lythbound · 1 year
Account Deletion Reminder
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The upcoming closure and deletion of accounts and data is still scheduled for August 15th. User submitted art, characters, and other information will not be retained.
Please save any data you wish to keep before this date. It is not recommended to wait until August 15th, as the server will become unavailable during the day on the 15th.
Further archival is still planned. Species information is available on the Lythbound Toyhou.se. The Symphonies, Lilipeeps, Nudinyms, and Pompips species have reverted ownership to their previous owners and will not be archived by us, nor released under CC licensing. Open sourcing of the source code has been delayed and likely will not be available before the server goes offline. Collaborative code needs to be removed from the source, and health/burnout has simply made this difficult to attend to. However all code is saved and this will still be possible to complete after server closure. Miscellaneous site assets are in a similar situation -- these will remain backed up to be released later.
Thank you for playing Lythbound.
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lythbound · 1 year
Upcoming Closure of Lythbound
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Hello everyone, It is with great sadness that we are making this post to announce the upcoming closure of Lythbound and its supplementary channels.
These years of creating Lythbound have been absolutely incredible, and infinitely meaningful. So much art has been created as part of the game, and that we inspired so many to create things makes all of this so worth the time invested.
Unfortunately, the march of capitalism comes for us all, and makes the sustained development of projects impossible without funding (whether that be through direct money or time, which also has value to capitalism). Lythbound has, unfortunately, reached the point where development cannot continue due to lack of this.
To be clear, this is no one's fault. And no one playing Lythbound should feel guilty for playing for free or "not paying enough." It has always been our intent that it should not be necessary to pay money and no one should feel as though they need to spend money to play. That so many were willing to financially support this project was always an honor; and if you did make a purchase or support the Patreon or support fundraisers in the past, please know that your support has meant more than could ever be expressed.
It is very difficult to say goodbye, but we hope that all who participated will continue to create in the future. To that end, our intentions for the future:
Lythbound.com will remain accessible in some similar fashion to its current availability, for 3 months. Please use this time to save art and information that you would like to keep.
The Patreon and cash shop have both been immediately adjusted so that funds cannot be transferred via these methods. (The Patreon is in a "paused" mode indefinitely -- it's recommended that Patrons unsubscribe at their earliest convenience.)
After 3 months have passed, user data will be removed. This includes all account information, individual character information, and user-submitted artwork. Please be sure to save any artwork and information you wish to keep before this time.
The current scheduled date for user information to be removed is August 15th.
Additionally, the following features are being adjusted:
ARPG art submissions, Lythian submissions, companion submissions, and custom pet submissions to the website are closed.
All forum categories except Help & Questions and Lythbound General will be closed to new posts.
All Discord channels except #general will be closed to new posts. Some channels will remain in read-only mode to retrieve artworks, etc. (Discord may be further closed to new posts ahead of the user information deletion date.)
Support Tickets will remain open until the user information deletion date. We request that the ticket function be reserved for private and/or major issues during this time.
We can and will process account deletions during this time per GDPR requirements, however the user information removal date is effectively an account deletion and character void event for all accounts and characters. Thus we request simply waiting for that date for all data to be removed instead of submitting account closure and/or void requests, such that we are not inundated with deletion requests before that time.
  Beyond this, we are currently investigating ways to more permanently archive information that might be used for creativity outside of Lythbound the game. As of now, we are planning to release the species concepts themselves (other than affiliate species, Pro-Gs and Fuwa Bozu, which are under their owners' jurisdictions) under a Creative Commons license. In all ways, this should cement their status forever as able to be used creatively and openly.
Additionally, we are taking steps to open source the majority of the website code (some collaborative work may be omitted to protect others' contributions), and archive (and share!) extra development information and details where we can.
  Thank you so much to all of the staff and community members for contributing to Lythbound. This has been an incredible journey, and although it is time to prepare to say goodbye to this step of the journey, please never lose sight of your creativity and always look forward to the future.
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lythbound · 2 years
Ostavera Observance
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Ostavera Observance
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Ostavera Observance, an event dedicated to spring, has begun! Jin returns as well, bringing new and old activities!
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The event index has been added to site navigation and contains prompts for some very special rewards, which will be sent out at the end of the event. You can also find information there about new and old activities that Jin is offering for the season!
Prompts and special event activities will be available until April 12, 2023 @ 23:59:59 Eastern Time, unless otherwise indicated on the activity!
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Jin has returned and is once again asking you to help them create meecebait to bring back the meeces! Send in your meecebait designs before the deadline of May 14, 2023 @ 23:59:59 Eastern Time and user favorites may be used to create new sticker items at the event end!
