
Here I have done some renders, when I receive my final prints I will take photos and videos for the final content for my hand in. When I start pulling everything together I will then be able to see if I need to do any additional renders as well as decide which ones represent my model the best. I decided to go with a dark background as I remember a tutor from last year that he feels the contrast of a white product works better on a dark background rather than white on white so I have taken that advice.
I may even decide to include metal in the renders as I had originally wanted to print in metal but didnt have enough time to do so. So this could be a way of showing this original design.
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Here I have resolved the issues I was having with my texture mapping in my brush model with Nathan. Working through ways to get this resolved. We decided that it would be best for my model to be reworked in fusion through creating the textured sections to pop out a bit and be individual bodies. Through copying the whole model and unstitching the model, and then selecting the bodies and creating new bodies through this technique, these new bodies were able to be formed.
I then took this new model into keyshot and played around with the textures until the issues were resolved. This way the textures would wrap around the model much more nicely as well as not be two sided. By selecting the underneath and edge faces of the shell to be ignored in the texture mapping when working on it in keyshot.
This in turn ended up creating a really nice resolved model, as I also decided to keep the inner body of the model clear. It also resolved the main issue I have been working on the whole week which was when I exported my 3MF file into grabcad, the individual bodies wouldnt show up. This was finally resolved through this new approach and I was able to get my print on in time.
When looking at my test prints for my display case I found that my first test prints of this part of my project needed to be refined. Specifically in the body part of my case. It seemed like the printer was struggling a bit with my design and that it was far too large. I decided to scale it down a bit ensuring it would still fit the dimensions of my brush. And also removing the previous wavy details that came out of the body of my body to simplify it down a bit.
I did this with the same technique used to resolve my brush. Through unstitching the mesh and hiding the bodies that I didnt want. And creating an inner shell mesh inside my case so that there were gaps in my design. This ended up making it look much cleaner as the waves were not consistently designed and now they are.
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Here I have thickened my logo design so that it will be easier to extrude out in fusion as well as print. I then traced around these lines by importing the image as a canvas and extruded this image out of the top of my lid. The lid has turned out really well and hopefully the body of my display case will print successfully then the lid will also fit on top. I may need to rework my display case design to make it work better in the unbox printers.
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Here I have printed out a heavily scaled down version of my model to see the form. Unfortunately this scaled down far more than I had hoped however this luckily allowed for a very cheap print and where I can still see enough of the information I was looking for. When working with my textures I have mainly been having issues importing my 3MF file into grabcad and seeing all of the bodies appear. They have just been coming up with one body meaning I cannot change the materials how I wish with the clear strip running through it. I wanted to chuck this test print on to see what the effect would have as well as whether or not the printer would actually recognise and produce my textures. Which they did, and you can see this very faintly in real life. I also wanted to explore the form which also has turned out really well and just how I had modelled it in fusion.
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Here I have decided to test print a scaled down thin bottom slither of my display case and lid, it appears that I may have some trouble when printing the body portion of my display case and may need to simplify down the form so that it works better in the unbox printers. The lid seems to have printed clean and shouldn't have many issues as it is such a simple shape. My next steps are to include my logo design in the lid and print my final lid portion of the model. As well as the main body of the case.
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Using the inspiration I have found previously as well as the names I have researched and brainstormed I have come up with some ideas of some logo designs that I can include on the lid of my display case. I have shown these to my peers and their favourite was the bottom left design. Which I also agreed with. The word Anthos translates from greek to flower, which I felt wasnt as generic as using words such as botany and flora or bloom. This also has a connection to me as I am half greek and have heritage there. So it is meaningful to include in the design and adds more value to a pen that I would like to use as I am focusing my designing this brush fully for myself as the client. Making it easy for me to ensure that it is meaningful and of value to me.
I will now need to work on getting this extruded out of my display case lid and then into the UPBOX for my final print.
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Here I am trying to generate some name ideas for my brush design so that I can have more to work with for my logo design content.
I am trying to focus on how I am inspired by nature in my design and using this in the name as I really love how I was initially inspired by this and have carried it through my design.
