madellaine · 2 days
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bella hadid for orebella.
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madellaine · 3 days
For the record, Maddy found the dog toys charming, but maybe that was because she liked animals, and she thought that having pets was a green flag. (Maddy thought a lot of things were green flags). 
She took a sip of her wine and shrugged.
“I’ve been working on a short story, but I don’t know if I like it very much.” She wrinkled her nose. “I wanted it to be, like, profound and deep, but then it just got boring. My friend Amity had a cool idea about making it more of a genre piece — or even a romantic one. But! I’m not sure. Might scrap it in the end.”
Writer’s block was a bitch, but Maddy didn’t want to dwell too much on it. This wasn't a talk deeply about writing meeting, after all. Not if she had anything to say about it. She shifted on the couch so she could face Johnny, leaning her arm against the back of it and resting her head on one hand, as she curled her legs beneath her.
“What about you? Any outdoor adventures now that the weather’s better? I need to have a lake day this summer.”
Come here get with it || Maddney
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madellaine · 3 days
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madellaine · 5 days
Maddy didn’t know how long she’d be in Swynlake to be totally honest. She hoped it would be long enough to call this cool weather warm! But maybe she’d run out of money and have to go back home. Maybe she’d sell a book and movie rights and move to L.A. Maybe she’d marry the crown prince of some tiny European country and become their queen.
The possibilities were wide open! 
But right now — she giggled and leaned a little on the cart (not too much — she wasn’t gonna topple it! But just enough so that she was, like, ~~~ closer). 
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“I was gonna make a strawberry shortcake,” she said. “I think that’s, like, a top 5 hot weather dessert. And as a Floridian, my opinion counts way more.” 
Random Run-Ins || Gaddy
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madellaine · 5 days
“Oh!” Maddy’s eyes lit up. “That’s where I knew it. On the saxophone it sounds so different! I mean, in a good way. Still makes me want to dance, though.”
She shimmied a little, then tossed her head back with a laugh.
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“Do you improvise a lot?” she asked. “I don’t know if that’s a stupid question, but when I think saxophone, I think jazz and improvisation.”
Thank You For the Music || Maddista
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madellaine · 11 days
Maddy didn’t know if that was true, but she hoped it was! Amity had been working at Chapter Three much longer than Maddy, so she probably knew better.
Which actually probably work in their favor — 
“You should ask her,” said Maddy. “You know her better than I do. Oh, and we should probably ask Julieta too, right? Since she’s managing now.” 
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Tip Of My Tongue || Amaddy
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madellaine · 12 days
“Hmm, I’ll have to double check myself. With such skills, my social calendar does book up rather quickly.”
She tilted her head and took a sip of her drink, pretending to consider her very jampacked schedule. 
“Well, my shift at the Deer ends at 9:30,” she said. “So my later evening is very free. We could hit up Pixie’s. Or watch a movie at my place.” She batted her eyelashes. “Depends on if you want a night out or a night in. I’m flexible. As I’m sure you’re aware.” 
Flirtea Time :) [Camaddy]
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madellaine · 13 days
“What song is that?” Maddy asked. “It sounds so familiar but I can’t really place it!”
She’d been reading by the lake, when she heard the gentle music. And she’d spotted Arista, who she knew from Top Secret Whosits and Whatits Group. She greeted Arista with a smile and a wave, tilting her head. 
“It sounds really good!” 
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Thank You For the Music || Maddista
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madellaine · 13 days
Thank You For the Music || Maddista
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madellaine · 14 days
“Okay!” Maddy grinned, and sauntered off. 
It was nice for a boy’s apartment, decorated decently enough, which was always a green flag. She remembered one time back in college she’d gone over to a guy’s place and the only decoration he had was a large Miami Dolphins football flag and a collection of bongs. She still made out with him, but when he started to get handsy, she decided he wasn’t cute enough to keep kissing so she made up some excuse about forgetting she had an assignment due.
(He’d been a bit of a bitch about it but, whatever — learn to light a candle, dude!)
She sat on the couch, legs crossed, hands folded on her lap, and smiled when Johnny came back. 
“Nice place,” she said. “The dog toys are a nice touch. Tie the room together.” 
Come here get with it || Maddney
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madellaine · 15 days
“Yeah, that’s probably the best idea,” said Maddy. “Word of mouth instead of, like, putting up a flier.”
That’s how the group at Whosits worked, though she certainly wasn’t going to say that out loud.
“It’ll be like a secret club that way!” she said, instead, eyes sparkling a bit. “And if it’s a little group, Belle totally won’t have a problem.” She said that maybe a bit too confidently, but she was determined to plead their case. 
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Tip Of My Tongue || Amaddy
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madellaine · 16 days
Maddy had expected England to be cold, but to hear that it never got hotter than this.
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“That’s so sad. I have so many cute crop tops and shorts. I guess I’ll just have to get used to calling this warm, because there’s no way I can spend a summer not wearing cute outfits.”
Random Run-Ins || Gaddy
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madellaine · 17 days
“Well, then I guess I’m in good company,” said Maddy. She leaned her elbows on the counter, and then glanced around, making a little bit of a show of it. Hatter’s was mostly empty, but if they were pretending to have a clandestine romantic exchange, then she’d certainly play the part.
Once she was certain the coast was clear, she leaned forward and gave Camilo a chaste-yet-perfectly-flirty peck on the lips. Her smiled tugged up as she pulled back, twirling a strand of hand around one finger.
“I hope that was satisfactory,” she said. “We’ll have to wait for a more private moment to really showcase my talents.” 
Flirtea Time :) [Camaddy]
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madellaine · 20 days
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'Starlight'. Emile Vernon. 1872–1919. Detail.
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madellaine · 20 days
“Oh, yeah totally.” Maddy nodded. “A big group gets unwieldy, for sure. You don’t have enough time to really do an in-depth and personal reading! We can cap it at like… five people? Maybe six? So three or four more people besides us.”
She tilted her head.
“Should we vet it a bit, you think? Like make sure they’re actually working on something and have ideas and want to contribute? I don’t want to be elitist, but sometimes it’s really awful to have a workshop with someone who thinks they know everything but can’t be bothered to fully read your work and only wants to show off theirs.” 
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Tip Of My Tongue || Amaddy
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madellaine · 23 days
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Who needs Raymond? I found two new men to love… Their names are Ben and Jerry!
AQUAMARINE (2006) Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum
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madellaine · 24 days
“Not yet, but it’s totally on my list! I’ve never been strawberry picking,” she admitted. She started walking alongside Gaston’s cart as they made their way to the meat aisle.
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“Not many rolling fields on a small sandy island. I’m waiting for a really warm day — it just seems like a hot weather activity, doesn’t it? Plus I’d want to wear something cute for pictures.” 
Random Run-Ins || Gaddy
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