m1ndsrokk Β· 7 years
Sticky Mouse Trap Glue Removal
Glue trap is one of the best ways to get rid of mouse and even professional pest controls use it. Furthermore, it is also superior compared to other rat traps because it is effective to catch bigger and smarter rats. However, there is one big drawback about glue trap. When the glue sticks to your favorite clothes, it will be very hard to clean. When you want to use glue trap, it is very essential for you to learn how to remove rat trap glue from clothes. Here are some of the easiest ways you can do to clean any fabric from glue trap stain.
Put the Fabric on the Fridge
The most important thing you need to know about cleaning rat glue trap stain from your clothes is you should not do it when the glue is still sticky. If you do this, the glue will spread out even more on the fabric and cleaning it will be much harder.
To make removing the sticky glue easier, simply put the fabric inside the fridge for several hours until the glue is completely frozen. When the glue is frozen, you can easily scrape it off of your clothes without creating more mess. You don’t need any tools to do it, simply use your finger to scrape the frozen glue.
Once you feel that the glue is getting thawed again, immediately put the clothes back on the fridge. Once the glue is frozen again, you can continue the process. After you have finished scraping, put the clothes in the washing machine and wash it like usual.
Use Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is not only useful to be used as a bait for the trap, but there is also a simple and effective way on how to remove rap trap glue from clothes with this delicious jam. First of all, you need to let the glue dries first so it will not stick to your hand when you rub the clothes.
Once the rat glue is not sticky anymore, take some peanut butter and rub it on the glue stain with your fingers. The peanut butter is oily so it will slowly integrate with the sticky glue and together they will turn into small clumps. When the clumps are appearing, it is a sign that the glue has been pulled out off your clothes.
Use Olive Oil and Warm Water
You can also use a combination of olive oil and warm water to remove the sticky rat glue. Just like the first two methods, make sure you let the glue dries off first. After that, put the stained fabric under running hot water.
Once the fabric has been drenched with water, turn off the water and pour some olive oil to the glue. Rub the fabric a little bit until the glue turns into clumps. After that, run the water again to clean the clumps. Repeat the steps several times until all the glue stains are gone, and that is how to remove mouse trap glue from clothes without sweating yourself.
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m1ndsrokk Β· 7 years
how to remove rat trap glue from your clothes
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m1ndsrokk Β· 8 years
Nice Info about how to get rid from rats in my house
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