mabramshq · 6 years
TAGGING: @mabramshq
WHEN: tuesday evening
WHERE: morgans’s apartment
NOTES: nsfw 
In the back of her mind Regan wondered if she should have checked with Morgan to make sure he was home before she decided to head to his apartment. The short skirt of her police costume kept riding up as she walked through the hallway and she stopped to tug it down once more, wishing she had bought a new one before deciding to do this. She knew it didn’t matter too much because there was no way Morgan or the viewers were going to care if her skirt was a little too short. That was the furthest thing from her mind as she reached Morgan’s apartment, hoping that she had the right one or things were about to get awkward.
She grabbed the handcuffs that were connected to her belt and she raised her fist to knock. Her fingers twirled the metal around them as she waited for him to open the door. Part of her wondered if she might have the wrong place, but she figured whoever was behind the door would be okay with someone showing up in an outfit like this. Letting her free hand brace herself against the doorway, there was a smile on her face as she waited to see who was going to open the door.
Morgan, in spite of his tendency towards being an extrovert, relished time he could spend by himself doing whatever struck his fancy at any given moment. For the last few days he’d been entirely focused on playing what likely amounted to too much Fortnite, but he wasn’t all that intent on doing anything differently, so he wasn’t surprised he’d found himself settled on his couch shouting at the TV as he was sniped in second place. “Oh, way to go, you fucking dick,” He groaned loudly, tossing the controller onto the other end of his couch with a noticeable pout before he ran his fingers through his hair furiously and stood. He stretched languidly, cracking his neck and fingers in the moment before he turned his attention towards the knock at his door. 
He mentally shifted through anything he’d planned on doing for the week, hoping for a moment that he hadn’t planned a scene with someone and completely forgotten about it. He approached the door slowly and tugged it open with an openly curious expression that quickly shifted to surprise and then an immediate warmth shortly thereafter. “Well, hello, officer,” He drawled, “Did you get a noise complaint about me or something?” He teased, stepping back to allow Regan into his apartment. 
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mabramshq · 6 years
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mabramshq · 6 years
It’s doing a lot. But might do even more if we hang out sometime, ya know get to know one another. Sounds like we’re on the same page. You free anytime next week?
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Mm, I think that’d definitely add to it. I’m free any time you want me to be, so. You let me know, yeah?
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mabramshq · 6 years
imesage 📲 morgan &. jas.
JAS: so cleaning up ancient artifacts or the occasional old body (or curators only do that in the movies for the thrill?) isn't thrilling?
JAS: Are you the type of guy to get bored of like, jumping out airplanes or something? Lol.
JAS: teasing aside, I totally get needing a change. To kind of like, scramble your super cute schedule around and say fuck it.
JAS: I'm glad you enjoyed it, cutie. 😊 you can find out how incredible as many times as you want.
JAS: mmm, baby girl, ha? no calling me that when I'm trying to be in control. it makes me want to request the possible ropes in this fantasy to be on me.
JAS: you know, maybe for our next scene we should do something along the lines of that - whether you or I have the control.
MOR: LOL mostly i just figure out where things ought to go in the museum. figure out what exhibits to put together and you know, actually make that happen. it's not crazy exciting most of the time
MOR: i've never been sky diving, actually. i lowkey think i'd cry if i did probably
MOR: Yeah? I'm definitely gonna be takin' you up on that, gorgeous
MOR: ughhhh okay, okay. i'll be good. what'd you prefer i call you when you're trying? ;)
MOR: i would be thrilled to help you with something like that
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mabramshq · 6 years
That’s so cool. I’ve only ever been to DC and the Smithsonian once when I was younger. But from what I remember it was pretty cool, I’ve always loved going to museums. If you’re into it, go for it, man. That’s good, seems like you’ll be a good addition. 
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You should definitely visit again! Museums are a hell of a lot different if you’re going again when you’re not, y’know, a small child. They’re pretty great, yeah. I’m sure some are more boring than others but I think I got lucky being able to go to San Francisco museums. Like, the GLBT museum is the fucking coolest and I love it there. 
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mabramshq · 6 years
TAGGED:  @mabramshq &. jas.
WHEN: june 25, 2018
WHERE: morgan’s place
NOTES: video games and most likely nsfw nature of some kind.
Morgan could easily give off a frat boy appeal with his mouth shut. That general thought took a detailed and explicit turn almost immediately. The cause? His thick fingers curling around the neck of his beer bottle. An image that her imagination dabbled with until her mind was envisioning those fingers around the slender columns of her dainty neck. While her thoughts got caught up in the what-if’s, her bottom lip got tangled in the twist and turn of her front tooth. By the time she had decided on her next move her fingers were well into being tangled into the hairs on the nape of his neck. Her bottom lip had sprung from the grip of her tooth so her mouth was free to tease his neck with delicate scratches of her teeth against his skin. He smelled good and felt good against her. His body hard and responsive.
“Impatient to get your fingers inside of me,” she mused cooly, whispering the casual, dirty, sentiment into his ear. Jasmine was well past deciding on her next move, and just dangling the idea of more in front of his face. She kissed along his jawline stopping just short of his mouth. “Maybe you will after video games.”
