m0rn1ngstar28 · 10 months
So im obsessed with helluva boss by vivziepop. If there's anyone who makes plushies for a reasonable price shoot me a message. I would love a fizzarolli plush.
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m0rn1ngstar28 · 1 year
Chibs x OC x Tig Part 1
So this is my first posting here. Started SOA over recently and fell back in love with these two. This will be a full story and each chapter will be a part. I'm not very fast at coming up with content so please be patient with me. Hope ya like it. It does have implications of smut but nothing too descriptive...yet.
Paring: Chibs x Tala (OC)
Summary: Bobby's adopted daughter returns to Charming. The club will not be the same now that she's back. However, what will happen when something dark has followed her home. Will the club accept it or will they push her out due to it? *Smut in later parts*
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The sound of the motorcycle’s engine roared down the street as it got closer to the mechanic shop Teller-Morrow. Pulling into the shop’s lot all eyes fell on the new rider. Parking as close to the office as possible the rider pulled off their helmet. Long, dark, loose curls, cascaded down the rider’s back. She turned towards the onlooking motorcycle club members. The secretary of the group jumped up and quickly made his way towards the new comer.
“Hey there ol’ man.” The new comer smiled, causing the rest of the club members to start their way over towards them.
In mock hurt, and some dramatic theatrics the man pulled the new comer into his arms. “Hey kid.” He placed a light kiss to their hair line. “How was the ride?”
“Long. But oh so enjoyable. Finally got this ol’ girl purring like a kitten under me.” The new comer smirked.
By this time the rest of the club had circled around the two. One specifically laughing at the crude comment just made.
“Who’s this Bobby?” A blonde male asked while looking in the new comer’s direction.
“This is-“
“I’m Tala.” She smiled as she reached a hand out to shake his.
“Jax.” He smiled back as he shook her hand.
“Back off boys, she’s off limits.” Bobby warned while making direct eye contact with a curly haired, blue eyed, man standing to the right of Tala.
“I haven’t even introduced myself yet. Why you looking at me like that?” The man Bobby practically glared at questioned.
“He’s looking at you like that cause I look like sex on legs, and he’s overprotective.” Tala smiled a sickly-sweet smile in the direction of the dark-haired man.
“Is that my baby girl?” A woman’s voice called from the office area.
“Help mom! I’m surrounded my dirty ol’ men!” Tala laughed as the matriarch jogged her way to her, also laughing.
“Who ya callin’ dirty?” A silver haired man asked from behind the matriarch.
“With the look I’m getting from that one, and that one,” Tala smiled as she pointed at the dark-haired man and another man with scars on his face, “I’m callin’ at very least them dirty, but knowin’ the lot of ya, I’m callin’ all y’all out.” Tala laughed lightly as she hugged the matriarch and then moved to hug the silver haired man.
Taking the young woman into his arm, “So glad you made it here safely. Bobby has been worried something fierce.”
“Well it’s to be expected since I am his girl.” Tala pecked the silver haired man’s cheek as the sound of some defeated sighs and a muttered “of fucking course” reached her ears.
“Party tonight, Clay?” Bobby asked as he wrapped an arm around Tala’s waist.
“Oh course. We have to celebrate our girl’s return.” The silver haired man, Clay, beamed as the club erupted into cheers and excitement.
“Hey Bobby?” Tala smiled as said man escorted her towards the club house.
“Yeah darlin?”
“Can I crash in your dorm? Just until I find a place of my own.” Tala inquired as she picked up her duffle bag off the back of her bike.
“You can crash in there as long as you need. I’ll talk to Clay and see bout getting you your own dorm room. If you want that is.”
“That would be great Bobby. Thank you.” Tala beamed as she hugged him. “Oh, what can I do to help with the party?”
“Not a thing darlin’.” The man with scars on his face smiled. “This is for ya. Ya just unpack an relax while we do all da work.”
“Thanks, but not gonna happen.” Tala informed the man before turning to Bobby. “I’ll set up the bar. Everything still the same?”
“Yeah. Unpack first though Hun.”
