madamarouge-blog · 5 years
All the pretty colored boxes appeal to Kay, even if she’s having trouble seeing them in the bright lights of the store.
“That one sounds good!” She agrees. She puts a box of tea in her grocery basket, which also contains two boxes of clearance candy, some terrible looking soda, and a package of swiss rolls.
This is how grown-ups do grocery shopping, right?
Seeing as Kay’s only roommate was also a kid, their house isn’t exactly a model for healthy eating.
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“That sounds like fun!” She agrees. “Maybe I can figure out the kind of tea my dad likes… it’s times like this I wish I could call home and ask him.”
Her father, hm? Angelina is slightly relieved that the girl has a strong relationship with her parents, but still...being separated from them must be difficult. Angelina considers herself lucky to have Ciel even on this island. She doesn’t think she could bear losing her family again.
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“Perhaps you could write a letter to him! I don’t know quite how the telephones work here, but perhaps the mail would be more reliable!”
She understands how the girl feels, after all. It had been horrible being separated from that man...and any time Rachel was gone as well. Of course, at least this girl had the chance of seeing her family again... It stirs a tiny bit of jealousy in Angelina’s chest, but overall she simply wishes to protect this child all on her own. 
“We could always think of it like a mystery to solve! Have you ever drunk any of his tea? Perhaps we could narrow it down by taste!”
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
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“I’ve certainly encountered my fair share of strange fellows, but the city has certainly taken a turn as of late...”
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
Angelina’s arms were crossed, a wine glass held in one hand as she looked out at the very calm crowd. 
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“I’m afraid I must agree. I’ve been to plenty more exciting attractions, even if other things were going on...”
Oh, you know, like black magic rituals in the basement and kidnapping her nephew. 
“Parties were always so exciting where I’m from...it’s so disappointing to be here instead.”
Attending parties has always been one of Klavier’s favorite parts of celebrity life. Even if he isn’t as well-known here, he still manages to find them, and showing up is at least something to do.
…Hell, he’s not even sure what this party is for.
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“It‘s pretty quiet for a party,” Klavier sighs, addressing the person standing next to him. “Are all events in Spirale this boring, I wonder…?”
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
Ask My Muse About Death
Send my muse one or a few of these questions (all of them related to death, life after death, etc. so please read with that warning in mind)
Have you ever come close to dying?
What do you think is the worst possible way to die?
Do you think there’s life after death?
If you were reborn as someone/something new, who or what would you want to be?
If you do believe in the afterlife, what kind of afterlife do you think awaits you?
Have you ever taken someone’s life?
Are you afraid of dying?
Do you ever wish you were immortal?
If you are immortal, do you ever wish you were mortal instead?
Name one (or a few) people in your life whose death would ruin you.
Who do you think would miss you most if you were gone?
Name one person you’d protect even if it meant sacrificing yourself.
If you had to choose a way to die, what would you choose?
Have you ever seen someone die (but you didn’t cause it)?
Has someone ever tried to severely hurt you?
Could you kill someone if it meant protecting yourself or someone else?
If you could meet someone who has died, who would it be?
Do you believe the dead ever come back to walk the earth?
Have you ever seen a ghost/spirit?
If you’ve ever had a near-death experience, describe what happened and what you saw/experienced.
How did you die?
What’s the last thing you remember before death?
Is the afterlife/undeath exactly as you pictured it to be?
What do you consider yourself (ghost, zombie, spirit, etc.)?
Do you wish you were alive and mortal again?
Was death frightening to you?
What have you learned since your death?
When you meet living people, are they afraid of you?
If you could be brought back to life, would you accept?
Did you return for a reason?
