macbow333 · 2 days
My solution for bloatware is this: by law you should hire in every programming team someone who is Like, A Guy who has a crappy laptop with 4GB and an integrated graphics card, no scratch that, 2 GB of RAM, and a rural internet connection. And every time someone in your team proposes to add shit like NPCs with visible pores or ray tracing or all the bloatware that Windows, Adobe, etc. are doing now, they have to come back and try your project in the Guy's laptop and answer to him. He is allowed to insult you and humilliate you if it doesn't work in his laptop, and you should by law apologize and optimize it for him. If you try to put any kind of DRM or permanent internet connection, he is legally allowed to shoot you.
With about 5 or 10 years of that, we will fix the world.
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macbow333 · 4 days
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Who is it?💕
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macbow333 · 4 days
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macbow333 · 4 days
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happy Thursday the 20th
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macbow333 · 4 days
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Poorly drawn Eevee line
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macbow333 · 6 days
“who is linkin park?” - one shot KO by my younger coworker
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macbow333 · 7 days
Reblog this if you had to learn cursive writing as a child
If you were ever told or were made to learn cursive writing when you were in grade school. I wanna see how many of you suffered like I did.
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macbow333 · 7 days
Komaeda kinnies used to rule this site
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macbow333 · 7 days
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all quiet in a western font
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macbow333 · 8 days
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Felt like checking the 6 star Tera Raid after updating the game to Emboar’s 7 star raid in Violet today. Glad I checked! Her nature leaves a little to be desired, but another perfect IV Pokémon is another perfect IV Pokémon!
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macbow333 · 10 days
Hulk and Thor coded question
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macbow333 · 10 days
Not knowing much about tma, I’ve got an OC that either has or embodies the pretty much all of the fears in one way or another:
Buried: through the course of his story, obtains a way to manifest a separate space for his own purposes, but it ultimately crashes down around him when his worst fears come to pass, becoming his extra-dimensional tomb
Corruption: has some episodes of skin crawling, and body changed non-consensually from human to non-human, and lived through circumstances that make him only willing to “love” people he despises because bad things happened to people he loved in his formative years
Desolation: that experience in his formative years was dreaming of the death of his family in various increasingly impossible ways, until he was in another country and dreamed of burning his own house down, and a few hours after waking, learned that his family died in a terrible fire. At the climax of his story, he finally learns how he was tragically responsible for it. Jumping off from that he ends up cursing the people he deemed responsible for putting him in that situation, despite having previously helped them find closure with their own issues.
Dark: for various reasons, ends up becoming a monster that no one recognizes as the human he used to be, barely perceptible to those who don’t know him.
End: the whole dreams of killing his family becoming reality issue and the sense that there was never anything he could do to prevent it.
Extinction: finds a way to tap into enough power to wipe out vast swaths of life on the planet, but despite everything that happens to him, he strives to use that power to instead make a path to a brighter future for humanity, even at the expense of extinction for whatever his own new species classification might be.
Eye: pursued knowledge about how to prevent what happened to his family in many of his dreams, and eventually learned how to control the fire that killed his family after their deaths, which lead to a situation where he could have prevented it but instead ended up causing it. Also, highly perceptive when it comes to people, so he learned the secret identities of various people of interest and used that knowledge in pursuit of his attempts to help them in return for the roles they played in helping him become what he became. Also, becomes an entity that has constant, low level awareness of the emotional state of a city of millions.
Flesh: through his changing into a non-human creature, his body becomes malleable to his self-perception, but can lose some of its definition in unsettling ways if that self perception wavers
Hunt: becomes obsessed with hunting down the person of interest most responsible for changing his body and making him suffer for it
Lonely: as the last living member of his family, he feels uniquely alone and unable to form connections with any people or place despite the many connections he does form in his pursuit of understanding his role in his family’s demise.
Slaughter: enters a state of cold fury when the person responsible for his changing uses reanimated corpses in an attempt to stop my character from getting to him, uses the power available to him to destroy most of the army single-handedly while also preventing any unnecessary civilian death in the process, a part of him reveling in his precise control over who lives and who dies, if only for a moment
Spiral: the summation of his experiences that lead to him burning his loved ones to death in his childhood home while they slept when he thought it was just an illusion leads him to attempt to unmake himself, certain that reality would be better off without him in it
Stranger: After his success in unmaking himself, what remains becomes something like the entities that made him like he was, but unsettling to them, as that form was made from a human’s incomplete understanding of those entities.
Vast: the place where he unmade himself was a simulation of the city where he lived, but as he was unmade, it became an empty space with seemingly no exit, and him the only occupant.
Web: another way to look at his “didn’t want to be doomed to roast his own family to death, but did anyway” thing, trapped in a tragedy he couldn’t escape no matter how much he wanted to, or denied being in in an attempt to hold onto enough scraps of sanity to function on a daily basis.
Not entirely sure which fear he would be an avatar of… Web or Eye feel most appropriate, but some others could fit as well.
haven’t posted any art in a bit sooo
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(btw yes the dice is purposefully all snake eyes, just clarifying)
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macbow333 · 11 days
legend has it that girl still hasn’t cleared out the 9,000 useless screenshots on her phone
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macbow333 · 11 days
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macbow333 · 15 days
It took a couple days over 2 years of near daily play, but I finally did it! I caught my first shundo in Pokémon GO during Goomy’s Community Day Event today!
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Who needs to Get Lucky on 6/9 when you can get lucky on 6/9? Amirite?
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In any case, happy 6/9 to those who celebrate and write their month first! And to everyone else, hope you had a good Sunday!
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macbow333 · 17 days
Lawsuit! Lawsuit! Lawsuit! Lawsuit! Lawsuit!
Adobe needs to be taken down a few pegs and then be forced to not foist the onus onto their customers after the fact!
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macbow333 · 18 days
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