“Will do.” Tala laughed as she made her way inside to at least put her bag in Bobby’s dorm room; which she just put her bag by the door.
Hours had passed since Tala returned and a celebratory party was announced. Tons of people had turned out for it. Most of them Tala didn’t know. Typical SAMCRO party really. Looking around the clubhouse, Tala was flooded with memories. How she would hang out here while Bobby and the guys worked on cars or their bikes. It was how she learned to fix up bikes. Not to mention how to fight.
Slipping outside, Tala looked around the lot. Her eyes landing on the boxing ring to her left. She ran her hand on the mat of the ring remembering the first time she ever entered the ring.
“Where the hell is Tala?” Bobby had questioned in a tone that was a cross between pissed and scared shitless.
“Last I saw her; she was outside with the prospect and Chibs.” The eldest member of the club smiled.
“Thanks Piney.” Bobby clapped the back of his shoulder before making his way outside.
The sight that stood before him took his breath away. There in the ring stood a bloodied prospect and a red knuckled, slightly bruised and scraped up teenaged girl. Her long dark hair pulled up into a ponytail. The prospect was huffing and puffing in the far corner. Jax by his side trying to stop the bleeding from the gash above his left eye. The blood dripping out of his nose was finally starting to slow down. Chibs stood next to the girl smiling brightly at her. Telling her how good she was in the fight and how we had better stop before Bobby found out.
“Too late.” The girl gulped as she locked eyes with Bobby.
“What in the fuck is going on here?” Bobby roared, gaining the attention of all the club members on site.
“Bobby, it ain’t what it looks like.” Chibs tried to explain.
“I won.”
“Tala, get out of that god damn ring now.” Bobby was livid. “What were you thinking? You could have been hurt.” He snarled at Tala as she joined him.
“Nothing a shot won’t fix.” Tala retorted.
“Damn.” Whispered a dark-haired man from behind Bobby. “You did all that to the prospect doll?”
“Sure did. Chibs taught me.”
“Remind me not to get on your bad side, Tala.”
“Hey Tig, don’t get on my bad side.” Tala beamed as Bobby fussed over the small cut on her cheek.
Tala smiled to herself as the sound of footsteps approaching her pulled her back from her memories.
“You fight darlin?” The dark-haired man with blue eyes smiled.
“I’ve been known to hold my own.” Tala purred.
“Care to go around or two?”
“I wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty face of yours.”
“Oh, now ya gotta go around or two with me.”
“You would hit a woman?”
“Only if she liked it.”
“She would kick your ass Tig.” One of the youngest members smiled.
“She would not. Stay out of it, Juice.” Tig growled.
“I so would, Tig was it?”
“Let’s go sweetheart. I’ll show you what’s what.”
“Let’s go then.” Tala sneered with a dark smile as she hopped onto the edge of the ring. Smoothly sliding under the ropes and choosing a corner as her own. “Hey Gemma! Got a hair tie?” Tala called to the matriarch who was walking towards her with Clay by her side.
“Sure, thing baby.” Gemma smiled as she handed over a hair tie. “If Bobby catches you in that ring, he’ll lose his shit.” Gemma warned as Tala put her hair up into a ponytail.
“I ain’t a kid anymore Gem. He may be overprotective, but trust me, I can hold my own. Hell, the kid still remembers.” Tala smiled as she looked at Juice. “So, are we just duking this out or are we putting money on this thing?” Tala turned to Tig at this point as she pulled her black tank top off. Tala stood there in black jeans, a long black and short silver skull chain that connected to her wallet, black combat boots, and now a black and grey camo patterned sports bra.
“One-hundred on Tala to win.” Clay barked with a proud wide grin.
Tala laughed out loud at the look of shock and disbelief on Tig’s face. The man with the scars, who had been by the ring the whole time, hit the bell. Tig squared up to Tala as she just calmly watched him. They circled the ring a couple of times before Tig took the first swing. Missing due to her dropping low, Tala swung her leg in front of her, catching the legs of her opponent. Tig tumbled to the mat, landing on his back.
