macheteman · 2 years
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“Someone who thought that getting me to listen to What Makes The Red Man Red was really funny.”
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“Want to borrow my machete, hatchet or my bowie knife?” Wait, just how did he manage to sneak all the weapons through security? “We’ll give ‘em the scare of a lifetime. I got about a 50 gallon drum of fake blood and plenty of firecrackers.”
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“Next person to recommend Disney’s Peter Pan to me goes to space.”
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macheteman · 2 years
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“Next person to recommend Disney’s Peter Pan to me goes to space.”
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“Don’t look at me, I said Slumber Party Massacre. Which nitwit told ya that?” 
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“Next person to recommend Disney’s Peter Pan to me goes to space.”
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macheteman · 2 years
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“J-Jowi, put the pickax down. That’s my thing!”
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“You call me Running Bear one more time, and I use this thing to find out exactly what the limits of your healing are.”
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Impacts to my brain generally heal in 24-48 hours...”Point taken, uh sorry about dude...Been trying out new weapons, I figured the bigger first impression the less work to be done.” Kane is the eternal couch potato, less work means more movie time! 
“Ya think its too much?”
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macheteman · 2 years
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“J-Jowi, put the pickax down. That’s my thing!”
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macheteman · 2 years
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“I may not be a smart man...That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.” Textbooks are better for bashing heads in anyway.
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macheteman · 3 years
When Matthew mentioned his brother being one of the responding heroes he cringed. Yeah he ran, but only because it was an age old strategy; Doc would run about telling the responders he shot someone in defense whilst Kane slipped back home. Guess it really takes two to tango huh?
“I-um…tell him I’m sorry, I just got really nervous about getting deeper into a mess.” Then when the name Deadshot was mentioned, he balled his fists and briefly went into ‘slasher mode’. 
“Deadshot?…He put two holes in my shoulder, what’s his deal? If I see him again I have a score to settle. It doesn’t bode well for people like me, when someone like him is out there..” He groaned and grabbed his shoulder. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell him. He’s a good hero though, so if you ever need someone to trust, he’s one you can.” He chuckled reassuringly, though his eyes were sharp as he watched Kane’s reaction to Deadshot. Sighing a little, he gave a small shrug.
“Well, he’s got a hell of a reputation, one of them being that you don’t survive a meeting with him; he probably figured you were a good person, but needed a getaway, and knew heroes would focus more on an injured civilian first.” He explained, looking around to make sure no one was listening in. “Most heroes and public figures call him a villain and a hero killer, due to the many heroes he’s killed. But the general public’s view on him is… divided. Some see him as a villain, and others almost regard him as a vigilante, willing to do what’s needed that other heroes refuse to do.”
“There’s counts of people being saved by him by heroes who were… less than heroic, and many heroes he killed would come up on the news, not only about their deaths, but proof of a ton of shady, and even downright evil acts. One hero he’s thought to have killed was found out to be part of a huge drug operation. So you can guess why some folks view him in a good light, because heroes are turning up just as bad, if not worse, than some villains.” He finished explaining as he pulled a smoke out from his coat, and playing with it in his hand.
“No one knows anything about the guy though; not what his quirk is, what he sounds like, hell, it’s all observation that we’re guessing he’s male even. To see him as late in the day as he was is rare, seeing as he’s usually a night only type of person. But I warn you, kid; be careful. He’s taken down some big names, and there’s a reason he’s an S tier villain. I don’t want a good kid like you ending up dead because of a grudge…”
"I suppose I owe him an apology then. Doc and I have had our little system for so long, its hard to find people to trust these days. For the longest time it was just us against the world.” Kane smiled, but slightly faltered when Michael went into detail on Deadshot. 
“Guess it would be stupid to make a promise like that, when I can barely break up a junk pile.” He chuckled then slid his hands into his pockets. “I mean I’m trying to go for stealth anyway, avoid the messy fights and the news crews.” That and Kane has been trying to keep his slasher mode on the down low for years. Deadshot nearly brought him out into the open. That caused him to wince at the thought, every day is a struggle to not hurt people. Still he wrote the name down and decided to do some research later. 
“What is your brother like anyway? He seemed like a dedicated enough hero, don’t worry no one will know an old man and a teen managed to give him the slip.”
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macheteman · 3 years
Kane nearly jumped 10ft in the air, usually after an incident like this morning it took a couple of days to get his nerves back in order. What he and Doc have done is usually outlawed and would label the duo as vigilantes, meanwhile all he wants to do is go legitimate and take down more Quirk Farms at once.  
“Hey’a sir, Um I mean Michael. Yeah I…Oh hell you’ll find out sooner or later. Some schmucks tried to jump me and…Wait they are still investigating, how’d you hear about it?” 
“Even under investigations, news moves fast when you know the right people.” He chuckled, being sure to keep some space from the other to let him calm down. “Also, my little brother was one of the heroes, so I heard from him since I was supposed to get lunch with him, but work came up.” He looked back at the comics Kane was looking over. “…glad to see you’re safe though, considering I heard you had a run in with Deadshot of all people.”
