maddie-van-fleet · 7 months
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Chapter VI
word count 5,998
warnings: MINORS DNI, implications of violence, threats, oral sex f! Receiving, fingering, implications of control
Two weeks prior
“Let me talk to him, please,” you glanced up at Jake as you pulled his sweats over your hips. He was busy buttoning up a clean linen shirt over his torso, having paired it with a pair of matching black pants. And here you were just putting on the same clothing he had given you to sleep in, well aware that once you’d returned to the club you’d seek your things out and head home to shower off the last 24 hours. 
“You’ll go nowhere near Chad,” he insisted, pushing his feet into a pair of leather loafers. He was done playing games, insistent that he would address the previous nights events. And you were annoyed. 
“I meant Daniel.” You smoothed the front of his T-shirt down over your body as you watched him grab for his car keys from where they sat atop the dresser. 
“Oh.” He reached for his phone and pocketed it as well as his wallet, turning to you then as he gestured toward the bedroom door. “Why?” 
“Because he owes me an explanation! We’ve been seeing one another for a month now, I’m not just going to let you handle that.” 
“You told me it was casual.” 
“It is…was? Doesn’t mean he doesn’t owe me an explanation. I deserve as much.” Why was he so interested in why you felt you needed to speak to Daniel, as if he wouldn’t do the same thing if the roles were reversed? Maybe he wouldn’t. 
“Do you plan to continue to see him?” He was following you through his house to the front door as he spoke, doing his best to make his voice sound despondent and only mildly interested. 
“I don’t know, Jake. That’s why I need to address this with him.” You pulled the front door open and stepped over the threshold, waiting on the porch as he followed you out and turned to lock his house up. 
“Cut the shit, Bambi, you aren’t seeing him anymore.” His tone was low and harsh, the Jake you knew from the club returning more and more as the seconds passed by. Jealous ass. 
“It’s funny. It’s like you think you can control me and tell me what to do,” you huffed as he led you down the steps and to where he had parked his Jeep the night previous. 
“Get in the car,” he demanded as you approached it, pulling the passenger door open for you to get in. 
“Whatever you say, sir,” you rolled your eyes as you climbed up into the vehicle, situating yourself in the passenger seat as he shut the door and jogged around to the driver side. Once he was in and buckling in as well, he glanced over at you with a pointed look. 
“I’m being so serious Bambi, don’t test me. You won’t like what you get.” He started the jeep and put it in drive, pulling away from the curb as he glanced over to you. 
“Suppose it’ll be the poker room for an entire week hm?” You sighed dramatically as you watched out the window as his neighborhood slowly passed by. 
“Worse little girl, try me and find yourself stuck to Savannahs side for a month. No tips, nothing.” He threatened through clenched teeth as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“You wouldn’t dare Jake, how would you find time to fuck her over your desk if I’m with her?” You were intentionally pushing his buttons and trying to piss him off just the same as he had you. 
“You are so jealous of her,” he chuckled, pulling over unexpectedly and putting the vehicle into park before turning his body toward you. “Was I that good, huh Bambi? Was it that good to be with me outside of the club? Did I fuck you hard enough that you’re still that jealous of her?” Hadn’t you moved on from this? Your heart felt like it was crushing beneath its own weight. 
“You know what, you’re so right Jake,” you shook your head as you struggled with unbuckling your belt. “I am jealous of her,” you admitted, finally hearing it click as the buckle slid from the latch. “You’re fucking nice to her. She gets treated like a fucking queen. The only time you’re nice to me is when you wanna fuck me.” 
“Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart,” he seethed through clenched teeth, his jaw tight and hard set. “There’s a big difference in wanting to and just giving you what you want because it’ll shut you up, dumb little deer.” 
Oh, wow. That one stung. You inhaled sharply, your gaze dropping to your lap as your head hung. What a low blow, even if he hadn’t meant it. The damage was done now, right? “Every time I think you may actually like me, you do something to show me I am nothing to you.” You reached for the handle and pushed the door open, stepping out of the Jeep and onto the sidewalk. 
“Where are you going? Get back in the car,” he demanded, watching as you shook your head and pushed the door shut. Jake pushed a button on his door and the passenger window rolled down as he leaned over toward the passenger side. “Get back in the car Bambi.” 
“I’d rather walk barefoot the two miles to the club to get my things than get back in that vehicle with you.” That was final, you crossed your arms and took off down the sidewalk, watching out of your peripheral as he pulled away and drove up a block before pulling over again. You watched as he got out and started toward you, stepping in front of you when he got close. 
“Get in the damn Jeep, y/n.” 
You side stepped around him without stopping. 
“Fuck you, Jake.” 
“I said get in,” he spun and followed you quickly. 
“And I said no?” You stopped to turn to him momentarily, the wrong move to make as he crowded your space and his body pushed you back toward the passenger side of his vehicle. He continued, one hand grasping your hip and the other circling your forearm as he backed you against the cold metal exterior of the Jeep. 
“Please stop fighting me,” he begged once you were pressed against the car. “I know I keep saying the wrong things, I’m sorry. I say the dumbest shit when I’m worked up and I know that. I’m. Fuck I’m trying to work on it Bambi. Just. Please get back in the Jeep so we can talk calmly? Get back in and tell me you aren’t planning to continue seeing Daniel. Please.” 
“Why does it matter?” 
“You know why it matters,” he sighed, one hand resting against the car door near your head. 
“You jealous of him?” 
“He’s spent the last month with you, of course I’m jealous of him.” You studied him for a beat before nodding, moving to the side as he opened the passenger door for you and you got back into the Jeep. 
Thirteen days prior
Jakes POV
The elevator stopped on the 19th floor and you watched as the doors pulled open slowly before stepping out. The walk from there to Daniel’s door wasn’t long, but you took it slowly in an effort to calm yourself before facing him. You were determined to do this with a level head and walk away with your life long friend turned business partner still intact. You took a deep breath in before knocking on the door to his apartment, rocking back on your heels as you stuffed your hands into your pockets and waited until he pulled the door open. 
“Jake…” he huffed, confusion written on his face as you walked past him into the home without waiting to be invited. 
“Daniel. We need to have a conversation,” you glanced around as you spoke. The place looked exactly the same as it always had, but somewhere in the recesses of your mind you knew it to be different, changed in ways thanks to her presence here and there. The energy of his apartment had shifted. You wondered which rooms he had had her in, exploring her body and mind alike and you wished very much that you’d had those same opportunities afforded to you. But, hadn’t you? 
“It couldn’t wait until our meeting tomorrow?” Daniel shut the door and stepped around you into his kitchen, gesturing for you to follow and so you did. 
“No, I’d rather have this conversation now. In private.” 
“Great,” he sighed, pulling a beer from his fridge and offering it to you. You took it eagerly, offering your thanks as you popped it open. Daniel busied himself grabbing another, opening his can and taking a gulp from it as he watched you slide onto a stool. 
“Look, I’m sure you know that I’m aware of what happened at the club Friday night…” you offered to him, placing your can on the counter top in front of you and studying the way Daniel seemed to busy himself staring at the floor. 
“How mad is she at me?” 
“I don’t think she’s so much mad as she is hurt. And I get it.”
“It’s business Jake, you’ve said yourself! Savannah is just as much an employee as she is. And I wasn’t aware that Chad was her ex, I didn’t know that until we left the club that night and he explained that to me.” 
He held his hands out like his explanation was an offering at the alter of forgiveness, as if it would excuse his behavior or even Chads. You couldn’t care less about his side of it. As far as you were concerned, you were simply doing him a courtesy speaking to him about this rather than affording him the same treatment you had planned for her ex. 
“Look, I get it. I do. I’m not here to argue about any of it with you.”
“Then why are you here?”
“To let you know that whatever was going on between the two of you, it stops now.” 
“That coming from her or you?” He raised a brow to you, his hand squeezing his beer can until he heard it collapse in on itself and cover his hand with the cold liquid. “Fuck.” He tossed it into the sink, pushing the cold water handle on and rinsing his hands off. 
“Both. I’m telling you as her employer and your business partner it stops now. No more seeing employees.” Okay, hypocrite. You swallowed down the guilt you felt knowing the situation would be no different between the two of you also. “And her, she’s hurt. Just leave her be.” 
“Again, is that coming from her or you Jake? I don’t think it’s a secret you’ve a soft spot for her,” he turned back around to face you, nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed in a glare. “So does she want me to leave her alone or do you?” 
You huffed a laugh at, chugging the rest of your beer before sliding off the stool and standing up straight. “Both,” you repeated. “She’ll tell you the same thing. Cut your losses now.” You meant it and your tone showed that, an obvious warning. “Look. If she wants to give you another shot, she will. But I suggest you heed what I’m saying and just cut it off now.”
“Right,” he sighed, following you from the kitchen as you lead your way out toward the front door again. 
“I’m gonna go, I have a few other things to take care of. But Daniel? I need you to go with me to speak to Chad tomorrow after our meeting.” 
Twelve days prior
“Listen, Bambi…it really wasn’t as serious as you’re making it out to be.” You hadn’t seen Daniel in two days and he’d just shown up at the club while you were working as if he hadn’t completely fucked up. Glancing up at him, your nostrils flared as Sam moved behind you with ease.  
“I don’t think she wants to talk Danny boy,” Sam chuckled, grabbing a glass and filling it half full of an expensive bourbon. 
“Well she doesn’t have to but she sure can listen, huh Bamb?” He perked his brows at you, both of his large hands splayed out on the bar top as Sam slid the glass in front of him. 
“Sure Daniel, I can listen,” you offered sweetly, popping the top off a beer bottle and moving behind Sam to deliver it to the end of the bar. “Can’t promise it’ll make much difference though, but I’d love to hear your excuses.” 
“Don’t act like that! I know Chad through a friend okay? I had no clue he was your ex until after you ran out of that room.”
“I’m not so concerned with how you know him. It’s more about that whole take your top off for a bigger tip thing yanno? There are rules here Daniel and beyond encouraging me to go against what Jacob says, you treated me like I should do anything you say in the name of money.” 
“Oh come on! It wasn’t like that and you know it.” Daniel threw his hands in the air as he watched you fill a glass with ice and then water. 
“That’s how it made me feel so yeah, it was like that. And you didn’t even stop me from leaving, too busy with Savannah in your lap so why are you here?” You were livid that he thought he could just waltz back into the club and things would be just fine. “How did you know I was here tonight anyway? My cars not even outside.” 
“Savannah gave me your sch…” he cut himself off, lips pressing together as you stared at one another. Motherfucker. Of course that’s how he had known when to show up and when not to. 
“Interesting. Well, maybe she can also show you where the exit is?”
“C’mon look. Jake and I talked about everything, it’s all smoothed out. Why won’t you forgive me? I really am sorry Bamb…I just got caught up you know? We had been drinking and…you and I are casual, that’s what you wanted.” 
“Daniel,” Jake crooned as he approached the bar, the taller man before you standing up straight. As if he were scared maybe and needed to make himself appear taller. 
“Jacob,” he reached his hand out as Jake took it into his firmly, grasping tightly before pulling him in for a hug and slapping his back. 
“We still on to take that drive?” Jake inquired, glancing over to you momentarily. 
“Of course. I was just trying to talk to our little deer here before we left, so she knew how sorry I was about what happened this weekend.” 
“Right well, she’ll be a bit busy tonight. I have her covering the poker room for the night.” You groaned, wondering what you’d done to deserve that. “We should get a move on so she can get to it.” Great. You watched as Jake led Daniel away from the area and outside, huffing a sigh as you turned to Sam. 
“Who am I impressing in the Poker room tonight?” Sam chuckled and shook his head, popping the top off a beer bottle and handing it to you. 
“No one actually, I don’t know why he told him that but I’m under strict orders to send you to Jake’s office to wait for him until he’s back.”
7 days prior 
You knocked firmly on the office door, muffled voices on the other side slowly growing louder before Jake pulled the door open. His long hair was disheveled, messed up in a way that suggested hands had been tangled in it just moments before. His face was flush, though you couldn’t tell if it was anger or arousal that had brought the blush to the surface of his skin and his lips were kiss swollen. Behind him, Savannah stood buttoning her shirt up slowly as she ensured that you caught sight of her.
“Bambi,” Jake panted, fixing the buttons on his shirt before smoothing his hair down, an effort to not look like he had just been doing exactly what you assumed he had been doing.  A heavy sigh exhaled out of you, it felt like the wind had been knocked out of you as you watched Savannah slowly approach and then pass the two of you. She did this, her hips swinging in time to the clicking of her heels on the floor, while glaring at you menacingly but her mouth was twisted up in a wicked grin. 
You waited until she was well enough down the hall before stepping into Jake’s office, letting him push the door shut behind you before you turned to him questioningly. 
“Chads mom called me to see if I’d heard from him, she said he hasn’t been heard from all week and hasn’t gone to work either. How much longer is this going to go on before someone finds out what happened?” 
“No one is going to find out anything,” he bit out, walking around to his desk and dropping down into the chair. He patted his leg for you to come and sit but you stood where you were, arms crossed over your chest, watching him silently. “C’mon Bambi, you know the deal. I can’t tell you anymore than you already know without incriminating you. Besides all that, I don’t want to talk about it right now. Come have a seat.” 
“I think I’d rather stand,” you stepped closer to his desk and toyed with the edge of the wood with your fingertips, watching as they danced along it for a beat. 
“I think you should come have a seat,” he repeated, pushing the chair back from his desk a little more-his legs spread wide on the chair. 
“What was Savannah doing in here?” Your voice was quiet now, half hoping he wouldn’t hear your question and give you an actual response. You weren’t sure you could handle the answer as it were. You and Jake hadn’t made anything official, in fact since that morning at his house he hadn’t touched you. Not for lack of trying, bar the last night you saw Daniel when he’d returned hours later to find you curled up asleep on the leather couch in his office. That night he had pulled you into his lap, allowing you to sleep with your head rested on his shoulder as his hand smoothed your hair and massaged at your scalp lightly. His mouth placing gentle kisses to your forehead and eyelids, unaware of whether you’d drifted back off or not and simply happy for the moment of reprieve from the chaotic lifestyle he kept. 
“Work,” he responded simply, as if that should be what you accepted as an answer. 
His eyes cut up to your face from where they watched your fingers nervously walk the edge of the desk. “I told you, it’s sir here. If other people hear you calling me by name they’ll want to do it. It ruins the level of respect they have for me.” 
“You mean the level of fear?”
“Isn’t it the same thing Bambi?” 
“I don’t think so, sir.” You huffed before dropping into the seat across from him, crossing one leg over the other. “What work was she doing in here?” 
“Do you need me to say it? Will that make you feel better?” 
Would it? You didn’t want to know that he was probably in here fucking her, going down on her or vice versa. You didn’t want to know any of it. But you needed to know what resided between the two of you, and why he’d all but avoided touching you over the last week. 
“Yes.” You hadn’t realized you’d spoken until he was getting up from his chair and padding over to you, leaning himself back onto the desk as he watched you watch him. 
“We were discussing the new location, there are some papers…contracts and stuff…that Daniel needs to sign for his involvement in the business.” You listened intently, biting into your bottom lip as your finger tips mimicked the same movements on your lip that they had on the desk. Nervous. Why were you nervous? 
“Her shirt was undone when you opened the door…” 
“She kissed me, okay? And tried to get me to fuck her.” He shrugged it off like it wasn’t a big deal, and you supposed it wasn’t if she had simply tried but based on the state he had been in when he opened the door you weren’t so sure it hadn’t gone further. 
“Okay, so I fucked her. It’s business Bamb…” 
“Right. Okay,” you stood then, pressing your lips quickly to the corner of his mouth before backing toward his office door. “I suppose it was business too when she gave Daniel a schedule of what days I’d be here, huh?” Jake’s expression changed to one of confusion as you pulled the office door open. “See ya around, sir, I gotta go do business with Mr. Green.” Your implication that something more may happen was intentional, knowing that whatever you were comfortable with could and would happen in the poker room-the only place Vance Green cared to be when at Sémillante. And the one place you hated but Sam himself had asked you to work for the night because they’d had two girls leave sick. 
“You wanna get out of here with me?” Josh yelled over the din of the loud music blaring from the clubs sound system. You’d been off the clock for the last thirty minutes, your bad attitude and Sams short temper leading you both to frustration until he had insisted you just take the rest of the night off. Happily, you thought, changing back into your jeans and the T-shirt you’d worn into the club-intent on going home and sulking. But Josh had stopped you and insisted on buying you a drink, encouraging you to stick around and spend some time catching up with him. 
You considered his question as you studied him from where you sat on the barstool, taking the last drink from the cocktail he had bought you before shrugging. “Why not? I don’t wanna stick around here anyway.” 
You were bitter, to say the least. Jake hadn’t so much as looked in your direction since you’d left his office a week ago, if you walked into a room he quickly disappeared from it. You were thankful at first, too angry and stubborn to admit you were hurt and too proud to be the one to break the silence that had stretched between the two of you. But now, his efforts to avoid you were driving you crazy and bleeding into your work in and out of the club. You needed far away from him and the things that reminded you of him, but somehow Josh didn’t seem to be included in that. His presence brought you peace where you had otherwise been full of frustration. 
Josh led you from where the two of you sat at the bar and out to the exit, making sure to take a moment and say his goodbyes to Sam before departing. Great. He’d be sure to tell Jake you left with his twin. Whatever. Josh’s vehicle, identical to Jake’s apart from the color, sat near the edge of the parking lot and as he walked you to it he made sure to grab your hand and hold it firmly in his own. 
“So, if you aren’t comfortable in the poker room…why does he keep putting you in there?” He spoke in a hushed tone as the two of you approached his Jeep and he released your hand only long enough to open the door and usher you into the passenger seat. “Jake I mean,” he clarified as he leaned against the vehicle, one resting up on the roof of it as he peered in at you. 
“Because he’s a dick,” you offered, buckling your seat belt before looking up at him with a grin. Josh broke into a smile then, chuckling as he shook his head. 
“Okay little deer. Point taken, let’s get out of here,” he moved away from where you sat and pushed the door shut before jogging around the vehicle and climbing into the driver seat. “My house or yours, pretty girl?” 
“Just drive,” you insisted, and so he did. He started his Jeep up and threw it in drive and pulled away from the club all without another word. 
“Josh,” you cooed as he held your hand and pulled you down the hall of the second floor of his home. 
“Almost there little deer,” he sighed,  taking a few more steps before pushing the door to his bedroom open and pulling you in before pressing you against the wall and pushing his hips into yours. “I don’t think I can wait any longer,” he conceded, ghosting his lips over yours. So close you could feel his warm breath fan over your cheeks and smell the tequila on his tongue. “I gotta have these lips on mine again.” 
“Kiss me,” you urged, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pressed his plush lips to yours. He rutted his hips against you as the tip of his tongue pulled along the part of your lips, begging for entrance to your mouth. There was no hesitation, no reluctancy as your mouth opened and welcomed his warm wet tongue with a whimper. His hands came around to grab at your ass as he kissed and licked into your mouth, tongue rolling along yours with a velvety smoothness. He pulled you away from the wall, turning both of you as he walked you to his bed with his lips still moving against yours. 
When he broke away from the kiss it was only to push you back onto his bed, unbuttoning the white button up he had on as you moved up further onto the bed. The night had been a whirlwind since arriving at Josh’s house, spending the last two hours talking and laughing. There hadn’t been a single mention of Jake, let alone a single thought of him until that very moment as you watched him half undress in the same manner Jake did when he was changing for bed. Only this wasn’t that situation, and you couldn’t lend another moment of thought to the younger twin knowing the efforts he had gone to in order to ignore you. To punish you. To show you he didn’t care at all after trying to justify sleeping with Savannah again. 
And sure, maybe his efforts to ignore you heavily relied on how stressed out and stretched thin he likely now was having to take over all of the paper work and payroll files that she had handled. He couldn’t hold that against you, it was his own rules that led to her being fired for giving Daniel your schedule. And it was his own unwillingness to ask for help that led to his stress. Beyond that, his very own unwillingness to admit how he felt for you or push the relationship further which only led you to believe he didn’t want it to. You were free to do what you pleased with who you pleased. 
“Bambi,” Josh crooned as he crawled over you, one hand pushing the hem of your T-shirt up as he leaned in to kiss your neck. “You’re so sweet you know that?” He questioned against your skin, sucking gently after as his hand found your breast beneath your shirt and palmed it. “So pretty and soft, like silk in my hands.” He was mumbling as he kissed and sucked, bit and lapped over your neck as your hands deftly found the button of his jeans and popped it open before pulling the zipper down just as quickly. Your hand dove into his boxers after that, wrapping around his length as he moaned against your touch. “Take what you want little deer.” 
“Fuck,” you gasped, pulling your hand away and pushing him away from you. “What I want is for you to be naked already.” Josh chuckled as he pushed his jeans off and then his boxers before moving closer to you and letting his fingertips dance along the waistband of your jeans. 
“Got me naked for you pretty little doe. Maybe you can return the favor…” his pinky finger pushed under the denim of your jeans and pulled along your skin as you shuddered against his touch. So light and gentle yet so begging. 
“Okay,” you agreed quietly, letting him undo the button and zipper on your pants, lifting your ass off the bed as he pushed the material down over your hips and thighs until they were low enough for you to kick off. You pulled your T-shirt off then, left in nothing but a matching set of black lace things, too small to be considered a bra and panties but yet they had served that purpose. Josh growled, low and raspy as he moved over you and used his mouth to pull the lace cup down over one breast-a sigh gasping out of him as he pulled the tip of his nose over your hardened nipple before sucking it into his mouth. 
“Josh,” you gasped, arching up into his touch as his tongue lapped over the pebbled skin before he released it with a pop and dipped his finger into the opposite cup, pulling it down and letting your breast pop out just the same. 
“Damn Bambi girl,” he groaned, wrapping his lips around the newly exposed nipple as his hand found its way between the two of you. Blindly, his finger tips pushed the lace material to the side and stroked over your slit and then pushed between your folds. 
“Josh,” you moaned his name again, your fingers curling around a lock of hair and pulling his head up. His mouth dropped open, lips glistening with saliva as he peered up at you. “I love all of this,” you panted. “Everything you’re doing. But if you don’t put your mouth to use lower, I promise you I will combust in this very spot.” 
Josh smirked, eyebrows perking up as you released his hair and his head dipped down to place a trail of kisses between your tits and down to your navel. “Oh yeah? Maybe I should tease you a little hm?” He pulled the tip of his tongue in a long stripe from your navel over to your hip, sinking his teeth into the skin generously as his hands grabbed and pulled the lace material of your underwear and pulled them down until you could kick them off. 
“Noooo,” you huffed, letting your legs fall open as Josh moved his mouth lower as he nipped at the top of your thighs and inward. “No teasing please Joshy.” 
He groaned at that, pulling back to get a good look at you as he pushed your legs further apart. “Don’t worry  baby girl, I’m a man starved. I couldn’t stand to actually tease you when you look so tempting.” He was staring directly at your cunt, licking over his lips before diving in and burying his face between your legs. 
It would be unfair to compare him with his brother, with the very soul he was born along side of yet your mind couldn’t help but circle back around to Jake. The way the stubbled skin of his upper lip pulled along your folds like suede, where as here Josh’s mustache tickled and tormented you in the most delicious way. Where Jake used his tongue furiously in a fit of lust and need, Josh’s made love to your clit in the slow burning dance of the desire that had been lit within him. His lips wrapping around the swollen bud, your cunt weeping for more as each twist and turn of his tongue deliberately sent you screaming to the edge and then pulled you back away from it as his mouths work slowed to a sensual roll of his tongue. All the while his hips were rutting against the mattress, arms wrapping tightly around your thighs and keeping your wet cunt connected to his warm mouth. He pushed you to peer into the darkness of pleasure and pulled you away from it so quickly over and over that your legs were trembling against his cheeks, your hand fisted in his hair as you tugged his curls and chanted his name until you were making only noises. Gasps of air puffing out of you before you called his name out with a groan so deep in your throat that it vibrated through him completely as he sucked and lapped wildly at your clit, making you believe he really was a man starved. It was only when he slowed the roll of his tongue around your sensitive bundle of nerves that you noticed his hips were stuttering in their movements and all at once, as you sighed out a final whimper, he groaned against your cunt as he met his end as well. 
“Fucking hell sweet deer,” he grunted, releasing his grip on your thighs as he sat up on his knees. “I wasn’t expecting that,” he added almost shyly, glancing down to the mess he had made between your legs. You pushed yourself into an upright position, giggling as he moved closer to you and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Join me in the kitchen while I toss this comforter into the washer?” He questioned and you gave a nod. 
“Need water anyway.” Josh nodded as you both stood from the bed and you grabbed for the shirt he had had on. You pushed your arms through the sleeves, watching as he pulled the comforter from his bed and rolled it up in his arms before leading you down the stairs to his kitchen. You stood leaning against the counter as he made his way further through the kitchen and into the laundry room, listening as he rummaged around and placed the blanket into the washer before joining you in the kitchen. 
He grabbed you both bottles of water from the fridge, opening one before handing it to you and watching as you chugged it nearly gone. 
“Thirsty baby?” You gave a nod as he sipped at his own before sitting it down and taking yours from your hands, placing it near his before pressing against you and pushing you back into the counter. “You look so fucking good in my shirt,” he mused, sliding his hands underneath it so it splayed out more-leaving your naked form beneath it on show for him. “I could take you right here against this counter.” 
“Do it,” you dared, smirking as he quickly spun you around. 
“You should know not to dare a Kiszka, least of all me.” He warned, his tone menacing but still playful as he kicked your legs apart and pushed you to bend over the counter top. His hand had just brushed over your hip, his other fisting around his cock and pumping along his length as he pressed against you when the doorbell sounded out. Josh ignored it at first until it went off again almost immediately followed by loud knocking against the door. 
“I swear to god Josh, let me the fuck in.” Oh. You knew that voice, and you knew that the likelihood that he had found out you two had left together was high. 
“Fuck!” Josh groaned as the knocking continued. “Think if I ignore it he will go away?”
“No,” you huffed, hanging your head just as the lock on the door clicked and it pushed open. 
“Is now a bad time to mention he has my spare key?” 
 @gvfpal @godly-sinsx @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @mysticalstarcatcher @shutupdevvie @takenbythemadness @wetkleenex-gvf @vanfleeter @stardustsecret @writingcold @gretavansara @sinsofstardust @idontlikelizards @gretasfallingsky @klarxtr @itsafullmoon @carlyfleet @weightofkiszka @torniturntomyarrow @jakekiszkasmommy @jaketlove @myownparadise96 @twistedmelodies @allmylovejtk @gvfpal
173 notes · View notes
maddie-van-fleet · 9 months
Ignition Masterlist
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Pairing: Danny Wagner X f!Reader X Jake Kiszka
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of sex (Absolutely minors DNI)! Fluff, angst, mentions of insecurity, troubled past...I will add more as the series progresses.
Summary: Losing your best friend and the possibility for more all in the span of five minutes wasn't your idea of a fun way to spend your Friday night. But life is full of surprises, especially when Danny Wagner walked into your life just when you needed him.
Listen to the Spotify playlist: Ignition
Part 1: 3,325K
Part 2: 6,023K
Part 3: 2,091K
Part 4: 3,284K
Part 5: 9,741K
Part 6: TBA
144 notes · View notes
maddie-van-fleet · 10 months
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Jake Kiszka X Female Reader
Summary: A smutty little blurb as requested. Jake interrupts your bath time with filthy intentions.
Warnings: Dirty talk. Fingering. Praise. Dominance play. Shower head foreplay. Oral f receiving.
Soft music serenaded the water as it spilled into the tub. Turning it from limpid to snowy white bubbles frothing on the surface. Candles were flickering in the corner of the tub, the scent lingering in the building steam.
You poured yourself a generous glass of red wine and dipped a toe in. Your hair fastened loosely upon your crown, tendrils of it falling down your neck at the back as you slid into the hot water.
Every muscle gave in to the heat as you submerged your body. Placing your glass on the edge and letting your hands gather the bubbles, you felt your jaw unclench and your mind clear itself of the days concerns.
You were drifting off into a somnolent state when the sound of the front door echoed down the hall. That little click of the lock letting you know that he was home. His footsteps sounded out over the music and you formed an image in your mind of him kicking off his shoes by the door as he propped his guitar case up by the bureau.
"Where are you, beautiful?!" He called, following the sound of the music.
You smiled as you opened your eyes. "I'm in the tub, handsome!"
He appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arm raised. The buttons of his shirt already open. He looked completely fucked out, pulling a hand through his dishevelled hair.
"That's a sight for sore eyes." He mused, "Just what I needed after looking at three other dudes all night."
"Jake." You rolled your eyes. "That's no way to talk about your brothers."
He came into the bathroom and swiped your glass of wine. Taking a long swig of it before settling on the floor at your side, his elbow propped on the edge of the tub as his hand floated absently over the bubbles.
"It really isn't my fault if all I could think about was getting home to see your pretty little tits sitting on top of the water like that." He said, swirling the bubbles around your nipples. "I practically ran for the door the minute I got your text."
As a matter of courtesy, you liked him to know when you'd be unwinding. Taking care of yourself in his absence. More accurately, you were bored whilst he was at the studio and made a point to let him know you'd be running yourself a nice, hot bath.
"Is that so?" You replied, reaching your wet hand out of the water to meet with his. "What else were you imagining?"
Those calloused fingers entwined with yours. He allowed himself a glance down your body as the bubbles began to disperse. Leaning in, you could smell the coffee on him. No doubt he had sunk cup after cup trying to keep himself alert as the hours ticked on.
Now he was buzzed as he kissed you. His hair slipping away from behind his ears and tickling your collar bone. His lips lazily parting so that he could slip the tip of his tongue into your mouth and get a taste.
"Well, I imagined that for a start." He whispered, pulling away with a wicked grin. "Why don't you just lie back and let me show you everything else?"
You liked it when he came home in these chaotic moods. Like he'd been focussing too hard on something else and just wanted to let his mind wander. You were his little plaything when he was like this. Just a vessel for all the depravity that had been building up inside him.
"Ok, baby." You replied, letting your knees part underneath the water.
His jaw clenched as he reached inside. Soaking his rolled up sleeve as he trailed a hand down your mound and rounded his fingers at the edge of your slit. He rose to his knees at the side of the bath tub as he stared down at you in the water.
"Gonna make a flood, baby." He warned, "Why don't you grab those pretty little tits for me? Hold them steady?"
Your hands rounded the curve of your breasts, the buds of your nipples peeking out from the gaps between your splayed fingers. Jake appraised you silently, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he ran his middle finger down the centre of your pussy.
Plunging it into your entrance, he took delight in seeing you gasp. Seeing your face contort. Your mouth lilt open and your eyes plead with him to never stop. The little moan that came out was nothing more than a whimper, but he moaned in unison at the sensation of your pussy clamping around his digit.
"You want another?" He asked, easing it in and out of you deliciously slowly.
All you could do was nod desperately. Your hands squeezing down on your breasts as he slipped another finger in.
"Fucking good girl." He crooned, leaning further over you, ripping into you with such force the water sloshed over the side of the tub and puddled on the tiled floor. "You see why I run home to you when you're like this for me?"
You continued to nod. "Fuck me with those guitar fingers, Jakey."
He didn't need any encouragement. The swell of your clitoris was against his thumb in mere seconds, the hook of his fingers inside you dimmed the music entirely as you let your moans cry out. Your back arched, the water spilling persistently over the edge, pooling at his knees.
His hand was churning up a storm between your thighs. His eyes watching your face as you stared up at him in bliss. Fuck, he was so beautiful when he looked at you like that. Like you were the cause and the effect of his mind not being able to focus on anything else. Like you just did it for him, plain and simple.
"Stellar performance." He breathed, "Got me so fucking hard."
His tongue led his mouth back to you. Kissing you a little more deeply than he had before, his tongue slipping a little further as it brushed against yours. Meshing together as his mouth opened and closed against you.
"Mmmm..." You whined against his lips, "Why don't you take off that shirt? You're wet through."
He had barely noticed. Smirking as he pulled it off his shoulders. Letting it drop into the puddle on the floor. You marvelled at his chest, his smooth stomach and the way it flexed as he stood. Loosening his belt as he looked down at the mess he had made.
"Take off the rest of it." You urged, watching him with your hands still pressed firmly against your tits.
He opened his belt and pulled out his cock. Taking a languid stroke to the tip and round his fist there as he continued to look at you. Pulling down his jeans until they sat snugly around his thighs.
"Not yet, baby." He teased, "I want you all needy for it, first."
There wasn't a time when you didn't need it. The constant thought of his cock was a daily distraction. One that caused you to pause far too often with whatever task demanded your attention whilst you imagined him grovelling on your pussy, getting it ready to receive him.
"I'm needy baby, I promise." You moaned, "Why don't you get in here with me?"
He flashed another heart stopping grin at you as he complied. Letting his jeans hit the ground. Tearing off his boxers and socks until he was stood there completely naked with a raging hard on that made your pussy throb incessantly.
"Rain." He uttered under his breath, never taking his eye off you as he reached for the shower head.
Your cunt was positively a ball of ache as he turned it on. Cool sprinkles of water hitting your flesh just beneath the surface as he adjusted the temperature.
"What are you planning to do with that?" You asked curiously, raking fingertips over your hard nipples as you finally let go of them and slid your hands down your centre.
"Open your pussy lips for me and you'll find out." He instructed, turning the shower head through all the different stream settings.
The first one was always your favourite. A soft, almost spray like fountain that covered your entire body. Perfect for when you needed a quick rinse. The second one you barely used, a little harder than the first but far too sparse in the way it only used the first two rings of the head. The third was a powerful jet that was dominant and forceful, using the inner most rings to shoot out the most intense rush of water. You took note of Jakes raised eyebrow as he settled on that one.
He stepped into the tub carefully. Making sure to keep the water confined to your body. You cried out as it hit your nipples. The vibration of the power behind the water felt like they were being squeezed tightly.
"Does it hurt?" He enquired, a flash of something in his inflection that told you perhaps he wanted it to, a little.
You bit your lip. "In the best way."
Jake slid down into the tub, keeping his legs outside yours. Stretching out, pulling you by your calves until your pussy was almost flush with his erection that was pulsating against his thigh under the water. The shower head bubbling away beneath the surface, you could feel the tickle of it against your mound as he brought it up.
"Let me see your clit." He ordered, his eyes widening as you laced two fingers between your pussy lips and spread them apart.
He marvelled at it. Stroking it furtively with his thumb before bringing the shower head against it. Not directly at first, letting the jet stream edge you as it hit the nerve endings.
"Oh, fuck..." You whined, panting as he pushed it further against your swell.
The sight of him at the other end of the tub, his delight in seeing you so pathetically at his whim was beyond sexy. His hair was wet now and pushed back from his face. The little stubble on his upper lip quivering as he took you in. Legs open and now wrapped almost around his waist. The rest of you laid back, tits bouncing against his onslaught.
"You take it so good." He praised, "Want more?"
Your face silently consented to it, eyes rolling back as he pressed the shower head directly against your clit. The outpour of the jet hitting you so fiercely made your voice ring out clear as a bell. High pitched and ratified. He pressed his hand flat and firm against your pubic bone to hold you steady.
"That's my girl." He soothed, making subtle circles with it. "Tell me how good it feels."
You began writhing your hips against it. Forcing the water pressure to vibrate against your clit.
"Mmmm, you have the most depraved ideas Jakey." You told him, "You can make it rain whenever you want, baby."
He signalled you to lean forward. A little upward tilt of his head, a nod calling for you to meet him in the middle. You pulled yourself upright, the shower head sitting snugly between the two of you. You met him in a violent kiss, tongues exploring deeply and nibbles at your lips.
"Fill me up." You begged, "I need you inside me."
He wickedly pulled your bottom lip away from your mouth with his teeth.
"I'm not done with you yet, beautiful." He purred, "I want you to stand up for me."
You were in no position to argue. You'd been at his mercy ever since he walked through the door. You were a little pouty over the fact you weren't getting what you wanted, and he noticed.
"Oh, you know little brats don't get rewarded, don't you?" He asked tentatively, "Now stand the fuck up."
You didn't say another word. Dripping as you pulled yourself up and out of the water. Droplets cascading down your breasts and hips. Your core sitting just above his gaze.
He turned the shower head around, parting your pussy lips with eager fingertips. You should have known that begging for his cock too soon would mean he would make you wait longer. Justified now, knowing that what he had in mind for you would always make you feel close to heaven.
"I'm sorry baby." You whined, "I didn't mean to..."
His hand was coiled around the handle tightly, pressing the pressure into you before pulling back to watch you glow. Letting it rain from your mound, holding you with his free hand around your thigh.
"Didn't mean to rush me?" He completed your broken sentence. "You know better than that. You know you'll get my cock."
He was enjoying pleasuring you this way. Watching the stream hit your swollen clit and flow down the rest of your pussy. Moving his hand in and out so that the pressure increased and decreased to drive you wild.
Eventually, he dropped it entirely. Pulling you down, making you sit squarely onto his mouth. His wet tongue penetrating you as his nose brushed against the almost numb effect on your clit. The shower head hit the bottom of the tub, spraying out and extinguishing the candles.
In near darkness you he made you ride his face. Knees bent so that you could hold your weight as he dug his fingers into your ass cheeks. Hands pressed into the warm tile behind him, wondering if this had been his plan all along.
"If you don't fuck me soon I'll cum in your mouth before your cock has been anywhere near me!" You warned breathlessly, barely able to string the words together as he gathered your cunt up to savagely eat it.
Jake tore his head back, looking up at you devilishly. The light from the hall outside illuminating the side of his face, the rest of him shrouded in darkness. Torturously handsome. His chin wet, not with the bath water but with you...
"Maybe I'll have you do both." He said, surrendering to you finally.
He moved to stand, grabbing the errant shower head as he rose. Placing it back on it's perch.
"Bend over." He growled, "What's rain without a little thunder?"
The End.
@cherrybugbaby @ari-alfonso @hellowgoodbye @starcatcher-jake @whiterosekiszka @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @i-choose-the-road @malany-gvf @takenbythemadness @vanfleeter @alwaysonthemend @gardensgatedaisy @writingcold @lvnterninthenight @myownparadise96 @bubblyjake @joshsindigostreak @gvfpal @janksfatass @greta-van-chaos @gold-mines-melting @loverleaversworld @gretavangroupie @gretasmokerising @gretavanfleetposts @capturethechaos @streamingcolors-gvf @danigvf @asparrowofthedawn @dig0930 @downtherabbithole1981 @joshskittytickler21 @twdbaddie1090 @starshine-wagner @pr41sethemoon @rhythm-of-space @thewritingbeforesunrise @theaudacitytowrite @milkgemini @josh-iamyour-mama @dharma-divine @zoe-tally06 @honeyedshe @demolitionndann
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maddie-van-fleet · 10 months
Karaoke Nights at the Hooded Crow
Jake Kiszka x fem!reader
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Absolutely impossible decisions were made in regard to this cover photo wow...jake is just so beautiful anywayssss my return to posting fics is a piece I realized was good enough and complete enough to finish and I haven't worked on in months so enjoy! Maybe eventually I'll work up a part 2 and then wait months to post that...anyway theres a potential for a josh moment in this let me know what y'all think hmmm...
Word Count: 8.4k | Warnings: swearing, drinking, angst, and some smut 18+ (just fingering?)
Josh found himself alone at this dive karaoke bar for a multitude of reasons. And he could count on his hand all the ones that made this Jake’s fault. 
Jake had insisted that the band do another outing to a bar for photographs, he had hated the ones from when they went to billiards and Josh had missed those anyway. This was supposed to make up for it. But then Jake had come down with food poisoning a half hour ago and Josh was already there. Sam and Danny had bailed once they heard Jake wasn’t going to make it. 
Why hadn’t Josh been late like the rest of the band? He had to walk because his car was in the shop and had left early to give himself ample time. And why –? Because of Jake. He had borrowed Josh’s car to take a quick camping trip up in the mountains the other week and an engine light had popped up when he returned it to Josh. So since Josh was already there and had no car to drive him home easily, he decided he might as well stay for a drink before walking the 25 minutes back to his home. 
That’s how he ended up with a beer in his hand watching drunken strangers absolutely demolish beloved karaoke classics. And he meant demolish in the worst sense possible. That is, until, one girl bounced up to the stage, a blue mini bucket of alcohol in her hand. She wore a pair of purple plaid pants that buttoned in the front and a matching yellow tank top, with black platform boots that made her seem taller than she really was. Her hair was in braids that swung hypnotically as she walked onto the shitty scuffed up raised edge that the bar called a stage. 
She grinned at a table that had people that were presumably her friends. She and them were the youngest people there besides Josh it seemed. After another long sip from the blue bucket, she placed it on the patched up stool that adorned the stage for people to sit on if they wished. She grabbed the mic from its stand and switched it between her hands a few times before looking out at the measly crowd. 
“How’re we doin’ tonight?!” 
There was a surprisingly large roar of response for how little people were there. Josh looked around the room and saw that most of the bar had livened up at her presence on the stage. If he had to guess, she was a regular. 
“Beautiful, my darlin’s, really. It’s good to see all my friends after such a long week,” She beams as she truly smiles at the majority of the crowd. Her eyes must roam past Josh quickly because he barely feels her gaze on his, but she certainly notices him. He doesn’t exactly fit in. “And any new friends, welcome to the best night of singing you’ll hear in all of Nashville.” 
The crowd laughs boisterously, with some hollers of agreement and Josh swears she just winked at him.  
A guitar riff begins to play softly and then louder, an unfamiliar song to Josh, but the girl nods her head along and smiles to herself before turning on her heels and walking to the back of the stage. 
“I take my time,” She begins to sing, “to walk a straight and narrow line.” Her body follows a straight line as she walks back to the front. She grins, “My mind’s a haze and I am stuck in just one place.” 
She continues to act out the song, performing it with vigor as her melodic voice belts the lyrics loudly. “No I can barely move, no I can’t get away… Well my vanilla shoes, they won’t let me escape!” 
She belts the chorus almost at a level that Josh might and he’s blown away, jaw slightly slack as his eyes track her every movement. She winks again and this time it’s not to Josh and his head is quick to look for the recipient, before realizing he needed to chill. 
For the second verse, she drops to her knees and Josh is in awe that she wanted more than just her shoes to touch the gross floor. Before he knew it she was back to the chorus and then the song was finishing up with a run of ‘la da da da, da da da’ that the bar joined in on and she was grinning from ear to ear singing it right into the faces of the tables closest to the stage. 
The song finished and she applauded the crowd as they applauded her. She laughed and then scooped up her drink and took another sip before returning to her friends’ table. 
Josh wanted to go talk to her but he wasn’t sure what he’d say. For once, he was at a loss for words. He didn’t want to just approach her and compliment her singing ability, that felt weird for a karaoke bar, but it was true. She was incredible, much too good just to be singing a single song at a random bar on the outskirts of Nashville once a week. 
Before he could make up his mind on what to say to her without looking like an idiot or worse, an asshole, he looked back to the table he had seen her walk over to when the song finished and saw that she was nowhere to be seen. Gone. His first instinct was to look around the rest of the room, look down the rest of the bar top and see if she was waiting for another drink…No such luck. Josh waited for another hour of wretched singing in hopes that she would pop back up, but she had seemingly left without her friends who still sat there laughing and drinking the night away.
Josh managed to drag Jake back to the bar the next Friday. The same bar where he’d seen that girl perform flawlessly. He was still in awe of how good she was just to be doing karaoke, even in Nashville. She was an incredible singer and performer yet it didn’t seem like she was trying to make it in Nashville, she was just there having a good time with her friends. Maybe she was just visiting but Josh had a hard time believing that any tourist would end up there on purpose and the way the crowd responded to her gave away her loyalty to this haunt. So he was left to hope that she was a regular who came in like clockwork and she would be there again tonight. 
At around 10:30, Josh was starting to get nervous that he was wrong and she wasn’t a local or she didn’t come every week on the same day and Jake was starting to get antsy no matter how many Jack Daniels neat Josh supplied him. But at 10:35, Josh was no longer worried, nervous still…maybe. 
She trounced up to the stage once more in a similar fashion as last week. An easy smile on her face and slightly droopy eyes from alcohol mixed with something else. She cleared her throat before pointing at the two girls at the high top table she had just thrown her jacket at. Josh couldn’t remember whether they were the same people as last week or not. 
Josh wondered briefly if she’d sing a similar song or if it’d be completely different. 
He didn’t have to wonder for very long because she pointed her finger next to the dj, subtly and steadily cueing for him to play the song now that she was settled on the shoddy stage. 
A bluegrass song began to sound and after one strum of the recording of the guitar she began to sing. Another song Josh didn’t seem to know, which puzzled him, but also delighted him at her thought-provoking nature. 
“C’mon down to where them tracks cross High Street, we’re gonna watch the whole world go insane.” 
She sang along to the words without looking at the monitor again, clearly knowing the song. Last week she had belted the lyrics with strength, this week, she was still strong, but she let a bit of a twang enter her voice and Josh wondered if it was just part of her performing the song because it sounded so authentic.
“Laugh if you want, really is kind of funny,” She regards the crowd after singing the chorus once more, “’cause the world is a car and you're the crash test dummy!” She points her finger and since Jake and Josh were seated at a hightop this week, about centered with the stage, it felt like she was pointing right at them. 
When she caught Josh’s eye for the third time in a row, Jake also leaned forward at her performance, whispering, ‘is that?’and Josh nodded before he could finish. Her eyes shifted to Jake and they widened a little bit. The twins noticed since they were watching so intently but before Jake could widen his smile or even half-smirk, her eyes had moved on and he was left feeling a little perplexed. 
The song was longer than the last one she had sung, but her energy was a little different. Not less, but shifted. She hadn’t greeted the audience and maybe it was because she had seemed late, given that she had run in and thrown her jacket on the table as if this was always her time. She also seemed more intoxicated than last week, but so was Josh so he couldn’t be sure. 
Afterwards she goes to the table with her jacket and as much as Jake and Josh want to go talk to her, someone comes up to them and interrupts. They ask for a picture and talk with the twins for a while, since the guys were nice and didn’t want to be rude to a fan. But when they look back up, she’s gone. Again. Her jacket was no longer on the high top where the two girls sat and Josh shook his head in dismay. Jake still looked around hopefully, making them sit there for another half hour in hopes that she would return. But as Josh had learned last week, she wouldn’t return for another week. 
The third week, Josh and Jake convinced Sam and Danny to come as well, hoping to see her once more. Entranced by the mysterious singer who was performing for free here, they implored their bandmates that this performance was worth the seedy location. Plus, the ambiance was starting to grow on Josh now that it was his third time visiting the establishment. Jake was happy to return as well, even brushing his hair for the occasion. 
Jake and Danny started with beers while Sam ordered a Topo-Chico seltzer and Josh got a Salty Dog, feeling the need for something stronger than a beer tonight. By around everyone’s third drink, it strikes the 10 o’clock hour. Then like clockwork at 10:34 she stumbles in and walks to the stage throwing her jacket at the bar today and grins at the bartender and gives him a two handed thumbs up and then a salute to the dj. Once again, she didn’t have a drink in hand, but she was clearly intoxicated. 
“Hello friends,” She smiles at the crowd, “Did ya’ miss me?” 
The hollers follow and she does a little bow as if she lived to serve this dive crowd. 
A familiar tune begins to play shortly after, the salute to the dj seemed to have been an indicator to begin the music. The four men look at one another before looking back to the stage to find her staring straight at their table. She salutes them as well and begins to perform a song that Josh, as well as the rest of the band, was almost painfully familiar with. Mountain of the Sun by Greta Van Fleet.
“The sun shines brighter from above and you’re the one that I love,” She sings, almost mimicking the way Josh sings it on the recording, “Climb the mountain even higher, kiss the sun and fight the fire!” 
She grins and gets the crowd ready for the chorus, acting out the words like always. 
“I’ll make you mine, you’re my sunshine,” She belts it and lets her voice sound a bit whiny as she hits different dips in the words. 
During the guitar solo, she does an air guitar and plays it superbly. Afterwards, Jake raises his hands over his head and claps loudly, bringing her attention back to their table. He was a little drunk by then but appreciated her attention to actually trying to make the chords on the imaginary guitar. 
The song comes to a close with an uproar of applause and shouting, a lot of it came from Sam and Danny who were truly blown away by her ability to hit Josh’s notes. She bows once more and moves to leave the stage with a slight wobble to her feet, the same platform boots she had worn the past two weeks as well. She makes a bee line for the bar, but Josh is one step ahead, waiting by her jacket for her. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” He tilts his head with his inquiry. 
“I’d never say no to a free drink.” She laughs. 
Josh laughs as well and asks what she’s having, she tells him a beer is fine. The speed of her blinking up close shows she’s plenty liquered up. He insists about what kind she might want. She waves him off saying any IPA is fine. Josh suppressed his chuckle, thinking of a conversation – an argument – he’d had with his two brothers about how pretentious it was of them to only drink IPAs. 
“Want to come sit with me and my brothers?” Josh asks once they both have fresh drinks in their hands. 
She gestures for him to lead the way and he smiles. At the table, Jake, Sam and Danny busy themselves with a random conversation in an attempt to seem like they weren’t watching their entire interaction at the bar. The smile she gives them is knowing though and they drop the pretense. 
“Hello,” She starts.
“You’re very talented,” Danny blurts out. 
She falters at the flattery and blushes a little, looking away from the table of men she had been so sure she was going to keep on their toes. 
“Thanks,” She mumbles and takes a sip of her drink. “What do I owe the pleasure of your band stalking me?” 
“Stalking?” Jake questions with a little laugh, embarrassed almost, his own cheeks pinking. 
She arches her brow at him. “Maybe not all of you, but I’ve seen you,” She directs her eyes at Josh as she speaks, “For the last three weeks. It’s why I dedicated my song this week to y’all.” 
“We appreciate it,” Sam speaks up. “How’d you know we’d all be here?” 
“I didn’t,” She laughs, like it was just a joke for herself. “Hell, if none of you had been here, I still would have done it. I love that song.” 