Jumping at the opportunity, Tala leapt onto him. Stradling his chest as she started wailing on him. Punch after punch to the face, Tig hardly had time to block the blows. Suddenly, Tig turned the tables and rolled; Tala now pinned under him. He had a triumphant smirk plastered on his face. That was until Tala did the one thing that threw everyone off. She rolled her hips up into Tig’s half hard cock. His breath catching in his throat and all his strength vanishing.
With another roll of her hips, Tala forced Tig off her and pinned him again. The cheers of the crowd that had gathered around them never registered with the two fighters as they staired into each other’s eyes. There was something in Tig’s eyes that told her, her secret weapon worked. Swiftly, she lent forward and planted a kiss to his lips. Then landed a strong punch to his face. In an instant Bobby called the fight to an end. He was seeing red.
“Again, with the fighting? First Juice now Tig?” Bobby growled.
“I won, didn’t I?” Tala retorted as she climbed off Tig.
“And the kiss?”
“Secret weapon against guys like him.” Tala smiled. “Dad, you gotta calm down before you give yourself a heart attack.”
“DAD?!” Most of the club gasped in shock.
“Did I stutter?”
“Little Tala Munson?” Tig gasped after sitting up. “Holy shit.” He sighed as he flopped back onto his back.
“Are you seriously telling me none of you assholes recognized my lil girl?” Bobby laughed.
“Hey Clay, how much did I just win?” Tala laughed as she climbed out of the ring with the help of the man with scars, and joined the president of the Sons of Anarchy.
“Five hundred.” Clay smiled proudly.
“Damn, anyone vote for Tig?”
“No, but don’t tell him that.” Gemma snickered from next to Clay.
“Poor Tigger.” Tala sighed. “Get’s his ass kicked by a girl and everyone bet against him.”
“At least he got a kiss for his efforts.” Juice smiled just to get slapped in the back of the head by Bobby.
“You ever kiss one of these low life’s again and we’ll be having our own match darlin.” Bobby warned Tala.
“Will a bribe change your mind?” Tala jokingly asked.
“Don’t go there.” Bobby warned as he started to head inside the club house.
“Oh, but I did.” Tala shouted after him with a laugh. Turning around, Tala made her way over to Tig. “Here Tigger, your cut.” Tala sweetly smiled as she handed him half of her earnings.
“They didn’t bet on me doll.” Tig sighed in defeat.
“No, they didn’t, but I did.”
The look of pure utter shock washed over his face. None of his brothers had bet on him to win. Not a single one of them, but this little girl did. Well, she wasn’t so little anymore. What was he thinking...this was his brother’s kid. He watched her grow up. Hell, he even helped teach her how to work on bikes for fuck’s sake. But that kiss and those hip rolls. He was just gonna have to try and stay away from her. Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen and he knew it. After the look she gave him and that kiss, he knew he wasn’t gonna be able to stay away. Not to mention she knew exactly who he was and still got in the ring with him.
Tig got his senses together, shoved the cash into his pocket and headed inside the club house. As he walked in the music suddenly changed mid-song. Cranking his neck in the direction of the stereo he laid eyes on the back half of his target. Standing at the stereo was Tala, changing the song to a more erotic song. Tig’s eyes widened as he recognized the song. The smile on her face lit up the room as she moved to the bar. She took a quick glance around the club, most likely looking for her father’s location, then started to climb up onto the bar.
“What do ya think ya doin’ lass?” The man with the scars questioned her as he moved his beer off the bar.
“You know CPR?”
“Yeah, but that don’t answer my question.”
“Good, cause if dad sees what I’m about to do he will have a heart attack.” Tala smiled as she finished getting onto the bar top.
“Lass this ain’t a good idea around these guys.” The man with the scars tried to warn.
“Shhhhh, it’ll be fine Chibs. Just sit back and enjoy the show.”
By now the song was already in full swing. Standing to full height, Tala started to go through a series of erotic dance movies. Chibs was doing everything in his power to not get turned on by his brother’s daughter. His resolve was quickly wearing thin as he sat there and watched her dance up on the bar. Chibs didn’t even realize Tig took a seat next to him to watch the show Tala was so generous to provide. A lot of the other members of the club were tied up with croweaters or their old ladies. Both Chibs and Tig prayed to whatever god there was that Bobby was tied up for the rest of the night.
