machi-arts · 29 days
Enchanted River
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Enchanted River in Mindanao was one of the best place I've been to. The place is breathtaking. As you enter the place, you'd see food stalls lined up, and we couldn't resist trying out some food. The price was also surprisingly affordable.
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Before reaching the river, we had to walk for 20 minutes. The walk alone was peaceful, as you were surrounded by trees that appeared to be from a fantasy realm.
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All that walking was worth it when you get to the river. There were fish swimming in the incredibly clear water. The visibility of the water will allow you to see its depth.
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It's fascinating how the water glistened like crystal. Naturally, we gave into the temptation to dive in. You had to swim against the strong river all the time, because of the current. You would discover yourself in the end if you let yourself flow. Since the life jackets are part of the admission price, there is no need to pay extra for them inside.
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Enchanted River will always be my favorite, not only because of its beauty, but also because of the memories I've created with my family. I will always remember the laughs and smiles. This place really made me appreciate God's work much more.
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machi-arts · 29 days
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Introduction: The introduction starts with the writer describing the way he was born in a Christian family and his casual involvement in Christianity, only proving the existence of the Lord but without true knowledge of His divine essence.
Summary: The author grew up in a Christian household but didn't truly understand his faith until he hit a low point in life. He had been seeking fulfillment and acceptance in worldly things and struggled with self-image and seeking validation from others. However, during his lowest moment, he turned to God and realized that true purpose and joy come from knowing Him. He acknowledged his own sinfulness, accepted Jesus's sacrifice as his salvation, and committed to living for God rather than for the approval of others. He had found that being a Christian isn't just about performing good deeds but about receiving God's love and grace, despite his imperfections. Through his faith, he had found fulfillment, purpose, and joy, and he had experienced God's unwavering love and presence in his life, even in his darkest times.
Evaluation: This narrative illustrates a common journey of spiritual discovery and personal growth within the context of Christian faith. It highlights the internal struggles and external influences that many individuals face as they navigate their beliefs and identities.
Conclusion: The author experienced inner peace, purposefulness and bliss to come from the new relationship with God once he committed to serving God rather than others. He owns up to his mistakes but realize that God still has a place for him, even when he finds himself at his weakest moment. He has a mission to say that one should not became a Christian because of his/her good deeds, but rather it is about accepting God’s grace and redemption through the son of man, Jesus Christ.
Source: https://www.eastwest.org/sample-testimony/?fbclid=IwAR1N3wvKAkyYOpi_KiuUC_N3wp_DeZPeNQbunTFFInn6wK3leqflmq53Ny8
Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffavs.news%2Fthe-brief-guide-that-makes-living-a-good-christian-life-simple%2F&psig=AOvVaw3dvi47EL5NAYhqEUUUF1FC&ust=1714566774498000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCOjK1o756YUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
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machi-arts · 1 month
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True Narratives and Testimony
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