“What are you doing at a bar like this just singing karaoke with a voice like that?” Josh asks, tilting his head again. His hand fiddled with the little straw in his drink. 
“It’s just for fun,” She swigs her beer again and shrugs. “I like to come out here and act like a rockstar but I’d hate to actually be one…No offense.” 
“None taken,” Jake responds for all of them and her eyes flash to him, holding his gaze longer than she had before. 
She was between Josh and Sam with Jake and Danny across from her. They didn’t need to introduce themselves, she clearly knew who they were, but they wanted to know her. 
“So do you have a name, Ms. Insanely Talented But It’s Just For Fun?” Sam inquires, since everyone was wondering.
She laughs and smiles sweetly at him, tearing her eyes away from Jake’s. It was interesting to her how they all (except Danny) practically had the same eyes since they were siblings yet they looked so different surrounded by their features and the way they held themselves. 
“That’s it, how’d you guess?” 
They all laugh and then look at her seriously and she gives them her name. 
“Lovely name for a lovely girl,” Josh muses. 
Her eyes flash to his face now, “I figured your twin would be the charmer, but it also makes sense that you’d use that on a girl.” 
The rest of the guys laughed and Josh’s jaw dropped a little as he sputtered an apology, trying to tell her that it wasn’t supposed to be a flirtation, just something he would say to anyone. She clapped him on the shoulder and shook it a little, “It’s alright, kid.” 
She talks the night away with them. For once not absconding out of the bar the second her song was over. They learn a lot about her and she tells them it was nice to meet them. Jake offers to give her a lift home but she declines. 
“I’m an avid pedestrian,” She insists when he tells her that he worries for her safety. “Plus, I live just around the corner.” 
“Then let me walk you just around the corner,” He supplies, a pleading look on his face. He had been entranced with her since last week and after tonight he desperately wanted to get her number. To see her again not inside this dingy bar. But he didn’t want to ask in front of the rest of the band, it felt immature and like they’d mock him for it. 
She rolled her eyes, but secretly found it sweet. Letting him walk her home wouldn’t hurt. 
She waves the rest of them a farewell as they get into their shared cars or rideshares home. Josh winks at Jake and Jake just shakes his head shyly. 
She really did live just around the corner, but Jake manages to ask her a few questions before they reach the entrance to her apartment complex. 
“The song you sang last week,” Jake starts and she looks at him with interest. “I’ve been listening to the Devil Makes Three since then. They’re fantastic.” 
“You really think so?” She responds excitedly. “They’re like my favorite band,” She pauses and adds a little sardonically, “After Greta Van Fleet, of course.”
“Ha ha,” Jake shakes his head at her and his hair falls from behind his ears in a way she wants to push it back behind them. She liked his little ears. “But seriously, they’re really fucking good, I can’t believe I’ve never heard of them before.” 
“Yeah, I heard you guys were real pretentious about music. Figures you wouldn’t have that good of taste,” She goads him again and Jake laughs a little.
“You’re a funny girl, honey,” He says and she quirks her head at the pet name, the alcohol from earlier had metabolized and she was mostly just tipsy from the few beers she had with them. 
“So I’ve been told.” 
She pauses and Jake feels it, stopping with her. They had arrived at her apartment. It was time. 
“Could I get your number? As much as I enjoy hearing you sing and that shitty bar you hide out in, I’d like to see you in the light of day, somewhere not so…charming.” 
She raises her brows at his request, a bit of a smirk twisting onto her face. It masked her trepidation in the same way she’d been handling all of tonight. Coolly, but a little unlike her usual self. She wasn’t sure how she was doing what she was doing, but she had managed to charm an entire famous rock band and apparently one of them specifically. She was in awe, but in the moment she was rolling with it by exuding complete confidence. Normally, she was skittish, like a small woodland creature. At the bar she was cool so she had met them in that persona, that setting, allowing her to play it cool, teasing men she thought were beyond talented. 
“Sure, but isn’t it just so much more fun that you only know me there? I’ve got this whole life outside of it and so do you, yet we convene there and it made you want to know me more. Are you sure you would notice me walking down the street?” 
The smile that graces Jake’s face is almost in disbelief and it was so big he felt his cheeks hurt a little but he didn’t care. 
“Of course that’s your response.” 
She smiles genuinely, the smirky flirtation falling away as her giddy shyness creeps up. The reality of the situation dawned on her with Jake’s strong cheekbones and brows, his big brown eyes, soft-looking hair, parted lips puffing out breath into the cold night air all staring back at her. 
After exchanging numbers, she tells him to let her know where he wants to convene with her outside of the bar and he promises he will. Holding to his word, he texts her when he gets back to his own home, letting her know he got home safe at her request as well as an implorment to go out with him tomorrow. 
She finds herself at coffee shops and record stores, small gigs of big bands, nice dinners, quiet walks and of course the dive bar every Friday with Jake and his bandmates. It shouldn’t have been that easy. It shouldn’t have been a rockstar finding a girl in the last place he might have found anyone of interest. She thought she shouldn’t have wowed him the way she did. After every date, every day, every night, she went home and asked herself what it was about her that Jake found so intriguing for the last month. He had stolen a few chaste kisses here and there, but he didn’t press for more and neither did she. She couldn’t understand it. She wasn’t used to easy. It almost felt like Jake just wanted a companion not a lover. A friend but nothing more, which she didn’t necessarily mind. She just wanted to know why. 
On the third week of them going to karaoke together, Jake took her hand in his and asked if she wanted to do a song together. She had laughed and agreed when she realized he was serious. 
“What do you want to sing?” Jake asked.
“We should probably do a duet, right?” 
“Only if that’s what you want.” 
Her head tilts and she smiles up at him. He returns it with a small one. His brothers watched on as they conversed quietly with one another. 
“What’s the verdict?” Josh asks when he sees them nod at one another, her smile more giddy than his. 
“Don’t go breaking my heart, Elton John and Kiki Dee,” She beams and then gives Jake a little wink who chuckles. 
“Well isn’t that sickeningly sweet?” Sam interjects and she rolls her eyes at him. 
She had gotten to know the rest of them relatively well since their first official meeting all those weeks ago. Sam was the younger brother she never had but always wanted. He had learned he could never best her after their first real conversation, but that didn’t mean he didn’t still attempt to goad her. 
The first conversation consisted of them talking about their homestates, something normal for people who’ve just met to talk about she guessed. 
“So you’re from California,” Sam stated when she and him had been left to their own devices one night when Danny was stuck at the bar waiting to be served and the twins were talking to the act who had just finished up at a more private, nicer club in the heart of Nashville. 
“That’s pretty cool,” Sam continues. 
“Yeah,” She says again, her lips curling at the sides, and he rolls his eyes and huffs a slightly annoyed breath. In the beginning she had been wary of them all, not sure if Jake was going to keep her around for very long or what was going on. Not that the last part had changed, but she was less wary of them all now. 
“I’ve been a few times.” 
“Like Los Angeles?” She replies. 
Sam hums in affirmation, taking a swig of a glass beer bottle and swallowing, looking like he’s ready to launch into discussing Los Angeles now, finally finding a common ground they could discuss. 
“Oh, I’m not from there,” She stops him. “And honestly? You haven’t really been to California, if you’ve just been there.” 
He gives her a bit of a glare and she laughs, unfazed. She went on to school him on the brilliance of California outside of Los Angeles and outside of any city in the state actually. He was left with a bit of wonderment for her ability to describe the California coastline and the different national parks that littered the state. After that, he liked her a lot more. He didn’t just see her as some random talented chick that he was confused as to why his older brother kept bringing around. He understood. She was fascinating. 
She didn’t know that, but whatever that special charm was that she held was maybe the reason Jake kept her around. And why he took it slow with her. Because he couldn’t quite puzzle her out yet. As much as they hung out, he still felt like he barely knew her. He’d ask a question and while she’d answer it, he’d be left with a hundred more in its place. All begging to be asked. 
She puts their names down for Don’t Go Breaking My Heart with the DJ, Jason, who was a good friend of hers. He laughed at her when she blushed about Jake singing with her. Jake and Josh watched on, the conversation she and the DJ were having unknown to them.
“Any progress?” Josh inquires. 
Jake chuckles and ducks his head, gazing into his glass, “Not even a little.” 
“I told you, weeks ago. She’s an enigma. Did she ever explain why she always would tear into here at the last moment before her song and then run off?” 
Jake shrugged and swirled his glass, taking a sip while keeping his eyes on her talking with the DJ. “Just said she was committed to coming here every Friday so even if she has other stuff going on she’ll still figure out a way to get here in time for the 10:35 slot. We just happened to catch her on the nights where she was otherwise preoccupied.”
“That is…” Josh trails off, watching her turn towards them with a dazzling smile directed at Jake. “Confounding.” He sighs and Jake looks from her back to his brother, for the first time wondering if her voice wasn’t the only thing that had brought Josh back to the bar time and time again. 
She looked at Josh and gave him the same smile, but shortly turned her attention towards Jake once again. The way the light shown on Jake made her never want to take her eyes off of him. It wasn’t exactly radiant on him the way it was with Josh, it was quieter but just as, if not more, meaningful to her. The light brightened his soft brown hair that flowed over his shoulders and whispered around his neck. It darkened the circles around his eyes and gave them a serious somber look, but it bounced off his perfect smile that offset the brooding eyes, making it impossible not to wonder more about him. Even if Jake confused her, she loved the absolute mystery of him. 
At 10:35, hand in hand, the odd couple made their way up to the stage. There were extra hollers tonight when the regulars saw she was bringing a partner with her onto the stage. It didn’t help that Sam and Danny were yelling at the top of their lungs and Josh was whistling as well. Jake gave them the finger, but she just grinned. This stage felt like home. Every. Single. Time. 
“Hey y’all…This is Jake, be nice to him, it’s his first time up on the big stage.”
She winked at Jake when he laughed wholeheartedly. It bubbled out of his chest and he couldn’t stop himself from kissing her cheek, she pushed at his chest in a playful way, loving the feeling of his soft lips on her. The poppy beat came in when she nodded at Jason. She wiggled her hips a little and Jake grinned down at her. 
“Don’t go breakin’ my heart,” Jake start, his voice strong and smooth but tinged with slight nerves.. 
“I couldn’t if I tried,” She smiles up at him, the pair staring into each other's eyes already. 
“Oh honey, if I get restless?” Jake smiles and widens his eyes, trying his best to play it up for her. 
“Baby,” She pushes his shoulder a little harder this time. “You’re not that kind.” She walks away from him and then flips around getting ready to sing the chorus. 
He twirls her around, deciding to bust out the dance moves he knew best. Her giggles sound through the mic and for once she gets lost in the feeling rather than the song. Jake’s hands in hers and the way he’s looking at her distracts her from singing all of the words. She falters on a few lyrics, but all she does is smile wider. 
He asks to kiss her when the song fades out and she blushes slightly but nods her head with a cheeky bite of her lip. The kiss is filled with more passion than she’d ever felt with Jake, more passion than she’d ever felt with anyone, to be honest. His hands clutched at the small of her waist, hugging her hips and legs as close to him as possible. She feels the tips of her boots bump his. His lips chasing hers and leaning her back ever so slightly as he pressed into her. She feels his lips move against hers and she feels hungry to kiss him back just as hard. Her hands slide from his shoulders and into his hair, toying with the ends for a few moments before the whistles of the crowd get so loud she remembers where they are and she pulls back. Breathless. 
“Where’ve you been keeping that?” 
“In my back pocket,” Jake winks and wraps an arm around her waist, this time leading her off the stage and back to their table where the boys had two drinks waiting for them. 
The kiss leaves her perplexed and wanting more. The rest of the night, Jake’s hand is hot on her hip, hugging her close to him. A physical reminder of his presence in her life. That kiss made her want more than just this limbo state that Jake was keeping her in. Was she his lover or his friend? Was she just a companion to keep around so he wasn’t lonely or did he actually want her, desire her? 
Jake couldn’t discern the look in her eyes for the rest of the night. They were bright and wide, but he could tell she wasn’t fully paying attention to any of the conversations, even the ones that she led. He’d see her eyes wandering around the room, behind the heads of his bandmates. Her mind was beyond the bar and he didn’t understand why. He’d squeeze his hand at her side to bring her back to him and she’d look at him for a moment with a soft smile on her lips before nodding at whoever was talking, pretending like she knew exactly what they were saying. 
Did she want to be with him or somewhere else? Someone else? Was what he gave her not enough to hold her attention? Was he her lover or her friend? Did she want a companion or did she desire him? 
In that kiss, Jake had given his all, begging with his lips for her to understand how much he wanted her. In that moment it felt like she wanted him too, but he couldn’t be sure because since then she’d been miles away. 
After saying their goodbyes to Josh, Sam and Danny, Jake walks her home like usual. But unlike usual, she insists that Jake come upstairs while he normally declines, citing various reasons for why he can’t stay. 
Once upstairs, she starts to make them tea and Jake wanders around her apartment, a mix of dark and light, of bright colors and deep browns. It could be classic but it holds a certain touch for the current style landscape that would never fit in the 60s or 70s. Jake’s fingers drift over the covers of the books that line the walls. Eyes over the prints and paintings. She tells him he can continue to snoop in her room if he wants when she walks out with a real tea set and two types of tea for him to choose from. She kneels on her rug, beside the coffee table and nods for him to sit. 
“Why do you always decline coming upstairs, Jake?” She asks. Simple enough. 
He begins setting up his tea and shakes his head with uncertainty. “I don’t know. I don’t want to rush anything.” 
“And look, you’re upstairs and I haven’t jumped you…The invitation wasn’t supposed to imply sex. I like hanging out with you. I always want to spend more time with you.” 
Jake nods, “Me too.” 
She takes a sip of her tea. The silence is deafening but she can’t bear to try and pick out a record right now. Her fingers were shaking just trying to make the tea. Jake still made her nervous. She was terrified that the truth might hurt her, but the uncertainty was eating away at her. She needed to know. 
“But,” She starts after a sigh. “Do you ever want to?” She trails off. “With me. Because I’m okay if you just want me as a companion, a bit of a friend but a little closer, that’s good and fine. I just want it to be clear…what we are.” 
Jake smiles down at his cup. “Do I want to?” He repeats. “Christ, honey, I fucking would love to, but I don’t understand you. We’ve been hanging out for, what, a month, but it feels like I still barely know you. And a companion? We’re dating, aren’t we?” 
“Yeah, at least that’s what I thought I was doing. Taking you out, introducing you to my friends. You know, the things couples do.” He messes with his lower lip and she knows it's a nervous habit of his. Her hands rest her mug on the table and reach for his hands, he relents. 
“You didn’t say they were dates so I didn’t want to assume anything,” She wraps her hands around his, looking up at him from her seat on the floor as he leans over his knees, sitting on the worn leather couch. “I didn’t think you actually would want to date me.” 
His deep brown eyes widen in surprise, his voice sounds hoarse. “Why would you say that?”
“Cause guys like you don’t date me. I’m nobody compared to the people you and the guys hang out with. We live in different social stratospheres. You’re in a famous band, your dream, and I’m still running errands for the position I want to have someday even though it’s not the career I actually want. We don’t make sense.” 
“Hey,” It’s Jake’s turn to grip her hands harder, tugging her body slightly closer to him. “Sure we make sense. As long as we both want this, it makes more sense than a lot of the fucked up shit in our world. Is that why you don’t want me to meet your friends or know more about you? Because you think it will put me off?” 
She nods and looks away, feeling on the verge of crying. 
“Don’t ever be ashamed of yourself, honey. I really like you, for all of you even if I haven’t seen it all yet. I want to know it all. You challenge me and I want to know it all.” He repeats his want to her and she looks back to him with a watery smile. 
“I was in a really bad place before I met you and this last month has been the best month I’ve had in awhile. So thank you, I’ll try to let you in more.” 
He grins down at her when she laughs at the tear that falls down her cheek. His hand leaves hers to have his thumb swipe it away. His caress gentle as ever. 
“C’mere,” He grabs her waist and pulls her onto the couch with him, cradling her in his lap. He pets at her hair with one hand while the other stays at her waist, giving it a soothing rub. He nuzzles his nose against her ear and whispers, “Never wonder if I want you, honey. I want it all.” 
She keens into his touch, feeling comforted by his warmth now. They sit in silence while her breathing evens out. Jake is patient with her as she presses closer to him, one of her hands resting on his chest and her other encircling around his shoulders, hugging him at a bit of an angle. Her face tucked into the soft but burning skin of his neck. He was so soft and smooth everywhere. She wanted to run her hands over every inch of him, mapping it into her memory. 
Jake speaks up after a reasonable amount of time, maybe it was 10 minutes, maybe it was 30, it didn’t matter. “You really thought I was just keeping you around for? Companionship?” 
He tilts his head to look at her and she lifts her face from its home against him. “Yeah?” 
“Oh honey,” He chuckles, and she raises her eyebrows at him. “I’ve literally got a built in life long companion already. Josh is by my side constantly, which I actually love. But what I want to do with you, what I hope to do with you, is something my twin brother can’t really provide.” 
She grins and feels her heart flutter slightly erratically. She felt an odd desire to consume Jake or maybe this moment. It was too soon to say he loved her but she felt loved in this moment. She felt so safe. She wanted to stay in his arms forever, feel his heart beating steadily in his chest. She wanted to grow into love with him because it seemed like it was possible with him. He was the first man she’d ever let herself imagine a future where things worked out. 
His eyes were steady on hers. He was no longer wondering what she was thinking or why she was miles away. He saw that she was present with him, her gaze matching his in adoration. His hair cascaded around his shoulders and she twisted her hands in it, breathing in the scent that was becoming recognizable as Jake to her. He winked at her when the staring got long and intense. She giggled at him, causing him to smile shyly. 
“You’re kind of like all I’ve ever wanted,” She mumbles as she presses herself further into him. Her nose bumping his before she placed a gentle kiss against his soft lips. 
When she pulls back, Jake hums, his hand on her waist pressing her back into him, not ready for the kiss to finish. After a more prolonged making out with one another, she pulls back breathless and laughs at Jake’s expression. Hungry. Needy. 
“Honey,” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair that had been significantly tossled by her insistent fingers, running and twisting through the tresses, entranced by the softness of it. “Please let me love on you just a little tonight?” 
“How could I say no to that?”
“Good,” Jake smiles again and she wants to make him smile for the rest of her life. He nuzzles his nose against her cheek and places a kiss to it and then her other cheek, her nose, eyelids, forehead and lips. She laughs with each one, wrapping her arms tighter around his back, bringing them closer and arching her back slightly as he leans her back. 
Her laughter soon turns to heavy breathing, a bit of yelping in surprise and finally a long unfiltered moan. Jake’s kisses had moved to her jaw and neck, suctioning and licking insistently at her skin. She held onto him harshly, fearful that if she let go she’d fall down with how he had her leaned back. 
She felt his smile against her skin when she moaned. He rasps against her skin, “C’mon let me hear you, honey. You make such pretty sounds on stage, I bet you sound even better like this.” 
She whimpers in response, pushing her hips against Jake’s lap, starting to feel the burning in between her legs. “Jake,” She sighs when he chuckles and sucks on her skin at the base of her neck and her collarbone. 
“Do you want more, honey? Just tell me, I’ll give you whatever you want. Just tell me and it’s yours.” His eyes are wild as he pulls back from her and stares into her face. His cheeks flushed as he took a deep breath, attempting to minimize how out of breath he was just from kissing her. 
“I want you to touch me…” She pets over his ruffled hair, adoring the way he looked at her with such intensity. 
He squeezes her shoulder and waist where he was holding her, “Was I not just touching you?” 
She rolls her eyes and wiggles her hips, “C’mon rockstar, you know what I mean.” 
If more lights were on, she would’ve seen the bright red that Jake’s blush turned at her words. “Yeah, okay,” He stutters a little. 
She smiles at his uncertainty, only slightly confused that he wasn’t super confident in this situation. He seemed like the kind of guy where sex would barely faze him, but it seemed that intimacy meant more to him than she might have thought. 
He shifts their positions on the couch, draping her over the cushions so that she could lie back. She fiddles with the buttons on Jake’s shirt as he moves them and he nods at her silent question. She tells him to do the same and he begins to work on the few buttons on her pink striped dress shirt as well. Shirtless, now, leaves both of them gaping at one another. She smiles shyly up at him and Jake dips down to give her a quick kiss. She giggles and runs her hands up his soft naked chest. His hair drapes over her shoulders when he lowers over her again. She reaches a hand up to touch his hair now, conflicted on where she wanted her hands to be on him. She wanted to touch everything. 
He sighed as her hand ran over his scalp and she felt him nudge against her clothed center. 
“Jake,” She sighs, “I want your fingers.” 
“Okay, honey,” He nods and trails them down her torso to the button on her pants. His lips follow the path, kissing as he goes. 
He looks up at her when he successfully undoes the pants and pulls them down, leaving her in a cornflower cotton thong and her black lace bra. One of his long slender fingers dances lightly over her clothed mound and her hips stutter as she tries to refrain from whimpering once more. It had been so long since someone else had touched her here and she was over the moon that it was Jake. 
He taps at her legs and she opens them wider for him. His hand trails down to travel down her slit, still teasing her over her panties. He presses his middle finger against her entrance and pulls back up to her clit that now felt like it was on fire. She was breathing heavily, her chest heaving with Jake’s watchful eyes going between her face, her chest and her pussy. 
“Fuck, honey,” He breaths. “You really need this, huh?” 
“Yes, Jake, please just take them off.” 
He nods with a bite of his lip and concentrates on his fingers curling around the blue fabric at her hips and pulling down. The cool air that floods the hot flesh that was just exposed is enough to offer some respite from this exquisite torture. For good measure, as if he knew, Jake leans down and blows more air on her pussy, spreading the lips to really make her squirm. 
“You look good enough to eat,” He mutters before swiping a finger through her folds, a noncommittal swirl around her clit before pulling away. It’s enough to make her whimper, she was so sensitive. 
“Your cunt is so fucking wet,” Jake sounds overcome with surprise and happiness. He runs his fingers along her slit once more and brings the fingers to his lips. “Like fuckin’ honey, I knew it.” 
She surpresses a smile and bucks her hips involuntarily. Jake continues to babble, in disbelief that she was this wet just from him kissing her and how sweet she tasted. 
When his fingers finally enter her, she cries out. A hand reaches out to grip Jake’s jaw, bringing his lips back to hers as he begins to pump into her cunt. His pink lips move against hers as he tries to keep his pace steady, but greedily he wants to see her fall apart around his fingers. He wants to see her face when he makes her cum so that he can memorize it. Conjure it up when he’s away from her and has his hand around his cock, imagine he’s fully inside her, bringing her this pleasure. 
His hand has sped up and she’s staring at him with a slack jawed expression. His fingers thrust into her with a wet sound as her juices soak his hand and her pussy. “Does it feel good, honey?” 
“So good, Jake. So fucking good. Keep going.” 
His thumb begins to circle her clit and she begins to moan louder. It slips against the nub, flooded with her slick. Her hips move with his hand and he grins down at her and she can’t take her eyes off his face, how happy he looks. 
“Will you cum for me, darling? I want to see you cum pretty with my hand in your cunt.” His fingers are massaging inside her walls and they both feel them tighten. His dirty words sent her over the edge. A mix of profanities fall from her mouth as her hips begin to shake and buck on their own volition. Her orgasm flows through her and Jake watches after giving her a hard kiss. Her chest rolling and her knees trying to close but his arms keep them open as he pumps her through it. 
After she comes down, Jake gently removes his hand from her and sticks his fingers in his mouth before wiping them on his jeans. She watches him with wide eyes and closes them when he runs his clean hand over her hair. “You are perfect,” He whispers. 
“So are you,” She replies with a slight laugh. “Can I?”
She nods at his bulge, but he shakes his head no. 
“Another time, honey. I wanted to do this without getting anything in return.”
“But, Jake, it must hurt a little? And I want to…” Her hand moves to flutter over it but he pushes it away and grabs her hand instead. 
“I promise I’m fine, but if you insist, I’m also not against getting off.” 
They laugh together before she languidly removes her hand from his, unzips his pants and pulls his cock out from beneath the boxers it was straining against. Her eyes flit between her movements and Jake’s face. He huffs out a breath of anticipation. Her light touch on him feeling like so much after getting so worked up over her noises and taste. 
His brows furrow as her hand begins to pump his length and he’s trying to contain himself, embarrassed by how quickly he’s ready to cum. She must sense his unease. 
“Just let go if you’re ready, Jake. I can imagine you’ve been wound up for a while. It’s hot that you’re already close.” 
“Yeah,” He huffed a laugh, his voice raspy. “I’ve imagined this for a month now and it’s just, fuck. It feels so good.” 
She smiles at him and leans over his tip before he can protest. Her lips envelop his head and suck it into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it gently, coaxing him to cum in her mouth while her hand continues to rub over his shaft. The wet soft suction of her mouth sends him over the edge he’d been trying to stay on top of, but he can’t stop himself from cumming down her throat. She hums in admiration as the warmth fills her throat and Jake throws his head back in exhaustion. His hair splays around him on the couch as his eyes tilt close for a moment as his chest heaves, attempting to calm himself. He couldn’t believe she’d just swallowed his load like that, no hesitation with no request. 
She tucks his softening cock back into his boxers delicately after cleaning him up and crawls up and cuddles into his side. He smiles with a sigh, his eyes peeking open slightly to look at her. Her hand runs up and down his chest, stroking the softness and cherishing his warmth. She smiles when he notices his gaze. 
“That was nice,” She suggests  in a whisper. 
“More than nice, honey. I think we’re going to continue doing that for a long, long time.” 
She giggles and tucks her head into the crook of his neck, placing a chaste kiss against the slightly clammy skin. 
“Okay, Jakey.” 
They settle into a soft silence. Content with one another. Jake strokes over her arm and hair while she remains hugged to his chest. Loving his warmth and firmness against her. 
should there be a part 2, lmk what you think inbox is open and reblogs (w comments and concerns, esp) are always welcome
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maddie-van-fleet · 11 months
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———————————July 26—————————————
Summary: It was always your dream to be a concert photographer, and you had finally landed yourself a reputable status as a freelancer. Life, though, takes a turn when you land a job for Greta. The plan was to do the job, in and out, nothing more, but things get quite complicated when you start to develop feelings for a certain guitarist.
MINORS DNI—18+ only!!
• • • • • • • •
After arriving at the bar, everyone gathered at a couple tables in the back of the bar, next to the pool tables, that way it wasn’t as crowded as the front area. Josh, Danny and Jake sat on one side of the table , as you and Sammy sat on the opposite. Immediately the boys started talking about the shows and ways to improve the next stop, at which you kind of zoned out. It was only when Josh spoke to you that you were brought back, “So….what do you think Y/N?” You quickly look over, and feel a blush warm your face. “Oh..Uh sorry, what did you say?”, to which he giggles before answering, “we were just discussing how you’re the best photographer we have seen so far out of all the ones we have had on tour.”
You shyly look down and shake your head quietly letting out, “O-oh that is too nice of you guys…. I’m …i’m really not that good”. Josh once again shakes his head, placing his hand on yours on top of the table, “No Y/N, we mean it you’re amazing! And i think we had already decided, and were gonna wait till monday but …” he looked between the boys waiting for their approval, and they all nod, even Jake giving his head a slight shake, “ Y/N, we want you to stay….” you look at him, your eyes growing wide, and go to say something before he cuts you off, “we want you to stay not just for the tour…but full time!”
Breaking into a huge smile, you jump up, “NO WAY!! Wait, you guys are being serious?” They all nod with huge smiles on their faces, Danny adding in, “of course! We want you to stay, you’re not allowed to leave us anymore” as he lets out a chuckle, you turn to bear hug Sammy before running around the table, hooking your arms around Josh and Danny squeezing them as tightly as you can.
As you go to pull away, you feel yourself looking for Jake out of habit, before seeing him walking away toward the bar. For the third time that night, you feel that small sense of self hatred come back. You feel someone hook an arm around your shoulder and lean his head against yours, “hey….he’s stubborn. He will come around soon.” You lean into Josh’s touch, absorbing his positive energy, hooking your hand around his waist, “did…did he even want me to stay?” Waiting for the answer felt like years, and subconsciously you held your breath, hoping it was what you needed to hear.
“He does. No matter what happened he still cares for you. He just…sometimes he’s too stubborn for his own good. And with you….everything is amplified. It’s harder for him to express his feelings.” You nod, pulling him in tighter. “Thanks Josh…for forgiving me.” He pulls away just enough to look at you and smiles widely, “Thank you for apologizing…feels good to have my best friend back” , he leans away so the other boys can hear as he says, “I was getting tired of dealing with these guys alone.” The other two roll their eyes, before also getting up to grab a drink.
The night had gone quite smoothly to your surprise, full of endless pool games and taking shots for every trick shot. The group had just finished a game, which ended with an epic showdown between Danny and Sam, with the latter coming out victorious. You had been laughing at Sam’s endless bragging, but felt the smile fall from your face as you turned to the bar to grab a drink, and saw Jake, with a very curvy blonde girl leaning completely into him. From afar, it just seemed like any normal couple, but you felt heat rise in your face as you saw the girl raise her hand to move his hair behind his ear, him leaning his face into her hand. You tried your best to ignore it, turning around to gulp down the drink you had.
Needing another one, you walk over to the bar, being sure to steer clear of the pair. “A salty dog please” you told the bartender, keeping your mind preoccupied by playing with a cocktail napkin on the counter, and succeeded until you heard a high pitched laugh come from your right. You glanced over to see the same girl leaned over laughing , with her hand on his shoulder, and Jake leaning in to whisper something in her ear. To say you were upset would be an understatement. Not only were you upset, but you felt a fire burn in your heart that you weren’t used to.
You grabbed your drink, thanking the bartender before storming off back to the table. You sat down quickly, slamming your drink on the table before gulping it down again. The boys looked at you with wide eyes. “Woah, are you okay Y/N? You never drink that much.” Danny asked looking at you with concern. “I’m fine, i don't know what you mean” You cross your arms turning to the side. You know it isn’t their fault, but you figure being short with them is better than letting your anger out on them.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Sam nudge the other boys, pointing his head toward the bar, seeing Jake. “It’s because of him isnt it?” he asks. You look over at him, not answering but looking back at Jake before turning back around. There is a little moment of silence before you decide to speak up, “I…I like him, okay? This whole…cold shoulder thing…. It was already painful enough but THIS…i can’t.”
You turn to face the table, pushing your straw around your empty glass. It felt like a weight off your shoulders telling them that, but what you weren’t ready to hear was the boys let out a giggle. You looked up at them with a hurt look on your face, “I’m sorry…what exactly is funny?” They all sit in front of you, “Y/N, we already knew that. We knew way before everything happened that you liked him…it wasn’t exactly a mystery.”
“Wait you guys already knew?” You asked exasperated.
They all nodded, with Josh leaning forward to say, “we knew since the day you came over to practice, and the only time you’d put down your books was when he asked you to.” Sammy then leans in, “or when you would come over for dinner and you’d ALWAYS choose the seat next to him”, then Danny comes in, “or my personal favorite…at our bonfires when you’d sit and watch him play his acoustic for hours…”
Hearing all of them bring up different moments brought on a sense of embarrassment that you couldn't describe. “O-oh…well why did you guys never say anything? You want me to believe you guys just gave up the chance to tease me? That doesn’t sound like you..”. Sitting up , you adjust awkwardly in your chair. Placing his hand on your knee, you hear Sam say, “we didn’t feel right doing that. We knew with your anxiety it would trigger you and we hate seeing you have an attack just as much as you hate having them.” You nod, thankful that you have friends who would think like that.
Shaking your head aggressively, you speak up, “It doesn’t matter anyways…clearly he isn't interested anymore” glancing up at the bar again, seeing Jake now has his hand around the girl's waist, and kisses her cheek. “I wouldn’t say that yet… you just gotta make him realize it for himself.” Curiously you look over to Josh. With a smirk on his face he stands up, walks over to you, and pulls you up from the chair. “Here’s the plan. I know that Jake is a very jealous guy. If you want his attention, give him a taste of his own medicine. Find a guy to flirt with! If he still likes you, he will get angry…. If he doesn’t care…then at least you can have someone to move on from him…because he doesn’t deserve you if that’s the case.”
You stand there contemplating for a second before you take one final glance at the pair and feel the anger rising again. “You know what? Yea…i am gonna let him see how it feels… and see how HE likes it.” Without even glancing back at them, you scan the bar for a guy that seems to be alone. Once you find one, you fix your outfit, pull your shirt down to show a bit more cleavage and sway your hips as you walk.
You walk up to the bar, “can i get one salty dog please?” , you ask in the sweetest, most sultry voice you can manage. You glance over at the guy, batting your eyelashes, and luckily the guy catches your eye and starts a conversation.
*****THIRD PERSON POV*******
Jake finally manages to get the girl away from him, by saying he has to join his brothers again. He knows he led her on a bit but didn't plan on seeing her ever again after tonight so it was harmless. His emotions were just too all over the place with the whole Y/N situation, he couldn’t possibly think about any other woman. He heads back over to their table, the boys just talking about the shows as he walks up, “But yea i think we should add a bit more pyro to the safari drum solo…to help fill the gap a bit” Josh goes on as Jake takes a seat. “You guys planning stuff without me?” he asks as he sits beside Sammy. Josh looks at him, “Well we couldn't wait for you all night …you were occupied” he let out the last word with a hint of venom to it.
Jake was taken aback by his tone, scrunching up his eyebrows, “Ok? Sorry i just….i needed a distraction….y/n coming back, it really messed me up” he said honestly. Josh just nods and sits silently. Jake looks around realizing someone is missing, “speaking of Y/N…where is she?” He watches as all their eyes land on a spot to the right. He looks over to see Y/N….sitting on a man’s lap. Jake does a double take as he takes in the sight in front of him. At first he just sits in silence, but then he sees the guy grab her ass as he begins to kiss up the side of her neck.
This causes him to fume, and he balls his hands into fists so hard that his knuckles are turning white. “When…how long has she been with him?” Jake asks, trying to hide the anger in his tone. Danny shakes his head with a smirk, one that Jake didn’t see with his eyes trained on Y/N, “I don't know…she went to get a drink after she saw you and that girl…and she didn’t come back.’ Jake just nods his head, “I thought she didn’t even want to come? Didn't she say she was going to stay at the table the whole night?” he asks furiously, not being able to hide it anymore, as he sees Y/N completely turn, now straddling the man. “Yea but… she was tired of having to stare at you grabbing a girl's ass all night ….so i guess she decided to distract herself.”
Then Sammy adds in, “Yea you can’t just expect her to be okay sitting here having to see that…you know she likes you”. Jake turns to Sammy and shakes his head. Letting out a sigh and rubbing his hand through his hair, Jake quietly says, “yea but i… I didn't actually like that girl. Like I said, she was just a distraction.” Once again Josh trains his eyes on the bar as he says, “well you may wanna talk to y/n soon because she isn’t gonna wait forever for you.”
Jake turns back around. Now Y/N has turned back around, and is grabbing a drink and her ass rubbing against the man's crotch. This is the final straw as Jake stands up abruptly.
The last 5 minutes have been excruciating. This guy was the actual definition of a douche, and if Jake doesn’t do anything soon, you’ll have to find a way out of this and FAST. You had been laying on the flirting thick, and you knew it. You were never one to sit in a guy's lap or be very physical without even knowing them, but remembering the anger you felt seeing Jake grab that girl's ass, fueled you every step. You had just got done straddling him, to grab a drink and were slowly grinding against his crotch, when you suddenly felt a hand tug your elbow, leading you away from the man.
You didn’t have to look to know who it was. “Hey bro, it isn’t cool to flirt with someone who is taken.” The man looked over at Jake before smirking, “she doesn’t seem taken to me…she came onto me.” Without even as much as glancing at you, he fires back quickly, “She’s drunk. Do you always take advantage of women in bars?”. The man stands up and walks toward him, and you feel Jake’s arm push you behind him. While you SHOULD be mad at him, you can't help the butterflies you feel as he moves to stand in front of you.
“Well I think you may be the problem…what? You can't get it up? That's usually why women seek out other men…if they aren't getting satisfied at home.” Jake doesn’t say a word, as the man takes another step forward and continues on, looking around at you, “you can come home with me babe, i can show you what its really like to get fucked.”
“I’m gonna give you a chance to walk away….NOW” Jake says as he balls his fist up at his side, face red from anger. You can see him visibly shaking, as the man again takes a step forward, “Ya know a whore like you needs a good fuck, clearly thats why youre throwing yourself at people” and again he steps closer, about an inch away from Jake, “you’re a slut and you deserve to be treated like one”. That’s all it takes for Jake to finally snap and it happens in a split second as you see him throw a punch landing right on the guy's nose. He falls back against the stool, cleaning off some glasses causing them to shatter on the floor. He slowly gets up and swings a punch back, Jake tries to avoid it but misses the timing slightly, and the guy catches his lip.
Before it can go any further, the security comes to rip them apart and drags them outside. You turn to look at the guys, signaling you'd be outside with Jake. You whip out your phone confirming that you'd be outside with him and to leave you two alone so you can talk. You slowly walk outside, knowing this would only lead to a fight seeing how mad Jake is, but you also couldn’t leave him without knowing he is okay. You open the door to the bar and step outside to see the guy being led to his car by security, and Jake being told to leave.
You walk up, and try to remedy the situation, “S-sir, he’s with me. I will take him home.” The man turns and asks, “He didn’t try to hurt you maam?” Jake’s eyes grow wide with rage, “WHAT THE FUCK, I WOUL–”, you cut him off before he can make it worse and softly say, “No sir, he was helping me. I promise it’s okay.” The man nods, gives Jake one last look before heading inside.
The tension between you two could be cut with a knife, yet you refused to speak. If Jake wanted to remedy the situation, he could, but you were done putting in all your emotions and effort for nothing in return. It was quiet for what felt like forever, and you had just turned around to head back inside when he finally spoke up, “what the hell were you thinking?” You turned around to see his eyes trained on you, his face still blood red, “What are you talking about?”
Jake lets out a sarcastic laugh as he walks closer to you before hissing out, “You know exactly what the fuck i’m talking about. Don’t play dumb.” WHAT did he just say?! You scoff, crossing your arms, “Excuse me? So what? Am i not allowed to flirt with anyone now?” He looks down at the ground and shakes his head, taking a deep breath, “You call that flirting? He was basically groping you the whole time. Wouldn’t exactly call that anywhere close to flirting.” Now it was your turn to laugh. You never thought you would hear these words from Jake, especially targeted toward you. “Oh and you’re any better? Because from what I recall you also were groping a girls ass and were so close it was like you were attached at the hip.”
“That is different.”, he let out dryly. “Oh? And how is that Jacob?”, you stood waiting to hear what ridiculous excuse he had. “I wasn’t interested in her. I was just talking. I wasn’t kissing her neck or shoving my crotch on her ass.” ,his words ripped through your heart like venom and for the first time tonight you felt the anger finally taking over. Taking a deep breath, you decide to fire back, digging deep. “Who said I even liked him?”, Jake went to speak again but you cut him off, “and even if I DID, what does it matter to you? You told me a day ago that you didn’t even know if you liked me.”
He walks closer, teeth gritted, and you swore if you could see steam escaping his ears you would, but still you continued, “So to be honest, you’re being a real asshole. You ask me to give you time, and i am trying, but i don’t know what you expect me to do when you constantly give me the cold shoulder and then tonight you’re all on a girl, giggling and kissing her cheek….” Now it’s his turn to cut you off, “OH so just because you like me, you expect me to just wait on you every second of the day?! I told you i needed SPACE, that means i need to not see you every damn time i turn around.”
You stand still, knowing he wasn’t done, “That girl was just a distraction, because for once I needed to stop thinking about you..ever since you came back everything is about you. What you did, was disgusting. You should’ve just went home with him because you really were acting like..” He cut himself off before he finished, and it caught your attention. “Like what, Jake? Acting like what?” you asked. At this point you were past the breaking point, feeling so much rage that you couldn’t keep your hands from shaking.
“A slut.”, as the words left his mouth, your heart shattered, but simultaneously your vision turned to red. “Wow, okay. So i flirt with a guy and i am a slut, but you do the same thing and what? It’s all good?” , you ask the last part with sarcasm raising your voice level slightly. “Because honestly Jake, if you wanna get down to it…I see you on stage. The way you lead those girls on, the way you give them false hope…that isn’t very saintly of you either. And you know what?...I have NEVER done something like what i just did.That is way out of my normal and i hated every second of it…and to think..” You turn away from him, taking a breath.
He wasn’t even worth it, and you didn’t want to make things worse by letting your feelings come out. It was very obvious now that he didn’t care. You start to walk towards the door again, but you dont get far as you feel him tug your elbow again, this time pulling you against the side of the building, pinning you with his arms on each side of your head. “What? Finish what you were gonna say.” he hisses out, leaning down so his face is mere inches away from yours.. “To think… that the only reason I did it….was to get your attention….but clearly that was the wrong choice. All it did was turn you into an even bigger asshole than you were when we got here. It was a waste of my time.” You stood firm, keeping eye contact as he stood still.
You could tell his fists had balled up again, and you started to flinch as he leaned in, “Remember our little chat about you being a brat? Seems you didn’t learn from last time.” he whispers in your ear, staying close. You could still feel the anger boiling inside you, but thinking back to that day in the bathroom had you squeezing your legs together to relieve the tension starting to build. Of course, Jake noticed this as you saw a smirk slowly grace his face, leaning so close your lips were almost touching as he breathed out, “ya know…I think you like when i call you a brat.”, you shook your head no, but still he kept going, “or when i teach you a lesson”.
He pauses briefly allowing you to speak out, “No, I actually don’t.”, you speak loudly in his face causing him to back away slightly. That doesn’t last long, though, as he leans back in this time placing his hand around your neck and pushing his knee in between your legs. He leans down, grazing his teeth against your earlobe, “You don’t have to lie. I see the way you’re squirming, the way your heart is racing….” Hearing him say that, you grind against his knee, trying to stand your ground but failing. “That’s it baby, grind that sweet pussy against my knee….I bet you’re so wet right now.”
Subconsciously you let out a soft moan, closing your eyes while trying to fight off the feelings you are having. This continues before he glances up to see your eyes closed, and squeezes your neck tighter. Feeling this you quickly lean up, looking at him again. Knowing this is a battle you are going to lose, you decide to just give in. If he wants to call you a brat, a brat is what he will get. “Ya know Jakey…You do an awful lot of talking but not alot of action…”, he narrows his eyes waiting to see what you were going to say, “maybe that guy is right…you just can’t fuck me as good as i want you to…”
Now it was your turn to smirk, as you saw him lean away, a bit taken aback by your words, before his sinister smile returned. He removes his leg from your center and releases his hands from you completely. All he says is, “That’s not what it seemed like when you were screaming my name…seemed pretty fucked out to me…”, he pulls his phone from his pocket typing a few short words, before grabbing your arm and pulling you toward the parking lot. “Jake…” , you receive no answer, “JAKE…what are you doing?” you ask, trying to pull your arm away but failing.
He says nothing as he opens the passenger side door of his car, and motions you to get in. Knowing where this is probably going, you get in, and try to hide the blush on your face as he leans in to buckle your seatbelt. Still, he doesn’t answer your question until he gets in the car and starts driving. “Jake…” you let out, and he slowly moves his hand onto your leg before saying, “I’m taking you home with me… seems like the brat needs a reminder on how to act.” All the heat goes straight to your core, and again you find yourself crossing your legs from the desire, needing any sort of friction. “B-but what about the guys? We just left them behind..”
He, again, smiles, “Don’t worry..I let them know I was dropping you off because you weren't feeling well. Told them you didn't want to be bothered for the rest of the night.” he let out dryly. “O-oh” was all you managed to say. “SO that way when you’re screaming my name and begging me to let you cum….we won’t be interrupted.” You look over at him, eyes widened from shock, “um…well…uh”.
“Oh NOW you’re speechless? Too bad. You already got way too bratty for my liking.” As he pulled into the driveway, you felt the hairs on your body stand up as you watched him get out, walk to your side of the car, and help you out. Closing the door behind you, he doesn’t bother to even look at you as he says, “Since you didn’t learn anything last time, I'll have to go harder on you….maybe we can get it through your head that you don’t get to have an attitude with me.” You stay still, unsure of what to do, but he reads your mind as he turns, looking you straight in the eyes and pointing at the door.
You give him a look, showing your confusion by his simple action. “I want you on the bed, stripped down, on your knees by the time I get upstairs. You have 30 seconds.” 10 seconds is wasted on you standing there in shock at the words you just heard. Jake had never gone to this level with you before and you didn’t realize how horny he had made you until he glanced at his watch and said, “Now you’re down to 20 seconds…do you really wanna push your luck further?”, causing a soft moan to leave your body as you turned to head into his house, already feeling your wetness pool in your underwear.
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maddie-van-fleet · 11 months
A Night of Revelry | JTK
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Author's Note: Here it is! My second GVF fic! This one got away from me a little bit and ended up a lot longer than I meant it to be. But oh well, Jake just has that effect on me. Again, this is unbeta'd so all mistakes are my own.
Summary: The boys are finally back home on a hiatus from tour and are enjoying some much needed rest and recovery. A dinner party at the Kiszka's house leads to you and Jake admitting some long kept secrets to each other. A night of revelry, indeed.
Content Warnings: mentions of being drunk, fingering (f. receiving), hand jobs (f. receiving), p. in v. sex, unprotected sex (ya'll know better!) swearing, dom Jakey (yes, that's a warning) 18+ MINORS DNI
Word Count: 4544
“Since you want to cum so bad,” Jake says with a dangerous smile gracing his lips, “you’re going to come over here and ride my thigh. And I’m going to sit here and watch as you make yourself come apart. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”
But as you started to spend more time with him, you discovered that he wasn’t always that quiet. When he’s around his brothers, or Danny, or other close friends and family, Jake has a wicked sense of humor that can have the whole room clutching their sides with laughter. His dry sarcasm and witty rebuttals are unmatched – even by Josh. Not only is Jake hilarious, you soon discovered, but he loves to talk if it’s about the right subjects. He’ll talk for ages about films he likes or dislikes, or he’ll go on rants about things he reads, or podcasts he listens to. And of course he’ll talk for ages about his music. His eyes light up when he’s excited about a topic, and in those moments, you can see the same animatedness and excitement that his twin has. 
From the very first moment that you met Jake, the man had been an enigma. He was quiet – content to allow others to fill the silence for him. At first, you’d mistaken his reservedness for shyness. But as you got to know him, you found that he is by no means a shy man. He’s quiet, sure. But he’s confident in himself. Confident to dress as he wishes and to like the things he does without a care in the world. From there, you had assumed that his quietness must be a result of growing up in a household with Josh. Josh loves to talk and you had figured that Jake was simply allowing him to do so. And for a time, that was that. Jake was the moon to Josh’s sun and was simply content to let others fill the silence for him.
The first time you saw Jake play on stage, you saw yet another side of him that you had never seen before. Seeing him up on that stage changed something in you. He commanded attention. From the way he threw his head back as he played to the way he muttered under his breath to his guitar, everything about the man oozed confidence and sex appeal. You’d gone into the show with a growing crush on him, but you left completely head over heels for the man. Time passes, and you only find yourself more and more in love with him as the days go on. And as much as you want more than just friendship, you figure that it’s best to keep your burgeoning feelings to yourself. Jake is a sweetheart – always showing you kindness whenever the two of you hang out. But he’s so out of your league it’s almost funny. He’s a goddamn rockstar, for goodness sake! He could get just about any woman in the world if he really wanted to and you’re fairly confident that out of all of them, you wouldn't be the top choice. 
There are times when you think that maybe, just maybe, he might have feelings for you too. He’s always so attentive to you when you spend time with him – remembering little things that you tell him and always seeming to know when you’re having a bad day. And every now and again he brushes his fingertips over yours when he hands you something or his hand will ghost over your waist when he passes. But you try not to linger on those moments too much. He’s a gentleman who always makes the people around him feel at ease and you realize that it’s just the way Jake is. He’s too kind for his own good (and your own good) so you do your best to push the feelings down.
It’s nights like this night, though, that make crushing those feelings down so difficult. Tours are on a temporary hiatus and the band members are back home for some much needed R & R. And tonight, Karen had invited all of the Kiszka siblings, Danny, and several other family members and friends over for an intimate night of stories and spending time with one another. Dinner had been loud and exciting – as all meals with the Kiszkas are, and now the guests are all intermingling amongst themselves as the sun sets into night. Some are inside, polishing off the dessert and staying out of the summer heat. Others are gathered outside around the fire, sharing stories as Jake and Sam gently strum on their guitars. Naturally, you find yourself gravitating towards where Jake is. You’d just spent a good 30 minutes talking inside with Danny about whether Kurt Cobain actually wanted to kill himself or if he was just trying to get away from Courtney Love (you favor the latter), but now you’re feeling that familiar tug in your chest that always stirs whenever you’re away from Jake for too long. There’s a part of you that’s embarrassed for how attached to Jake you’ve become. You’re independent and consider yourself to be a fairly rational individual, but there’s something about Jake that makes all that fly out the window. You want – no, you need to be close to him. He’s gone so much during the year and you miss him like a limb that’s been chopped off. His absence aches with phantom pains and you figure that you deserve the reprieve of spending time with him while he’s here. 
You take a seat in one of the empty lawn chairs next to him and he gives you a small, private smile, before turning back to Ronnie as she tells a story. His cheeks are flushed with alcohol and his dark, wide brimmed hat lies discarded at his feet. You tune everyone out, and instead allow yourself to watch Jake’s fingers as he plays the guitar. No matter how many times you see and hear him play, his talent never fails to make you feel all warm inside. He loves his music, and his playing reflects that love. It’s like he’s sharing a piece of himself with you all – and you’re thankful that you get to hear it like this. He’s beautiful. That’s the only word you can think of to describe the way he looks right now. 
“You alright?” He asks, noticing the absent look in your eyes. 
“Hm?” Your eyes snap up from his hands to his eyes. “Oh. Ya, I’m good. Just tired, is all.” You can feel your cheeks grow hot as there’s no way he didn’t see you staring at him. 