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
1. Name of your muse.
Dr. Angelina Durless / Madame Red / Baroness Angelina Durless / Jack the Ripper
2. One picture you like best of your muse’s fc.
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it’s hard to pick just one of akane liv bc she’s SO amazingly expressive w angelina i could lit not want anyone aside from her for the musical but her expressions esp during the song where she loses everything? (chef’s kiss
3. Two headcanons you have for your muse that you never told anyone.
* Angelina hates murdering people. There’s that whole part of the oath as a doctor to “do no harm” and Angelina still lives by that. She wanted to become a doctor to help people, and her first murder was done out of anger and desperation but since Grell started helping her, she felt it was too late to go back
* Angelina never really liked the color red. She thought she did because Vincent told her it looked good on her, like a spider lily. It was something she only believed as long as she thought Vincent was in love with her, but in reality she was burying her hatred of the color because she loved Vincent more
4. Three things that your muse loves doing in their free time.
murder reading, playing with her nephew and his fiancee, dropping in on her nephew to see how he’s doing
5. Four people that your muse loves.
Rachel Phantomhive (her sister), Vincent Phantomhive (her brother-in-law/the only man she’s ever loved LMAO), Ciel Phantomhive (her nephew), Baron Durless (her husband)
6. Three fond childhood memories.
* the first time she met Vincent and he complimented her hair (not exactly a Childhood memory but she was still young)
* being forced to a party with her parents and Rachel but she and Rachel played games the entire time
* any day Rachel was feeling well enough to play with her outside
7. Two things your muse regrets.  
* letting Rachel and Vincent get married.
* though it seems contradictory too, she regrets not being able to protect Ciel when he was kidnapped 
8. One thing they’d go through heaven or hell to save/change.  
well it’s kind of a series of events Angelina wishes she could change. Rachel and Vincent getting married. Ciel being kidnapped. Rachel and Vincent dying. Losing her own husband and unborn child. More than anything Angelina would want to change the past so she married Vincent (and if that means Ciel is her son then so be it) but she feels it would prevent every other horrible thing from happening
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
If there was any thing he understood about the whims of beings who are above punishment, is that their actions only have long term effects as a whole. Having desperation happen on the last day, he must say he had used up all his warps to kill as many of the bastards as he could, understandment of only the white ones were the proper target was instant as he watched other people. Being put into the golden ward and into this event was another. 
 “It is fine.”
walking with a cane and brave made him slower then most, but he made good progress by throwing things into the darn balloon creatures. Making him a good shooter once again. 
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 “But perhaps we should rest for tea after this is all over, my treat perhaps?” after all of this shit, you think that Regis would have other concerns but he could always use his age and fake senility to act like a child a times, or a man who doesn’t have much to him. 
With apt dextirity he throws a chair at a offending white balloon with clear aim. 
Any concerns Madame Red had for how he could handle himself quickly vanished as he threw a chair with skill she wasn’t accustomed to seeing from anyone save for Sebastian. (Even Grell wasn’t that good. Then again, Grell was pretty incompetent in most areas, so perhaps that wasn’t a fair comparison.) 
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“My, we just met and you’re already offering a lady tea? That’s quite forward of you.” 
Her tone is light, and a playful smirk is already present on her face. She can’t resist giving him a wink as she gracefully turns to thrust her knife into another adversary. She wonders briefly where they could even find proper tea in a place like this. Was it proper to stop for tea while the ward was in such a state of chaos? 
To be honest, she didn’t care all that much. 
“Do you have anywhere in particular in mind? I’m afraid I’m quite new and haven’t had the time to really find my bearings.” 
Probably due to a combination of these creatures roaming Golden and the fact that she was stuck here for now. The wristband lets out a beep, and she glances at it as the numbers displayed there change. She realized though that she should at least remember her manners and introduce herself to her new companion.
“Baroness Angelina Durless, though most people call me Madame Red. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
The tea aisle is a mystery, Kay decides. She never had to actually make tea at home, let alone buy it. But still… her dad likes it, so she feels like she has to try. Living on her own, it’s the grown-up thing to do. What kind does he drink, anyway?
She’s pulled out of her thoughts by the stranger’s question. She hefts her little backpack onto her shoulders, offering a brave smile.
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“I’m not lost, ma’am! I’m shopping!” She says, as if that’s the most normal thing in the world. “My parents aren’t here.” If she could find them, that would be a miracle, but as far as Kay knows, she’s on her own.
“Do you know anything about tea? I want to get some, but I don’t know which kind to buy.”
Such a small child, shopping by herself...was it for her parents, then? Angelina’s unsure if the girl means her parents are here in the store, or if they’re gone entirely... Either way, she’s quite the strong young lady. Angelina offers her a smile before turning her attention back to the wide variety of tea in front of her. But none of the brands look familiar. Spiralebucks? Twins Tea? Brewley’s? 
