maddiescars · 2 months
gonna unfollow all my friends from collegeeee gonna ghost those motherfuckersssssss gonna make them think I'm deaaaadddd......
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maddiescars · 8 months
Also on topic of Consent: whenever somebody says "Kids should have bodily autonomy!" some guy always is like "You are too unrealistic. What will you do when a kid is seeing the doctor and doesn't want to get a shot? Would you just let them refuse the shot?"
Yeah I probably would. You're straight up asking the wrong person if you want the nice normal answer here. Doctors and nurses forcibly doing (relatively routine) things to my body against my protests when I was a small kid fucked me up so bad that as an adult anything medical related is a huge trigger for me, I've had persistent intrusive thoughts and recurring nightmares about medical procedures, and I can't have even the most basic tests and health checks done on top of it.
I hate talking about it because I can't get comfortable calling it "trauma" and I don't have any other words that are useful, but it's made my life so much harder and really scary since if I start having a weird symptom, there's nothing I can move myself to do about it.
I figured out a loophole where going to a pharmacy instead of a doctor's office for vaccines reduces some of the stress, but I was still in stress and misery for days before I went to get my tetanus shot. The repulsion is so intense it feels like I literally don't have control over myself, it feels like I can't make appointments or plans about such things out of my own free will, and so every year I have guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt about how I should get the flu shot, and it does nothing but ineffectually hurt me.
Vaccines save lives and all that, but when it comes right down to it, I don't think it's actually a net benefit to public health to give any percentage of kids lifelong psychological scars so deep and painful they're almost completely barred from accessing health care as adults.
I know I'm not the only one, far from it.
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maddiescars · 8 months
i have been a nervous wreck all day
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maddiescars · 8 months
Why did I just let my fucking dentist guilt trip me
Ok AS I was writing this post they called me and told me "hey u know what it's fine" bro what the fuck
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maddiescars · 8 months
I think I'm good at retail because of my home life, wherein I talk to my parents like they're my bosses and customers
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maddiescars · 8 months
My mom threw away a whole fucking bottle of my mouthwash
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maddiescars · 9 months
Mom always trying to pin shit on me fuck OFF
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maddiescars · 1 year
grandma in the hospital coz she won't fucking change anything about how she lives and refuses to be happy about any situation
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maddiescars · 1 year
I tried to call my brother and all he wanted to talk about was how he doesn't want to stick around after my graduation and also how I'm lame and how my parents are evil
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maddiescars · 1 year
my roommate has started using baby wipes and you're not supposed to flush them so she doesn't which means there is a TRASH CAN FULL OF SHIT IN OUR SHARED BATHROOM
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maddiescars · 1 year
I tried to talk to him the other day and basically he's lost his mind and he wants me to be evil so badly that he imagined a world wherein I planned another person's birthday party to spite him
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maddiescars · 1 year
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a message from Rahul Kohli 
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maddiescars · 1 year
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maddiescars · 1 year
Thinking abt how my love for him was fucking unconditional and he pretended that his was too but then I didn't love God exactly the same way he did and he dipped
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maddiescars · 1 year
Been making eye contact with a beautiful ginger photographer man a lot as of late. Pursuit is obv off the table bc I'm still filled with blistering fury over the last guy but. Nice to see other people and appreciate them u kno
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maddiescars · 1 year
The worst part is I miss him so fucking much
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maddiescars · 1 year
My boyfriend left me but we care a lot about each other so we agreed to just be besties and also we're doing it for the kids* bc they can't handle losing the structure our relationship brought to their lives. The kids, however, lose their minds every time they see us together. they also hate me and like to pretend I don't exist
**the kids are our group of roughly fifteen relatively toxic friends ranging from ages 19-23 who are all incredibly horny and batshit insane in one way or another
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