“Babe, is time we end this.” He felt her nodding against his chest.
She left. She called someone to help her get her stuff and move back into her old home. He couldn't stay and watch her leave so he got in his car and drove around until midnight. She took everything she owned, leaving him with memories and regrets.
In that night, he stared at the door, half drunk, half dead inside, wondering what the hell is he going to do. She was gone for good and he was there, alone in a house that used to be theirs. He already missed her. She was an important part of his life for a long time. Now he must live without her.
It hurt. A lot. He had to adjust to the pain. Whenever he could, he drowned it in alcohol. Before getting drunk, he had to hide his phone so he couldn't call her. He deleted her number, but that turned out to be useless because he knew it by heart. Most times he drank alone and looked at pictures with her in which they were still happy, other times he fought with himself, yelling about how stupid he was to lose her.
He was completely alone. He slept, ate and spent his days alone. He was going out with his friends from time to time, but that didn't change a thing. He only found out that you can be surrounded by a bunch of people and still be alone. Everyone asked about her. “Where is your lovely Y/N?”. He would tell them a lot of bullshit. That things didn't work out, she needed to move, they decided they should go in separate ways, etcetera.
He began sleeping around like many did after a break up, but it was they all were the same. It felt weird even looking at other women at the beginning. They had different bodies, they were different persons, but to him they felt the same. Sex with Y/N was always amazing. During the act, she was his main focus. He was full of her. It was more than sex. It was a journey to another world. With those women, sex was just sex. It only brought him pleasure and nothing more.
Some of them wanted to try something more with him. They were wonderful people, he had to admit. But no. He knows that he will never love anyone more than he loves Y/N and nobody will love him the way she did. It was pointless, just like tears in the rain. He doesn't want to make another woman miserable. They deserve better than him.
She might find someone else and he is aware of that. It breaks him, but he knows she deserves real love. She is an amazing human being and everyone would be lucky to be with her. And she needs someone kind who knows how to appreciate her, unlike him. After what happened between them, she needs to heal.
In the end, he may have a lot of regrets, but Y/N will always be his biggest one.
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lysitheeea · 6 years
tiny brandt
Pairing: Julian Brandtxf!reader
Fandom: Football
Warnings: -
Summary: Some things about Julian and Y/N as parents and their tiny person.
Y/N always had one just in case. This was one of the cases. She didn't realized that her period was late until now that she came across the pregnancy test in a drawer. Julian was away for a match, at least that's what she thought. She was in the bathroom, looking at the used pregnancy test when he entered. She almost had a heart attack when she saw him standing there, with a smile on his face. He was surprised as well when his wife didn't return the smile, but instead she almost burst into tears. That’s when she showed him. It was positive.
“We still can't be sure. I need at least one more.”
Julian left immediately and came back with three more tests. She took all of them and they were all positive. They were so happy, but so worried at the same time. They always wanted kids, but they didn't expect to become parents that soon.
The worrying passed in a few days. They thought about it.They had a stable and healthy marriage, the both of them were mature enough to take care of a baby. Their child will be raised in a happy and safe home. Their parents will be there for them no matter what.
Julian was a sweetheart through the whole pregnancy. It was like he was pregnant too. He was always there for her, at every hour and took care of her needs. Everything was so damn beautiful. He often laid beside her belly, giving it kisses and singing to it. He couldn't stop talking about his new reason to live. Kai almost wanted a kid himself after seeing how happy his friend is.
It was like a thousand years passed when the gender reveal party came. One of Y/N’s friends took care of it. The theme was football. The both of them had so many feelings that day. They wanted to know if they are having a girl or a boy. They never been so impatient in their whole lives. Everybody kept teasing them and making bets about the gender, only making the situation worse. When Julian kicked the ball, the smoke was pink. They were expecting a baby girl. She has never seen a bigger smile on his face. He got down on one knee and kissed the belly and then her lips as everybody cheered.
Nine months passed and their baby still hasn't arrived. They were anxious. That stage of pregnancy wasn't pleasant. Y/N was on a lot of pain. Their daughter was heavy and restless. She didn't want to get out, but couldn't behave in there neither. Julian was on a lot of pain as well. It wasn't easy to see his wife in that situation and can't help her.
One night, it happened. Her water broke right before they went to bed. Y/N was an emotional mess and got angry at how happy her husband got when she yelled in pain because of her contractions. Could you blame him? He couldn't wait to meet her.
Sadly, she had a long labour. It lasted almost an entire day. 22 hours. And Ju was there the whole time, holding her hand, encouraging her and promising her that after all of this is over and they have their daughter home, he will buy her all the food she wants.
The moment they heard her cry and she finally had her daughter laid on her chest, her world changed.
