madingas · 6 years
I’m a cheetah on the plains, I’m a highway star, A supersonic princess in a million-dollar car. Blood on fire pumping through my veins, Weaving in and out while I’m bolting through the lanes.
I’m hyperdrive, overdrive, hit the gas at fifty five, Breakneck, trainwreck, in my presence genuflect, Track-rounding, speed-of-sounding, electrifying, pulse-pounding, Heart-pumping, brain-thumping, watch me get the party jumping,
Caffeine, I’m caffeine. Caffeine, I’m caffeine.
I’m a bad dream, I’m a rad scene, I’m a tad mean, But I’m not afraid to take you out.
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madingas · 6 years
아이유 (IU) - 삐삐 (BBIBBI)
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madingas · 6 years
Whit lit up and shuffled through his backpack.  “Oh!  I’m actually, like, good at math!  I know what’s, uh, going on in that class.”  He placed one of the books directly in front of his face to read the title before setting it down, picking up the next one in the stack until he found his AP Calculus book.  “I like math, it doesn’t, uh, require much thinking.  Or at least I, like, don’t think so.  There’s pretty much, uh, only one right answer.”
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He pulled out a notebook and set it down on the table before shuffling through his bag for a pencil.  Once he had all his items he flipped to what he hoped was a blank page before sliding his textbook towards Reiko.  “Sorry, but could you, like, put this on page 146?  It, uh, takes me forever to find the right page ‘cause I gotta count all of them.”
Whit scrawled his name at the top of the notebook page.  “So what math class are you taking?”
Raising her eyebrow, for probably the seventh time he’s spoken. Honestly, this guy was a little hard to keep up with. Needs glasses, doesn’t wear them. Is apparently a math genius. “Are you kidding me?” she mumbled under her breath. What the heck does he even mean that its doesn’t require much thinking.
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“I mean, i’m in pre-calculus. Not by choice, but i’ll get over that eventually.”  she took his AP Calculus book in her hands flipping though the pages like he asked, she looked over its pages to see the contents. It wasn’t absolutely foreign but, it definitely wasn’t something she was learning yet.  
Her book didn’t have half the things his did, she opened up her own books and began to date her paper.  “Math is, not one of my best subjects. I’m not bad at it, but its boring.” 
sight 4 sore eyes ; whit | school AU
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madingas · 6 years
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madingas · 6 years
Doja Cat - Mooo
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madingas · 6 years
creepfest 2k18 | event open!
With all of the party goers scattered around the hall, hearing screams from the staff is what brought them all outside. It didn’t seem she knew many of the people around here, she was sure that she saw someone familiar earlier but he was gone before she could catch up. Swirling a drink around in her hand, she approached the body. 
“What kind of host dies during their party, classy.” Turning up her nose, she scanned the faces of the room. Pulling her phone out of her clutch, she checked for cell service. There wasn’t any. 
“Well, that figures.” 
Turning to her left, she went up to a nearby member of the party who seemed to be running solo.
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 “So, I look way too good to die tonight and theres no way for me to tell the guy I like I might die so now you’re stuck with me. Lets get along shall we?” 
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madingas · 6 years
Whit shook his head quickly.  “No, no, it’s not looking smart I, uh, have a problem with but rather people believing I’m smart because I, uh, look the part.”  His train of thought continued to be completely irrational, but he didn’t care.  He blinked in surprise as she expressed minimal care for his school work.  Well, did have some of the best grades in their class, so it was natural she would worry he supposed.
“Oh, well, teacher’s think I’m stupid so they let me off on a lot of stuff.  I have people that let me take pictures of their notes so that I can, like, copy them later, and other people write down assignments for me and, like, I can do them when I get home.  All my homework gets done, although whether or not it’s, uh, legible to anyone other than me is, uh, up to debate.”  He smiled at her solution.
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“Ah, yes, the contact idea.”  He looked forlorn for a moment and let out a melancholic sigh.  “I’m, uh, very scared of eyeballs and don’t, uh, like poking myself in the eye.  Like in horror movies where they do stuff like–”  Whit paused and shuddered, not able to even finish the sentence.  “Well, you, uh, probably know what I mean.  The eye doctor tried to, uh, put contacts in my eyes and I, er, passed out so…”  He trailed off.