Sculpt, the vessel brush, botany, botanic mesh, bio brush, foliage, the botanic brush, flora brush.
I will continue to look at my form as well and try and use this to consider the name of my brush.
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When going back to work on my display case I have found many different errors in the timeline of my design. I have tried to resolve these errors through watching online tutorials however they haven't been able to fix my specific issue and therefore I have thinking that I may need to redesign this model.
Once I have finished working around this issue I will try and maybe include my logo design in the display case. I will work on some designs and go with one that I can include.
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One issue I have in my model is that the textures are quite overwhelming and mean that the organic flow of the form of my brush is fighting the sectioning of the different textures. I have also used a lot of textures so I am going to refine these down to a few that work well with my model and blend them through with a gradient like effect in keyshot.
Another visible issue that can be seen in some areas in my renders is the breaking of my mesh due to the settings of the displacement maps in my model. This can be resolved through tweaking the different settings until this doesn't occur. This will mean that once I have fixed up my model and its textures in keyshot, I will then do some test prints of various sections of my model to ensure the printer doesn't run into any errors such as broken mesh.
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Here I have used the up box 3D printers to do a test print of my model to get a sense of the scale of my model. It has come out much larger than I had expected as before I went in to print I ensured to scale down the model to 145mm which you can see in the top screenshot from fusion. As well as the model side by side with my 150mm ruler stretching much further than the end of the ruler.
I will need to resolve this issue, I am unsure if I was required to do any scaling in the unbox software before printing so this could've been a reason for the size. Otherwise I will need to go into fusion to ensure that the model is at the correct scale. It could've been as simple as accidentally printing a file that wasn't saved to the newest version of the scale I wanted before printing.
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I have begun to look at brand design ideas and logos and overall aesthetics that I believe that would show my design intentions clearly.
I want to go for a minimal, luxurious look to highlight that this product is valuable and something that should be treasured as this was key in the brief I designed for my product.
I have looked at logos and designs that are simple and elegant - which gets this point across clearly. I like the idea of using high quality photos and renders of the product using quality lighting to show this. Overall having a clean and quality finish to the brand and logo design will be key when I come to finishing off this project.
I also want to include the final textures that I end up using in my model incorporated into the brand design, to connect these two requirements of the brief together. To clearly describe the essence of my product.
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Moving forward with this project into the second half I will be focusing on refining and finalising both my paintbrush and display case designs and getting them ready to print.
Using the feedback from the presentation I will focus on blending together the textures included in my paint brush as well as test printing sections of the design to ensure the model works in the Strayas J750 as this will be where most of the issues arise.
For my display case I will also test print using the UPBOX 3D printers to ensure I am happy with the details of the design and therefore the final outcome. As well as seeing any issues that I face with the printing process (e.g filament settings for quality control)
I am also beginning to research a bit about brand designs and thinking up some ways I wish for my product to be portrayed to clients. A main focus in my design was ensuring the brush was valuable to me, so ensuring that the product is presented in this way will ensure that my idea has fully gotten across.
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Here I have designed 2 display cases for my third paintbrush concept which I will go with for my final design. I want to continue to work on these to make them better. For both of them since we are using the Up-box I want to add some simple details as there won't be as much freedom with materials and colour. I want to try and do some extrusions however they don’t seem to be working right now. I also want to design a lid for my second design but I need to work out how I can design this so it fits into the other body seamlessly.
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Here are some displacement maps I chose to play around with. I went through and searched for ones that worked with my design direction, focusing on nature. Through iterating in key shot I worked using and testing all of these to find which ones fit best which was the most time consuming component of the render process. I did this in order to create the best effect on my models as this was a very key part to getting my design direction across. Once I had worked out which ones worked best for my models I went forward and iterated compositions, colour and lighting to get to where I am now.
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Here is the rest of my renders for concept 3 which I will refine down before hand in.
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Here are my iterations for concept 3, I have tried to keep it simple, sometimes adding in textures in some areas. I feel like for this model the textures I created in fusion show my direction clearly enough and that in some cases the additional texture is not required to get my point across.
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