Ayla Jayline Brandt.
She was so small, fragile and beautiful. And she had her father's dimple. Julian cried when he saw her and had to calm down before cutting her umbilical cord.
He was an amazing father. He was so patient and he managed to take care of Y/N too. The aftermath of giving birth is not pretty. He did give her the food he promised and more when they brought Ayla home. He singed to her just like he did when she was in her mother's belly. And Ayla loved him so much. She was a daddy's girl. His hands were her favourite toy. When they needed her to stop crying, all they had to do was having Julian show her his hands and she immediately was a giggling mess. She got used to holding her father's finger as she slept beside him.
When Ju was away, Y/N stayed on the couch, with Ayla on her lap looking at the him through the screen. Even if the baby didn't understand a thing, she also cheered when her mother did, clapping her hands and saying “Dadda" over and over again. She sent him a lot of pictures, keeping him updated. Every single day, he knew whatever his girls did. Eating, sleeping or playing. His phone was full of these kind of photos.
Julian was protective. Y/N already knew that because of how he treated her. But with Ayla his protectiveness got on another level. Ever since she came on this world, he watched over her. He was alert and careful. In the first nights of her existence, he barely slept. He was scared of what might happen. Y/N often found him beside her crib, checking if she's breathing.
“Do you think we should wake her up? She already slept for too long. What if she's starving herself in her sleep?”
He did anything within his power to keep his tiny human safe. When they went out, he kept her away from strangers. He was the one who held her when they went on walks or at certain events they could bring her. Everyone that looked suspicious needed to stay away from his princess.
They tried to keep her away from the lights. They liked to keep their lives private and their kid was no different. The world found out about her, but almost no one beside their families and friends knew how she looked like or what was her name.
Y/N and Julian had a happy life, but it got better now that they had Ayla. Every moment they spent curled up with her in their bed, when she woke up to the both of them in the kitchen, with Ayla laughing as Julian tried to cook (failing) and every time she heard her say “mama" and “dadda" made her realize that that's it. She finally has everything. She found her soulmate and together they made a tiny human that's half him and half her. She doesn't need anything else.
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lysitheeea · 6 years
sit on me
Pairing: Julian Brandtxf!reader
Fandom: Football
Warnings: smut smut smut
Summary: this is the second part of get on your knees
“Sit on my face. You're getting your reward.”
No words could make Y/N happier. She was incredibly aroused because of what happened moments ago and she wanted nothing more than his mouth on her special parts. They haven't done this before, she knew how skilled was her boyfriend with his tongue, but something tells her she will enjoy sitting on his face even more.
Julian was on his back and Y/N climbed on top of him. He looked so damn good this way, under her, looking at her like she was the most precious thing he has ever seen. How the hell could he look at her like he was about to declare his eternal love for her when in reality he was about to eat her out? She wanted to kiss him so bad in that moment, but they had other plans for his mouth.
“Want me to teach you?” She asked him before opening her legs and lowering on his face carefully, earning a loud smack on her ass.
“Sit on me and shut up.”
Julian grabbed her hips in his hands, finding a perfect spot. This position felt empowering, something she only felt a few times before when she rode him. He started out slowly, giving each of her inner thighs a kiss before fully attaching his mouth to her heat.
“Yes, baby.” She encouraged him, even if he didn't need it. They both knew he was an expert at using her body for driving her insane. In just a matter of seconds he will gave her screaming and squirming without too much effort.
He softly moved his tongue up and down her folds, teasing her. She couldn't believe he was teasing her right now after she gave him such an amazing orgasm. This was supposed to be her reward. Her hand found his hair and she gently stroked his curls. Only this view, with him between her legs, with his eyes closed, looking like he was enjoying himself while eating her soul out was enough to make her go wild. And this imagine will be stuck in her mind for a while.
She wanted more. A lot more and she's going to get it herself if he won't give it to her. She started to move her hips, slowly at first, scared not to do something wrong, but as soon as he smacked her ass, she knew it was okay to go faster. Her movements brought his tongue in the places she needed it the most.
This was heaven. They weren't in Ju's house anymore. They were in the sky, among the clouds. She doesn't know if she loved his dick or his mouth more so she's grateful she gets the both of them. Julian always wants to please his girl as much as he can and he always does an amazing job at it.
“Just like that.”
His tongue was now at her entrance and she was seeing stars. She rolled her eyes and moaned his name while pulling his hair. This was way too good. Her movements got slower, letting Julian do what he pleased to her pussy. He looked in her eyes and she almost came. Those beautiful eyes of his were staring directly into her soul.
“Fuck! Julian, yes! Yes!
He turned his attention to her clit and she knew she couldn't last any longer. Her legs started to shake, she moaned his name over and over again until she came. He squeezed her flesh in his palms as she did, leaving some bruises he will take care of later.