“Too much alcohol, darling?” He laughingly says in his fake British accent that he’s so fond of. 
“Yeah,” you laugh in relief, thankful for the easy excuse. “Drank a little too much wine, I think.” 
He smiles and immediately you feel at ease again. 
“Happens to the best of us.” He says wistfully, back in his normal accent. “I myself have also partaken a little too much tonight.” 
“You?” You gasp dramatically, “Jacob Kiszka drinking too much? I’m shocked.” 
He laughs and shakes his head. 
“I know. It’s not like me at all.” 
You both turn your attention back to the rest of the group as Josh stands up and dramatically tells a story about something or other, though you still are entirely too aware of Jake’s presence next to you. He puts his guitar down and helps himself to another generous glass of bourbon as the night goes on. The night bleeds from too late into too early and you feel the tendrils of sleep beginning to cloud your thoughts. You stopped drinking a while ago and your buzz from earlier in the night has all but disappeared. You stare into the fire, the warmth from the flame coupled with the voices of your friends lulling you into a relaxed trance. 
“Care to join me for a smoke?” Jake asks, startling you from your reverie. 
“You know I don’t smoke.” You scold him lightly. 
“I know.” He says, rising from his seat and extending his hand towards you. “Join me anyways?” 
You nod and take his hand, allowing him to lead you around the front of the house to a more secluded area. From here, you can just barely make out the voices of the others as you round the corner out of eyesight. Jake leans back against the house and turns his face up to the sky. He looks painfully beautiful like that. You swallow and look away. 
“Thought we were coming over here so you could smoke.” You say, following his line of sight up to the sky. 
“Changed my mind.” He shrugged, turning to look at you. “Come next to me.” 
You pin him with a confused stare but comply. You walk over and lean your own shoulder against the house, careful to leave space between the two of you. 
“I’m glad you could be here tonight. I missed you while we were gone.” He’s looking back at the sky now and you take a moment to watch him. His cheeks are still flushed and his hair is pulled back in a loose bun. You don’t respond for a moment, carefully choosing your next words. 
“I’m sure you missed being home with all the craziness of being on the road.” You finally say. “I’m glad you all are back. It gets boring here without you guys to cause chaos.” You laugh, looking back up to the sky. 
Jake turns to you suddenly and grabs your arm. 
“No, seriously,” He says, staring at you in the moonlight. “I missed you.” 
You turn to look at him and he’s pinning you with that stare that makes you feel like he’s looking right through you – seeing every single thought that runs through your mind. 
“I missed you too, Jake. More than you know.” 
He lets go of your arm, seemingly content that the urgentness of his words were heard. 
“I hate having to leave you here when we go,” he says, “I miss you so damn much.” 
You turn to look at him and he does the same, his dark eyes locking with yours, You don’t really know how to respond. Hearing him say that to you makes your heart flutter in your chest. But you’re wary, too – wary of reading into his words wrong. That little spark of hope rears its head and it’s all you can do not to lean over and kiss him right then and there. 
“I hate it too, Jake.” You whisper, afraid to speak into whatever it is that's just taken place between the two of you. But before you have time to process what’s happening, Jake presses his soft lips to yours. You’re so stunned that you don’t kiss him back and he pulls back wide eyed. 
“I’m sorry.. I- I don’t know why I did that without asking first. I-” His eyes are filled with embarrassment and you can’t help but feel bad for him. 
“It’s okay, Jake.” You interrupt him.” I just don’t want you to do something that you’ll regret in the morning.” You take a breath to try and steady your heart rate as Jake stares at you. 
“So, you didn’t kiss me back because you think I’m too drunk?” He asks slowly, seemingly trying to process your words. 
You sigh. It hurt before, but hearing him say it out loud made the sting all the more painful. 
“Yes, Jake. You’re my best friend. I don’t want to lose our friendship over a drunken mistake.” There’s a small, hopeless little part of you that wants to say ‘fuck it’ and kiss him again anyway – even if he’ll regret it in the morning. Because deep down you know that this is the last chance you’ll ever get. You shove the little voice down. 
“We can just act like this never happened.” You assure him. 
“And what if I hadn’t been drinking before this?” He asks. “Would you have done the same?” 
You purse your lips and look away. The pain of this whole situation is settling into your bones, heavy as lead. 
“It doesn’t really matter, Jake.” You say honestly. “Whatever you’re feeling right now, it isn’t real.” 
Jake looks at you and his eyes carry a hurt in them that you’d never seen before. You want to look away – run away even, if it meant that you wouldn’t have to see that look in his eyes again. 
“I know it’s real, y/n. I may have been drinking, but it hasn’t given me feelings that weren’t already there.” He lets out a shaky breath. “The bourbon just gave me a little more courage to do something about these feelings.”
Your mind is awash with thousands upon thousands of thoughts and feelings. Hope, excitement, disbelief, fear; they all swirl through your mind so quickly you can barely catch hold of any of them. The thought that he might have feelings for you feels absurd. He’s Jake fucking Kiszka. It’s too good to be true. 
“You promise me?” You beg, practically shaking with all the emotions running through your mind. “Please, Jake. I can’t take it if this is just you getting caught up in the moment.” And it’s the truth. If this isn’t real, you doubt you’ll be able to survive it. 
“Answer my question first…” He says, stepping closer to you. “If I hadn’t been drinking and I kissed you, what would you do?” Jake’s eyes are shiny in the moonlight – his expression open and hopeful. 
Oh, fuck it. 
“I would kiss you back.” 
“Oh thank fuck.” He says, before crushing his lips to yours again. This time, you don’t hesitate to reciprocate, opening your mouth and allowing him to explore your mouth with his tongue. You feel dizzy with excitement and disbelief. You’re making out with the guy you thought you could never have and holy shit, it’s better than you ever dreamed it would be. 
“I promise you,” he says in between kisses, “that this is real. Realer than anything I’ve ever known.” 
Jake brings his palms up to cup your cheeks and you place your hands on his shoulders to draw him closer to you. The smell of bourbon and vanilla floods your nose as he presses his chest to yours. He pulls away and you let out an embarrassing whine. He stares at you – his brown eyes swirling with passion. 
“Y/n,” he says quietly, “what do you want?” 
You take a moment to drink in his appearance. He looks incredible with his hair pulled back. His trademark silver necklaces rest against his collarbone and his cream colored dress shirt is unbuttoned all the way down to his stomach. There’s a glisten to his skin from the summer heat and you’re struck with the sudden desire to taste its saltiness. 
“I want you to touch me, Jake.” You plead. 
He gives you a smirk and his eyes dance with mischief and excitement. 
“Come inside. My room.” He laces his fingers with yours and the two of you slip inside, completely unnoticed by the merry crowd outside. You skirt around the kitchen where everyone else still resides and you both bound up the stairs to Jake’s old room. 
Stepping into Jake’s old room feels personal. You’ve been in here before, but it still feels like you’re seeing something you’re not supposed to. The walls are covered in music posters, with artists from Cream to John Lee Hooker. The room smells like Jake – if a little faint, and several old guitars sit leaned against the wall. You stand in the middle of the room, suddenly overwhelmed. 
“Y/n?” Jake asks, coming to stand beside you as he places a warm hand on your shoulder. 
You look at him, taking in his beautiful features in the darkness of the room. The only light source coming from the moonlight spilling through the window. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, concern replacing the desire that had filled his eyes just moments before. 
“Yes, of course! I just-” You trail off, unsure how to put your feelings into words. 
“Y/n, I swear that I’m not that drunk. I’m a little tipsy, for sure. But I know what I want. I want you.” 
“I want you too, Jake. I do. This all just,” you wave your hands in a vague motion between the two of you, “this all just doesn’t feel real. I’ve spent so long thinking this was never a possibility and now I’m just a little overwhelmed to be honest.” You look down at your feet. This is all just too much to process in such a short amount of time. 
Jake walks over to his bed and takes a seat, gesturing for you to do the same. You follow, sinking down heavily beside him. 
“Look at me.” He says, placing his index beneath your chin to turn your face towards him. “Why can’t you believe that I want this?” He asks, a small hint of a smile ghosting his lips. 
“I just never thought that someone like you would be interested in someone… like me.” You say honestly. 
Jake furrows his brows at you. 
“Someone like me?” He grins and you can see the spit on his lips glisten in the dark. “Is it because I’m a rockstar? Super famous? Thousands of screaming fans all across the globe?” 
You scoff and nudge your shoulder into his playfully. 
“Not helpful at all. But yes, I guess so.” 
You both sit in silence for a moment. Your body is thrumming with nervous energy. 
“I’m not sure what I can say to convince you that I want you, y/n.” He says into the dark, eyes trained on the wall opposite the two of you. “I’ve always been drawn to you. Your smile, the way your eyes light up when you talk about things that excite you…” He turns to look at you now, his expression soft. “But this last leg of the tour, y/n…It was worse than usual. I missed you so damn much. I couldn’t ignore this any longer.” 
“You promise?” 
“I promise.” His eyes are full of truth. You see no lie in them. “Tell me if you want to stop, y/n.” 
You nod and allow him to push your back into the bed. He grips your thighs and spreads your knees apart before settling between them. You reach behind him and pull the hair tie from his hair, allowing it to fall freely to his shoulders. He chuckles and kisses you again, much softer now than before.
“Let me show you how real this is.” He whispers. 
“Please, Jake. Whatever you want.”
That seems to be all the permission he needs as he swiftly lifts your shirt above your head before sliding your skirt down your thighs. You reach out with shaky fingers and undo the few buttons that he had bothered to fasten, and you slide his shirt down and off his shoulders. Jake attaches his lips to your neck, leaving warm kisses down your throat. You moan and paw at the belt of his pants, desperate to feel more of him against you. 
“Patience, love.” He laughs as he unhooks your bra and throws it to the floor. “I want to make you cum first. We’ll get to me later.” 
He dips his hand into the waistband of your panties and slides them down. You kick them off as they pool around your ankles. Jake brings a calloused finger to your pussy, swiping through the wetness gathered there. 
“So wet…” he purrs, “All this for me?” 
“Only for you, Jake. Only for you.” 
You whine as his talented fingers begin to circle your swollen clit, just the way you had always imagined him doing when you watch him play guitar. He keeps his pace slow, teasing you and drawing out your pleasure. 
“Do you know how many times I’ve dreamed of this, y/n?” Jake asks as he begins to pick up his pace. His fingertips are rough, but the friction is so good you can barely think straight. 
“I dream about this pussy all the time – I dream about seeing you like this, all desperate and needy, and I wake up so hard it hurts.” He sinks his middle finger into you slowly, while his thumb continues in lazy circles on your clit. He crooks his finger inside you, brushing against your walls in a way that makes you arch your back in pleasure. He smiles, and slowly inserts his ring finger into you as well, pumping in and out of you slowly. 
You whine and buck your hips up to meet his hand, desperate for more. The sound of his voice, gruff with lust, is sending shocks of arousal straight to your core. 
“Jake, please,” you beg, as he curls his fingers inside you, “stop teasing.”
He laughs lowly but doesn’t give you anything more. 
“Use your words, sweetheart. Tell me what you want.”
“You know what I want.” Your voice is shaky and comes out in practically a whine. “Stop teasing. You already know.”
“Wanna hear you say it. Wanna hear those filthy things coming out of that pretty mouth.” 
He’s unrelenting in his teasing. You’re so close, but he won’t give you that last bit that you need to finally snap the coil building in your belly. 
“Please, Jake.” You moan, “Need to cum so bad. Need you to make me cum.” 
He grins and you think that he’s finally going to give you what you want. But he doesn’t. Instead he sits up, pulling his fingers from you, and leans back on the headboard, leaving you laying there confused. 
“Jake?” You ask as you sit up, feeling the wetness of your pussy leak down between your thighs. 
“Since you want to cum so bad,” he says with a dangerous smile gracing his lips, “you’re going to come over here and ride my thigh. And I’m going to sit here and watch as you make yourself come apart. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?” 
You nod, breathless. You crawl your way over to him and swing one leg obediently over his thigh. You can see his cock straining in his pants and your mouth waters at the sight. Next time, you know that you want to taste it. You slowly ease your aching pussy down onto his leg and roll your hips experimentally, dragging your clit against the fabric of his pants. 
“There you go, sweet girl.” Jake praises. He grips your ass with both hands, digging his fingers hard into your flesh. He’s looking up at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. You roll your hips again and start up a steady pace, the friction exactly what you needed. Jake slides one hand up to your breasts, circling and pinching at your raised nipples. His other hand stays where it is, solidly gripping your ass and keeping you grounded as you ride his thigh into oblivion. You quicken your pace as he mutters encouragement under his breath and your orgasm crashes through you like a tidal wave, and you moan his name loudly as you ride your way through the pleasure. You slip off from him and collapse onto your back next to him. 
“Jesus Christ, you look gorgeous like that.” He says as he rises from his seated position. “Such a needy, desperate little girl, aren’t you?” He says as he unbuckles his belt and slips out of his pants. He leans over you and brushes a strand of your hair away from your face and tucks it behind your ear – the softness of the gesture a stark contrast to his dominant words from before. 
“Kiss me.” You say, not at all embarrassed by the neediness of your request. 
“I’ll kiss you a thousand times if it’ll make you believe me when I say that you’re the only woman I could ever want. I want you, y/n. More than anything else in my entire life.”
“I want you too, Jake. Since I met you, I’ve wanted this. Just never thought I could have it.”
“Well, you have it.” He says, brushing his lips over yours. “You have me. And now I’m going to fuck you just to prove it even more.” He pulls his boxers down his hips, allowing his hard cock to spring free. You gulp. He’s big – bigger than anyone else you’d ever seen. 
“On your hands and knees, sweet girl.” Jake says as he pumps his cock a few times. You comply and groan loudly as he sinks his length into you slowly. He bottoms out and pauses, allowing you time to adjust. The coldness of his necklaces on your back feel good against your heated skin. 
“Move, Jakey. Need you to move. Now.” You say as you press your face into the pillow. 
Jake grasps your hips firmly and begins a brutal pace, pistoning his hips into yours. You moan loudly as he groans into your ear. 
“God, you’re so fucking tight, y/n.” His thrusts are fast and hard, rocking your entire body forward with each one. He feels so good you can hardly even think straight. All your thoughts are entirely consumed with Jake, Jake, Jake. 
“Don’t stop, J. ‘m so close.” You can feel your orgasm rapidly approaching and you start to rock your hips back to meet Jake’s thrusts. He wraps one arm around your belly, pulling you tighter to him as he picks up his pace even more. Your face is buried in his pillow, desperately trying to muffle your cries from the other occupants of the house. 
“Gonna cum for me, baby? Gonna cum on my cock?” Jake asks, as he drops his hand to circle your clit in time with his thrusts. 
“Jacob!” You wail as you finally cum, legs shaking as it tears through you. Your eyes are watering and your vision whites out from the sheer pleasure. Jake’s thrusts are erratic, desperate. 
“Say it again, y/n. Gonna cum in your tight, little pussy.” 
“Jacob- please.” You moan at the overstimulation and that’s all he needs. 
“Oh fuuuuck.” He groans as he spills inside you, breathing ragged in your ear. 
He pulls out of you, and you collapse to your stomach, utterly spent. 
“Stay there, sweetheart.” He mutters as he rises to get a wet washcloth. He returns quickly and you roll onto your back. He cleans you up softly, careful on your abused clit and pussy. He hangs the washcloth on his nightstand and crawls into the bed next to you. Placing a kiss to your forehead, he pulls the blankets up and over the both of you. 
“That was… incredible.” You sigh, exhaustion hitting you like a brick wall. You lay your head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. 
“You’re incredible.” He says quietly, voice so soft compared to before. “I meant what I said, you know?” 
You glance up to look at him. He’s got that look in his chocolate brown eyes again – the one that makes you feel like he’s looking right through you. 
“There isn’t anyone else that I would rather be with than you, y/n. It’s not just about sex, as incredible as that was. I want you. As much of you as you’re willing to give me.” 
You press your lips to his in a sweet kiss. 
“I believe you. I want it all with you, Jake.” 
He huffs out a small laugh and kisses you again. 
“Thank fuck.” 
“Mmm.” You hum in agreement, closing your eyes and nuzzling into him. “My rockstar.” 
You miss the adoring smile Jake gives as you fall asleep. 
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maddie-van-fleet · 11 months
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Welcome To Hell
Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, angst, degradation, praise, impact play and illusions to impact play, unprotected sex, language, dirty talk, oral sex, alcohol consumption, etc.
This one spun outta control like I wrote it on black ice. My apologies for length and shitty editing in advance xoxo
Jake hates a scene. Loathes raised voices that might demand the hushed attention of a room. Despises eyes hungrily devouring, unblinking, staring, consuming. The morbid curiosity of it all is abhorrent.
What’s going on here? Those eyes ponder, raking over the situation in devilish glee. It’s human nature, he knows, like when you struggle to look away from something gruesome, but he doesn’t have to like it.
Unless he is strutting his way across a stage, soaking in the anguished, desperate need and admiration of those who buy a ticket to take the ride, he doesn’t want it.
Wrapped in an embellished suit and spilling his soul into the universe from behind a sword made of frets and strings - that is the only time his stoic nature allows him to step into the light when he so often yearns for the shadows.
Jacob is a libertine of the finest sort, but only once the curtain has dropped. Or, with you wearing the marks of his teeth, legs spread wide and inviting, beneath him.
You know of this particular aversion, this detest of observation. Of course you do. You know it now, and you knew it last night. You just hadn’t been able to find the will to give a damn.
So, rather than taking a few deep breaths to center yourself and maybe making the switch to water, you had fumed, allowing frustrated thoughts to stoke the bonfire of anger within you - and you drank. And drank. And drank. Ordering rum and coke after rum and coke until you could feel the bartender clocking you carefully, attempting to decide if he’d overserved you. He had. He most definitely had.
As is so often the case with angry drunks, it suddenly seemed such an ideal time to pick a fight. A good time to pitch your voice loud enough to bring the conversation at your table, in a tucked away corner of the bar, to a grinding halt.
A great time to accuse him of wanting to fuck the bubbly little raven-locked beauty, with the tiny skirt and anything but tiny tits, that had been fluttering around him at the pool table. A sex dripping hummingbird flitting about in his personal space, while he donned a soft, welcoming smile.
A wonderful time to invite him to go fuck himself as you stormed through the crowd dramatically.
A fantastic time to rage against the situation concocted within your inebriated haze, complete with sloppy tears and dramatic overreactions, until Danny had finally wrangled you into an Uber…riding along beside you while you dozed, head heavy on his shoulder. Exhausted from your drunken tantrum.
When you woke this morning, you did so with no memory of how you had ended up in bed, or who had removed the complicated, strappy heels from your feet. Or who, like some great god of mercy, had left the tall glass of water waiting on your bedside table. But you had your suspicions, and they were paired with small flashes of memory that proved you were correct. Daniel. Who else?
Another elusive bit of information was when Jake had finally made it home. You’d found him, splayed across the couch, hair tangled against a throw pillow, boots kicked off, but otherwise fully dressed. He was home, but you were unsure of how long that had been so. He might have collapsed onto the cushions five minutes after Danny tucked you in, or he might have stumbled in with the sun, cock still warm from her mouth.
Though, without the alcohol clouding your judgment, the very idea seemed ridiculous. Jake, with his sleepy eyes and gentle heart could never, and would never, even if he could.
He’d rolled off the sofa while you quietly rummaged around in the fridge, yanking out the ingredients you’d need to create a ‘terribly sorry for being an embarrassing mess last night’ BLT…a peace offering stacked high with peppered bacon and remorse.
When he found you once more, he was showered and looking no worse for wear. He looked so softly domestic in his hard worn jeans and long sleeved T, and you had longed to make amends, but he declined your breakfast of apologies. Even waving off the steaming mug of coffee you held out to him, while muttering something about the studio.
Never one to withhold affection in twisted punishment, he had kissed your forehead and strode out the door, assuring you he’d call if things began to look as though they might run late.
But his irritation with you was evident. Tangible in a way that sent a sharp pang of guilt flashing through your heart. He hadn’t forgotten, and he hadn’t yet forgiven.
You’d spent the rest of the morning ambling through the market. Piling your basket high with carefully selected root vegetables. Bags stuffed full to their brims with parsnips, turnips, and sweet potatoes. Onions, carrots and fennel, nestled in beside the broth and spices that would soon create the base for Jake’s favorite stew.
Veggies, lovingly sliced and diced, were rolling lazily this way and that, dancing in a slow simmer, when the first spits of rain began to pebble at the kitchen windows…
And now, here you sit, waiting patiently at the bottom of the stairs, legs tucked to the side and hidden beneath the hem of his favorite outfit. A worn and tattered, thrifted sweatshirt, at least three sizes too large, displaying the name of a university neither of you have ever heard of.
Inexplicably drawn to it at a flea market the two of you had stumbled upon, you plunked down a five dollar bill and immediately made it yours.
That same night, he’d watched you hack away at the sleeves with kitchen scissors, then hem the jagged edges with a needle and thread, tongue clenched between your teeth in concentration. And as he watched, he sank even deeper into the pool of his love for you.
That unskilled tailoring had resulted in sleeves that were uneven, but no longer swallowed your hands up. You wear that stupid sweatshirt around the house as a dress constantly, hair a mess atop your head in a bun, legs bare, and he doubts he could love it more if he tried.
You don’t know a thing about his little love affair with this particular article of clothing. Sometimes he says nothing at all when words threaten to fail, which is so very often the case between his heart and the tiny things that make you, you.
He finds you there, biding your time until he slips back into your orbit…waiting for his return with hopeful eyes glittering with love. That love softens his resolve and he feels the annoyance that has tried his patience all day, lessening.
“Hi.” You sound quiet, your one-worded greeting weighed down with contrition.
“Hi.” He takes his time leaning his guitar case against the door jamb, meticulous in its placement to be sure it won’t shift and hit the floor, and then adds a somber, “Something smells good.” as he pulls off his water sodden boots.
“I made stew.” You’re avoiding his eyes now that you can feel his energy. “Your favorite.”
“S’good weather for it.” He nods, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Chilly.”
You want to rise to your feet, to close the gap of space between the two of you. It feels cavernous. But, you prove rooted in place with the uncomfortability of it all. Are you actually discussing the weather? Like strangers on a train?
At last, you gather your bearings and stand, no longer a deer frozen in the headlights of his disappointment. “Jake…”
“Let’s just forget about it, alright?” He turns away, though you’ve reached for him. “Maybe it was a little much. It’s understandable that you’d be jealous, she was pretty. Beautiful, really.”
He’s said it to be cruel, to be hurtful, and the low blow has successfully landed, but you pretend it hasn’t. On with the show. He won’t remember she ever existed to begin with by the end of the night.
“But you’re still upset, baby…” you breathe the words gently and nuzzle your nose along his jawline. “You’re still angry with me, underneath it all. I can feel it.”
Relaxing his stance in your arms he huffs a tiny sigh. “I just— I don’t know why you have to—“
Your teeth graze over the delicate scar that lives just below his cheekbone. The spot that never fails to render his heart soft and his cock hard. “Why I have to what, Jake? Misbehave?”
A smoky ‘fuck’ slips of his lips when your fingers curl into the waist of his pants, tugging the linen with just enough force to remind him of where your fingers are.
“You should make me behave.” You kiss your way along until you find his mouth, licking into it with a quiet and obscene hum.
“I was mouthy and so mean,” your palm slides across his warm, soft stomach, fingers inching further downward just to hear the breath in his lungs catch. “and you’re always so good to me, Jake. So sweet. I don’t deserve it.”
Deeply perturbed though he may be with you, his love runs deeper still, “you do deserve it, sweetheart. Even when you’re drunk and terrible, you’re still my favorite girl.”
The pad of his thumb trails across your bottom lip, string-worn callous catching the velvet skin that scrubs and masks keep silken. “Careful with my lips, Jakey,” You lightly scratch against the sparse, downy hair that trails his navel. “I work so hard to keep them soft for your pretty cock.”
His hand runs up the nape of your neck and, with his fingers wrapped around the base of your bun, he snaps your head back with a deft flick of his wrist. The searing sting makes you hiss through your teeth and he calls back with a groan through his own clenched bite. “I didn’t ask for your smart mouth. You’re in trouble and I think a bit of respect would be a wise decision on your part, don’t you?”
“Yes, sir.” You arch forward, longing to press yourself against the sturdy warmth of his body.
Rather than allow it, he loosens his hold on you and steps back, studying your flushed face as though he’s never laid eyes on you before. As though he’s heard tell of what you’re capable of, and is deciding whether or not it might be worth his time to fuck the brat out of you.
“You want to be punished?” He walks his fingers down the outside of your thigh, barely making contact with the trembling muscle you’d give anything to feel him bury his grip into. To watch him spread you open wide and claim his prize.
You nod, cock drunk on him already, though you’ve yet to see it, touch it, worship it.
He tilts his head, as if weighing the possibilities “What if I take you outside, hmm? March you to the gallows?” His touch remains far too light, too gentle. “Make you pick a switch…put you over my knee right there on the front porch, show the whole neighborhood what a nasty fucking handful you are.”
“Whatever you want, Jake.” And you mean it. You probably shouldn’t, but you do. God help you, you mean it.
“Call me Jake one more time and I’ll wash your mouth out with soap.” He warns, pressing a finger to your lips. He doesn’t want a response. Watching you play by the rules for once will do just fine for him, thank you.
In a breath, his hand is warm between your thighs, fingers toying with you, taunting, teasing, withholding. “Upstairs. Now.” His demand comes gently, but it leaves no room for discussion all the same. “Everything off. I’ll be up when I feel like it.”
You wait without patience, but he isn’t in the room to scold you for fidgeting this way and that, nor is he close enough to hear your tiny huffs of annoyance…
…until he is.
You never hear a sound. Not a creak on the stairs, nor footfall in the hallway…he simply appears in the doorway like a specter. An apparition, bathed in darkness and sex, sent to ruin you.
Your black phantom moves closer, eyes never landing on you, though you wait on display for him. Nipples pebbled and aching, sitting on your heels with your knees parted so that he might catch sight of his favorite place to play.
He ignores all this and instead, focuses on the soft lengths of rope you have laid out beside you at the foot of the bed.
Jake knows this rope. His thoughts skip to the white rose bushes you planted out back one sunny morning, in homage to his band. You’ve cut it from the spool you use to tie the bushes to stakes, ensuring they grow straight and strong. He will never look at those white roses again without remembering this moment.
“And what is this for, baby girl?’ He runs a length of it through his fingers thoughtfully. “Are you expecting to be tied down? Would you like that?”
“Yes.” When did your voice grow so meek? “Tie me down and punish me…any way you’d like.”
He drops the rope, entirely disinterested, “Spread your legs and touch yourself. Love on her for me. She must need it bad by now.”
You obey instantly, earning a lazy smile in reward. But as quick as that smirk appears, it vanishes, when he leans in close enough to brush your nose with his own, while you circle your clit with faint pressure, careful not to get greedy.
“I don’t need rope, sweetheart.” He hushes like a secret “You will stay where I put you. You will lie still when I say so, and you will move when I say so. You will do as you’re fucking told, or you will suffer the consequences. Are we clear?”
Leaning in, your tongue laps over his lips, desperate to taste him…he takes momentary pity on you and offers the tip of your tongue a gentle suck before straightening.
Wandering over to the dresser, he begins digging around in your top drawer, shuffling satin and lace around, searching. “I’m thinking of filling your pretty mouth up. You look so lovely with my cum dripping off your lips.”
A sound of wanton anticipation whines out of you. “You like that? You want to get down on your knees and ask forgiveness? Prove how sorry you are with a cock in your mouth?”
He’s fucking obscene, and you plan to relish every second of his condescending filth. You sigh shakily in confirmation and lick the lips he spoke of so indecently, eager to get on with it.
“Well, it sounds like you want it, so I suppose that isn’t much of a punishment at all, now is it?” At last he turns, and you drink in the beauty of his face.
“Put these on.” A scrap of fabric lands on the duvet beside you.
Fingers clasped around white silk, your eyes squint in question. “You’re asking me to get dressed? I thought we were moving in another direction here, Kiszka.”
He is across the room in a blink, grip locked around your chin. “Watch your tone, miss mouth. You’re toeing a line you don’t want to cross, I promise you.”
The brat in you shoves up her sleeves, ready to get to work. “Or what? Are you going to bend me over and spank my ass until I beg you to stop?”
The light in his eyes snuffs out, leaving only a menacing darkness that sets your pulse to racing as he slowly leans in. Lips caressing the shell of your ear, he strokes a thumb down the swell of your breast. “No, Sweetheart, I’ll bend you over and fuck your ass until you beg me to stop.”
A sigh of a gasp escapes you, fluttering his hair.
He straightens and casually pets your hair, “But we don’t need to worry about that, do we? Because you’re going to be a very good girl for me, aren’t you? You’re going to be the best girl - all for me, isn’t that right?”
Your response comes immediately, and without thought. “Yes, sir.”
“You see?” He smiles, booping your nose with the tip of his finger. An innocent, cuddly act that doesn’t match the tone of the room “My baby girl has such manners. Now,” he swats a finger at your cheek, “put your panties on.”
“Why?” You’re doing as you're told even as you question him.
With an off handed air, he answers, as if bored with your inquisitiveness. “Because I’d like to taste your cunt on them, that’s why.”
“Please?” Oh, how fucking pathetic you are - and oh, how little you care.
“Please what?” He is so quiet, so tender, as he sinks to his knees before you, you can almost trick yourself into believing he’s going to give in.
“They’re on.” You snap the elastic at your hip and fall back on the bed, nestling into the cool cloud of blankets and sheets beneath you. “Taste me on them. I want your mouth.”
He hums softly, the back of his knuckle trailing over your clit as it aches in desperation. “You’re beautiful everywhere, aren’t you? My pretty, pretty girl. Don’t you wish for a kiss, baby? Wouldn’t that feel nice? Soft and slow? Right here on this perfect clit?”
His fingers wander with just enough intent to make your hips rock as he gazes down between your thighs “Sweet and swollen. Just wants to be spoiled a little, doesn’t she?”
Nodding eagerly, you fist at the blankets, grounding yourself. “Please,”
“You want my mouth?”
Suddenly, you have it. His tongue, like warm, wet satin, laps over you through the scant material you’ve already soaked. “Like that, baby?”
He sounds so smug “is that how you want it? Or do you want it like this…” his fingers peel your panties aside to allow his tongue to wander along freely.
A muffled hum chokes it’s way out of your chest “Yes, baby, please. Don’t stop…” your hips thrust up to meet him “More...”
“Aw, sweetheart…” he taunts, landing a cruel smack against your center that makes your thighs snap together “and you were doing so well, too. Bossy gets you nowhere, little girl.”
Shoving your legs apart, the pad of his thumb circles over the dripping material that is, once again, concealing your clit. “Think you can cum like this?” He sounds so casual, as though he’s asked you for the time. “If I touched you and licked you just like this?”
As his face draws nearer, you begin to pant…breathing lust heavily into the room. “Yes! Yes! Please, Jake…”
His eyebrows raise, mockingly pondering your face as you stare down at him, silently willing him into action “But I’m not even really touching you. I’m touching your panties, that’s all. Are you really that pitiful? Needy little pussy, dripping and begging.”
“Fuck!” Your fist tangles in his hair, tugging at it urgently and without care.
He hisses at the burn of the sting - the flash of pain he has never hidden his affections for - and then there are both of his hands, wrapped around your throat carefully. Ever mindful to never hurt you in a manner unintentional. To never get carried away and leave a mark he hadn’t thought out, coaxed a tear he didn’t anticipate.
You’re left to whine under his wicked glare until, at last, his voice comes…guttural and threatening, yet still glazed in velvet, lush and rich. “Fucking behave yourself. I won’t tell you again.”
His grip tightens, locking you in the warm vice of his hands. He sees the insubordinate gleam in your eye, and he’s warning you, though he knows it will do no good. “And if I don’t?”
The second you speak, you wish you hadn’t. He isn’t the only one who can read the thoughts behind your eyes, and a poisoned malevolence is darting about in his.
“If you don’t,” he offers you a cruel tip of his brow, like he thinks the answer should be obvious. “If you don’t, I’ll make you watch her preen, pretty and sweet, with my cock down her throat.”
You ought to be ashamed for the way your body writhes and throbs at the very idea of it, but you’ll worry about that some other time.
“You’re evil,” you breathe.
He seems amused as his thumb begins to stroke over your pounding jugular, “Am I?”
“Yes.” You’ve never wanted him more.
“Well then, pretty girl…” his tongue snakes up the side of your cheek, “welcome to hell.”
Hours may have ticked away, or perhaps just minutes. It’s entirely plausible that time stopped its monotonous shuffle all together, and you’re now floating in limbo.
There is no way to tell. There is only Jake.
Jake, as he moves above you slowly, deliberately - tangled waves of silken chocolate gently swaying, creating a hazy curtain of his scent around you as your vision blurs.
“Harder, baby…” your words are quiet, barely a whisper, and pointless. “Please.”
“Shut up.” He hushes back as if confessing his love. “I’ll fuck you harder when I decide you deserve it.”
You shouldn’t do it. It’s manipulative, and underhanded. You do it anyway. “Did you really want her?”
You know he didn’t, you’re simply aiming to weaken his resolve. It backfires in a way you’d never expect.
“How do you know I didn’t have her?’ He taunts mercilessly, slipping his thumb in your mouth to pry it open. He speaks into it, licking and sucking at your lips and tongue between vicious words, still sliding in and out of you at a maddeningly slow clip.
“How do you know I didn’t go home with her?” He eases his thumb into your mouth for you to suckle comfortingly “Maybe, while Daniel was tucking you into bed, I was tucking my cock inside her?”
“Liar.” You choke out through a moaning clench around him.
A feral sound growls out of his lungs as you squeeze up tight. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t think about it. You were being so mean. Maybe I wanted her because she looked at me like I hung the moon and made her little pussy all wet and messy.”
Your teeth bury themselves into his flesh, but he merely curls his thumb and pries your bite open.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” With a blissfully swift snap of his hips he fucks into you a little harder. “You don’t wanna play in the kitchen anymore now that the heat’s caught up with you?”
Your hands move to latch onto his shoulders through the shirt he has refused to remove, his pants are only unbuttoned and shoved down far enough to slip inside of you, he says it’s all you’ve earned.
Yes, your hands reach for him, but he puts a stop to it with a harsh, clipped, order. “Hands down. Now.”
Palms once again flat against the bed at your sides as you’ve been instructed, he carries on fucking you, filling the room with your desperate moans and whines, and his bullshit lies.
“I wanted to put my hand on her waist right here,” he tucks into the dipping curve just above your hip and grips tighter and tighter, tugging you closer. “Yeah, right here, just like this. Just the way you like. Right where I grab you when you’ve been a good enough girl to take it hard.”
He can feel the muted fury seize your muscles up tight while your heart begins to pound a hyper-beat of fiery madness, and he jabs at you further with a taunting grin, smoothing his palm flat up your trembling skin sweetly until the globe of your breast is cupped in his hand. “And I’d have done it, baby girl. I’d have fucked her, but I knew you’d smell her on me…perfume that wasn’t yours, the scent of her skin, of her pretty cunt…”
“Fuck you,” the blow comes out of left field, even to yourself, and lands hard upon his cheek.
He fights the recoil and nuzzles into it, body humming with electric lust. “You’re so mean, sweetheart. Do it again.”
“Please!” The sobbing need turns your plea into a prayer, fraught with the desperation he has grown completely addicted to.
It rips a carnal, raspy groan out of his chest. He is full of lies, and he knows it just as well as you do. He needs what only you can give. You’ve rendered him a man willing to do anything to get even just a taste of the way you love him.
But, Jake loves the game, as well.
His warm clutch, rough from the unforgiving metal of strings, closes around your throat once more, eyes fluttering when a moan chokes out of you.
You sound like angels sighing, but he doesn’t allow himself to be lost completely, lest you win this round.
“I said, do it again.” Teeth clenched, his demand comes with authority that leaves no room for defiance.
He steels himself to absorb the blow, but his cock twitches wildly inside you upon the cracking impact and you can’t help yourself. “You like that? You sick fuck.”
A grin, flashing and gorgeous, settles upon his beautiful lips. It steals the moment, shaping it into something new, something softer.
“You fucking love it. You want me to hit you back, I can see it in your eyes.”
You can’t hide anything from him - never could. He reads you with astonishing ease; fingertips racing deftly over the tiny blips of braille that map your thoughts. The rushing thump of your pulse spoken word poetry whispering secrets to him.
“I do.” Your confession slips off your tongue with quiet confidence. You are safe with him.
He caresses your face gingerly, adoring you with a feather-light touch you haven’t asked for, “I’d never hit you, baby. I don’t want to.”
A frown that you try to fight pulls at your lips, eliciting the softest chuckle from him, baptizing you in his love. He is your sweet Jakey again. Just that quickly. You don’t know whether to rejoice or mourn. “She pouts because I refused to mar her lovely face. Scandalously filthy, sweetheart.”
You take advantage of that pout he can’t seem to resist, “Fuck me harder now, sir. I need it, baby.” Sir and baby intermingle strangely, but something about it works.
“Yeah? You need it?” He begins moving faster, roughly jerking his hips back until only the silken tip of his cock rests inside you before driving back in, punching a cry of relief out of your lungs each time, over and over and over.
“Let me touch you…” you’re panting and struggling to speak.
“Go ahead, baby,” he sounds so gentle, but he dips down and bites into your neck viciously, releasing only to groan your praises as your fingers lace into his wild tangles “there’s my good girl, there’s my good fucking girl.”
He sweeps airy kisses over the apples of your cheeks, each in turn. “Pretty little piece of heaven, just for my cock. All snug and soft, aren’t you, sweetheart? My girl.”
Nodding in frantic agreement - you are his girl. You couldn’t be anyone else’s - you raise your head and press your forehead to his shoulder, wailing against the cotton of his shirt as you bite into it…so close you can nearly taste the grainy, sugary sweetness of your long awaited release.
“Cum for me pretty, baby.” His demands are breathing out of him tenderly now…gentle as the rain that’s still tapping at the windows. “And say my name, it sounds so beautiful on your tongue. Makes my heart hurt.”
You know what he means, sometimes there is too much love between the two of you. It batters itself against the cages of your hearts. Enormous and overwhelming, threatening to split you wide open at the seams of your very souls…it is too much, and it is never enough.
And you do; you call his name. Chanting it like the chorus of your favorite song, pressing it into the cracks in the wood, etching it into the glass with your cries, so this room, this house, never forgets the love it once held.
The house will remember him as well, the pained sounds that claw out of him wildly as he fucks you through it, and lets go, sinking into you as though he’d like to disappear inside you completely.
This is all that matters. Jake. You. Love.
You’re both breathing up at the ceiling, hands clasped between you as you hunt down some semblance of calm.
“The stew.” You remember, too tranquil to really care.
He sounds just as serene as you do, “Took it off the heat before I came up.”
You squeeze his hand in silent thanks. “We’ll go down and eat soon. I’ll heat up the bread I picked up and…”
Trailing off, you don’t finish your sentence, but he’s crossed over into half-sleep as well, so there’s no one to notice.
Some time later, you blink slowly awake, confused by the darkness in the room. He stumbles his way back to consciousness soon after, and the night settles in with you curled in his lap on the back porch, sharing a bowl of stew - the rain, now nothing more than mist, dancing on the grass.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @lvnterninthenight @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard
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maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
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Jake Kiszka X Female Reader
Summary: You'd always felt as if something was missing. Nothing made you happy. Until you met Jake. And finally everything made sense. You'd needed a Master all along. (Strap yourselves in. It's practically a novel.)
Warnings: Full BDSM. Praise & Degredation. Dominance play. 100% filth. Oral & Penetrative sex. Thigh riding. Spanking. Fingering. Choking.
It is said that each of us live three separate lives simultaneously. The first is our public life which we live out in the open. In our politeness when we greet new people. In how we conduct ourselves at formal, and informal, events. Beneath that is our private life. Shared with only those closest to us. Where we can reveal a little more of ourselves to those trusted few.
And then there is our secret life. In which we show ourselves to no one. Where our darkest desires co-exist alongside our fears and insecurities. Our secret lives are the thoughts that plague us, convinced we are the only ones to have considered such depravity. Telling ourselves that we are wicked.
You were languishing in those wicked thoughts as you sat in your car. With the A/C cranked up and the windows closed.
Recently unburdoned of your previous relationship. Feeling like you'd hit the pause button on life and everything was moving exceptionally fast to catch up. He'd never made you cum, anyway. Your tears were wasted on a man who spent an inordinate amount of time swirling his thumbs around a playstation controller in lieu of your desperate cunt.
You pulled the key out of the ignition. Wiping your cheeks with a napkin from the burger place you'd passed earlier. Trying to reconcile your shy, passive demeanour with the needs which had never been met. Putting on your public face, ready to smile when all you wanted to do was stare into the void.
It would be when you had nothing left to give that he would walk into your life. With a smile that invited you to fall in love with him upon sight. With a sweetness rarely found in a person who merely intended to pass you by. He was charming before he even opened his mouth to speak.
A pair of shades slid down his nose as he lowered his head to appraise you. Immediately sending the danger receptors in your body into overdrive, your pupils visibly dilating. But there was nothing nefarious about his voice. You were bitterly confused.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, smooth and calm as if he had never been nervous in his entire life.
You took hold of the hand he extended forth. Terrified that he would be disgusted by your clammy skin. Instead, he held your hand within his a little longer than was necessary. Leaving you wondering if he had meant to, or if it had simply been an accidental touch.
"Lovely to meet you too." You replied softly, feeling the curve of your mouth tremble under his scrutiny.
Because he was scrutinising you. You could feel his eyes from behind those shades taking mental pictures of the way your skin had that glow of summer heat. Perspiring just a little at the cleavage.
The way he spoke was in direct conflict to the intimidation you felt being watched by him. His warm greeting was assuring, making you feel dizzy as you stood under florescent lights.
"What part of Nash did you come from today?" He asked politely, dulcet tones distracting you from the way he kept his hands in his pockets after shaking yours.
"Uh....Germantown." You offered, peering around the room at all the framed discs and memorabilia on the walls.
"Nice." He said, nodding. "A beautiful part of town."
You were inclined to agree. To continue in this strange dance of outward propriety. Until you felt the door behind you open, a rush of warm air hit the back of your legs and you were propelled into another polite exchange.
A stressed and breathless woman dressed head to toe in black scurried into the building. Carrying a totebag filled with paperwork and a starbucks. A set of keys dangling off a lanyard at her neck.
"Oh, you're early." She announced, pleasantly surprised as she dumped her bag on the back of the yellow couch that sat directly in the centre of the room. "Excellent. I'll grab your forms and you can get right to it. I see you already met Jake, our lead guitarist."
He made a point to smirk at you before skulking off to a room at the back. Almost laughing to himself, making you feel as if you had imagined the whole scenario.
Jaded, almost, that he had left you standing there completely unsatisfied.
"Uh...what exactly will I be getting right into?" You asked innocently.
The woman in black handed you a pen.
"Oh, honey... this isn't going to be one of those fetching coffee types of internships. I'm going to need you on the ball ready for any chaos that ensues with these guys. Ok?"
You took the pen and held it to your lip, scanning the contract she handed to you.
"Ok." You replied, knowing it didn't matter either way.
You weren't going back to being someone's second choice. In a job you hated. In an apartment overlooking a brick wall. Whatever this was, this chaos...you welcomed it.
The internship was something you had stumbled upon by chance. A mutual friend had heard about it from another mutual friend. In the Nashville music and art scene, it wasn't unheard of. It wasn't something you had ever imagined you would do, though. But when you found yourself at an impasse in life, somehow it had made sense to start something new completely from scratch. Taking care of a Rock band couldn't be that hard, could it?
The hours were long. The pay was nothing more than experience and as you signed the dotted line, it felt as if you were signing away a part of yourself that would be forever altered.
"That's great." The lady in black said excitedly, taking back the form you'd barely looked at. "My name is Jenny, I'm the day to day manager. You'll be working closely with me, but there will be times I will need you out on the road using your initiative. Can you do that for me?"
Even if you couldn't, you'd already signed.
"Whatever you need, Ma'am." You replied stoically, knowing that if you couldn't you would find a way somehow.
At the bones of it, the job was simple. Follow the paper trail Jenny left behind. Make sure appointments were kept. Ensure that beer was always stocked in the office kitchen. Clear up the band practice area after they'd used it. You had to be available to drive across the city at a moments notice, during working hours at least. Chase them when they were late. And choose the road. To do all of that across cities far and wide.
But the flesh of it was always going to be what made the job more than it seemed. You were ingratiated into a world that could easily chew you up and spit you right back out.
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They called you Violet. It wasn't your name, but it stuck. Shrinking Violet, because you entered rooms almost silently. You spoke softly and with purpose. Always with your head down, nestled in your phone answering emails Jenny was too busy to give her time to or liaising with media outlets about booking the band for interviews.
Sometimes you would linger in the common area, on the yellow couch, taking lunch orders on long days where it seemed everybody was constantly hungry. Picking up tambourines and macaras that seemed to magically appear as if from nowhere.
You were a part of their public lives. Sitting with Josh in the car when you'd picked him up from his house, which was the furthest away from town, talking about everything from stardust to changing his coffee order. Laughing at Danny when he broke a drumstick, or walking Sam's dog when he was locked in an intense jam session that somehow ended after midnight.
Jake kept his distance. On the periphery of all his lives. Sometimes talking to you as if you were a stranger. Other times, laughing at something and cracking jokes as if he had forgotten you were there. You didn't dare to ask him why. There was always a mellow brooding beneath the surface with Jake, the one which had left you feeling conflicted the first time you had met him. It had never left you.
This unwavering need to please him. To have a kind word from him. The others gave them to you freely. Playfully drawing you into arguments which couldn't be settled. Inviting you to sit with them as they played in the practice area, something that began to feel as if you were somehow now ingrained in their private lives.
"Goodnight, Violet!" Jenny called, hitting the lights over by the door, plunging the room into relative darkness save for the little lamp on your table. "Are you sure I can't tempt you to complete all of this in the morning?"
You looked up from the couch, her shadow barely discernible.
"I'm fine." You replied, "I want to get this done so that I can deal with whatever tomorrow brings."
It had been a fortnight since that first day. You felt a little more comfortable now. In the chaos, the noise. You didn't realise just how much you'd been craving silence until you were alone in the building. Feeling as if you were in your own little world, grabbing a beer from the fridge and kicking your shoes off. You put your feet up on the couch and continued to finish typing up the schedule for the following month.
You couldn't help but think about him, though. The way he sat in a room with you, offering nothing but a stolen glance. The way he would look at you, jaw clenched and then refuse to look at you again.
"Fuck him..." You muttered under your breath, closing the lap top a little more aggressively than you'd intended.
"That's a dirty word."
You spun around. Your heart abandoning it's place in your chest as it tried to beat it's way out of you. You clutched at your throat as you realised you hadn't been alone. Breathing a little heavier than usual.
"I'm so sorry! I thought everybody had left!"
There it was again, that enigmatic grin that left you wondering what his intentions were. He stood in the door way of the conference room that had previously been closed. All this time he'd been in there and you wondered if he had thought he was alone too.
"Evidently." Jake replied, stepping out of the shadows and into the low, warm light of your desk lamp. "Who were you talking to yourself about?"
You hastily grabbed your laptop and jacket off the back, retreating into yourself as you realised it was the most words he had spoken to you in days.
"Nothing. Nobody." You replied, "I'm going home now, anyway."
He seemed amused by you. That smirk turning into a chuckle as he sauntered over to the kitchen to fetch himself another bottle.
"No you're not." He said, grabbing a large unopened bottle of white wine instead of a beer, "You're going to stay and have a drink with me."
You clutched your jacket tightly. Feeling the crimson rise in your cheeks. Your heart a little steadier, but still beating a muffled drum inside you. Your mouth suddenly impossibly dry.
"Sit down." He instructed, perching on the edge of the couch as he poured out two glasses of white zinfandel.
You would have protested. But you needed the wine to take the edge off. You were certain that he merely tolerated you. The occasions where he paid you any mind were coveted with a formality he didn't afford anyone else. You began to question why he would even be here at such a late hour, least of all why he would want to spend his dwindling evening having a drink with you.
He was wearing a white shirt, unbuttoned to the stomach. He played with the collar a little as he sat back, nursing his wine as he stared at you not daring to move.
"What's the matter?" He asked dolefully, as if you'd offended him by not complying.
"I was just about to head home." You repeated, still standing there as you had been when he made his presence known.
"Go, then." He shrugged, taking a sip of the wine as he continued to look you up and down.
You instinctively pulled down the hem of your dress. And he shook his head, tucking his bottom lip beneath his teeth.
"What would you have me do?" You asked, an innocent enough question, but the connotation seemed to catch him off guard.
"What would I have you do?" He echoed, leaning forward to put his glass down on the table. "Why don't we start by having you relax a little."
You put down your jacket, realising you'd been clutching it so tentatively your fingers had grown numb. You sidled into the seat beside him, taking the wine he had poured for you. Sitting with your legs side crossed, trying to keep yourself balanced as he watched every single move you made.
"I said relax." He continued, a little softer than before, seeing how tense you were.
You tried to unlock your jaw. Sink your shoulders. But the darkness was shrouding his face, making him appear so much more insidious than he did in the cold light of day. He picked up on your laboured breath and your reluctance to look him in the eye.
"You really are a quiet little thing, aren't you?"
Perhaps you were still finding your voice. Sometimes you were still a wallflower, precisely the way your ex boyfriend had liked it. So that he could have you whenever he was bored, and keep you dangling on a thread whenever he was occupied.
Jake had given you no indication that his interest in you was anything more than as the intern that you were. And you had tried so hard to bury the way he made you feel. Convinced that it was all in your imagination. That he was no better than the man who had come before him.
"I speak when I have something to say."
He was impressed by your response. Raising an eyebrow. Watching you take your first sip of wine, a little more confidently than a moment ago.
