maddcocoa · 4 years
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maddcocoa · 4 years
SamBucky shippers right now
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maddcocoa · 4 years
new captain america about steve: he feels like a brother
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maddcocoa · 5 years
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The Duet
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maddcocoa · 5 years
They cutest. I miss them @iiillliiillllii @aprilfoolstoyouxx
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maddcocoa · 5 years
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maddcocoa · 5 years
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a year without uploading he comes back with a bOMB
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maddcocoa · 5 years
10 Reasons to ship Vmin
Most of the fandom already agree that Vmin are best friends and soulmates, but personally I see no reason as to why Vmin can’t be shipped romantically. You can view all these points as platonic of course, but this post is mostly to show the reasons why Jimin and Taehyung, in my opinion, are not only compatible as best friends but also in a romantic sense.
Physical intimacy
Now I know all the members have this together, and that Jimin and Taehyung in particular are very affectionate people. However, together Vmin truly has some great cute moments and they like to touch a lot. Jimin flings himself across the universe to land in Taehyung’s lap while Taehyung can’t help but to compare hand sizes every chance he gets. The general affection between them is obvious.
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They want to be together
Whether it is them on shows happy about being on the same team or their claims of growing old together, there is no denying that Vmin love being together. On shows they rarely end on the same team, unless they get to pick teams themselves. And they try to do that a lot! They even have separation issues as we have seen multiple times, not the least on BV1 or during ISAC.
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No one else understands
Jimin and Taehyung are close, and both chose the other as the one person to talk to when they are sad or frustrated. When talking about Taehyung’s letter Jimin several times says that he doesn’t think anyone else will understand why Taehyung cried. This is a testament to the mutual understanding they have of each other. They are the type of people that talk about everything and have a deeper bond because of it. 
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Number 1 fan
They constantly hype each other and praise the other for basically everything they do. Not only do they give compliments, but they also provide comfort and care. One example is Taehyung often talking about Jimin’s health and how he needs to take care of himself. Another is Jimin’s subtle way of reassuring Taehyung, for example like he did when they got “fortunes” and Taehyung’s was kind of bad. Jimin immediately started to say how he doesn’t believe in these things. Another example is when he bought a dreamcatcher for Tae when he had a nightmare. They are both extremely attentive and caring towards each other.
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A gravitational pull
No matter if they are next to each other or further away, Jimin and Taehyung tend to end up orbiting each other. They usually keep track of where the other one is, and if possible also moves closer to them. This is especially obvious when looking at BTS during more “free” events, such as award shows, ISAC or behind the scenes. They also mirror each other a lot, meaning they are doing things at the same time. This is common between people with a close bond that spend a lot of time together.
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The Third wheel-effect
There are multiple examples of what happens when Vmin are together. They end up in their own little world, and often don’t even notice the other members or people around them. It doesn’t matter if they sit together or apart, they still somehow always manage to find each other. There are even several examples of them alienating ARMY during fanmeetings because they are so wrapped up in each other.
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In your head there is only me
Almost a direct quote by Jimin about what Taehyung thinks about him, but very true. Both of them, but particularly Taehyung, can’t seem to shut up about the other. It can be compliments but also just simple mentions or offhanded comments. This is why it’s hard to find a vlive where Taehyung doesn’t mention Jimin. They honestly can’t stop talking about each other. From Taehyung we even have “Can I go back to talking about Jimin now?”
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He’s mine
Both Jimin and Taehyung have a slight possessive streak when it comes to each other. Taehyung constantly wants everyone to know that he knows Jimin the best and is closest to him. Meanwhile Jimin has straight out admitted that he gets jealous when Tae hangs out with other people, a trait that Taehyung finds cute.
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Vmin have a few exclusive labels that they call each other, and soulmate is of course the most intimate you can have. Many times Jimin and Taehyung have shown just how important they are to each other, and also makes clear that their relationship stands out in comparison to others. On top of this we know that Taehyung and Jimin sometimes flare up against each other, even on screen. This is also a testament to how close they are, in short they are very natural around each other. They are each other’s closest person. To quote Taehyung: ”I only have you.” Even the other members acknowledge that Jimin and Taehyung are the closest and calls them soulmates. 
