maddemonheart-blog · 5 years
I moved of Tumblr
I should have told you long before, but I changed accounts. I'm now under another one, @spacingvoid. If you want to keep in touch, even though it's been like, two years I haven't been here, you can message me there đź’™
This account will probably not or rarely be used. I don't know what should be done to it. I'll have to decide what I want to do with it soon!
Now, spacingvoid is my main!
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
Help support an artist
http://ko-fi.com/cubanbabelance please try to support me , my fam and I are broke , cause of problems with my fathers job , it’ll be solved I hope , but currently we aren’t receiving any money, so I want to help support them , they’ve been so stressed and it’s not heathy for them …. I want to help , I made this kofi account in hopes of support
Please reblog this post to spread it around
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
reblog if you’re def the kind of person who
says “cool beans”
does finger guns
says “coolio”
“my guy”
“my dude”
ironically said “get rekt scrub” and now can’t stop
makes a lot of weird faces
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
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A 22-month-old female scaredy cat tiger appeared to get the shock of her young life when she encountered a dead leaf floating on a pool of water in the Bandhavgarh National Park, India. Clearly unusure about just what was approaching her, the partially submerged youngster’s tail shot up in the air and with teeth bared she let out her most fearsome growl - all in an effort to scare the humble leaf away.
Picture: HERMANN BREHM / NPL / Rex Features
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
When people underestimate how much you can shitpost
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
I wonder how many times a day Shiro has to withhold a vine reference around the team to maintain his “I’m a mature responsible adult” persona.
Like when Pidge pops up from the vent and his grip on his bowl of goo loosens. He has to force himself not to whine about nearly dropping his croissant.
Or when Lotor goes on about his nerd adventures, always starting his stories with “So there I was-”
Shiro hides a smile as he hears “barbeque sauce on my titties” echo through his head.
He cracks when Allura is telling them about how Zarkon and Alfor used to study together back in the day, and Coran chips in suddenly with “and they were roommates!”
He can’t do it. Can’t keep it in. But when he turns away to utter the iconic line following after, he ends up making eye contact with Lance, who was in the process of turning to Hunk to do the exact same thing.
They stare at one another as their mouths move in silence, lips forming the words in unison.
“Oh my god, they were roommates.”
They don’t speak of it after, but Shiro makes a point of standing next to Lance more often during meetings, nudging one another when a reference is made that no one else would ever possibly get.
They ignore the strange looks they receive from the team whenever giggles become too hard to suppress. But no one asks.
Shiro is, after all, a mature responsible adult.
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
so there’s this guy in three of my dance classes
and first off, I’m 5'7, 5'11 in dance shoes, 170 pounds, broad shoulders and big hips and not small in any dimension. For a ballroom dancer, this means a lot of time spent learning the men’s parts. Especially in lifts.
I’ve had years now of guys kinda just going “lol heck naw” when told to lift me. I don’t admit this part much, but it makes me want to sink into the ground and die when every other girl can be lifted, but I’m just too big.
So this guy, smaller than me and really cute, shows up at auditions and I see this girl across the room getting tossed about like the beautiful pixie she is, and apparently I looked a little wistful because this boy asked me if I liked lifts.
“Oh. I… Uh… I’ve never really done the girls part. I’m a little big, haha…” (laugh it off, as usual.)
He looked me dead in the eye and then picked me up like a movie princess, bounced me in the air a few times, and set me down effortlessly while telling me whoever refused to lift me before was just being a lazy wimp.
I seriously doubt this boy will ever really get how much that meant to me. But, holy cow. Some faith in humanity just got restored.
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
actually talking to people on tumblr?
 i’ve been seeing a lot of posts to the effect of “i wish i could talk to more writers on tumblr, but i’m too shy.” and a lot of the replies are “you can talk to me, i don’t bite!” which is great, honestly. but these interactions, at least in my experience, rarely lead to anything more. 
so this is my attempt to compile a list of how to be friends with writeblrs that’s a little more than just “talk to people.” i don’t know if it’s just common sense for the rest of you, but this is all stuff i had to learn through almost a year on tumblr. im fuckign old omg.
so without further ado, i present: Conversation Starters For Writeblrs.
do they reblog ask games? send asks, off anon. reply to their answers.
see something in common? you both have dragons in your wip? you’re both the same age? tell them!
tag them in things! who actually cares if you’re following the rules of the tag games or not?
if they’re asking for something, like book recs or advice, answer them.
compliments. literally anything, as long as it’s genuine. send them off anon so people know who you are. 
reply to their fuckign writing!! pleAse!! and not just “ooh this is good” (though that’s nice too), but tell them what you liked! tell them what you were confused about! tell them where you want more detail! we’re all on here because of writing, might as well actually talk about it sometimes!
just. like. ask how their day went.
Also, some thoughts:
you’re not a bother. and even if you are, who’s going to be rude enough to say it?
someone has to make the first move, it might as well be you.
they’re just people.  we’re all literally just people.
friendship ≠ one interaction. keep trying. keep talking.
you got this! 
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
Re-blog if you would accept somebody you knew who came out as asexual
I’m honestly really curious to see how many people actually accept it. Because there are allot of people who don’t believe it’s real. Or at the least don’t accept it when somebody they know come out as asexual. 
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
What I noticed about other people with mental illness;
People with anxiety will go out of their way to make sure you’re not uncomfortable or anxious about what’s going on 
People with depression will joke & be silly & try to make you laugh
People with PTSD will respect your personal space & boundaries & ask before they invade your bubble
People with ADHD will not get impatient or snap at you if you talk to much/ramble/don’t get your point across quick enough
People with bipolar disorder will not judge you when your moods change & you “aren’t acting like yourself” one day
What I noticed about other people with mental illnesses is that they are the most understanding, empathetic, easy going, tolerant people. We know what it’s like to live & struggle with these issues every day & we always wanna make damn sure other people don’t have to go through it too if we can do anything to help it.
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
in a relationship with healthy communication, arguments should end with understanding on both ends
you have to keep the goal in mind
do you want to win? or do you want to understand that person and resolve the issue? (ask yourself once, then ask again)
the ego loves to win an argument, but relationships are not about feeding your ego
healthy relationships dilute the ego
if you find yourself arguing to win in your relationship, consider what you value more: the love you share with that person, or protecting your ego
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
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((The ability to appreciate and evaluate human aesthetic is not determined by your sexuality))
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
me, texting a friend late at night: haha okay but i really should sleep, night dude
me: look at this meme real quick
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
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maddemonheart-blog · 6 years
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