"I like that." He confessed, picking his own glass back up. "People who have too much to say often don't have anything valuable to offer."
Emboldened by the wine, you damn near finished the glass as you took a languid swig. Tossing your head back, the nerves finally choking you out.
He didn't utter a word about it before he was filling your glass once more.
"I've been wanting to talk to you for a while."
You were taken aback by his confession. Feeling your head begin to swim a little. Wine wasn't your usual drink, and it went straight to your better judgements and began to take them apart.
"Sometimes I feel as if you don't like me very much." You replied, almost laughing at yourself for having the audacity to tell him precisely what you were thinking.
He tucked his long hair behind his ear, revealing a silver hoop that shone in the lamp light. He noted how it caught your eye, catching you in a smile that was completely off guard. He couldn't help but smile back.
"I've been... aloof." He agreed. "But for a very good reason."
The way he looked at you then, it reminded you of a lion in the tall grass. Stalking it's prey. Ready to approach. You were helpless.
"What was the reason?" You dared to ask, your voice as meek and quiet as you could allow before falling into a whisper.
"You might not like it." He ventured.
He was still leaning forward. Elbows on his knees. The openness of his shirt revealing his soft chest. A bounty of chains swinging in the air between his flesh and the material, making subtle little clinking sounds.
"Try me." You whispered.
Jake closed his eyes. Swallowed hard. Took a deep breath.
"Tell me about him." He said, opening his eyes as he returned to you from a place where you'd been unable to follow. "Your ex boyfriend. The one you broke up with right before you took this job."
It wasn't where you'd expected the conversation to go. But as Jake leaned back once more, glass in hand and a look of subtle consternation, you were tipsy enough to oblige.
"Not much to say." You shrugged. "We dated for about a year. He wasn't ever going to amount to anything as a person, so I left him. I left everything about that life behind."
Now he was interested. It was the most tangible thing. To see him sitting there, visibly quivering as you spoke. It made you feel something. For the first time, you were excited.
"Everything?" He quizzed, tapping the side of his glass with his thumb absently.
"Everything." You confirmed. "Why do you ask?"
"I want to know you." He replied, without missing a beat. "Truth be told, I want to know everything there is to know about you that nobody else has ever known."
For you, it had come out of nowhere. This desire.
"I don't know anything about you." You pointed out, "Not even why you've been treating me like I don't exist ever since I started here."
He finished his wine and poured another for himself. "That's fair."
You could sense a shift in his demeanour. That clenched jaw returning. The hairs on the back of your neck stood to attention, as if electricity were coursing through your veins as you watched that damned jaw.
"I'd like to remedy my behaviour the past couple of weeks." He said, extending a finger out from his wine glass to point at you. "I'll give you an honest answer to any questions you might have, if you give honesty to mine?"
Finally, you leaned back into the couch cushions. Still conscious of your dress riding up your thighs too high, you placed one in your lap and rested your head against your coiled fist.
"I can agree to that."
The way he smiled had your stomach in fight or flight. As if you had agreed to something far more villainous than a silly drinking game.
Immediately he took apart another button of his shirt, with one careful hand, as if making himself a little more comfortable.
"You're bored, aren't you?" He asked, splaying his palm over the chains that now sat snugly against his chest. "He never made you feel alive, did he?"
It was an uneducated guess, but nonetheless correct.
"I wouldn't have left him if I was fully satisfied." You offered, "And what about you? Why are you so cold towards me?"
"Not cold, never cold." He shook his head, the hair he had previously tucked behind his ear falling out. "Indifferent, maybe. But only because I wanted you so badly."
His words had you reeling for an appropriate response. You could barely breathe as he eyed you, enjoying the way he made you completely defenceless.
"In what way?" You managed, your voice almost breaking at having to ask. "You don't even like me, do you?"
"On the contrary." He retorted, with an air of assuredness growing between the two of you, "I like you very much. And the ways in which I want you are many and varied."
It made little sense to you. You had only ever known men to be troublesome creatures. Being ornately interesting in the beginning to lure you in only to be mind numbingly disappointing thereafter. Jake was eliciting from you the most intense desire to give in to every single fact of who he might be. And you were a little scared.
"Oh, Jake..." You faltered, lowering your head in the way you were accustomed to. "Why are you saying these things to me?"
He inched a little closer. "Because I think you might like it. The ways that I want you. I think there's a part of you that might want it too."
It was bold of him to assume. But as you felt your entire body responding to the fact he had moved closer it was something you couldn't deny.
"I need to know what it is you want before I can know if it's something I want too."
He cocked his head to the side. Brazenly taking the cushion from your lap to reveal your bare flesh. Your dress sitting just below where your underwear sat.
"I am a lot of things to a lot of different people. I'm a brother, a son. People see me playing on stage and decide that I'm their favourite. But nobody knows what I'm thinking. Ever." He reached out to take the wine glass from your hand. "I want you to be the one who knows what I'm thinking. To feel what I'm thinking. Is that something you would like?"
He wasn't like other men. He put a fear within you the likes of which you'd never known before. And you found yourself responding to that fear with the most intense arousal. Your skin felt like it was vibrating. You were weeping from your core, feeling your crotch drenched and the throb take hold.
"Yes." You whispered, trying to remember a time when you had ever felt like this.
Jake stared into your eyes. You noted the brown in his and how they reflected you in the low light that shrouded you both.
"You're not quiet at all, are you? Not really?" He surmised, asking the question but already anticipating the answer.
You tried to swallow past the lump which had formed in your throat.
"No, Sir."
You said it so casually. Without thinking. Trying to remain polite but forgetting that the moment he drew his gaze downwards he would no doubt see the wetness forming there between your thighs.
His eyes lit up at the word Sir .
"Ok. Then that's settled." He replied, taking back all his former intensity as he took the half finished glasses and bottles back to the kitchen, retreating from you.
"What's settled?" You asked, a little annoyed at how he had gotten you so worked up only to walk away.
"You're going to be mine." He replied, without a hint of irony. "And enjoy what it means to be mine."
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He didn't touch you that night. He didn't touch you for most of the day after, either. You walked into the office knowing he wouldn't be there. That you'd be trapped in a day of waiting in for deliveries and other mundane tasks whilst the band travelled around Nashville radio stations doing promotion for their latest song.
It was easy to let your mind run away. Back to the previous night and how you'd rushed home to give yourself some desperate relief. Thinking about the way he had looked at you as you closed your bedroom door and frantically dropped your panties. You'd came within seconds. Visions of him sitting there staring at you bringing you to immediate release.
You were inclined to return to the moment as your phone buzzed in your jeans pocket. You hadn't received a text from Jake before and it felt strange to see his name pop up on your notifications.
You held your breath as you opened the message.
Jake: You're going to work late again tonight.
You were consumed with it for the rest of the day. Wondering when he might appear. Busying yourself to try and distract from the anticipation. Holding conversations with members of the management team who were like a revolving door coming in and out all day, but not really paying much attention to anything they had to say.
It was late in the afternoon when Josh appeared, jovially greeting you as he came through the door. Enquiring as to how your day had been as if it were the most interesting thing he had ever heard. He was flanked by Sam and Danny who were eager to get something in their bellies.
"Foods up in the conference room." You told them, "Sushi and subs."
All three of them disappeared into the room at the back. And you didn't dare ask why Jake wasn't with them. Even when Jenny came through the door, with only a smile and a wave before she headed to where the food was laid out. You stood there wondering if he was doing it on purpose.
Crestfallen, you returned to your lap top to try and see if there were any emails you could deal with that didn't require Jenny's time. Feeling as if you were stupid and ridiculous. Almost on the verge of tears.
Your phone vibrated again. Far more eagerly than you'd have liked, you pulled it out of your pocket.
Jake: Come to the back door.
You flew off the couch. Scurrying towards the door at the back of the kitchen area. Pushing the little handle down so that it opened outwardly, finding Jake stood there wearing the most tedious grin.
Like he had just outsmarted everybody.
"Where do they think you are?" You asked, letting him in.
He smelled like floral cologne with a hint of whisky as he breezed past you.
"Taking a call outside." He said abruptly, "So we don't have long."
He gripped your wrist with just enough force to pull you along behind him. At first, you were in too much shock to question it but as he ushered you into the bathroom and locked the door behind him you were desperate for answers.
"The bathroom?"
He put the lid down and took a seat. He was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, ripped at the knee. That same white shirt open to his belly, revealing his entangled chains.
"The location isn't important." He shrugged, leaning back and rubbing palms down his thighs. "What's important is that you understand what's about to happen."
You shot him an expectant look. As if it were obvious that all you'd been waiting for was this.
"You're a fucking brat, aren't you?" He asked playfully, "Get on my fucking knee."
The colour drained from your face. Suddenly you were a deer in the headlights. Arousal flooding to your core. Blood rushing to your head.
Jake opened his lap, creating space for you to straddle his left thigh. You steadied yourself by placing hands on his knee, facing away from him as he gripped your waist.
"Now grind on it."
The friction was unbearable. Your jeans, his jeans. You liked the way he guided you forwards and backwards with his hands. Your hips rolling as you moved against him. It was the sexiest thing you had ever done.
"I need to know your limits." He said, voice low and authoritative.
"I don't know what my limits are." You replied, keeping a steady pace.
"Have you never been dominated?" He asked, curiosity peaked as he leaned forward to press his forehead on your back.
"No, Sir." You replied, recalling how much he had liked it.
His grip tightened and he let out a faint moan that seemed to come to him unexpectedly.
"Would you like to be?"
It was far too late to ask. You were already in his grasp. Already faithful. You tossed your head back and deepened your groove. Angling your hips so that your clit was pressed against the seam.
"I'm here, aren't I?" You breathed, "I don't know what I need. I just know that you can give it to me, whatever it is."
You quickened and he sank his mouth into your little white t-shirt, pulling the material up so that he could meet your flesh.
"And you'd let me find out what those limits are?" He traced his mouth across your bra strap, moving to unclasp it with one hand kept on your waist. "I have to know before we take it further..."
You'd gone from barely being on the side lines of his public life, plunged straight into the pits of his secret life. He pulled the front of your bra down so that your breasts spilled out, taking your nipple between his thumb and index. Rolling it. Making you begin to moan as you continued to ride his thigh.
"Yes...yes...anything!" You panted, feeling like you would erupt if you didn't rid yourself of your jeans.
He held you firm. His breath hot on the curve of your spine, his fingers toying with your breasts, making you writhe against him with nothing more than the sensation of the movement to spur you on.
"Alright, little Violet. You're ready."
He pushed your hips down. Sinking your clit into the curve of his knee. You were never really sure how he made you do it, without taking a stitch of clothing off. But he made you cum miraculously. You let out the most breathy moan, leaning back into his chest. Keeping the roll of your hips going until it subsided.
"That's my girl..." He crooned softly into your ear, "Fuck, I can't wait to play with you properly."
When you walked out of that bathroom you weren't quite the same person that had been dragged in there. Despite the physical discomfort of soaked underwear and your bruised nipples, you felt like you'd been seen for the very first time. That somebody had finally noticed that you were in desperate need and taken control of ensuring you received satisfaction.
You worked late again, precisely as you'd been instructed to do. Bidding everyone a good night before finding something to keep you there a little while longer. And when the building was empty, he emerged from the conference room just as he had the night before.
Only this time he curled his finger, beckoning you to go to him. The room was dark save for the light coming from the bank of windows opposite. A mixture of moonlight and a street lamp that illuminated the parking lot.
"Get on the table." He said, "And listen to me."
You pulled yourself onto the edge, legs dangling. He parted them and came to stand with his hips at your centre. Using that same finger he had used to beckon you with to tilt your chin up to meet him.
"You are mine, do you understand?"
You nodded silently.
"You will answer to me when I call. And refer to me always with submission." His lips were dangerously close to yours as he spoke. "You will do as I instruct, and trust that it is always for your pleasure as well as my own."
Your breath hitched in your chest and he smirked as he circled your bottom lip with his thumb.
"I will look after you. I will make all the major decisions in your life. You will never have to worry about anything, ever again. If you give yourself to me. Let me play with you. Let me be your master. I'll give you the most freedom you've ever had."
All you could was comply. Submit. Give yourself over to him. You nodded, leaning into his open mouth. Silently begging him to kiss you.
"Uh uh..." He admonished. "Not yet, little Violet. I want to know what you want first."
"You... Just you. Always...you..." You looked him in the eye. "...Sir."
You knew he was yours when he kissed you. A maddening need satiated for him, too. As his lips connected to yours, soft and sweet. His tongue searching for yours, it was as if you'd brought the heavens down from up above and given them to him. There was nothing aggressive about this kiss, nothing but sweet relief.
He gently pushed you back onto the table, laying you down. He took apart the buttons at your waist and pulled your jeans completely off.
"Take your t-shirt off." He said, softly demanding, taking apart his own shirt and jeans.
When all that was left to remove was your panties, you looked up through the valley of your breasts to see him parting your legs wide. He pulled the white lace down the length of your legs, making you hook your feet over the edge of the table as he leant down to greet your aching cunt.
"Your pussy is beautiful." He told you, making first contact with a swipe of his middle finger up your dripping slit. "I knew it would be."
You softly giggled, trying not to appear too amused. But enamoured by the way he made such a bold statement sound so sweet. He smiled up at you as he kissed your inner thigh.
"It's ok, you can laugh." He said, falling into a breathy chuckle of his own. "We don't have to be serious all the time."
"I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing." You confessed.
He ran the tip of his tongue across your vulva. Sucking in the flesh of your thigh at the other side.
"I'm the one who knows what you're doing." He reminded you, brushing his mouth against your waiting clit, sucking it once before pulling back.
He stood there in the light from outside. Admiring the bloom of your lips, the way they glistened.
"Stay very still for me." He reached into the jeans pocket that he had thrown on the floor, pulling something out that you couldn't see at first. "You're going to like how this feels."
You propped yourself up on your elbows. Jake raised his arms above his head, the soft muscles of his stomach flexing and you saw him completely naked for the first time. His cock was so hard it stood away from his body, bobbing up and down gently as he tied his hair back into a low bun.
He put something in his mouth as he brought his hands down, leaning back down to push your entire body further up the table.
"What is that?" You asked, feeling as if the question was potentially stupid.
He let it lilt on his bottom lip as he smiled, taking it out of his mouth as he leaned over the edge of the table, spreading you as wide as you could go.
"It's a guitar pick." He replied, taking it out of his mouth to run down the curve of your breasts.
You shuddered as he leant down to kiss you, filling your mouth with his tongue as he ran the pick down the centre of your torso. Bringing it to your mound and letting it slip between your labia.
"Hold still..."
He was practically above you. Keeping your eyes locked on his face. Suddenly you were aware of the strict edge of the guitar pick against your swollen clit. Slowly at first, he dragged it across the hood. Your entire body arched.
Pulling it across the hard little bud, he began to play you. Flicking it across the swell, making your voice cry out in high pitched breaths and moans that made him admire you.
"Come on, baby. Sing for me..." He urged, building a symphony inside you.
You could hear your wetness dripping. The guitar pick slipping against you, Jake's hand moving at speed as you cried out.
"That's it, give it up to me. Come on... I know you can't take it much longer."
All you wanted to do was beg him to fuck you. You bit down on your lip, trying not to say the words. It was as if he could almost hear your internal screaming. He let the pick drop from his grasp, plunging two fingers into you, leaving you with nothing left to give.
"Fuck, you're so tight!"
He was looking at you like you were the most perfect thing he had ever seen. Fucking his fingers into you so deliciously hard, you unravelled on him without further encouragement. Your walls convulsing against his fingers, your entire body flinching against the onslaught.
"You did such a good fucking job." He praised, covering your mouth with his, tilting his head so that he could make it deep.
He slid his fingers out slowly, looking down to watch your pretty pink lips pull against him. You were struck dumb as he brought them to his mouth and tasted you.
"I did good, huh?" You asked, feeling like a school girl who had just gotten her first A on a test.
"My little Violet. Not so shrinking anymore, are you?"
You wondered if it was like this for everybody. If what you had agreed to felt safe and holy for them, too. Jake was letting you calm with his hands trailing a fingertip across your wet thighs. And you felt nothing but peace.
"I just want to please you, Jake..." You looked down, noticing that he was still rock solid. "Let me please you."
You were still uncertain about making such a request. The rules still making themselves known. But he didn't appear annoyed or angered by you and you began to wonder if everything you had ever thought dominance was could simply be a lie you'd been told to keep you pure.
"You have pleased me, look at you..."
He trailed a hand down the centre of your body, worshipping it.
You wrinkled up your nose. "But...doesn't it hurt?"
He leaned back into you, smiling at your cute expression. Kissing you so soft and deliberate, with only a hint if his tongue in a way that you'd imagined they kissed in old movies. Where the actress kept her eyes closed long after her lips had departed.
"If you're good you will be rewarded. Just like you have been tonight. If you're a fucking brat, It'll be corrected." He confirmed, sending feather light kisses to the corner of your mouth. "And yeah, it aches. But I'll fuck you when I think you're ready. And it will be all the sweeter, I promise."
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You could feel the energy of the arena as you stood in the wings. The screams coming from the other side of the curtain got you a little excited.
You'd been given the task of preparing the on stage drinks. The bottles of water and whatever alcohol the boys had requested. Jenny had been very specific about it, tequila and rum for Josh and Sam. A beer for Danny and something whisky based for Jake.
"Thanks, Violet." They all chimed as they passed, appearing from backstage in their fantastic outfits, taking their little golden cups from you.
"Are you going to watch us tonight, Violet?" Josh asked, taking a sip and wincing a little at the strength of it. "God, that's good."
You hadn't really considered it. You'd been lost in a sea of conflict. And as Jake appeared in his tailored suit, you felt your entire body tense as he approached.
You were his dirty little secret. Although those precise words hadn't been used, it had certainly felt as if you were one. He still kept his distance a little around others, but his reassurances when it was just the two of you kept you content enough to let it be so.
"Thankyou." He said, taking the cup from you, curling his fingers around yours as you gave it to him. "What's in here?"
"Bourbon." You replied, trying not to linger on his face too long.
"Stick around." Josh said, interrupting the silent moment between you and Jake. "I've got a feeling this crowd is wild."
Without knowing why, your eyes immediately moved back to Jake. And there on his lip was the curl of the most satisfied, shit eating grin you'd ever seen.
"Yeah." He said, publicly, in response to Josh. "Stick around."
Secretly it was your permission to do so.
He played like a demon that night. Thrashing his guitar around until the sweat oscillated off every move. You watched him working those fingers, guitar pick in hand, flushed with the memory of him using it on you.
You looked out at the sea of faces watching him. It was a strange sense of pride and dread that flooded you. Pride that he was yours. And dread that nobody would ever know.
Regardless of that, you were turned on. The way he fucked into that guitar, the way he moved with it in his hands, teasing the strings and swinging it behind his head, you were practically driven rabid by it.
Steeling yourself away before the last song finished so that you could compose yourself in the dressing room. Splashing your face with cold water, telling yourself to stop being ridiculous. Staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror, willing the rosy hue of your cheeks to subside.
But it wasn't ridiculous. When you looked at yourself you were changed. You weren't bored anymore. You weren't surviving on beige emotions. Everything came to you in waves of intensity now, like the flood gates had been opened and you could never go back.
You took a deep breath as you heard the commotion barrel down the hallway. Josh laughing and Sam yelling for another drink. Danny's soft, deep voice chiming in under the din of the others and before you had chance to compose yourself completely they were rounding the corner into the dressing room.
"Where the fuck is Violet? I need a towel, don't you dare fucking go near that shower before me Samuel, I mean it..."
You opened the bathroom door and smiled compliantly, picking up a fresh towel from the pile that was stacked up on the dresser and threw it towards Danny.
They were all in that post show mood of adrenaline and irritability. Not knowing whether to freshen up or stay in their sweat drenched costumes until the liquor kicked in. When Jake walked in he threw his suit jacket down, pulling apart the buttons at his pants.
"Jenny wants you to go and speak to her about something on the tour bus." He announced, picking up a towel without having to ask where they were.
It made no sense for Jenny to be on the tour bus. You were about to ask why she would be on the tour bus when there was an entire post show inventory to do before everybody got back on the road. But you noted the flash in his eyes and the clench of his jaw. The way he didn't wait for you to respond before nodding his head towards the door.
Josh noticed. "Well, fuck Jake...she's our intern not our slave."
"Tell that to Danny next time he needs a fucking towel, then." Jake replied, "I'm going to use the shower on the bus. You coming, Violet?"
He wasn't asking you. And you knew the moment you walked out of the room that Jenny wasn't on the bus. He didn't utter a word to you as you followed, keeping himself a few steps ahead as you made your way out the back door towards the parking lot.
As soon as the door closed he had you up against the side of the bunks. Shirtless and drenched in sweat, you could taste the salt of it as he brought his lips to yours. You could feel his erection beneath his pants, pressing it into your core as you whined. He still hadn't given it to you.
"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked, moving his mouth down the curve of your neck.
"Mmm hmmm." You uttered, trying to keep a hold of yourself.
"You were such a good girl for me, weren't you?" He was desperate, you could feel it. "It was all for you...all for you... my little Violet..."
You recalled the way he had looked at you when you had silently turned to him for permission. The way he had eaten up that unspoken question. And it felt so good to have earned his devotion.
You looked him in the eye and kept his gaze as you ran the palm of your hand down the seam of his pants, rolling your fist around the curve of his dick. He sucked the air in tightly through his teeth, letting you squeeze it through the fabric.
"Alright." He whispered, "I think you earned it. You deserve to get fucked tonight."
"Please can I have it right now, Sir?" You pouted, dragging your hand up and down, pulling on the hard flesh as his eyes rolled back at the sensation of it.
You were already wet with anticipation. Your pussy aching from the moment you'd seen him walk out on stage. All you wanted was complete and total annihilation. To get pounded over the couch or for him to take you right there against the bunks.
Jake's fingers were digging into your breasts, pulling at your nipples through your blouse.
"Get in the fucking shower." He ordered, pulling you away by your wrists and shoving you towards the back of the bus.
It was only a small space. Enough for one person to move comfortably, but as soon as the water hit you it was as if you were coveted only by him. The way his hair looked all wet and pulled back from his face. The way his cock was so hard, you could see the veins pulsating down the shaft. You'd never seen anything more beautiful than the way he looked at you.
Starved of your pussy. Denying himself until you'd earned it. Making sure you were ready to receive it. His eyes were heavy lidded, his gaze moving from your eyes down to your waiting mouth. And he kissed you as the water cascaded over both of you, running like rain off the edge of your breasts.
"Tell me how badly you want it." He urged, "I need to hear it."
Of course he did. You'd become aware of his voyeuristic tendencies on the day he had made you fuck yourself on the back seat of his car while it was parked up somewhere on the edge of the city where nobody would find you.
Standing at the open door, jerking off as you rubbed your clit for him and inserted as many fingers as he instructed you to fill yourself with. Feeling like you would do anything to make him happy.
"If you don't put your cock inside me right now I will never forgive you." You said, closing your eyes, knowing he would be incited.
The hand at your throat was a sweet reminder of who was in control.
"You think it's your forgiveness I want?" He replied visciously, "Oh, you haven't been listening. I don't need your forgiveness. Just your begging."
His fingers wrapped around your neck, you opened your eyes to see him standing beneath the stream of water. Black eyeliner streaked down his face like pitch tears.
"You've had me for weeks and you wont even let me touch it." You whined, "I need it, baby please..."
You'd never called him that before.
"Oh, you've fucked it now..." He warned, pulling the shower curtain open.
You could still hear the steady stream of water as he dragged you out of the tiny bathroom and into the tour bus corridor.
Both of your bodies dripping wet. Sliding against each other as he pushed you to the ground. Keeping a careful hand on your neck, ensuring that your head was tilted upwards so that he could see your face. His other hand moved to open your legs.
"Is that what you want is it? To get fucked in your needy little cunt?"
You nodded.
Jake took a moment to look at you laid out like that. Wet and desperate. He released his grip on your neck only to move it down to where he gathered up your legs into the crooks of his arms.
"Look at you all cock starved." He whispered, leaning in over you. "I'll feed you but you can't make a sound. Do you understand?"
You nodded again.
He didn't need hands to guide him. He slipped inside you so slow and smooth that you couldn't help but quietly mewl as he bottomed out.
Nothing had ever felt so close to heaven. Not the way he filled you up or the way he looked at you as you took it in. Nothing. Jake was fighting against his own voice as he began to savagely pound into you. Trying to stay as silent as possible.
"I fucking love your pussy, fuck!" He breathed into your ear, holding your legs up against your chest, "So tight, so fucking warm..."
His dick felt so fucking good. You wanted to tell him but you'd already given an oath to silence. Instead you brought your hands down to do the talking, raking fingers down the flesh of his back until raised,red streaks ran the length of his spine.
"Fuck!" He hissed, a little louder than he intended, "You're gonna make me cum..."
You'd seen that face before. Under the red lights of the stage. When he was lost in the filthiest part of a guitar solo. His brow furrowed and little curses under his breath.
"Do it, Jakey..."
The way he came was more glorious than you could habe ever imagined. You'd seen him climax before at his own unravelling. Letting his hot mess cover your thighs as you laid there on the back seat.
But feeling it spurt inside you took you to a whole new level. You truly had fucking earned it. And as you felt the heat, you came too. Unexpectedly. Gasping a little as he grunted his orgasm into a deep bite at your collar bone.
When he released you, it was as if he couldn't bear to remove himself from you. And you felt a tiny prick of hope that you weren't going to be his secret for much longer.
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You arrived early to set up the conference room for a meeting. Wearing the clothes Jake had picked out for you. You couldn't recall the last time you had spent a night in your own bed, at Jake's demand that you begin spending nights over at his place.
You liked it there. It granted you access into his nuances. You took note of how he liked to sit in the den and strum his guitar absently in the chair by the window. He liked to cook, often after midnight, when he should have been sleeping. He was sweet when he spoke to his Mother on the phone, talking with her at great length about the music and the shows and the idea's for upcoming projects.
But he never told her about you. And it hurt.
The ways in which you'd become attached to Jake had begun to weave into your heart. How could you not begin to fall in love with him? He was your master. The only one who made sure you didn't suffer while working an unpaid job. Sometimes you even questioned what might have happened if he hadn't taken such an interest in you.
You'd never felt more satisfied. More adored. His demands were never things you wouldn't have given freely, but you never made it known. You liked the way he grabbed your ass whenever he passed you and the way your eyes spoke a language only the two of you understood.
Sometimes all it took was one subtle look and you were on your knees for him. Even when he took it to those darker places. Where he liked to call you a slut and whore and humiliate you until you came all over his fingers, or his face or his cock.
All of that could stay in the shadows. But not the way he held your hand as you drove him across the city. Or the way he kissed you goodbye whenever he was leaving the office. His sweetness when he made you sit in his lap so that he could run his fingers through your hair.
When he told you that you belonged to him. You felt loved. But none of it felt worth a damn while ever it was just a sordid secret. And you were starting to become overwhelmed by it.
"How does it feel?" He asked, appearing in the conference room door way, after insisting on driving in with you while ever nobody else would be there to see you arrive.
You shimmied your hips a little, pulling down the hem of the sun dress that skimmed your thighs. It was a muted yellow, your favourite colour, with little white daisies dotted around. He knew you'd love it.
"Feels alright so far." You replied without your usual enthusiasm.
He picked up on it immediately. "What's the matter, do you want to take them out?"
He was referring to the little gift that had come with the dress. That he had insisted couldn't be worn without the other. So you'd diligently put the dress on and let him slide the little pair of pink beads inside you. And you'd let him play with your clit while he did it, all before the sun had even come up.
"No, it's not that." You sighed, setting out a jug of water and a set of tumblers in the middle of the table where he had played with you for the first time.
"Spit it out, Violet." He said, folding his arms as if he couldn't tolerate your bullshit a moment longer.
You slammed the sushi platter down on the table and shot him a poisonous look.
"Are you ashamed of me?!" You spat. "The things you do to me. You like doing them when we're here because you like the idea of maybe getting caught. But when it comes down to it, you don't want anyone to know about us! And I'm not talking about all the stuff we do, that's between us. But sometimes..."
You felt the sting of tears begin to prick. You didn't want him to see you cry.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm your girlfriend. And you don't even want to admit that to anyone either."
You weren't upset, you were angry. And it felt like you'd betrayed your own self by feeling as if you could cry. Your lip trembled as you stared at him.
He didn't say anything for what felt like an uncomfortable amount of time. Weighing his next move. He bit down on his lip. Uncurling his arms so that he could pull his hair back.
"You're absolutely right." He said, finally breaking the tension. "I should have made myself clear. I'm the one in control of all of this, and I shouldn't have left you feeling as if you didn't know where you stand."
He would have spoken further. Taken a step towards you. Even fucked you right there on the table. But the sounds of the front door being slammed echoed into the building and he retreated, leaving you with the same emotions that you'd felt a split second before.
Jenny sauntered in with her various screens and tote bag, faithful starbucks cup in hand. Already speaking in quick tones about the day ahead, paying no attention to the way you stood there staring Jake down.
It felt like a cruel joke. To be left on such a careful note, like a song you'd loved that was unfinished.
You were unable to hide your disdain. Refusing to look at him as the others arrived. Talking to anyone but him. Even when he addressed you directly during the meeting, you directed your response to Jenny who was more than happy to oblige him with an answer.
You could see his nostrils flare. His knuckles bore white as he clenched his fist on the edge of the table. You were afraid but also felt vindicated in his rage. You even shuffled around in your seat a little, pulling down your dress, biting on your lip as if it felt so good to grind your hips against the little inserts inside you that only he knew were there.
"We have two more shows before a break." Jenny said, attempting to draw the meeting to a close. "Then it's all systems go. Music video. Promo shoot. I've got a couple of interviews set up, but they're on zoom so you guys can figure out between yourselves who wants to do those."
Sam was the first to raise his hand. "I'll do them."
Josh rolled his eyes. "Can we just agree that Sammy will do all interviews and the rest of us will toss a coin?"
Jake took a deep breath. And his gaze came to rest on you, the vitriol burning behind that golden brown hue.
"Jake, anything to add?" Jenny asked, closing her lap top as if to signal the end.
"Nothing." He replied, striding out of the room as he couldn't stand to be in there a moment longer.
An early start meant an early finish. It was just past noon when everybody left. The inevitable clean up falling to you. But you didn't mind. You needed the time and space to consider what was to come. When you looked outside and saw Jake's car leave the parking lot you were almost relieved.
You looked around the room after you were done. Checking to see if you had missed anything before heading out.
And then it happened. The vibration from within. Your knees buckled. You let out a soft cry, hands pressed against your stomach and a curse for how he had waited until that moment to use the damn remote that came with the damn beads.
"Fuck you, Jake!" You screamed, reaching into the crotch of your panties to pull them out.
He hadn't left. He'd moved his car to the opposite side of the lot. You could see him sitting there in the drivers seat staring you down as you came outside. Your car directly in front of the building.
You hated yourself for how you walked across the entire thing to reach him. Getting into the passenger side without even looking at him. And when he put his foot down, you didn't even flinch.
"You are without a doubt the biggest fucking brat I have ever met."
Your arms were folded, in similar fashion that his had been in right before you'd been interrupted.
"You drive me fucking crazy, you know that?" He said, not really caring if you knew or not.
You looked out of the window pointedly as he pulled out into the street. You knew that you were allowed to be pissed off. He would never deny you your emotions, even if they were inherently negative and directed towards him. But there would be consequences of your behaviour.
When he pulled into his driveway you still hadn't uttered a word. Part of you wanted to see what he might do, but the other was still lost in the way you'd felt that morning. Wondering if he loved you. Or if it were just some sexual dance he liked to do with you, to add a little tenderness to the mindless fucking.
As soon as you were in the house you felt the mask slip. He didn't wait for you to speak anything else into existence. He slammed the door shut behind him and came up behind you, kicking your feet from underneath you and scooping you into his arms. You let out a squeal.
"Oh, now she opens her mouth!" He admonished, carrying you over to the chair where he liked to play by the window.
He placed you down and pulled you to the edge.
"I swear to fucking God, if you pull that shit ever again I will fuck you so hard it hurts. Do I make myself clear?" He curled a hand under your chin, tilting your gaze up to meet him. "You took them out, didn't you?"
He squeezed your face, making you lips pout. All you could do was nod.
"I didn't give you permission to take them out, did I?"
Your head began to move in the opposite direction, still held in place by his hand.
"You leave me with no choice then, do you?"
He released you. Your jaw ached as he pulled back.
You would take your punishment. Only because you were excited for it. The palpable throb starting in earnest, the blissful anticipation of his darker self coming out to play. You would have this. Trouble yourself with the morning's unfinished symphony afterwards.
He unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down to sit at his thighs. His cock was hard already, flexing it up and down while he moved to get your dress off over your head. You heard the unmistakable sound of ripped fabric.
"Open your fucking mouth you insolent fucking slut."
He pulled your chin down with his thumb, peering into your face from above as you teetered on the edge of the chair in nothing but your underwear.
"All the cum you've swallowed in that mouth..." He rolled his thumb over your lips. "You're just a little cum dump, aren't you?"
Sometimes you wondered why you reacted so viscerally when he was like this. What the fuck was wrong with you? He already excited you. Already satisfied you. What was it about this verbal humiliation that pushed you over the edge?
"Yes...Sir." You replied in whisper, "I'm sorry, Sir. I'll be good for you, I promise."
For a moment, he looked a little taken aback. Not expecting you to speak until he was done with you. The sweet sincerity of your apology momentarily knocked him off his stride. And you couldn't help but secretly feel vindicated.
Maybe that was why you liked it. Maybe deep down you were just as sexually unhinged as he was.
He swallowed hard as he gathered himself. "Take my cock in your hand."
Your curled a fist around his shaft. Gripping tightly.
"Stroke it." He continued, pulling your hair back away from your face. "You don't deserve to feel good after that stunt you pulled in the meeting."
Oh, but you did feel good. Your cunt was rubbing against the edge of the seat as you pulled his hard flesh up and down. Rounding off at his pretty pink head, watching the pre-cum form at the tip. You even liked the way he breathed, so low and laboured. On the verge of a growl.
"Dirty fucking bitch." He asserted, "Sitting there like the slut you are, getting off on it. Thinking I wouldn't notice."
You wanted him to take you right then and there. You wanted him to grab you by the hair and force you onto the ground. You wanted to be pounded into the rug. To hear him call you a whore and fuck you like one.
But he wouldn't. Because he knew it was what you wanted.
"Open wider."
You knew what was coming. You pulled your tongue down at the back of your throat. And let him slide down into your mouth. Welcomed the fist in your hair and the taste of the pre-cum.
"Take it all the way down."
He wasn't going to be gentle with you. Pulling tighter on your hair. Making you fight for breath as he shifted his hips forward, trapping your mouth between his fist and the downy pubic hair at his base.
You could feel him trembling. Your own body fighting against pushing against him, like an instinct to survive. In the back of your mind you knew he was lost in his arousal.
"Filthy fucking bitch..."He muttered under his breath, "Fucking cock whore... choke on it you little slut!"
When he pulled out, you coughed on it. Strings of saliva connecting his tip to your ruined mouth. Your eyes streaming with tears, trying to take in a deep in enough breath to relieve your lungs.
He gave you the briefest moments reprieve. And then he was at your mouth again, rutting into it this time. Fucking your mouth like it was your pussy, pounding into it as he held your head steady with his fist of your hair.
All the while, your clit was riding the edge of the seat. Swelled and wet against the fabric. Like it had been when you were riding his thigh. Guiding you towards your own orgasm.
"I don't think so." He said, pulling you off the chair and onto the ground where you landed on your knees. "You don't get to cum, you nasty little fuck slut."
You whimpered a little at the sensation that had been taken away from you. Letting him have his way. Taking the pounding with your mouth open wide. Right until you felt the familiar twitch of his cock just before he came.
You felt bereft of your own end as he convulsed. Shooting it into your mouth. You swallowed hastily, eager to be off your knees. Frustrated and aching that you'd been left so neglected.
"You see what you do to me!!!" He wiped the tip of his cock across your mouth, watching his mess sit on the flat of your tongue before you swallowed it.
He left you there on the ground as he placed himself back into his pants. Retreating to the kitchen and returning a moment later with a glass of water, urging you to drink it.
"Come on, that's it." He said, placing the glass to your lips. "Drink something, you need it."
Your body felt strangely weak. Your muscles and bones felt out of place. The flesh at your knees red raw. You fell into his arms as he tried to make you drink, feeling as if you couldn't get enough air into your lungs.
"Jake..." You croaked, letting him hold you in his lap on the floor in the den.
He hushed you to silence as he stroked your hair away from your face.
"Don't speak just yet, get your strength back. You did so fucking good, you took it just like I knew you would. Perfect. How can you not know how I feel about you?"
All you could do was lie there in his arms. The room a little blurry. The taste of him still there on your tongue. Not unpleasant nor unwelcome. Just there.
"I know you think I'm ashamed of you." He rested his forehead against yours, rocking you a little as you regained your composure. "Nothing could be further from the truth. You're mine. You belong to me. I just want what we have to remain ours for a little longer."
You sipped the last of the water, pulling yourself up to sit beside him. Still wrapped in his arms. Holding his face against yours.
"Jake, I can't keep doing this in secret." You professed, your voice still recovering. "I'm falling in love with you. And I've been fucked around by guys my whole life..."
His grip on you tightened. "I'm not fucking you around, I swear! Haven't I provided for you? Haven't I made life easier?!"
In so many ways, he had. For things he perceived as sacrifices on your part. The demands he put upon you that went beyond basic control. The permission he bestowed upon you for the most inane tasks. But in truth, it had brought you more joy than you'd ever known to serve him like that.
"Jake, I can never ever repay you for how you've looked after me these past few months. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking taking on an unpaid internship, I just know that I needed something. Maybe that thing wasn't the job at all, it was you."
You knew he felt something. The way he held you, the way he cherished you. But there was something keeping him from you entirely. You sensed it in the way he moved back, shuffling away from you as he tried to gather his thoughts. Pulling his hair back with nervous hands.
"I don't know how to be in love with someone I'm dominating." He said it so casually, so nonchalantly as if being dominant was all he'd ever known.
He looked up at you, almost panicking that he had said the wrong thing. "That's not to say that I don't love you...I've only ever...well, there was one girl in high school and it was pretty vanilla. But it bored me. And then it was always the other extreme, I could make someone my submissive but I could never love her..."
You couldn't help but smile. "Are you saying that you love me, Sir?"
You made him smile back and he hated it. He wanted to be your master, always. Not the person he was behind that. But you'd seen him. And somehow, he'd seen you too. He'd known what you needed right from the very beginning.
"I can't be with you if I'm not your dominant." He replied, pulling your hand into his, covering it with his other as if to shroud you. "It's something I need."
Even though it hurt, you rose to your knees. Pushing him back onto the rug, sinking your teeth into his jawline, forcing him to be beneath you for the first time.
"I don't want any old thing." You purred. "Do you honestly think I would have taken my punishment if I wanted a regular 9-5 relationship?"
You leant down, lips pressed against his ear. Your breasts pushed up against his chest.
"I want you to fuck me like you own me. I want you to punish me when I'm a brat. I want you to decide what's best for me. 'Cos I need it too. I need you to be my master, Jake. I don't need any more boys. I need a man. I need you."
You could feel him start to grow hard again. His eyes wide as you slipped your panties to the side. Reaching inside his pants to pull out his cock, rubbing it against your wet slit without permission, without his word.
He didn't stop you.
"But sometimes I need a little power of my own. Sometimes I want to do things for you that feel good. Things that I want to do. When I beg you to fuck me, when I just need your mouth on me. I'm not asking you to love me in any way that you don't already. Just let me take the reigns sometimes...you might like it."
You sunk him into you. His eyes rolled back and you knew nothing mattered anymore.
"Oh, fuck..." He breathed, "I fucking love you... I swear it..."
It felt like the world had shifted on its axis. Looking down at him like that. His face contorted in the most unbearable pleasure. Letting go, perhaps, for the first time in his life.
"I love you..." You whispered it back, riding him, knees bleeding as you fought against climax.
His hands reached around to grab your ass, kneading fingers into your cheeks as you leaned forward. His length hitting you a little deeper.
"Oh, fuck yes... hurt me..." You begged.
The short, sharp sting of his palm across your ass cheek made gasp you bolt upright. Letting out a feral moan. He smirked at you then, guiding your hips as you rolled back and forth.
"You can't just let me have it, can you?"
"Not in my nature, baby..." He called you sweetly, taking your nipple into his mouth as you rode him, sucking hard enough to make you moan louder.
It didn't matter. Not when you were about to cum all down his shaft. Not when you found the sweetest relief.
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Your friends had been the same since high school. Meandering through life in different directions but it always came back to the same group chat you'd maintained since graduation.
Once a month you would go for pizza or cocktails, meeting at whatever venue was most convinient.
Except you'd been absent recently. And you really needed to tell them why.
"It's still a secret if I only tell them." You reassured, running from the bathroom in an iddy biddy towel to grab your robe before he could take it from you.
He was laying on the bed scrolling through his phone, peeking up over the screen as you passed.
You'd agreed to the clandestine nature of things lasting a little longer. A compromise of sorts. Jake was still the only master you wanted, but every now and then you put your foot down with a firm hand. Making him promise you that there was a time limit on this. That you wanted your secret lives to bleed out, even if it was just into the private life you'd curated together.
"I said you could tell your friends." He reminded you, distracted as you tied your robe off at the waist. "But I'm still picking you up at eleven."
"Eleven thirty?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Eleven." He asserted, dashing his phone on the nightstand to watch you get ready. "We have to be in fucking Washington tomorrow remember?"
Your heart sank at the thought of getting on a plane so early in the morning.
"Couldn't you have picked a more local location?" You asked, sitting at the vanity dresser he had bought and installed just for you.
"You get to watch me frolic about with a sword. If that's not the ultimate turn on I don't know what is." He joked, raising his arms behind his head, watching you apply your make-up as if it were the most interesting thing he'd ever seen.
"You keep looking at me like that and I'll be begging to get picked up at nine." You replied, scrunching your nose up at him through the mirror.
You liked it when it was like this. Being with him was easy. When it was just the two of you locked in this domestic bliss, where you could laugh and play and fuck and nothing else mattered. No prying eyes. Just you and Jake and whatever the fuck it meant to be with him.
"I can come get you at nine." He suggested eagerly, shooting off the bed to come and stand behind you.
His hands came to rest at the nape of your neck. Gently massaging you, watching the tension drain from your face as you blended your contour.
"Don't do this to me Jake, I already missed last month." You moaned.
"I just want to know what exactly it is you're going to tell them." He pondered, rolling his fingers down to your shoulders. "Are they getting the PG-13 version of events?"
"What am I allowed to tell them?" You asked, falling back into your submissive role, letting him make the decision for you.
He thought about it for a moment. "Part of me wants them to know everything. I kinda like the idea of it. But better give them something a little more tame."
You looked up at him. Reaching for him to lean down and meet you in a kiss.
"Ok baby." You whispered, "Whatever you think is best."
It took a few mojito's to pluck up the courage to mention him. To give the most vanilla run down of events. They sat and listened to you, hanging on your every word, entranced by your story. The cocktails just kept on going down, you lost count as you carried on talking until the group started to dwindle. By ten thirty it was just you and your oldest, dearest friend. It felt as if you had dominated the conversation somewhat, and the irony was not lost upon you.
"He'll be here soon." You sighed, swaying on your bar stool as you played with your little cocktail umbrella. "And I'm fucking wasted."
"You seem worried." She replied, "Aren't rockstars always getting wasted, why would he care?!"
You pushed the glass away from you. "I have to fly to Seattle at four. And then drive to Tiger Mountain to film a fucking music video in the state forest. That's why."
Your friend laughed a little. Helping you down off your stool as you felt the blood rush to your head.
"Easy there... what is it you let them call you? Violet?" She asked sarcastically, catching you before you hit the deck. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You've never been a shrinking Violet."
You looked up at her, eyes blurred and your ability to walk in a straight line fully compromised.
"Didn't you let a guy you dated in college call you Franny freckles for an entire semester?" You replied, reaching up to poke one of the freckles at her cheek.
"Ok." She replied, throwing your arm around her shoulder, "Let's get you outside for some air before you start bringing up shit from college."
He was already outside. Sitting in his car, parked up right outside the door. It wasn't quite eleven yet and when you caught sight of him you threw your arms into the air, losing your balance and landing your ass right on the pavement.
You were rolling around on the concrete with your friend when you heard the car door slam. Familiar arms came about you, lifting you off the ground. The world spun far too quickly for you to grasp what was happening.
He put you in the passenger seat and clicked the seatbelt around you. Muttering something to himself. You put a drunken hand on his cheek.
"I can't go home with you." You slurred, "I have a boyfriend and if he found out that you were talking to me he'd be so pissed he'd probably kick your ass."
Fran handed Jake your purse. "She's pretty far gone."
"I can see that." Jake replied, "Thanks for getting her out to the car safely, do you need a ride home?"
You turned your head to see the watery outlines of your best friend and lover talking on the sidewalk, you could hear their familiar voices exchanging polite, public conversation. Something about opposite directions and calling a cab.
"I love you Franny freckles!" You called, feeling the nausea rise as you realised speaking was too much of a task for you.
"I love you Shrinking Violet!" She replied, reaching to kiss your cheek through the open car window. "Jake's going to take you home now, ok?"
"Ok." You whispered, closing your eyes as the car pulled away.
The sensation of the wheels on the asphalt did nothing to disperse your nausea. You sat with your head propped against the window, trying to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feeling foolish that you'd drank so much without even realising.
"Here. Drink this." Jake ordered, handing you a bottle of water from the cup holder. "All of it."
Your eyes sprung open. It took a couple of attempts to find your mouth, but once you did you chugged the entire bottle in a long succession of gulps. Grateful to wash the mojito taste off your tongue.
"Are you mad at me?" You asked, letting the bottle drop from your hands.
"No, I'm not mad at you." He replied, "Why? Should I be?"
"I'm drunk." You pointed out, as if it were a reason for him to be angry with you. "I deserve to be punished, right?"
Jake let out a stifled giggle. "You make it sound like you want to get punished."
There was no world in which he would have ever laid a finger on you when you too intoxicated.
"Maybe I do." You shrugged slovenly, "Then you can fuck me nasty like you did after the meeting."
He pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition, turning to look at you as you tried to focus on him.
"I'm not fucking you nasty or any other way while you're this wasted. And that's not going to change. I'm going to carry you inside and put you to bed. No arguments."
He was gentle as he laid you down onto the bed. Careful to hold you close to him as you refused to let go of his shirt collar until he prized your fingers apart. He took your shoes off slowly, giving your feet a little stroke as he placed them inside the sheets. He took apart the buttons on your jeans and pulled them down the length of your legs, leaving the black lace panties he had picked out for you earlier in the evening where they were. He held you close to him as he lifted you up, sliding off your blouse from over your head.
You were in that place between asleep and awake as he tucked you in.
Your eyes were closed but you knew he was still there.
You reached out for him.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
You heard the soft shuffle of the bed as he fell into silent laughter. His body shaking in hysterics. You slowly opened one eye to see him sitting at the edge of the bed, clutching his stomach before letting out the most glorious sound.
"I fucking love you." He tried to say, breathless from laughter, planting a kiss on your forehead as he turned off the bedside lamp. "Even if you were a god damn worm."
He never told you that he sat by your side all night, watching you sleep. He never told you that he laid his heart bare to you as you were lost to dreams. He never told you in wakefulness the things which he said to you that night. But somewhere in those dreams you heard him. His voice carrying into your subconscious. And when you woke up, he was propped up on the bed at your side. His head resting on his shoulder as if he had only just drifted off.
Everything he had done that night had been an act of service to you. You'd never known such bliss. As you downed the glass of water he'd left on your night stand, you gently kissed the corner of his mouth to wake him.
"Wakey, wakey handsome." You whispered, "I need you to pick out my clothes for me."
Something had changed. You felt it as the plane took off. You felt it as he held your hand as the plane touched down. He didn't move too far away from you as you navigated the airport. Usually keeping his distance, trying to keep up the pretence that nothing was going on between the two of you.
You heard whispers on the drive to Tiger Mountain. But you were too exhausted to pay them any mind. Slipping on your headphones and drifting off to Stevie Nicks as the bus drove out of the city. You were still nursing a killer hangover and Jake was still taking full control of your aftercare. Bringing you water and pain killers throughout the flight. Making sure you weren't going to ask any more ridiculous questions.
"I liked your friend." He said, pulling out your air pod right before the guitar riff of Edge of Seventeen began.
"Who, Fran?" You asked, details of the night before still hazy. "Yeah, she's the best."
"She said that you drank too much while you were telling them all about me." He ventured further, keeping his voice hushed.
"I didn't tell them anything I shouldn't have." You replied, "You don't need to worry."
"I'm not worried." He replied, looking around the bus to make sure nobody was looking before he started tracing circles slowly in your open palm. "I figured I'd tell Sam tomorrow, that way it'll be around everyone without me having to say another word."
"Clever." You replied, sinking your head against his shoulder. "So, we're really doing this, huh?"
He squeezed your hand. "I can't stand the thought of another guy inside you ever again. So yeah, I guess we are."
He wasn't wrong about getting to watch him frolic about with a sword being a turn on. You were stood behind the camera with the rest of the management team and film crew, watching Jake play guitar in the shade of a beautifully curated tree. His hair with a little kink in it, his costume the purest white. And his eye trained on your every move.
You didn't want any other kind of love. You only wanted the way he loved you for the rest of your life. The way he couldn't stand it when you weren't in his eye line. The way he looked after you and kept you. The formative peace you'd found in the way he fucked you so hard, almost as if he couldn't fill enough of himself inside you. Sometimes you were so distracted by the thought of him, even when he was right in front of you.
"Uh, excuse me?"
You looked away for the briefest moment. Addressing the tall, gregarious smile looking down at you.
"Can I help you?" You asked, using the professional voice you'd adopted to deal with industry people.