Cupid's Letters
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Cupid's Helpers seem to have followed the Ostavera celebrations, and are ready to deliver your letters! But be sure to send off those letters by March 29, 2023 @ 23:59:59 Eastern Time... These fellows won't stick around all season.
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lythbound · 2 years
Taming, Captures, Exploration, and Treasures!
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Companion Captures and Taming Skill Updates
The companion captures feature and taming skill have both received some large updates to bring them more up to speed with last year's update to realm familiarity.
The taming skill's level cap and experience requirements have been adjusted; the max level is now 10.
A Lythian's taming skill level now determines the maximum number of successful captures a Lythian can have. Success rate is now determined wholly by the companion being captured. (Captures available increase as the Lythian levels up, with level 10 offering infinite captures.)
Following the above, successful captures are no longer per-companion species, but across all companion species. (For example, previously most companions could only be captured once per Lythian — after this update, a Lythian can use all of their captures on one species, if desired.)
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As before, a capture still requires a lure item, which is only used on success. However, attempts may now be made multiple times per day — at the cost of Loonoles. A Lythian's first attempt for the day is always free, and subsequent attempts cost an increasing amount of Loonoles (the cost of which resets at midnight).
Lythians now gain taming experience both for successful captures, and failed captures. Successful captures are worth 300 experience; failed captures earn 40 experience for the first, free attempt, and increase in equal value to the Loonole cost of later attempts.
Because the experience earned from captures alone is not enough to reach max level, an art quest has been added which will earn experience in the taming skill. The Skill: Taming - Experience art quest is an open-ended quest detailed on the skills page, which awards skill experience according to Loonole value (at a rate of Loonole value x 10).
Finally, most numbers related to individual companions have been adjusted. In many cases, success rates were lowered, and realm familiarity level requirements were increased, to better fit familiarity levels after the expansion.
As part of this change, all Lythians which previously unlocked the taming skill, and/or were successful in any captures have now received: - Experience for their taming skill unlock art quest, at the 1 Loonole to 10 experience rate. - 300 experience for each successful capture made prior to this update. However, previous captures ARE included in their total capture counts, which means it may not be possible for some Lythians to make further captures until they level up.
To return your Lythians to their correct level, you will need to visit their profiles and click the "Level up" button(s) under the "Skills" tab!
Fuwa Bozu Crafts and Captures
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Thanks to the above updates, Fuwa Bozu at the uncommon and rare tiers can now be captured via companion captures — if you have the right lure, that is. Can you figure out how to craft the Uncommon and Rare Tenugui?
(The variant versions of Fuwa Bozu are listed in tabs associated with the main Fuwa Bozu capture page.)
Igroven Exploration
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The Adventurer's Guild is pleased to announce that Igroven's sanctioned exploration is now available to everyone with a familiarity of 2 or higher in Igroven proper! Per usual, new exploration exclusive rewards are available from Igroven's exploration including variant items, new pets, and more!
Lythian Treasure Collections
As of today, you may notice a new option when using an item in your inventory: "Add to Lythian Treasures."
This works very similarly to adding pets to your Lythians: once an item is added to their treasures, it will display on their inventory in a new collection tab, and the treasures can be sorted or removed in the same way as pets.
However, the difference between this and pets is that Lythians have a limited number of slots for treasures. This can be permanently increased (per Lythian) on the same page as sorting treasures, but costs Loonoles to do. Additionally, each slot increase will cost progressively more Loonoles (this progression is per-Lythian, not per total of increases across your whole account).
Miscellaneous Updates
Shop stock in rotating NPC shops (such as Entai's Completely Edible Food Stand) will now change every 6 hours.
Items in user shops may now be sold for, and purchased with, gems.
Added pages to view all Lythian Relationships and all Lythian Keys. (Both are linked from the Owned Lythians page.)
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lythbound · 2 years
Pet Shelter and Food Shop Stock Expanded!
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Entai has been hard at work concocting definitely edible and not suspicious at all foods. Thanks to their efforts, 51 new foods have been added to Entai's Completely Edible Food Stand!
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Smelling the fresh new range of foods available in Entai's shop, 20 new pets have arrived and been added to the permanent Pet Shelter rotation!
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To accomodate the expanded pets and foods, the Pet Shelter will now display up to 16 pets at one time, instead of the previous 8. Additionally, during times when special event pets will appear, regular rotation pets may show up intermingled with the event ones.
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lythbound · 2 years
Jump to Greater Heights!
Slyme Jump!
A new Arcade game has arrived! Our old friend the Slyme is here with... Slyme Jump as today's newest addition to the Arcade. How high can the Slyme jump? Only you can find out!
