maddex-elise · 5 years
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My Opponent Is Palling Around With Communists, Rich Oil Companies And Drug Dealers.
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maddex-elise · 6 years
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My Opponent Is Taking Donations From Oil Cartels, Wall Street Insiders And Washington Elitists.
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maddex-elise · 11 years
The Family Sweatbox
    All four of us shared a room
two beds stacked high and a crib
thank God I got my own bunk.
It was worse in the summer
that windowless square smelled of
sweaty limbs, while whiny children
 cried through the night. That house
 was never ours. At age ten
I knew what it meant to rent,
 but I didn’t care for owning
shag carpet and dingy walls
 though it was better than the
concrete yards and grandma’s house.
 We scattered glow in the dark
stars on our ceiling to bring
the world into our small box.
 We coated the bunks with every
sticker we could find. Things got
better in the winter. Laughter leaked
 through our cracked door. We shared
beds for warmth and secrets for
secrets. tomorrow I will
 be in my own room. Painted
 blue, with a window, but alone.
Away from my sisters.
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maddex-elise · 11 years
I felt the hot pavement,
 my feet stuck to my sandals
 like roach traps on the kitchen
 floor. Black tired bodies
surrounded the corner, I
 felt the heat radiate from
their skin.
 The seat came to her rescue,
 her fingers marked with pricks
 of needles jabbing after
 every turn of fabric. She spoke
 her mind, though she
was enclosed by standing
 blank pages, white
 and corrupt. She was small
and soft, but the walls of
 color were breakable.
  We filed on to the
 city bus, Naïve with laughter filling
 us to the brim. As if we were silly children,
 unaware of the penalties
of too many sweets before dinner.
 The driver twitching at our presence, She
 popped her gum like warning shots
to put us in our place.
We were not kids anymore
I sat tall in my seat, though
I knew they saw my color before
 my smile. Passengers, too afraid
to go against their kind. I think of Rosa
and I wonder why I didn’t stay strong.
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maddex-elise · 11 years
Taking a creative writing course. Sorry, I have been gone quite a while.
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maddex-elise · 11 years
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cambridge university students were asked on campus why they needed feminism. here are 60 answers. click the link for over 600 more.
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maddex-elise · 11 years
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(1) President Abraham Lincoln, who had depression (2) Writer Virginia Woolf, who had bipolar disorder (3) Artist Vincent Van Gogh, who had bipolar disorder (4) Writer Sylvia Plath, who had depression (5) Mathematician John Nash (from A Brilliant Mind), who had schizophrenia
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maddex-elise · 11 years
Every nigga say they got a master plan Think they can hold us women down cause they a man But let me tell you something they don't think we know We don't have to sit pretty for them, ya know Every woman has the ability to conceive more than their man's baby Who cares if he want to plant his seed Stand up and let them hear your needs See us women have a master plan And ladies you don't need a man To all the men that think they got something for me I'm tellin you now I won't stay to see See I'm working on my master plan And I ain't gonna be tied down by no man I'll get myself where I need to be Your love is not a priority
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maddex-elise · 11 years
Cheiloproclitic - Being attracted to someones lips. Quidnunc - One who always has to know what is going on. Ultracrepidarian - Of one who speaks or offers opinions on matters beyond their knowledge. Apodyopis - The act of mentally undressing someone. Gymnophoria - The...
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maddex-elise · 11 years
cosmogyral: (adj.) whirling about the universe; ex: The cosmogyral galaxies are fascinating to learn about.
epalpebrate: (adj.) to lack eyebrows; ex: Many people think that Matt Smith and Mads Mikkelsen are epalpebrate.
fallaciloquence: (n.) deceitful speech; ex: His...
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maddex-elise · 11 years
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“Hey man, take my picture!”
“I can’t do it. It’s too dark.”
“Yeah, we need some light. Let’s go over there.”
“Are you homeless?”
“Yes, I am.”
“How long have you been homeless?”
“15 years. I’ve been in Boston 8 months. Before that I was in Washington, Virginia, New York, Philadelphia, Louisiana, Florida…”
“Why didn’t you stay in Florida? It’s so much warmer.”
“I wanted to see my family. But they don’t want to see me. They don’t understand depression. They treat me like dirt. Homeless people treat me better than my family.”
“And what happened 15 years ago? How did you end up on the streets?”
“I tried to burn myself twice. I had 30 surgeries. I was dead two times, but God brought me back. I don’t know why.”
“And why did you do it?”
“I was depressed. Why you crying?”
“Because you are a beautiful person, and my family is really messed up, and I’ve been very depressed. I think I can understand you.”
“Yes, I am a good person. And when you take people’s pictures, don’t disrespect them.”
“No, man, I won’t. I like people. That’s why I take their pictures.”
“And when you make your portfolio, don’t denigrate people. Let the pictures speak for themselves.”
“I will. Are you safe on the streets?”
“Yes, I am…And now I have $8 to buy me some food.”
“That’s all I have. Next time I see you, I will give you more.”
“No, man. It ain’t all about money. Give me a hug. And next time you see me, give me a hug again. And thanks for taking my picture.”
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maddex-elise · 11 years
I deflect warmth of any kind. I remember when I was 13 the first boy I ever kissed looked at me with disturbed eyes when he reached to hold my hand. My skin was cold to the touch I guess. Colder than normal by the look of it. He tried to warm my cold and frosted fingers, but I seemed to just pass...
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maddex-elise · 11 years
Sometimes you just need to scream But there is a problem with this It is equivalent with a need to be saved Where is a place I can yell bloody murder And no one will come to my rescue? I don't mean to cause a frenzy I only need to uncork this bottle of rage I try to do everything right I try to be all and do all This pressure will surely be my demise
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maddex-elise · 11 years
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Sex Worker: Still not asking for it by dyke-recovery
I’m a feminist and a sex worker and i am so very, very sick of the “is it rape or theft if you fuck a hooker?” or the i use to get “You work in a strip club you shouldn’t get pissed off when someone tries to touch you, you’re the one working there”. Sorry but this is a service, not the selling of ones’ body or body parts. We own us, we decide how much we do, NOT the client or patron. We have the same rights as every other woman; to feel safe not only in our personal lives but in our work lives. It is not okay to do more than what is agreed to when paying for a service from a sex worker. If you are told no, you are told NO.
If a banker gets robbed did he deserve it because he is a banker? No.
If a soldier is shot during war, did he deserve to be shot purely for being a soldier? No.
Does a psychologist deserve to be verbally attacked because they’re paid to listen to other people’s thoughts? No.
So does a sex worker deserve to have their services abused purely because they are working in the sex industry? No.
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maddex-elise · 11 years
God I miss those hands
Today I remembered your hands They weren't as large as mine But I could feel their strength Every time your palm touched the small of my back To me, they were two barriers from the outside getting in Protectors and lovers I loved lining ours up against one another And pressing real hard We would lock eyes and stay there in wonder The tips of mine towered over but your palms swallowed me You were the base and the root of the tree I was the branches and the life from thee I craved the heat and energy from our touch Your hands were everything My fingertips would fall in the crevices of each line They felt so deep like they could carry me and my burdens Nothing could ruin me and I would ruin nothing Your hands could withstand me All of me All of me could be held and saved in those hands
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maddex-elise · 11 years
I'm in that awkward little half step between needing to party all the time and settling down
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maddex-elise · 11 years
How quietly we endure all that falls upon us.
Khalid Hosseini, A Thousand Splendid Suns (via noorag)
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