macabrecocktail · 14 days
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my stress motif is Jotaro and i have Accepted this
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macabrecocktail · 15 days
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jjba headshots My favorite charas
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macabrecocktail · 18 days
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I hate that I have to do this but due to an influx of work related projects and amongst other things, I have to put Life with Jojo on hiatus for the time being. Until October at the very least.
I just need to sort through this pile of projects and deadlines I've got on my plate right now. Lately, my attention has been so divided that I haven't been able to focus on any one specific thing and it's contributing to a lot of guilt and self-hate! 😅
Thats not to say that I won't be posting anything. I'm working on short comics to post here and there but nothing as big of a commitment as Life with Jojo is.
Until then I leave you with this half completed second chapter. Enjoy! ❤️
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macabrecocktail · 1 month
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Opening commissions once again!
I'm willing to draw almost anything as long as it doesn't include any complex backgrounds. I take payments in advance and delivery can take up to a week.
Inbox me if you're interested!
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macabrecocktail · 1 month
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Recent commission I did for @cranesbf, I had so much fun drawing this!!
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macabrecocktail · 1 month
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more jolyne bc i like her :)
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macabrecocktail · 2 months
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mister brando with his tits out . again
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macabrecocktail · 2 months
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About to drop the greatest album ever... because Anika is here!
A silly fanart of the icon that is @anikasenkujo for her creator, the kindest person ever that put up with my pestering, @jotatetsuken!
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macabrecocktail · 2 months
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Day 2 Tarot 🐔🤺🔥💔
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macabrecocktail · 2 months
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macabrecocktail · 2 months
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finally decided to stop tweaking this and just call it good 😮‍💨 as many of you already know, my modern au diego is a herpetologist who works at a zoo and runs the herpetarium. as the au has progressed in my mind i've decided he's become well known for his innate ability to connect with reptiles and his contributions to the world of hepetology plus his sizable social media presence (he's hot and he's good with animals.. who wouldn't love him) earn him a cover spot and interview, which is definitely a dream come true for him LOL. i'm going to write the actual interview as well but i wanted to post this anyway since it's finished 🧡🥰 lizard whisperer diego 4ever
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macabrecocktail · 3 months
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macabrecocktail · 3 months
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Some part 3 fanart.
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macabrecocktail · 3 months
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I have finished Kars… finally.
I have to confess that I like to do digital illustrations less and less. I don't feel comfortable and I get bored (but I guess there are illustrations that look better with digital coloring :V).
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macabrecocktail · 3 months
Blessed Concubine
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☽ AO3 link
I remember arriving in Rome in chains. Horrible things that bit into my wrists and ankles, and struck my back and legs with every movement, beating pale skin red. My hair, dark and too-long had hung freely down past my shoulders, matting and catching where metal grinded metal. I was dirty, then, but I was washed when I arrived, the warm water stung my skin - as did the pale robe they slipped over me. It stung, too, knowing I would die but to the Romans, I would have died beautifully, as some bittersweet sacrifice to a god whose name did not come to me. I had prayed, I had whispered gentle, pleading requests into the warm air. Hera and Artemis, to protect me as a woman. To Ares, to bless me with courage. Hermes, in the hopes he could lend me his cunning. Demeter, to send drought between each crop in Rome should I die. Every deity had felt my desperation as my feet dragged. 
The wind had whipped the white fabric around my bruised ankles as I stood by the dais. I had thought of all the women - girls, truly - untouched and unmarred by the cruelty of men dragged up to platforms like this. I thought of the cows, sheep and goats, too. The moment I was led up the steps, I became akin to livestock. Something that the Greeks and Trojans alike had held over stone, desperately spilling blood from throats split like pomegranates to appease a god. But I was not to be sacrificed to bring winds back to Aulis. I did not know who I was to be sacrificed to. I did not understand, not then. I did not speak Latin, yet. 
Standing there, I saw the crowd, I heard the voices in the language I did not speak. I saw him. Him. Draped in finery, sharp eyes and beautiful yet severe features framed by golden locks. My gut twisted; The Emperor. 
He could stop this, couldn’t he? If he wanted to. I fought against the strong hands that held me back, turning to face him as my pale eyes widened fiercely. I had cried out in a language mostly foreign to the crowd below me, begging him to let me go - he could take me as a bed slave, he could make me wipe the dirt from the floors and blood from his armour if only he would not kill me.
 “ Let me go!”  
My chest felt heavy with the weight of it.
  “Let me go, please!”
He stared at me, not misunderstanding, perhaps ignoring. His gaze went through me.
 “Rome will burn!” The cry tore through my throat, tears pricking my lashes. I was not sad, I knew he would listen. Ares’ blessing of courage burned in my veins.
Piercing, his eyes met mine, jaw tightening. 
  “Rome will burn,” I repeated, “Drought will plague your fields. Then starvation will plague your people. Animals will die, and the waters will run rust-red with the old blood of Rome.”
My voice came from beyond me.
The soldier had raised a blade to my throat, by then. The cold metal nicked my skin and made the hair on my nape stand alert. The emperor - whose name I did not yet know - raised his hand. 
 “Stop.” I did not need to know Latin to understand this.
The soldier stalled, the blade removed from my throat.
Then, the emperor stood - all muscle, glimmer and power as he straightened up.
 “Do not sacrifice her.”
This, I did not understand. But the soldier shoved me away and that was clear. I would not be sacrificed today. 
 “Bring her to my chambers. There will be no sacrifice.”
He will make a bed slave of me, I had thought.
