machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
Votes are being tallied!
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The votes are in:
Hanae Moto: 4
Villany Glacia: 2
Ataru Kagome: 7
Jesper Khansari: 1
Ataru Kagome, SHSL Puppeteer has been voted as Guilty! Punishment will be dealt out shortly. Please wait patiently until then!
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
never bothered me anyway | machiko | trial 2.5 | re: everyone but mostly jesper and hanae
tw: verbal abuse (Machiko is mean to everyone), unsanitary
Machiko makes no attempt to hide how impatient she is to be done – this trial felt like it was 500 days long, yet she knew it was the normal amount of time they spent. Her fingers drummed against her arms, crossed across her chest, as the others spoke.
Her eyes rolled the moment Hanae spoke, but no one really got to see that, because a gloved hand is over her eyes.
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“Jespy? What the fuck are you doing? You do realize I can’t see when you do that, right–?”
She attempts to pry away at his hand to absolutely no avail, and after a few seconds, her shoulders droop in defeat. Can’t win again the guy over a foot taller than you, Macchiato.
Eventually, he lowers his hand, and Machiko blinks rapidly. What did she miss? What’s going on? Oh, Hanae had been randomly stripping. In that case, wow, Jesper had the right idea because she definitely didn’t want to see any of that.
Pulling a face to herself, she watches as Jesper then helps her up and holds her hand very tightly. Very. Tightly. Whistling lowly, she raises an eyebrow. Who knew he had it in him? Not that he had the wrong idea.
Aaaand now she’s covering her own eyes, because she doesn’t want to watch this. Machiko only hears the commotion of people telling Jesper to cut it out, Non included, and the whining of their suspect.
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“Oh my god, Hana-chan, your incessant whining is as annoying as shit. Keep bitching and moaning like that and we’re gonna vote for you anyway, just to shut you up. We’re all in the same boat here. No one fucking pities you, and don’t give me some useless sob story.”
The words bubble out without thought. Nice. First explosion in Wonderland! Lowering her hand, she scowls in Hanae’s direction - is she fucking sitting on the floor?
“Whoever is being like ‘oooohhh we’re only suspecting her because she licked a corpse?' You didn’t fucking listen to Hiroro, and you should be fucking ashamed that I paid more attention than you.That’s not the only reason. It’s a creative murder, and she’s a body painter. She’s short. She looks like the type to fumble around with an icicle. Half of the evidence we have washed away in the all the melting.”
Rubbing her temples, she lets out a sigh, and then… Oh, apparently she’s done.
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“Kinda mean to ask us to exercise when one of us needs a cane because of an injury. How are we gonna tell if Ryerye is limping because of the old injury or a new one?”
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
let the storm rage on | machiko | trial 2.4 | re: neil, hiroshi
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“… Kami-sama. Are you. Did you. Really just. Say that.”
You know what? People lie. She doesn’t even care about that. Just means nothing from the asshole cat can be trusted. Not even Neil’s fault. That’s chill. Machiko is fine with all of this garbage.
Except for the part where they’re supposed to strip.
A shiver runs down her spine. Nah. Nope. No. Not happening. She shakes her head quickly, ready to protest vocally, when Hiroshi speaks up–
And raises a very valid point.
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“Ehhhh~, Hana-chan, huh? Licking corpses is pretty fucking disgusting, so murdering someone really isn’t that much further. Plus, she’s so quiet that even the most cautious of us would go along. She don’t say jack shit. Y'know what, Hiroro? I’m gonna agree with you. But make sure two or three people go check, so no one can be an accomplice.”
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
heaven knows i've tried | machiko | re: everyone
UuuuuGGGGH. Are they still going on about the hands? Machiko levels each and every person who agrees with the train of thought with a gaze of ‘are you being serious right now?’ The deadpan expression only lightens when she looks to Non and he smiles at her.
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“She’s a what of what now? Sub-species? I guess you gotta adapt differently when you live in the cold like that…”
She hums, trying not to vocalize all of her thoughts, which we mostly 'boooo, and I didn’t get the chance to talk to such an interesting person! BOOOOOO!’
Right. Murder.
