macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Was debating if would want menu link buttons at the top or if they detract from the experience of the whole page- think it needs to be easy to navigate so will have the links at the top 
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Website inspo- consider the purpose of noise in my game
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Nice little details with the mouse
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
website Inso
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
website inspiration 
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Interactive website inspiration 
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Chrome extension which allows you to throw tomatoes at websites you don’t like- do I want a similar premise but at brands? want to create a clear fun visual of shaming them 
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
Style Options
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
First Visual Tests
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Robyn Tutorial
Robyn Tutorial
§  Creating a non-profit brand that is fun for the consumer/adversarial design.
§  I was brainstorming around ‘shame’ and passing the buck back. But those are effects of what I create not the crux of the issue.
§  What is the deep-down issue? They are literally destroying the fucking world and providing pathetic solutions to it.  
§  Needed a visual metaphor or concept to base the brand around.
§  They are “putting a band-aid on a broken leg”
Adversarial design book.
Million-dollar blocks.
All written up really nicely. The report up and the research too. Further links, link to articles.
Meaty sound research statement- draw from the essay?
Challenge the visuals to have three images.
Found objects? Photography? Typography.
What is the primary function of the website- is it the game?
Is it a video that comes up straight away, gun plasters gun. Make it more interesting. ridiculous sound effects.
Takes you through the whole journey?
My grandmothers lingo website.
§ Mood board three visual styles.
§ Decide what is the primary function of the site? The game?
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macd-emily-blog · 5 years
Ideation for Final Major Project. 05/07/19
How do we encourage brands to take responsibility for social issues?
1.   Rewriting the annual reports of large companies, to show where they profit off doing nothing for social issues.
2.   Utopian annual reports, how it could look if you made positive change.
3.    Do as I say, not as I do. Website that highlights what brands say and what they do for social good.Make it funny- public shaming. Game where you can throw tomatoes at them.
4.    Brand targeted information about how consumers spend their money depending on social good.
5.    (Extinction Rebellion collab?) Countdown to extinction for brands, if they don’t change.
6.    Brand 2 consumer is a relationship. Awareness campaign calling out brands “YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT HE’S DOING BEHIND YOUR BACK!!”.
7.    Brand dating profiles, expectations vs reality memes.
8.    Internal reports and presentation- why CSR is better for business.
9.    Brands passing the buck- BUCK YOU. Social media campaign?
10. Buckaroo game
11.Top Trumps card rating businesses for what they are doing.
12.Gossip magazine, expose’s
14.Heat-map, speculative design? Show who is fuelling the fire.
15.Educational project- where’s wally? How to spot the bad guy.
16.Collab with banks? They don’t let people spend at certain places?
17.Make our problems theirs. Send them home bills. Sarah from Essex’s electricity bill.
18.Two sides of a coin, one money the other what they are doing wrong?
19.Redesign all logos, to put ‘money where their mouth is’. Most logos have a face?
20.Consultation- give them a rating of what they’re doing?
21.Loyalty card- reimburses for shopping a positive brands? (money motivation isn’t really enough)- encourage the brands.
22.Snake Awards, for the most snakey brands 2019.
23.They’ve made their problems ours, make ours theirs. Send electricity bills.
24.Revenue forecast- in 10 yrs we’ll all be dead.
25.Collabs with charities?
26.Ai, leaves breaking up voicemails to them.
27.Fraud, cease n desist
6. but what’s the further call to action? We inform but how does this get to the brands. How do people in a relationship get revenge? Tell them off? Breaking up with them. Dump Starbucks here… Something can be sent to them too? Send them their stuff back. There’s a way to make it up to us though. “I’ve changed”. Delete posts, stalk, block them. Rebound. Report their ads. Unfollow them. Spam them? Send them snake emojis.  (Brand dating profiles, expectations vs reality memes.) The cheaters, the abusers, the liars. The one who got away. Greed, glutton, pride, envy.
Completely different strategy.
Game of thrones soda stream.
Look at BPs social responsibility report.
What have they done but also done. Balance between corporate social respon.
That Guardian Article, has neoliberalism conned us to believe it is our idea. Critical article/introduction that positions it.
Post them an award with the website, name and shame. About educating people. Part education, part awareness, part name and shame. The call to action is name and shame.
Starbucks as a case study of worse practice.
Website laid out like a white house. Shredding stuff- constitution. Press nuclear war button.
Could post awards coming from it, could have merch- funding the site and charity. People can email in examples.
Non-profit organisation. NGO. Look at competitors what are others doing in the area. Amnesty international so serious though. Factual, references but make mine engaging and fun.
Adversarial designwebsite she showed us in boundaries.
FWA website/awards.
Website name and shame. Do as I say not as I do. Is the backdrop of information, facts and critical article positioning statement? NPO websites are informative but boring, how can we make it a game. Merch funds the expose of people.
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