This game features three item prizes, receivable based on the score sent at the end, and Loonoles earned from it do count toward the day's total.
New Frame
Speaking of old friends, some familiar faces are featured in this new frame. Can you figure out how to craft it?
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lythbound · 2 years
ARPG Submission Overhaul and More!
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New ARPG Submission Formatting
We have completely revamped the ARPG submission page with an all new format! This new format will now allow you to readily add titles, descriptions, and tags to your pieces right as you upload them, instead of after approval! Furthermore, this new system has some very important backend changes that will make it much easier to implement certain features reliant on art in the future.
Please note: the URL associated with the ARPG submission form has been updated as well. As of now, the old URL will redirect to the new page, but we recommend updating bookmarks to the new URL as needed.
Additionally, alongside some backend changes, the following updates to Realm Familiarity and Origin Story quests have been implemented: - Realm Familiarity quests may now have background characters tagged on submission. The Lythian listed in the first tagged slot will be the one who receives quest completion credit. - Origin Story quests may now only be completed for one character at a time. As with Realm Familiarity quests, background characters can still be featured and tagged on submission. The Lythian listed in the first tagged slot will be the one who receives quest completion credit. Finally, you are now able to tag companions and NPCs in your pieces, now making it all the easier to keep track of who is in your art! Companions and NPCs cannot earn things like badges or experience, but the ability to tag them pairs with the next following change.
Art Galleries for Companions and NPCs
Companions and NPCs now have their own on-site index galleries! When tagged in a piece, it will now show up on their pages, much like on a Lythian's index entry. You may also go back and tag previously submitted pieces with NPCs and companions!
Note: NPCs will always visibly display all submissions they are tagged in, regardless of other visibility settings.
Removal of "Commissioner/Artist Cut"
Due to a multitude of factors, such as the updated implementation of realm familiarity experience and attempts to streamline manual tasks, we have decided to remove the Commissioner/Artist cut previously applied to commissioned works. Going forward, all art will solely give currency to the person who submits the piece! This additionally means that experience will always be in full to the featured Lythian(s).
Moving forward, distribution of currency earned by submissions should be discussed between users involved in the commission exchange, and we will not be intervening unless given proof of an individual not carrying through with deals (ie, promising Loonoles from a piece but not following through on it, which would be considered scamming).
Lost Bells Prize Expansion
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The plushie and frame tier prizes (Bell Plushie and Arcade Frame) have been added to Lost Bells. Additionally, the score requirement for the Chime Fish Sticker prize has been slightly lowered to accomodate the new prize tiers.
There is no version update associated with this; Lost Bells v. remains current.
Spring Events
Our next event is scheduled for March this year. Some recurring event features that happen February, such as Cupid's Helpers, are also scheduled to happen alongside the March event, and will not be ocurring in February. Thank you for your understanding and we hope you enjoy February's upcoming updates!
Known Issues
There is a known issue after this update wherein some pages of the art gallery load exceptionally slowly. This is our top priority to fix as quickly as possible.
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lythbound · 2 years
Important Secret Santa Update
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Important update for all Secret Santa participants!
Today, we discovered a bug regarding the way that Secret Santa recipient wishlists display on your Secret Santa entry page. This bug has now been fixed. However, this means that the wishlist for your recipient may have changed. Please check the Secret Santa page for the correct version of your recipient's wishlist. For clarity, this was a display issue which only affected the gift sender wherein some senders saw an outdated version of their recipient's wishlist.
This bug did not affect all wishlists; the wishlist you see may or may not have changed as of this news post and we urge everyone to double check their recipient's wishlist before continuing to work on their submissions. The wishlist that is now visible on the Secret Santa page is correct and up-to-date.
As part of our efforts to compensate for this bug, the following steps are being taken:
The Secret Santa deadline has been extended to January 25th for all entrants (regardless of if you were affected by the bug or not). All Secret Santa participants who submit a work by January 25th will receive 2 Lumiheim Gift items, in addition to the currency value of their submission(s).
If you have begun but not submitted a submission prior to this announcement and that submission no longer follows your recipient's wishlist, we request the following actions: - Please submit the started piece as-is to the "Secret Santa - Compensation" quest. For your efforts, you will receive the Loonoles (or Gift Tokens) that the piece is currently worth. - If possible, please then create a piece that follows your recipient's up-to-date wishlist. - If you cannot do both of the above for any reason, please contact us via Support Ticket as soon as possible. You will not be penalized for issues which arise related to this bug, however we want to make arrangements as early as possible for each recipient to receive a piece that matches their wishlist. - You may also adjust your existing work to follow the recipient's wishlist, in lieue of taking the above steps. This is also acceptable, however please contact us for compensation for large adjustments and extra work done to submissions.