‘After’ is emphasized with the touch of her pursed lips on the corner of his mouth. She kissed his Adam's apple and reluctantly pulled herself off of him. Jasmine swayed her hips back and forth to her trip to the side of the counter. She began to unpack the bag, then looked at him curiously. “Do you smoke or anything?”
Jasmine was easily one of the most distracting people he’d ever met, and not exclusively because she was apparently intent on teasing him until he was focused more on her than he was on playing any video games they touched for the rest of the night. She was adorable and sexy and funny and all of those things were perfectly fine on their own, but the balance she was striking now was enough to make him vaguely lightheaded on its own. With her body pressed against his he could do little more than close his eyes and breathe and attempt ( unsuccessfully ), not to groan outright the moment her teeth nipped at his neck. It was an endlessly sensitive area for him and to know that Jasmine was there and wasn’t planning on dealing with anything her attention prompted was nothing short of torture. 
“Can you blame me?” His voice was a rumble, lower and rougher than it ordinarily would have been. He’d blame it on the urges swirling around in him to grab Jasmine and make good on everything she was promising him with her lips against his skin. Heat had already settled low in his stomach and he was only vaguely relieved that he hadn’t popped a boner already given the brief nature of her attention so far. 
“Fuck,” He hissed the word out through his teeth as she pulled away and opened his eyes, blinking slowly several times to focus himself again before he exhaled sharply through his nose. “I do sometimes. I might need to right now before you fuckin’ kill me,” He grumbled, clearly teasing. 
video games ‘n’ chill
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mabramshq · 6 years
She couldn’t help but raise her brows as he spoke, a bit impressed at how smooth of a talker he was, because she was one as well so when it was matched well…she was pleased, to say the least. “You are quite the flatterer, aren’t you?” Dani said with a small laugh, shaking her head with a smile, fingers coming to catch and tuck a few loose strand behind her ear. “But I’m glad I didn’t disappoint, I take it this is a good first impression. I had a way better one in mind, but, everything happens for a reason…least that’s what I think.” It was the truth, she was a firm believer in fate and everything having a purpose, after all. And Morgan was a pleasant surprise, one she certainly didn’t mind keeping her company in the moment. Glancing back over to him as his head fell to the side, her smile pulled on the corners of her mouth, “You’re fucking cute, stop that.” She admitted, pulling his jacket up more on her bare shoulders, nibbling on her bottom lip at all the offers, “Depends on what you intend on doing to achieve those options. Because all three sound mighty promising.” She said to him in nothing but a sweet-playful tone of voice, teeth tugging her lower lip for a moment longer as she kept her cheek to her knee, watching him.
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His smile was easy— equal parts lazy and smug— as he nodded deeply in response to Dani’s comment; he was a naturally charismatic person but making any effort to charm people was something that never seemed to fail when he really set his mind to it. “I’ve been known to be,” His smile widened, “It’s one of my numerous talents, trust me.” Morgan’s shoulders rolled through a languid shrug, “Who says we can’t still make that a part of our first impressions?” His brow rose briefly in the moment it took him to pose the question. He didn’t disagree with Dani in the slightest, and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt already that if their entire first interaction amounted to little more than sitting on the roof and talking until one of them decided they needed to leave, well, he would be perfectly content with that. A booming laugh echoed around them as Morgan tossed his head back and muffled his ensuing giggles with one hand as he tried to school his expression into something pouty and playful, “What if I don’t wanna stop?” His expression faltered for a moment when his eyes settled unerringly on the way Dani was biting her lip; a gentle shiver rolled down his spine at the sight and he swallowed quickly, raising his eyes to meet hers as quickly as he could recover, “Well, since it’s almost your birthday, I think it’d only be fair if you got to tell me what I should do to help you with that.” He explained, low and deliberate. 
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mabramshq · 6 years
imesage 📲 morgan &. jas.
JAS: then how did you? we can see whose bed is softer. 😊
JAS: oh, do i sense an ass guy? i have a feeling you dancing beyonce's entire discography would be amazing and/or hilarious. i'll encourage this with my tush tuesday post today. 🍑
JAS: be careful, i might take advantage of that eagerness and make you beg. 😇 😊
JAS: omg yay! okay, there is this movie theater in santa monica. it's 24 hours of skin flicks and a killer spot for something like this.
MOR: i thought it sounded like somethin' i could be good at. something different. maybe a little more exciting than museum curating-- i figure i have more life to live before i settle down
MOR: fuuuuuuck. i'm absolutely an ass guy and yours is frankly, incredible
MOR: who says i don't want you to do that, baby girl?
MOR: i'm game any time! you just say the word~
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mabramshq · 6 years
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{ source. }
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mabramshq · 6 years
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mabramshq · 6 years
I’m sorry I was such a bad girl, you should totally give me a spanking or something…I deserve it. I’m great at making stuff up though, so I’ll make sure to be there next time, mouth wide open. Scouts honor. What, the shorts? I love comfy cotton shorts, like, if I could wear them forever I would. But for the record, my ass down tend to look amazing in most things. Wait, really? I’ll literally PAY you for them, that’s how much I love them. I never saw that movie, was it good? I’ll have to see next time I’m out there, I don’t know when that’ll be, but I’ll for sure stop in.