“That doesn’t work.  Anyway, what homework are you, uh, doing?”
Reiko shook her head, “Are you serious they just let you get way with that stuff.” An audible tsk sound escaped her lips before she could stop it. For an idiot he was truly outsmarting her in a way. Getting away with doing the bare minimum. She was only a little bit bitter when it came down to it. 
As we went over his fears of poking out his eyes while trying to put in contacts, she laughed at his misfortune.
“Sorry sorry, I really shouldn’t laugh. I don’t have any trouble with my contacts, so its different for everyone.” 
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Sifting though her papers she pulled out the latest assignment. “I like to get my math homework done early, so I don’t have to do it later at home.” While she was good in class in terms of grades and status. It was nothing compared to how well her twin brother, she was behind him by a lot. If she got her work done first, she wouldn’t have to be around when he did his. 
“Why do you want to do yours with me?”
sight 4 sore eyes ; whit | school AU
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madingas · 6 years
Airports made Jax extremely uncomfortable, and who could blame him – they were absolutely crawling with security and, to top things off there was a camera on every corner of the building. He normally avoided them at all cost, but when Reiko invited him to join her on her Alolan vacation he felt compelled to accept her offer.
Although Jax had nearly expected the famous superstar to forget him after their initial meeting, over the past few weeks they had become rather comfortable friends. Due to conflicting schedules and other difficulties the pair had been forced to limit their communication to their cell phones, but with video calls it was rather easy for them to keep in touch. 
When he arrived at the bustling airport he called Reiko to confirm the details of the flight; luckily they were flying a private plane so security went much quicker than usual. Jax put his shoes and ball cap back on after sending his bags through the metal detector, pulling the bill down low over his eyes before continuing on. Before long he was boarding the plane, once the airport staff had checked his ticket and taken his luggage.
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The plane itself was luxurious and comfortable, but Jax didn’t particularly care for the small space, at least while the plane was grounded. It would be all too easy to get cornered in such a tight spot. Taking a breath, he reminded himself of how unlikely it was that someone had recognized him – but the nagging possibility still festered in the back of his mind as he tossed his backpack up into the bin overhead and took the nearest seat.
Unfolding a newspaper that had been laid out by the flight attendants he decided to distract himself from his nerves as his eyes scanned the black and white pages. He didn’t want Reiko to see him so wound up. A few minutes later he was so absorbed in the reading that a light touch on his face nearly made him jump.
Apparently a cold sweat had developed due to Jax’s nerves, and he couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at her reaction as she removed her sunglasses and pulled down her mask, smiling at him. “Well you know you’re impossible to say ‘no’ to, but I’m glad too. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a vacation.”
He folded the newspaper and dropped it onto his lap as he waited for her to get situated into her own seat; he was hiding it well but the quicker they were in the air the better he would feel. He flashed her a small smile. “But in all seriousness, thanks for inviting me. I love Alola, but the only times I’ve ever been there have been for work so I never had a chance to enjoy the sights.”
Reiko stuck her tongue out playfully at him. Jax saying that he finds her virtually impossible to say no to made her heart skip a beat. Adverting her eyes for a second, she smiled. “I’m glad, you sound just about as excited as me.” She might have been a tiny bit more excited but for different reasons. 
Crossing her legs in her chair, she peeked at the news paper he was reading. It didn’t seem to important, “For work huh? How much work is there for a taxi cab driver.” She raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. While they were now considered good friends, Reiko wanted him to know he could trust her. However things like that have to come naturally.
A few hours passing now, they landed safely at the airport in Alola. They landed in Akala Island with no trouble. Soon they collected their things and were on their way towards the hotel. 
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“Honestly, the air here is next level compared to unova.” Setting down her luggage, she inhaled deeply. It was amazing compared to the smog of Unova. pulling out her phone, she called the rental car company. They were in the area ready to drop off the vehicle for them.
“I wouldn’t say I have a lot planned, but I figured we’d be ready for anything. If you’re driving i’d feel safe anywhere.” She smiled, quickly catching herself before an obvious blush spread across her cheeks. It didn’t take long at all for them to get the car and head towards the hotel for checkout. 
