maclatestupdates · 2 years
The Popularity of Mac Laptops Among the Young Generation of The 21st Century
Macbooks are not only famous among young generations but it is also popular among professionals due to the quality and standards of their products.
Apple products have a major share in the market of technology as they manufacture quality phones, laptops, and tablets that are good and fast than most products.
History of Apple
Apple was started in the garage of Steve Jobs on 1st April 1976 by the two partners Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. They started their first project by making the Apple I computer which was sold without any keyboard, casing, or a monitor. 
The great success of this system generated sales of $7.8 million and when they manufactured Apple II the sales suddenly jumped to $117 million in 1980. But in 1983 Steve Wozniak left the company as he was losing interest in Apple. 
After the 2004 iMac and in 2006 MacBook was manufactured and it was a great success for the company.
But in addition to computers and laptops, Apple manufactured its first iPod in 2001, iPhone in 2006, the first iPad in 2010, and the first Apple watch in 2015. All of these products made the company a popular and well-known brand due to their features, qualities, and personal operating system called IOS. 
These are revolutionary products and are found in a new form after huge upgrades in software, as well as in hardware. The latest products of the Apple are Macbook Pro, iPad Air, iPhone 13, and watch series 7 which are one of the best-selling products in the market. 
But why these products are so popular among young generations?
Why Apple Products Are Popular Among the Young Generations
Apple always introduces some innovations for its users and changes the whole world of technology using its latest technology and great design.
Young generations always prefer to buy Apple products even when they can get more features in the same price range. 
Why is it so? It is because Apple is a trusted brand and almost all products are above the standards and provide its users with a great user experience which was the basic aim of Steve Jobs. One more quality of Apple Products is that there are professionals in every area who can check your products in case of any issue or damage to your device. Apple Expert for Mac Repair Calgary or Iphone Repair Calgary are one of those examples where the professional engineers are always ready to sort out your any problem regarding to any Apple Device.
But what are the qualities due to which it is famous? Let’s check about the most popular features along with their advantages. 
The most premium design in the world of technology is manufactured by Apple. All latest products are sleek with a shiny metal design to attract users.
Not only the design but also the logo of Apple always attracts everyone towards itself as it gives the product a premium look. 
The slim design adds to the beauty of the products. 
Operating System
The system on which iPhone, iPad, or Mac laptops work is great as it doesn’t disturb you or get stuck while using.
This IOS system is great for both whether you are doing professional work or you are using it for personal use. 
The operating system is only used by apple and is not found in any other device which differentiates Apple from the rest of the companies. 
When it comes to the Display, Apple beats every other company in the graphics and display which they give to their products such as their iPhones or their iPads. 
The color accuracy and the perfect pixel’s density make the user believe in what they are watching on these Apple products. 
But sometimes the display gets broken and the repair cost is a little expensive, but don’t worry you can find a cheaper repair service at iPhone Repair Calgary.
Battery Life
Long-lasting products always need a long-lasting battery and Apple has provided its users with both of these services.
Although the battery life of old products of apply was not good, the battery life of the latest Apple products is amazing and lasts longer than most devices available on the market. 
 Besides all these advantages, there are also some disadvantages of these Apple products that make some users select products other than apple.
Disadvantages of Apple
Although Apple users have many advantages, there are also some disadvantages that almost every apple user faces. These advantages are
When the user switches to premium quality and high standard products, the price also increases, and in the case of Apple products, the whole scenario is the same.
If you want to buy an Apple product, you have to spend a handsome amount of money on the latest product. 
This option is not available on MacBook but is present in almost every other laptop. This means you can increase the RAM or ROM of a standard laptop according to your demand but you can’t do so with your MacBook.
This is the drawback of using a MacBook instead of a standard laptop. 
The most common issue that almost every user face is the storage problem as you cannot increase the storage of your iPhone or MacBook with the help of external storage cards. 
This storage increase option is available in almost every other product. 
Although the storage of apple is enough but sometimes you’ll need to store a large amount of data and to solve this problem you cannot increase the storage of the device. 
 These were some disadvantages that most Apple users face but these are just negligible in front of the advantages that it provides to its customers. These can be neglected by looking at the endless features and qualities. 
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