Y/N got off his face, but stayed on top of him. He looked delicious. His chin was glistening with her essence and his lips were swollen from the treatment he gave her. When she moved so she could reach his lips and kiss him she felt his dick. It got hard again because of the previous acts and she knew that it’s just a matter of time before it goes inside her.
“What's next?”
He didn't have to answer. In the next second she was under him, her legs wrapped around his waist and his dick deep inside her. Now she knew the answer. No matter how much she loved his mouth, nothing could replace the feeling of being one. He fit perfectly inside her, making her lose her mind without even trying.
It was like he was meant to be there because it seems her pussy doesn't want to let him go. Every time she feels he might pull out, she grippes him harder, kisses him deeper, keeping him right in the place he belongs.
His mouth never left hers. They forgot whose air they were breathing. They were so fucking close, she could feel his heart beating right into her chest. She wishes they could be like this all the time.
She moaned his name for the thousand time that day when he came inside her, filling her up. They stayed in each other's arms for a while, without him pulling out. They were tired, sweaty and a little bit sore. He had red marks on his arms and back because of her and her hips and ass were bruised from when he ate her out.
“This is our best one yet.” He said before kissing her forehead.
“I agree. I'm definitely going to suck your dick every chance I get.”
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lysitheeea · 6 years
on your knees
Pairing: Julian BrandtĂ—f!reader
Fandom: Football
Warnings: smut
Summary: Y/N wants to give Julian oral, but doesn't know how.
Y/N loved sex with Julian. She loved how he took care of her needs and always made her scream in pleasure. Ever since they got together, she hasn't spent a single day dry. She was insatiable and he didn't mind it. Their bodies fit perfectly together. Everything was perfect. They couldn't keep their hands to each other. But there was something Y/N didn't touch yet. His dick. It wasn't like she didn't wanted to, because damn, she couldn't take her eyes from it before it went inside her. She's never been too close to one before. She wasn't very experienced before she met Julian. He also never asked for a blowjob since they've started to have sex, not too long ago. So tonight she's going to ask him to teach her.
She was anxious at first. After all, it's not easy to say "I want to suck your dick, but I don't know how. Teach me?". But then she remembered that is was Julian. Her sweet, loving and kind boyfriend who already seen the wildest parts of her. He actually woke up the beast inside, she was normal before she met him. Not the scenarios she has in her mind will get her a place in hell.
She entered his home without knocking or announcing that she was there. They passed that stage of the relationship long ago. And there was he. On the couch playing video games, like he always did on his free time when he wasn't with her or his friends.
"Hey." He immediately smiled at the sound of her voice and looked her for a second before closing the game. She must be special if he stops playing video games for her.
“Hi, baby.” You gave him a quick kiss before taking a sit next to him. It seems that Julian didn't like that because he pat his lap, meaning he wanted her there. She submitted and when she got close to him, he attacked her face with kisses before it he went for her mouth.
"It's been to long since I touched you."
Her knees got weak at the affection he was offering her. One of his hands was gripping her ass and the other was caressing her back. Hers were under his shirt, slowly tracing his muscles. She knew Ju was on the mood, he sent her dirty texts all day, telling her all the things that will happen once he gets his hands on her. Not to mention the hard on she felt on her thigh.
Y/N managed to escape his mouth for a bit. She needed to breathe, but he didn't because he started to press kisses on her neck and chest right after she pulled away.
“I want to talk to you about something.”
“What is it?” His eyes were now on her.
“I want to make you cum tonight.” He laughed and gave her one more kiss.
“You will, baby.”
“With my mouth.”
Silence. His dick was now even harder against her thigh, just like his grip on her ass. He was obviously excited.
“But there is a problem. I've never done this before.” Now he looked completely surprised.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, your dick is going to be the first I put my hands on. Are you going to help me? ” After finishing the sentence, she touched his bulge. His eyes went down to where her hand was and then back to her face.
“And the only one. Yes, I will help you.”
The silence was back again. Julian had that look on his face that he gave her before fucking her brains out. This time her mouth is going to get fucked. When Y/N was about to ask him what's next, he spoke:
She got up from his lap and obeyed. He took his clothes off as well. Now that they were naked, she is nervous. She's actually going to do it.
“Get on your knees.” He said in a dangerously calm voice and she knew she was screwed.
She got on her knees, right between his legs, her face being at a small distance from his dick.
“Wrap your hand around the base, you're not going to fit all of it inside your mouth.” She wanted to tease him and tell him not to be so sure, but he's right. She doesn't know what she's capable of yet.
She did what he told her. One hand was around his dick and the other on his thigh. It felt a little weird, soft and hard and the same time.
