maarbanregion · 7 years
????? Grass/Ice Ability: WonderGuard
Hp:40 Atk: 150 Def:10 SPAtk:150 SPDef:10 Speed:150
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maarbanregion · 7 years
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Shroomish    Grass type Poison Heal, Effect Spore (Quick Feet)    1′04″   4.5kg
Breloom   Grass/Fighting type Poison Heal, Effect Spore (Technician)    3′11″   39.2 kg
Like many Pokemon within the region, breloom and shroomish found there typings ill suited for the colder harsher enviroment, while many regular Shroomish and Breloom managed to survive unchanged in the more forested areas of the region a majority of the population was forced to become more dependant on there spores and speed to trick and mislead predator and prey alike.
the more elusive Breloom and Shroomish quickly grew in size and strength losing there grass typing and instead becoming fairy typed tricksters. this coupled with there dependency on misleading predators quickly led to a rare few developing the Illusion ability
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Shroomish  Fairy Type Natural Cure, Effect Spore (Illuminate)
Brelloom Fairy/FIghting Type Natural Cure, Technician (Illusion)
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maarbanregion · 7 years
new moves
Hidden Awakening: 90 power normal type move, charges power first turn then causes the opponent to flinch and become confused next turn... may cause a certain Pokemon to change form 
Wail: 80 power sound based ghost type move, hits all Pokemon, 10% flinch chance
Finale: 20-180 power dark type move, hits all opponents, power increases by 10 every two turns the battle has been ongoing, always goes last
Epilogue: 80 power fairy type move, high crit chance, 90% accuracy
Slumber Charm: 30 damage psychic type move with 15% chance to cause sleep, sleep chance doubles with each consecutive use. 
Comet Shower: 35 damage fairy type move that hits three times dealing fairy damage on all hits and fire, electric and ice type damage respectively
Empty Room: psychic type move that removes all weather, rooms, hazards and terrain for 5 turns
ice anchor: 60  power ice type move that lowers opponents attack by 1
rock grip: 50 power rock type move that lowers opponents defence by 1
steel cable: 40 power steel type move that prevents foe from leaving and lowers opponents speed by 1 
Tow: 70 power normal type move has 35% chance to burn, paralyse and freeze all non fighting type Pokemon.
Inner Mantle: 80 power Fire type move that deals Fire and Steel Damage
Partial Instinct: maximises all physical stats but has a 30% chance of badly poisoning and confusing the target 
Shard Instinct: maximises all offensive stats but has a 30% chance of badly poisoning and confusing the target
Half Instinct: maximises all special stats  but has a 30% chance of badly poisoning and confusing the target
Portion Instinct: maximises all defensive stats but has a 30% chance of badly poisoning and confusing the target
 Zero Instinct: charges for one turn, if damaged user instantly faints, if no damage taken all users stats increase to maximum at cost of permanent recoil damage
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maarbanregion · 7 years
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Seviper  Poison Type Shed Skin (Infiltrator)     8'10"   52.5 kg
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stats: 73,100,60,100,60,65 Seviper native To Maarban where nearly driven to extinction during the climate shift and the sudden increase in Steel Types in there natural habitat led to the few remaining relying on there speed and abilities to Dig to deal with more hardy competition. Over time Maarban Seviper began to decrees in size and while easier to take down there speed rose, the subterranean lifestyle also led to the eventually development of the Ground Typing at the cost of the pre-existing Poison Type, the scythe like tail gradually became more suited for drilling and the smaller form hides several similar drills  within to use for defense.
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Maaraban Seviper Ground Type Sand Force, Intimidate (Shed Skin)  4'8"  40.8 kg
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maarbanregion · 7 years
new items
N crystal- raises three random stats if hit by a Z Move
Mega Siphon- increases sp atk and atk everytime a pokemon mega evolves
Destiny Stone- deals damage to any pokemon that tries to remove it
Wonder Skin- non super effective moves have a 20% chance of dealing no damage
Pressure Skin- Moves that hit this pokemon lose double pp
Shadow Skin- user takes half damage when hit by any move (one use)
Royal Release- Allows certain Pokemon to revive the true power within
Patch Disc- fixes bugs in the code of certain Pokemon
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maarbanregion · 7 years
Starter Pokemon
Arbice Grass Type- name origin: rice (sake), cocatrice,Vice and Abrus (Poison plant genus) small green reptile with chick like head, front legs support only half of body with large tail trailing behind, eyes permanently in ^-^ mode HP: 68 Attack: 40 Defense: 45 Special Attack: 65 Special Defense: 65 Speed: 37 Base Stats Ranking: 320
Stath Fire Type-  name origin: star, ash,  breath, staff and hearth small red humanoid with a white star pattern on it's chest and stubby limbs, rounded head and large orange eyes HP: 50 Attack: 30 Defense: 65 Special Attack: 65 Special Defense: 70 Speed: 40 Base Stats Ranking: 320 
Peavero Water Type- name origin:  peachick, pavo (peahen genus) vernal (specifically vernal pools) small pea hen, females blue grey and males steel grey large grey feather on head if male, small wings and small tail feathers colour of opposite gender HP: 60 Attack: 50 Defense: 58 Special Attack: 54 Special Defense: 58 Speed: 40 Base Stats Ranking: 320
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