If you have already submitted a submission prior to this announcement and that submission no longer follows your recipient's wishlist, we will take the following actions: - We will soon contact both the recipient and the sender via Support Ticket to request further information and establish further steps and compensation for both individuals. - Submitters will not be penalized for issues which arise related to this bug.
If you have already submitted a submission prior to this announcement and that submission still follows your recipient's wishlist, no further action is needed. Thank you for participating! - Additionally, if you are currently working on a submission and that submission still follows their wishlist, please continue as normal!
Thank you so much for your understanding and we sincerely apologize for this bug. Please contact us if you have any questions about the above information or require further information regarding the status of your submission.
Compensation for Realm Quests submitted prior to November 26th, 2022
When Realm Familiarity was expanded on November 26th, 2022, currency values for quests submitted prior to that date were not retroactively awarded as EXP. (Familiarity levels were already compensated for on feature release, but not the bonus currency associated with these submissions.)
As of today, we have issued compensation experience to all Lythians which participated in Realm Familiarity or other Realm Quests prior to that date (and had a key for the realm in question prior to the quest submission), totaling the currency value (times ten) of all pieces in which they were depicted.
This compensation experience will appear in your experience logs. Please contact us if you believe the awarded experience to be incorrect!
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lythbound · 2 years
The Kikitsu's Rivalry, and Something Monstrous Approaches!
New Kikitsu Build and Variant!
Recent discoveries have shown that there are two new kinds of Kikitsu making the rounds, both with very polarizing beliefs!
First is the Maruisha Kikitsu! These jovial tricksters see life in a much more carefree lens with pranks less on the minor scale, such as only temporarily turning seeds into gold. As a result of their playful annoyances, they often hold a firm rivalry with standard Kikitsu. Due to being a build, Maruisha Kikitsu are free to make with a new character slot! Alternatively, you may use a Scissors of Redesign to change an existing Kikitsu into one.
CONTENT WARNING: Example image has red-colored liquid that may resemble blood.
Secondly, rather unfestively, are the Monster Kikitsu! It seems they've made their appearance despite the Haunted Faire no longer being open for the year. Nasty and disease-ridden, these plaguebearers have rather unfortunate ties to Kikitsu who have ventured for far too long in polluted areas. Their floral items have rotted, and they constantly exude a thick vapor that can cause any healthy Lythian to come down with a fever. As a variant, Monster Kikitsu can be created from a new character slot or by redesigning existing Kikitsu using a Moonsbane Potion!
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lythbound · 2 years
Lumiheim Guest Advent Sales!
Lumiheim Guest Advent
A selection of Lumiheim themed Lythians have arrived! These guest and resident artist-designed Lythians will be made available on the day shown on top of their silhouette.
TIMELINE: December 13th through December 29th - Designs will be posted according to the number shown in the preview, at 17:00:00 site time. They will be available for varied sale methods on their own listings. (Some days may contain a bonus companion design!) CHARACTER DESIGNERS: December 13 - Jarre (SPECIAL: Will be posted as a free raffle!) December 14 - solar-prince December 15 - MinkasReverie December 16 - CakeBird December 17 - CrestedJay December 18 - Tamashi December 19 - Ghosttown1195 (SPECIAL: Includes a bonus free raffle!) December 20 - RoyalChimera December 21 - cristais December 22 - Lechet December 23 - Sunglassesarlo December 24 - Breebee (& Kaosheen) December 25 - Kaosheen (& Breebee) December 26 - Mock_Orange December 27 - Nekoehh December 28 - CosmicEternity December 29 - benightedswallow All Lythians will additionally come with bonus Lumiheim-themed frames!
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lythbound · 2 years
New Explorations, Avalon's Shops, and More!
Naeyouk and Reenah Explorations
The Adventurer's Guild has opened two new sanctioned explorations, one in Reenah and one in Naeyouk! Both are available after reaching realm familiarity level 2 in their respective realm. New exploration exclusive rewards are available from both explorations, including variant items, new pets, and more!
Other explorations have also had their ingredient prize lists updated.
Ruby and Nill - Back in Business!
Or should we say BUZI-ness? 
With the Buzinya population now under control, the Buzinya Research Facility is open to the public once again. Here you'll find Nill selling everything you may need to be rid of any pesky parasites, whether it be ingredients or a BuziCure itself (stickers, frames, and plushies, too... if your reputation with Nill is high enough)! You may also use Nill's services to exchange Buzinyas, Buzimews, or Freed Buzinyas for a new variant of Buzi: Buzibuddis. How... cute? Overall, it seems the scientist has made some interesting new discoveries, thanks to the help of the denizens of the realms, no doubt!