“Up and down, baby.”
This type of movement felt even weirder, but so fucking hot.
“Give the tip a kiss.”
So she kissed the tip just like she kissed him. He seemed to like that because he cursed under his breath. It didn't taste bad, but it wasn't great either. The precum was a little salty, but besides that it was just skin.
“Take it, baby girl.”
She did. She took him in her mouth and she was surprised by how much she could fit in there. She moved her head up and down, taking him deeper.
“You're doing so good. Careful about teeth, ok?
His voice was shaking. She listened to him and curled her lips around her teeth. His words made her more confident so she went faster. She moved her hand in sync with her mouth.
“Fuck yes.”
He closed his eyes and kept swearing and telling her how good she made him feel. Y/N wanted more. She wanted to drive him crazy, to make him forget about everything but her, to bring him the same amount of pleasure he gave her all those times. So she involved her tongue more and traced every vein with it. He opened up his eyes and his swears got louder. Now she had his full attention. He gripped the back of her head and even if she didn't have full control anymore, this helped her. They found a perfect rhythm.
"This mouth of yours is so fucking good."
This whole situation got her wet and she couldn't wait until Julian will help her ease the ache. But right now, this is about her favourite boy. She felt like she is capable of taking more so she removed her hand. They both slowed down for a second as she went lower and lower. She made it. She managed to take him all the way.
“Damn! How can you-"
He got interrupted by his own moans. Y/N was so damn proud of the effect it had on him. His body started to shake and she already knew from all the sinful acts they've done that this meant he'll cum soon. She took him out of her mouth and wrapped her hand around him again, while the other was massaging his thigh.
He was a mess. This is the hottest thing she's ever seen. His breath was uneven, his body sweaty and she swears she never seen this kind of look in his eyes before. He called out her name as he reached his high and cummed all over her chest.
The silence came back for the third time tonight. Y/N was sure she had a smirk on her face. How could she not? The fact that she drove him insane gave her an unhealty satisfaction.
“Sit on my face. You're getting your reward.”
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lysitheeea · 6 years
Second Hand Love - Julian Brandt
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“Julian, did you listen to me?”
“Hmm?” The blonde winced slightly at the sound of your voice, caught off guard and his thoughts completely interrupted.
“You didn’t pay attention at all, am I correct?” You already expected a certain answer, but still asked, in the hope that you might be wrong.
Julian wanted to deny your question, but in fact, he really didn’t know what you had talked about, so he bid on his lips apologizing. “I’m sorry, can you repeat what you just said, this time I’m really going to listen.”
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lysitheeea · 6 years
i don't know how to love you
Pairing: Julian BrandtĂ—f!reader
Fandom: Football
Warning: sexual references
Summary: Julian is in love with a girl with issues
Julian Brandt has never had these kind of relationships before. He didn't like hook ups. He was more of a 'one girl' type of guy. But that's all she wanted to gave him. It will turn into more, he hopes.
They met one day through mutual friends. At the beginning they were checking each other out and only a few words were said. But soon things changed. He became completely fascinated by her. The way she moved, how she spoke and how she looked at him. They started to talk more, to flirt and tease each other back and fourth. But there was a limit. Everytime things got heated, she backed away.
It became a serious matter. She was always present in his mind. She was the first thing he thought about before going to sleep and after waking up. He was interested in everything about her. If she ate that day, if she had a good sleep, if she had plans the next day. He found himself thinking about ways he could get closer to her. But he was afraid. Afraid of not pushing her away even more. The situation didn't go unnoticed by their friends. They were often bringing up the fact that they could be more than friends and someone even said " If you make me mad, I'll hit your Y/N up and take her out." Y/N's girlfriends were the same. They exchanged looks everytime Julian was around.
He was warned. One of her friends told him that he shouldn't go in too deep with her. That she was emotionally unstable and needed more time to heal and get her shit together. Her friend also told him that she may not even want anything with him that way.
So Julian decided that it's better not to force anything. He respected the fact she didn't want anything more than flirting with him and of course, that she has "issues". She is not the only one with them. He was a footballer. That means he was public, every move he made was being watched, he had to travel and a lot more. Not everyone is okay having a relationship with someone like that.
But something happened.
One day he received a text from her. It wasn't a "hey" or " how are you". She directly asked him if he wanted to come that night at her place. He spent a few minutes thinking about it. He didn't think this was possible. He said yes. How could he not? He was dying to have more than 2 minutes alone with her. He was anxious the whole day. What was going to happen exactly? Were they going to see a movie, have dinner and talk or she wanted something more? He needed to be ready for anything. He didn't know what to expect from her.