Neil mentions shoes, and Machiko wordlessly points to him and nods. After a pause, she draws back both of her hands and lifts them for the others to see. They are free of… ice burns, at least, but there’s a blistering to them that comes from a very recent fire burn.
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“So, Kami-sama and Jespy can both confirm that they watched me do this during investigation. I was looking for stuff in the ashes of the fire like an idiot and burnt my hands. On the fire. I still think that our culprit planned this to the point that they wore gloves. I mean, bringing the chair all the way from wherever? Asking to use the fire to kill someone?”
Pointing back to Neil, she continues,
“Anyway, what he said. Shoes, people. We only have so much to go off of. I think it’s also not a bad idea to assume that the culprit is kinda strong? Even if only to be able to stab Princess with their weapon of choice. Again, that shrinks our suspect pool, so, like, lets cross-reference it with the people who haven’t shown their shoes yet or whatever.”
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
kingdom of isolation | machiko | trial 2.2 | re: everyone
When Eisuke speaks, Machiko tilts her head to one side. When Non speaks, she tilts it to the other. Is he scolding her? There’s an automatic impulse in her, an anger ready to be released as soon as the target arises, and someone telling her not to do something is perfect, usually, but–
“Machiko, honey, n-now isn’t th-the time, o-okay? I-I know y-you’re just s-scared, but… l-later.”
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“… Right. Sorry, Non. I… d-didn’t mean to.”
She bites her lip, and throws all of her attention on the next person to speak - away from him, away from her. 
Miyako speaks, and geez, does Machiko have a lot to say to it, but Nanase beats her to it. In a much more polite way. Letting a sigh drain from her chest, she straightens her shoulders and looks to the others.
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“… I doubt there was an accomplice. Is there anyone here who even trusts someone else enough to hold a door shut for them? It’d be so easy for the accomplice to leave the door shut and leave our culprit to suffocate. It makes more since that, like, the fire was to weaken Princess. Even if it wasn’t, no one is gonna stay in there with a fire enough to give someone heat exhaustion. Princess was trying to cool down while she was in there - y'know, with the whole, takin’ all her fuzzy stuff off. If the killer stayed there, then they might’ve passed out before Princess.”
Apparently, talking about murder is enough to calm down whatever she just thought about, because she rolls her shoulders in her joins and sighs again - this one much more theatric and for show.
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“If you’re gonna say it was someone close to Princess, then give us a guess. Who was close to her?”
After a pause, she turns to Miyako and frowns.
“This was obviously planned, Minyako. If they locked her in there, they easily could’ve ran out, used something to handle the icicle with, or just – fucking moved fast, for all I care. Either way, it’s easy enough to avoid freezing your hands.”
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
let it go | machiko | trial 2.1 | re: taiki
Machiko raises an eyebrow when Jesper takes post next to her during the trial, but other than that, remains silent for the first few moments. The beginning stretch, as always - always, based off of the one previous time - is the most hectic, so, it’s a public service to not help out with it, right?
Oh. Monoches.
Neil mentioned that thing, too. How does she keep forgetting he’s there?
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“Thanks, Nyanches.”
… Seems to be all she’s going to say for a few moments, before Taiki speaks. Perking up at the sound of her name, she nodded along like she was paying attention for once before speaking.
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“Ah, Jespy and I figured the same thing. The blood around the wound is all diluted, so, unless our killer dumped cold water on Princess precisely around her chest after they stabbed her and then, I don’t know, fucking ate the murder weapon, it’s pretty likely we’re looking at an icicle.”
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“How cold. Culprit-san must be pretty frigid. At least they managed to melt Princess' icy heart before she kicked the bucket.”
She mumbles a few things under her breath - abhorrent puns, no doubt - before putting on that fake smile and looking at her classmates.
“Hey, so, shoes, amirite? Megane-kun already looked at mine, like he said.”
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
here we are once again | Chapter 2 | Trial Start
It’s no surprise, really, when a calming bell chime rings throughout Wonderland, halting whatever investigations you’ve been having and forcing you all to bring your attention to the voice that rings over the loudspeaker.
Despite the fact that you can’t see them, Monoches’s voice is unmistakable.
“Hey, kiddos! If ny’all could go to the trial room, under the fountain, like last time - that sure would be wonderful!” A chuckle. “I would have said wanderful there, but I am but a cat, not a bear.”
