madamefontaine · 2 years
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Why was she telling her this? Jennifer’s messy, of course. She loves gossip and information. She could have said fuck off without going into detail at all. “Sounds like your team isn’t very good if they all got caught.” Then again, they caught Jean Grey and Hope Summers. Destiny, too. S.H.I.E.L.D. clearly had something going on if they could snag people like them. “If you’ve got nothing left to lose, does that mean you don’t have a team anymore?”
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Maybe the Thunderbolts were a band of idiots. But they were Val’s idiots, and she didn’t take lightly to the direct attack on everything she’d built. Her eye twitched as she forced out a seemingly polite smile. “They’ll be released eventually. Whether it’s by force or by choice, that’s to be determined I guess.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“If you’re looking for a war cry, you’re not going to get one from me.” Layla’s never been the type. She’s not upper echelon or anything like that. Right now, she’s not even rostered. She’s just raising Davey while Jamie works with X-Factor. “Go find Emma Frost or Scott Summers. Hell, they might even be together. That’d make your life easier.”
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“I’m just making an observation here,” Valentina insisted, playing up the mock offense in her town before she shrugged. “You can’t tell me you’re not at least a little curious to see how it unfolds.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“All this talk of peace is giving me the impression that you’re on damage control duty, Jean.”
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“I think everyone did things they regret. Some are worse than others. It’s now about how we try to move on peacefully from it.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“I can’t have you in the field if you’re not on your A-game.” And whatever it was that was going on with Yelena, it was far from ideal. Everyone that had been captured was acting bizarre, not fully themselves, and Val was at her wits end at this point. “Until all of you are cleared through me, no one is running any missions anytime soon.”
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“Mention TikTok and I kill you. Should not be hard to understand.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“That answer isn’t quite good enough for me. My entire team has been compromised.” Except for Barnes, at least. But even then, he’s been acting dodgy too. “I need a timeline. Or some reassurance that this won’t be permanent.” Because if it was, Valentina almost would have preferred them to have been stuck as their other selves so she could start from scratch.
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“What we did was an attempt, and an imperfect one at that. We will not quit, however, until we find some way to fix this.” Hopefully before everyone went to war.
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“The entire point of retirement is to let yourself relax. Getting wrapped up in this shit storm is the furthest thing from relaxing. You want my advice? Go buy yourself a condo in Miami and get the hell out of dodge before it’s too late.”
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“Officially? I’m retired, yeah. Doesn’t mean I can’t be interested in what’s been going on, though.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
“A person cannot be a smell, idiot.” Drax said laughing boastfully at the idiot human. “He is not a raccoon, he prefers trash panda.” Drax added trying not to giggle. “But he is not the leader. I am.”
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The loud laughter was almost enough to tempt Val to pull out her pistol, just to get him to shut up, but she refrained. Something told her he wouldn’t be frightened by that anyways. Still, she pressed his lips into a tight, annoyed smile before nodding. “Right. Well I’d still like to talk to the raccoon over you. Even better, Peter Quill.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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Black Bolt nodded once in understanding. So I’ve heard. But so far, I’ve yet to see what that has to do with me. He paused. Why are you here?
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“You must be a fool if you think that that Inhumans won’t be dragged into this mess in one way or another. Whether it’s by choice or by necessity, that’s the question.” It was particularly tricky given how involved the mutants were with the entire conflict. Valentina was more than content by with her team and watch it all go up in flames. “I’m gauging how concerned I should be myself.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“And why is that, exactly? I don’t believe we’ve met.”
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“Valentina Allegra Fontaine. But you,” Val eyed his figure up and down for a good moment, savoring it almost as a smirk pulled at her lips. “You can call me Val. You’re telling me that you haven’t heard about Pleasant Hill?” Tensions were certainly high after the entire thing, there was no doubting that.
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“That would be great if she was my mother.” Carmilla’s eye twitches. Valentina is both right and wrong. Carmilla’s contracted with them once or twice, but she’s not officially on the team as it stands. Instead, she mostly pulls solo assignments. “On occasion. I’m not a team player.”
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“Is she not?” Valentina asked curiously, that piece of news being some new information for her. When she’d spoken with Rappaccini herself, the woman didn’t make that fact clear. In fact, she seemed almost *distraught* that her daughter would pack up and ditch AIM the way she did. Val certainly wasn’t surprised by the Carmilla’s desertion, though. Rappaccini was a full blown narcissist. She really fit the evil scientist archetype to a T. “And how has that been going? Your time on that team, I mean.” The roster for her own Thunderbolts was full enough, but she couldn’t help the curiosity at learning some more about an alt-reality version that wasn’t Barton’s trainwreck.
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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Ava doesn’t mind when Yelena talks at her. She’s more coherent than Alexei is. At least her sardonic stories make Ava laugh. There’s no outward flinch when Valentina touches her, but Ava’s form flickers. She does not do well with physical affection after being a touch starved child. She wants to ask Valentina to not do so again, but instead her tongue is bitten. “Thank you.” Her voice, like always, is high. “You know I’m glad to have the chance.”