"I'm going to hate myself for this." It was the first thing she said as soon as he entered. Then she jumped on him. He spent hours fantasizing about this. About how those delicious looking lips would taste, how her body would feel under his hands.
"You want this, right?" She pulled away from him a few seconds and looked deep in his eyes. She really had to ask? He wanted to rip her clothes off and pin her against a wall all the time.
From the moment her clothes touched the floor, he got lost. He was on some kind of drug. He entered a whole different world. All he could focus on was her body. Reality was much better than imagination. She tasted better, looked better and felt better than she did in his mind. Every imperfection her body had made her even sexier. He worshipped every inch of her, making her feel like a goddess. Like she deserved every minute of pleasure he offered her and more. Ju could only hope that when he opened up her legs, he also got to her heart.
He was so damn proud of the effect he had on her. How wet she was for him, how he screamed his name, not the lord's, not anybody else's. She couldn't keep her hands to herself. From the moment he entered her home, he was hers. It was like when her lips touched his, she got addicted. Just like him.
Their bodies were made for each other. They fit perfectly, even if they were so different. Y/N kept telling him she wanted more, deeper, faster, harder. They fucked twice, spent some time in each other's arms, smilling like crazy and struggling to breath. After calming down, they went for another one in the shower.
When they went to sleep, Julian held her tight against him. He knew he was a lucky bastard because he has her this way. He wanted to spent every night like this, never letting her go. He caressed her hair, kissed her forehead and whispered kind words. He knew she needed them.
"You are so fucking beautiful and more. You didn't fail to amaze me the first time I laid my eyes on you. You and that magnificent mind of yours. You don't know for how long I wanted a bit more of you. And what happened tonight was
something I will never forget." She didn't respond, but he felt her hot tears on his chest.
He woke up before her and took advantage of the situation. He placed his head between her legs so his name could be the first thing that comes out of her mouth that day.
The situation was even worse now. He was a mess. Julian waited months for a taste of her and he wasn't going to let go. It was a struggle to leave her home. He kept thinking about going back, taking Y/N's face in his hands and tell her that from that moment she is his, he is hers and nothing will change that.
But he knew she needed time. He was mad at himself for managing to stay away from her only two days. Two days in witch he was all smiley or with a frown on his face. He couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to see her again so he called her.
He was sitting in his car in front of her place. He was anxious again. He knew what he wanted. He wanted a relationship with her. But what if she didn't want anything to do with him anymore?
She got in the car and not even looked at him. She gave her attention to whatever she was seeing out the window. He was so happy to see her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He wanted to grab her and pull her into his lap and hold her close to him like he did in that night. Her hair fell on her face so he could not see anything. He didn't know if she was crying, if she was frowning or if she had a blank face. They stood like this, in silence for a few minutes. He gently pulled her hair away from her face and made her look at him.
"Do you regret what we've done?" He needed to know.
"No. But I'm scared."
"Of what?" She finally looked in his eyes at that question. He felt his heart wanting to escape his chest just to be next to hers.
"Me. You. There's a war in my mind."
"Y/N if you don't want me in any ..."
"How could I not fucking want you? Ju, you are so sweet, careful, patient, fucking perfect. You might not believe this, but you are. And I'm me. I know I'm not good enough for you. I'm fucked up. I'm a problem with problems. I don't know how to love you. You deserve something way better than I can give you."
"I don't want something better because there is no such thing. I need you."
"You don't need drama in your life and you'll get plenty with me."
"Maybe I already have it."
"You'll have more." He laughted and placed his hand on her cheek.
"I'm telling you again. I want you and all your flaws and drama. Got it?" His lips were now close to hers.
"Ju ..." She pulled his hand away, but didn't back away. He kissed her cheek, where his hand had been.
"I want to be able to see you everyday and kiss you and hold your hand, please."
"I don't know if I can do this to you. It may not last."
"But it will matter. Let's try."
"You ..." She was smilling now and Julian couldn't be happier.
"Exactly. Me and you. From now."
Y/N's lips touched his. He pictured the moment she will be oficially his for months. He was right about the fact that reality is much better than imagination.
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lysitheeea · 6 years
take it
Pairing: Julian BrandtĂ—f!reader
Fandom: Football
Warnings: smut, swear words
Summary: Filthy times with Julian and Y/N
Take a shot everytime I use a pronoun. finished writing this late at night and I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes
"I almost called you to pick me up and fuck me on the backseat of your car. Pleased?"
Julian's head isn't the only part of his body that raised. It was almost like his dick sensed her. She walked over to him just like a lioness to her prey. Like she was challenging him to do a wrong move so he could be punished. She had a poker face, but her walk was what you see at the gates of heaven. Or hell.