Well, you all remember how Machi ended up, so it’d best be wise to comply to Monoches’s demands for now.
Sure enough, when you get to the fountain, you find the White Rabbit waiting there for you. Something seems…off, however.
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“Ah, you guys are here finally. One of you guys killed your poor classmate…how despicable! El oh el…yeah.”
She’s tired, it seems, but all of you are. It’s fucking 6 am. Why can’t people murder during reasonable times, and let you sleep and rest? Hell proves itself to be real once again, it seems.
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
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“…Haha. I’ve seen bad, trust me.” 
He sighed. Now he felt bad about keeping secrets. After mulling it over for a bit, he slumped slightly and released and even bigger sigh. Big lungs, big sighs, man. 
“…I… I watched a girl die. Just… barely ten years old”, he murmured with a voice so soft you could barely hear even if you were next to him. He lowered his lashes, looking extremely guilt-ridden. “…I-it was my fault, too…”, he could only add, taking a deep breath afterwards. 
“…S-she… wasn’t even the only one… I-I…” he trailed off. 
He really wasn’t keen on continuing this conversation– nor did he know why he was bothering to initiate it in the first place. He wasn’t really trying to keep his past secret, really, but he would’ve preferred not to just throw it around all willy nilly either. Was he letting his guard down too much? Not that Machiko could really do much with the information anyway. 
He’d spare the details from her, at least. 
Machiko was quiet when he was quiet. Not really like her to refrain from saying anything, in any situation, but this seemed more delicate than her typical conversation. Non was nice and fuzzy enough that she didn’t want to make an effort to upset him.
I watched a girl die. 
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“... Oh.”
Wait, that’s not really an answer, but it’s all Machiko gave for a bit. Surprised was a word to describe her expression, but upset or scared were certainly not. Drumming her fingers on her legs, she let out a long hum of thought before finally nodding.
“I getcha. That definitely doesn’t... sound like fun. But unless you actually killed her, it’s not your fault. It’s probably easy to blame yourself, but, somehow, I doubt that you actually went that far. Besiiiides...”
Machiko paused for a moment, like she was debating if she even wanted to finish that thought. With a shrug, she finished with something quiet enough that no one walking by had a chance of overhearing.
snow glows white | machiko | closed for non-tan
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
He’s really way too nice. Machiko almost doesn’t know what to say in response because it feels so nostalgic. She feels like she’s staring right at her older sister as she insists that something bad really isn’t that bad at all. Machiko drums her fingers on her legs as he speaks.
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“... Geez, you sound just like my onee-chan. It’s alright to call bad things bad. But thanks anyway.”
She stays silent, watching as Non just proves that he was holding something back from them. Honestly, it didn’t make a difference to her either way. No doubt that every single one of them had secrets that they didn’t want others to know.
Machiko included, naturally.
“That’s fine. It’s not any of my business, either way. If you don’t want to talk about it, then let’s talk about something else.”
snow glows white | machiko | closed for non-tan
“I wouldn’t call it cold-hearted– more level-headed than anything. And, well, even if someone was cold doesn’t mean they’re a bad person…” He mumbled. Oh Non. “But I’m glad to hear you’re doing okay!”
As she pointed out his slip of the tongue, he felt beads of sweat roll down his neck. He fiddled with his hands for a bit, looking every bit of the part of someone who just got caught about lying. Well, more like keeping a secret in this case. 
“…It’s… uh…” He swallowed. “…Complicated.”
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“………Let’s just say that I had a pretty wild childhood, haha…”, he eventually concluded, sweating intensely. He’d rather not go into details– nor would he preferably memorize it in the first place. 
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
She sat down next to him, noticing but deciding not to mention how clear it was that Non had been crying before she arrived. That’s a normal reaction to finding a corpse, isn’t it? Crying and stuff like that? She and Jesper were kind of the odd ones out on that front.
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“... It’s not like you could have known this would happen to her. As long as you aren’t the one that killed her, then it’s not your fault. So don’t go blaming yourself for stuff you didn’t even do. ‘Sides--”
... Um, again? He was hoping not to see this stuff again? Is he talking about the first person who died? Because it really doesn’t seem like he’s talking about the first person who died.