✌️ | Jax
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madingas · 6 years
It’s a Friday night and the bar is packed. Not that Xavier assumed otherwise, but most of his Friday nights were spent at Ocean Prime. Usually at this time he’d be playing for a bunch of wealthy, old men and women as they laugh and clink their glasses of wine together in a toast of merriment. He can’t remember the last Friday he had off if one could even consider this proper time off. The only reason he was sandwiched between two sweaty men at the bar instead of rubbing elbows with the rich was because of the incident involving just this past Saturday.
Two words: bachelor party.
The groom-to-be got way too over his head in drinks and insisted on messing around with the Ocean Prime’s pride and joy – the ballroom sized grand piano that had entertained thousands of guests over the course of a decade. Xavier had only left the stage for a solid five minutes, but it was enough time for the groom to have drunkenly ( stupidly ) destroy it. Now it was the staff’s job to supply another grand piano which, unfortunately, would take another week or so because of the short notice.
Which meant Xavier was currently jobless. Technically.
That didn’t stop him from scouring the city in search of some entertainment on a Friday night. He had enough money in his account to get him through this week and enjoy a night out in town – probably. That was tomorrow’s problem anyways.
Today’s problem, however, was getting the hell away from these two guys. Somehow Xavier managed to squeeze his way from his stool, purposefully leaving his drink behind because it wasn’t worth to bring it in the instance one of the guy’s moved and knocked the drink out of Xavier’s hand. Even then Suzi was working today – she’d definitely hook him up with another drink, free of charge.
Further down the bar he sat, far away from the heavy trafficked area near the pool table and television sets. He was content on being in his own bubble with the very few exceptions of passing strangers on their way to the bathroom not some 10 feet away, or one of the bartenders grabbing something off the shelf just across from him. 
And as the world went about around him, Xavier played around with his phone almost mindlessly.
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Sometimes you just wanted a quiet night out, Reiko was usually invited to big nightclubs or elaborate parties. However tonight, she just wanted a drink without all of the fuss. Braiding her hair to bring it up and out of her way, she dawned on a simple black dress. Nothing too fancy or revealing, just something passing really. 
Drinking didn’t have to involve other people right, it was okay to drink alone sometimes? A celebrity, drinking alone. Reiko had heard of a small bar that was lovely, however not as popular. As she made her way towards the bar, she waved the bartender down politely. 
“Just an old fashioned for me, thank you.” 
Looking to nab a seat at the bar, where she could pass as just another customer. She saw an empty two seats near a man on his phone. Since he seemed pretty preoccupied with it, he wouldn’t notice her right? 
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As the bartender brought her the drink, she took a moment to look around her. It was a rather small bar, two men off to the side were heavily into their drinks. Swirling around her drink, she took a small sip. It was perfectly made. 
Somehow, she was finding herself stealing glances at the man on his phone. 
strangers in the night
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madingas · 6 years
The trip between Unova and Johto was like nothing at all, having repeatedly been there for both work and pleasure in the past. It was late and this only being a two day trip she wanted to make it to her hotel with little issues. This time she flew without her manager, so it was up to her to get to the hotel. Having set up a ride with a taxi service from airport to her hotel, she was irritated when they didn't arrive. 
Reiko took matters into her own hands, it wasn’t too far she could honestly just walk. Her heels however, weren’t the walking type. Almost groaning, but collecting herself she set out onto the darkened sidewalks. 
Now her overnight bag was starting to weigh her down. Alley after alley, she stumbled upon one with inhabitants. Creatures of the night. 
“ what are you doin’ out here all by yourself, little lady? this place is too dangerous for someone like you . ” They cooed at her, like wolves she was starting to feel surrounded. If she hadn’t been walking, if she wasn’t dead tired she probably would have just walked off. 
“ yeah, you better be careful. come with us, we’ll take real good care of you . ”
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“Oh, I don’t think you want to play with me honey.” 
One of the men grabbed at her arm, before she could do anything someone came bursting out from behind the other men. He called for them to stop, and the man let her go. When she caught a good view of him, part of her felt relieved he would get her out of his mess. However, she was just too angry at what happened tonight. 
Daiki inhaled on his cigarette, he addressed her like old times.  She knows what she did, leaving him behind like that. Her career moved too fast, it left him behind. Now she’s moved on 
“Why are you out here with filthy dogs like these, I thought you were living a clean life?” 