This morning she left to meet with one of her friends for a coffee leaving him alone and needy. He couldn't stop the filfthy fantasies he had. He watched her getting ready, wanting to throw her on the bed when she was getting undressed and rip her clothes apart when she got dressed. When she bend over the desk as she applied makeup, he almost got behind her Finally, he thought about fucking her brains out against the door before she left.
"Yet you pushed me away when I tried to sneak my hand into your panties this morning." His voice was rough. He didn't wanted words, he wanted screams.
"I couldn't leave Sierra alone. Do you want to know what almost got me moaning in public?" She climbed into his lap as he sat on the couch. His hands immediately grabbed her sides and pushed her closer, glad that she was now here and couldn't escape him anymore.
"She went to your instagram. It was all good until she checked your tagged photos and there was the hottest one I've ever seen. It was you on the field. You had the same look on your face as that time I rode you. Remember? My apartament, almost a month ago. "
He remembered. How could he not? He was tired after practice so she did all the job. He remembered the moment he came, how he screamed her name and how she attacked his neck right after.
"I remember it too well. Anything else about me?" She laughed, throwing her head back and giving Ju a perfect view of her chest.
"Eyes up." He remembered the times he blushed when he got caught staring at her. Now he didn't feel any shame, her body became his own personal heaven and the entry was between her legs.
"She is happy for us. Happy that I met someone who is always gentle with me. If she knew ..."
"I was always gentle until you begged me to make you cry and turn your ass red. It's almost like I'm abusing you." Y/N put her hands on his chest and started to press kisses along his jaw. Ju whispered a "fuck" when he felt her tongue against his neck.
"You're not abusing me. You're abusing something else."
"You're very attached to it."
"Sometimes you are the one more attached to it than me."
Ju slapped her ass. She flinched and stopped her work on his neck. She got down on her knees, right between his legs. She touched both his thighs, slowly parting them. He wasn't wearing boxers, only sweatpants so his erection was very hard and visible. Y/N grabbed his shaft through his pants and placed wet kisses on it, leaving a trail of dark marks. Julian hissed, getting excited about the blowjob he's going to receive. A final kiss was given to the head, before she pulled away.
"Babee, don't tease." He whined. His girlfriend got up and grabbed her phone. A few seconds later, music started to play and it all started to make sense.
She moved her hips by the rhythm while getting closer and closer to the couch. She took off her shirt with wavy motions, revealing the black bra Ju wanted to rip off only a few hours ago. She sat on his lap again, this time with her back facing him. She arched her back offering a good view of her ass and started to twerk.
He was wordless. Her moves mached perfectly the music, giving the blonde a pleasing feeling everytime her butt cheeks arrived fast then slow on his thighs. She never gave him this type of show until now. She was always sensual to him, even when she didn't tried to be, but this was a whole new level.
"Shake it, love."
She listened to him. For how stubborn his girlfriend could be in their everyday life, she obliged to everything he said during sex. Even if they weren't still on the act.
"Higher." Now she was directly moving on his dick and the blonde could't help but open his mouth to get some air. The feeling and view got him breathless.
He grabbed her hair in a ponytail and gently pulled it. He thanked himself for doing it because she pressed harder and harder against him. He enjoyed this, but he was getting more and more impatient.
Y/N was on her feet again. The lioness reappeard. Those pretty tits of hers were finally free, her nipples being as hard as his dick. She removed her pants painfully slow, teasing her man to the limit. When she climbed in his arms again, Julian couldn't wait anymore. Her bare chest felt good against his clothed one, but all their clothes needed to be gone. His girlfriend must read his mind because the next second she helped him get rid of his shirt.
He pulled her away to remove his pants, then he climbed on top of her. He placed his hands on each side of her and took one of her nipples in his mouth while he grabbed the other boob. She moaned and that angelic sound got him weak. His kisses got lower and lower until he reached his favourite place.
He remembered her on her knees a few moments ago, how she teased him without actually taking his dick in her mouth. So he's going to recieve a taste of her own medicine. He gave her pussy one single kiss over the panties before going higher again.
"It's fair play."
"Tomorrow I will teach you how to twerk then. Now I want your dick inside of me."
And that's it. Her underwear was gone, replaced by Julian. They both screamed at the feeling of being a whole again. Everytime they did this it felt like their first time. Nothing could compete with this. Everything else beside their bodies didn't matter anymore. Not even the dirty lyrics in the background that could have been written about them.
I’mma work you like a pro, baby
And, you gon’ take it like one
Yeah you gon’ take it like one
"You like it, baby? The way I feel inside you?" Because he loved the way she felt around him. Everything was so wet, so warm and so tight. Perfect. Her pussy took his dick so well, he was convinced it was made just for him.
His hand gently grabbed her throat so he could look her in the eyes. But she barely could keep hers open. She was hypnotized by the way his hips moved against hers. And he needed to hear it.