Before she can comment, he moved on, smiling at her as if he was actually happy about seeing her. That’s weird enough in it’s own right. Geez, Non. Get better taste.
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“Pfft, I’m the last person you ever need to worry about, Non-tan. Takes more than this to get me down. I think they like to call that ‘cold-hearted.’ I mean, it’s not like I don’t appreciate you offering or anything! I do! You’re such a teddy bear.”
She flashed a smile before raising an eyebrow.
“... But, ‘again’, huh? This not your first rodeo?”
snow glows white | machiko | closed for non-tan
Non was sitting outside in the gardens, feeling that fresh air would be preferable. Sighing deeply, he slightly jumped at the sudden call of his name. He did brighten up immediately when he saw Macaroni, of course– but he did still seem like he had been crying. 
“…I could be worse, haha”, he only said, waving back. “…I’m just…”
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“…I promised I would help her”, he mumbled, staring at the ground with a vacant look. “And people dying… I really wasn’t hoping to seeing that stuff again…” After a bit of silence he shook his head, slapping his cheek in an attempt to take his mind off of it. There was no use bringing Macaroni’s mood down just because he was a bit out of it. That was just horrible of him. 
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“But I’m glad that you’re alright, Macaroni!”, he said with a smile. Though still hidden by the mask, he did seem genuinely happy about her presence. “Um, was there something that you needed…? I’d be happy to help you in any way I can.”
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
snow glows white | machiko | closed for non-tan
In the beginning, she wandered about and investigated with Jesper. It was tradition - also known as, she did it last time, so she decided to do it again this time, too. Two heads are better than one and all of that garbage.
She didn’t want to admit she was actively seeking one person out. It’s not like she cared or anything, okay? It’s just that, he was her roommate, and it would suck if he caused a fuss in the middle of the night because he was upset, so she should check on him now and avoid that situation entirely.
(Do note how she is not looking for her other roommates. You aren’t fooling anyone, Machiko.)
After a few minutes of searching around the thawing land, she finally spotted the tall boy. Perking up, she bounded over to him.
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“Non-tan, Non-tan! There you aaaare~!”
Spinning around to stand in front of him, she grinned at the much taller boy and waved.
“How are you? You holding up okay? I guess the cold probably didn’t bother you too much with that big jacket.”
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
ding dong it’s murder time | Chapter 2
“Whoopsie daisy, looks like someone else is dead dead dead!”
Ah. There they are.
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“It’s ironic, isn’t it? That Villany, the ice queen, was killed despite the motive having been almost made for her!”
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“Or perhaps that’s why she was chosen…who knows! Certainly not me, nya!”
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“Well…let’s not fuck up like we did last time, now, alrighty?”
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“Best of luck with investigations!”
And there they go.
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
Let It Go | Chapter 2 Murder
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You find yourselves awakened by Neil’s calls, and you run to the lounge.
And there, sitting quite peacefully in front of you, sits Villany Glacia.
Victim’s Name: Villany Glacia, SHSL Figure Skater Time of Discovery: 4:04 AM Location: Lounge Cause of Death: Exsanguination
art credit to arin!
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
Glow the Extra Mile | Neil
The dead of night was the perfect time for Neil. It meant that all the humans were asleep, and they weren’t going to be meandering around so late. If any were up, he wouldn’t have to deal with them. Hopefully. Besides, he doubted he would cross paths with any of them. At least, that’s what he thought. His plan was to hole himself up in the lounge with the laptops. While only the forums were available, it was still a comfort to the nail artist to have something to type away at. Said plan fell through the gutter as soon as he entered the room.
Sauna was the first thing that came to mind. Awful heat clung to him, and he held back a grimace. Who adjusted the temperature here? That aside, Neil’s first priority was finding the light switch in the dark lounge. At least, he had some source of light to guide him. The forever-burning fireplace casted an almost ominous glow in the room, but–
Wait. There was someone there on the couch. He was fairly certain. Small and barely noticeable as they were, they were there, sitting upright and facing a blank television screen. In spite of the strong heat in the room, his blood ran cold. Things started to dawn upon him. How was there heat in the first place? It should have been a frozen wasteland everywhere. There was only one answer.