As the song ended, Tala giggled at the look on both Chibs’ and Tig’s faces. They were both memorized by her. Nothing new really when it came to the opposite sex. Whenever she danced, whether it be with a group of friends or by herself, men would always watch her with that same look. The look of amazement and lust. The fact that these two had that look just made her giggle.
She would never admit it out loud but she had always had a thing for both of the sons. The Scot was always such a sweet and gentlemanly type towards her. Tig on the other hand, while always being respectful, always flirted with her. She knew his reputation was a bad one. A dark one. It sparked something in her and in all honesty, while she was away, she a realized she had a dark side that might have been inspired by the blue-eyed man. Hopping off the bar, she took a seat on a stool next to Chibs.
“Enjoy the show boys?” Tala teased as she leaned over the bar to grab a bottle of whiskey.
“Tala, lass, that was amazing but-“
“If your dad was to find out you were dancing for us he would-“
“Have a heart attack? Yeah, I know. Hence why I asked if Chibs knew CPR.” Tala chuckled. “How bout we change things up a bit? I promise I won’t give dad a heart attack.”
“What you have in mind doll?” Tig questioned as he too reached over the bar, grabbing glasses.
“Drinking game.”
“That could be dangerous, lass.” Chibs sighed as he slid one of the three shot glasses Tig grabbed to Tala.
“I’m in.” Tig smirked.
Sighing, knowing that this wasn’t the best idea, Chibs surrendered to some of his darker thoughts. “What’s the game?”
“I’ll let you guys choose. Never have I ever or Truth or Dare?” Tala purred as she poured shots for the three of them. “We were so close before I left. Now that I’m back lets get to know each other again.”
“Both are dangerous baby.” Tig smiled wickedly as he picked up his glass and moved his stool to the other side of Tala.
“Oh, I know.” The smirk that played at Tala’s lips was just as wicked if not more so than Tig’s. “That’s why I’m leaving the choice up to you two fine gents.”
“Never hav’ I ever sucked a guy’s cock.” Chibs said.
Both Tig and Tala sighed before taking their shots. “Seriously?” Tala asked shocked as she refilled both hers and Tig’s shots.
“You gotta do what you gotta do to survive in prison.” Tig shrugged.
“Oh you liked it didn’t you?” Tala teased the man. “Never have I ever…been tied up to a vertical surface and fucked senseless.” Tig took the shot after a few moments. “Fuck you are twisted aren’t ya?”
“Shut up, she was hot as fuck and knew things.” Tig snapped.
Chibs and Tala shared a laugh as Tig’s shot glass was refilled. The game went on for about an hour or so. Tig being the drunkest out of the three. Tala close behind and Chibs seemed to still be sober. After a few more rounds, a croweater finally made her way to the three. More specifically over to Tig. In his drunken stupor, he eagerly went with her to his dorm room, leaving Chibs and Tala alone.
“Hey Chibs?”
“Yeah lovey?”
“Truth or dare?” Tala slurred slightly as she rested her head in her hand, elbow propped on the bar top.
“You got the hots for someone?”
Chibs barked out a drunken laugh, “Ya could say dat.”
Sitting up a little straighter, “now ya gotta tell me.”
“That ain’t how ya play the game lass.”
“Oh fine. Go then.” Tala pouted.
“Truth or dare love.”
“Dare me.” Tala drunkenly giggled.
Chibs took a moment to think things over. However, with the state he was in, whether he looked it or not, he was drunk and wasn’t thinking clearly. The only thing going through his mind was the beautiful lass in font of him. The one that had showed up Tig in the ring. The one that had danced on the bar right in front of him. The one that had been flirting with him and Tig all night. “Talk dirty to me.”
“Ya want me to talk dirty to ya Chibs?”
“That’s what I said lass.”