He was wearing a pale blue shirt with a brown cardigan over the top, holding two cups of coffee in his hand. He didn't look like anyone you'd seen using a piece of expensive equipment.
"Uh, no. I'm the runner for the film crew. I just grabbed coffee for all the band's team." He pushed the cup into your hand, "I thought you could do with one."
You took the cup, almost without choice. "Oh, I'm just the intern."
He raised a speculative eyebrow. "Interns don't drink coffee?"
You managed a slight giggle. "Oh, no we do I just don't really consider myself part of the team."
"Well..." He pointed over to where Jenny was standing, her nose firmly in her phone as she tapped away. "That lady over there sent me over here to give you coffee specifically."
"Well thankyou." You allowed, turning back to watch Jake do his thing.
He lingered. Standing next to you a little close for your liking. Talking to you. Forcing you to laugh awkwardly, so as not to seem rude or impolite. You knew the moment Jake noticed that something would happen.
"So, you worked for the band for long?" He asked, giving you his name that you immediately forgot and launching into a shpeel about how much he loved the music.
"A few months." You replied, trying to keep your responses short.
It wasn't that he was talking to you. It was that he was flirting with you. Complimenting your dress. Suggesting that you meet up with him back at the hotel you were all staying in just outside the state forest. The moment he touched your shoulder, you knew that it was game over.
"Uh, that sounds really nice but I can't." You said nervously, looking over to see Jake visibly shaking as wardrobe adjusted his costume for a different shot. "I actually have a boyfriend."
"Oh." He replied, "Is he here?"
As if it mattered. As if you would suddenly become available if he weren't. You had a bitter taste in your mouth and somehow you knew it wasn't the coffee.
"He is, actually, yes." You replied, your responses becoming more abrupt. "You're looking at him."
You watched as the penny dropped. The runner looked over to see Jake eyeing him like a red rag to a bull. Vitriol oozing off that razor sharp gaze. You'd never seen an escape so swift.
It was hours before he could get you in that hotel room. Hours of pretending that he wasn't furious. Hours of watching you milling about in the trailer, unable to touch you or speak with you.
But when he did...
The door slammed behind you. Jake had you pinned to the wall in an iron grip that would not let you shift an inch. Hands bearing down on your shoulders, finger tips tilting your head upwards.
"Who the fuck do you belong to?"
You were so fucking wet.
"You, Sir."
He trailed his fingertips down your neck, over the lump in your throat that had formed over the course of the day. Your anticipation manifesting itself in a constant state of arousal that was only now beginning to peak.
"Take off your clothes and get on all fours on the bed. I want your back arched. Don't you dare touch that cunt until I get over there."
He was going to make his claim. You felt the blood pumping so viciously hard through your veins as you got in position for him that you were a little light headed.
When he appeared out of the bathroom, naked and hard, you held your breath. Still wearing the eyeliner from the shoot. He didn't waste time. He sank to his knees and began eating you from behind, forcing his tongue inside you.
"Oh, fuck Jake..." You moaned savagely, rutting your hips backwards against his open mouth.
"Mine..." You heard him say, between his mouth sucking on your clit and making wild licks into your entrance.
He slapped his palm across your ass as he pulled you back, hand wrapped around your neck as he brought your head to his mouth.
"You did so fucking good today, baby. I heard every word you told that fucking son of a bitch."
His hands moved down your breasts, kneading the flesh and pulling on your nipples until they stood to attention. Pressing his erection into the curve of your ass, squeezing a little on your throat.
Feeling as if you'd never tire of him claiming what was rightfully his.
"This pretty little pussy is mine...forever." He grunted, low and forceful, slipping his cock into the little gap between your thighs.
He fucked you so good that night. Holding you down against the mattress as he railed you just as you'd been imagining it. A daydream coming to light.
And when he was done, he held you tight. Forcing his cum back inside you with his semi-hard cock.
Telling you over and over. "You're mine..."
The End.
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maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
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roommates // by daisyful
pairings: jake x reader
word count: 5k
tags: sex toys, roommates!au, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, pwp basically, pet names because i can’t help myself, dirty talking
notes: i never thought i’d write this many fics with a vibrator involved, but here we are lmao. This happened bc of this post . minimally edited.
“You’re fucking kidding me”
Of course, today of all days, the batteries would die. You huff out a few more curses and remove the lifeless vibrator from between your legs, throwing it on the bed beside you.
For a moment you lay there and frown, wondering if this is a sign you should just go to bed. Today had tested you far too frequently, and you couldn’t deal with much more. The thought of trying to get off any other way after you’d been so close with the toy seemed not worth the hassle.
Then, your brain throws you a hail mary: there’s batteries in the kitchen drawer. Perfect.
You tug on a pair of cotton underwear and smooth out your oversized t-shirt. It settles at the tops of your thighs, and you figure that’s decent enough for a run to the kitchen at 2:00 in the morning.
Your body carries you to the kitchen through the darkness, only broken by the light of the TV your roommate must have left on.
It causes you to roll your eyes—an old western is playing. You never had the pallet for them, even in an ironic sense. But Jake—your roommate of about a year now—loved them, for some reasons he had droned on about before when you expressed your disinterest.
You go straight for the drawer by the fridge, full of scissors and charging cords and pennies and mail, fishing around for the AA batteries.
“Whatcha need?”
“Fuck!” Your chest pounds as you clutch dramatically at your shirt, whirling around to see the source of the voice.
Jake blinks at you, eyebrows raised in amusement. He lays on the couch, in his plaid pajama pants and t shirt, feet covered by a throw blanket.
“You up to something sneaky? Why so jumpy?” He grins.
“Fuck off,” you roll your eyes, “It’s dark, I didn’t see you,” you grumble.
“Jesus,” he laughs, “Bad day?”
You just nod, rummaging again through the drawer for the batteries.
“You need help?” He asks, his voice getting closer as he walks into the kitchen.
“Where are our batteries?” You murmur, closing that drawer and trying the next.
He ‘hmm’s for a second, and then answers, “Why the hell do you need batteries at 2am? You building something?”
“Yes, a robot,” you deadpan, “Mind your business. Do you know where they are?”
“Damn, what’s wrong?” you can hear the smile in his voice and you finally look up at him, growing impatient.
“Do you know where they are or not?”
He looks you over, seemingly trying to understand the situation, and then, you realize that you’re in only your shirt and underwear. You can see him swallow and avert his eyes to the cabinet as he seems to realize the same.
“I think so,” he says softly, “Hang on.”
He fetches a shoe box from the hallway closet and brings it back to the kitchen, plopping it on the counter. There’s various tools and nails and command hooks, and then, alas, he pulls out a small container of AA batteries. Gently, he puts them in your hand.
“There,” he says softly, “You good?”
You nod and mutter a soft thank you before making a quick escape, looking forward to no longer being in front of him in your underwear.
You know it’s no big deal, and that you two have gotten comfortable. But there’s this tension, sometimes. Mostly like this, at night, sometimes intoxicated. Where the stares between you two linger a bit too long, and your mind begins to wonder. You always push it down, because it’s not a good idea, and you know that. And when the light of day comes around, you’re always relieved that things feel normal again.
So that’s what you do; push it aside. Back to the matter at hand: you latch your bedroom door behind you and head straight for the vibrator, popping it’s plastic plate off and fishing out the old batteries. And then you realize. They’re the wrong size.
You take a shaking breath, irritated and tired. Without thinking, you throw it back on the bed and walk back out into the living room, where Jake has cozied up on the couch.
“Do we have triple A?” You ask flatly.
“Hmm?” He looks up at you. His eyes land on your bare thighs again, then flick back up quickly to your gaze.
“Triple A? Batteries?”
“Honey, what is this for?” He mumbles, getting off the couch again to help.
“It’s nothing,” you huff out, beginning to go through the shoebox again.
“Gotta tell me if you want help,” he smirks. You look up and he’s got a cocky hand on his hip, standing a couple of feet away. His hair is messy in the dim blue light, and he looks amused with himself.
No longer in possession of any patience to make up a story or fight off his questioning, you answer.
“My vibrator.”
His lips part in gentle shock, and the cocky expression leaves his face at once.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “You just had to know, huh?”
You laugh, because he looks so shy and unlike himself all the sudden. Possibly delirious from the late hour, he laughs too.
“Sorry,” he murmurs. You can see him blushing even in the low light.
“It’s fine,” you rush out, “I’ve just had a bad day, I’m just—” you give up looking through the box, rubbing a hand over your face, “I’m just frustrated. And I just needed—nevermind,” you shake your head, “It’s dead, I just need the batteries.”
He nods and pulls the shoebox closer to him on the counter, picking through the nails and thumbtacks and tape.
“Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Honey,” he says quietly, “But I don’t think we have any.”
“It’s fine,” you sigh, “I’m gonna go to bed,” you pad a few steps away from him, “Goodnight. This didn’t happen,” you point a finger at him.
He salutes you and grins, headed back to the couch. Shoving your embarrassment down, you head to your room again and prepare for sleep. You can’t be bothered to mess with it again.
You’re just picking up the vibrator and putting the back piece back on when there’s a soft knock at the door.
Tucking the toy behind your back, you crack it open to reveal none other than Jake.
“Um,” he holds up the TV remote, “This has triple A batteries,” he says softly.
You look between the remote and him, a furious blush making its way across your face that he would care so much as to come tell you.
“Oh,” you say, eloquence evading you.
He passes it towards you and you open the door further, taking it from him in your open hand. You other stays tucked behind your back, hiding the toy in a way that feels very scandalous.
“Don’t you need this?” You ask, “You’re watching TV.”
He shrugs, “Not as bad as you do, apparently,” he grins and you can’t help but chuckle. “No, but, seriously, I’m probably gonna go to bed.”
You nod slowly, “Okay. Um,” you swallow. You should feel more nervous than you do. More embarrassed. There’s a bit of it, sure, but not much. It feels oddly comfortable. “Thank you.” You murmur.
He nods, and then licks his lip. You stare, because it seems to be almost in slow motion, and his bottom lip is left glossy. Here it is again: the tension. So easy to form in the late hours of the night.
“Mmhm,” he acknowledges your gratitude and he takes a breath, like he’s about to speak, but then his lips shut. He does it again, like he’s working up to saying it.
“Do you wanna make sure they work?” He asks, “Cause I can—if not, I can check my room, or something, um,” his hand grips the doorway and his fingers fidget with the wood. He’s doing a terrible job of acting casual about it, but you find it endearing.
“Sure,” you murmur, “Um,” you fumble with the toy behind your back, “Here, hang on.”
You turn around, just enough that he might not be able to plainly see it in your hand as you mess with it. But you can’t pop open the remote and the toy with both things in your hand, you realize quickly.
“Here,” he says gently, pushing your door open and touching you on the shoulder. He comes around to your side and takes the remote from your hand.
You watch him as he does, and while he looks a little bashful, you appreciate him not acknowledging what’s in your other hand.
With daft fingers, he removes the batteries from the remote as you take them out of the vibrator. You toss the old ones on your bed, and let him place the new ones in your palm. When you click them into place, the toy immediately buzzes to life.
“Oh—shit—“ you breathe, fumbling quickly to turn off the toy. You look at him in a panic, and mutter a soft, “Sorry. Thank you.”
He nods, but doesn’t say anything. He’s got an odd expression, and you think twice before asking, but then you can’t help it.
“What?” you ask.
“Uh,” he chuckles, “I don’t—um,” he runs his hand through his hair and looks back and forth between you and the vibrator, “Nothing.”
He doesn’t move, though. Doesn’t walk to the door, even a little bit.
“Jake,” you sigh, “What is it?”
“I just—“ he starts, and then he nibbles on his bottom lip again, “I probably…shouldn’t…”
You raise your brows at him, wondering what the hell he’s talking about.
“I just—“ he clears his throat, “If—if you had a hard day and you need…I mean, if you need to get off and—and if you just need, y’know, if you don’t wanna have to do a lot of work, I mean, if you’ve had a hard day—“
“Jake,” you giggle at his nonsense, “What?”
He collects himself with a breath, “I can help,” he says finally, “If you’d want that.”
“Help?” Your mouth goes dry at the thought that he’s saying what you think he is.
He nods, “Help. Just this once. Forget about it tomorrow, act like it never happened, all that good stuff, y’know.”
You know you’re standing there with a ridiculous expression on your face, but you can’t help it. You’re stunned.
“Oh,” you finally manage.
He just looks at you, perhaps scared to say anything else.
“You can say no,” he gives you the out, “Or you can say yes. It’s up to you.”
You note how quickly your thighs clench together at the thought, and how your cheeks heat. It’s undeniable that the offer sounds nice. Your day did suck, it would be nice to not have to think about it, just have someone else do the work. Especially someone as attractive as him, who you feel safe with, who you know would take care of you.
“Hm, Honey?” He reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, “I don’t even have to touch you, I can just use the toy, but maybe—“
“Sure,” you surprise yourself with the answer.
“Yeah?” He trails the back of his knuckles over your jaw, “Sound nice?”
A shaky breath leaves you as his fingers graze softly.
“Okay,” he murmurs, “And really,” he licks his lips, “We’ll forget all about it tomorrow. S’just a favor.”
“Okay,” you agree.
“Wanna lay down?” His voice is lower, gentle still, but almost gravelly.
You nod and sit near the top of your bed, watching him intently as he pushes the remote aside and touches your ankle softly. There’s nothing but the soft whir of the fan for a moment as he looks up at you. Suddenly, he looks so much like himself. So familiar. It puts you at ease, and he must see it.
He traces his palm up from your ankle to the inside of your thigh, where he touches softly.
“That okay?” He murmurs. When you nod, he settles more, laying on his stomach between your ankles.
His palms are large and warm over your thighs, where they work to help you relax through broad sweeps over your skin. The only light is from the salt lamp on your dresser, so he glows soft orange.
You can feel the tension unwind as he sweeps his palm again and presses a kiss to the inside of your knee.
“Can I have that?” he smiles as he nods toward your hand, still clutched around the vibrator.
Quietly, you pass the slender silicone wand to him. He takes it in his large hand and flips it, the side with the button in his palm. He skims it down the inside of your thigh, warming you up to the touch. It steals your breath.
“Relax,” he soothes, kissing your thigh again, “Just me.”
You nod, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
“Help slide these off for me?” He nudges the hem of your shirt up on your hip and tugs at one side of your underwear.
Doing as he asks, you slip fingers under the other side and with him, you drag them down and off your ankles.
He tosses them to the floor and comes back to you, skirting the toy up your thigh again, closer and closer. He’s looking up at you for a moment, and you hold the eye contact and your breath, but then finally he spares a glance to your center.
His breath shudders from him and his eyes close momentarily. When they open, for the first time you see him turned on. You can’t pinpoint what it is in his demeanor, but it’s undeniable. It lights a fire in your belly so quickly you wonder why you didn’t do this ages ago.
“Honey…” he sighs, then a groan sounds from the back of his throat, “I don’t wanna keep you waiting, is that okay? Or you wanna go slow?”
“No,” you answer quickly, “Don’t have to go slow.”
He nods and hits the button on the toy, sending it buzzing to life. You can just barely hear the sharp intake of breath from him.
A bit too slow, even, for your liking, he drags the toy up your thigh again, before finally letting the it rest over your clit. You try not to cry out, instead biting down on your lip hard, and pushing your hips up into the touch.
“You don’t have to do that,” he says calmly, “You don’t need to be quiet. Helps me know better what to do if you’re not quiet.”
“Oka—” it’s cut off with a groan as he nestles it more firmly against you.
“Feel good?” He asks, voice still low. You nod frantically, “You can—“ you sigh, a bit scared to say it. Too turned on to think much more, you just do, “You can touch me, if you want.”
He looks up at you quickly, and oh, his eyelids are heavy with lust.
“Yeah?” he says, as if he’s not sure he’s heard you right.
“Mmhm,” you nod, “Please.”
“Fuck,” it rushes out of him, “Yeah, Honey.”
He moves the vibrator aside for a moment, letting it rest just to the side of you. He removes the hand that was holding your thigh and licks the pad of his thumb before he brings it to you, greeting your clit with slow circles. The touch burns a trail through your body, immediately heating your face and chest.
“Jake,” the way you say his name is nearing pathetic.
“Yeah?” He sounds almost in pain, his voice is tight.
“More,” you shudder.
“How—Jesus Christ“ he clears his throat, “Do you wanna tell me how you like it, or you just want me to—“
“Just—,” you feel frantic, like your skin is too hot, and you don’t know what you need. You reach for him, and your hand lands in the crown of his hair, “Please, something—I—”
“Okay,” he soothes, “Okay.”
Slowly still, he moves the toy down and eases against the slick of your entrance, and when you push your hips into it, he takes it as permission to ease it into you.
“Fuck,” you bite out.
“Good?” he checks in, kissing your leg.
“Yeah,” you gasp.
“Good,” he murmurs, and then he’s settling down, pressing kisses further and further along your inner thigh, until finally, he meets your clit in a gentle kiss.
“Jake,” you groan, loud, “Ohmygod.”
He hums against you, and then before you can even catch your breath, he licks a full stripe, stealing whatever sanity you could have possibly had left.
“Don’t stop,” you know you’re whining but you can’t help it, not even a bit. He licks and sucks slowly, letting the buzz from the toy and the warmth from his mouth carry you to your end. Your hand stays buried in his hair at the roots, where you try not to squeeze it too hard.
It’s almost humorous, that earlier you were trying so desperately to get off, and now that it's a hair’s width away, you wish you weren’t so close. You don’t want the sweet warmth of his tongue to leave. Sadly, you don’t have a choice.
“Gonna cum,” you warn him, so he can back off if he wants, but he just groans into you, and keeps his motions steady.
You can’t breathe when it hits you, nor can you help the way your thighs tense around him. You’re pretty sure you almost pass out for a moment, as your vision goes all white when your eyes roll back. After it passes, and you can take a deep gasp of air again, he’s coming up for air.
“Fuck me,” he groans, “Fuck.”
You blink a few times so you can finally see him in the dim light again. He slides the vibrator from you and clicks it off, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Almost like he can’t help it, he gets up on his knees and grips the length of himself through the pajamas, his eyes rolling back and his lips falling open.
His eyes snap open to meet yours, and his hand falls away.
“Sorry,” he sighs quickly, “Sorry, I—“ he shakes his head, at a loss.
“It’s okay,” your chest heaves as you recover still from the orgasm.
You try to read him, to know where to go with this. Do you thank him? Do you offer to return the favor? That wasn’t part of this, though, maybe—
“Can I do it again?”
Your eyes meet his in some fiery standoff.
He licks his lips, “Can I make you cum again?”
When you’re still silent for a moment, he adds, “Please?”
The groan that comes from you is much too loud and enthusiastic, and before you know it you’re reaching for him.
“Come here,” you plead, and he obliges, slotting with you and hovering over you, meeting you in a warm kiss.
“Fuck,” he says against your mouth, “I promise we can still forget about this tomorrow, if you want—“
“Shut up,” you smile, kissing him harder. He groans back and snakes a hand between your legs, where suddenly he’s nudging two fingers against you.
“Yes,” You answer before he can ask.
You gasp when they sink in, warm and full, so much better than the stupid vibrator.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he says against your cheek, as he’s nipping and licking a trail down your face, “I would—“ he swallows, you can hear it close to your ear, “I would fucking love to be inside you.”
“Oh my god,” it rushes out of you without thought, “Please.”
He groans, but pulls back.
“Are you sure—“
“Yes, Jake,”
“No, Honey, listen to me,” he holds your jaw in his hand, “We can still just pretend this didn’t happen tomorrow if you want, but please think about it for a second. I’m alright with it. Are you?”
You take a deep breath, and yeah, even when you think about it, even when it’s him, you want it. And you know he’d never hold it against you.
“Yeah,” you nod, “Yes.”
His lips curl into a wide grin, and then he’s back against your mouth, matching your fervor with his warm tongue. His fingers work still inside you, curling perfectly over and over.
You want him so badly all at once you can barely stand it, and without a second thought, it comes out of you:
“Can I ride you?”
His fingers halt and he groans so loud you almost wonder if he’s hurt, his head falls to your shoulder. Quickly, he collects himself, pulling his head up to look at you. He’s disheveled, and it’s hot. His hair is everywhere, his lips are swollen.
“As hot as that is, no, babe, this is still about you. Don’t want you to have to do any of the work.”
You’re trying to respond, but the way he said babe rings around in your head deafeningly loud.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he kisses your cheek, “I promise.”
Numb from the pleasure, you nod as he withdraws his fingers. He smiles as he slips off the bed and tugs his shirt over his head. You follow his form, tugging your shirt over yours. His eyes slow for a moment over your chest, and you both take each other in.
You’ve seen him shirtless, as he cooks breakfast, or when he comes home from a jog. You know he has soft sides, a defined chest, and wonderfully strong shoulders. It still makes you speechless.
Even more, when he tugs the string of his pajama pants loose and eases them gently down his hips, letting them fall to the floor, you can’t find words. The curve from his hips to his waist makes your mouth open in an intrigued shock. And god, the thick length of himself that he takes quickly into his hand is enough to stun you forever. You’re shocked you can find words to answer him when he asks,
“You want this?”
It’s low and sultry as he palms himself. His head is cocked just to the side, making dazed eye contact with you.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “I—can I touch you?”
He bites on his bottom lip and nods, stepping closer to the side of the bed so that he’s within reach. Timidly, you reach up to take him into your hand. His hand moves, allowing it, and as your fingers wrap around him, your thighs clench. He releases a slow, shaky breath when you stroke him.
He’s warm, and thicker than at first glance. You can’t resist a peek up at his face as you move your hand slowly over him. His eyes are locked onto your hand, his lips parted in a sigh.
“Feels nice,” he thrusts experimentally into your grip, and his eyes roll back, “Your hand is so soft.”
You can’t help but giggle at that, and his eyes flit to your face. He chuckles too, pushing into your hand again.
“Fuck,” he hisses, “You ready?”
Nodding quickly, you greet him on the bed by sliding your legs back open, letting him kneel between them.
“Slide down a bit, babe,” he says quietly, touching your hip with delicate fingers.
You lay flat on the bed, letting him lean over you and prop himself up with his forearm by your head.
“Hi,” he grins.
“Hey there,” you giggle.
“Gonna kiss you again,” he murmurs as he leans in, his plush lips meeting yours in a lovely embrace. As you’re busy licking at his tongue, he rolls his hips against you, and you’re gasping at the warmth of him sliding against your clit.
“Shit,” he gasps into your mouth, “You’re gonna soak me, Honey. You always this wet, or am I doing that good a job?”
“I refuse to inflate your ego even more this evening,” you smile into the kiss.
“Understandable,” he’s smiling too, “I hope you can tell by how fucking hard I am that you’re doing something to me, too,” he grinds fully into you again and you’re whimpering as he licks at your lower lip.
“Jake,” you whine.
“Tell me, Honey, what is it?”
“Just fuck me, please.”
“Mmm,” he hums as his lips press to your cheek, “Gonna fuck you until you can’t remember the bad day you had, or anything else.”
If you say anything coherent, you can’t recall. It’s mostly a desperate groan, begging without words.
He reaches down and eases himself in, and you force your eyes open to watch his expression as he does. His mouth gapes, his eyes roll back. You wish you could watch it a million times.
And god, he’s warm as he stretches you, as his hips roll flush to you. He’s just big enough that it approaches a mild sting, but it’s welcomed. He props his other forearm on the other side of your head, and his hair falls around you, blanketing you in his body heat.
Just when you’re sure his hips are flush to you, he rolls them hard, sending your eyes back into your head.
“You like that, hm?” He shudders, “You feel so damn good.”
You just nod, struggling to keep your eyes open to look at him.
“Baby,” he says, sugar sweet, “Just take it, Honey, you don’t have to do anything else.”
He pulls his hips back and then rolls back into you, and suddenly that sneaking warmth is building in you again.
With his nose, he nuzzles your head to the side. As he begins to work at a slow, deep pace, he sucks gently on your pulse point. Your head is all blurry stars, your eyes rolling back far too often to see anything, and all you can smell is his shampoo and sweat.
You’re not sure if you’re making noise; you don’t think so, it feels like you can barely breathe. But then, Jake says,
“I know, babe, I know, let go.”
And you’re guessing you’ve said something to clue him into the fact that you’re on the precipice of a second orgasm.
With a sturdy roll of his hips, you’re scratching at the soft skin of his sides and drawing a whimper from as you clench around him like a vice, slamming into a somehow even more visceral orgasm than the first.
As it washes over you, you can hear yourself saying his name like a mantra.
“So good,” he’s still fucking slowly into you.
“Don’t fucking stop,” you whine, “Please, Jake, don’t stop.”
“Not gonna stop,” he kisses your cheek, “Gonna give it to you til you’re a cock-drunk mess, Honey, don’t worry.”
You shudder off a string of curses at his vulgar response, and you draw him even closer, one hand on his side, and the other wrapping into his hair. He resumes sucking on the side of your neck, something that makes your stomach flutter. He bottoms out over and over at a wonderous pace, somehow each thrust just as good as the last.
“You like this? Slow and deep?” He murmurs the question against your skin and punctuates the question with a lick.
“Yes,” you whimper.
“You wanna cum around me again?”
“Yeah,” you gasp, “Yeah, fucking—please,”
“Take your time, Honey,” he breathes, “I’m not going anywhere. Just gonna fuck and fuck you.”
“Kiss me,” you plead. He answers you quickly, his warm mouth on yours in an instant, warm and fervent. It’s embarrassingly quick, how soon you feel like you can cum again. But you can’t find the shame; he’s working himself perfectly against you.
“Close,” you confess against his lips.
“Good,” his voice is distant, “Let me have it.”
It hits you slow and unhurried, creeping hot vines up your torso and neck, gripping at your cheeks and burning a bolt of pleasure through you. You’re a floating, dizzy version of yourself when you come down.
“Fucking beautiful,” he’s sighing, “Gonna cum, Honey, you feel too good.”
He pulls out and balances on one of his arms as he shoves a hand down around himself. He looks the most beautiful that he ever has, in your opinion, as he cums.
His cheeks are flushed and his brow furrows, and his bitten lips curse softly when he loses it. For a moment he glances down between you, watching as he makes a mess.
You could watch it on repeat forever, and almost lament the moment before it passes.
Finally, he looks up at you. It’s quiet for a second before he grins.
“Hi, Honey,” he smiled wide.
“Hi,” you giggle. He unsticks a piece of his hair from your face as he catches his breath.
“Gonna kiss you again if that’s alright,” he sighs. You nod quickly, and he’s kissing you soft and slow. It’s so tender, you know you probably shouldn’t want it as bad as you do.
He must be on the same page, though, because he just kisses and kisses, licking slowly at your tongue and your teeth.
Some long while later, he comes up for air.
“Let me get my shirt for you,” he says, easing himself off the bed.
He fetches his discarded tee and cleans you with it gently, then wipes himself quickly before he climbs back beside you.
“So,” he breathes, reaching out to skim a finger over your chest, “Why was your day so bad, hm?”
“Jake,” you laugh. You can’t fathom why he’s asking you this right now, and you can’t recall a single thing that happened before the moment he was in your bed.
“Tell me about your day. What was it, hm? That got you so frustrated you had to make yourself cum so bad,” he smirks.
“Jake, Jesus Christ,” you blush, “I have no idea anymore, it was just—“
“So it worked?”
You blink at him.
“I fucked you ‘til you forgot?”
If he was trying to make you laugh, it works, as the giggle that escapes you is borderline maniacal. He joins though, laughing lightheartedly beside you.
“Sorry,” he laughs, “Dumb joke.”
As the giggling winds down, the room is quiet. The thought pops into your head with conviction, and it feels only right to say it aloud:
“You know… I wouldn’t be mad if we didn’t forget this tomorrow,” you offer quietly.
He sighs and smiles at you, his eyes sparkly. He looks like himself; like the Jake you know, but closer, and warmer than before.
“I was kinda hoping you would say that.”
*tag list in progress of being updated*
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maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
Skin Deep - A Birthday Treat
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Pairing: Josh Kiszka x f!reader x Jake Kiszka
Word count: 5.4k
A/N: This is mostly kind of unedited, so be kind and don’t judge me too harshly. I wanted to get this out yesterday, but life just sort of got in the way. Hope y’all enjoy!
Appreciate all the love, support and feedback!
Shout out to Nessa @asparrowofthedawn for helping me work through this “blurb” idea ❤️
Warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, cursing, sexually explicit content - MINORS DNI! (Oral m!receiving, oral f!receiving, dirty talk, ice play, spit kink, degradation kink)
Skin Deep Playlist
You adjust the fit of your new lingerie, a set you had picked out specifically for this day, shimmying it beneath your matching sundress as you stand in front of the bathroom mirror. The guys had thankfully kept themselves occupied by playing one of their video games in the living room, giving you plenty of time to fix your hair to your liking, a half-up twisted knot. You had even gone as far as to pack your curling iron from your apartment to style the ends so they sit nicely against your bare shoulders. Leaning in so you’re a few inches from the mirror, you give a final swipe of the carefully selected lipstick across your bottom lip.
You look good. Really good.
It’s not that you never wore makeup or dressed up like this, but being around them gives you a sense of comfort like this was your second home. A place where you can be yourself and feel confident knowing that they’ll appreciate your natural beauty. Josh makes a point of it, telling you over and over that he finds you the most irresistible when you’re wearing nothing but a pair of cotton panties and one of his favorite t-shirts. 
But today was special, and you’re more than determined to prove that to them. There’s no doubt you’re turned on by how quickly you’ve soaked through the panties you just put on minutes ago. You can’t help it, the thought of having both of them within your reach is nearly too much to bear.
You iron out the wrinkles of your dress with a pass of your palms while giving yourself one last internal pep talk. The little plan you’ve schemed is coming together, and now all you have to do is execute it. 
The t.v can be heard echoing throughout the hallway as you make your way into the living room with each confident stride. Josh’s boisterous laugh cuts through the sounds of the game, making you smile before you even get into their line of vision. 
Just like you predicted, Josh is the one to notice your presence first, breaking his focus away from the screen in a fleeting glance, only to follow it with a double take. As they lock on to you, his gaze lingers, making his eyes instantly light up as he takes you in, absorbing every single detail into memory. His smile, one that you think can’t get any bigger — the one that you adore so much — shows across his face until he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. He tosses the controller onto the coffee table with a loud thud and stretches back into the seat cushion.
Jake has only been paying attention to the game since you’ve been standing here and throws his hands up in frustration as he snaps at his twin, “Dude, what the fuck—“ But his thought is cut off once he sees you like his brain suddenly blanked out. “—Oh.” 
He pauses the game and tosses his controller to the side to eliminate any distraction, an action you’re convinced is unnecessary based on how he’s staring at you right now. His eyes are wide in shock, giving you that cliche deer-in-the-headlights look — an expression you rarely ever see from him. 
Normally you would fight the shy, bashful feeling that’s bubbling in your stomach from that reaction, but instead, you use it to your advantage. You let the rising blush show on your face while you play with the curled ends of your hair, dropping your eyes away from them to look down at the pattern of the hardwood floor.
You allow the tension of the moment to linger for a few seconds, giving them the time to study all the details you had put so much effort into.  Pulling your eyes back up to Josh, you see him leaning back against the cushion, smiling at you like he always does. The glint in his eyes is telling you he’s onto whatever this is and is welcoming it with unbridled enthusiasm. 
He decides to break the silence, with the tone of his voice saying more than the actual words, “Hey baby, we don’t have to be ready to go for a couple more hours.”
You feel Jake’s eyes following your every move as you close the short distance between you until you’re standing inches away from their legs. While making sure to give them both your attention, you say softly, “I know…but I wanted to give you both a present first.”
You follow through with your next move by sliding onto Josh’s lap with your hands braced on his shoulders, which makes your sundress ride up your legs as you sink onto him. You can feel the excitement radiating through him as you adjust, rolling your hips ever-so-slightly so you feel the rough fabric of his jeans grazing the back of your thighs. 
You can feel everything through the delicate, sheer fabric of your panties, the friction of rubbing across the denim alone driving you right to the edge. His thigh muscles flex beneath you as he rolls his hips up, driving his already-hard erection into your core.
It’s no surprise to you that he’s amped up already. You had been teasing him with the idea all day since the two of you woke up this morning, even if it made you feel slightly guilty for making him wait as long as you have. 
“But it’s my birthday, baby,” he whines against your ear with that certain rasp of sleep, a sound he knows is sure to make your thighs clench in need. 
“I know…” You want to give in, to worship his cock for hours with no end in sight, to hear him plead from overstimulation, but you have other plans in mind. You gather whatever is left of your self-control through a shaky sigh, “…but you have to wait until later.”
His parted lips brush against the nape of your neck, tickling the tiny hairs with every languid sweep of his mouth. You have to give it to him for trying because you can’t help but grind your ass against him because of it. “You are a cruel, cruel woman. I think making me wait for birthday sex is the worst thing you’ve ever done.”
You giggle, imagining the pout on his face while separating him from your back with a nudge of your elbow. “For some reason, I think you’ll survive.” He retaliates with a nip at your skin with a squeeze of your breast through your tank top. “And stop trying to make me horny, Joshua Michael.”
“Oh, did you just full name me?” He scoffs as he props himself on an elbow to look over you. You bury your face into the pillow to muffle your laughter just as he leans in to place a kiss below your ear through a smile.“I’ll wait, but I will make no promises on that.”
His soft hands slide along the top of your thighs, slipping below your cotton dress to find the divots of your waist, pulling you even closer. While his thumbs trace along the thin band of your thong, he tips his chin up, breathing in the floral scent of the perfume that you’ve sprayed to the pulse points of your neck. “Giving me my present late, baby?”
You glance over to his left to see Jake acting restless as if he’s been contemplating whether to stay or go, most like a response from thinking this is a private moment between you and his brother. You hum in thought, redirecting your focus while taking Josh’s chin between your fingers and thumb. “I think you might have to share this one, Joshy.”
While you predict that there might be a spark of jealousy from your implication, you’re only met with Josh exchanging a certain look with his twin. One that’s mischievous and knowing given the grin that’s curling on the corners of his lips, causing Jake’s unsure expression to transform in seconds. Usually, silent communication is something you choose to usually ignore, accepting that it’s the product of this dynamic you share. This time, however, is one of those times you wish you could hear all of their inner thoughts.
You guide his attention back to you by bringing him in for a kiss, releasing your hold on his face, and letting your fingers roam over the path of buzzed hair to wrap around the nape of his neck. He’s impatient and greedy, licking across your lips to taste you without a care in the world that they are coated in a velvety-pink hue. He tastes like the tequila and soda he’s been sipping on throughout the afternoon, giving you a teaser of how your evening will pan out. His thumbs hook around the band of your panties while his fingers massage into the supple flesh of your hips. 
Before you run the risk of venturing too far and losing yourself, you break away from him and lean into Jake. He’s startled at first by the brazenness of the action, but melts into the kiss nonetheless, deepening it with every reconnection of your lips. He’s more reserved than Josh today, staying cautious and calculated with the gentle passes of his tongue along yours. He holds your face with his hand as you’re hit with the strong tartness of lime as he had recently sucked on the wedge now floating in his glass only moments prior. You take a needed breath, and because you’ve caught him before he’s gotten ready for the evening and had the chance to put on his favorite cologne, the only things you smell are the detergent off his t-shirt and his natural scent. 
The kiss is continued along his jawline, and he quickly offers you the expanse of his throat with the upward tilt of his head. You spoil his warm, soft skin with lasting kisses, following the delicious path to his ear, and whisper in your sultriest voice, “You can unbutton your pants now, birthday boy.”
While Jake scrambles to pop open his belt, you slowly sit back on Josh’s lap to admire your work of art before you — both your boys covered in a collection of your lipstick marks. Josh is grinning at you, basking in the afternoon sun with smears of pink across both of his lips. Jake is in a similar state, peering down at you through heavy lids as he palms himself over his boxer briefs. 
“So this present…” Josh massages his fingers into your waist as he grinds himself against you. “Can I unwrap it?”
You bite at your bottom lip as you give him the go-ahead with an enthusiastic nod. He needs no other signal and grabs fistfuls of the dress that’s bunched up around the top of your legs, and before he can pull it off you, Jake interrupts with an extended hand,  “Careful!” While Josh freezes his movements, he pauses to look at you before adding, “That’s a new dress, isn’t it, dove?”
You blush at the thought of Jake paying enough attention to you to know what’s new in your wardrobe. “It is. Do you like it?”
“I love it.” There’s something about the drawl of his gravelly voice that holds a deeper intrigue.
“Sorry, baby.” Josh watches his fingertips trace over the tiny roses on the pattern of your dress, traveling up the curves of your body until they stop at your neckline. They dance along the supple skin on the tops of your breasts until he decides to tug on the hanging strings that you’ve tied into a bow as he whispers, “I love it too. It’s beautiful on you.”
With Jake’s instruction, Josh makes a point to be more careful with removing the dress from you. He peels it up your body with your help of lifting your arms as he pulls it over your head. You arch your back to give them the best view of the lingerie set you’ve picked out, hoping they notice that your dress matches perfectly with its sheer white fabric that’s adorned with tiny embroidered pink roses. 
You had chosen it for its soft and feminine details, so sensual in its delicate floral elements that carry a certain grace of spring — something that seems so fitting for this day. From what you can tell, it’s clearly stirring something in Jake for him to see you like this when he’s only ever witnessed you in black or red garments. Josh, however, would probably fuck you if you wearing nothing but one of those cheap Halloween banana costumes. To him, all lingerie you wear is a treat, even if it will most likely end up on the floor minutes later. 
They both stare for several seconds, looking you up and down and in unison, mutter under their breath, “Fuck…”
Jake dares to reach his hand out, presenting the image of the skull inked across the top to the touch to the band of your panties resting on your hip before trailing his fingers toward the embroidered roses decorating the front. Josh is busy focusing solely on your chest, fixating on the same pink flowers on the cups and straps of your bra.
Josh lowers his mouth to your covered breast to graze his lips across your hardening nipple through the lace. The heat of his breath clings to your skin, adding to the sensation of his wet tongue licking across the fabric. You feel the metal of his piercing, which causes a whine to leave your mouth without warning. While he commits to showering your chest with attention, his open hands begin to roam up the length of your back.
Once Josh’s nimble fingers find the metal clasps, Jake interrupts for a second time, but with a noticeable desperation in his voice, “No, wait! Leave them on her.”
He abandons the hooks to play with the straps instead, mumbling into the hollow point of your throat, “Looks like these are a favorite, baby.”
Your preparation has paid off and you can’t hold back the smile forming as you kiss him again. He’s not as rushed this time by letting you take the lead, and while you stay for only a moment, you eventually leave his lips to make your way down his throat as you slide down his body. You take your time placing each perfectly pink imprint of your lips onto his golden-tanned skin until you’re stopped by the collar of his crewneck.
He throws his hands back behind his head as his throaty laugh fills the room. “I fucking love birthdays.”
You sink to the floor between his legs, thankful for the living room rug that’s padding your bare knees. Adjusting to the new position, you run your hands over his legs to massage the tops of his thighs, inching closer with each roll of your fingers over his tight-fitting jeans. He responds by shifting forward on the cushion, extending his back in such a way that gives you easier access to the button of his pants. 
You can see he’s struggling to stay patient with how hard he is — his cock throbbing wildly within his right pant leg without reprieve.  You add to the torment by ghosting over the very obvious erection and dipping your fingers underneath the hem of his shirt, pushing up the soft material up his torso to expose the sensitive skin of his belly. You linger around the metal button of his pants, playing up the act you’re putting on before popping it open with a flick of your wrist. 
Jake disrupts the moment by speaking up, revealing some annoyance in his tone as he asks, “Why does he always get to go first?”
Before you have a chance to respond, Josh huffs out a harsh laugh, “Because I’m older, dipshit.”
His go-to remark makes you think back to the memory of that first night you had spent together in the tattoo shop, causing a smile and blush to appear. As much as you enjoy every intimate moment with each of them, the times like these always stirred something special in you. 
“By five fucking minutes!”
Josh only taunts back, “And you’ll never live it down.”
To avoid ruining the moment, Jake concedes with an aggravated grumble,  “Asshole.”
While they’re preoccupied with their immature bickering, you start pulling the zipper of Josh’s jeans at a painstakingly slow pace, taking his attention away from Jake and back to your hands. You peel the fabric away to the sides, revealing his white boxer briefs as you squeeze his covered cock through the denim.
Despite the fact you’re concentrating solely on Josh, Jake is the one to scold you, “Stop teasing.”
“I will when you stop playing with your boxers and decide to finally pull your cock out,” you quip back, giving him more attitude than you ever have before. You cast your eyes away as you can’t look at him directly in fear of what his next words will be. If it wasn’t for Josh acting as your buffer to save you from punishment, you probably wouldn’t have risked it.
The following seconds are thick with tension from Jake staring down at you and Josh’s stunned expression frozen on his face as he fights back the laugh that wants to escape him. 
Jake eventually releases a heavy sigh, muttering under his breath, “Smart ass.”
A giggle escapes you and Josh quickly joins in, earning himself a painful smack to his arm from the back of Jake’s hand. “Ouch!”
Jake finally takes your cue and pulls himself out of the snug-fitting black cotton. You watch him while slipping your hand beneath Josh’s, causing a loud, visceral groan to push past his lips the second you touch him. He’s warm in your hand, the suede-soft feel of skin brushing against your palm as you wrap your fingers around his length. Feeling the heavy pulse of his heartbeat, you retrieve his cock from the restrictions of his pants and boxers, bringing him out into the open air.
You look up to see Josh peeking through his lust-draped lids, his mouth hanging open in anticipation with panting breaths puffing past his lips. He prepares himself for what’s about to happen by reaching for his drink that’s been sitting on the end table, and taking a large sip of the liquid courage. You extend your free hand, silently asking for a sip as well. 
The tequila soda is watered down considerably at this point, but you’re not worried about the alcohol or taste. What you’re after is the cube of ice that you’ve now dropped into your mouth, stashing it safely against your tongue before handing the glass back to him. Without wasting another second, you place a chilled kiss on the head of his cock, causing a violent shiver to roll through his spine. 
The muscles in his body go rigid as he sucks in a sharp breath when you slide him across your cold tongue. After a few seconds of keeping the ice pressed against the side of his cock, he begins to relax as it starts melting in the heat of your mouth. An unexpected grunt leaves him through this, and he follows the sound with a string of curses as the dual mixture of temperatures overloads his brain. 
Josh wets his lips, mumbling out into the open, “Oh my god, that feels so good.”
The shocking surge of cold, soothed with the intoxicating heat of your mouth is sending him closer to the edge than both of you expect. You swirl your warming tongue around his cock while keeping the base of him wrapped with a loose fist. You know everything that Josh enjoys, the feather-light flicks of your tongue beneath the head of his cock, the twisting strokes of your fingers, the gentle sucking with your lips sealed around him — a sensation that keeps his brain buzzing. 
Your reward is the pitchy whimpers echoing in the base of his throat as his adam’s apple bobs with each harsh swallow, the clawing of his own fingers across his chest and legs, the way he throws his head back and clamps his eyes shut.
With one hand still wrapped around him, you feel across Jake’s right thigh with the other, taking his cock from his loose grasp and finding that he’s just as hard to the touch. You stare at him through your lashes as you start to stroke him at a lazy pace, watching his expression shift with every one of your movements. While holding your gaze, he tips his head slightly forward and parts his mouth, and allows a long, dripping trail of spit to fall from his bottom lip, down to the head of his cock. 
It hits your hand as well, causing your now-wet fingers to glide over his length with ease. The lewd image takes your breath away, causing you to stall on Josh as he stays right below your lips, just as Jake intended. Satisfied, a cocky smirk hooks the corner of his mouth as he leans back against the cushion. 
You twist your hand up and down the length of  Jake’s cock, admiring every detail that makes him unique. He’s hot to the touch, throbbing against your fingers each time you slow
Josh doesn’t seem to notice the display and writhes against your arms in need of release. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
The praise sparks your need aching between your thighs, and you push his cock into your mouth, sinking onto him in a single motion, nudging the tip of his cock as far as it can go. You relax the muscles in steady, deep breaths, opening your throat to push him that much farther. It’s another thing that takes him by surprise, causing his fingers to fly to your hair as he breathes, “Holy shit.”
You hear Jake’s raspy chuckle above you, “I taught her that little trick.”
The new technique combined with the dancing rolls of your tongue to the underside of him sends him over in seconds. His body simply acts out of his control now, causing his hips to buck, the grasp around your hair to tighten, and for him to whine with brimming urgency, “I-I’m gonna cum, baby. Baby—“
He pants your name like a mantra, erupting into the back of your throat through a shaky thrust, emptying on your tongue as you swallow his release down. You lick him up, not wanting to leave a single drop of him until the overstimulation starts to set in. You eventually come to a stopping point, and withdraw him from your mouth to place an open kiss on the cherry tattoo before biting at the soft flesh of his stomach just to feel him squirm. 
While his chest heaves with every ragged breath as he collects himself, you slide away from his lap and slow yourself between Jake’s legs. He sweeps the fallen lock of hair from your cheek and tucks it behind your ear, giving you that recognizable devilish grin he always seems to have with you. 
You continue stroking Jake as he tugs at your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb, showing your bottom row of teeth while cooing in a silken voice, “That’s a pretty shade on you, dove. What’s this one called?”
Before you answer him, you wrap your painted lips around his thumb, sucking it into your mouth to leave the faint pink ring around the base, pulling away enough to whisper in a heavy breath, “Love Trap.”
He moans at the feeling of your tongue licking across his skin, humming in approval, “Well, that’s fitting.” 
You kiss the shaft of his cock as your fingers work around him, taking the opportunity to tease him before he ultimately takes control. Josh begins to move in his seat and reaches down to guide you up off the floor, repositioning you so that your knee sinks into the cushion with your other foot planted on the floor. You sense him dropping down to his knees behind you, feeling his hands explore the curves of your hips and ass. 
You whine from the proposition and look over your shoulder. “Josh…the present was supposed to be about you.”
He giggles, watching your eyes as he buries his face between your legs so you feel the hot air clinging to your body with each drawn-out exhale. He kisses the fabric covering your core, making you instantly clench around him, before answering in a pleased sigh, “Oh baby, this is the present.”
You guide Jake past your lips just as Josh’s fingers feel the bands of your thong that rest on either side of your hip, pulling at them slightly to release with a teasing snap against your skin. He curls his fingers around them and slowly tugs them down, carefully maneuvering your legs to remove them from your body. 
“Happy Birthday,” he calls out to Jake, slingshotting the lingerie over you for him to catch. You watch from below as he feels the delicate material between his thumbs as if entranced in his world by the garment alone. He then does something you don’t expect by holding them up to his face — burying his nose in the white fabric woven between his fingers — to breathe in your scent. As it fills his head and lungs, his fingers pull at your hair while his eyes flutter closed with a low groan rumbling deep in his chest.
Josh sucks at the sensitive skin of your inner thighs hard enough to bruise the flesh between his teeth, leaving little pink marks of his own while his fingers slip between your folds. You jolt at the feeling of him rubbing with firm pressure against your clit, and moan around Jake as he glides across your flattened tongue.
With one hand bracing your hip, the tip of Josh’s tongue glides through you in a single pass, the taste of you causing him to groan in satisfaction as he hears your muffled whimpers. He always loves to take his time and edge you, but you’re too impatient for that today and back into him, begging him for more.
There’s no denying that focusing on Jake is difficult, but you’re adamant to take the challenge. You use every trick you know, every learned detail that drives him insane. Whereas Josh prefers the drawn-out tease, Jake wants the full show. He wants to see the trails of drool leaking past your swollen lips and the black tears streaming down your face. You give it to him, playing off the sounds he makes in return, gauging how hard his fingers pull at your hair.
Meanwhile, Josh devours you like you’re his last meal on Earth, knowing that he doesn’t have much time with how close Jake seems to be, and abandons his usual method of teasing you for as long as you can stand it. The determined rolls and laps of his tongue across your swollen clit make gag around Jake through a groan, causing a growl to rip through his teeth, “Yeah, dove. Fucking choke on it.”
His hand snakes to the back of your head to push you farther down his cock, the pressure threatening to make your throat spasm around him again. You know Josh heard it from how he suddenly pauses every movement of his tongue, stalling inches from you before pulling away from you. “Jake…”
Jake doesn’t seem to register Josh’s concern, as this is a normal thing between the two of you. He’s falling into his role, emphasizing his point with a tug of your hair as you continue working your mouth around him, “Spit on her. She likes feeling it run down her pussy and thighs.”
You can sense Josh’s apprehension by the way his fingers press into your hips and the whispered curse slipping past his lips. He takes a second to think about it until he eventually obliges by spitting directly onto you, causing you a shudder to roll through you and your toes to curl as his saliva drips down your pussy and thighs — just as Jake had described. 
Josh runs his fingers through the added wetness, mesmerized by your reaction, causing Jake’s ego to run at a high as he croons, “See? I fucking told you, didn’t I?”
You’ve been so turned on throughout the day, that it doesn’t take much for him to take you to the edge of your tipping point. You chase only it by forcing Jake as deep as he can go, impressing him with the skills he’s so clearly proud of you for. He’s fighting it through every drag of his nails across the dark wash denim of his jeans as he curls his fingers over his lap. His chest is tight with every strained breath his lungs push out as he tries to hold out for as long as he can, but there’s no secret he’s closer than you are. 
It doesn’t take long for you to get to the point where you’re no longer concentrating on Jake, but rather on the work of Josh’s tongue licking and tasting you, gagging around his cock again. You pull him from your mouth to catch your breath and compensate with your hand, revealing how desperate you’re becoming when you cry out, “Josh… please don’t stop. I’m so fucking close.” 
Your words must have affected him because seconds after your pathetic plea hits Jake’s ears, he unravels before you without the same warning Josh had managed to give you. The first shot hits your face as a cursed apology leaves his lips, making you flinch before you have the chance to wrap your mouth around him again. You can’t be bothered to care, taking your reward, swallowing him down just as you had done so with Josh.