I was taken to his chambers, the beautiful room barely warming my wind-struck skin. Gold does not deter the cold.
When he came, after the crowds had dispersed from around the dais, he raked his gaze over me like I was a banquet table - white cloth laden with meat and fruit and wine. 
 “You are pale for a Greek,” he said.
 “You are pale for a Roman.”
His brows tugged together, and I thought I’d misspoken. 
 “What is your name, Greek?”
 “Elizabeth,” I replied simply.
He hummed, a sound coming deep from his chest. He did not reply.
 “And yours?” I had asked.
The emperor looked down at me, sharp eyes narrowing, “You don’t know?”
 I shook my head, “I don’t.”
He seemed angry at the suggestion that I wasn’t aware. I did not admit that I had ignored most discussions of Rome, back in my homeland.
 “Dio,” I echoed, “Dee-Oh.”
My brows tugged together as the name rolled from my tongue.
 “Are you going to lay with me?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. If he wanted to, I could do little to argue.
Not yet, I heard. Unspoken, but there.
My mouth opened to question his intentions with me, with a foreign slave, but he interrupted.
 “You said Rome would burn, if you died today,” he said, watching me closely.
Did I confess that I had prayed? That I had interlocked my chained hands and asked Demeter to curse the land I stood on now? What would become of me, if I did?
 “How would you know that?”
 “The gods told me.” It was not a lie.
 “Your gods don’t hold power here.”
 “They are the same. You use names I don’t recognise, but your gods are mine.”
He squinted at me again. 
 “Do you have any skills?”
 “I can read and write, and sew, sing and play the lyre,” I listed.
The emperor seemed to consider these, for a moment. Perhaps, I had thought, If I am lucky, I can live out my days as a court entertainer. Perhaps I can spend my time doing nothing but plucking and tuning strings, writing music and being beautiful. A muse or nymph made flesh.
 “You do not know Latin,” he said, it wasn’t a question and yet I nodded, “you will learn.”
Then, my suspicions were confirmed. I was alive but not free. I would learn Latin, I would become a Roman. I would bear a child and send them to die, someday, but I would never see Greece again. I steadied my breathing, and nodded.
Dio seemed pleased, now. “Then I will take you for a mistress.”
I was, in some ways, a spoil of war. No different from Briseis on show to Agamemnon’s armies, saved from the clutches of pent up warriors by a half-God and the man he took for a lover. I had stood before a man close to half-god himself, and he had taken me from the dais just the same. Safe , I thought, Safe but for how long? I was suddenly in the tales I loved so dearly. Did Achilles or Hades hold my life, now? Was the palace behind Roman walls a tent in a sea of tents, held by rocks and full of fighters and their women? Or would this place hold me, cold and unyielding save for once a year? I looked to the emperor, and I did not know. 
Slowly, I was shown to his court, like one may show off a prize. But he had not won me, not yet. The faces of the men, yet unknown to me, all held the same expectation: he had not won me until my stomach swelled. He had claimed me, that was all. I met his advisors, those closest to him, and his blood - three sons that he introduced with a thick coat of shame and a fourth, younger son with the same blond locks. My hands absently brushed my abdomen, picturing a small, crying, blond thing growing there. Lastly, was Diego - his younger brother. He was handsome, not unlike his elder, but with an Apollonian brightness that Dio didn’t carry. The emperor was harsh, chiselled; his brother’s edges were soft no matter how defined. His flaxen hair framed his face not like an altar, but like a canopy. A youthful gentleness to contrast Dio.
A part of me was disconnected that day. In some way, I had won - I lived - but there was a sharp hollow in the distinct shape of Athens where the chambers of my heart should be.
He did not lay with me the first night. Despite myself, I questioned it. Had he changed his mind? Was I going to be cast off, after all? He did not lay with me the second, or third night either. I was left to explore the palace myself, every inch of it. I touched every petal on every flower during those days, memorised every vein on every blessed leaf - I felt the approval of Demeter shine down over Rome as the blood pumped through me. 
Three days became seven, and I met Rydia - another lady of the palace. Beautiful, caring and radiating a warmth I hadn’t felt since I was small. I was glad to find her company inside those unfamiliar walls. The solitude fell from my shoulders, then.
The second week began, and he called for me. A weight was lifted. 
I remember, once, being warned that it would hurt. They did not wholly lie, but I did not bleed as they had warned. The bedsheets saw sweat, not blood, and he was not gentle but I hadn’t expected him to be. There was a moment, in the midst of shaking gasps, where he looked like a god above me, blond hanging across focused eyes, light from windows dashing his hair a rich gold, strong chest rising and falling with steady, quick breaths. He was beautiful, and I clung to him like a magpie to polished metal.
He had won, after that. My stomach bulged beneath my stola, and my nights were full of hushed prayers for a son - a soldier, with the smarts of Athena and all the strength of Ares. I would make offerings to altars and though in Rome they were Minerva and Mars, I called them by the name I knew well. I felt I’d asked too much, too fast. Protection and courage and life, and now a son as strong and battle-ready as a demigod. But they listened to my devoted requests, and a boy was born - with strong lungs from the moment the open air touched him. Our sweet Dorian.
Rydia belongs to @hammerofspace ☽
Inspired by and accompanying the latest fic from @swallowed-teeth.
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macabrecocktail · 3 months
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in case u were wondering, yes, im still on my herpetologist gator wrangler diego brando bullshit 😭🧡
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macabrecocktail · 3 months
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[ Standverse AU ] - Hall of Crusaders
Star and Hermit take the trio on a little family history trip
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