maddogscf-blog · 4 years
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I chose to create this for a few reasons. I tend to gravitate towards neutral colors such as black, white, and grey. I wanted to create something out of my comfort zone. I used different colored pencils to create circles on paper. All of the shapes are circles but none of them are perfect. Every circle is drawn outside of the lines This is to represent the human race as similar. We are all the same with our own flaws and quirks. I used different colors to represent how we are all unique. Both literally by the color of our skin but also because we are all different inside. Different personalities, likes, dislikes etc. but together we are all human. The color in this piece also represents the emotions we feel. Humans experience a range of emotion as well as things like anxiety, depression and borderline personality disorder. We are one human race but Our differences make us interesting. Humans are meant to feel. To feel and to act.
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maddogscf-blog · 4 years
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I found it interesting when the man in the video mentioned a quote by Pollock when he was asked why he doesn’t paint objects. Pollock said that machines can make those things. Pollock said he wanted to make art that represented the mind, something more human. This makes his art have purpose. Without knowing that, you might think his work is an accident or pointless. My brother once told me he would never buy art from a place like Target or TJMaxx, because he would rather support an actual artist who makes art with their hands. Even as an artist I didn’t understand this until this video.
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maddogscf-blog · 4 years
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Repetition- creates visual interest by repeating shapes, patterns, etc.
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Variety- creates interest by varying shape, scale, texture, etc.
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Rythm- created through variety, and repetition.
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Balance- can be asymmetrical or symmetrical.
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Emphasis- creates a sort of focal point.
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Economy- photo is stripped of anything besides the one, main, single focal point.
Personally, I tend to stick to a white, grey and black color scheme when it comes to my room, and wardrobe. It simplifies my life to not have to make colors work in a space. I do however love color. I really love colors that are rich and vibrant in saturation. If I had to pick a colors chem for my life, I definitely think It would involve a lot of neutrals. Some jewel tones and earthy tones. Colors you would find in nature. 
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This is a painting of a plant I made about a year ago. It is incredibly simple but that is how I am. I am a very simple person and I like to call myself a minimalist. Green has always been a soothing color for me and I love nature. I have a plethora of plants in my room which helps to break up all of the grey, white, and. black. It almost allows me to focus on the green and make me feel closer to nature in my room. 
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maddogscf-blog · 4 years
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This is a photograph of an unnamed young girl. In this photo, it appears that the little girl is being held by someone bigger and presumably older. Possibly her father. The girl is at ease so it may be indicating that she feels safe in these arms.
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This is a drone shot of the Icelandic Highlands.
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Still Life
This is a photo of a dog next to a coffee mug. I believe the coffee mug was included to suggest that the dog is in the company of a human. Perhaps this dog is yearning for it’s human. The expression of the dog seems rather melancholy therefore, he could be missing his human. This photo reminds me of the phrase “mans best friend.” 
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maddogscf-blog · 4 years
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2. The artwork that I chose is a painting of Tatooine from Star Wars. My brother loves the movies and grew up watching them, so for Christmas this past year, I painted this for him. Though it doesn’t hang in my room, it is important to me because it was a sentimental gift. As the artist, I see many flaws with the picture, however overall I like it and he liked it, which is all that matters.
3.I am a white 21 year old female from bradenton. (which sounds just very odd to say all of that together but you get what I'm saying. I like to spend time with my friends primarily. I also like to write. I tend to do it more so when I'm sad or going through something as is serves as a sort of therapy for me. I am apart of Good Life church and I am also a Young Life leader for Manatee County. Prior to quarantine, I worked at a non-profit coffee shop in bradenton, however I am looking for something new. Im not really sure what makes me unique as I generally feel like a pretty boring person. I struggle a lot with identity and feeling loved or accepted by people (que baggage.) Without getting into too much personal baggage, The last three years have been an absolute whirlwind in good and bad ways. I have been through some terrible things. I have grown in ways, and I still struggle. I believe everyones walk and life experiences determine how they view the world we live in and how we process things.
4. As for my “self portrait” I am not very pleased with my submission. It feels like a cop out. I tried painting myself with acrylics which wasn't awful, but it wasn't good either. I grew impatient and unsure of what to do for this assignment. I decided to do a collage full of things which describe and represent me. I am on worship at church where I sing, so I included a microphone. I love traveling to big cities as well as adventuring in the mountains and other new places which is why I included pictures of New York and some water. I aspire to be a flight attendant in the near future which is why I included an airplane. Although my general room and fashion aesthetic is black and white and minimal, I love colorful things which is why I included confetti. I love flowers, especially fields of them. I am a follower of christ so I also included the prayer hands. A small part of me thought this would be funnier than it actually is. I included the numbers 1, 9, 7, and 5 and encased the collage in a neon pink rectangle because the band The 1975 is my all-time favorite band and they have heavily impacted me in terms of music. That may sound basic or angsty, but I've been following them for almost ten years now and have basically grown up with them. Their lyrics and musicality and boldness make them very admirable. Lastly, I included a neon “fuel your passion” sign and I thought that was a nice way to end the collage. I am a deeply passionate person beneath all of my humor, sarcasm, and walls. I believe we were created to be passionate people. We have passions and desires and they should be pursued. I believe in fueling your passion. People are afraid to be passionate. 
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maddogscf-blog · 4 years
Introduction/First Artworks
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This piece made me feel uncomfortable because of the look on the persons face. It does not look entirely human. I'm not really sure what to make of this piece. (20)
A little known fact about me is that I love to write poetry. I think of things and write them down in my phone. I probably have hundreds of things written down that I wish to turn into poems.
Some details that I discovered about my piece are
The artist, Betye Saar is a 93 year old (and absolutely STUNNING) female African-American artist.
Some of Betye's work is featured at the MoMA (which I have had the privilege of visiting several times.)
Saar started creating more politicized art after the assignation of MLK JR in 1968.
"The liberation of Aunt Jemima" features a black woman holding a broom as well as a rifle which Saar says she "used the derogatory image to empower the black woman by making her a revolutionary, like she was rebelling against her past enslavemen"  (University of Berkley students http://revolution.berkeley.edu/liberation-aunt-jemima/ (Links to an external site.))
Having been born in 1926, Saar lived through the Great Depression, and WWII, witnessed Jackie Robinson play professional baseball on an all white team, lived during the Brown V. Board of education lawsuit to end public school segregation, Saw Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat on a bus to a white MAN, of course heard MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech, Saw the passing of the civil rights act, watched Oprah Winfrey's first talk show on television, Voted for Barak Obama as the first African-american president of the United States, and much, much more.
I think the way that I view this piece initially is far different from how I see it now. When I first saw this piece, I knew it had something to do with race and/or slavery. Having learned about Betye Saar's background and being reminded of the terribly awful and triumphant things African-americans have gone through to achieve certain freedoms in America, I have a much higher respect for this artist and her work. I see history in this art. I not only see the oppression of African-americans, but I see a strong woman. I see someone who was used and abused, but still stands for what is right. Equality weather it be by skin color, gender, or who you love, should always be the goal. Everywhere, all the time we should be loving each other and helping one another where we can. This woman has seen a whole lot in her lifetime. Her art cries with her just as much as it empowers her to keep pushing.
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