These brightly colored boxes are unlike the tea tins she’s accustomed to, and picking one up, she frowns at the packaging. How could such a flimsy thing keep all the loose tea leaves together? The boxes told her how many “tea bags” were inside them, whatever that meant. 
At least this one said Earl Grey, which was familiar. She also quickly spotted chamomile, chai, Darjeeling, and rosehip. The times and packaging of tea may change, but at least it seemed some people still had the sense to have these same blends. 
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“I’ll admit it seems tea is quite a bit different from where I’m from...” Angelina says with a laugh. “But perhaps this is the perfect time for something new! I don’t recognize these brands, but the blends are another story...” 
She bends down, handing a box of Darjeeling to Kay with a smile. 
“I quite liked this one back home, I’m sure you would enjoy it too. Perhaps we should have a tea tasting party together!” 
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
Link was used enough to adults worrying over him at this point, it seemed like all the adults in this city were like that- but that didn’t make it less frustrating. He could take good care of himself! He was perfectly fine!
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‘I’m okay, I know what I’m doing.’ He put away his bow for a moment so he could sign at the other. He couldn’t hide his wristband, given he only wore short sleeves- so it was fairly clear that he was doing just fine in the points department, if she happened to look.
‘My parents aren’t here.’ Neither in this ward, nor in the city. ‘And I can look after myself real good! Don’t worry, I’m okay.’
That doesn’t reassure Angelina in the slightest. Was it supposed to? How can she possibly leave a child who looks much younger than her own nephew on his own? And one who doesn’t have parents present at all? Angelina frowns, crossing her arms like she usually does when Ciel was misbehaving or refusing to take care of himself. 
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“I’m sorry, but your reassurances are having the exact opposite effect. As a doctor, and a--” She’s not a parent. Is that even her place to speak from a “parental concern” point of view? “An aunt.” 
It doesn’t have quite the same impact as saying she has children of her own would, but it’s the best she can do. 
“While my living quarters are in this ward, it seems a bit too dangerous to even simply return there...” 
Angelina frowns again, tapping her chin thoughtfully. She doesn’t have Grell here, which is a bit of a setback. But it’s still nothing she can’t handle. After all, she was an accomplished doctor before the Grim Reaper ever came into the picture, and a quick thrust of her knife pops the balloon creature that wandered a bit too close for comfort. 
“Isn’t it better to work together in situations like these?” Angelina asks with a smile. “So perhaps we can think of it less like one of us proving ourselves to the other, and more of a partnership. What do you say?”
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
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bold what applies to your muse / repost, don’t reblog!
𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑. a chill right down to the bones. tobogganing. teeth chattering. sleeping all day. sitting by the fireplace. spending time with family. layered clothing. seeing another’s breath. loving the cold. a state of inactivity. cold hands. blistering winds shaking the closed windows. a bookcase full of brand new books and all of the time in the world to read them. cable knit socks. a bitter remark. a log cabin in the middle of nowhere. hating the cold. full-length windows to peer out of. pale skin. deep conversations. watching the snow fall. sharp edges. hot cocoa. smelling every candle in the store. a wild snow storm. melancholy. lighting candles around the bathtub. snow globes. expressing yourself but never finding quite the right words. the softest blankets. liking, but not loving something or someone.
𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. the smell after it rains. being in control of yourself. a soft breeze blowing through your hair. lightning when it strikes. cherry blossoms. bright mornings. the first sign of hope. the relief of finding something you lost. paris in the spring. birds chirping. the art of growing. a kiss on the cheek. the clap of thunder. a tornado in the valley. smiling at a stranger. planning. saccharine pinks. making promises. trying something new. hugs when you need them the most. a bee sting. sitting on the steps of the met. coming inside drenched from the thunderstorm. picnics on a red checkered blanket in the new sun. that feeling you get when you put on a good dress. a long hike. rushing when you can take your time. going to the gym at ungodly hours. excitement for what’s coming. becoming yourself. rain boots.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑. lanterns lit around a campfire. seeing the sunrise like it’s the first time again and again. melting ice cream. the warmth of the sun rays on your skin. fireworks. the feeling of never wanting something to end. beach days. the lone blow up floaty left in the pool. drifting with the warm nights breeze and nothing else. music blasting at 3am. palms trees on sunset boulevard. longer days and shorter nights. wanderlust. night spent staring at the stars. sand castles. road trips. blood orange sunsets. leaving the laundry to hang outside. flowers in bloom. sneaking out of your room late at night. pure contentment. barefoot in the sand. the street lights coming on. the sound of the ocean in the seashells. freshly squeezed lemonade. loose clothing. a cannonball into the pool. sunflowers. the hazy pink before dawn. relaxation.
