m00nshinesworld · 2 years
Ich glaube, ich werde dich immer lieben, selbst wenn ich diese Worte zu jemand anderem sage.
Ich werde dich nie vergessen können, selbst wenn die Jahreszeiten vergehen und ich den Klang deiner Stimme vergesse.
Das Gefühl, als unsere Augen aufeinander trafen und du meinen Namen zum ersten Mal aussprachst.
Ich werde dich nie aus meinen Gedanken bekommen, selbst wenn jemand anders an meiner Seite steht, jemand, der dich ersetzen soll.
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
tmr is the 28th…
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
so much pain in those eyes… shattered like glass on the ground.
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
my whole life i’ve only lived for other people…
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
like a blade tearing me apart but i kinda like the pain.
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
you only know my “good“ side my bad side is even worse.
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
sometimes people miss this one special moment that could have changed everything between the both of them and maybe there is never a chance again…
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
i will forever be jealous of the people who have the parents i’ve never had…
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
i feel numb even the love of my life can’t change that fact…
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
You, are a new person in my life, you’re completely unknown to me and it scares me. You’re a mystery, my mystery.
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
“The broken will always be able to love harder than most. Once you’ve been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.”
— Unknown
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
my whole life i’ve only lived for other people.
“Yes, there are times we live for somebody else.”
— The Lumineers
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
Tumblr media
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
She asked me if you reminded me of someone. I stood there and thought about it but no one came to my mind. I saw enough to like you but too less to know you.
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
i miss the old you… yeah same but that little happy girl dies in her nightmare’s
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
I think that's what happens when you've lived a lonely childhood. You get too attached to people as you get older, in the hope that they'll give you the care and love that you missed out on and never leave you.
— elsiewarrenswords (via wnq-writers)
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m00nshinesworld · 2 years
you make me feel.
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