"Yes. Yes." It was all she could manage. He thrusted himself into her rougher making her yell to the lord.
"Fuck, it's soo good." She threw her head back and her nails scrached his back. The pain only brought even more pleasure, making him give his everything to her.
"C'mon, you can take it." She always took it. Everything he gave her. No matter from what position or at what pace. She was a pro thanks to him.
Y/N gripped his shoulders and he instantly knew what she wanted. She now stood on top of him like a goddess. She was going to rip him apart like one.
"I'm going to show you how well I can take it." She didn't sank down slowly on him like she usually did. She literally jumped on it, surprising the both of them. It was so deep like this. His whole dick was inside her , filling every single place it didn't before.
It was a mess. Y/N was staring down, enjoying what she was seeing. Because of the fast pace and her chaotic mind, she couldn't see cristal clear what was happening. And maybe she didn't need to. Her senses worked very well at this moment. Julian touched her lips with his middle finger (ironically) and she took him inside her mouth like she did with his dick inside her pussy.
The sounds got louder. Y/N may had something in her mouth but that never stopped her from being heard. Ju was groaning, more fantasies walking through his head as the woman on top of him sucked on his finger. Their skin was heard too. Wet sounds filled the room, getting dirtier by the second.
"Close, baby."
Julian came first. He received what he ached for the whole morning and the amazing time when his girl choosed to offer him a show. He emptied himself inside her and he gripped her hips so hard, leaving marks she was going to admire later.
Y/N followed soon after him, screaming like a pornstar, the sansation of his semen inside her being the last she could take for now.
She fell on his chest, close to his heart. The place in which she lived. Her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips. They were panting, getting used to breathing normally again. They were sweaty, flushed and satisfied.
Or so they thought.
"We have to shower. But getting clean isn't the only thing we can do there."
Y/N laughted and pressed her ear against his chest, listenting to his heartbeat that was now getting to its normal pace. She loved him so much. He was the only one she wanted to have moments like these with. No one else. Just him.
"We're fucking like rabbits."
"Like rabbits, huh?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, but it's not a bad thing. Why wouldn't I want to make love to my sweet, caring and loving boyfriend?"
"Well, I can't believe that after all this you decide to compliment my personality."
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lysitheeea · 6 years
fuck off
Pairing: Julian BrandtĂ—f!reader
Fandom: Football
Warnings: swear words,cringe,shitty character
Summary: A friend of Jannis' says some disrespectful things about Julian's girlfriend Y/N and Jannis puts him in his place.
A/N I feel like this is so cringy I'm sorry
"I love you." Julian told Y/N again, kissing her shoulder as she added milk in her coffee. His girlfriend turned around and smiled at him, before taking a sip. He placed his hands around her waist, trying to get a reaction from her, but all she did was smile at him teasingly.
The couple have been playfully fighiting all day. It all started when they decided to roast each other back and forth, laughing so hard they didn't felt their cheeks anymore. The last joke he made was too harsh and now Y/N gives him the silent treatment.
"I love you too, Julian." He said in a higher voice when she's didn't answer. Y/N smiled at him once more without saying anything.
Jannis turned his look away from his phone and frowned when he heard the silly voice his brother made. A few soconds later, Y/N came into the living room with a cup in her hand and Ju following her like a lost puppy.
Ever since Jannis moved in with them for uni, he witnessed a lot of lovey-dovey and cringe moments between the two. He knew that his brother could be very affectionate, but he didn't expected him to turn into this attention whore everytime his girlfriend was around. Before she could go to their room, he trapped her in his arms and tried to take the cup away from her.
"Noooo, leave my coffee alone." Somehow, Ju now had the cup in his hand, holding it above his head, where Y/N couldn't reach.
"You're not fucking answering me."
"I love you." Y/N raised on her toes to kiss him. Julian smiled into the kiss, but still didn't gave her coffee back.
"You're going to spill it. Give it back!"
"You didn't convince me."
So she kissed him again, but this time it got more heated. The younger Brandt didn't have to look at the girl to know she the look she gave him because his brother's dreamy eyes said it all. She took his face between her hands when she pressed her lips against his again and his free hand went down to grabbed her ass. Jannis turned his look back to his phone and made an "ew" sound.
"You have a room."
"We had more when you weren't here." The blonde looked pissed at the fact his brother interrupted the moment.
"Yeah, we would be fucking on the kitchen counter right now."
"Oh god, thanks Y/N, now I won't eat there anymore. Please don't act all weird around Logan." He begged, mentioning his friend from uni that was going to arrive in about an hour for a project.
"I'm going to take a nap and Y/N is going to study, you'll have the living room to yourselves."