On the flip side, Faefry Fields has re-opened as well, carrying its usual... suspicious stock. Lythians visiting will need level 3 Avalon familiarity to access this shop, which features realm-exclusive pets, frames, foods, a rotating catalog of ingredients, and more! Some of the aforementioned stock is tied to familiarity with Avalon, and Ruby's catalog will expand at certain familiarity levels.
This is the first of a new type of General Shop; Realm Shops will only be accessible via familiarity with the realms they're tied to! These shops will carry exclusive rewards, including keys, ingredients, foods, and more, so keep your eyes peeled for more to come!
Miscellaneous Quality of Life Updates
Added a "Mute" feature, which can be used to hide other players from your view. Unlike blocking, this feature does not show your profile as "private" to the blocked individual — instead of hiding you from them, it hides them from you, and prevents some direct communication. Full information about both blocking and muting is here.
Added realm EXP log, which can be found here.
Removed page reload when clearing individual notifications.
Added new bases for Kuniklovs, Lilipeeps, and Nimblix.
Fixed a bug wherein shelter pets were not correctly randomly rolling to "follow home" per individual pet.
Fixed an additional bug where new Lumiheim foods were not being requested by shelter pets. 2022 foods are now being requested at twice their normal rate temporarily to compensate.
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lythbound · 2 years
The Gifts of Lumiheim 2022
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The Gifts of Lumiheim
The Gifts of Lumiheim have returned for 2022!
This event runs until December 31st, 2022 23:59:59 EST!
To see everything available for Lumiheim, visit the event hub!
  Prompts... or Lack Thereof?
This year, there are no Lumiheim-themed art prompts. This is due to the last few months having been filled back-to-back with events! As such, we wanted this year's Lumiheim to be more laid back, to give everyone some "breathing room" between huge events! This year you will receive the "Gifts of Lumiheim 2022" achievement simply by claiming any day's gift on the Advent Calendar. Be sure to visit every day to receive all of your rewards!
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Gift Exchange and Lumiheim Shelter Pets
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Like last year, until December 31st, 2022 23:59:59 EST, you can visit the profiles of other players to send them Lumiheim treats! The friend you visit will receive a gift. (Note: this feature does not use items from your inventory!)
The treats received from this feature can be used to feed new and returning Lumiheim-themed pets that are appearing in the Pet Shelter, also until December 31st, 2022 23:59:59 EST!
Secret Santa
Secret Santa sign-ups closed in November; however, if you signed up to participate, you should now have information about your recipient available on the Secret Santa page! Gifts are due by December 31st, 2022 23:59:59 EST!
Buzinya Player Poll
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With the recent Buzinya Invasion Event coming to a close, we would like to gather more information about players' feelings towards Buzinyas and how players would feel about more content surrounding them — including but not limited to lore, events, etc. We will be using the data gathered going forward to determine what we use Buzinyas in and how we use them. As always, all feedback is appreciated!
To vote, click here to go to the poll!
Additionally, Nill and Ruby's shops will be undergoing some renovations after the resolution of the Buzinya Invasion event, but will return in the future as regular Avalon locations!
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lythbound · 2 years
Varying Adjustments and a Message From the Adventurer’s Guild!
Looking to Expand Your Horizons?
An exciting message for all adventurers! 
Realm Familiarity has been completely overhaulled! We've been working hard to expand this system further, and we hope this encourages you to go out and explore with your Lythians!
The realm familiarity level cap has been increased from 3 levels to 20 levels, with each level-up awarding different items and special benefits! If you've ever wondered why many additional items and rare areas have been added to realm explorations, this is why! These occurrences' chances of appearing will now rely on how high your Lythian's familiarity is in any specific realm! Additionally, multiple Lythians will add to the likelihood of these items and areas appearing, meaning having more Lythians with higher familiarity means rarer rewards! Please note that these benefits are specific to each realm; being level 15 in Arborea only gets you these benefits in Arborea.
Examples of level-up rewards include EXP Boosts, increased chances of getting rare areas in explorations, a guaranteed realm frame, shiny new Lythian profile badges, and even an extra daily exploration! (Currently, up to a maximum of 6.) Baby Lythians will only be able to go up to level 10, while adults can reach level 20.
Along with this, we also have released a revamped familiarity EXP System! Every time you draw a realm familiarity prompt or a general realm prompt, the Lythian(s) tagged will earn EXP equal to the amount of Loonoles you earn multiplied by 10. Specifically:
Familiarity Prompts reward a set amount of EXP. Completing all three will guarantee a Lythian reaches level 3 at minimum. These prompts can only be done by one Lythian at a time.
