m4ramaraj · 3 months
i dont want ho’s, i want the love of my fucking life
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m4ramaraj · 4 months
i’m really just a blessed girl. the load gets heavy. i get tired. God takes over. i find the strength again. and we keep getting better. that’s really just how the story goes.
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m4ramaraj · 7 months
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m4ramaraj · 7 months
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m4ramaraj · 10 months
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Jayda Cheaves x Preme Magazine
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m4ramaraj · 11 months
more inner peace. more success. more abundance. unexpected blessings. genuine souls + divine connections. happiness. prosperity. mental clarity. health and wellness. divine + spiritual guidance. constant growth. wisdom. consecutive wins. more love. all love unconditionally.
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m4ramaraj · 1 year
had i loved me better i wouldn't have been in most of the situations i placed myself in. but with pain there is always purpose. everything happens for a reason. stay gracious.
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m4ramaraj · 1 year
No you cannot fix your entire life at 2am. Go to bed.
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m4ramaraj · 1 year
smart women marry for lifestyle not for love
you’re 19, young, in love and hopeful, the future holds so many promises, you split everything in half with your boyfriend, you work two jobs to afford summer travel this year, and you’re hostel hopping across the country, life feels good and all is well !
you’re 45 now, you have to haul your tired body to work every day, the bills have quadrupled, and you have to put your two kids through school, you still split everything in half with your husband, you crave rest and vacation but can’t afford anything as a family, hostels are not an option, not at your age anyways, 
many days, as you get up at 6 to prepare for work, as you leave your cramped house and walk into your less than nice neighborhood, as you step into your beaten down car and go participate in the rat race, you look back and wish you’d chosen differently !
Ladies, listen to me when i tell you this, make strategic decisions and always keep your future in mind.
you will not be young forever and what might have been okay at 21 won’t be so cute at 44 !
splitting bills and going to cheap hostels and mcdonalds dates may have been okay and fun at 16 or 18, but as you get older you will prioritize more peace, stability and material things that add to your comfort !
when i hear women say things like “but he’s cute”, “but he’s great in bed” “but he got abs”
those things will fade i promise you, the abs turn into a beer belly, the looks fade with age, the regular passionate s*x turns into once every few months
the only stable thing is the lifestyle you’ve married into
what house do you wake up in, what neighborhood, what car you drive, what facilities you and your kids have access to, what vacations can you afford, what chores can you outsource to external help etc etc
whether you work or become a stay at home mother or wife, the truth is you will only see your spouse a few hours each day, both of you gone at work, or one of you is
what is left in this lengthy time is your lifestyle again, 
all the love in the world won’t suffice when you’re spending your days in a shitty neighborhood, wasting away at your cubicle, when your kids get bullied at school for their teeth and you can’t afford to take them to the orthodontist, when you want to see europe, asia and the middle east but you can only afford the town 2 hours away,
we love to think of “love” as all we need but the truth is money creates comfort, peace of mind, allows for leisure and makes every aspect of life easier
when choosing who to marry, think of their values, what they stand for but also what kind of lifestyle they can provide for you, looks fade but money is forever 🤷🏻‍♀️
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m4ramaraj · 1 year
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m4ramaraj · 1 year
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m4ramaraj · 1 year
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m4ramaraj · 2 years
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m4ramaraj · 2 years
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m4ramaraj · 2 years
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m4ramaraj · 2 years
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m4ramaraj · 2 years
“The woman you are becoming will cost you people, relationships, spaces, and material things. Choose her over everything.”
— Unknown
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