Josh’s fingers dig into your hips with his determination to make you cum, filling the room with the obscene sounds of his mouth on you. With the final circle drawn over your clit with his pointed tongue, your orgasm comes crashing down, sending you into the unforgiving waves of your pleasure. He rides it out through listless passes from your entrance to your overstimulated clit until your legs begin to shake around him. 
He finishes with a kiss and presses his sweat-covered forehead against your ass as he calms his breathing before sitting fully on the floor to rest the back of his head on the armrest. After taking the time to come down, you stretch out your limbs and stand on your feet, seeing Jake completely spent. You note the beads of sweat that also cover his forehead and brow, how his eyes are staying closed as he licks across his lips, the way his t-shirt is wrinkled beyond belief as his softening cock is between his stomach and the band of his boxers. 
As per usual, Josh is the one to finally break the silence, “I think it’s safe to say that beats getting socks.” Jake even chuckles at the dumb joke, joining in the collective laughter between all three of you. 
Suddenly aware of your disheveled state, you look down at Josh sitting cross-legged at your feet, and ask, “Is my makeup messed up?”
His gaze climbs your mostly naked form before it reaches your face to study the damage. He puts up a weak attempt to hide the smile while brushing his fingers across your outer thigh, admitting with that special glimmer in his eye, “Uh…I think we might have to freshen you up, baby.”
You giggle, wiping your finger beneath your eye to gather the wet mascara that had started to run.“That bad?”
He slowly stands to his feet, pulling you into a close embrace with hands locked around your lower back, and mumbles into your cheek, “Nothing a shower can’t fix.”
Realizing that Jake has no intentions of moving anytime soon, you follow Josh’s lead as he takes you by the hand toward the bathroom. Once you’re in the hallway, he pulls you in closer now that he’s out of earshot from his twin with concern laden in his voice, “Is that how he speaks to you? Do you like that?” You try to think of a well-thought-out response, but expression tells him everything he needs to know, making him shake his head. “I think I learn something new about you every day.”
@gretavanbitches @shesawomaninadream @dannyandthekiszkas @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @asparrowofthedawn @ageofnations @welightthefire @garbagevanfleet @lvnterninthenight @pennylanefics @writingcold @alexxavicry @jakeyboiiiiiii @doodle417 @richjaaasss @pr41sethemoon @mamalikes-gvf @gretavanflowerpowerrr @joshskittytickler21 @jakekiszkasbabymama @fallonfatality @maddie-van-fleet @sarakay-gvf @josiee-gvf @milkgemini @sammiejane22 @gretavanbear @capturethechaos @welllauragvf @averagemisfit03 @myownparadise96 @givemeyourtots2 @gretavangroove @sammyfuckingkiszka @why-ami-on-here @autopsy-im-ill @objectsinspvce @feilores @josh-iamyour-mama @joshkiszkasbigtoe e @lightmylove-gvf @mydarlingdanny @shutupdevvie @gvfjess @twinszka @busybeingtrash @carlybubs @demonrat444
368 notes · View notes
maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
Skin Deep Masterpost
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Moodboard created by @jakekiszkasleftnutsack, Tattoo edits provided by @kiszkasun , tattooartist!Jake Moodboard that sparked the idea for me by @pennylanefics
Shoutout to @asparrowofthedawn and @capturethechaos for their support and input through this series.
Disclaimer- This is a twin Smut fic series, so if that’s not your thing, keep on scrolling ❤️
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption and drug use, sexually explicit content.
Skin Deep Playlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Blurbs and oneshots
A Morning Surprise - Josh period sex
A Birthday Treat - Josh and Jake enjoy a surprise
Artwork for the Series
Josh sketch
Jake sketch
512 notes · View notes
maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
Skin Deep - Part 2
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Moodboard created by @jakekiszkasleftnutsack
Shout out to @kiszkasun for providing tattoo edits of the boys 🖤
@pennylanefics for the beautiful tatt!jake moodboard that sparked the idea.
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x f!reader x Jake Kiszka
Warnings: cursing, sexually explicit content - MINORS DNI!! (Oral m!receiving, fingering, hand stuff - m!recieving, dirty talk, praise kink, spit kink, super light choking if you squint, biting)
A/N: This has become a twin series (smut with both of them for those unaware, so if this isn’t your thing, keep scrolling) , and I found that I had to break up some of the chapters due to the size of the fic. So I don’t want Jake girlies coming after me. There will be plenty of Jake interactions coming up. I PROMISE. Feedback and your support is always appreciated. Hope y’all enjoy this installment 🖤
Thank you @asparrowofthedawn for all the Pinterest diving, daily support and inspo for this fic. It doesn’t go unappreciated. Also a thank you to @capturethechaos for letting me bug them with my rambling thoughts and updates on this story.
Part 1
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The first thing you realize when you pry your eyelids apart, is that you’re not in your bedroom. The luxury cotton blend of high-thread count sheets brushing up against your cheek aren’t the ones fitted across your mattress. The mustard-yellow painted wall isn’t one you recognize, and the soft light filtering in through the windows doesn’t happen at home. You blink away your blurred vision until it comes into focus, finally seeing the vintage movie posters decorating the room.
As you’re slowly dragged into consciousness, you hear the faint sounds of snoring beside you. It startles you at first, making you turn abruptly to prop yourself up on your elbow. You realize it’s Josh facing away from you, laying across his stomach. He’s still sleeping soundly, face hidden and tucked away into the crook of his elbow.
The memories of the night prior flood your mind, and the shock of what transpired runs through your body, making you huff out a breath of disbelief. Reeling from it, you take the moment of peace to look around his room, something that felt rather intimate despite everything that has already happened between you.
 A wooden artist desk sits in the corner, locked in an upright position with sheets of toned paper taped to its surface. On the shelves above it, metal tins sit filled with a collection of pens, paintbrushes and markers. A large tapestry is tacked to the wall on the far side. Exotic potted plants are scattered around the room, resting on shelves, onto the floor and even hanging from the ceiling — giving the space a sense of life. 
Soon, your eyes find Josh again. The blanket is draped across his waist, giving you the view of his bare back for the first time. Most of Josh’s body is touched by ink, but the expansive piece captures your attention as he takes in the steady breaths of slumber. Starting in the center of his spine, the floral mandala spreads out into two massive lotus flowers on each shoulder blade. You reach out, tracing his warm skin with a feather-light touch of your fingers along the bold linework of each petal. It’s ambitious, still unfinished with only a fraction of the design filled with the rich, vibrant colors. 
Pitched hums vibrate in his chest as he starts to stir when your fingertips travel between his shoulders and up to where the tattoo ends at the nape of his neck. You quickly retreat your hand to your chest when he stretches and rotates onto his back. A heavy sigh leaves him, and for a second you think he might be awake, but the way his mouth parts with a hushed snore tells you otherwise.
His tousled curls have lost their shape, falling over his brow with his head buried into the pillow. Long lashes kiss the high point of his cheeks that have been painted pink with the spring sun. 
You have never been in denial about how attractive you found him. Now, as you look upon him in his purest and most vulnerable form, you can truly appreciate his beauty. Even to the tiny scar beside his mouth or the one nicked below his left brow — tiny imperfections that tell a story for a moment in time. 
Maybe you’re still riding on the wave of impulsivity that led you to this predicament in the first place when you lean into him. The kiss you place below his ear is what makes his arm slip around your back to pull you in tighter. The tip of your nose brushes against the crushed-velvet of his buzzed hair, ticking you in the process. A sleep laden groan rumbles in his throat, vibrating against your lips while you explore the sharp line of his jaw. The late morning light peeking through the blinds catches the wet marks you’re leaving across the tattoos covering his neck. You let the tip of your tongue follow the lines of the petals, breathing him in as if you could smell the sweet scent of the inked peonies. The feeling of your mouth brings him a step closer to consciousness, eliciting a heavy sigh from his chest. 
Nuzzling into the crook of his neck, you trail your hand down his bare, tattooed chest, passing over your fingers over the sparrows and bed of poppies. The muscles of his stomach quiver from your sensual touch, making his hips shift against the mattress. You’re expecting the waistband of at least a pair of underwear, but instead, you feel the trimmed patch of hair when you slip your fingers beneath the blanket. 
He’s warm and soft cupped in your hand. You’re gentle with your touch, keeping him safe as you guide him into a state of wakefulness. A shudder rolls through him with a moan that cracks through the thick air settling in his bedroom. His fingertips press into your side, and you feel him harden in your palm with every steady beat of his heart. 
You notice the lustful scent of sex still lingering on him as you place another heady kiss to his collarbone, quickly giving into the urge to bite along the thin, delicate skin. His hand slides up your back and through your hair, wrapping around the nape of your neck, and gives it a firm squeeze with his fingers as your teeth graze across him.
His back arches up from the bed once your tongue creates a path down to his nipple, following it with a louder groan when you flick across it. 
“Morning.” The dreamy crackle of this voice delivered to you in a heavy sigh makes your elbows weak as you crawl down his body. Your eyes flick up to see him squinting through barely-open lids right before he rubs the sleep from his lashes with the heel of his palm. 
You blow a stream of cool air through pursed lips, watching it harden instantly. A breathy whine falls from his open mouth as he writhes beneath you, bucking his hips to drive himself through your hand in an act of impatience. He’s no longer dormant, twitching in the loose grasp of your fingers as he stiffens with each passing second.
“Good morning,” you hum through your open-kisses down his sternum. You nip at the soft flesh of his belly below his navel with a deliberate pump of your fist over his length. 
Within the short amount of time spent with him, you are starting to think nothing about this man could surprise you. However, you’re proven wrong when you pull the duvet away from his stomach and discover something peculiar that catches your eye, making you pause the movement of your hand. The permanent illustration you find yourself studying for longer than you’d admit, is a pair of cherries placed a few inches from the base of him — a hidden treasure below his waist, tucked between the divot of his hip and where you were about to place your lips. Two green leaves sprout from the stem, and its vivid shade of red shines in the illustrator’s choice to dip them in a glaze of sticky syrup that runs down the round edge of the fruit in three seductive drips. A banner ribbon wraps around the middle of them, taunting you with the words ‘Bite Me’ in bold font.
You huff a laugh of shock as your fingers feel over the smooth skin. “This has got to be the sluttiest thing about you.”
He’s peering down at you through drowsy lids, his arm now bent behind his head with a smug grin plastered across his stupidly handsome face. He draws in his bottom lip between his teeth before he asks in a raspy tone that makes your chest tighten, “You like it?”
My god, you do. 
You’re not willing to reveal your hand to him just yet, so you deflect with a question of your own. “Who gave you this?”
Laughter suddenly breaks free into the quiet room, the sound throaty and heavy when it hits your ears. “I don’t kiss and tell, baby.”
You allow your mind to wander with the thoughts of him getting it, picturing how he might’ve been in a similar position to the one you were in last night. You imagine how he looked with the band of his pants pulled down just enough as the strokes of the needle made contact with the sensitive skin. Something about this tattoo in particular has a feminine touch, and you can’t help the pang of slight jealousy hitting your chest and curiosity from entering your mind. 
Even though your weak attempt at a bluff is starting to crumble, you stay vigilant with a purposeful click of your tongue. “Pity.” 
Before he’s able to respond with a witty remark, you roll your tongue across the tattoo as if there really was sweet juice from the cherries that could wet your taste buds. An almost feline-like purr rumbles in his throat as you lick your way to the other side. His fingers brush your hand that you’ve draped across his stomach before reaching up to touch your hair. 
You suck at the tender skin while slowly stroking him. The lapping of your tongue and nipping of your teeth, paired with the deliciously slow flick of your wrist, causes his fingers to leave you.
A whispered curse flutters from his lips, but your eyes remain closed while you keep your mouth sealed around him. A sharp hiss through his teeth  transforms into a moan of pleasure as the familiar blushed splotches of your own cherry-sized love-mark form on the surface. 
“Something to remember me by,” you whisper in admiration as you catch your breath and wipe the string of saliva from your lip. 
A sighed hum breaks into giggles. “I don’t think I’m ever forgetting you.”
The thought makes you blush and a wave of heat rises from your belly to your chest, but you decide that exploring the new influx of feelings he has created for you would have to wait another time. 
“So, being the better-looking twin, I have the nicer dick, ri- oh…” He trails off, falling into a sort-of trance from your casting spell, staring at the bead of spit dribble from your bottom lip. It falls onto the pretty pink head – a lovely shade that matches the one of his lips —and starts to drip down before you swipe it across with your thumb. 
Now slick from your mouth, you slide your hand around his length with a rolling twist of your wrist. A violent shudder rolls through him as the mumbled praise leaves his mouth, “Fuck…that’s so good. Just like that.”
You tease him like this through a few deliberate strokes until you decide to bring your lips to him. A devilish grin curls at the upturned corners of his lips with brazen confidence brimming through each word. “You gonna suck my cock, baby?”
You flash him a coy smile, but otherwise stay silent to let your actions do the talking for you. He watches your every move, but can barely contain the broken whimper within his clamped mouth when you finally lick that blissful spot beneath the tip. You’re making sure to keep your eyes locked on him as you push him inch-by-inch along your flattened tongue. It’s obvious he’s fighting the temptation to close them, but the way his dark brows pull together and how his mouth parts through panting breaths tells you everything you need to know. 
Just when he expects you to stop, you don’t. Instead, you keep nudging him farther and farther until he hits the back of your throat and the tip of your nose brushes ever-so-slightly against the trimmed hair.
You have to suppress the gag threatening to creep up with deep breaths while allowing your eyes to finally close. He’s pressing himself past the point of your limit, throbbing desperately in the wet warmth of your mouth. You pause for a few moments, letting him soak in the consuming feeling of his cock nestled as deep as it can go. Lifting your head from him, you lick up the streams of drool that have leaked past your lips, cleaning him in a less-than-subtle act of depravity. He takes in the sight of your little show, groaning through clenched teeth, “Holy shit. That feels fucking amazing.”
Your thighs clench in an aching need from the sound of his deeper voice. You swirl your tongue around the head in a changing pattern of circles, tasting him as if he’s a lollipop that shares the same sugary-sweet flavor of those cherries. He sucks in a sharp breath, and a praise hits your ears through a strangled moan, “Yes…yes, baby, oh my god!”
A glance up through your lashes gives you the chance to see him throwing his hands back into the flattened mess of curls buried into the pillow. You stare, fixating on the way the muscles in his arms flex and how his chest rises and falls rapidly from ragged breaths. Something catches your eye, and you realize it’s the light reflecting off the tiny metal ball of his tongue ring swiping across his lip. His eyelids are clamping hard enough to form a small crease between his brows as his open mouth creates a perfect “O” shape. “Oh god…” 
The rhythmic bobbing of your head is sloppy, and the borderline-pornographic sounds echoing around the walls of his room would have been more-than shameful to anyone else but the two of you. You find that you have to wrap your hand around what your mouth can’t quite reach, just like you had done with Jake the night before. A ragged cry catches in the back of his throat, but he quickly clears the noise with a forceful grunt, “Fucking…Christ!”
You know he’s teetering on the very edge by the way his stomach muscles are flexing from the rapid build of his orgasm. The slippery pop! of him from your lips yanks his focus back to you in a heartbeat, and the lust-drunken daze swirling in his blown-out pupils makes you giggle for a moment. Although, his eyes don’t stay locked on you for more than a few seconds as they flit behind heavy lids while you continue to pump a tight fist around him. 
The delightful squeeze of your fingers around the swollen tip with each upward stroke of your wrist is dancing the line of pleasure and torture for him. He doesn’t dare complain, but the agonizing pace you're choosing causes a sheen of sweat to form on his bare chest that’s now heaving up and down like broken bellows. 
He taps your arm in a panic to signal defeat, accepting the complete loss of control. His strained voice is breathless, cracking through tightened vocal cords across a dry tongue, “I can’t…I-I’m gonna cum, baby.”
Not wanting to waste another second, you take him back into the silken feeling of your mouth, enveloping him in its addicting warmth. The way his cock twitches, hardening past the point you thought was physically possible, reveals that his words are nothing but the truth. You’re determined to drive him as deep as he can go with a purposeful flick of your tongue along the base. It doesn’t take longer than a few seconds for his shaky fingers to wrap around your wrist as he succumbs to the tidal wave of his release. If there was any doubt whether his brother could hear you both before, it’s gone now with Josh crying out his mantra of profanities. With a faltering lift of his hips, the heat of his come hits the back of your throat with a force you don’t expect, making it spasm through every swallow. You drink every last drop of him down without question until he’s on the brink of overstimulation. 
You pepper kisses the raised point of his hip as he comes down from his euphoric high. The whimpered exhales bubble into giggles as he wipes the hair back from his sweaty brow. He props himself up on an elbow, and looks down at you with that grin plastered across his flushed face. 
He huffs an exaggerated breath, “Okay, I’m a little upset Jake experienced that first.”
You roll your eyes in feigned disapproval, “You can’t be serious.”
“C’mere.” He reaches forward to grab your wrist, guiding you onto his lap as he starts to sit up on the bed. You’re both careful in your movements with the fresh tattoo on your leg.
 Despite the soreness of your thigh, you settle into the position with a natural ease, taking his face into your cupped palms. The apples of his cheeks are blushing a rosy hue, radiating with a unique glow that could only come from a post-sex haze. Something else grabs your attention when he yawns, and for a second you doubt yourself. You know it's not your mind playing tricks when he wipes his fingers across his mouth, and you’re able to see it for the second time. Acting out of pure impulse, you grasp his bottom lip between your thumb and finger to get a better look.
 There it is.
 A badly faded tattoo inked into the pink flesh of his inner lip. You think you’re mistaken at first, so you blink a few times and squint to make sure you’re reading the letters correctly. Despite the arguably poor line work, you can still make out the bold lettering ‘PU$$Y”. 
“You’ve got to be fucking joking,” you scoff in disbelief, but before you can release his lip, he pretends to bite at your fingers until you swat him away. 
His hands are roaming freely over your ass and up your back when pouts out the lip in question. “What? You don’t like that one?”
“I think I stand corrected. That is probably the sluttiest thing about you.” Snorting a laugh, you rub the muscles of his shoulders until your arms cross behind his neck.
He sighs at the satisfying feeling of your nails lightly scratching his scalp. “I was actually looking to get it removed here soon.” His eyes flutter closed as he cranes his neck back, similar to a cat leaning into a hand to be petted. “I can’t say it's my proudest moment.”
Withdrawing your hands from his hair, you ask out of curiosity, “So what’s the story behind this one?”
You swear you see embarrassment flash across his features from how he chews at his lip. “Ah well, besides being nineteen, alone with a bottle of tequila and access to a tattoo machine? I’m afraid there’s not much more to the tale than that.”
You would’ve laughed if it wasn’t for the barely-detectable shift in his mood, and guilt starts to stir in your gut from fear that you’ve struck a nerve with the topic. You brush your fingertips across his slightly-downturned mouth, asking in a hushed voice, “You did it yourself?”
He hums his answer, smiling from your affectionate touch, but his eyes remain focused on his hands that are busy caressing up your sides. Maybe he’s distracting himself, or even you, when he cups your breasts, giving them a playful squeeze in the palms.
You whine at the feeling, and squirm in his lap as you stroke the trimmed hair of his mustache with your index finger, humming in thought. “Ya’know, I think you should shave this.”
He chuckles, sending the warm, airy laughter across your chest. “Why? Don’t like that either?”
“No! No, I do,.” yYou insist in a too-loud voice, and the kiss placed on your collarbone nearly made the next thought disintegrate on your tongue. “But I also think it’s a shame to cover up your beautiful lips. A clean-shaven look would suit you.”
“Hmmm. I might have to consider that.” He draws the tip of his nose up the column of your extended throat, breathing you in through a deep inhale. “Might make up for the shitty lip tattoo.”
You’re putty in his hands, forgetting where you are, or even what day it is when he kisses up your neck as he roams across the contour of your ass and between your legs. You groan in response, “Maybe there’s nothing wrong with stating your favorite meal.” 
His response to your sentiment is a heavy breath that verges on the edge of a growl hitting your throat. His hands quickly find their place around your waist to rock you forward enough to feel his cock twitch and harden beneath you, making you giggle in shock, “Already?”
He scoffs, pulling away just far enough to give you a view of his face., “I'm sorry. I wasn’t aware that your expectations of me included not getting hard when you sit naked on my dick.”
That look he’s giving you. The same one you saw the first day you met him. It’s the one that could sell you on anything he desired. 
You only roll your eyes in response before glancing at the nightstand in search of your phone. “What time is it?”
“Hmm… I dunno. But for some reason I don’t care,” he sighs with an unbothered lilt in his voice, and tries to bring you in for a kiss, but you pull away before his lips touch yours. 
He rips his head away, brows raised at you in disbelief, huffing a sharp puff of air through his nose. “I’m offended.”
“Well, I’m sorry to offend, but I really have to brush my teeth, and I’m in desperate need of a shower.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll let it slip just this once because that’s not a bad idea. I’m sure there’s a pack of toothbrushes in the bathroom somewhere.” A mischievous grin forms on his face., “ And I’m never one to turn down a shower with a beautiful woman.”
You slide off his lap and off the edge of the bed, and throw a quip over your shoulder, “Who says you’re joining?”
The sharp smack of his hand to your ass elicits a high-pitched squeak from your throat while sending you forward in the direction of his door.  You pad across the wooden floor — barefoot and naked — to exit his bedroom and walk into the hall. Not remembering much from the night before, the layout of their house is foreign to you. There is a closed door across from Josh’s, which you’re quick to remember is Jake’s, but as you turn left to wander in search for the bathroom, you see an open door. 
You flip on the switch, and take in the sight when your eyes adjust to the new lighting. You were in here at one point in the night, but the little details of the space were the last thing on your mind given the circumstances. Now, in the light of day and a clearer conscience, you’re able to absorb everything more clearly.
To your left is a modern style black vanity with two white, porcelain basins resting on its surface. Across from you is a massive walk-in shower encased in glass walls. Golden bathroom fixtures contrast the almost-black, gray hexagonal tile work that lines the inside of the shower. 
You slowly venture in, feeling the cool tile beneath your bare feet as you make your way to the large mirror. You’re startled by your reflection, scanning over the vast collection of hickies and love marks that are scattered across your skin in an array of shapes, sizes and colors. Spreading the bruised flesh with your fingertips to gauge the damage, you can’t even begin to map out which ones are left by Josh and where Jake’s begin. 
Josh enters the bathroom a few seconds later, and your eyes are instantly drawn to his image in the mirror. He’s clearly comfortable with his own nakedness, shuffling behind you, still-half hard as he rummages around the drawer in search of the spare toothbrush. You turn away, blushing awkwardly at the sight, even though you just had him in your mouth minutes ago. Something about the action felt rather domestic for only knowing him for such a short amount of time. 
He offers a basic, standard-issue toothbrush he pulled from the torn plastic packaging. Plucking it from his fingers, you let the sarcastic comment slip, “A stash of toothbrushes for all your guests?” 
Your criticism comes out harsher than you intend, causing him to take a step back in order to look you over. He tilts his head, showing the genuine confusion pulling his brows together. He takes a few seconds to process your words until a special glint shines in his amber-colored eyes. “Am I hearing a hint of jealousy on your tongue?” 
Was it?
Your mouth falls open to reply, but before you can utter a single word, he takes a step forward with open arms, interrupting your thoughts. “Here, let me take care of that for you.” 
He takes your face, holding it between his hands to plant a kiss directly on your mouth, but you fight back by wriggling away, working to dodge the attempts to lock lips. You throw your head back, squealing in protest, “Josh!”
Giggles burst through his chest as he tries shushing you, “Shhh…I think a kiss will make it all better.” His lips connect with your cheek, causing his words to mumble into the flesh, “I’ve been so so good. I think I deserve it, baby.”
With his hands weaving into your hair at the nape of your neck, you groan from the temptation, but stay steadfast in your choice to wait, huffing through a dry laugh, “I literally just had your cum in my mouth. Let me brush first.”
He nips at the apple of your cheek, savoring its sweetness with a teasing lick. “I love when you talk dirty to me.” Pulling away a few inches, he gives himself enough space for his eyes to drift down to your lips. With his naked body wrapping around yours, you’re able to feel the warmth of him pressing into your hip. “Also bold of you to assume I don’t enjoy that sort of thing.”
You hide the blush creeping up to your face with a playful shove to his chest and laughter loud enough to wake up Jake, “Oh my god! You’re fucking gross.”
Josh flashes a cheeky grin as he releases you. “Yeah, well, I think you secretly like that about me.” 
“Bold of you to assume that I like you at all. I could be in it just for the perks.” He gives you the side eye as takes an electric toothbrush from its charging dock on the counter — one that's white and sleek in design. Although, the only response he gives you is a bout of throaty laughter while he swipes a line of toothpaste across the bristles before handing the tube over. 
He pops it into his mouth, mumbling around the brush stuck in the side of his cheek, “You have a funny way of showing your indifference.” The comment is sealed with a wink, and he turns away from you toward the shower. 
You copy his actions, brushing your teeth while watching him pull a stack of bath towels out from the cabinet. He breaks away to spit into the other basin before turning on the water inside the shower. It takes incredible effort for you not to giggle at the lovely view of his little butt jiggling as he moves around the bathroom. 
After placing the toothbrush back into its designated spot, he hops into the shower while you’re preoccupied with rinsing. You finish up, pull open the door to see his back facing you as he stands under the far-side showerhead. “Without me? Now I’m offended.”
His laughter bounces around the slate-toned tile, “I was getting cold, and things shrivel, okay?” He looks over his shoulder, squinting from the water rolling over his face. “Can't let you see me in such a vulnerable state.” 
You walk into the soothing heat of the water, making your way over to him. Slipping your arms around his waist, and using a particularly flirty voice, you tease into his exposed ear, “Oh no. We can’t dent that giant ego of yours, can we?” 
He hums, sending the thrumming sound into your chest, and takes your hand in his. He pulls it across his cock, making you feel the weight and size of him stiffening along your fingers. “You think my ego is dented, baby?” 
He turns within your embrace to face you, and without another second of hesitation, crashes his lips into yours. He’s quick to lick into your mouth, making you realize that waiting the few extra minutes to kiss you has created an insatiable hunger within him. You find yourself chasing the cool metal of his jewelry as his tongue dances across yours — its existence acting as an ill-kept secret he chooses to reveal in the most opportune moments.
You could kiss him for hours, exploring each other under the falling water and rising steam of the shower. You’re not even sure how much time has passed when the sound of knuckles rapping against the glass startles you from the daydream, making both of you turn your heads to find the source. 
The fogged door to the shower opens, and he instantly grumbles in frustration, “Are you fucking kidding me? We’re having a moment here, dude.”
You peer over your shoulder to see Jake stepping in completely nude. Unbothered by Josh’s annoyance, he chuckles, “And let you two hog all the hot water? I don’t think so.”
Josh releases his arms around you, albeit reluctantly, so you can turn around to face his brother. You watch as he stands under the opposite shower-head, tipping his head back to let the spray wet his long hair. The water running over their tattooed skin resembles an artist’s coating of glossy varnish brushed across an oil painting. Whereas the vibrant colors on Josh’s body are deeply saturated, popping in vibrancy against the golden-tone of his skin, Jake’s black and gray work has the appearance as though the art has been dipped in fresh ink. 
You’re staring. 
You know you are, but you can’t stop your wandering eyes from exploring the details of his naked body in front of you if your life depended on it. You can see the silver hoops of his ears now that his soaked hair clings to his neck and shoulders. Rivers of hot water have been created, flowing down the contours of his chest, pouring down his torso like a waterfall. It carries your eyes down past his navel and between his legs, causing the bubbling feeling to rise inside you. 
Aside from the obvious distraction that’s leaving you bashful, you’re able to admire the unveiled tattoos on his thighs now that they are bare and in your view. His right showcases the portrait of a beautiful mermaid, graced with cascading waves of floating hair, supple, perked breasts that are wrapped in a blanket of fanned fins. The left reveals a more violent scene, depicting a massive, brooding pirate ship that’s split in two by the Kraken, pulled into the depths of the ocean. The sea creature’s long tentacles swirl around in different directions, wrapping around the lean muscles of his upper leg. 
Jake rolls his head forward, causing the water to run down the sharp planes of his face, coaxing you with an open hand. You take his fingers without question, letting him tug you forward in such a swift movement that your chest collides with his. He chuckles, then speaks in his lowest voice against your cheek, one that’s still loud enough for you to hear over the running water, “I was a little sad to see that my little dove had flown to another bed this morning.”
Josh’s hand, now slick with soap, slips down the center of your spine when he throws a prodding remark over your shoulder to his twin, “I think it’s quite obvious that I’m clearly her favorite.”
Jake hums in disappointment, and pulls away to look at you with a raised brow., “Is that true?” 
Not only are you put on the spot with the question, but Josh is making it nearly impossible for you to concentrate with his hands lathering soap across your back in massaging circles. 
Jake clicks his tongue as he watches his own hand snake up your throat, making you suck in a sharp breath as his fingers press into the pulse point. Beads of water ricochet off his face and onto yours when he breathes across your parted mouth, “I’m curious as to why I didn’t hear you this morning.”
His wet lips ghost across your jaw until they eventually touch your ear, taunting you with a satisfying purr, “Because if you were my bed, I would have fucked you until you were screaming my name for him to hear.” 
Confident in how he’s left you speechless, he suddenly breaks his hold on you to reach for the bottle of shampoo sitting on the shower ledge, gifting you with a knowing smirk as he does so. As you stand here in shock, he’s more than aware that he’s teasing you with the mundane action, making sure to take his time squirting the soap into the palm of his hand and massaging it into his scalp as if you aren’t standing right in front of him. 
You extend your open hand until it touches his silken chest, feeling his relaxed breathing beneath your palm. Jake’s eyes remain closed as his head stays tipped back, but you still catch the harsh swallow in his throat in response. Your fingertips follow the flow of the water until his stomach shudders from you tickling across his navel. While his expressionless face keeps up the act of nonchalance, the twitch and bounce of his hardening cock gives him away. 
Meanwhile, Josh’s hands have slipped around your hips and up the front of your body. Fingers splay out, gliding across the soap foam to feel across the delicate softness of your belly. He eliminates the inches of distance, hooking his chin over your shoulder to bring you together so his chest connects with your back. His left hand floats across the rich lather he’s created, cupping your breast with a firm squeeze, while the right slides its way up your sternum to wrap around your throat. 
The gasp you release evolves into a deep moan from the feeling of his fingers pressing into you just as Jake had done moments before — yet it’s seemingly different. There’s a certain neediness to Josh’s touch around the vulnerable spot, as if worshiping you every moment he was given, forgoing any sense of possessiveness his brother might have. 
The high-pressure of the running water massages across your back from his side’s shower head, bouncing off naked skin to cover the shower door like a wall of rain. You watch the heavy droplets trickle down, merging together along the pane of glass until the sharp sensation of Josh’s teeth dragging across your shoulder yanks your focus away. 
Your hips roll against him, grinding against his erection that’s been pressing into your ass for the last few minutes. He hums in approval, tightening his hold around your body that much more. You melt into the embrace, as if the hot steam billowing up from the floor has fused you to him. The diluted suds of Jake’s shampoo are starting to run down in waves over his body as he rinses his hair. You trace a solitary index finger from the base, along his growing length, and to the tip of his cock, causing a smirk to break through his stoic face. 
You jump on the chance to tease him in this fleeting lapse of his control by loosely wrapping your fingers around him. The temperature of the water doesn’t mask your ability to feel his warmth as he hardens in your grasp. You study the way he slowly licks across his lips, how his breathing begins to deepen when you start to stroke him — mesmerized watching the artwork decorating his chest as it shifts with the ever-moving canvas of his skin. 
A low groan rumbles within him, loud enough that the sound echoes within the shower walls, and his head falls forward suddenly like a loosened hinge. He has to brace himself by placing an open hand to the shower wall, but hasn’t opened his eyes to look at you just yet. The washed hair that he has slicked to the back of his head has fallen free in long tendrils, framing his face. With the water no longer flowing down his back, it pours from those ends of his hair, the very tip of his nose, the pouted edge of his parted bottom lip and his chin. 
You watch as his dark, defined brows shift as the speed and technique of your hand changes, going from a raised to furrowed state, and back again. Slick with leftover soap, you slip your other hand between his legs to cup the rest of him in the safety of your palm. The careful rub of gentle fingers along the hot skin as you continue stroking him causes a stifled moan to escape his open mouth. 
He huffs a breathy laugh, shining a devilishly handsome smile while looking up through soaked lashes. “You’re fucking trouble.”
The combination of Jake’s wet cock pulsing wildly in your hand while Josh’s ruts into the small of your back sends a primal need straight to your core. You clench around nothing — only the memory of them between your legs hours ago. As if Josh can feel the impatience coursing through you, his hand leaves its place around your throat, and trails back down through the valley of your breasts, roaming over your curves until he dips between your shaking legs. 
His slender, tattooed fingers part you while sighing into your ear, sending the hummed sound over the folds of your brain, “Fuck, baby. She’s already so swollen and hard for me.” He pauses to bite at your earlobe, rolling his tongue ring over as he sucks it into his mouth before praising, “Pretty little thing.” Another heavy breath rolls into a purr against you, “A greedy one, isn’t she?”
He graces you with an artist’s touch, drawing the pad of his middle finger across your clit in a changing pattern of shapes. You don’t even fight when he attaches his lips to the side of your neck, allowing him to add to the collection of marks he and his brother have left on you. 
Your vision is blurred by steam, hot water, and the blooming cloud of lust circling in your head, but you’re able to see Jake reaching out with his free hand to grasp your chin between his thumb and fingers, guiding himself to you. He kisses you, capturing your wet lips with his own. The heat of his mouth is addicting, a stark contrast from the water that’s already started to chill on your skin. Yet, despite the soothing heat of his tongue, you can taste the mint flavor from his toothpaste lingering in his mouth. 
He sends a moan over your tongue, rolling his hips to chase the friction of your hand pumping around his cock. You do the same, as you’re becoming increasingly more distracted by Josh playing with your clit. 
The sensation of his hot tongue running across your cool, wet skin along your shoulder makes your knees buckle beneath your weight, but thankfully Josh’s hand wrapped underneath your breast keeps you upright. With your head resting on his shoulder, he speaks softly with a crooning voice against your cheek, “Is it getting difficult, baby?” You would respond with something witty, but the thought disappears somewhere in the fog swirling your mind. “Hard for you to think while I’m fucking you with my fingers, huh?
The digits curl with precision, pressing against the special spot hidden inside you, working you while the heel of his palm rubs against your clit. Your eyes clamp shut, and the movements of your hand on Jake begin to stagger in rhythm. An internal battle is waging within your body, fighting the decision whether to stiffen or relax in Josh’s arms. His voice is so low and deep it almost dissipates into beading water hitting the tile. “They feel good?” 
You can only nod your pitiful answer with your face pressing up against his cheek. With a broad lick of his tongue across it, he teases with confidence dripping in his voice. “Sure seems like it with how your pussy’s swallowing them up.” He presses his fingers against the spot with more force, pairing the action with a nip to your ear. “Almost more than you gagging on my cock this morning.” 
A groan tears through your chest and you tighten your fist around Jake, making him stumble forward when your fingertips squeeze around the head. He takes a second to compose himself before giving away that he’s heard his brother by asking him, “Felt fucking amazing, right?”
You might die in embarrassment at the idea of them bonding over your oral skills as if it isn’t for the fact that you’re stuck between them. It should be shameful with how greedy you are, wanting both of them to fill you up for the third time in twenty-four hours. You’re feeling the repercussions, the soreness of your muscles, the lack of proper sleep throughout the night, and most importantly — the dull aching between your thighs. You can’t force yourself to care in the slightest. 
You feel the teeth of Josh’s grin drag across the nape of your neck as he grinds himself against your ass. “I’d say the best I’ve ever had.” 
You’re getting closer to your peak, climbing faster than you could have anticipated. The blanketing heat of your impending orgasm floods between your legs, making the movement of your hand on Jake slow to a stop. You’re lost in the high of lust flowing in your veins, practically riding on Josh’s hand as his fingers pump inside you. You release your hand from Jake to reach back for Josh, making him withdraw his fingers and smack your swollen cunt with an open hand. 
You cry out from the sting and empty feeling you’re suddenly left with, “What the fuck?!”
He hisses in your ear while his fingertip tickles across your clit, making you squirm in his hold. “You thought I was gonna reward you for that?” Jake giggles at your flustered state as he’s busy brushing his thumb across your nipple, but Josh continues, “Don’t be selfish, baby. Be a good girl and don’t take your hand off him again.” 
Jake grabs your wrist in a gentle hold, guiding it to his cock — the inked skull on the back of his hand staring back at you once again. He strokes himself with your hand beneath his, showing you the exact pace and pressure he wants. “Just like that, dove.”
His fingers run along your arm, holding it loosely to brace himself as you work your hand around him once again. He’s watching with every ounce of focus he possesses, and his brows are sewn so tightly together it almost looks as if he’s in pain, grimacing through the ragged panting from his lungs. “Fuck, that’s feels good.”
Josh’s fingers find their place buried deep inside you, picking up exactly where he left off. The soap he used is acting like a lube against your backside, allowing him to glide himself in eager thrusts against your ass. 
Jake tightens his grasp around your arm, stammering out through a pitchy moan thats unfamiliar to you, “I’m..I’m gonna-“
Even through the mess of wet, soap-slicked bodies, all three of you work in unison to find a collective release. Josh is determined to make you finish first, throwing you off the edge into the unforgiving sea of your orgasm. You drench his fingers in your arousal, riding through each undulating wave on his hand. Through the height of your ecstacy, you’ve been pumping your hand faster on Jake, feeling his cock harden and pulse in preparation. Josh retreats his hand from between your legs to grab your hip, pressing the tiny indents into the flesh. Jake loses control and unravels before you, grunting through a final squeeze of your fingers across the head of his cock. He drives himself back into your hand, shooting his cum into your stomach, rewarding you with its heat before it washes away down your body. 
Josh is only seconds behind, jerking himself with frenzied pumps as his other hand digs into your side. His knuckles hit your skin with each pass, giving away just how desperate he is at this moment. A string of hushed curses through strained panting flutters across your back as he paints you. You arch into the feeling, connecting the back of your head to his brow. No one dares to move for a minute, locked in a trance as the streams of water fall around you. Josh swipes his fingers through the cum he’s left across your asscheek, admiring his work before it's lost forever. 
Jake is the one to break the silence once he finds a clearer state of consciousness, “Josh?”
Straightening himself from his crouched position against you, he responds with a cracked voice, “Yeah?”
Jake shifts his weight on his legs, and reaches for the bottle of conditioner on the ledge. “Weren’t you supposed to open the shop this morning?”
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck!” Josh curses loudly and stumbles away from you in a panic, nearly slipping on the tile before grabbing the shower door handle. He whips his head back to look at you, revealing the new guilt and stress masking over his features. He leans in and places a chaste kiss to your lips before apologizing, “I’m so fucking sorry I gotta run, baby. Talk later?” 
“S-sure,” you mumble against his lips, clearly still trapped in this daze. He kisses you again, giving into the urge to lick across your bottom lip. 
Before you can convince him to forget all his responsibilities again, Jake scolds him with a forceful shove to his chest to break the two of you apart, “Go, you fucking idiot!”
Josh doesn’t even argue, and stumbles out of the shower, causing a rush of cold air to sting your bare flesh. Jake rushes to close it and take you into his arms without his brother’s presence stopping him. The view through the glass is obstructed with steam, but you can hear Josh fumbling in the bathroom for a minute, then the sounds of his feet hitting the wood floor when he runs into his bedroom. 
Jake kisses you gently, peppering your jawline with the touch of his lips until they brush the shell of your ear. The sound of his voice is affectionate, even with the lingering notes of his desire, “Now let’s take care of that tattoo before I can enjoy you all to myself.”
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maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
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Poppins (part 1)
Josh and Jake x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: language, kissing, adult themes, pretty tame…for now.
A tiny hand tugs at the hem of your dress before an even smaller voice floats up “He’s late.”
“Uncle Jake is always late, Lil.” You run your fingers over a dish towel before ruffling her curls soothingly. “He’ll be here.”
“What if he forgot?” Her voice wavers with threatening tears, and you abandon the tray of finger sandwiches you’ve been fussing over in order to focus solely on her welling eyes.
“Your fourth birthday?” You lend an incredulous gasp to your tone. “Uncle Jake? Forget his best girl? Never!”
Karen appears in the kitchen with Josh hot on her heels. “I said the cake should say ‘Happy Birthday Lily-bit.” He complains, shaking his head with great frustration while nervously tugging at the pearlescent beads around his neck…a habit reserved for when he is tromping along the edge of panic.
Lily-bit has been her nickname ever since she bestowed it upon herself unknowingly. Unable to pronounce Elizabeth correctly, it had stumbled out ‘Lily-bit’…and stuck, it had.
“Well, you should’ve picked it up yourself then, Joshua.” Karen snarks right back, sliding the cardboard box housing a sheet cake onto the counter. “It says Elizabeth. That’s still her name. And stop fidgeting. If you’re that concerned, drive it back to the store and cause an enormous scene like an idiot. We’ll wait.”
She bends down and nuzzles her only granddaughter’s nose. “Won’t we, baby? We’ll wait right here while Daddy goes and acts like a dumb shit at the grocery store.”
“Daddy’s a dumb shit!”
You suppress a laugh at her squeaky-mouse voice cursing as Josh grows visibly perturbed, yet calmer, all at once.
“Jesus, ma!” He searches over her shoulder and raises his voice. “Veronica, come and get your mother!”
Ronnie’s voice floats in from the family room, relaxed and unconcerned. “I’m not in this!”
Lily begins to giggle only to stop dead in her tracks when a familiar voice booms through the house. “Where’s my birthday girl?”
She’s gone in a flash. Racing from the room with an ecstatic gasp, as fast as her tiny legs can carry her. Everything else forgotten, in an effort to get to her Uncle Jake.
The three of you are drawn like magnets into the hall, unwilling to miss the spectacle of a jake-lily reunion.
“Look at this.” Josh frowns, with a smile tugging at his lips as he watches his twin scoop his niece up with a flourish. “Even my own daughter loves him best.”
“Stop.” Your elbow nudges into his side lovingly. “He’s the fun uncle, is all.”
His eyes slide in your direction as his voice drops to a whisper “All the girls I adore love him best.”
Reaching out for a lock of your hair, he gives it a gentle yank and moves in to greet his brother just as Lily relays the important news.
“Uncle Jakey,” she conspires, running her chubby hands through the hair hanging in his face. “Daddy’s a dumb shit. Gramma said.”
Jake throws his head back with a hearty belly laugh, hugging her close. “He is, girly…you’re absolutely right.”
She laughs along with him, pink-cheeked and enamored, hiding her face in his hair.
“I know it is, Lily bit.” He nods. She must’ve whispered to remind him of her big day. “That’s why I brought you this.”
She slides down, holding fast to his barely buttoned shirt as he deposits her on her Mary Jane clad feet. Her tiny palms clap with unbridled excitement as he pulls a glittering tiara out of his back pocket.
“There.” He places it carefully, tucking it into her wispy baby hair until it sits just right. “Birthday princess.”
Her eyes are flashing with devotion, as she makes grabby hands at the gift bag stuffed messily with tissue paper in his grip. “What else?”
“Later, girly.” He sneaks it behind his back with a kiss on her flushed forehead.
“He’s not that great.” Ronnie quips, feigning boredom from the other room. “Come see auntie…I’ll tell you about the time he crashed a car and broke uncle Sammy’s head.”
Lily’s eyes grow wide with concern. “You broke his head?”
“Ah, hell,” Jake waves her off with a smile. “His head’s empty anyway.”
“Jacob,” Karen scolds as if she can’t fathom the audacity. “Watch your mouth around the baby.”
You collectively watch the birthday girl scamper off to soak in the tale her aunt has to tell.
“Dumb shit?” Jake tilts his head. “Is that not what you taught the baby, on this, the day of her birth?”
She swats at him, then softens the loving blow with a peck on his lips, before wandering off with a clipped “Shut it.”
“Hey, prick.” You watch on, feeling slightly out of place as Jake pulls Josh in for an aggressive, brotherly hug. Both twins smack at each other’s backs in pats that seem as though they should sting.
They begin chatting in that strange, half-spoken, unfinished sentence, twin language of theirs, and you, feeling even more intrusive than before, move to slink off.
Jake stops you with a hand coiled loosely around your wrist, eyes still honed in on his brother while they catch up. He doesn’t dare slip his hand down to link fingers with yours, though he wants to…you can feel it.
At last, Karen’s voice sounds out, and rescues you from this awkward limbo. “Can someone go collect your father and his son from the house?” ‘Your’ father and ‘his’ son, is all the explanation needed. She refuses to stake claim over any of them when they’re stretching the limbs of their Kiszka lineage.
“Took an Uber in from the airport!” Jake shirks responsibility with a lie - you can see his car swiveled crookedly in the gravel out front clearly through the bay window.
“I’ll go.” Josh sighs, turning to you. “Keep them civil, warden?”
“Of course.” You grin, smoothing a curl down atop his head with your freehand so that he looks less maniacal. It does little to help.
You’ve been alone in the entryway for less than thirty seconds before Jake is pulling you into the quiet of the hall. “How’s my Mary Poppins?” He taunts quietly. “I’ve missed you. Look at this smart little dress. You’re killin’ me.”
In reality, you’ve opted for a modestly festive dress whose skirt skims over your knees. It’s Lily's birthday, after all, not a night out.
“Jake,” you can feel the warmth of your blush, and duck your face to conceal it. “Go be with your family, you shameless flirt.”
“Do you think you’re not family?” He bends at the knees to catch your eye and counter your shy methods of hiding away. “Can’t you see the way we all love you? Me most of all.”
“Not one of your groupies,” you giggle like a schoolgirl, to your dismay, pushing a little more distance between the two of you. “Get outta here.”
He steps in even closer, and you can smell him. The warm, inexplicably comforting scent that follows him around like a delectable cloud. He’s like the woods after a campfire has smoldered itself out, mixed in with something vaguely christmas-like. “I have no groupies. I play dive bars filled with sad old men who stare into their drinks and dream about pretty girls like you.”
His fingers drift against your cheek and then curl a turf of hair behind your ear with a hushed, “I’ll find you later, poppins, yeah?”
Poppins. Yes, you’re the nanny. Yes, it’s a terrible idea. Yes, Josh has also been known to wear his heart on his sleeve for you. And yes, all those things seem to matter…that is until Jake steps into your space and fixes that warm, chocolate truffle gaze upon you. Until he lowers his voice so that only you can hear. Until his touch skates over your skin, confident and sure.
You’ve never gone too far with Jake, no matter how badly you’d like to.
There was a night, Lily conked out on her toddler bed, you off for the remainder of the night, but lingering on in the kitchen sipping Dos Equis with your charge’s favorite uncle. Gazes had locked a little too long, lips had met, until the warm, wet, grace of his tongue against your own had caused you to pull away.
“Yeah.” You nod. Leaning back against the wall when he slips away. He makes you want to run for the hills and into his arms all at once.
The party commences as Josh returns with a slightly inebriated Kelly and Samuel in tow, and everyone falls in love with Lily-bit all over again as she opens presents and charms her way through the hearts of her most beloved.
Before the candles have even been lit, she has crawled into her uncle Jake’s lap. Falling asleep like a worn out kitten, tiara askew on her head, glitter lipgloss Ronnie applied to her rosebud mouth smeared and smudged against Jake’s torn up jeans.
“Her cake.” Josh sounds both defeated and relieved…exhausted from trying to make sure her day was perfect.
“Goddamn thing said Elizabeth, anyway.” Jake huffs lazily before throwing a wink at his twin that seems to relax Josh’s shoulders in a way no one else has been able to manage all day.
“Mom’s fault.” Josh smirks.
“Isn’t it always?” Jake smiles back, as if the answer is obvious.
“Oh, to hell with both of you.” Karen sighs, with absolute love in her insult. “You have miss girl FaceTime gramma first thing in the morning.” She points at Josh to get her point across and then nudges at Kelly, who has trotted off to dreamland along with his granddaughter. “You and Sam in the car within five or you both can walk.”
You’re tidying up the kitchen by the warm, shadowy light of an accent lamp when Josh’s voice comes softly in the silence.
“Thought you and ma already cleaned up?”
“Just little details,” you shrug. “You know.”
“You staying tonight? It’s late.”
You have a cozy little place across town. No more than a studio, but you’ve furnished it beautifully, and eclectically, via thrift stores and yard sales. It’s you, and it’s home. Sort of. Really, the guest room here that has evolved into your room, is more home than home.
“Probably.” You swipe the sponge over a perfectly clean spot of butcher’s block “She still sleeping?”
“Out like a light.” The love dances in his eyes like it always does when he speaks of his baby girl. “Put her in jammies and all, she slept right through.”
“Well…” you offer softly, at a loss for words as you so often are when you find yourself sinking into these domestic moments with him.
“Yes, well…” he nods, tilting his head down to look at you through his lashes with the smallest of grins.
“Oh!” Your face lights up as you turn toward the fridge to pull two bottles of water out for him. His nightly routine. “Here. You almost forgot.”
He catches them one after another as you toss the bottles his way and then points with one, cap wiggling in your direction. “I wish you’d let me take care of you the way you take care of me, sweetheart.”
He doesn’t mean it in any way other than gentle…he’d like to coddle you. That’s all. Somehow, that makes your heart hurt worse.
“Don’t get too comfy with my brother tonight.” He adds, padding off down the hall before you can grow defensive.
You slump against the counter, embarrassed and sad. You wish you could chase down that spark of something that plays about in your heart for Josh now and again, but Jake always moves in…all soft smiles and whispered words. Nicknames and airy brushes of calloused hands that make you shiver and keep you awake at night…
…the memory of his tongue slipping, slick and hungry, against yours, that blurs your mind when your hand finds itself between your legs in the dark.
Shaking off the thoughts before they have a chance to drag you down too deeply, you finish up in the kitchen, double check the locks, and start down the hall to the room that serves as your own.
You’re moving quietly, and you know why…but you also feel a little silly for it. Aren’t you just little miss hot shit to assume Jake would be listening for you?