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Her hand pulled away as Ava’s form flickered in and out of a state of matter, her smile slowly turning into a frown as silence crept up on them for a few seconds. Valentina wished she had a better segue, but this would have to do. “I hate to be blunt,” No she didn’t. “But I need to ask how you’re doing. I’ve been getting feedback from everyone ever since Pleasant Hill.” She needed to see if Ava’s mind was just as messed up as the others. Which if she had to guess, it was.
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“Still don’t love being called transgressions.” Jean frowns. “And you’re going to continue viewing us that way instead of trying to learn who and what we are?”
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“There’s lots of things in life we might not like.” Valentina was admittedly pissed about how Pleasant Hill went down, her communication with Barnes going dark for a good several weeks there before the rest of the team was recovered. And even though they were out, something was wrong. Their brains weren’t functioning the same way that they were before they went in. Not at the level that Valentina needed them at for the team to work. “For starters, the mutants crossed a line back there in that town. One they can’t come back from.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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Intimidation doesn’t work with Jen. It never has, going all the way back to the douches in law school who thought they were better than her because daddy was a judge or simply because they were male. It hadn’t worked then and it doesn’t work now. “Don’t worry about it,” Jen pasts on her courtroom smile. “I’ll talk to Holden myself, make sure he knows everything. I’ll definitely let him know how kind you’ve been about this misunderstanding.” Like hell Jennifer Walters is going to roll over.
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“I look forward to some correspondence on that, then.” Valentina stood up from the chair she’d occupied as she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. “You don’t need to make this more difficult than it needs to be, Miss Walters.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“Leave their names out of your mouth.” Layla hisses, taking a step closer. The women are just about the same height and dark eyes are able to bore into dark eyes. “I’m not worried about you hurting me, as thinly veiled as that threat is. I’m not worried about you hurting them either.” Marc, Steven and Jake are very capable of taking care of themselves. The entire little nucleus is.
At the name Bushman, Layla’s spine stiffens. It’s been coming up more and more as of late. With Matt, with Marc. She can’t escape the man who killed her father and she’s never even met him. “You need to leave.” Layla’s head is shaking now. “Go. Do not mention him to me again. I’m not interested in whatever you’re selling.”
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Ah, there was the aggression Valentina had been waiting for. The fire in the other woman’s eyes was contagious, and she couldn’t help her eyebrows from raising as El-Faouly threw up her dominance. Or at least, attempted to. 
She knew the name would strike a grief-infected nerve. Friends and family were always the first things Val looked for if she was trying to do some recon on someone, and she knew she struck gold when she read about the poor archaeologist who had been murdered out in the deserts of Egypt. What was even more interesting was that Layla’s husband was the primary subject, which told Valentina that Layla was malleable if she was still keeping him around. “I think you’re underestimating me, here.” She finally spoke, the facade dropping as she removed her hand from the exhibit rail and crossed her arms. 
“And I would really hate for you to not even consider my offer. Your... whatever he is, he does seem to enjoy his job here. And your French friend’s business is really booming. Although a French man running an Italian restaurant is certainly a choice. Makes me wonder if maybe the CIA needs to do some digging into how he’s funding something like that.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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She hadn’t even heard of the title before Westview. In some ways, she has Agatha to thank for that. “Less hurtful, too.” Wanda snipes back about the WMD comment. Letting this woman call her anything feels wrong. The Scarlet Witch is too formal but Wanda is too personal. “I don’t care what you call me, only that you tell me what you want and then you leave.”
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There was just a smile given. to that, Valentina deciding she didn’t want to lay too many of her cards on the table right that moment. She had a good thing going with the Thunderbolts so far, but she couldn’t help but to introduce herself to the Scarlet Witch herself when given the chance. It was just too tempting. “Woah there, we’re just having an adult conversation here, Wanda. There’s no need for the hostility.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“That wasn’t the plan.” Kate kicks at the ground with the scuffed toe of one boot. “It’s none of your business,” she grumbles. “My time of need? Why is this my time of need?” If anything, things are better for Kate than they had been. Sure, her mom is gone. That colossally sucks. She’s also a hero, though. She’s got Clint and Lucky, It helps stave the sadness over losing her one remaining parent. “Director of the C.I.A. Wow. Big title. It’s nice to meet you, Director Fontaine.” Is it? She can’t tell.
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“Maybe not, but it happened. And I have to say, you’ve certainly got some spunk.” That was one way to put it. According to Fisk, the harrowing fight the news described was closer to the sentiment of trying to kick a puppy of of his leg. Kate just got the upper hand on him when her mother arrived and slammed her car into him, then pulled out a trick explosive. She flashed a wolves grin at the younger girl before nodding and holding a manicured hand out to shake. “One of the biggest, you’d say. But please, you’re flattering me. I’m glad you asked, by the way. I’m sure this isn’t a surprise to you, but Fisk is angry. He’s always been known for his pride, and I’ll say you definitely bruised his ego.”
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madamefontaine · 2 years
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“I was sorry to hear about that. Mothers can be... complicated.” Valentina’s hadn’t reached out to her in years at this point. Not that she cared when there were important matters at hand than family. “Being your own agent has its upsides. But so does being apart of a team. I heard you’re contracting with Fisk’s Thunderbolts now.”
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“Don’t ask me about A.I.M. I don’t contract with them – or Monica Rappaccini – anymore.”
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