𝔲𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢 𝔡𝔬𝔴𝔫 ★ ; reiko
@madingas​ ♫ | song 
is this really what you want ? swear i never meant to haunt now it’s ( quiet ) on the front has been for so many months now it’s wild to remember i was in love with you once it’s all  l o v e  now upside down . . . 
★ —            while nothing soothes daiki quite like the growl of his motorcycle, it fails to ease his anxieties this time around. it’s friday night, and the bridge bikers are getting a head-start on taking the weekend by storm. the usual? making their rounds, filling the streets of goldenrod city with the aggressive humming of their engines, bar-hopping, and the occasional pit-stop at the game corner. a never-ending streak of bad luck and voltorb flip are the root of daiki’s anger issues. whatever the bikers have planned for tonight, it gives daiki a sour feeling. for someone who’s trying to steer clear of trouble, he always winds up smack-dab in the middle of it. 
daiki leans forward in the seat of his bike, wraps his fingers tighter around the handles. the fancy xenon bulb headlight slices through the silver moonlight and deepening indigo like a white-blue blade. and he’s driving fast, too fast through the congested streets. all of his weight rests in the balls of his feet, balanced on the front pegs. his gaze narrows, jaw taut. his face is damp from the humidity and thumping adrenaline. his pulse echoes in his eardrums. 
Keep reading
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madingas · 6 years
okay lmk if this is wrong but as far as im aware, i owe
pls let me know if i promised u a reply i might not have seen it!! ty for being patient with reiko n myself
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madingas · 6 years
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happy 11th day of birth!! can’t imagine what it’d be like without the melt sensation that is you ❤❤
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madingas · 6 years
Boku no Hero Academia Season 2 OP
Peace Sign - Kenshi Yonezu
(official full MV released on kenshi yonezu’s youtube today) (x)  (official single release available June 21, 2017)
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madingas · 6 years
Jax noticed as Reiko’s expression softened, a comfortable silence falling between them as she considered her next words.  He chuckled softly as the question was redirected back to him. He saw it coming, but still wasn’t sure exactly how to answer. It wasn’t as if he could come right out with the truth, but he’d already resolved to be as honest as possible. The edges of his lips curved slightly into a small smile as he answered.
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“I guess women in the past have found me to be a bit cold,” he finally said after a moment of thoughtful deliberation. Even before he was an outlaw he had a hard time making romantic connections with people, and as a result he was accused of being distant. Now, with the threat of interpol constantly looming over him, he was even less likely to be willing to drag someone he cared about into the mess his life had become. “It’s a fair assessment, I guess. I don’t mean to, but to a certain degree I do tend to shut people out.”
He paused for a moment. At the surface he and Reiko appeared to be on opposite ends of a spectrum – she was a beloved celebrity, constantly living her life in the spotlight while he was an outlaw forced to hide in the shadows. Yet at the same time he sensed that they could understand one another quite a bit more than he would have expected; they were both hiding from something in their own way.
“I like this side of you, you know? You seem a lot more human right now than you do on the magazine covers,” his smile widened just slightly as he mimicked her gesture from before, gently poking her forehead. He didn’t mean that in a bad way, but he felt like he was speaking to a completely different person than the image she maintained in front of the cameras, and he felt perfectly at ease with that person. “Thanks for showing it to me.”
Sitting up, she stretched out her arms and legs. Listening to him talk she contemplated a few things. Mostly how vastly different they seemed to be. She wondered, even in this situation Reiko didn’t pick up a single cold vibe this entire time. He risked his night to make sure she was safe and comfortable, she was finding that hard to believe. 
“Well, I hope you don’t shut me out.” she added quietly, mostly to herself. 
Reiko wasn’t sure what to make of him, he had no idea what kind of secrets she had. She didn’t know anything about him, but somehow she knew he was probably feeling the same as her right about now. At his thanks, she felt her face heating up. Uncharacteristic, she could easily blame it on the alcohol from the night. However as the hours with him passed, she felt herself sobering up an hour ago.
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“Bold of you to assume i’m not some deadly robot trying to worm its way into your heart.” She held her hands up playfully. Only to be caught by a sudden yawn. Leaning back onto him again she hid her face this time, trying to play it all off as if she was cool or something. 