I mean, sure, he likes to flirt, and you kissed once for like, twenty seconds, but why would you really believe that —
“Hey, poppins.” His voice comes, smooth as warm silk, a split second after his fingers close tight around your waist. “Come here often?”
“Hello, Jacob.” You smile into the dark, covering his hands with your own.
“Oooh,” he moans softly against the nape of your neck. “Jacob? Put me in time out, nanny. Do your worst.”
“Stop it!” You laugh quietly, wrenching around in his grip to face him.
“Hi.” He grins once you’re nose to nose. “Are you staying tonight?”
His question, mirroring his twin’s, comes hushed as he walks you back against the wall.
Your reply is an inelegant swallow, paired with a nod.
“That’s good.” He trails the back of his knuckle along the curve of your jaw. “It’s so dark out there. And chilly. Best you stay here where you’re safe.”
The sincerity stuns you. He means it. He worries for you.
But are you safe?
This isn’t good. Isn’t it easier if one wants to love you and one wants to fuck you?
There you go again, running ahead of whatever this is. He doesn’t want to love you, he’s simply glad to see you snug and warm for the night.
“You know,” his fingers card slowly through your hair, lips impossibly near, breathing softly in your ear. “It would make it so much easier to kiss you if you didn’t look like a deer caught in headlights.”
A sound, foreign and high-pitched, escapes you before you have a chance to quiet yourself, and his body tenses against yours in response. “So pretty, poppins. You’re a song, aren’t you? Sweet and soft. If I played you, it’d be acoustic.”
You’re a song…if I played you…fuck…
“Jake, I…” you’re scrabbling for excuses on why this shouldn’t happen when you hear it. The faint whimper of Lily. She’s still asleep, you can tell that much, but not for long.
A bad dream, perhaps, brought on by too much excitement and sugar.
“Let me check on her.” You whisper, pushing him away gently.
“What?” He’s confused. He isn’t a parent, or her caregiver, and he’s missed the early quiet muffled rumblings before the wailing storm.
But Josh hasn’t…
And when he steps into the hall to rescue his little girl, he is greeted with the sight of Jake pressing you up against the wall, hands in places they shouldn’t be.
“M’sorry.” He murmurs, hurrying by as you break away from Jake, rushing to explain.
Your words of justification land against deaf ears and Lily’s bedroom door as Josh quietly shuts you out.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @greta-flanveet-admin-deactivate @alisonwonderland29 @joshkiszkas @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @dvrkblooms @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @joshsmama @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordierama @calumspretty
“M’sorry.” He hurries by as you break apart and rush to explain.
Your words of justification land against deaf ears and Lily’s bedroom door as Josh quietly shuts you out.
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maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
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The Emperor’s New Clothes
Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, language, alcohol consumption, flirting, light impact play, dirty talk, oral (fem rec), etc
Inspired by this gorgeous little bit and this one, too. You’re all evil geniuses ❤️💋
“Seriously, what is wrong with you three?” Danny grabs the pool stick out of Sam’s hand and shoves him aside. “Is being a shitty pool player a prerequisite for being a Kiszka?”
“In fact, it is!” Josh sounds off, leaning against the table, finger idly dragging over the kelly green felt. “They pull us all aside in the hospital directly after birth, and say…hmm, I’ve forgotten, it seems. Samuel?”
Sammy takes a long chug of his fruity pink drink around a nod. “They say,” he gestures grandly, so much like his eldest sibling at the moment. “Be as useless as possible if you ever get your hands on a pool stick. Fuck every play up royally, for this…this is your duty. It’s all very dramatic.”
“Ah yes,” Josh raises his glass in thanks. “That’s it, little brother. Good man, better memory.”
“Idiots.” Danny shakes his head, and sinks three striped balls before scratching and turning in your direction. “Jake, you’re up.”
Jake rises from his stool beside you where he’s been watching the scene unfold with a gentle hand on your bare thigh.
“My time to shine, kitty cat.” He plunks his neat whiskey down and swaggers away, calling over his shoulder. “Prepare to witness mediocrity at its finest.”
“Mediocre would be a compliment.” Danny adds with another shake of his head that sends his mane of curls swaying.
“Hey,” Jake points a lazy finger at him, “you chose me as your partner.”
“Only because the other two are even worse, somehow.”
He sounds baffled by it, and you suppose that makes sense. Normally, the brothers Kiszka float through life with seemingly endless layers of talent. It’s more than fun for the both of you — strangers to such endless grace — to witness their struggle.
Danny hurries to your side, so that you might enjoy the moment together, falling into you as you both dissolve into a fit of half-drunken laughter when Jake flawlessly (and accidentally) sinks the 8 ball.
“Tired of this, is all.” He shrugs, lying his ass off. “We never do anything real. Let’s do something real.”
“I’m real,” You taunt jokingly after a swig of the whiskey he’s left you in charge of, “you could do me.”
“Don’t be cheeky.” He scolds half-heartedly, with a wavering point your way.
“I love it when you talk ‘shitty british accent to’ me, jakey.” You wink with another pull on his glass, draining it to the dredges.
Daniel tries an accent of his own on for size, mimicking his band mate. “Name’s Jacob, love.” He reaches forward to kiss your hand, and you allow it with a giggle and a blush Jake pretends not to see. “I’m terrible at pool…and that’s not the only stick I don’t know how to wield.”
The brothers erupt into laughter as you roll your eyes affectionately.
“Laugh it up, pricks.” Jake sounds unbothered in the sexiest way…it takes a bulldozer to get under his skin.
“Aw, that’s alright, you gorgeous thing, you,” Josh allows his stare to fall dark upon you after a conspiratorial wink. “If my perpetually stupid twin wants to waste opportunities, I’ll allow it and take care of you myself.”
“Sounds perfect, josh…” you lend a breathy tone to your words. “Upstairs in your room or right here on the pool table?”
He pretends to think it over, “I’d say table, but look at all the balls left on the felt. That doesn’t exactly scream comfort. If only Jake could actually sink one or two.”
“Yeah,” you nod with a solemn sigh, “such a shame. Upstairs then.”
“Me?” Jake sloshes more whiskey into his glass and slides it away from you while miming a kiss so you’ll know he realizes this is all in good fun. “You didn’t land a single fuckin’ ball, Josh. Why do you even have this?” He raps his knuckles quickly against the shiny wood framing the table.
“I happen to enjoy telling people I have a billiard room.” Josh smooths his shirt flippantly. “It makes me sound refined.”
“Yeah,” Sammy speaks up from the bar where he is chaotically preparing himself a refill. “Break out the brandy and Tchaikovsky, already. I’m not feeling cultured enough.”
“It makes you sound stupid, because this isn’t even a billiard table.” Jake points out. “Totally different game.”
In reply, Josh sends a square of chalk sailing through the air directly at his head. His twin ducks at the last minute, avoiding impact. “You’re just mad because your girl wants me to take her upstairs.”
“Is that true, kitty cat?” His stare lands on you with mischief glittering there. “You wanna go upstairs with the sun, or stay down here in the darkness where you like it best?”
He saunters forward and pulls you in close, lips soft against your pulse point…but for a split second, you can’t help the way your line of sight lingers, locked with Josh’s.
Jake’s knee slides between your thighs, just high enough to be a little inappropriate. He’s claiming you. Reminding the room to whom you belong, though it isn’t necessary…the whole world can see you’re his.
It’s all right there in the way you look at him. In the way you move with him like a devoted magnet. In the way your body comes alive with electric love when he walks into a room.
Yes, you’re his. Implicitly. But sometimes…..
Shoving the thought away, you push him aside as well, with an embarrassed swat. “Quit it.”
“See?” Josh teases, never one to shy away from giving his brother hell. “She’s ready for the superior twin. Aren’t you, pretty?”
He sends another wink flying in your direction. “And who could blame her? She’s seen me in a jumpsuit or two.”
“Here we fucking go.” Sam groans loudly. “If you’re going to start in on a big dick monologue, I’m calling an Uber.”
“I’ll split it with you.” Danny concurs.
“Ah, fuck off,” Josh waves a hand in the air wildly, dismissing them both “jealous bastards.”
He moves to grab his drink, drifting through the room with that careless elegance that follows him around like a shadow, and you find yourself unable to look away the way you sometimes fall victim to when he’s owning one stage or another.
At times, Josh is like a song you can’t get out of your head. You don’t want to sing it, you don’t want to listen, but there it is all the same…dominating your attention.
You shake it off, but when your eyes reluctantly abandon him, you find Jake’s gaze, narrowed and knowing, tracking and all seeing. It burns into you, lighting a tortuous flame of shame, and something else, within you.
It’s an unsteady feeling. Unsure. Mostly because you can feel emotion radiating off of him like wandering hands reaching out to stroke over your skin. He’s live-wire-alert, thrumming with galvanic energy, but he isn’t angry. Far from it.
It’s analytical, this look he has fixed upon you. It’s hot, there’s no questioning that…but it also boasts a peculiarity. He’s honed in on something you’ve tried very hard to keep hidden, and he doesn’t necessarily hate it.
Brushing away what can only be labeled as intrusive thoughts - he can’t have seen through you that easily - you watch as Dan and Sam begin a game of darts, squabbling over who should throw first.
The night drifts by languidly, becoming a little fuzzier and more dream-like with each trip to the bar to top up.
Jake has disappeared, but that’s nothing new. He tends to wander when inebriated. Likes the quiet. You’ll catch up with him sooner or later. Or perhaps you’ll find him curled up in the guest room that has been unceremoniously reserved for the two of you each time Josh hosts.
You’ve fought it as long as you can, ignoring the nagging ache in your bladder, unwilling to readily ‘break the seal’ that will render you popping off to the bathroom every ten minutes.
Josh is contemplating a song that has been trekking about in his mind, remaining hidden away despite begging to be written.
You nod sympathetically, offering up a squeeze of his hand in solidarity. “Hold that thought,” you smile, tripping on your slurred words so mildly no one but yourself would ever notice. “Off to the ladies room.”
“The ladies room?” He laughs, trotting out that barking belly laugh that is nothing short of infectious. “You make my home sound like an Applebees.”
“Applebees?” You hear Sam pipe up as you ascend the basement stairs “Are you ordering? ‘Cause they’ve got that queso I like.”
Danny’s reply comes muffled as you slip onto the main floor. “Applebees is fuckin’ disgusting, and anyway…”
Hands washed, and a smudge of eyeliner wiped away, you emerge from the bathroom, ready to rejoin the party when a hand slithers out in the dark, quick as a striking snake, to pull you into the spare bedroom.
“Hello, kitty cat.” Jake’s voice comes smoothly in the dark.
“Jake,” you’re working hard to quiet your hammering heart as your eyes fight to adjust in the darkness. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I’d tell you I’m sorry, but I’m not.” You can nearly hear the smirk in his tone.
“Have you been hiding up here all this time?” You ask, as he holds tight to your hands, barring you from actually being able to touch him.
“Yes. Kept myself busy by going through my brother’s things.” He whispers, licking a soft trail along the side of your pinky. “Did you know he owns a vibrator? Wonder what he uses that for?”
“Probably the same thing you use mine for.” You breathe back in the pitch black of the room, picturing the way he sometimes holds it against his cock for you when you feel like watching. “Stop teasing your poor twin. And you shouldn’t go through other people’s things, Jacob. Naughty.”
“Oh? Shouldn’t I?” His lips skate across your own as he leans in. “I wouldn’t have found this if I hadn’t.”
He has timed his moment perfectly, and as the light flips on, the ability to form truly coherent thoughts becomes unattainable.
A completely self-assured expression warms his features as you stare on with parted lips and softly panting breaths.
Josh’s jumpsuit, stark white and swimming with mermaids and winking glitter, hugs his body like a second skin. It renders the tan of his complexion even more pronounced, leaving him standing before you like a sun-kissed god.
His hair is pulled back in a loose, low slung bun. It’s lazy and effortless. Obviously not executed before a mirror, and that makes it all the more right.
“Fuck, I…” you falter, unable to find the words for your thoughts. Probably for the best, lest you come off as some fucked out ninny in a poorly scripted porno.
“Will this do?” He bites down on his lip, hiding away a flash of insecurity that you spot anyway. It’s gone as fast as it came. Replaced quickly by that cocky smirk that makes your cunt ache for his touch. “Or should I go and gather my brother?”
Your eyes are fixed on his cock, half-hard and deliciously on display behind the suit. So very much like his twin.
“What?” He yanks you in close and ghosts his mouth up along your pounding jugular until his lips are pressed against the shell of your ear. “I see the way you watch him sometimes. You look so pretty when you stare. Do you want to fuck him? Because you can. If you want him that badly, that is. You can have him.“
A moan in the negative is all you can hope for in the moment.
“No?” He’s got you up against the door now, grinding his fully hard cock against your clit, inching his fingertips up along the outsides of your thighs, higher and higher under your skirt. “You’ll settle for me, dressed up in the emperor’s clothes?”
“You’re the fucking emperor.” You correct, burying your hands in his hair, further loosening his haphazard bun. “I just like to think about it now and then.”
Oh, where did that little bit of honesty come from? Some things are better left unsaid.
“You like to think about fucking my brothers?” He couldn’t be further from angry if he tried. You can hear it. Territorial, perhaps…but that will do perfectly.
“Never said brothers,” you gasp, clinging to his bare shoulders for dear life when his fingers curl into the sides of your panties. “Just Josh.”
“Why?” He’s beginning to shine with sweat and need.
“I like his mouth…oh, fuck…” you whine when he slips your underwear down, mid-thigh. “It’s pretty. And the way he moves his tongue sometimes…”
“Alright, shut up…” he lands a harsh crack of a smack against your swollen clit. “That’s enough.”
“Jealous?” You smile, taunting him just a little before leaning in to dip your tongue into his warm mouth. He tastes of liquor, and cinnamon, and Jake.
“Maybe.” He smiles into your kiss.
“You’ve given me permission to fuck him, but you can’t handle listening to me talk about it?” You’re taunting him mercilessly, but he loves it and you both know it.
“Maybe you’re just needy.” He teases right back, easing two fingers snug into your warmth without warning. “Yeah? Maybe you’re just feeling slutty because you need to cum. Is that it, baby? Do I need to pet my pretty kitty cat a little?”
“Please…” you’re begging, and much too loudly given that there’s an audience one floor below, but you can’t find a fuck to give.
“Mouth or cock?” He curls into you, pressing perfectly inside your silken walls as you arch away from the door.
“Mouth.” You whimper, sounding as pathetic as you feel in your desperation.
It’s the correct answer. Had you said cock, he’d have worked himself into a frenzy thinking about the way you spoke of Josh’s mouth but didn’t ask for his.
He drops to his knees, without a word, eyes on yours until he disappears beneath your skirt, beautiful features now cloaked and hidden away.
You blush under the scrutiny of no one in the empty room when you hear him draw in a deep, lingering, lungful of you with his mouth on your dampened thighs.
“Pink and pretty,” his voice rasps from between your legs. “She’s just a little messy right now. Don’t worry, kitty cat…I’m gonna kiss her all better.”
A feral sound chokes out of you as you yank his face in close, burying him in your cunt.
At first, he’s louder than you are. Murmuring hungry little grunts and moans against your slick skin…sucking at you ravenously until the room is stifled up, full and hot, with the wet sounds of your cunt and his mouth.
Soon, though, you grow hotter, and lose yourself little by little, fucking against his face as he loves on your clit obscenely. Lapping at it, nibbling delicately, drawing it into his kiss tenderly as his fingers delve deeper inside.
He fucks you slowly, nudging you along as you whine and beg above him.
“Shh…” he warns around your pulsing bundle of nerves. “Or do you want him to hear you?”
“Only you.” You promise, rocking your hips frantically to meet him. “It’s all for you. Don’t stop.”
“Not gonna stop.” He swears, licking away at you like the sweetest lollipop is playing over his tongue.
It’s intrusive and definitely not called upon, but when the picture begins to tumble about in your mind on loop— both of them nestled between your legs at once with those gorgeous mouths of theirs, you’re cumming hard and fast…pouring over his fingers, likely ruining the front of a jumpsuit neither of you can claim ownership of.
Its blissful and for a moment, your soul is robbed from it’s earthly confines, spending a suspended breath ruminating with the universe.
“God damn…” Jake’s winded response scratches out of him as he peeks out from under your skirt, eager to get a look at your flushed face.
He’s covered in you. Glistening and catching the light in your release. “You came everywhere.”
His observation is beyond pleased, but when your eyes slide away, he presses you for answers while still on his knees. “What? Tell me.”
“It’s nothing.” You smile, stroking a bead of sweat away from his temple.
“Liar.” He grins lazily, licking the taste of you off his plush lips. “Tell me what got you off so hard.”
It takes a massive amount of charm on his end, but eventually, you admit that you’d been thinking about them both.
The look in his eyes is nothing short of devious when he goes to speak, only to be quieted by a soft knock on the door.
Your eyes meet in panicked anticipation when a familiar voice breeches the wooden barrier. “It isn’t nice to talk about someone behind their back, you know?”
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @greta-flanveet-admin @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @agirlwithmanytastes @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @dvrkblooms @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @mckenna4 @tripthelight-fanfic @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordierama @calumspretty
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maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
Uncharted Territory
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A/N: I am so sorry for the long wait. I hope this makes up for it. Josh and his assistant, badish boy goodish girl, fluff, angst, dirtiness. As always let me know what you guys think and enjoy!
Warnings: SMUT. DNI if you are under 18. 18+ only.
Word Count: 16.9k+
There are a few things in life that just outright suck no matter the spin you try to put on them. Running out of gas on the side of the highway during rush hour because you were running late for work this morning and were stupid enough to say I’ll just do it in the morning. Sucks. Dropping your phone down four flights of stairs because you decided it was time to stop being lazy by taking the elevator every morning and just climb the stairs. Sucks. You know what sucks most of all?
Job interviews.
They were never fun. You had seen many videos on the internet about how to present the very best of yourself in an interview, sell yourself to whoever was showing interest, make them realize they absolutely needed you in their work force. Of course you knew how to apply all of those little quips and tricks into the interview process. Did it make it suck any less?
Interviews were still incredibly nerve wracking. Feeling like you were going to stumble over answers, blank on the simplest questions, not know how to apply all of your previous job history to what you were trying to get hired for. Despite how perfect you were for this job, it still sucked.
One of your closest friends had tipped it to you. Saying that one of their friends friends was going to be interviewing to be an assistant to some guy in a band. That there were four members of the band and they were getting so big so quickly that they were all going to be needing their own assistant to handle their daily work loads. 
She had nudged you at lunch one afternoon with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle, mentioning how she could get you an application and interview no problem. You had never heard of them before, immediately pulling them up on Spotify and seeing their monthly listener amount was significantly higher than you originally had assumed. 
It was exactly what you needed to get out of the hellhole you were trapped in now. Believe you me, you were well trained in being an executive assistant. It was what you were doing now, the only downside was your boss was a raging bitch. Your boss before her was not much better, but the experience you most definitely had. This could be your chance to break out of the corporate world of assistants and try something new.
What did you have to lose?
You submitted the application that evening with a resume and cover letter, not expecting anything to come of it. That’s why when you woke up the next morning and saw a message marked urgent from a name you were not familiar with, your stomach flipped. 
Opening the email and asking if you could make it to the first round of interviews the very next day, you were in a permanent state of shock. Agreeing, in a somewhat state of brain fog and letting your mind go to autopilot to handle the interview, it must have gone well.
So well, you were now sitting in round three of interviews after being informed that it had been narrowed down to two people per band member and you were the front runner for all of them. They would be the final interviewer and would be selecting their own assistant. 
Your hands were ice cold, but your mind was still nagging at you that they must somehow feel clammy, nerves wracking your body feeling like your bones were vibrating. Blood was rushing in your ears as you sat at a large conference style table, the view of Nashville quite breathtaking from the floor to ceiling wall of windows, but you were unable to truly take it in. There were five seats on one side of the table, one singular on the opposite side that you occupied.
It was like flipping a switch, putting all nerves at bay and standing as the door opened, offering a tight lipped smile, putting your hand out to give a firm and strong handshake to each of the gentlemen that entered the room. You only knew one, their manager, who had been at your other interviews.
The others were new. As you took them in, you made a mental note about one distinct feature of each to help you memorize their names as quickly as possible. “Mr. Frank, it’s a pleasure seeing you again. Thank you for seeing me through this far,” you took a seat as the others did as well.
He gave a beaming smile, tearing his gaze away from his notepad to catch your gaze. “Absolutely. Let me introduce you to these four. Directly next to me is Daniel Wagner,” he gave a small wave, noting his hair was going to be his distinct feature. “You can call me Danny.” You nodded politely at him, your smile never faltering. 
“Next to him is Sam Kiszka,” he was leaning far back in his chair, almost like he had been forced to be here and do this. He had a dog. “Nice to meet ya. Heard you are practically the best of the best so it’s gonna be a blood bath to claim you as an assistant,” you couldn’t hold in the laugh that bubbled from your throat at his nonchalant tone as he explained that to you. 
Your hands still resting on your lap, you nodded. “That’s very kind of you to say.” They all chuckled, Mr. Frank continuing down the line. “Next to Sam is twin two, Jake Kiszka.” Big hat. It was all you noticed about him honestly. Oh, and that he had a sort of pirate vibe to him. 
He offered nothing more than a slight hat tip and a small grin. You returned the same. Trying to match all of their energy that they were giving you and being a mirror to them was your strategy here. You didn’t care who you were assigned to as long as you were assigned to someone. Anything to get away from your devil of a manager now. 
“And all the way down there is the front man, Josh Kiszka. Twin one.” When your eyes locked with his, you noticed too many things at once to make a note of. You wouldn’t need to. You would remember him.
His eyes were bright and overly large as he peered at you. His cheeks were flushed with a light pink hue. His hands nervously played with each other as they rested on the table in front of him. His tongue continuously darting out to moisten his lips. His lips parted, a toothy smile appearing as he held a hand up in an awkward gesture. 
“Josh. It’s-uh, it’s nice to meet you. Aaron has said a lot about you, all good of course. We’re all very interested. Obviously, I mean in a professional way. Like we want you. As in for your work that is strictly professional. Jesus Christ,” he was speaking so fast and with each word his face grew more red in tint, his siblings stifling their laughter behind their hands as they watched him falter.
Mr. Frank’s hands came down onto the table, swiveling his chair from the direction of the boys back to you, eyes wide in amusement as he laughed. “Okay anyways. I want to first thank you for being so patient with the entire interview process. I know it can be draining and meticulous to do this and you have been outstanding, truly. This can be kind of a niche job and we wanted to make sure that we select the right candidates and that is most definitely you.”
Your smile grew as you thanked him, still remaining mostly silent to let him continue on. “Now, we want you to start as soon as possible. It’s my understanding that you’re currently employed elsewhere so you’ll be needing to put in a notice there, correct?” 
Falling into easy conversation about your notice for your current job, starting date for this position, and the mind boggling amount of travel that you would be doing over the course of their tour had your head spinning. Thrilled that they were so interested in you and that the shitty interviewing process was seemingly over had you trapezing on air.
As Mr. Frank set his pen down, he set his attention on the group, gesturing a hand towards you. “What have you decided?” They all spun around in their chairs, huddling together with their heads all bent in, whispering. The one with the hat- Sam? Damn it, that’s Jake, turned first giving a larger smile than before.
He had selected you. That was fine, you could deal with that. He seemed extremely lowkey and easy going. No problems there. Although, trying to get him to stay on task and get done what needs to be done could pose some issues. That’s what you were there for though, to ensure that he would get his shit together and done. What he wouldn’t complete you would do for him. It came with the terms and conditions. 
While your mind was reeling, already starting to go a mile a minute on what was going to be happening as Jake’s assistant, it came to a sudden halt. “You will be working with Josh. He needs the most structure and guidance to keep him on task and I feel like your personalities will really mesh well.” 
You subdued your surprised expression, keeping your face neutral. If there was anyone you thought you most definitely would not be getting assigned to, it was Josh. He could hardly look you in the eye and the boy was extremely jittery. 
When his beat red face met yours, you gave him a kind smile. It seemed like he needed it. You immediately reached into your bag, grabbing your card and handing it over to Josh and then proceeding to do the same with the others. 
“That’s fantastic. Mr. Kiszka, I look forward to working with you. On this card is my current contact information. I know I am Mr. Kiszka’s assistant, but please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Mr. Frank informed me that I will be receiving a new phone with a new number so I will have that new information to you shortly, but in the meantime that is the current way to contact me if need be.” Mr. Frank’s smile grew as he watched how at the drop of a hat you switched into professional mode.
They all eyed you in shock, looking at the card in their hands like it was made of solid gold. Turning your attention fully to your new boss, you stuck your hand out, watching as he gingerly grabbed it, shaking your hand back. 
Cold. Nicotine use, you thought to yourself. It would explain why he constantly seemed flushed, but the circulation was poor in his extremities. You would get him on some vitamins to fix that, you made a mental note to start that immediately. 
Two weeks positively flew by. Packing up your office and hardly uttering any parting words to anyone, you felt a weight lift from your shoulders as you left the building. This next chapter of your life was going to be one you couldn’t wait to embark on. Subletting your apartment proved easier than you originally assumed. Where you would be staying on the few breaks that were scheduled, you would deal with later, but for the meantime, you were ready. 
Already having a copy of the key to his home, you sent him a fast text reminding him of your appointment with him that afternoon to start going over his schedule, so as not to frighten him when you let yourself into his home. When you pulled up to the curb, you noticed a white Jeep parked in his driveway. Only one car? Odd. Maybe there’s more in the garage. It is a three car garage. 
Walking up to the front door, you used the key, but noticed it was already unlocked. You sighed, shaking your head, but entered the home. It was beautiful at first glance. There was natural wood covering every square inch. The large living room was open concept to the kitchen and dining room. The back wall had large windows that showcased a woodland view. 
Continuing further inwards, your head inclined towards the hallway to see if you could catch sight of him anywhere. When he appeared from the oversized pantry, he jumped, hand landing on his chest. “Fuck! Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.”
He laughed, setting down the bag he had in his hand onto the counter, you chuckled and held up your phone and key. “Apologies. I did text you to let you know I was on my way. You did say text was the easiest way to reach you, right? By the way, you need to always lock your door. There are crazies out there and stalkers and if they find your front door is just unlocked, they will enter.” 
Setting down your belongings at the dining table you had noticed was set up for your meeting, you continued speaking, Josh approaching the table to join you. Opening your planner, checking your phone once more to silence it and place it face down on the table, your eyes met his as you took a seat. 
He didn’t sit, instead offering a large smile, motioning to the house. “Can I give you a tour?” You immediately agreed, standing from the chair as you leisurely began strolling around the home.
“And yes, text is the easiest way to reach me and I saw yours which is why the door was unlocked. I forgot you had a key,” you nodded as you eyed some artwork that he had hanging in one of the hallways. 
Walking around with him was like getting a front row seat to his entire being. How and why he decorated the way he did, his purpose behind it all. He was a fascinating man you were quickly learning. 
Getting back to the dining room, you sat with a large smile and undid the cap on your pen, taking in a deep breath and smiling at him. “Well, Mr. Kiszka, I appreciate you giving me a tour. Your home is breathtaking, really. We should get started. We have a lot of ground to cover in two hours,” his hands enveloped a cup of tea he had brought with him, taking in a large breath as you dove in.
It was thoroughly exhausting starting from scratch with a new boss. Having to learn about their daily habits and quirks. What foods they preferred and when they preferred them. Understanding how often they were on their devices. Memorizing their normal routines and schedules. Honestly, exhausting. 
As you checked over your notes, sipping the glass of water he had gotten for you, it was about time to wrap it up for the day. “Okay, I believe that is just about all I needed from you today. I will be sending over that boarding pass and itinerary. You know I should probably do it now while I’m thinking about it,” grabbing your laptop, you sent the email at lightning speed, Josh’s eyebrows shooting up in surprise. 
“Is there anything else you’ll be needing from me, Mr. Kiszka? Of course, you can always text me, call me, email me whenever, but while I’m here,” your eyes finally looked up from your screen to connect with his squinted ones. 
Leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest, he shrugged. “Actually, yes.” You perked, sitting up straight to give him your undivided attention. “We are going to be spending a lot of time together,” you nodded, listening intently to him, “so I would like to know more about you.”
Shrugging, you fought within yourself about how to word your response to him without offending him in any way. “With all due respect Mr. Kiszka-” he cut you off with a roll of his eyes and a laugh, “Please stop calling me that. No one calls me that. Really, even Joshua, my government name, would be better.” You tilted your head at him, a disapproving look on your face.
“Mr. Kiszka. I am your assistant, your employee, your go to gal for anything you need,” you took in a breath, trying to explain this to him in the most professional manner you could, “however; I am not your friend. I am not paid to be your friend. I think in order for this to work as smoothly as possible and to ensure I get my work done and you get your work done, we need to recognize this as a boss and subordinate setting.” A smirk was tugging at the corners of his mouth, nodding with a chuckle. 
His hands were folded on his lap, one leg crossed over the other, the dark green jumpsuit not long enough to cover his entire leg when he was sitting like this, your eyes narrowed at him. “No, I completely understand that. You don’t want to be my friend-” you held your hand up to him, one singular finger pointing up, “I never said I didn’t want to be your friend, but that this is only a professional relationship.”
Rolling his eyes again, an amused look took over his sharp features. “Mhm. Well, as your boss I would like you to tell me one fun fact about yourself. Can be anything. Just one fun fact,” setting your jaw at his words, you thought of the most surface level fact you could think of.
“I don’t have a favorite color.” His head fell back, a large laugh shaking his throat. “Bullshit! Everyone has a favorite color. Whether it’s one that you tend to gravitate towards or one that catches your eye more often than others. You most definitely favorite one color.” Shaking your head as you packed up your things, you didn’t look at him. 
Slinging your bag over your shoulder, your hands held onto the back of the chair you had just risen from. “No. I do not.” You offered a shrug, starting towards the front door, your boss following you on the way out. 
When you turned around as you reached the door, his smirk never left his lips. “I’ll find out what your favorite color is. I’ll be the one to discover it for you.” You sighed with a laugh, turning on your heel as you took your keys from your bag. “Have a good night, Mr. Kiszka!” You called over your shoulder, hearing the door shut behind you as you made your way to your car.
Seeing the small bag sitting on your passenger seat you cursed under your breath, grabbing it and heading back to the house. Trying the handle first, you groaned as you realized he hadn’t locked it. “Mr. Kiszka!” His head popped back out from where you two had just been, coming back to the entryway.
“This is for you. Take one a day, recommended with food.” His eyebrows furrowed as he pulled the bottle from the bag. “Vitamin B concentrate. What’s this for?” Your hands were clasped together in front of you, smiling as you explained. 
“Nicotine use, right?” He nodded, a sheepish grin on his face. “That’s what I thought. Your hands are always freezing, but you’re flush constantly. Poor circulation is tied to nicotine use. Vitamin B concentrate aids with many things, but circulation is one of them.” He looked floored that based on one previous meeting you had gathered that information about him. 
Looking at you dumbfounded, he laughed, shaking the pill bottle. “Okay. I will add this to my vitamins list.” You pointed at him at the mention of that. “Send me that list. When we’re on the road it’ll be my responsibility to ensure that you’re always stocked. Oh, and lock the door!”
Nodding at you, he held the front door as you walked to your car once again. When your name echoed out into the air around you, you turned to face him. “Next time, you park in the driveway, okay?” You shot him a thumbs up over your shoulder, thanking him as you entered your car, heading home to begin packing for a trip you were unsure how to pack for. 
Less is probably more, you thought as you searched through your closet. When your phone began ringing, issuing an alert for an incoming Facetime call, you sighed, grabbing it amongst the pile of clothes you had taken out to begin folding and packing away. 
“Hi, mom and siblings.” Their smiling faces met yours, your mom diving right in. “Okay, first day with the new boss. How’d it go?” You looked at the screen, setting the phone up on your dresser, facing you so you could use your hands while still talking to them. 
Placing one packing cube into the luggage, you shrugged. “Busy. It’s still the beginning stages so it’s just a lot of memorization and observation right now. Taking over their schedules, trying to notice every single thing about them. It’s taxing,” your mom hummed in response. 
When your sister's voice came through the speaker, your attention immediately focused on it. “What’s the guy's name again?” Your hands went to your hips, shaking your head with a big grin. “Nope.” Her and your brother's groans caused static to come through the speaker.
“That’s so unfair, birdie. Mom knows!” You laughed at them. “The only reason mom knows is because she’s my emergency contact in case something happens while I’m gone. Not only that, but she wouldn’t know them anyways.” Her face reappeared, glasses sitting low on the bridge of her nose, peering at you from over the frame. 
As your siblings continued arguing with you, your mom spoke up over them. “Where are you going first, birdie?” Explaining the travel plans to her and where you were scheduled to touch down first, your siblings would jump in every once in a while to ask that you bring them a souvenir from that country you had just mentioned. 
Family was important to you. The guilt never subsiding at you moving halfway across the country to start your own life and leave your mom and siblings back home. You missed it. Them. Everything. But this was good for you. 
You recalled being teased growing up for not breaking out of your shell. For being too serious. Memories of older family members asking why you didn’t want to go play with the other kids in the playroom, teachers being shocked at your education levels, coworkers not believing your true age. 
They called you an old soul. You called it having to be an adult as a child. Taking on more responsibility than a kid ever should, but that’s what happens when “dad” skips town on the family. Someone has to step up and help. That fell to you. It carried behind you as you molded and shaped into a young adult and then an adult. All of your professional positions were too similar to what you grew up with.
Dealing with it for years was far too much. Leaving for college nearly killed you, but it was what you wanted. Needed. Each time you spoke to your mom, your heart would ache and guilt would seep into the cracks of your soul about leaving them there alone. 
It would never get easier. 
Standing at the curb at the airport, waiting for their van to arrive, an older woman, a man in his forties, and another younger man appeared next to your side. “You’re Joshua’s assistant, right?” Your eyes peeled from your screen to fully take her in as she spoke to you. She must’ve been at least in her fifties, wearing clothes you had seen your grandmother in nearly ten years ago, gaudy glass jewelry decorating her.
The older man was dressed like a typical dad, in fact, he more than likely was someone's dad. He had a notepad tucked under one arm and paper tickets in his hand that had your eyes nearly bugging out. The younger gentleman was dressed incredibly well, but refused to make eye contact with you.
Nodding with your eyes slightly squinted, you held your hand out to her to offer a shake as she continued. “It’s nice to finally meet you! I’m Patty, Samuel’s assistant. That one is Bob, Jacob’s assistant. The one on the far end is Monty, he is with Daniel.” A smile took over your face at her, trying to bite back a laugh. It seems that they had all picked each other's assistants for shits and giggles.
Based on what you knew of them, Sam got the older woman because she was going to drive him crazy. He had little to no patience. Bob was for Jake, basically a parent to babysit him on the tour to make sure he wouldn’t die. Monty was standoffish and seemingly an asshole by the way he eyed you as you stood there. Totally offsetting the easy going nature of Danny. 
What was the joke with you and Josh?
You had no time to dwell on it any longer because the van pulled up, you staying off to the side as Patty and Monty rushed to the van to grab their people. As each boy exited the vehicle, you gave a smile to each, chuckling as Sam flipped Danny off as Patty handed him sticky notes with her thoughts for him. 
Danny awkwardly stood in front of Monty as Monty did not utter a word to him, counting the bags that got off for him before turning and handing him the luggage tag and asking him if he had received the itinerary information he had sent last night.
Jake gave a seemingly large smile to Bob, feeling happy that at least one of them got along well enough with their assistant. They fell into easy chatter about his baggage and flights today. When his curly head was the last to exit, you gave a small wave to him, seeing his large smile take over his face when he saw you.
“Good morning, Mr. Kiszka. I already took care of your luggage with the curbside attendants so when they remove it from the van it will be tagged and moved. Your boarding pass should be on your Apple Wallet. I did get the TSA precheck done for us so that is one thing we won’t have to worry about the entire tour. Oh, and we also have global entry for the international aspect. Your seat is 24A, I am 26A, within reasonable distance so if you need anything just give me a shout.” 
His smile never faltered as you shot out all of that information to him, giving a shit eating grin to Sam, who looked like steam was about to cascade from his ears. As you both approached TSA with the group, the confused looks of everyone else as you two made your way to the precheck line was gold. 
“Hey, how’d you do that?” Danny grumbled, reaching the end of the line as you and Josh kept moving forward, Josh’s loud cackle echoing through the area. You two reached the gate with a laughable amount of time before the others. Scanning the area, you knew coffee was going to be needed in order to get through the long travel day ahead. 
“Starbucks is down that way.” You smiled at Josh, pulling out your phone to reload your app. “Thank you. What can I get for you?” He stretched, shaking his head and moving in the direction he had just motioned towards. “Oh no, I’ll go with you. We have a five hour flight ahead of us, before a two hour layover, and then another three hour flight. I need to be moving,” you nodded, the two of you walking towards the coffee shop in silence. 
He finally cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable by the silence you were drenched in. “Have you ever been to Europe?” You shook your head, grabbing your wallet out of your bag as you two stood in line waiting for your turn, the app not working as your eyes remained locked to your screen. “Never traveled outside of California and Tennessee.” 
You thought you heard his jaw hit the floor at your admission. “You’re joking?” Fighting a smile, you shook your head again. “No. I never traveled with my previous bosses and if I did it was just inside state limits. I would take over their office responsibilities while they were gone wherever,” his hand rubbed at his jaw. 
“And nothing for personal travel?” Sighing and reading the menu, your head continued in the same motion. “Opportunity never presented itself.” You could tell he had a million questions, wanting to know all the details about it, but your saving grace was being called up next in line. 
He tried to start up again as you both stood to the side of the counter waiting for your orders to be called, but he was cut off by your personal phone ringing. You smiled seeing your mom’s photo take up your screen, turning your body away from him to quickly and quietly talk.
“Hey, I’m at the airport. Boarding starts in about twenty minutes. I’m waiting for coffee right now. Yes, I will text you. Okay. Okay. Okay. Bye, you too.” Slipping your phone back in your pocket, he had a smirk playing on his face. Your order was yelled out into the busy shop and as you grabbed it, his order right next to yours, you knew you weren’t going to be getting away from conversation with him. 
Josh was practically rocking on his heels, itching to speak as he sipped his tea. “Was that your mom?” His lighthearted tone had an excited, but jokey manner to it as you fought the urge to roll your eyes at him. “Yes.” What you could have sworn was a giggle came from his mouth, a large smile still plastered on his face.
“What’s her name? Tell me all about your mama.” He nudged you, eyes eager and hopeful that he was about to delve into your past and learn about you, even just a bit. Luckily, as you approached the gate, the gang was just arriving, all frazzled as boarding was due to begin in just a few minutes. 
Biting back laughter and sipping your coffee, Sam and Danny quickly approached you, handing their phones over, you looked at them confused. “Whatever you did to get you and Josh through, please do for us.”
Josh had approached the counter and when he came back over to you, flashed his screen towards you. “26B. Seat buddies!” You bit back a laugh and smile you could feel forcing its way on your face. He was going to be too damn much to handle. 
Why were you excited about it?
The first few weeks were a blur on the road. It was a life you had never experienced before. Going to bed in one city, working in another for twelve hours, and then repeating it over and over. The days all faded from one into another. 
It was enthralling. 
This was something you had thought of, envied others for actually doing. Never knowing what steps needed to be taken to get the plans in motion. Staring at plane tickets sitting in your checkout cart, waiting, begging to be purchased. To go someplace new, try something new, meet someone new. 
Now, it was happening. 
It was exhausting. 
You had never been so sleep deprived in your life. Between learning how to sleep in a bunk bed in a constantly moving bus, insanely late hours after shows had concluded, and being up to watch the sunrise more days than not, you were still trying to adjust. 
How long does it take someone to embrace and thrive on a new schedule? You were still trying to answer that. Learning the ins and outs of your boss was proving easier than you originally thought. Josh was a simple, but still a somewhat complex person. Being glued to his side for three weeks meant diving into the nitty gritty of who he is. 
His food choices were quite limited, not offering many options due to the restrictions he was under for his job. You figured he would consume quite a few adult beverages, but not near as many as you had witnessed so far. He required much needed destress and alone time that he would typically meditate or reflect during. Josh called his mom nearly every single day, even if it was just for a few minutes to chat and check in. While he had a phone and used it, it was nowhere to the extent of most people his age. He appreciated a good coffee and would do his best to find a new place to try in every city you found yourself in. He always invited you. 
Every chance he could, your name was slipping from his tongue, offering a spot for you to go with them to the bar they were going to be visiting after they finished performing. If he was venturing out to explore a city and wanted to visit a coffee shop, his eyes would fall to you, asking to be his company because everyone else was too hungover to be out that early. 
He had wormed his way in with you in ways you hadn’t even noticed, but he did. Being up somewhat early to sit with you in the bus, basking in the silence as you peered out the window in awe of whatever you were whizzing by. Sometimes working, he would remain somewhat silent, but always finding a way to bring some chatter between you both. All he wanted to do was learn more about you, spend time with you. That’s why he always extended invitation offers for anything he was going to do to you. 
At first, you politely declined each invitation. However, after one too many late nights working, you decided a walk to the coffee shop he described in immaculate detail sounded quite nice. A change of scenery from the inside of a tour bus or the same walls of a hotel room that you couldn’t identify out of a line up if your life depended on it was needed to keep your sanity in check. Josh literally jumped for joy right in front of you.
It elicited a laugh, which was not unusual. He had quite the knack for humor, people around him constantly clutching their sides from his jokes and quips. What made you laugh the most though, was his natural personality. He wasn’t afraid to be himself, no matter how ridiculous he appeared to others.
“A large mocha please. Thank you,” as you reached to pay, Josh’s card slapped onto the reader, instantly paying for your coffee. Shooting him an unamused look, you grabbed your phone, Apple Paying him for the exact amount with a smile. 
Rolling his eyes at you, he placed his own order before accompanying you at the table you had sat at. He gave a large smile as he plopped into a chair across from you. Tilting his head ever so slightly, he took in the side of your face as you peered out to the street outside. Trying to place what city you had arrived in without being awake and present for it.
“Your nose twitches when you think,” you were startled by the voice breaking the silence you had been sitting in. Your eyes fell to the boy and slightly narrowed at him, a smirk tugging at your lips. “Does not.”
He shrugged, leaning back in his chair, still clad in loungewear, hair a poofy mess displaying he had in fact just rolled out of bed fifteen minutes ago and eyes set deep littered with exhaustion. “Do too. Oh, thank you so much, Maria!” Without another moment to respond, your coffee order was placed in front of you and the muffin you had been eyeing was there as well. Right in the middle of the table.
Knowing you didn’t place the order for the muffin, your eyes fell to the indifferent boy seated across from you as he brought the scalding liquid to his pursed lips. “Did you know her or something?” His brow furrowed, shaking his head as he set the mug back down, subconsciously pushing the plate towards you a bit more.
“No, why?” Shaking your head, you brought your own cup to your lips, eyes falling back to the bustling street outside. “You knew her name.” Still seeming confused by your response, his pinky finger continued to push the plate in your direction. “Her name tag was pinned to her shirt.” Nodding at his words, you fought a smile.
Of course he would actually call people by their names, even if they didn’t want it, which you could tell took the young girl aback. That’s such a Josh thing, you thought to yourself. The more you thought about it the more you realized that Josh always called everyone by their first names. Any chance he could, he would. You couldn’t count the amount of times you had heard him asking people for their names. 
And he always remembered. 
Josh picked at the muffin, popping a piece in his mouth, making a motion with his hand to you with expectant eyes. “I won’t eat it all. I mean don’t get me wrong it’s delicious, but too much sugar.” You fought the urge to roll your eyes, taking a piece of the crumble topping and placing it in your mouth.
Playing off how amazing it truly was, Josh’s lips fought off a beaming smile, a small victory in his books. It had been weeks together, every single day, countless hours, but he wasn’t making personal hedgeway with you. Professional? It was unreal how quickly you had caught on to his schedule and attuned your work to his. Personal? Not a damn inch. 
You ordered your coffee quietly, too quiet for him to hear the full order which was excluding him from being able to order it for you just once. He had no idea what, if any, family or friends you had other than your mom because you had no social media presence anywhere. Not the slightest inkling to what food you enjoyed more than others because when you ate it was opposite hours of him. Josh didn’t even know if you liked their music because you hadn’t attended one of their shows. Pre-show prep was far too hectic for you to pay attention to anything other than your duties and you slept while they performed, but were present again for post-show to ensure anything he needed was taken care of. Worst of all, he hadn’t figured out your favorite color because all you wore were neutral tones and all of your personal belongings you kept packed away so he never saw them.
It was driving him mad. 
In order for Josh to get along with someone he needed a connection. Anything. You were offering nothing. Even Danny was making moves with his assistant who was a complete asswipe. The woman who was old enough to be Sam’s grandmother acted like that. A grandmother. Jake basically had their dad on tour with them. But Josh?
Your goal on the other hand was working just fine. Productivity was at an all time high, it was a side of life you never thought you would be able to live in let alone enjoy, and you got along just fine with your boss. 
Because that’s what he is. Your boss.
Was it difficult to continue hiding aspects of yourself and personality to keep the relationship with him strictly professional? Yes and no. Obviously you were giving some signs because you were munching on a blueberry muffin that you had thought you gave no indication that you truly wanted it. So of course there was some leeway, but otherwise it was working fine. 
In order for this to continue on the successful path it was, you needed to play by the rules. Did you generate those rules? Yes, since there were absolutely none laid out for you when you started, but rules were there for a reason. To ensure everyone carried on with their work in the most efficient way possible. 
Honestly, it seemed like it was the only way you were going to survive nearly a year on the road with them. If you started getting personal, it would only make it much more complicated and difficult to get work done. Keep emotions out of it.
That’s the key to success right there. Josh despised it while you thrived on it. 
In fact, Josh never played by the rules. Bed times didn’t exist, alarms were never set, naughty things spoken without a second thought, he was the literal definition of fuck it. Which you discovered the more time you spent around him and his siblings that he was the one that needed the most structure in his life. That’s where you come in.
Was that the reason you were selected for Josh? That was what Jake had said in your interview, but given the jokey nature of the others and their assistants there had to be something more.
Providing a daily routine, schedule, something to keep him going at an acceptable pace. Executing it in a way that he didn’t tend to notice, making him think that he was still playing by his own rules. No rules. It took some time to get used to at first, but now it was a piece of cake. As easy as could be. 
However, Josh was working you a bit, too. That’s why you were eating a muffin top, laughing with him about the mishap on stage from the night before that you weren’t there to see, but had heard all about it. He was going to crack you, he just had to make sure you wouldn’t notice it. 
The alarm went off on your phone just as you finished the last swig of your coffee, eyes going slightly wide at the message on your screen. “Alright, we need to head back. You have an interview with a magazine in forty-seven minutes with Danny and then we need to get you to sound check for the show tomorrow night because the venue is closed tomorrow morning. There was an issue with the manager and he can only be here today so it needs to get done today.” 
Josh’s deadpanned expression on his face let you know that he was not excited for what the day held in store for him. Sighing and tilting his chair back ever so slightly, he looked out the window, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Let’s make a deal?” Shaking your head at his words, you placed your empty cup on top of the plate that now only held remnants of the muffin you had split with him. 
Did you split it? Or did you eat it all? No, you could’ve sworn he ate some, too. Are the dress pants you needed pressed on top of the black suitcase or tan suitcase? Josh’s jumpsuit should be back from the cleaners today, Jake’s suit should be, too. Make a note to call the cleaners and check on that. 
“Unless the deal is getting back to the hotel within the next ten minutes and making you look presentable for the interview, the answer is a resounding no. You need to wash your hair today, by the way.” He groaned like a teenager being asked to take the trash out, head thrown back, adam's apple bobbing as the noise escaped him, arms crossed over his chest. 
Grumbling as he finally stood from the table and following you out the entrance back in the direction you had come from. Never asking what the deal was, the afternoon went without a hitch. The interview was quick and efficient, sound check practically the same, you found yourself laying on the bed in your hotel room, eyes drifting shut as the air conditioner rumbled to life. 
You could feel yourself slowly falling into the warm embrace of sleep, teetering on the edge of a blissful nap until your next alarm would go off signaling it was time to get back to your responsibilities. The pounding at your door had your eyes flying open, your body sitting upright on the mattress and turning towards where the noise had emitted from.
Tilting one head to the side and feeling some of the tension in your neck release, you pulled the door open to see a frazzled Jake standing on the other side with a twin in tow. Before Jake had even spoken, Josh shot you a truly apologetic look. “I can’t find my suit anywhere. We leave for the venue in twenty minutes and I have no idea where it’s at. I swear to god if it’s lost I’m going to lose my mind. I’ve been calling and texting you, are you not near your phone?”
Your brain was trying to catch up with how quickly he was speaking and process the information he was feeding to you. Josh’s hands went to his hips, shooting daggers at his brother, but took a deep breath to calm himself down before exploding on him.
“Relax. We’re gonna find it,” you fought the urge to rub at your eyes, grabbing your phone from your back pocket and seeing that you had nearly thirty missed calls and texts from all of the brothers and assistants. The hairs on the back of your neck stood to attention, feeling dread pounding into you when you realized how long you had been asleep and that you had missed all of these messages from your boss. 
“Jake, your suit? It was with the cleaners and I had them deliver it directly to the venue so we didn’t have to transport it. I always have Josh’s jumpsuits taken directly to the venue so we don’t have to worry about it and I had the same done for yours. I apologize for not informing you about that. I am also so sorry for missing all of your calls and texts. I fell asleep and didn’t realize how long I had been out. It won’t happen again, Mr. Kiszka.” You could see Jake’s shoulders instantly release the tension he had been holding onto at your words, a small breath of air escaping through tight lips.
Josh’s intense glare never left his sibling, stance still the same as it was. “Apologize to her now.” Your eyes went wide, instantly going to say otherwise and how it wasn’t necessary, putting the blame solely on yourself. Your boss's hand came up, halting you before you could speak up. 