General Prompts reward EXP based on your Loonole count only (at a rate of Loonole value x 100)! In addition, we have added an "Open World" prompt to each realm to give further free play options for experience. All Lythians tagged in these submissions will earn EXP.
Exploration rewards 100 EXP but will adjust based on your highest Lythian's level and EXP boosts. In addition, EXP earned from this method will be rewarded to all Lythians that have a key to the realm you are exploring in.
Experience from the previous system has been kept in the new system. To return your Lythians to their pre-overhaul levels, you will need to visit their profiles and click the "Level up" button(s) under the "Keys" tab!
As this is our first release of this new system, we would like to ask anyone who encounters bugs to post in the Bug Reports forum or send in a Support Ticket. Additionally, if you have other feedback, we want to know!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send us a ticket here or join our Discord for live support!
Terminology Changes
We are making some adjustments to our overall site text and terminology! Some more major terms have changed to fit better into Lythbound's lore:
- Subspecies will now be referred to as Variants. - Body Types will now be referred to as Builds. - Crossbreeds will now be referred to as Lyarics. - Deities will now be referred to as Auirators.
More changes may be seen around the site, such as our updated Terms of Service, Tutorial, and FAQ!
Lastly, we are making adjustments to Lythian profiles, tooltips, etc, to utilize a consistent numerical ID across all Lythians, rather than having any species-specific IDs. As part of this, many Lythian-related URLs which previously utilized a Lythian's species-specific ID have been changed to this numerical ID as well. Please update your bookmarks accordingly!
Note: Lythian profile URLs that contain the character's old ID will continue to work for a period of time, to prevent external profile links from breaking.
Lythian image URLs will be changed/updated in a future update!
Core Features & Suggestions
Design Guidelines for all Lythians and companions have been updated! This new system is simplified and narrows required guidelines for all Lythians and companions to 5 or fewer bullet points. These are referred to as "Core Features" and are required when submitting a character slot. Further guidelines are now listed under "Extra Suggestions" and have been made optional; suggestions are provided purely for inspiration and ideas.
Additionally, the following changes have been made to the following species:
Gremlini Oninis and Leutyto Gryfons have been turned into builds and no longer require an additional item to make.
Sharp Symphonies no longer require an additional item to make.
Natural Symphonies and Standard Jackyls have been removed for consistency; going forward they will simply be the base species.
Users who had the items Stolen Bell, Enchanted Leaf, or Sharp Stone in their inventory have been refunded in Referral Points for each item and the items removed from their inventories.
Note: These changes only apply to Non-Affiliate species; Affiliate species may still retain extended requirements when being submitted.
As always, thank you for playing our game!
December Supporter Bonus
Individuals with Supporter Status accounts, and Patreon supporters who join the Patreon before December 1st (Site Supporter accounts acquired via the item may receive remaining Advent Calendar bonuses by joining at any point in December) will have the opportunity to receive bonus gems from visiting the upcoming Advent Calendar in December, in addition to their usual rewards.
The Advent Calendar will be open for 25 days starting December 1st and Supporter Status accounts (as well as Patreon supporters who support before December 1st for December) will receive gems each day they visit, based on their tier (regular monthly gems will also be sent out at the beginning of the month)! - Patreon $2 tier - 8 gems per visit - Supporter Status & Patreon $5 tier - 20 gems per visit - Patreon $10 tier - 40 gems per visit
This means you have the potential to get up to 200/500/1000 bonus gems in December, depending on your support tier, and assuming you visit the Advent Calendar every day!
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lythbound · 2 years
Join Us in Avalon... With an Invasion!? Secret Santa Signups and more!
A New Door Has Been Opened...
Chaos and Order; Emotion and Stoicism; Conflict and Resolution; Haste and Restraint; Everything and Nothing.
Avalon is a realm of perfect balance and the existence of an equal opposite. The two constantly warring halves leave the air full of magic, forever sustained as a hotspot for upcoming magic users so long as one side doesn't overtake the other... With this new realm comes four new Lythian Species and one new Companion Species available for creation!
Avalon has been added to the Enigmatic Realm Key pool, found in Truffle's Treasure Trove! But read on for a way to get a headstart into the realm...
The wish-granting Faerilees are simple folk, born from dandelion wishes to the extent of even taking on features of their "creator"'s wish! Their membrane-covered antennae allow them to sense wishes in order to help aid in their fulfillment!
To create a Fabremon, a spirit is beckoned into a magic-imbued gem, made with fabric and stitching it with life. However, the spirits involved aren't always particularly willing, especially those from an ages-old battle...