“Alright then.” Tala gulped down her shot and stood up just to sit back down on Chibs’ lap, facing him. One hand resting on his half hard cock. Lightly palming it through his jeans. She leaned into him; her breasts pressed against his chest. Lips ghosting his ear as she seductively whispered, “I could pull it out right now and no one would notice. I could drop to my knees, take ya into my warm, wet mouth, and no one would care.”
Tala took his ear between her teeth and lightly moaned. “Or I could just have you slip inside, squeeze you tight with my pussy.” The groan that left Chibs’ throat stirred you on. “Make you harder than you’ve been in a long-time baby. Keep squeezing around you until you’re trembling and begging me to let you cum deep inside of my tight, wet, pussy. However, you don’t dare out of fear of alerting the whole club due to your loud moans. Fuck, I can’t wait to have you cum in me, filling me to the brim.”
Chibs couldn’t take it anymore, “Let me take ya ta bed.”
“I’m not tired.” Tala whined thinking he was just trying to be a gentleman.
“No lass, let me take ya to bed.”
What he was suggesting had finally registered with her. Smiling she took his hand and stood. With a head nod, Tala led Chibs towards the dorms. They quickly made their way down the hall and into Chibs’ dorm room.
“If you don’t stop lass, you’ll have a repeat of last night.” Chibs whispered against Tala’s ear. “I know ya awake love. Ya been wigglin’ ya ass against my cock for the past five minutes.” He purred as he started kissing down her neck and onto her shoulder.
“No clue what yer talkin’ bout. I’m sweet an innocent.” Tala smirked with her eyes still closed as she pushed her ass against his hard cock again.
Groaning, which sounded more like a growl, “Ya think so lass?” He gripped her waist a bit tighter than she was anticipating as he started kneading at the breast.
Arousal pooled in their cores as he continued his actions. Tala tried to keep her neutral “I’m sleeping” face, but her focus was quickly fading. She wanted to tease him like he had done to her since she could remember. Tala was damn sure she wasn’t going to let him continue to tease her. It was finally her turn to tease him.
“This is a dangerous game ya playin.” Chibs warned as a smirk crept onto Tala’s face.
“Don’t I know it? Been playing dangerously all night.” Tala slyly purred as she shoved her ass against his cock once again.
That’s when he lost it. Within seconds, Chibs was on top of Tala. His legs on either side of hers, his hand pinning both of hers above her head. The wetness pooling between her legs was beginning to seep out onto her thighs. Tala knew she wanted to tease him like he had been teasing her but all she wanted right now was for him to fuck her like he had last night.
“Ya ain’t so tough now are ya darlin?” He seductively whispered as he lowered his mouth to hers; a short yet passionate kiss. Feather light kisses from her jaw, down to her neck, to the soft patch of skin at the junction between her shoulder and her neck. There he bit down, surely leaving a mark for the whole club to see.
Suddenly there was a solid knock on the door. The two lovers jumping at the sound and then locking worried eyes. Chibs called out to the person on the other side of the door. The voice that came back was the one voice he really didn’t want to hear. Neither of them did really.
“Chibs have you seen Tala?” Bobby questioned through the door.
“Nah. Think she was sleepin’ on the couch when I came to bed.” Chibs lied as she smiled down at Tala.
“She probably went into town or something. If you see her tell her I’m looking for her.”
“Aye. Will do Bobby.” Chibs sighed as he rested his head on her shoulder. “Ya better sneak off and change. If yer da sees ya comin from my room he’ll probably castrate me.”
“You regretting what we did chibs?” Tala questioned as she moved to sit up.
“No darlin’ just worried bout yer da is all.”
“Good. Cause I wouldn’t mind a repeat performance.” Tala smirked before kissing Chibs.
She quickly got dressed and then vanished from his room. Sneaking down the hall to Bobby’s dorm. Thanking her lucky stars that he wasn’t in the clubhouse, she quickly changed into a red crop top. She decided that since her pants weren’t dirty she would just wear them again. Pulling out her make-up kit, she checked the love bite in the bathroom mirror. Clear as day was a purple mark where Chibs had bit her. Silently cursing him, she set about hiding it with her make up.
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