“No, no. He absolutely owes you an apology. You asked her to take care of your suit because Bob was incapable of finding a good cleaner and she did. I don’t appreciate you treating her like you are. She was resting, she is allowed to do that because her services were not needed for,” he checked his phone for a fleeting moment, “sixteen minutes. She and I have a system in place and if you would occasionally like her assistance, you need to treat her how she deserves to be treated. Apologize. Now.” Standing there positively gobsmacked and unsure what you were supposed to be doing in that moment, you watched as Jake’s jaw set. 
A small expulsion of air left his nostrils as he turned to you, clearly unhappy with what his brother was forcing him to do. “My apologies. I was not aware of the process with Josh’s wardrobe and I shouldn’t have spoken to you in that way and made assumptions like I did. Forgive me.” You nodded fervently, hands clasped together in front of your body, nearly refusing to make eye contact with him. 
“Of course. My communication should have-” Josh’s hand went up again, shaking his head and cutting you off. “Absolutely not. Jake is aware of the process and it slipped his mind. You did everything right. Jake, go.” His twin filed out of the room, not looking your way again as he left.
The heavy hotel door shut behind him and in what can only be described as a word vomit, you quickly spoke. “I am so sorry. I don’t know what happened, I thought I just closed my eyes for a second and I have no idea how the vibrations of my phone didn’t wake me up. I assumed he knew that his suit would be delivered to the venue and I shouldn’t have made that assumption.” 
Josh’s sincere smile took over his features, waving you off. “Don’t worry about it. He’s being an ass because he and his girlfriend haven’t fucked in weeks and they’re fighting. He’ll give you an actual apology in a day I promise.” 
That was the first time he had stood up for you. It wasn’t the last either. Tough spats between siblings often turned to their assistants when in bad and annoyed moods. It was expected with how much time they were spending with each other.
What wasn’t expected was every time another assistant, crew member, or sibling tried speaking in a way that was anything but friendly to you had irked Josh in a way that had him standing up for you in any way he could. Everyone knew to only step on toes once because Josh would set the record straight thereafter. 
You weren’t sure how to feel about it. In this line of work, it was almost part of the job description to be treated subpar. Not in Josh’s job description. He was so grateful that over the first half of the tour you had been so amazing with anything and everything that this job could encompass, he felt it completely necessary to defend you. 
Compared to the others, you were a literal saint. You never strayed from your job and its responsibilities. He hardly ever caught you on your personal device and when he did, you were wrapping up a call with someone who he could only assume was your mother. Your entire life revolved around him. Of course he was going to stand up for you. 
His siblings teased him relentlessly for it. They said it was incredibly obvious he was in love with you. Entirely enamored with you. Sam claimed he had caught him on more than one occasion just watching you. 
His favorite tale was at a winery in Italy. You stood off to the side of the tour group, a wonderful sundress lightly fluttering in the breeze, sunglasses alternating from resting on the bridge of your nose to the top of your head, your skin glowing from the late summer sun. Sam and Danny nudged each other, snickering as they watched their brother. They said Josh stared at you with his jaw slightly agape for nearly fifteen minutes. 
Was he taken aback by seeing your bare shoulder for the first time? The puffy sleeve of your dress resting on the tops of your biceps. The neckline dipping dangerously low over the curve of your chest. A single gold necklace with a dangling pendant of your zodiac sign resting soundly against you. The dress hem resting midcalf, the most leg he had ever seen from you. He was just surprised is all. 
That’s all. Nothing more.
Did he think about that afternoon for the next month straight? How smooth your skin would be under his fingertips, igniting and bristling as he traced every curve and committed every feature to memory. What kind of reaction would happen if you started with secret touches shared amongst one another. What you would do if his hand found home on your hip in front of everyone. How you would respond to him maneuvering your head to the side, allowing him unrestricted access to the large expanse of bare skin, goosebumps erupting as his breath fanned along your neck. Of course not. Anyways, he would never admit it to anyone if he did.
Which he didn’t. 
It didn’t matter because in his mind you were in no way shape or form interested in something like that with him. No, you only viewed him as a boss. Your boss. The boss. It’s why you refused to divulge any information about yourself to him. 
Sure, after the incredulous amount of time you had spent together, he was going to find out some things about you. Like how easy it was to make you laugh. He had a knack for it somehow because when Sam tried telling you jokes they almost always fell flat. That you were a diagnosed insomniac and he could almost always find you up in the middle of the night with a sheepish grin as you read a book. Oh, and that you adored trashy literature. Your book fell from your bunk and when he picked it up to put it back, his eyes widened at the utter filth adorning the page. His cheeks burned crimson for the next week whenever he looked at you. 
But that was about all. It was killing you.
The more you got to know Josh and the more time spent together, all you wanted to do was share some personal things with him. Instead, you fed tiny insignificant tidbits about yourself to him to not only keep him at bay, but you as well. That you loathed socks, were an avid watcher of Star Wars and all franchise shows, and that you preferred tote bags to actual purses. 
You highly doubted he even remembered those things about you, but deep down you knew he did. It meant too much to him to not. Each time he would ask you to accompany them on a night out, it was growing more and more difficult to turn it down. The more time you spent with him, which was nearly every waking minute, all you wanted to do was spend time with him in a nonprofessional setting.
That’s not good. That was what you knew would tip the scales and everything you had been working towards, every boundary you had set, would be out the window. Being on the road was proving to be a lot lonelier than you had originally assumed. 
Of course, there was some basic understanding that because of the limits you had put in place with the band that social interaction on a more personal level would be dimmed, you didn’t think it would be quite like this. With the few lonesome hours that you did experience, while it was a blissful and welcome break, you found yourself longing for someone to share the time with.
Why was your mind wandering to Josh? You spent the most time with him. That’s why. No other reason. Imagining tracing the slope of his nose with the tip of your finger. How his plush lips would feel against the pulse of your neck. Teeth nipping at the skin and soothing it with his tongue right after. 
Knock it off!
It was rare. Having three days off in a row. No interviews, no sound checks, no duties that had to be taken care of during that span of time. Where better to have that happen than in France. It was actual heaven. 
Many moons ago, one of your closest friends from high school had gone off to college and during one of her years, had taken the opportunity to study abroad. You can recall spending hours on the phone with her listening in great detail to her tales and trying to picture yourself doing what she had done. Of course, a majority of those things you could never do, but one small story had stuck with you through the years.
She had described a small village in France, an incredibly sleepy town that was the quietest place she had ever been to. The food was indescribable, the city was phenomenal with mainly mom and pop shops, and overlooking the ocean from anywhere you could look in the town. You had been fantasizing and daydreaming about this village since she had told you.
Now, it was your turn to be there. Waking up with the sun, getting ready as silently as possible as to not wake anyone up, and trying to sneak out of the hotel room. You thought you were golden until you heard your name leave his lips. You jumped with a start, hand landing over your heart. “Jesus! Mr. Kiszka, good morning.” 
His smile never diminished, eyes squinting at you being fully dressed this early in the morning. On a non-work day. “Good morning to you, too. Where are you off to this early in the am? Running off and leaving us all behind?” You gave a tight lipped smile, letting the hotel room door fully close behind you, your back connecting with the wood. 
Checking the time on your phone, you knew you needed to get a move on. “Since it is my day off, yes I am.” Josh shrugged, bottom lip lightly pushing out as his eyes fell downcast, a sigh following. “Oh okay. Well we’ll be around here if you need anything. Don’t think we’re doing anything today really. Just wandering around. Anyways, yeah I’ll have my phone on me if you need anything. Just give me a call or text. Whatever.” Guilt was worming its way into your gut as you watched his mood continue to sour, sighing quietly and checking your phone again.
“If you can be dressed and ready within ten minutes you can come with me. If you’d like,” his head snapped up at you, eyes bright with excitement. He calmed down, cheeks turning a light pink as he turned from your smirking gaze. “I wouldn’t want to intrude on your day off. You spend enough time with me as is.” 
There was that feeling again. 
Against your better judgment, it came tumbling from your lips before you could stop it. “No, I would love it if you would come. Really,” your smile grew at the end, seeing how excited he truly was to hear you say that. He was practically bouncing in his spot, joy seeping from him in waves. 
“If you insist! Let me just change super quickly and grab some stuff and then we’ll go.” You nodded, standing there waiting for the boy to reappear from the room directly next to yours. Nerves pummeled you, constantly checking over your shoulder to see if anyone was going to slip out of their own room and see you waiting for Josh. It was entirely ridiculous, he was your boss. No one would even bat an eye at it, but there was something screaming inside of you that this was going to be a bad decision. 
That something was going to shift today that you wouldn’t be able to take back. Maybe that’s what you wanted.
You didn’t have much time to dwell because he came bounding out of the room, green jumpsuit adorning his slight frame, hair a wild untamed ball, camera resting soundly on his arm. Josh’s eyes that once held your own fell down to where your gaze was currently sitting and he beamed at you. 
“I take it the jumpsuit was a good call?” You returned the smile, shaking your head as you began walking down the hallway. “Oh, of course. It’s just that’s what you were wearing during our first meeting. The color suits you very well, Mr. Kiszka.” He groaned as you entered the elevator together, turning to fully face you as it began its trek downwards. 
He placed both hands in a prayer formation, landing right under his chin, large eyes peering into yours. “Please call me Josh. While it’s just us today, okay? I won’t tell anyone. It won’t damage your resume, promise. Today, it’s Josh, alright?” You battled within yourself, gnawing on the inside of your cheek, forcing your mouth open, teeth sank into your bottom lip.
Eyes traveling up to connect with his once more, you let out a large sigh. “Just today. Okay, Josh?” He almost fell over as his name left your lips for the first time. In fact, he had no idea how to respond. Only nodding, swallowing thickly, he turned away from you, standing barely a hair from one another, his widened eyes stared at the elevator doors as they parted for you both.
His knuckles were stark white from the grip he had on the wooden railing that was around the entire metal box. Reluctantly letting go, he watched as you waltzed out into the lobby, second guessing every decision leading to this moment.
What the fuck had he done? 
The train ride to the town began as any other day would for the two of you. First, talking about the upcoming week and what it would entail work wise. Second, about what food Josh was hoping to find wherever you were going to be going. Third, Josh fiddling with his camera and talking nonstop to fill the silence that would linger between you both. 
You had gone through the motions within the first fifteen minutes. Then you did something entirely unexpected. 
“When we get there, can you help me find an antique shop or something like that? I haven’t gotten a gift for my sister yet and she’ll kill me if I don’t,” you chuckled at the end, peering out the window and taking in the majestic scenery zooming by. When Josh didn’t respond, you turned your attention over to him to see a blank expression sitting on his face. A complete deer in the headlights moment.
Your brow furrowed before realizing you had given him a fact of your life without even catching it. He cleared his throat, trying to redeem himself and play it cool, but he was about to bounce off the walls. “Sur-absolutely. How old is she?” He wasn’t holding eye contact, but you knew what he was doing. 
Fighting a smile, you turned back towards the window, chin resting on your palm. “She and my brother are twins. They are fourteen. I found something for him a while ago, but nothing for her.” Josh couldn’t contain his utter joy any longer. His hand went to his chest, pointing at himself. “Jake and I are twins!” 
Pretending to be shocked, you played into it. “Shut up! No way! I had no idea,” he rolled his eyes at your sarcasm, but a giggle flitted from him as his cheeks grew rosier by the minute. “Yeah yeah whatever. What does she like?”
You filled him in on all the details of your siblings, never revealing their names, the rest of the ride there. When you stepped off the train and got in a cab to get to the little town, and realization of where you were slammed into you, you couldn’t fight the tears that welled in your eyes.
Getting out of the car, it was like a burden had been lifted from your shoulders. The smell of the sea wafting through the air. The cobblestone streets that you had only dreamed of seeing and walking on. The locals carried on with their daily lives, where they were being of little importance to them. To you it was everything. 
It was the life you had dreamed of living. That once seemed so unobtainable, but now you were living it. Having escaped from the hellscape of childhood and young adulthood. Everything you had worked towards. It was here. 
A hand landed in between your shoulder blades, the cool skin signaling to whom it was pressed against the bare skin there. Offering a small smile to him, his worried look was plastered on his features. “You okay?” Taking in a deep breath, your smile continued to grow as you nodded in response.
“Never been better.” His face lit up at your words, immediately leading you towards the city center to start the day. Arm never leaving you, you wrapped your own through the crook of his elbow. Josh’s eyes nearly falling out of his head at the contact you offered him.  
It truly was one of the best days of your life. Sides ached from the amount of laughter shared between you two. Stories were given to one another about the tales of adventures shared with friends and family. Walking so close to each other you swore you could feel the goosebumps rise on his skin with each brush of your arm. 
Comfortable. Delightful. Electric. 
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. The rays glistening and dancing on the ever moving water below it. Casting everything in its touch with hues of orange and pink. Complimenting all creatures with the sun kissed glow. The restaurant seated for amazing views of the coast. 
Sipping from your cocktail glass, you and Josh were cackling into them, earning stares from those occupying the tables around you. The view was breathtaking and you couldn’t help that your eyes would continue to wander to it whenever an opportunity presented itself. A lag in the conversation meant your smile was permanently stuck to your face, one of the best moods you had ever been in holding strong on you. The day had been beyond what you had dreamed of. 
The company wasn’t too bad either.
“Craziest thing you’ve ever done?” Snapping out of your own thoughts, you turned towards the boy seated across from you, hands folded on the table as he leaned towards you. Sighing with a shrug, you took another sip of your cocktail, shaking your head. “Good try.” 
He groaned, slightly leaning back into his seat, nearly giving up before he gave a hefty shrug of his shoulders. “Yeah I figured. It was worth a shot though. I’ve pushed my limits with you today. Not only that, but you’re a complete goody two shoes.” It was at that moment something clicked in you. 
After being so cold towards Josh for so unbearably long, just trying to keep things on a professional level, he had hardly ever pushed you to share information you weren’t comfortable with. Sure, he would annoy the hell out of you to find out any information he could, but he knew boundaries and didn’t push them. 
And you despised being called a goody two shoes.
“I took my moms car when I was a senior in high school and drove to Las Vegas with my friends during senior ditch day. My friend had gotten us fake ids and we used them to gamble what little money we had in the casinos and get drinks. We ended up so plastered we had to get a room for the night and put it on one of my friends credit cards. My mom thought I was just staying at her house for the weekend. That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done. Oh, and I was high for a majority of the time.” Your eyes were squinted in his direction, challenging him, trying to read his reaction, his jaw hanging slack.
Who’s the goody two shoes, now?
He blinked multiple times, trying to come back to his senses before shaking his head, a loud laugh shaking his entire body. “Holy fuck! That’s actually insane. Did your mom notice the miles on the car?” Finishing off your drink, you thought about that. “You know, I actually don’t know. If she did she never said anything about it. I never acted out or did anything so I think she was just happy I went and did something fun, but those days are behind me. One and done you know? She always used to say that her birdie needed to learn how to fly. I think that was her way of letting me,” Josh’s soft smile warmed you from your head to your toes, spreading throughout every limb, settling low in your stomach.
Tilting his head at you, his smile grew. “Birdie. Is that your nickname?” Your cheeks grew hot, not even noticing that you had let that slip. Only nodding in response, he winked at you. “I love that. It’s so,” his eyes continued to watch over you as his smile grew, “you.” You didn’t know how to respond, not knowing if it was a compliment or not, but Josh continued on. 
“Mine is nothing like that. Growing up in the midwest, underage drinking was the norm. It was how we passed time. Mine’s dumb compared to yours. I went skinny dipping once and got my clothes stolen by my brother. Had to walk over a mile home butt ass naked. At least it was summer though,” you were laughing so hard you had tears streaming down your face, trying to catch your breath.
Josh rolled his eyes at you, face burning bright red, arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah yeah yeah, whatever.” As you settled down, wiping at your face with your napkin, you felt a sense of boldness wash over you, speaking before you could think twice about it. “I’ve always wanted to skinny dip.” 
It was like flipping a switch. Watching as his eyes turned from one of joking to instantaneous mischief. Setting your now empty glass on the table, you began fervently shaking your head and a continuous chorus of no’s left your mouth. He nodded, entirely ignoring you and quickly standing from the table, the bill paid over an hour ago.
Dragging you through the streets, laughter bouncing off the surrounding buildings, you couldn’t catch your breath as his hand held a firm grasp on your arm. His chilly hand clamped to your forearm, grip never relenting despite the tiny fight you were putting up to actually escape from him. 
Unsure of where he was leading you, your head was on a swivel, trying to place your location, but it didn’t seem to matter because Josh seemed to know this place like the back of his hand despite never having been here before. When a small lake appeared, your laughter died down to giggles as you peered at the boy.
“How the hell did you know this was here?” A sheepish smile took over his face, cheeks going rosy as he bashfully kicked his leg around. “Walked by it earlier. Do you not remember that?’ You tried thinking back to earlier in the day when you would have made your way by this, but when you were about to say you truly didn’t it dawned on you.
Your mouth fell open and your palm landed on your forehead. “Oh! That’s right. We were going to the, the, the-” you were snapping your fingers, trying to place where you were heading before Josh cut you off, “the patisserie.” Your smile grew thinking back to the chocolate concoction you had consumed just hours before. 
Sitting on the grass with a sigh, you felt elated. “Thank you for coming with me. Seriously, I think you made the day ten times more fun than I would have ever had by myself.” He took the spot next to you, stretching his legs out with a groan, knee nearly knocking with your own, resting his arms behind him. “You’re just saying that. Trying to get in my good graces. I know your tricks,” laughter fell from you both as you nudged him with your shoulder.
“Damn right. Better give me a great performance review,” you two fell into a comfortable silence as the sun finally disappeared, only basking the area in a gracious moonlight that seemed to illuminate the entire area, reflecting perfectly off the calm lake water. 
Josh was nervous. He kept playing with his lips. Teeth nipping at them, tongue darting out over them, sucking them into his mouth. The last thing he wanted to do was to ruin a perfectly fantastic day by frightening you off, but he had a feeling he wouldn’t do that. “Alright, what’s up?” You turned your head to look straight at him, catching him off guard as you did. Smile never faltering, trying to get him to relax.
Why was he freaking out? You watched as his eyes wandered your features, knowing exactly where he was going. That’s why he was freaking out.
You weren’t. 
This is your only chance to do something like this. Who better to do it with than Josh? Don’t be a coward. Just do it.
Standing from your spot, Josh’s fuzzy brows drew together as he monitored your movements. Stepping out of the sandals you had worn, undoing the zipper on the side of your dress, you watched as Josh’s eyes grew as wide as saucers, truly rivaling the moon. He started to stutter, sticking his hand out to stop you from stepping out of the fabric.
“Oh my god, no no. I was totally joking,” you beamed down at his nearly frightened features, skin burning at the contact of his fingers wrapped around your wrist. “I wasn’t. I’ve always wanted to skinny dip. Either you can join me or you can watch or you can turn around and face the trees to not see me,” with his hand still around your wrist, you finished removing the dress from your figure. 
It fell in a pool around your feet, eye contact never breaking with him. Watching his adam's apple bob in his throat, breath stuttering, hands having a slight tremble. He was terrified to look down, to see you in a light he hadn’t before.
Standing only in your panties and bra, your breathing was more even than you anticipated. It felt right. Like this was meant to be happening. Here. With him. 
It feels right.
Walking away from him, your hands went behind your back, unclasping your bra, the straps fell down your arms. Tossing it to the side, you stopped on the edge of the water. Taking a deep breath, you lifted one leg, stepping out of the panties and removing them from your boiling skin.
It took every ounce of courage you had to turn your head over your shoulder and look to the stunned boy still sitting in the grass. The moonlight was basking you in an aura he had only dreamed of. Turning to stone as he sat mesmerized by your utter beauty, unsure of what he should have been doing at that exact moment.
The question answered for him as your singsong voice rang out into the still air. “Are you coming or what, Josh?” Realizing at that second that he wasn’t dreaming, that you were real and standing before him in the way you were was almost too much to handle. 
Moving to autopilot he hastily stood, undoing the buttons of his jumpsuit, leaving the article of clothing right next to yours. Watching in awe as you moved into the water, laughter and giggles flitting out into the night. 
As he became fully nude, you had turned in the water, letting it approach your chin, monitoring every movement that he made. Despite every time you had thought about this moment, the nerves you thought would be coursing through you, it wasn’t like that at all. 
Basking in comfort, enthralled that you were doing this with him, contentment with how the day had gone. What a beautiful way to end the day.
Swimming out to meet you in the lake, his teeth chattered, the cool water embracing you both despite the sweltering temperatures that the day had held. Your hair was drenched, the water droplets dripping down your face as you beamed at him.
“Thank you for doing this with me. Total bucket list thing right now,” he laughed, moving slightly closer to you as he did. “I’m glad I could be here to influence you in this way. Time for you to act out a little. How does it feel?” His excited eyes greeted yours, truly interested in your response.
Something changed in that instant. The giggles had died down, instead a heat had replaced it. Your smile didn’t falter, but you felt a more serious nature take over. Nodding your head in response, you crept closer to him, your voice whispering out into the air between you both.
“Really good.” Josh felt it too. An intensity he hadn’t been expecting. One that he felt you were acting on, wanting to embrace this. With him. 
Deciding to not let logic and rules define you in that moment, you closed the gap between you two. It was incredibly soft, gentle, exploratory. His tender lips cradled yours, hardly applying any force. Afraid that if he pushed too hard it would scare you off.
Letting your arms circle around his neck, your bodies connected, igniting every nerve ending you had. Josh’s hands splayed across the bare expanse of your back, leaving the water with a splash as he held you for the first time.
Deepening the kiss, your mouth opened for him, letting your tongues brush against each other. Unable to hold in the small whimper at the blissful feeling, Josh took that as a positive sign. 
You were needing this, craving this, just as much as he had been. When he felt your fingers tangle in his damp locks and lightly scratch his scalp, tugging right after, he pulled you closer to him. There was little space left, but he wanted none. 
Noses hitting, breathing growing heavier, Josh’s hands moved from your back to under your legs. The underside of your thighs were gripped by his fingertips, motioning for you to wrap your legs around his waist. 
Immediately, you did. The tip of his cock brushed against your bare core, eliciting a strong gasp from you. Just the small contact had you desperate for more, butterflies filling your lower stomach, heat coursing through you. 
Your skin was positively on fire, never wanting this contact with him to end. As Josh went to exit the lake, you still wrapped securely around him, you quickly detached. 
Moving to where your clothes were haphazardly thrown onto the grass, you grabbed both items and laid them out for you to lay on, some barrier between you and the ground. When you were on your back, staring up at the boy whose gaze was one you had never experienced before, it was unlike anything you had ever seen before.
The moonlight held him in such a gorgeous glow, illuminating his wet and glistening skin. His hair was dropping into his eyes, but his veiny hand pushed the locks out of his line of sight, not wanting anything obstructing his view of you. Dazzling smile greeting you, lips darker than normal due to the chill he felt and the nature of which they had just been involved in. The droplets falling off of his skin onto you below him cause a sense of jealousy to erupt in him. How unfair that they were able to touch you and be one with you when he couldn’t. He didn’t want to waste any time with you, dipping his head down and connecting your lips once again.
Your budded nipples were achingly hard under his hands. They tweaked and teased you, back arching into his grasp, positively desperate for more from him. With each movement he did, you could feel him brushing against you.
It was driving you mad. Your hips were bucking to connect with his. Stilling as his lips suckled around one of your breasts, a shaky moan attempting to escape your throat. He matched his motions on the other, never neglecting the opposite as he did.
His lips landed in the valley between your breasts, placing deep, chaste kisses down your sternum, stomach, hips, and thighs. Hands held firm to your waist, not wanting you to slip away from him. Terrified that this was a far too realistic dream. Where he would wake up like a horny teenage boy after a wet dream.
Yet as his eyes connected with yours, breath fanning across your core, he knew it was reality. Flattening his tongue on your core, your head fell back. Back arching off the ground as he began eating you like a starved man.
Like this was all he needed to survive. What he had been fantasizing about. Trying to imagine the taste of you, nothing could even compare to what was landing on his tastebud’s. Eyes rolling into the back of his head, the sounds coming from you stirred him on. 
Wanting nothing more than to taste your release on him, he lapped at you, sucking your bundle of nerves into his mouth and holding it there, sending you over the edge into a mumbling mess.
When he came back up face to face with you, the tears that escaped from the corners of your eyes worried him at first, but quickly diminished as your hands landed behind his ears, dragging you to him. Teeth nearly clacking together, his breathing grew more uneven.
Your hand went between your bodies, leading his throbbing cock to your soaked entrance. Connecting your eyes once more, he wanted to be sure. Not wanting to taint anything between you both. 
“Are you sure?” Not a moment of hesitation, you responded with a breathless yes, sealing it with a small peck. Josh couldn’t wait a second longer, letting his tip enter you. Taking it inch by inch, you welcomed him with no fight. 
Josh’s pace was slow and deep, wanting to savor this. As your legs hiked around his waist, your lips never parted with each other. Pants and moans mixing together, breathing the other in, head dizzy with arousal.
You had never felt so welcomed and embraced with someone as you had with him. This was everything you had been thinking about since you had first seen him. Knowing him, growing closer with him, anything with him. 
He made you feel wanted and despite all your attempts of keeping him out, keeping him complacent, it was all for not. Josh was a force that you couldn’t fight, didn’t want to fight. Wanting to fall into him, let him know you inside and out, it was pointless to go against it.
But you had to. Just not at that moment. No, in this moment you could accept it, envelop in it, rejoice in it. Letting him treat you like the almighty being he wanted to. Walls crashing down for just a bit. Right now, it was all about you two mingling together. 
White hot heat flashed behind your eyes, body contracting as your orgasm flooded your senses. Tense muscles crushing Josh to you as he emptied out in you momentarily after you. His body shook with pleasure, whimpers falling against your lips as you attempted to catch your breath. To come back down from the intensity of the evening.
Savoring in the closeness for now. For now. 
The train ride back into the city was incredibly peaceful. You sat next to Josh the entire ride home, head resting on his shoulder, drifting in and out of sleep after he whispered to you that it was too late to be up and to rest. 
So, you did. At one point, his own head rested on your own, his warm cheek pressed against the crown of your head, his breath spanning across the top of your hair. When you woke up and saw both of your fingers entangled together, you almost didn’t want to reclaim your own hand. It felt right. 
It shouldn’t have.
That’s why the moment you stepped off the train, it was a sense of dread sitting heavy on you. It was like everything and anything that could have changed, did. Stepping towards your hotel room door, Josh’s hand gripped your waist, spinning you back towards him and colliding his lips with yours.
You didn’t fight, argue, try to stop it. Sinking into it, him. Letting your lips mesh together in a way that was a sense of comfort and security. Him letting you know that this was where you were meant to be. Something you had never felt before. You didn’t want to feel it. You couldn’t. 
That’s why when you two separated, him going into his room and you yours, you laid flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Tears slowly trickled from the corners of your eyes, hand clamping down over your mouth to silence any noise that could have been coming from you. 
You had known it from the minute you had seen him. It was going to end poorly. If you were anything other than extremely professional, setting firm boundaries, not allowing him any way in, it was going to end up a complete shit storm.
It was on the horizon. The gorgeous skies that seemed as though they were hand painted by the most talented artist you had ever seen before the black clouds would roll in, wreaking havoc on anything in its way. You were slowly watching it morph and change the aura around you. 
He had captivated you, drawn you in so quickly. The most interesting being you had ever encountered. Wickedly talented beyond measure. A careful and caring being, wanting to cause no harm, only leaving a trail of happiness and good behind him. He did. 
Staying away from him and the true being he was, was torture. He wanted to know you, see you, embrace you. Love you. You could feel it, see it in his eyes. The way he admired you, gazed at you, he just didn’t want to frighten you off. 
This had to be the only encounter that you experienced with him. Anything more would mangle and wreck you both. This was already going too far too fast. 
Hearing and feeling the vibrations of your phone, you tried to ignore it given the incredibly late hour, but decided that if it was work related you needed to answer. Grabbing the device and seeing your moms photo filling up the screen you groaned, knowing you were in no condition to speak with her, but remembering that it was a rare chance when you could actually talk to her. 
“Hi mom!” You tried to sound as cheery as you could, knowing your mom bought it when her chipper voice echoed out into the room. “My birdie girl! How is my little globetrotter? Are you working hard? Have you been eating? What time is it there? Are you supposed to be sleeping right now?” She left little room between her sentences to give an actual response, but as you answered her plethora of questions, you felt your chest growing tighter, knowing that morning was growing closer and closer. 
You made a decision that night. Carry on like normal. Act like nothing had happened and continue on with life, living like one of the best nights of your life had actually never occurred. A figment of your imagination. No matter how bad it hurts. 
He was waiting for you the next morning, bright and early knowing you were going to go for a little walk. It scared the ever loving shit out of you, jumping nearly ten feet in the air. “Jesus! You have got to stop doing that,” you chuckled, hand landing over your heart.
“Apologies. I was just thrilled to see you this fine morning,” and he truly looked as though he was. His eyes were slightly hooded as he peered at you. Cheeks a light pink. Hair somewhat smoothed down, but still a disheveled mess. Same outfit adorned as always. 
Your pulse was a million miles a minute as the smell of his cologne flooded your senses. Needing to nip this in the bud and quickly, you spoke up. “That’s very nice of you, Mr. Kiszka. I should be back around eleven this morning. If you need anything in the meantime please feel free to text me.” Offering as pleasant of a smile as you could, you watched as he rolled his eyes.
“I thought we were past that.” Your brows quirked, trying to play the part of not understanding why the nature of your relationship would have changed. “Mr. Kiszka, with all due respect, you are still my boss. What happened last night was out of line for both of us and I think that we should act as though it didn’t happen. Please.” 
Your eyes held his stare, seeing the expression of bewilderment take over his features. “Are you joking?” Shaking your head, he moved away from you, staring as though you had scorned him. Perhaps you had. “I thought-I thought that we had made some serious progress yesterday. That we were moving in a better direction for us,” his hand moved between you two. 
You fought the nerves vibrating in you as you stood strong. “I apologize if that’s the message I displayed to you yesterday, but no. I would prefer if we could remain the same. Strictly professional.” His jaw hung slack, eyes growing wider at your words.
His hands rubbed at his eyes, a harsh laugh escaping his lips. “This has got to be some sort of fucking joke. Birdie, I cannot just forget what happened yesterday!” You winced at his tone, hearing the intensity setting in it. “I know it meant a lot for you, too. Don’t pretend like it didn’t.” 
He was reading you and he was doing it well. Sighing, despite every instinct in you screaming to just fall into it, let it happen between you two, you continued to hold strong. “No. I apologize for letting things get too far.” 
Staring at you in utter disbelief, every emotion displayed across his face. “So that’s it? Not even friends?” Hesitating, only briefly, you shook your head. He wasted no time, pushing past you and going back into his hotel room.  
The rest of the day was spent miserable alone. Wandering the streets until eleven, just as you had stated, was unenjoyable. Your mind was rushing, wondering if any chance of a normal relationship with him had gone out the window. 
Standing in the lobby the next morning, you were exhausted. Hardly having slept the night before didn’t matter when you needed to work. Waiting for the group to emerge with their own luggage in tow, ready to head to the next location. It was best to use one of the free days for a travel day. It got you there sooner and gave you an extra day to explore a new place. 
They were easy to spot and hear, their own assistants and other tour employees following in tow. You offered a tight lip smile, clutching your planner to your chest, breath stuttering in your throat. You had to do this. 
It was the only thing that would make this work. Stick to the plan. Don’t give up. It’ll go back to how it was. 
“Good morning, Mr. Kiszka. I have already emailed you the travel itinerary for the day, there is a coffee waiting for you in the van, and I did find you an extra phone charger since your last one was left behind.” A light joking tone came with your words, but as you spoke, Josh’s smile diminished the second he laid eyes on you.
This wasn’t what he was expecting. At all. Despite you having agreed that calling him by his first name was just for the lone day, he thought that after what had happened, you would continue to do it. That the cold and steely demeanor you had been using with him since the start was cracked and gone. He felt stupid. Used. 
Wrecked that what progress he had thought he had made with you would bring some sense of change. That you would feel more comfortable with him. Possibly even returning the feelings he had been fostering and harboring for you. Ridiculous. 
Only murmuring a thank you under his breath, he walked away from you quickly and towards the van. You sighed, eyes briefly closing as your thoughts swirled in your head. 
This was for the best. He’d get over it.
Turns out that Josh holds a grudge a lot better than you assumed he would. For such a cheery and pleasant person, you truly didn’t expect him to continue to practically give you the silent treatment for weeks. He refused to hold eye contact with you, only spoke to you for pressing work matters, the whole shebang. 
Thinking that this would make it easier, better even. Him only giving what you did on a daily basis. It was the total opposite. It was miserable. You dreaded getting up in the morning and having to deal with work matters. 
The following few weeks, you were at the lowest you had ever felt. Never having had a close relationship with a boss before, let alone what you two had done and said to one another, proved that your way of handling and dealing with things was the only way to make things work. Don’t get close. You’ll only get burned in the process.
Everyone else had noticed the shift between you two as well. Jake had tried bringing it up with his twin, but immediately was shut down. He relayed the message to the others not to bring it up, whatever had happened obviously still too raw to handle. No one enjoyed being around a grumpy Josh anyways. 
He would transform into a truly awful person to be around on a daily basis. His normal patient, wondrous, and joyous persona would disappear and morph into one of the complete opposite. Locking himself away in the various hotel rooms, bus bunk bed, not wanting to see or speak to anyone. No performance he gave good enough or to the impossible standards he was holding himself too. 
It wasn’t good.
That’s why when you were sitting at a desk in a hotel lobby, battling an airline over a ticket mixup, the spitting image of your boss in another life sat across from you, you knew what it was about. Hanging up the phone call with a sigh, you tried to force a smile on your depleted and tired features. 
“Mr. Kiszka, what can I do for you?” He removed his sunglasses, sitting them on the tabletop next to his resting arm and peered at you. “For starters, you can fix my brother.” Going to speak, he held up his hand, shaking his head. “Look, I don’t need all the details. All I know is that something happened between you two. It needs to be repaired because the way you two are trying to carry on is not cohesive for either of you. Just try and fix it.” 
Eyes falling downcast, you felt the weight of the situation sinking further onto you. “What if I say I don’t know if it can be,” Jake shrugged that off like it was silly to even suggest or think. “He likes you. In more than one way, which I’m sure is the root of this, but it’ll be fine. Talk to him. Josh, he-” taking a moment, rolling his eyes as well, he continued on, “likes to talk. Talk to him and get it worked out.” 
Standing outside of his hotel room, trying to muster up the courage to just knock, you were quite literally spinning in circles. Turning on your heel over and over, attempting to psych yourself up to just do it. 
Knock on the door.
The decision was made for you as it flew open as you lifted your hand to connect with the wood. A confused Josh stood on the other side, dressed like he was going to be going out. Instantly being able to tell you needed him for something. For what? That he didn’t know. 
“I thought we finished work at three today?” He asked, checking his phone for the time. It was far past that time. Shaking your head, you decided against what you were going to do. “Oh no, I apologize. It was for something else, but I see that you’re busy and heading out. We can do it later,” turning around to go across the hall to your own room, he still stood in the door frame.
He could easily tell how nervous you were. You didn’t hide your nerves well. Gnawing on your cheek, eyes constantly darting around, hands unable to remain still. It screamed at whoever you were projecting it to. In this case, Josh.
“No, no. I was just going to grab a drink.” Gulping, you began talking quickly. “Oh okay. I just wanted a quick second in private if you don’t mind. I don’t want to be a bother during your free time though so if you’d rather wait that’s totally fine, I understand.” His eyes slightly widened at your hastened words, holding his door open farther, a welcome to you to enter. 
You stepped in, seeing that the room was nearly spotless. Given, you had just checked in this afternoon, but still. You didn’t want to touch anything. Encroach on his personal space. Instead, you stood to the side, hands folded with themselves, trying not to look directly at him.
Observing you from his own spot, he was uneasy. Josh doesn’t do confrontations. Despite how much he enjoys talking and listening to others talk, he despises it when it’s negative. This wasn’t going to go well. He could just tell. 
“I would like to hand in my resignation, Mr. Kiszka.” 
He thought he was going to fall over. Out of every possibility, every scenario that could have happened. This is not what he was expecting. At all. Entirely floored, staring straight at you with his jaw slack, he started shaking his head. 
“No. Absolutely not. You can’t.” You had never felt such dread when quitting a position before. Normally, they were exciting. On your way to the next best thing. This was different. It was the best job you’d ever had with the best boss you’d ever had. 
It was killing you. 
“I think this is for the best. I can be around for as long as necessary until you can find a replacement and I will train them if needed.” Josh sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, rubbing at his face. “We never should’ve slept together. Everything was going great. God, I regret that.” 
He wasn’t expecting your laugh to echo in the room. Snapping his head up at you, he was greeted with your smile and accompanying laugh. “I don’t. It was amazing. The entire reason I’m handing in my resignation is because I cannot continue to do my job and be in love with my boss.”
Watching as his face went blank as you continued talking, you had no idea what he was actually thinking. Since he was a person who wears their emotions on their face, when he went emotionless like this, it was even more nerve wracking. 
Uncharted territory. 
“I have fought it since we met. Seriously, the moment I saw you I knew this was going to be trouble. The more I got to know you, the more I fell for you. Keeping my professionalism and decorum has been so damn difficult because of you. And-and then we had that day together and it was incredible. I love you, Josh and I cannot keep working for you while I feel like this. It just can’t work because-” you didn’t get to finish before Josh was propelled up from his spot, hands cupping your cheeks as he pulled you to him.
Lips connecting in a messy and needy encounter, pawing at one another to get as close as possible. This wasn’t like the last time. This was desperate, angry, and resentful. Apologetic. 
Hardly finishing undressing before he was in you, hopelessly pounding you into the mattress below him. Unrelenting, a pace that knocked the wind out of you with every thrust. Unable to think about anything else other than Josh, Josh, Josh. 
He became your entire being at that time. Only allowing your thoughts to be riddled with him. No other noise allowed except his name falling from you like a prayer. 
How could you think of anything else when the man that was Josh was around. How stupid.
When you both had finished, his hands released their punishing grip on you. His fingertips left indents in your skin, sweat beginning to pool on his brow. Instead, his lips landed on each mark he had left on you. A searing memory of him. 
One you wouldn’t forget for a long, long time. 
Not wanting to break the peace that sat over the room. Too much left unsaid, but not willing to jump in right away. Wanting to bask in the comfort that followed him like a security blanket. 
Instead, you stared at Josh from the spot next to him in bed, you smiled at him. “I really do have to quit, Josh.” You finally spoke, wanting to establish some sort of boundary before moving forward together. 
He shrugged you off like you were batshit crazy for even suggesting that. A hint of mischief entered his eye before shrugging. 
“Not even on the table. Forbidden love. It’s totally hot. Let’s see how much we can get away with before people notice,” your laughter shook your body as Josh leaned down over you, connecting your lips together as laughter flowed between you both.
Being bad sounded like fun. As long as Josh was by your side to do it, it would always be fine. 
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maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
This chapter….has me crying… omg
Seven | vi
A/N: Sorry about the wait, but thank you so much for your patience and support! Pretty tame chapter I’d say, or maybe I’ve just reread it so many times that I’m just used to it now. Either way, I hope you like it! Please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors! If you’d like to be added to the tag list, just shoot me an ask! If you have any questions or concerns pertaining Seven or need any explanation, please feel free to send me a message or leave me an ask!
Pairing: Jake x f!reader
Summary: Exes can be friends, right? Wrong.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, alcohol consumption, emetophobia/hangovers, tobacco/drug usage, toxic relationships, slight angst, etc.
Word count: 18k+
𝟕 𝟕 𝟕
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Regret settled in Jake the way sand settles in an hourglass. He’d been flipped upside down, and soon everything was rushing to his head. Every moment shared, all the unconditional love you had given him, how you advocated for him without a second thought. You deserved that back, he didn’t give it to you, and you deserved everything.
Guilt washed over you though. How you just rejected his idea without any consideration, the cruel words you shouted at him. Part of you wishes you could take it all back.
After you blocked him, you completely removed him from your life. Everything that had Jake tethered to it, you got rid of. Every song, every shirt, every photo or relic or memory that reminded you of him, you left behind in Frankenmuth. Yet, on the drive back to school, going away from him, he still managed to stay on your mind.
It was like he had seeped into your skin. No matter how hard you tried, no matter how many showers you took or how much scrubbing you did, he will still be stuck on you, like a dark stain on a white dress. Would you ignore the mark left behind? Or, will you stare at it every day and remind yourself of the love you had once felt? Either way, guilt will still swallow you up.
When Jake came back to the garage hours later, the broken guitar was still in its spot. A sigh rattles from his chest as he picks up the destroyed instrument, analyzing it before setting it down and backing away from it. He’s unsure what exactly came over him earlier that caused him to lash out like that, but he knows you being gone definitely has something to do with it.
I hate you. Your bitter words bite at him still, echoing in his head. If he could only tell you how much he loves you one more time, he’s sure he could have made you stay.
That isn’t what you want though. You’d love Jake no matter where he goes and no matter what he does. You want that love and support reciprocated. You don’t want to stay in your hometown and watch him live out his dreams, making yourself miss out on your own. Why can’t he just support you the way you do for him?
Keep reading
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maddie-van-fleet · 1 year
Love Through The Lens
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--------------------------February 6th-------------------------------------
Multiple part series// this will contain graphic scenes, so it is 18+, MINORS DNI.
note: so so so sorry that it has been so long since my last post! life got super crazy there for a bit and i did not want to rush a post! so, that being said here is a short chapter I wrote, but I promise that the next chapter will be a long one! it is worth the wait! and it will be 18+!
Also!! Don't forget that I do have a playlist for this fic, so feel free to check that out and listen along as you read! It is a mixture of very pop or romantic songs because that is the vibe i wanted to give with this!
Summary: It was always your dream to be a concert photographer, and you had finally landed yourself a reputable status as a freelancer. Life, though, takes a turn when you land a job for Greta. The plan was to do the job, in and out, nothing more, but things get quite complicated when you start to develop feelings for a certain guitarist.
Chapter 5
It was the second show in Nashville. It, also, could be the last time you see the boys. There had been talks of staying on full time, but you still didn't know if the boys were ready to have you around that much, though you hoped you could stay.
Now, you find yourself fixing the settings on your camera as you sit in the boys dressing room. Each doing their own thing: Josh doing vocal warm ups, Sam drinking a glass of bourbon, Danny was fixing his hair and adding rhinestones, and Jake.....he was sitting in the corner, just staring into space.
Looking around, you smile just happy to have them back in you life. Your adjusting the lighting settings on your camera, remembering that your photos from yesterday were a bit too dark. Scrolling through your photos, you smile as you come across a photo of Jake. His head is tilted back, eyes closed, with the fire and pyro going off in the back. You tried to hide it, but the other boys noticed as you let out a sharp gasp. Josh quickly looked over to you with a curious glance, "You okay Y/N?", he asked as he walked over. You slammed the camera face down into your lap at an attempt to hide what had gotten you so flustered, but of course Josh knew you all too well. Walking around the back of the couch, he smirked as he grabbed the camera from your lap. "Josh wai--" , his smirk turned into a wide glance as he looked at the screen, and you felt embarrassment wash over your body and heat rising to your face. "Ohhhh I see. Ya know Y/N, why is it you never react like that to photos of me? We ARE twins ya know.", this causes Sam and Danny to giggle, and you can't help yourself as your eyes slowly look over Jake. Hearing Josh's comment, he quickly glanced up realizing he was the topic of the conversation. Josh walked towards him, "I mean you do look pretty good Jake, but I don't know if it was worthy of that reaction", he showed the screen to him letting him see. For a second, Jake seemed to enjoy the attention, letting a small smile grace his face, but only for a second before he pushed the camera away and rolled his eyes.
Despite your conversation with him yesterday, it stung. Yeah, he had said he just needed time and you planned to give that to him, but you were finding the whole 'cold shoulder' act very hard to handle. You stood, walking over to grab your camera, while thinking of any excuse to get out of the room. "H-hey, I will see you guys later....i'm g-gonna go...get ready for the show", you headed quickly for the door as the other boys said bye. You sent one last glance over towards Jake as you started to open the door, and you walked out seeing him staring at the wall, not even acknowledging you.
-----------3rd person---------
As the door closed, Josh turns around and lets out a sigh, "Jake ...she's trying. You know that right?' He walks over to him, leaning against the counter. Jake stands up, crossing his arms, "I know Josh but ...I can't just act like nothing happened...I just need time, and she knows that". Josh nods his head, "okay, it just... she seemed really taken aback just then. Just try not to be so blunt okay? She isn't used to that from you". Jake grabs a bottle of water, looking at Josh showing his annoyance, "If it makes you feel better, i will try. I can't make any promises though. I just-- I need fresh air".
Jake walks out of the room quickly leaving no time for any side remarks from his brothers.
As Jake closes the door, Sam and Danny decide to speak up for the first time since everything happened, " Okay we really need to fix this. I can't handle all the tension" Danny says standing from his spot on the couch. Sam nods agreeing as he says, "Yea it's exhausting....we really need to make a plan to get them alone". Josh lets out a heavy sigh, looking up at the ceiling as he tries to brainstorm a idea. A few minutes goes by, and it finally hits him. He claps his hands together loudly, startling the other 2 guys. "I GOT IT! Tonight is the last show for Nashville right? So.. what if we hit the bars?" he asks looking back and forth, excited about his suggestion. Sam nods his head, agreeing, "Yea that could work! It wouldn't seem unusual since it is a tradition anyways", and Danny adds in, "That could work, but the question is...how do we get Y/N to go?"
Josh walks over, " Well, lets just invite her as a friend. It would be good if we want to rekindle things with her anyways. Then, we can try to get her and Jake alone at some points. Hopefully they will be able to at least have a normal conversation".
----------back to normal pov------
As you close the door to the dressing room you feel tears immediately fill your eyes. You understood why Jake needed time, and he deserves it, but it doesn’t stop the ache you feel when he looks at you so coldly. It feels as if the conversation yesterday didn’t even happen, and that you’re going on with him still hating you. Luckily though, it’s time for the show. You head to the photo pit and get ready to snap photos, prepping while the crew gets the boys equipment ready to go.
The show goes just about the same as the first, the photos looks so amazing, and are even more vibrant after the settings had been adjusted. It was about the time when you should be leaving the pit but once again the conversation with Jake enters the back of your mind. He was upset ….but he DID ask you to stay for at least some of the show. You stand there in a mental battle before you decide to just stay for a few songs. Every song is just as amazing as you can imagine, some of which you had heard all those years before. The boys truly did belong on that stage. They just looked so amazing up there, like it was their home.
It went by fast with you and Jake having a few moments looking at each other, but not anything crazy. And so before the encore you decided to head backstage and pack up your stuff. You head to the side stage and start packing the SD cards into an envelope, so that you can hand it to the manager before leaving. This is it. These photos will determine if you get to stay with the boys on the tour, or if you have to go home.
You stand there taking in what could be the last few moments with the boys, and realize they’re about to get off stage, so you head back to the dressing room, leaving the envelope there knowing the boys will take a look at it first before giving it to Julie. You contemplate saying bye to the boys but you knew you’d see them in a couple days when they made their decision. You swiftly exit the room, and turn to head toward the back door, seeing that Julie had said she’d have a ride waiting for you out back. You quickly text her thanks before going to open the door, but just as you did someone tugs on your elbow.
In the chaos, you hadn’t realized the music had stopped meaning the show was over, so when you turned to see Sammy it caught you off guard. “Hey where are you going? Are you already leaving?” he asked softly, a frown on his face. You nodded slightly, “yea…I figured with everything I-I’d just head out until you guys decided …about me staying…” , you look down at your feet, fidgeting your fingers anxiously. Sammy chuckles, and pulls you into a hug as he says , “Y/N…we told you…we forgive you.. why don’t you come out with us tonight?”. You already begin getting nervous thinking about being Jake that long with his current feelings about the whole thing. Sammy can read you like a book, though, as he says, “It would be good for us …to help reconnect. You don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want to.”
Sammy had been the most apprehensive one in this whole situation, so it felt nice seeing him open up again. So you gave in, “okay Sammy. Anything for you”. He chuckled before pulling you back into the dressing room, to wait until they had all gotten changed.
Ten minutes later, all the boys had showered, changed, and headed toward the back door to get in the car. You followed quietly behind before realizing there were 2 suv's, and so you ran beside Sammy hoping he would save you. That hope soon fell through as just as you caught up to him, you saw him hold the door open, Jake sliding in first and he signaled with his eyes for you to hop in beside him. "Sammy..." you whispered while glaring at him, but he didn't let it phase him as he quickly responded, "The other car is already full, and it's just to get there, then you can ignore him for all I care. " Letting out a sigh you climb in next to Jake, trying your best not to sit too close. Every hair on your body was sticking up right now from how nervous you felt, and the anxiety was rising in your stomach to the point where you felt nauseous. Sammy climbed in beside you, and as soon as the door was closes you moved as close to him as subtly as you could (though that wasn't much). Catching a glance over at Jake, you see him looking straight out the window, not seeming to be bothered by your presence. While that should be comforting in a way, since it was better than getting an attitude, it still hurt more. It felt as though your heart was slowly ripping in two, and again you felt a rise in your anxiety knowing that Jake wasn't going to budge anytime soon. You felt the signs of an attack coming on, but did not want to give Jake yet another reason to find you insanely weird, and so you took deep breathes as much as you could without giving it away too much. Sammy, though, truly was always the best as being able to tell when you're about to have an attack, as he looked over at you and grabbed your hand. He leaned down by your ear so only you could hear, "Are you alright? I-I didn't mean to trigger you....I just wanted to help." You grab his hand, that was now stroking your arm to calm you down, and you hold it tightly in yours as you say "I'm okay Sam...I promise. thank you." and you lean your head onto his shoulder, closing your eyes, just trying to wish the pain in your chest away long enough to survive the rest of the way to the bar.
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