He had to be wrong. Frantically turning on the switch, Neil watched the lights flicker with bated breath, and there they were, bloodied and still. He pushed back rational thought and immediately scrambled to check. Sweat. Blood. Warm. There was a chance, right? A small ‘no’ nudged at the back of his mind, but he desperately ignored it for the sake of stumbling out of the lounge. He wouldn’t be fast enough to get to the cottages, so he settled for something else. Shouting.
“….Help…” Too soft. No one would be able to hear that. He swallowed and went for louder to the point his voice cracked. “H-HELP!! PLEASE!”
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
it’s a mystery.mp3
Perhaps it’s by chance, perhaps it’s by your own instinct, but some of you find yourselves gathering around the fountain right before you go to bed. It’s cold - freezing, even - but the way the moonlight reflects the frozen fountain’s waters are rather…pretty, honestly.
Someone lets out a gasp of surprise, directing your attention towards them. Who is it? Who knows. I forgot that both the mod characters were dead while writing this, and it’s too late to ask for volunteers, so it’s just…someone.
Walking over to said someone, you find yourself looking at two very pointedly placed pieces of paper lying next to the fountain. They’re crumpled, old, dirty - it’s a surprise they’re still in one piece. They’re taped together on one edge, which is certainly not an ideal way to treat old pieces of paper.
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Where did these come from, though…?
Well. Bedtime it is.
much thanks to pate for doing the note art!!
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machiko-chan-blog · 8 years
turn away and slam the door | machiko | body reaction
It’s so warm in the lounge that Machiko has to take a step back and stand awkwardly in the doorway for a few moments before actually entering. The heat is turning on everywhere else, now that someone is dead, but the heat in the lounge is unbearable. Especially when compared to the prevailing chill in the rest of Wonderland.
Honestly. Too much of a contrast.
She’s torn between drawing her cardigan even closer around her and shedding it from the waves of heat permeating from the door, but after a while of standing there and letting the others walk around her, she steps around her classmates and peeks over at the corpse.
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Oh, and there’s the princess. Machiko’s only words to her had been not so subtle jabs at her intelligence and accusations of murder, and now the girl was dead. She didn’t know nearly enough about Villany to really be upset.
If anything, this was another murder like the last person who died. No one she cared about. Of course, it kind of sucked that someone was dead, as it always did when people died, but…
She glanced around the room at a few people, and bit back a sigh. At least it wasn’t someone who she had fun with.
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machiko-chan-blog · 9 years
The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway || Motive
Wonderland, what a quiet place it has been lately. It had been over a week since Machi had…well, gone, hadn’t it? Not even the ‘friendly’ feline had been pestering most of you for some time but that wasn’t going to last forever. Obviously. The quiet was all too nice to last for too long in Wonderland….wasn’t it? It would be nice if you all could just go home and forget this ever happened, but the chances of that occurring were slim to none.
Startling from your place in your bed, you hear the familiar voice of the cat, Monoches.
“Wakey wakey kiddos! It’s time to play cat and mouse. Meet me at the fountain! Heart emoji.”
Even if you were sleeping soundly beforehand, the mere second hand embarrassment you felt warming your face from the ‘heart emoji’ comment sent you startling awake. Groaning to yourself for a moment, you quickly got yourself ready before you headed to the fountain. Along the way, it was hard to ignore the chill that ran up your backs and practically consumed your entire being but, well, no time to head back for blankets.
The first really noticeable thing, however, was the fact that the fountain was…frozen solid. Well. That was an issue.
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“About time you kiddos showed up. Welcome to my Winter Wonderland kitties. It’s a kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I’m the queen. Nyahaha.”
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“You can’t light any fires or anything for a while unless you wanna end up like Machi sooo…wanna stop it, my cool cats? Wanna get nice and warm again? Better kill someone like, nya?”
The cat flicked their tail back and forth cheerfully before parting with their final words.
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“Buuuut if no one kills! You’ll all freeze to death. Which would be unfortunate. And the Queen will be angry too, which would be even more unfortunate, so…like, nya. Don’t worry, though, I added Frozen to your catalog of movies that you guys can watch so there’s always that!”
As if to emphasize Monoches’s words, snow began floating down and resting on your heads, creating the perfect winter scene. Well. 
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