“Thanks, I guess I just feel comfortable around you. Like I don’t need to play pretend or play a role.” Patting her cheeks now she let out a sigh, mostly at herself for allowing herself to get vulnerable at all. Getting messy drunk, basically disappearing for the night. She’d have a earful when she checked her phone again. 
shelter (reiko & jax)
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madingas · 6 years
Lucy thought she was doing a pretty decent job so far. She had finished peeling the apple and lost less than half of the fruit along with the peel, and as a bonus she hadn’t cut herself yet! She was quite impressed with herself as she moved on to slicing and coring the fruit, only to be stopped by a gentle hand.
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Lucy inhaled sharply as Reiko wrapped her fingers around her hand and lifted the knife from the board, while gently critiquing her cutting technique. “Um–” Lucy could feel a warm blush on her face at the sudden contact. Normally she would berate someone mercilessly for such an offense, but as she heard Reiko’s musical laugh and saw the soft concern on her face Lucy couldn’t bring herself to do it.
“Yes. I mean, show me please.” Lucy managed to get the words out of her mouth. She was confused and somewhat frustrated at the bewildering effect Reiko seemed to have on her, it was easy to see why she was so popular with everyone at school. 
Reiko raised an eyebrow at her, the blush spread evenly across her cheeks. It brought a smile to her face to see Lucy flustered. The last thing she wanted was for things to be awkward between them. It seemed they would be getting along pretty nicely after all. 
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“Right okay,” Positioning herself behind Lucy, she grabbed a freshly washed apple. Since they were roughly around the same height, Reiko confidently stood on her toes to see over the girls shoulder. Resting her chin gently on her shoulder, she let Lucy hold the knife for herself and held her hand to guide it. 
“You can two this two ways, you could either peel it before you cut it into slices.” she motioned it before proceeding. “or you could cut them into pieces, and then cut the skin of them individually. I’ll let you decide.” Not noticing where her free hand had drifted towards the counter top on their left hand side. Lucy was essentially pinned against it now with Reiko behind her. 
cooking catastrophe (school au event)
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madingas · 6 years
✌️ | Jax
A few days ago, Reiko was happy to find out they managed to approve her time off request. Her tour had been long over with now, yet she was still doing many promotions on the side along with working on her latest album. She was dying for a break. It took a few weeks but her company finally approved her for a two week vacation. Two weeks would be fun an all, but she had no idea what to do. 
Scrolling through her social media, she found herself looking at the beautiful scenery of Alola.  Recently, she had been talking to someone she’s grown quite fond of. Before she could think about him too deeply, Arcanine yawned loudly at the foot of her bed. “Fine, lets to go sleep.” As she got comfortable for the night, she found herself texting him anyway. What harm would it be to ask him to go with her right? 
Two days pass, and she finds herself at the airport alone. One large suitcase in tow, along with a carry on backpack. Reiko tied her hair up into ponytail she’s looped through the back of a hat. Along with a pair of mirror sunglasses and a face mask, she’d be nearly unrecognizable. With fansites now days, they keep track of her every moment and she’s managed to draw a small crowd. 
Checking her phone, she was receiving a call. It was Jax, she quickly informed him which gate to meet her at and that she’d be there shortly. Thankfully, she was allowed to take the company jet for this occasion, security was a breeze and she was happy to see Jax behind some closed doors where he’d be waiting for her. 
Making it to the gate in record time, she allowed them to check her identification before boarding. According to the staff, Jax should already have been on board waiting for her. The quicker she got on the plane, they sooner they’d leave. Leaving her luggage with the staff, she only took her backpack with her. The smaller plane was comfortable with luxury seats and even a small bar. 
Reiko approached the seat that was facing away from the entrance where it seemed Jax was seated waiting. 
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“Hey!” she poked his cheek happily, only to find out he was kind of sweaty. “Ew.” she wiped her finger on his shirt playfully before taking her seat across from him. Taking off her sunglasses and mask now, she tried to hide an obvious smile. “I’m glad you could come, I didn’t want to go alone.”
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madingas · 6 years
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❤ from reiko 4 reiko & JAX!!
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