When Matthew mentioned his brother being one of the responding heroes he cringed. Yeah he ran, but only because it was an age old strategy; Doc would run about telling the responders he shot someone in defense whilst Kane slipped back home. Guess it really takes two to tango huh?
“I-um...tell him I’m sorry, I just got really nervous about getting deeper into a mess.” Then when the name Deadshot was mentioned, he balled his fists and briefly went into ‘slasher mode’. 
“Deadshot?...He put two holes in my shoulder, what’s his deal? If I see him again I have a score to settle. It doesn’t bode well for people like me, when someone like him is out there..” He groaned and grabbed his shoulder. 
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macheteman · 3 years
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She seems to be all by herself, alone on the school rooftop.
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“You look like someone trying way to hard to be the protagonist.”
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She seems to be all by herself, alone on the school rooftop.
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macheteman · 3 years
@macheteman​ || Liked for a Starter!
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Makoto wasn’t used to running into UA students all the time now. But since graduating high school and going to university, she had moved closer to the pro hero school and was running into their students all the time. It seemed like they were the only people populating the area aside from university students living on the university’s campus.
But this UA student was so big and scary looking! Makoto couldn’t help but gasp softly and take a nervous step back as the boy approached. She lifted a hand to her chin and felt her face flush with embarrassment. “S-Sorry, you startled me! I didn’t mean to gasp like that!” She explained hastily.
Crap, crap, crap I am so late! Vlad is going to have my head on a pike for dinner! Kane panicked as he ran down the street. He rounded the next corner and sure enough the inevitable happened and nearly collided, and even more nearly stepped on the poor girl. 
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“S-Sorry I didn’t mean to do that, I am not a villain I swear!” Kane immediately bowed, having lived in Japan with for so long and Doc’s teaching he tried picking up on customs and courtesies. 
“I-I was just in a hurry is all, a-are you okay?” She was still standing, but he wanted to be sure.”
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macheteman · 3 years
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“You ripped it off, or cut it off? I’d imagine ripping it off would hurt more, right? Never mind, actually. I don’t need to know. But if I knew we’d be tracking down a stray arm, I’d have brought Gev… maybe he could help.”
“Well I mean of course I cut if off, I was only torn apart once and that was...Well enough about that time at band camp. Pretty sure its still clinging to a fire escape, I just got out of that fight so hopefully it’s cooled down.” For a guy missing a limb he was surprisingly calm. 
“I need a hand in climbing up to get it, mind helping a pal out? I’ll owe ya one.” 
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“At least it grows back eventually, Slasher rules; as long as the heart beats I can’t be killed.”
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macheteman · 3 years
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Scratch the nicknames, at least using them directly. If he disapproved Karla very well would’ve murdered him. “I may or may not have gotten into a fight and in a fit of desperation used it to get out a someone’s hold on me. I don’t care but with training this week I may even get an excuse but Doc will kill me, revive me and kill me again!”
“I guess I’m going to have to give myself a hand, I’m going to see if there is a trail or something before someone cleans house.”
“Hey Running Bear, if you happen to see my right arm please let me know. If I don’t have the original limb it’ll take weeks to grow back!”
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macheteman · 3 years
“Hey Running Bear, if you happen to see my right arm please let me know. If I don’t have the original limb it’ll take weeks to grow back!”
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macheteman · 3 years
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“So you’re one of Williams little friends huh? Hrm well if he trusts you, I’ll respect his judgement. My apologies but coming out of the old hero culture, my ideas a more skewed than mainstream thinking...”
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macheteman · 3 years
Kane nearly jumped 10ft in the air, usually after an incident like this morning it took a couple of days to get his nerves back in order. What he and Doc have done is usually outlawed and would label the duo as vigilantes, meanwhile all he wants to do is go legitimate and take down more Quirk Farms at once.  
“Hey’a sir, Um I mean Michael. Yeah I...Oh hell you’ll find out sooner or later. Some schmucks tried to jump me and...Wait they are still investigating, how’d you hear about it?” 
On the other end of the phone, Doc was with a patient and had to excuse himself. “Who are you, and what what happened to William?!” He knew that number was for emergencies only. Ever one to completely plow over any authority demanded Kane to know of Kanes medical status. “Sorry about that…Doc gets a little protective.” He stood over the blondes shoulder, worse for wear but his wound already healing. Doc knew exactly what was going on and gave Kane the burner phone for this very purpose. While everyone was clamoring about trying to make sense of the scene, Kane began to shift away from the crowd. Eventually making his way to a manhole cover and slipping away entirely undetected. Did this seem a tad villainous? Yes, after all he only knocked one guy out but there was a bigger story and he needed to find out. A couple of hours later, and one bath a hooded Kane was staring into the window of the local comic shop. His face similar to a kid in a candy story, particularly eying the latest copies of both “Spawn” and “Demon Slayer”.