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... Now that’s going to be something I think about all night but goddamn, I’m down for it if you are. Fuck, girl, you’re trying to kill me. Yeah, the shorts! I don’t think the world at large would hate it even a little if you decided to make that wardrobe choice. I don’t doubt that even a little bit. Pft, you don’t have to pay me for cookies, nerd, I’m happy to do it in general. I’ll shoot him a text tonight and I’m sure you’ll have cookies in a couple days. ~ I sure liked it! But I also liked the book a lot, so I was goin’ in with high expectations.  
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mabramshq · 6 years
I don’t know, there’s totally a whole section for MILFs and older dudes who definitely need viagra on most porn sites. I’m sure there’s someone out there that’s hopeful to still be making it then. You have no idea how much I love playing games.
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I mean, on the one hand: you’re totally right. On the other, if I can’t get it up on my own, I probably shouldn’t be doing this anymore. That’s just me, though, I’m sure other folks feel differently. I don’t but I’ve gotta say I’m feeling pretty excited to find out. 
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mabramshq · 6 years
Maybe at some point in the future, definitely not in the like, foreseeable one. I just got out of a relationship whenever I came here so I’m sort of like, avoiding all of that kind of stuff. What about you? Is marriage and kids going to happen at some point? My friends are awesome and I love them so much, I just don’t think the small town life is really for me anymore. 
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I genuinely don’t know. Marriage isn’t as important to me as being with someone I love, so it’s kind of a... bonus if it happens but it’s not imperative. And having kids would be wonderful but that’s something to discuss when I like, actually have a partner to discuss it with. And I have no idea how dating’s gonna go while I’m doing this, y’know? I’ve never lived in a small town, so I’m gonna take your word for it. 
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mabramshq · 6 years
What I would give for Tan France to raid my wardrobe. You definitely should. It’s so good. And I mean, Kevin Pearson is just unf. I an definitely interested in working with you. I mean, come on, you are delicious.
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Right? The man is a god. Well, the next time I have a chance or can resist the urge to marathon Harry Potter the second I turn on the TV to watch something, I’ll definitely check it out. Oh man, you’re gonna make me blush and that’s just... so much— you’re pretty fuckin’ delicious yourself so consider the feeling mutual.  
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mabramshq · 6 years
Even if I think they’re being dumb, I definitely wouldn’t ruin how happy they are over it. I’m like, sad that they want to settle down but it’s not my life so I can’t tell them what to do. Plus I live on the other side of the country now so it’s not like I’ll really have to deal with it. It’s weird, I sort of feel out of place here now so that’s why I’m mostly in a hurry to get back. Plus I sort of miss everything and everyone, but I’ glad you’re all not having too much fun without me.
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That’s probably a good plan. It’d just make you kind of an asshole if you did and that’s not really fun for anyone involved. Do you not want that at all? Like, to settle down? I don’t mean right this second but in general. I feel out of place with some of the people I grew up with so I totally get that. Nah, there’s no way it’d be as fun without you here. 
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mabramshq · 6 years
I don’t know if I could stand to do this for twenty years so I totally get it. Like right now it’s a ton of fun and I don’t know what I’m going to do next, but being old and doing porn sounds super depressing. Oh, I’m totally all for you trying. I’m actually looking forward to seeing if you’re going to be able to do it. 
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You should definitely be ready for it.
I haven’t met anyone yet who’s planning on sticking with this for twenty years or however long, so I bet we’re probably all in the same boat. Oh, really? Well, shit, that’s all the more reason to want to make it happen. Game on, babe. 
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mabramshq · 6 years
Mia watched as he took another drag, letting her hand lingeron his back for a moment before pulling away and turning to her seated spot,just as she had been prior to his arrival. In all honestly, she had beenexpecting to get a moment or two alone up there, but she didn’t want to sendMorgan away and maybe it was better for her that she wasn’t left alone. “Yeah.I kind of like the idea of being up on the roof while you sing to me. So sure,give me your best.” Shifting until she was comfortable once again seated on thehard surface, Mia looked up at him with a smile. “Alright, I’m ready.”
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Morgan smiled gently as Mia’s fingers brushed across his back— he was tactile almost to a fault and there were very few things that made him feel more comfortable or at peace with the world than physical contact. He watched Mia settle down again and grinned, brushing his palms against his jeans with a dramatic clearing of his throat. He knew the song as it was and it would only take him a moment to settle into it, but playing it up for Mia, if it would get her to smile, was more than enough for him to try. “Alright, well. Your wish is my command, darlin’.” He took a deep, slow breath, “’Help me, it’s like the walls are caving in. Sometimes I feel like giving up, no medicine is strong enough. Someone help me, I’m crawling in my skin; sometimes I feel like giving up, but I can’t... it isn’t in my blood, it isn’t in my blood...’” His voice rang out around them, clear and warm and full and Morgan felt a distinct point of pride. He was a humble person but he knew full well that singing was a talent of his, and that he was absolutely killing the song Mia had wanted to hear. 
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