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋. the leaves changing colors. a heavy backpack. the smell of old books. eating until you’re stuffed. deep, dark woods. the silence in loudness. abandoned houses. ripped jeans. crunching leaves beneath feet. feeling like you’ve been somewhere before. sitting at a bay window. having endless amount of homework. charcoal drawings. screaming into a pillow as loud as you can. pumpkin patches. creaky floorboards. accepting that some things have to change. museums. small talk. being ignored. procrastinating. a door slamming shut. going to bed early. baking pies. the fear of walking alone in the dark. feeling completely and terribly lost. a twig snapping. crisp, cool days. belly laughter after crying. converse. foggy mornings at the shoreline. writing a daily entry in a journal. a lonely day.
tagging: yeah
tagged by: not really
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
BOLD  whatever applies to / attracts your muse.    
TAGGED BY : i’m sure someone’s been like “@ everyone” so like, i’m just stealing it, TAGGING :  @ everyone in return
BROTHERS KARAMAZOV :       orthodox monasteries  ,  deep woods , starry nights , the sound of paper being torn  ,  dimly lit rooms ,   withered roses  , an unfinished letter , piles of books , the sound of shattering glass ,  ticking of clocks in a silent house , heavy wooden furniture  , the air before a storm , the smell of earth  , a crowd of people dressed in black , distant murmurs  , emptied streets  ,  the fear of walking alone in dusk
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT  :      coldness of the skin against a blade  , slender pale fingers &  slightly shaking hands , a red stain blooming on white fabric  , lonely steps in a corridor , the slow dripping of water , looking out of the window into the thickening darkness ,  a single dying candle on the table  ,listening to one’s breath  &  counting heartbeats ,  too many stairs  , the desire to be invisible  , a subtle memory of kind words
THE IDIOT  :       classical statues  ,  wealth covered with dust , a dark house tainted with inherited madness  , an unsettling feeling , long walks in a park  , useless chatter ,  a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench  ,  a melancholic face , an unexpected spring rain , the joy of reading one’s favorite book ,  the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around , looking at cloudless sky
ANNA KARENINA :       fields of crops  ,  flowers brought from an early morning walk , the wind caressing a girl’s hair ,  a bowl of fruit  ,  the smell of ripe pears  ,  the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea , children’s laughter coming from the garden ,  soft sunlight  &  white curtains  , the sensation of velvet against skin  ,  pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor , a sudden silence in a room full of people
WAR AND PEACE  :       a glass of wine  ,  the brightness of  a crystal chandelier ,  white lace  , a raging snow storm , the sound of a door being gently closed ,  the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ball room  ,  indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light  , closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing  , the sweet smell of strawberries  ,  a pair of gloves left on an armchair  ,  light scent of powder
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA  :     the chaos of a lively city  , ambient jazz in expensive restaurants , jumping on a moving tram  ,  the sight of moscow from the roof of a house ,  yellow flowers in a vase  ,  leaning out of the window ,  shelves stacked with books  , a small tin box with old photographs , strange shapes in the night sky  , laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony ,  colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind
EUGENE ONEGIN :       a lonely mansion , reading a book in the parlour ,  faint piano melody lingering in falling silence ,  long evenings ,  passing seasons ,  discussing french novels of the moment  ,  unspoken thoughts ,  leaning against the door frame ,  quickly averted glance  , eating a peach absent-minded , bright mornings  , footprints in snow , a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby
FATHERS AND SONS  :     birch groves ,  morning mist ,  moss-covered stones near a moor , scientific books ,  white roses  ,  cheap champagne  ,  shabby pocket - watch  ,  light - hearted irony , a maladroit cello sonata , freshly mowed grass , letting thoughts come  &  go , a  slow yawn  ,  picturesque plates   &   bowls filled with traditional dishes , drinking tea on the porch
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO  :     a strange feeling of loss ,  writing poems in a diary ,   travelling by train  ,  the hesitation before touching someone’s hand  , the gaze of one lost in thought ,  the warmth of cinnamon ,  a scarf brightly embellished with flowers  , a glass of water  , a threadbare jacket  , the tempting void  ,  the evanescent serenity of yesterday.