Eclipse said nothing as Kane left, only a harsh sigh. He was going to get into so much trouble for this…
“See something you like?” A familiar voice asked behind Kane, as the philanthropist stood there. Though rather than the usual, almost business attire he usually wore, he looked far more casual, complete with shades covering his eyes. “Heard you had an eventful morning,”
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macheteman · 3 years
Kane had no idea what to think, the only girl was crushing over was standing in his door unannounced and she was asking for his help!? His brain was frying but was tried to help as he grabbed one of the pups. Thankfully his hulking physique meant large hands, perfect for grabbing tiny animals.
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“I think I saw an episode of Punky Brewster like this once…H-Hey where did you find them anyways?” He took another one that was trying to escape the box, then realized it’d be easier to figure things out inside. 
“Well, guess we can look after ‘em together until look for a better home?” Admittedly Kane was already in love with every single one of them, but there was no way the two of them could do this for long…Or could they?
“Punky B… Brew… Brewsty?? What is that, kero?” She asked, tilting her head and setting the box of puppies down on the floor of his dorm room. “Never mind that right now, don’t let them escape!!” She shouted, using her tongue to catch one of the puppies as it hopped out of the box and bounded toward the still open door. She set the puppy down before turning to close the door quickly behind her. A small cacophony of yips and barks came as protest from the litter.
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“I found them abandoned in an alley, kero. I can’t keep them, my parents are allergic to dogs. But I also don’t think pets are allowed on campus unless you get special permission…” She explained. “It was like a scene from a movie; so cliche… But I’m sure we could find them some good homes, kero. I’ll put out an ad on social media. But for now we can just… take care of them…”
Kane laughed but quickly went into a slight slasher mode as he dove for the door and tried to shut it. Suddenly it hit him, how the hell were they going to keep a whole littler of puppies, something that only gets BIGGER with time in a place as small as either of their dorm rooms. Maybe he can get a classmate or two in the game? Pony would be all over it, but Monoma would just foam at the mouth for something to rat on 1-A no matter how small. Note to self, ASAP go to Vlad King and get permission.
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“Well I can keep them in here for a bit, its a weekend coming up and Doc is out on a business trip. Hopefully they’ll be adopted soon, only thing I took care off before were Seamonkeys...” Kane sighed and flopped on his bed, not before being overrun by the dogs. “If I die here, remember me just like this!” Dogs and his secret crush? Inside Kanes mind was on overload!
“Why come to me anyway? Wouldn’t someone with an animal based quirk, like Koda or someone be better suited?” 
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macheteman · 3 years
Hiatus Notice
Hello all! I know I told you that I'd be out for awhile due to life commitments, but I figured I'd make it known now that I'll be out for most of the summer due to my job. It involves a lot of traveling and intermittent wifi, I have my replies stored and ill work on them as best I can.
I'll see you all on the otherside!
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macheteman · 3 years
Kane smiled seeing her perk up, if there was one bonus to living with your psychiatrist...it gotta be learning to read people. It still boggles his mind that some people like her grandparents felt the need to essentially farm quirks. That mindset still makes him nervous if they ever try to make a comeback, he scared them once but next time? Thank the gods they had Doc who despite not being a hero was still widely known for his early efforts for quirked people's rights. Whatever the case now they'd be ready and on their own path.
Of course now Doc was likely going to murder-ize him for the tattoo but to be fair he was already given a lot of freedom. "I dont know what I'd get, I never thought of that before. Back in Atlantic City, there was this sideshow where someone walked around completely covered, head to toe in art." It was a sight to see! Now he finally started getting into his food, not a lot of time left before they had to hit the movie house.
"What kind if tattoos do you like?"
Return to Normal?
@macheteman She wasn’t sure was really all Qori could say definitively about anything that had happened, and all that had been offered as part of the freedom Qori had fought to earn choice in alongside the unconventional aspiring hero Kane and the Doc who’d taken him in. What they’d done was amazing, the exact sort of thing she’d always dreamed about, what she would sit alone in bed, pulling her sleeve down her shoulder to gaze down hopefully at the colorful spider tattooed over the side of her upper bicep, telling herself she’d get out of there one day, out of that God-forsaken facility with all their experiments and false heroism. But, more often than not, when she sits down to think about it, the bad it had brought upon her life feels much more suffocating than the good. She’d yet to see her grandparents since then, worried they’d think her a monster for her hand in the break out and disown her. It’s a toxic, unhappy thought, but often times she thinks she’d go back if she could just earn the security of their love again, earn being the hero they’d always hoped to have gained in her parents. So, for Qori, she much preferred the moments when she could escape from it all and just enjoy being free. And lucky for her, Kane had a seemingly endless supply of interests and things he’d grown to love before they’d met inside the confines of the ‘hero’ facility, those of which were quickly becoming her own the longer she was exposed to them. She ran up to the dark haired male, waiting for her, listening to the little piece of old technology Qori had learned was a sort of portable player for the miniature rectangle he called a ‘cassette’. Qori approached him with a wide smile decorating her face, excited for the day ahead, waving her hand in front of his face to capture his attention. “Alright, Kane, I’m ready to go.”
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