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On- and off-screen
Vmin are not fanservice, and their soft moments that we get to see are just one small fraction of how they act around each other. I want you to consider this, in BV2 when Taehyung learned he was going to write Jimin’s letter, he asks if the letter will be read out loud. This means that the beautiful letter we got to see is most likely to some extent a censured version. We also hear a lot of behind the scenes moments that even shocks staff because they seem so intimate between the two of them. Not to mention all the videos and photos they take together or of each other that we never get to see. They are often very private with their relationship. We know they spend a lot of time together, because they talk about it, but we don’t always get to see it.
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Basically Jimin and Taehyung have a very special bond, and their relationship is something we only see glimpses of. True soulmates. I could make several posts of each and every category and more, but you get the idea.
So this was my list, and I wanted to post it for a few reasons. First, because despite everything Vmin is somehow still an underrated ship. Second, because I simply want to express how much I cherish Vmin and their relationship. Third, because Vmin are not “dead” or “less close” and I don’t know why people seem to insist on it.
And lastly, because I actually just got 2000 followers and I wanted to share some own content to celebrate! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING MY BLOG! 
I hope you all enjoyed reading. I am hoping to post more things like these in the future, so let me know if you liked it. :) Also if anyone wants to talk about Vmin or has a request for posts, let me know.
Thanks for reading everyone, and keep on loving Vmin!
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maddcocoa · 5 years
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maddcocoa · 5 years
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Jimin is the annoying boyfriend on Valentine’s Day ❤️❤️❤️
- Chloé🌞
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maddcocoa · 5 years
The fact that Taemin used to feel uncomfortable when he was called pretty and forced himself to be more manly and to have a more masculine image but now is openly embracing his androgyny and stating that it makes him unique and special is the only glow up that matters
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maddcocoa · 6 years
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Bonus :
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I love you Dabi but I laughed so hard when I saw you
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maddcocoa · 6 years
This hurts
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he still owes him a dance
(i know they dont have proms but like lemme dream man) 
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maddcocoa · 6 years
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Something small and soft, a little idea that crossed my mind and end up being a 7 pages comic ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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maddcocoa · 6 years
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i cant bring myself to draw them seriously 
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maddcocoa · 6 years
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let him finish !
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maddcocoa · 6 years
Tododeku and Kiribaku Fusion AU headcanons
* socially awkward
* talks to themselves (mutters)
* lays awake at night thinking about if the moon landing was real and if Shinsou is Aziawa’s secret love child
* conspiracy theorist
* watches buzzfeed unsolved religiously
* will cry when they’re emotions get too overwhelming bc they don’t know how to express themselves
* they can’t cook for shit, they’re breakfast is legit a protein bar and a glass of OJ
* super intelligent (but they tend to over think even the smallest thing)
* has a good heart and just wants to help
* reckless af
* super powerful and has a burning desire to prove themselves
* gives Iida and Uraraka heart attacks on the daily
* their friends are the most precious thing in the world to them and they will go ape shit if someone hurts them
* blames themselves for stuff that isn’t even remotely their fault [someone spars with them and then later complains about how they have a hand cramp] “I am the hand crusher" [sobs]
* hates endeavor with a passion
* done with Bakugou’s shit
* super tender with their moms and all other moms
* mixed feelings about All Might, they adore him but get really shy/awkward around him and they have no idea what to say
* loves to fight
* will fight you any place any time
* adrenaline junky
* accidentally rude
* can come across as passively aggressive “do you like my shirt kiribaku?” “the one you wore yesterday was better, you were killing it” “sooo…you dont then?”
* wears French eyeliner and $3 crocs
* gives Aziawa headaches
* hella competitive “must be the mANLIEST”
* territorial of their friends "deku get the fuck away from Kaminari he is my friend not yours-”
* aggressively supportive (like one of those yelling life coaches) “DRINK WATER OR YOU’LL DIE. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.”
* gets mad when ppl don’t take care of themselves but a total hypocrite bc they do the same thing mental health wise, they know to take care of their body lol
* drinks protein shakes that are hella spicy and makes everyone else cringe when caught drinking those
* trains so so much “must be stronger!”
* the type of person to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to go for a “morning jog”
* very vain about their appearance, their hair, makeup, abs etc
* hogs the bathroom in the morning (they spend forever on their hair and makeup)
* bites kit kats before splitting them in half
* secretly very insecure and is triggered by certain words (weak, coward, etc) and after they will go super silent and then throws themselves into training
Also HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Hope all your otps become canon on this special holiday! LET THE GAYS SMELL ROSES AND EAT HEART SHAPED CHOCOLATES
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