CHERRY ORCHARD  :     a lone chair in an empty room  , falling blossoms ,  old samovar  ,the unsettling need for change  ,  a mirror reflecting full moon , the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance  ,  a piano out of tune.
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
Meme | colorful headcanons.
bougainvillaea - would your muse consider themselves as blunt, or do they beat around the bush instead?
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angelina certainly tries to be direct, and as much as possible. that being said, she does try to be considerate of others’ feelings, and will be careful with her word choice. overall she’d like to consider herself straightforward rather than blunt. there are some things she’s not as straightforward about, such as if she likes someone, which is more of what she feels is expected of her.
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
champagne: does your muse drink (alcohol)? are they a heavy drinker, if so?
Meme | colorful headcanons.
champagne: does your muse drink (alcohol)? are they a heavy drinker, if so?
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she does drink at parties! and since she attends parties rather frequently, she drinks often! that being said, angelina isn’t really a heavy drinker. she’ll indulge in champagne and wine for sure, but a little tipsy is as far as she’s likely to get
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
😫 = How does your muse handle a family member being stressed out? What about sick?
Meme | family headcanons
😫 - How does your muse handle a family member being stressed out? What about sick?
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angelina is….a worrier. she cares deeply about her sister and nephew especially, since they both had asthma. if someone is stressed out, angelina is going to do everything in her power to cheer them up and encourage them to take a break. (such as shoving all their papers off a table and suggesting a game of chess instead)
if someone’s sick, angelina’s response is to become a doctor–but no, seriously, her sister’s asthma is why she became a doctor. angelina prefers to stay by their side until they’re better, because as a doctor she wants to do what she can to help. 
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
Meme | family headcanons
⚰️ - How would the loss of a family member affect them? Does it vary based on type of family member?
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unfortunately not much need for a hc because we’ve seen this horribly hella-bly first hand (SORRY ANN) while she’s been through a Lot (losing her husband, unborn child, sister, brother-in-law, AND nephew) angelina’s not really numbed against loss. it happened pretty much all at once, and she had to keep living in spite of that, so really more than anything, after getting her nephew back…angelina wouldn’t be able to handle another loss. it would very based on the type of family member, but she loved her sister and brother-in-law dearly, so the thought of losing her nephew again (the only living family she has LEFT)…it’s unbearable to her.
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
The Hermit “Do you feel nervous about making your confessions?”
Meme | tarot card related ask memes
The Hermit - “Do you feel nervous about making your confessions?”
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“Not at all! There’s nothing I’ve ever felt nervous confessing about, and I’ve never done anything I’d be nervous to confess. It entirely lies in the matter of if I feel I should confess, and to whom!” 
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
The Wheel of Fortune, Justice
Meme | tarot card related ask memes
The Wheel of Fortune - “Do you believe in fate?”
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“Fate? No, I can’t really say that I do. After all, I feel fate is something that people believe in when they think things will get better, or their life is going well. Do I believe that our lives are predetermined? I don’t think I believe that either. I believe sometimes terrible things happen, and perhaps you could have changed the outcome. But sometimes they are beyond your control.”
Justice - “What personal conflicts do you face currently?”
“There’s many personal conflicts that I’m constantly facing! After all, being here means I’m not currently in London, particularly at the hospital. I have work to be doing…more than anyone knows.”
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madamarouge-blog · 5 years
Send me a ✏ and I’ll draw your muse! (Accepting)
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Kay, stop collecting parents. You don’t need that many ☂️
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