What's this? Another species with a core and chargers...? The Galibytes, however, are entirely artificial. They additionally completely lack any noteworthy magical inclination, instead opting for dedication towards science and the creation of machines that make up for their lack of ability. Although... did they really originate from Avalon...?
Rivaling the Levii in height, Veelae are incapable of harboring any other state of being other than being benevolent or malevolent, meaning they can be very prone to different interpretations on the subject of "Good" or "Evil"!
Lastly, the affection-eating Atenilae are a new, ridable companion who have come straight for your love! They are an artificial reconstruction, made with a combination of magic and science.
Most of these species, as well as the Leabell subspecies Lealai, and Buzinyas, are of MinkasReverie's creation, originating from an ARPG known as FaerieMeadow before being brought into Lythbound! Dromilae were conceptualized and created by CakeBird, and Ponilae were conceptualized and created by Jarre. Fabremon were initially conceptualized and created by wolvesstrife, before being merged into FaerieMeadow and then Lythbound.
Welcome, Meadowlings!
If you own any FaerieMeadow or Fabremon characters, please send in a support ticket with proof of character creation and/or ownership! Examples of proofs of ownership include Toyhou.se transfer histories, screenshots, etc. Characters must have existed before October 15th, 2020 to qualify! Applicable Species Include: - Atenilee - Buzinya (see below for import information) - Faerilee - Fabremon - Galibyte - Faefluff (will be imported as Veela - Charmed) - Faejinx (will be imported as Veela - Jinxed) - Leabell
Meadowling "MYOs" from before October 15th, 2020 may also be brought in and will be added to the Index as a new slot using a placeholder image. Buzinya characters may be subject to requiring redesign before being brought in due to the nature of original Buzinyas. Buzinya "MYOs" from before October 15th, 2020 will be compensated with your choice of Buzinya or Buzimew morph item + either a Lythian or Companion Avalon Egg.
Upon transferring old characters to the Lythbound index, you will be granted the Meadowling hidden achievement!
On-Site Supporter System
We have officially implemented a new Supporter System that runs without Patreon! We hope this will be more readily accessible to users who don't have Patreon but wish to support us.
Starting today, Supporter Packs are available to be purchased from the Cash Shop as an item, which you can then "activate" from your Inventory in order to get Supporter benefits! Additionally, these items are transferrable, allowing you to purchase and gift Supporter Status to other users! These will not automatically renew themselves once they run out, but you can see how much time you have remaining from the Supporter Hub, and add additional time at any point.
Full Supporter Status perks are listed in the Cash Shop!
At this current moment, these items are available in flavors of 30 Days, 180 Days, and 360 Days!
Eventually, we plan to add an automated subscription system similar to the Lythbound Patreon (which will continue running concurrently until the subscription system is implemented) and alternative payment methods outside of PayPal. There is no estimated date for these features at this current time but they are planned!
As always, thank you all for your support, whether you choose to pay or not! 
...Wait, what's coming out of the Door...?!
EVENT: Buzinya Invasion! With Avalon’s door being opened, a flood of Buzinyas and Buzimews seem to have viciously escaped. Sightings from other realms are increasing by the day as they’ve begun running amok in all the Realms of Lyth. As such, they’ll be a lot more common than they were before… And with that, two representatives have appeared, hoping to remedy this situation in two very different ways…
Ruby, a very chIpper Faerilee doesN’t seem all that pressed with the sudden invasion, in Fact hE seems rather… welComing? NoT to mEntion how enthusiastic he is to show off his rather interesting stock, available for purchase until the enD of the event.
On the other hand Nill, a Galibyte, is looking for extra hands! They need all the help they can get, as it seems they’re trying to create a new concoction to safely purge a Buzinya or Buzimew from a host’s body, returning them to normal! They also appear to have information on how these parasites can very easily be made harmless…
This event will run from now to November 30th at 23:59:59 site time! Participating in any prompt from the Buzinya Research Facility will reward you with a special achievement as well as a guaranteed Avalon key for any Lythian tagged in a prompt from the facility.
Additionally, we have three Lythians up for raffle! Be sure to check them out below!
Will you help Nill create a cure? Or will you use their trust to your advantage, furthering the infection?
Secret Santa Sign-Ups
Our yearly Secret Santa exchange is now available for sign-ups! Please visit the page for full information and the sign-up form! Sign-ups close November 25, 2022, 23:59:59 EST!
Lumiheim Sales Event Sign-Ups
Sign-ups end: November 10th, 2022, 23:59:59
We are seeking guest artists for our yearly winter-themed sales event, to be posted in December during Lumiheim! This will be an advent event, where designs are posted in sequence on certain days, as flat sales, auctions, or flat sale raffles. Please sign up if you would be interested in participating and completing 1 Lythian design (and 1 optional companion design) by a deadline of December 1st, 2022.