"Good luck with your project, Jan."
"If you do anything, I'm going to kill you." Jannis told his friend as soon as he opened the door.
"Wait, what? Is she here?" He asked refering to Y/N.
Logan had a crush on her. It all started a few weeks ago when Ju and Y/N came to pick him up from his classes. They were waiting outside the car and he saw her. He told Jan she was the hottest girl he has ever seen and almost turned green when he found out she's Ju's girlfriend. Ever since, he makes small and harmless comments about her everytime he has the chance. But the blonde knows that at how stupid and daring Logan is, he is capable of more than a few flirtatious words. Jannis warned him multiple times that if Julian would ever hears him, he might end up with a broken nose. And if he crosses the line, they both will break his bones and feed them to Nala. He hopes he will remember those threats if she somehow shows up.
"Yeah, but you're not going to see her."
Logan pouted and tried to enter. Jannis pushed him back a little, not letting him in.
"Bro, what the fuck are you doing?"
"If she somehow gets out of her room, you won't say or try anything. Got it?"
"Yeah, don't worry."
So he let him in.
They sat in the living room chating about school and the project for a bit, before spreading all the materials they needed on the table.
"Holy fuck." Jannis heard Logan saying and that's when he knew that Y/N decided to show up. He didn't even noticed what she was wearing until now, when he saw his friend examinating her body head to toe. She had some black sweat shorts, that were a little too high and a white tank top.
"Hi guys. How are you?" Her voice was friendly so she most likely didn't noticed him staring. Usually, when someone looks at her this way, she becomes very rude.
"Hello, Y/N. We're good, how are you? " Logan answered.
"I need more coffee or otherwise I'm not going to pass my exams. Do you want some?"
"No, thank you." Jannis quickly responded and the girl went to the kitchen.
"Fuck! Is she wearing clothes like those all the time? No wonder why your brother spends all his time home with her."
"Shut the fuck up. I asked you to come here to make this fucking project, not to be a creep about her."
"Don't overreact, I'm not a creep, but she might be."
Jannis almost facepalmed himself. Out of all the people he could make a project with, it had to be this idiot.
"I'm not even going to ask what you meant. Stop it before I pull out all your teeth."
"Was she wearing a push up bra or those are her real tits?"
"Stop thinking about her if you want to leave this place breathing."
"I don't fucking understand you. How can you not think about her? Especially when your brother allows her to walk around the house like that."
"I'm a word away to beat you up. Continue."
Logan laughted and made himself more comfortable on the couch. The blonde was getting more annoyed by the second.
"Come on, don't you wonder why Julian isn't spending time with us or his other friends anymore?"
"You are not his friend."
"That's not the point. Look at her. He now has a five star bitch who spends most of her time with his dick in her mouth and her legs open. Do you think she'll take me as well?"
Jannis had enough. The things he said in the past about her may have been forgiven, but this is beyond disrespectful. For both Julian and Y/N. So he got up, looked at Logan while he pointed at the door.
"Get the fuck out and don't ever talk about her again or I swear you'll end up with a black eye." He tried to be quiet because he knew that if Ju finds out someone spoke about his girl like that, he would flip.
Logan got up, looking a little shocked. He raised his hands, trying to act like did nothing wrong.
"You don't need to get all defensive on this. Nothing is going to happen between us-"
"Because she's in a relationship and happy. Leave!"
"She's a fuck-"
"Get the fuck out." Julian suddenly appeared. How much he heard? It was obvious he heard a good part of the conversation, because he had a deadly stare, almost like he was deciding if Logan is getting killed or not. He may just woke up, but that didn't made him look less threating.
"Ju, bro, I swear-" Now he looked a little scared. In other circumstances, he would start a fight, but right now he was in their home and doesn't stand a chance against the brothers.
"I don't fucking care what you want to say. Leave!"
And so he left. Jannis lead him to the exit and when he came back, his brother was on the couch with a clueless Y/N by his side.
"What happened?" She asked, clearly worried about the fact Julian was mad.
"That prick said some things about you."
"Oh." In times like these, Jannis was glad that Ju was with her. The older Brandt was more the quiet type when he was upset which means he won't talk about it for a while. Anyway, both Y/N and Jannis know that she will find out everything about it when Julian gets better.
"Thank you, Jan." Julian approached his brother and embraced him. The Brandts are close, but Y/N never witnessed such a loving moment between them. Julian was so proud in this moment of his younger brother and only a blind person couldn't see.
"You don't need to thank me. I'm sorry I didn't punch him the first time he opened his mouth."
"You have no idea how much I appreciate that you defended her. I love you."
"I love you too, bro."
The pair parted when they heard a shutter sound.
"Y/N, did you just took a photo?"
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