Apply here!
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lythbound · 2 years
Arcade Updates & Fuwa Bozu Additions
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Arcade Game Updates
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Star Flyte has been updated to version This update includes: - Full screen adjustments - Add arrow buttons for touch controls - Remove swipe touch controls - Prize scores changed; now awards 3 different prizes at progressively more difficult score breakpoints
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Ghost Collector has been updated to version This update includes: - Full screen adjustments - Add new eidolon sprites - Prize scores changed; now awards 3 different prizes at progressively more difficult score breakpoints
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Flapping Kiklet has been updated with no version change. This update includes: - Prize scores changed; now awards 3 different prizes at progressively more difficult score breakpoints
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Lost Bells has been updated to version This update includes: - Game will now end at a score of 8,192, instead of 2,048 - Two new bell tiles added to facilitate the above - Item prizes have NOT yet been changed/added; scheduled for a future update pending score submissions after this update
If any of these updates do not immediately display, please try clearing your browser cache (Ctrl+F5 or similar).
Fuwa Bozu Morph Items
Several Fuwa Bozu-specific items have been added.
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The Uncommon Sachet, Rare Sachet, and Mythical Sachet can now be found via Arborea and Gaguro explorations as rare bonus prizes. These "Morph" category items can be used to update or make Fuwa Bozu with higher rarity guidelines, depending on the item.
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lythbound · 2 years
Forms and Updates!
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Updates to Alternate Forms!
Updates have been made to alternate forms to make them all the more enjoyable to use!
- Now, you're freely able to modify the name of alternate form tabs, allowing you to freely designate alternate palettes or forms of the same species! - Additionally, you can hide or delete alternate forms! Deleted forms will require a new Formula Plus (and any other relevant items) to re-obtain. - Lastly, you can also sort the tabs as desired, if you have a specific way you'd like to organize them ("Base Form" will always display first).
These settings may be found via an "Edit" button that has been added at the end of the form list for any Lythians which have already unlocked alternate forms.
Going forward, alternate forms also now individually list subspecies, body types, and Crossbreed parent species! We will be slowly going through and fixing applicable Lythian forms to properly portray these changes, however we would greatly appreciate if users send in a Support Ticket if they would like their Lythians with alternate forms to be updated faster!
Other QOL Adjustments
- There are now random trick and treat buttons for Trick or Treating, found on the Haunted Faire 2022 Index page. - Custom content warnings may now be added to Lythians and companions. Please note we will be moderating usage of this feature, as it is intended to warn other users about potentially uncomfortable content in a Lythian's description or design! Lythian profiles should remain PG-13 even when using this feature. - Lythian and companion profiles now have an additional set of navigational arrow buttons. These buttons will take you through the next/last general index entries rather than the user's personal characters. - A new achievement category, "Hidden", has been added and will be used for some retired and secret achievements. Several old achievements have been recategorized from "Event" to "Hidden".
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lythbound · 2 years
Haunted Faire Guest Artist Advent, Flapping Kiklet & Other Updates
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Haunted Faire Guest Artist Advent
A selection of Haunted Faire themed Lythians have arrived! These guest artist-designed Lythians will be made available on the day shown on top of their silhouette.
TIMELINE: October 17th through October 30th - Designs will be posted according to the number shown in the preview, at 17:00:00 site time. They will be available for varied sale methods on their own listings. (Some days may contain a bonus companion design!)
Flapping Kiklet Update
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Flapping Kiklet has been updated to version This update includes:
- Full graphical overhaul. - The addition of background music ("The Vine", licensed under CC BY 4.0) (toggleable via mute button). - Art updates to game icon and Dangerous Vine Sticker. - More fullscreen adjustments. If any of these updates do not immediately display, please try clearing your browser cache (Ctrl+F5 or similar).
In addition to this update, a new setting has been added to Layout Settings, as follows:
Automatically mute music/sounds? (If on, arcade games that have music will always start in a muted state, but music/sound may be toggled back on while in the game.)
Other Updates
- Daily Tasks page updated to include various other daily, or semi-daily activities. - Fixed an issue with the Gotta Capture 'em All achievement wherein captures were not being counted properly. A button to "Fix Capture Achievements" has been temporarily added to the bottom of the Companion Captures page. Either clicking this button or successfully capturing another companion should award any missing levels of this achievement.
- Added wiki guide on how to avoid some forms of cultural appropriation when making and submitting characters. Going forward, we will be strictly following these guidelines when approving character submissions as well. - Added "Nunito" (Lythbound's "default" font) to the text editor font list. May require clearing your browser cache (Ctrl+F5 or similar) to view.
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